Kaguya Kazue Personal Jutsu

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Kaguya Kazue Personal JutsuSept 18, 2021 1:19:53 GMT -5
Kaguya Kazue
If you're not bleeding, you aren't trying hard enough.
Kaguya Kazue Avatar
age 19 years old birthday November 30th rank Advanced Genin occupation


NAME: Shin'yōju no Mai [Dance of the Conifer]






REQUIREMENT: Shikotsumyaku

The user channels chakra into a readied weapon created with the Shikotsumyaku, before pointing the weapon at their target and expanding the blade explosively at a rapid rate. A few moments after the ivory blade extends to its full length, it retracts as quickly as it grew. Depending on the skill of the Shikotsumyaku user, this technique can be utilized for different measures. But this technique does require some aptitude to use effectively. It is a candid technique that moves very fast and creates a large weapon. It's unsuited for stealth situations without fine control. And the rate at which the weapon retracts can leave users without practice in the technique wide open.

At an average genin's skill level, the maximum length of this weapon is twenty meters (20 m). And at this level, they can typically use the technique as a spearing attack, which travels at a dangerous speed, with enough force to pierce wood without losing momentum. Even if it becomes blocked by something with the weight of an average shinobi, it will push them back until it reaches the desired length. This blade stays extended for a few vital moments, at which point the user is wide open until the beginning of their next post.

At chunin skill level, the range is increased by 15 meters to a maximum length of 35 meters. This technique is always a piercing attack first, now possessing the power to shred through iron and boulder. At this level of skill, provided they have trained the Shikotsumyaku enough, they are well-versed in it enough to use the ability itself to manipulate the sword and can make one or two slashes at that range with its hazardous cutting power before the blade retracts. Also at this level, the user is skilled enough to not be entirely useless until the next post, but reacting in any meaningful way with the weapon while it is returning is nigh impossible. Typically this means dropping it, at which point the retracting ceases.

: Chigaya no Mai [Dance of the Sword Grass]






REQUIREMENT: Shikotsumyaku,  Shin'yōju no Mai

Improving on the Dance of the Conifer, the user is capable of new heights with this advanced technique. The user points a bone weapon created with the Shikotsumyaku at their target as before, but now, the already frightening speed is increased, appearing to glow white as it blurs towards the opponent. There are precious few materials that can stand in this attack's way that are not enhanced to deal with such things.

The blade rushes out to a length of 50 meters at lightning-fast speeds to assault its target, before it returns to its regular length. But the intimidating part of this technique is not its improved power or speed, rather the speed at which the blade retracts. It is near-instant, often unable to be seen retracting at all by shinobi without excellent eyes and reactions. This frightening development also allows the weapon to be swung as a slashing attack instead of simply being a quick thrust--but only one thrust or slash for each use of the technique. Used as a slashing technique, this technique's killing potential increases, as the blade will more often than not be swung while it is expanding and make contact with its target before snapping back to the wielder.

NAME: Chigaya no Mai: Nokogiri [Dance of the Sword Grass: Sawsedge]






REQUIREMENT: Shikotsumyaku,  Chigaya no Mai

Further improving on the Chigaya no Mai, Kazue took inspiration for this technique from another Dance of the Shikotsumyaku; the Tsubaki no Mai. Conceptually, this technique shares the same principles: it is a technique intended to swarm the enemy with a flurry of attacks at high speeds which are very difficult to avoid, to cause a perception lag, and get a few attacks in through their defenses. However, in this case, he is using a variation of the Chigaya no Mai. Pointing his blade at the target, he begins rapidly thrusting and swinging his blade at them from a range of no more than 50 meters, expanding the blade to its full length by the time he completes his attack, and then the blade retracting at its terrifying speed so he can move to the next attack. This flurry of thrusts and strikes with the blade glowing white and blurring is even more effective with the display of after-images than the technique it was inspired by, making it next to impossible to escape this technique unscathed, if not sliced into ribbons.

NAME: Kuzu no Mai [Dance of the Kudzu]






REQUIREMENT: Shikotsumyaku, Suiton

Using his bloodline's ability to control bones, and also the Suiton release to offer that much more control in them through whatever moisture is left within them, Kazue manipulates all of the bones and bone fragments he has discarded in the fight or had broken off of him. They levitate, becoming weaponized, before hurtling themselves at the foe of his choosing to pulverize and shred them up. This is typically a suicide attack; meaning that the only point in which this technique would be useful is when Kazue has already expended a copious amount of chakra for the Shikotsumyaku techniques and expects to either empty his chakra supply or be left with very little to inflict as much damage on his opponent as possible. Because after the technique is executed, he is likely to pass out and/or die. With an ideal amount of materials, this will leave his foe in a horrible shape and is constructed so that it may take out his opponent along with himself.
last edit by Kaguya Kazue on Jan 25, 2022 19:27:03 GMT -5
Kyte has written 182 posts
Kaguya Kazue Personal JutsuJan 25, 2022 15:17:13 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Han Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 31 years old birthday January 30th rank occupation
Please link the requirements, if it's a jutsu - link to the jutsu page. If it's a kkg link to clan page.

