Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]

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Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]May 19, 2022 6:36:13 GMT -5
Gure Yuuta
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Gure Yuuta Avatar
age 26 years old birthday 5/24 rank Jounin occupation Orphanage Headmaster
Gure Yuuta
Come fairies, take me out of this dull world. For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

"I didn't think of it that way? Maybe you're right, Asahi. It is unnatural to live indefinitely and to be completely honest, I would be happy with simply extending my life expectancy or if all else fails discovering something unexpected" Yuuta replied to Asahi's statement. In truth, Yuuta had always mentioned becoming immortal in a joking manner, to actually be trying to uncover the secrets to such a state was simply mind boggling. Something deep within him knew that he would probably never succeed in this endeavor. However this something wouldn't stop him from trying. Even if he didn't achieve the immoral state of being ageless, the road they were venturing down could very well open up other doors that could prove even more beneficial. Afterall, Yuuta's main goal wasn't immortality, rather to simply learn for the sake of knowing. 

"Hmph, don't simply quote my lessons as if they were yours. You lil stinkhorn" A voice other than Yuuta's and his companions reverberated throughout the area they were in. The voice's tone was deep, rasped, worn from what could only be years of screaming, smoking cigarettes or a combination of the two. Despite how painfully harsh and grating the voice was, it carried a commanding and forceful nature; booming throughout the area they were in.  Yuuta stopped dead in his tracks as if he were struck by something invisible to the naked eye. "No. That voice. It can't be…" the Jounin said out loud, his voice trembling in response to the old woman's words.

Had he subconsciously moved in the direction of her domain? No, he wouldn't have taken the kids to see her, at least not yet. The voice was from a Gure clan shinobi Yuuta knew of quite personally. Her name was
Gure Shihoin, or Ms.Cobblebottom, as Yuuta liked to call her and she was not a shinobi of the hidden leaf. A warrior from a bygone era, the woman was among a handful of Gure shinobi who decided not to join the hidden leaf. There were several reasons as to why these few Gure didn't join the hidden village, however it's generally accepted that they're own wanderlust, odd appearances and the prejudices the Gure faced back then is what fueled they're desire to stay somewhat neutral.

"Well, well if it isn't the leader of Konohagakure's Gure family. Long time no see…. Grandson" the pained voice said. The ground directly in front of the Konoha shinobi began to twist, and churn, sprouting several common mushrooms and molds.
 Then suddenly, everything organic within the small space simply began to die and rot. The nutrients from the soil forcefully extracted before what seemed to be a head, started to sprout from the very same area, an area that was once teaming with life but had just become void of anything close to life. The aged woman sprouted from the ground head first, in a familiar Yuuta-fashion. The fact that she called Yuuta her grandson, might have shocked the genin, if it weren't for her appearance. The more she grew from the ground the more her inhuman visage came into view. 

Shihoin was a relatively short woman, her skin had a similar pattern and color to the fly agaric mushroom, while sporting iridescent colored hair. Her silk like strains of shimmery hair is styled in a messy bob cut that reaches slightly below her shoulders, giving her head the shape of a mushroom cap. Her blunt bangs completely cover her eyes, hiding most of her face but not her mouth. Similar to Yuuta's Mushroom acolyte jutsu, her mouth is vertical rather than horizontal like normal people. "Uhh… Hi grams, I thought I'd come to visit because well. You see I haven't seen you in so long" Yuuta replied nervously.

The woman knew better than to simply trust her grandson, of all the people that knew him, Shihoin knew him more than anyone; even more than he knew himself. 
"DONT BE RUDE BOY, INTRODUCE ME TO THESE CHILDREN" she exclaimed, with Yuuta following her orders immediately, without any form of rebellion. "Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei and Ōorigami Asahi, I'd like you to meet my grandmother, Gure Shihoin" he said in an almost childlike manner. 


Aisu Burr has written 250 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]May 20, 2022 14:28:15 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"Unethical Morality".
"Respect your elders and the world will respect you.” - Saeed Ahmed .

A Granny.

