There is no easy way from the earth to the stars

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There is no easy way from the earth to the starsOct 2, 2021 4:31:05 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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"O-oh-" she had a method to deal with Genjutsu, just like he had with his Jinchuuriki shroud. Former. But it was much later than the glowing form of chakra of the dagger may have pierced through Arashi's armor and through her chest.

He fell forward, onto Arashi for support.

Akira had and could have survived all of it. He had been punctured, burnt, stabbed, posioned and tortured of his own volition. He had been sick, tormented and beaten up more times than he could count. He had worked himself into the ground from his own training sessions - had had to have his entire skin rebuilt from overuse of his Jinchuuriki shroud as he clawed back

But a god expiring his mortal coil? It was not painful. It was sorrowful. Sure, he could have survived this. But there was nothing that could overrule the tethering of a god.

He placed his forehead against hers as he held on. It was visible as well, the way his body was sort of ceasing, like becoming a painting and losing its vividity. "I- didn't lie." Exasperated. "There is a heaven, it's ok- Jihi has mercy for everybody." the man spoke between bated breath.

"Even if we don't share the same one... I hope I can write letters ... from mine to yours." Akira looked deep into her eyes, his enemy. His dear friend. There were words beyond her that he wanted to share - and not to her.

He would weakly whisper in her ear, and return to the front of her face and crumbled.

One side of his face started to mumble. The bloodloss - it was a cardiac arrest to those who knew the art of medical.

The man did not get the opportunity to share a long conversation with Arashi, no contemplating words. Just a few comments: death was abrupt, not poetic.

And he was gone.

And in death he remained the same person in life: true to his belief. He did not get a epiphany, or have a long monologue.

For some small amount of time, his body lay still and unmoving, and then simply began to break and crack, and finally, dust. Jihi's will finally exerted and the man's tenet broken. All that remained were his precious belongings, photos, a bar of platinum and the clothes that formerly inhabited his body and soul.

And that was the story of Satori Akira.

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last edit by Deleted on Oct 2, 2021 4:59:31 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
There is no easy way from the earth to the starsOct 2, 2021 8:08:39 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday October 11th rank Jounin occupation Jounin Hancho
Theres is no easy way from earth to the stars

TAG. @akira

WORDS. xxx


Eclipse of Time

"Heh heh...there ya go...doing stupid stuff without even thinkin..."

He felt lighter...his frame hardly holding any weight as she felt herself holding him up. His felt was returning to his usual pale hue, but this was much different. It was as if his skin was changing to an ash grey. As she felt his forehead against her own, she'd continue to try and think on how she could help him. There had to something she could do. These injuries were nothing major, but it was as if something else completely was causing this erosion. Every second seemed to be leading to a piece of him or some fiber of flesh starting to crumble at her touch.

He began speaking, struggling to let words leave his lips as Arashi looked at him with an expression that held lost, confusion and also pent up sorrow as she did her best to try and think. She was always like this in a panic as she did her best to force an idea to come to her. She couldn't lose him....she couldn't lose her friend...she couldn't lose Akira...she couldn't just...

"I don't care about all that! I just need you to..."

Tears were starting to fall down her face, creating a trail along the surface of her skin as the hardened exterior of it seemed to show darkness as she closed her eyes to force them to stop.

Hearing him speak again, her eyes would narrowly open as she continued to look at him. A vision coming to her mind as she thought on a memory...

" wouldn't be the first time someone stared at me...probably won't be the last either..."

"I wasn't looking at you out of disgust. Amazed, perhaps?.."

Two young faces looking toward one another across a large room...At the time, it felt like nothing more than a cordial exchange between two Genin preparing to test their skills to further advance their lives. But none would have expected what came after. Arashi sure didn't...she wondered if Akira did? In his final moments, he'd whisper something within her ear, prompting her to open her eyes wide as she then looked down at his features. She couldn't find the words to say, a shock to no more more than herself. She could feel his presence leaving and she couldn't...think...of one thing to say...other than..

"Then don' don't...have to go...please don't go..."

It was a of the first times she really ever asked of anything from Akira and meant it...she just...she didn't want to lose him....

Sakura Nagashi

But as fate or ancestors or perhaps even Jihi seemed have it, he was. His face seeming to freeze in shock, the color in his eyes faded, Arashi looked on at the form that remained, the husk of the first man she ever loved...every truly loved...lay dead in her arms.

"Please don't go..."

As the wind took what remained of Satori Akira into it's embrace, the sand claiming the rest as he slipped away between her fingers, Arashi would close her eyes as she shook her head and felt a scream escape her very depths. One that seemed to rattle the very ground and creating a sandstorm that whipped around her as she remained on her knees. Her eyes continued to well up in tears as she continued to cry out like a wild animal, her emotions roaring and creating acts of nature that seemed only to grow stronger the longer she released these screams.

Lowering her head into the sand, her sobbing only continued as she released yet another scream, the tears still crossing the length of her face, dripping onto the very dust around her as held her eyes closed and breathed heavily. When it felt as if she had finally run out of any more to give, her eyes would open as she slowly rose up, struggling to stand as she allowed her gaze to face toward the distance. The wind would pick up, blowing against her attire and pushing the bangs of her dark brown hair to the side.

Silence seemed only to hold her tighter...though she finally managed to speak...

"I would have let you go..."

Standing in the middle of the desert...the night claiming the rest of the area...the story of the pale boy from Iwagakure...had come to an end...

-End Thread-
-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.

-Jutsu Used-

last edit by Oonakayama Arashi on Jun 13, 2022 21:21:17 GMT -5
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