First three:
I am not certain how these jutsu are so unique that they fall into a 'personal' category. You will either need to make them revolve entirely around Kazue's skillset or make them clan techniques. Technically speaking, all Kaguya can extend and retract their bones, so I don't know why this would be a Kazue only thing, even with the added spec of bukijutsu I don't think quite makes up for it.

I'm fine with the fourth one being personal.
Han has written 497 posts
Kaguya Kazue Personal JutsuJan 25, 2022 19:28:55 GMT -5
Kaguya Kazue
If you're not bleeding, you aren't trying hard enough.
Kaguya Kazue Avatar
age 19 years old birthday November 30th rank Advanced Genin occupation
Link requirements edited in as per your request. I went ahead and put it on every technique, I hadn't included them in the techniques after the first because I listed the preceding one as a requirement, and since the preceding technique required something, I figured the listing wouldn't be necessary. I apologize if that was part of the mistake.

I listed them as personal techniques because these techniques are being made by Kazue himself. While they have inspirations from other dances in the Shikotsumyaku, Kazue made these himself. And to that end, if another person is interested in the technique, they would have to learn it from Kazue. If you are implying that they would have to be clan techniques because they use the Shikotsumyaku, then I'll make the edit as requested. In that case, would I have to make a separate thread?
Kyte has written 182 posts
Kaguya Kazue Personal JutsuJan 26, 2022 5:37:20 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Han Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 31 years old birthday January 30th rank occupation
The reason I ask to link everything is that it's much easier to reference where the technique is coming from. I can only imagine so much and looking for which page it's on isn't exactly ideal either.

You can write that they were created by Kazue, however, what I am saying is the ones I mentioned are not strictly UNIQUE enough to be personals.

Though I am also willing to give this a pass since it's not particularly heinous.

That said, the next mod can decide how they feel about this list of techniques.

Han has written 497 posts
Kaguya Kazue Personal JutsuJan 26, 2022 11:16:30 GMT -5
Space is just a word for those afraid to get close.
Yoshiko Avatar
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General - Kaguya are a fairly OP canon clan, I see no reason to give them extra power, especially to reward a single person with personals. Personals that aren't truly unique [IE require an unusual SA others wouldn't have], then they should be weaker than the clan techniques that the CLAN as whole have been developing.

That above stated, as far as range for potential close range weapon jutsu go, the Kaguya have a B-rank with a range of 7 meters. It is a chain technique and wouldn't retract, it also require a whipping motion. That stated. I don't expect a B-rank of your jutsu to exceed 3 meters especially as a personal jutsu with a low cost.

Ninjutsu - due to these being a transformation, ie extending and shrinking the bone, these jutsu all read more like ninjutsu to me. They're not based on weapon shape or the moves of your character. They're applying chakra to your KKG to effect it's size.

Shin'yōju no Mai [Dance of the Conifer] - This needs to be split into two jutsu, as it's a technique that relies on nothing that'd really relate to rank. To me there's zero reason being chuunin up would just add range. You can try splitting this into a D-rank and a C-rank, but ranges will need to be decreased.

That stated all following jutsu would likely need an increase in rank or a shift on what they're explaining being done. As range and speed of cast will be ninjutsu and feats of greater chakra and skill associated to rank. 
last edit by Yoshiko on Jan 26, 2022 11:20:14 GMT -5
has written 723 posts
Kaguya Kazue Personal JutsuJan 28, 2022 1:47:11 GMT -5
Kaguya Kazue
If you're not bleeding, you aren't trying hard enough.
Kaguya Kazue Avatar
age 19 years old birthday November 30th rank Advanced Genin occupation
Okay, my mistake. I didn't understand what you guys meant by the techniques not being unique enough to classify as personal techniques, especially in the way of how it would make an entire clan extra powerful, but now I think I understand. I apologize for my confusion.

Nothing could kill my interest in a technique faster than suggesting it be ninjutsu for my bukijutsu main, taijutsu second character. I don't mean any offense; truly, it is just quite literally 180° south of what I wanted.

With all of this taken into consideration, it's been a few months since I made these, and now in the present day, I have a bit of a different direction I want to go with them anyway. I'm sorry for wasting the administrative team's time, but I would like to drop these for the time being to workshop them at a later date. Thank you for your work.
Kyte has written 182 posts