Wahei listened carefully to Yuuta and Asahi's words along the way, but remained in silence most part of it. That was Pride nature. But when they faced that old lady, it was inevitable to not mention that bizarre individual who just popped out from the ground like Yuuta himself used to do. - "These fungi people are geniously nuts". - he thought, but nodding to Asahi response. - "Hey, Pride, let me jump-in! C'mon let me jump-in!" - "What? Why?" - "I love grannies. It's nice to have a feminine energy for a change. C'mon!" - "I'd never expect you to be around old people" - "Are you kidding? There's no better proof of lust in this world than aging" - "If you say so..."

Pride wasn't into letting people taking control, specially in a moment like mission or researching for their scientific purposes so to say. Yet, he wasn't in the mood of dealing with an old lady. Albeit not until she announces herself as the grandmother of Gure Yuuta himself. - Holy shit. I didn't see that coming. - he admitted - "What is a stinkhorn, anyway?" - "It's a fungi, brainiac. Not a very tasty one, though". - I mean - It's a pleasure to meet you, Shihoin-sama. - he bent for the ol' lady in a quite respectful manner. - "Are you going to let me jump-in or not?" - "I can't just exchange in front of a stranger like this, Lust. Hold your shit for a proper time" - "E-Eeeeeeh!?".

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Seven Deadly Sins!
- Knowing the fragmented parts of the puzzle called Wahei -
[ , ]
[254 Words]

last edit by Wahei on May 22, 2022 15:07:45 GMT -5
MissingNo has written 491 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]May 21, 2022 20:05:56 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
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Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member
Yuuta confirmed that Asahi's words had the potential to be right, and as their group got somewhat settled in their new space, a voice unfamiliar boomed throughout it. For the first time since they had met, Asahi saw Yuuta truly freeze up. The voice called someone a little stink horn, and just as suddenly as the voice came, the one behind it revealed themselves.

It was an old lady...an old mushroom? Whatever she was, she sprouted from the ground in front of them. What was even more surprising then her sudden, and somewhat unnatural appearance, was her words. She called Yuuta...grandson?

Asahi traded looks between the two of them. This was Yuuta's...grandmother? From these first few moments, it was clear that the elderly lady, Shihion Gure, had a presence to her that demanded respect. The way she made Yuuta introduce them, and how he sounded...This was a different Yuuta than Asahi was used to interacting with. The tenseness he carried, carried over to Asahi as well.

Asahi turned his attention to Wahei who spoke first, and Asahi couldn't have said it better. Holy shit, I didn't see that coming. Wahei bowed with his greeting and Asahi did the same. "Yes, unexpected, but a pleasure to meet you no less, Shihion-sama." Asahi said and rose from his bow. And just like a friend who was brought over to another friend's grandparent's house, Asahi had no clue of what to do.

What rules were there to follow, since this was her house? Not knowing the rules, he opted to stay quiet for now, trading looks between all three as the encounter continued. What a change in energy the old lady had brought with her.



Milu has written 379 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jun 4, 2022 7:10:41 GMT -5
Gure Yuuta
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Gure Yuuta Avatar
age 26 years old birthday 5/24 rank Jounin occupation Orphanage Headmaster
Gure Yuuta

Come fairies, take me out of this dull world. For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.
" Well aren't you two just the cutest Lil'humans. Oh I meant shinobi" she said with a genuine expression of delight and kindness etched across her face. However, the same kindness and grandmotherly vibes immediately disintegrated when she referred or was speaking to her grandson. She was harsh with him because of his usual personality, one that she didn't think was fit to lead the clan let alone becoming a Jounin. However, Shihoin loved Yuuta more than he knew and more than she usually let on. Although it wouldn't seem like it, she was holding back the criticism she'd normally dish out, to allow the children to get comfortable. She could only assume what the two genin thought about her banter with the Jounin. To them it must seem as if Yuuta and her were enemies or had "fallen out" with each other in the past. However, this was far from the case, in fact the two of them were not only immediate relatives but also the best of friends.

"No need for formalities. Please make yourself at home. Get comfortable, the grass here is as soft as a blanket. I personally tended to it" she said to the children. Suddenly her attention and eyes cut across towards Yuuta. "Grandson, what are you up to now? Hope it's not that silly idea of becoming immortal. You should give up on that…" she said bluntly. As an elderly woman, and Kunoichi from a harsher era than the current age. "Instead of stopping your biological clock. How about you focus on something more worthwhile" she suggested.

"But immortality is not my main goa - I'M NOT FINISH SPEAKING YOU DISRESPECTFUL DUNG BEETLE'' Shihoin exclaimed, cutting Yuuta off before he could finish his excuse. The Jounin didn't mutter another word not out of fear but because of the love and respect he had for the woman. In all of Hi no Kuni, there was only one person Yuuta actually feared and that woman's name was Uchiha Karin, one of the only teachers who actually took out the time to bond with and train a younger Yuuta; despite his quirks. "Instead, why not try to enhance the life you have right now? To increase the quality of the time you have here rather than being consumed by extending the time. What if you never find the answer? Then you'd have squandered your entire existence." She finished, hoping to get through Yuuta's stubbornness and persistence.

Although the Jounin wouldn't admit it, his grandmother's words made sense. With the seed of doubt planted in his mind, Yuuta was now wondering, what should be done? How would he even go about enhancing his life? The one thing he really desired was the information he has learned and will learn in the future. He sighed in defeat… Shihoin was one of the highest ranking "buzzkill" to ever have walked Hi no Kuni. "What do you two think? Enhancing one's life here despite how fleeting it might be. I mean, I guess we can still go through with our experiments. We'd just have to go at this with another goal in mind. There are many Other aspects to Fungi than their lifespan. Some can even be turned into medicine or posions"


last edit by Gure Yuuta on Jun 4, 2022 7:13:50 GMT -5
Aisu Burr has written 250 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jun 4, 2022 13:17:16 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"Unethical Morality".
"Respect your elders and the world will respect you.” - Saeed Ahmed .


During that soft moment of introduction and walking, Pride took his chance to give lust control - Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ) - he whispered, and the exchange was done.

Lust was the completely opposite to Pride. While he was cold and imponent, her authority derived from his posture. It was though a pretty clear changing in Wahei's behavior.

Hopefully, the situation reinforced the necessary discretion, even though they all, except for the old lady of course, were pretty much familiar already with the multi-personalities of the mednin.

Since the nanny was the thing calling for Lust attention, 'she' got close to her as she and Yuuta were conversating. 'She' chuckled a little by the way they treat each other. In spite to all the rudeness, it was clear there was mutual love among them. 

- I think... that both of you are cute. And that you should treat your elders better, Yuuta-senpai. - the tone, and the way to reffering to 'sensei' was quite different than usual. That would most likely call their attention. - And you should pursuit further to satisfy your thrist for the lust of immortality. - her tone was sharp as a knife, but provocative at same time. - Combining the eternal youth with the experience of aging... that's the biggest lust ever and I'd love to get a hand on it too. - 'she' said, lifting her index finger to 'her' lips, crossing a leg and adjusting her posture on a dead-tree branch she used as a chair.

- Oh. I also think you two loves are hot. - she pointed that same finger to the boys - But you, my love, must have been a piece of hell yourself when you were younger. - 'she' bit her lips after the sentence - Only a queen-bee can recognize another. Respect, veteran. - she curve in reverence, but get back to her position with a malicious look and a smirk.

Dealing with Wahei were always a roullete. But Lust, she was one of those herself.

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Seven Deadly Sins!
- Knowing the fragmented parts of the puzzle called Wahei -
[ , ]
[343 Words]

last edit by Wahei on Jun 8, 2022 15:27:50 GMT -5
MissingNo has written 491 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jun 7, 2022 18:32:53 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
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Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member
After Shihoin told their group to make themselves at home, Asahi didn't need the rest. He plopped to the ground letting himself roll on his back and back up to rest sitting with his arms behind him.

However, his ears and eyes perked up when the old lady casually brought up their pursuit, and even more, mentioned giving up on it. Her snap at Yuuta interrupting her, made Asahi jump, but he tried to play it off. She continued, and her words reminded Asahi of his conversation with Kazuto. Enhance the life you have now, instead of focusing on extending it...

As Yuuta asked them about their own opinion on the Shihoin's words, Asahi's mind was already at work. His eyes went to Wahei as he addressed it with his answer first. This Wahei was...different, from body language, to tone, and word choice.

Wahei's shifts in personality were interesting enough, but his response was even more interesting. Wahei disagreed, and said that the man should pursue that immortality further. He smirked at hearing that, not giving his opinion just yet, letting Wahei, and whoever he was at the moment, continue.

With a point, Wahei declared that both he and Yuuta were "hot". Asahi was a little taken back by that, and he wasn't one to usually get nervous from comments like that. But it coming from Wahei was, different. ~Y-you do?...~ Asahi asked himself inside his head. Then he had the chance to throw in his two cents on the subject at hand.

"Ummmm...I guess I never thought about the medicinal and poisonus opportunity that your variety of fungi offer, with our focus on the other pursuit..." Asahi started, still gathering himself from Wahei's remark, and not meeting his fellow genin's eyes. "There is a chance that the pursuit is fruitless...but that could be said about any pursuit that has tried to push our boundary and acceptance of what is 'understood'," the boy continued, using air quotes.

"Kazuto told me something similar, when he forbade me from my research. That it could be fruitless, and that I should focus on the enhancement of life rather than extension...but is extending it, not an enhancement? Does that not offer more room for us to pursue and live an even fuller life?"

Asahi hadn't really offered an answer yet, just more questions. "I guess, I don't know. I can see both sides. But if we are going to switch the focus of our research, or abandon that goal for now, I will not argue..." Asahi said, clearly torn. He didn't want to give up on the pursuit, especially now that he was starting to believe it was possible....



Milu has written 379 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jun 13, 2022 8:24:23 GMT -5
Gure Yuuta
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Gure Yuuta Avatar
age 26 years old birthday 5/24 rank Jounin occupation Orphanage Headmaster
Gure Yuuta

Life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking

Huh? There it is again… He's changed somehow, Yuuta thought to himself, after noticing Wahei had inched closer to Shihoin. Yuuta's thoughts would be confirmed when Wahei started speaking, his dialect, tone and use of honorifics were totally out of character or well wasn't one of the usual characters Yuuta had become accustomed too. In fact if he weren't mistaken it was like the boy had shifted to an entirely different personality or a different aspect of his own personality. "What the fu…" Yuuta stopped himself.

He didn't want to upset the current state Wahei was in, he wasn't sure if outside influences could affect the change positively or negatively and didn't want to find out right now in front of Shihoin. Hell, the Jounin wasn't entirely sure what happened to the boy when these situations occurred. In fact it had never happened in such a blatant way, usually it happened without Yuuta knowing until way later. With Wahei having been "switched" for a while before Yuuta could catch on. I'm certainly putting a mental pin on this and will deal with it later. For now we'll have to act as if it's normal he thought to himself.

"Oh? Well well isn't this more like it. Flattery gets you everywhere human child. Your urge and desire simply radiates energy. My how delicious" Shihoin exclaimed as instantly enjoyed the new aspect of Wahei that was being shown. Her eyes however were fixated on Yuuta who was about to nearly lose his shit at the advent of lust. Shihoin could tell by what Wahei was saying that he didn't simply lose his mind or were the target of a genjutsu. It was the exact opposite, as he was still coherent and engaging in the conversation they were having, rather than being completely out of the loop or not making any logical sense at all.

"Yuuta, you should spend more time with your students. By the look of on your face I can tell that this his awesome personalities are new to you" Shihoin added, saying personalities instead of personality, though Yuuta wouldn't catch on to what Shihoin had begun to theorize. Instead, the Jounin decided to deal with Wahei's uniqueness later, he was saved by the proverbial bell in the form of Asahi who continued to answer Yuuta's question despite the Wahei's 360 degree switch. Oddly enough, the current Wahei seemed familiar to the Jounin as it reminded him of the feeling he got when he pursued his desire for information. As such, he would make a point to call this particular aspect of who or what Wahei is, Desire. 

Hearing Asahi's thoughts on the matter steeled Yuuta's resolve, with deciding to continue their pursuits in uncovering immortality, while also welcoming anything that they should happen to uncover while going down such a road. "Spoken like a true scientist, Asahi. Then it's settled, while we will continue to walk down this path… and uncover every mystery there is to uncover while we do. Having said that… I just thought of something. Grandmother Shihoin, exactly when did you become a puppet to a zombie fungus? To be more specific, when did you try to assimilate a Cordycep fungi." Yuuta asked in a serious tone.


last edit by Gure Yuuta on Jun 13, 2022 8:29:23 GMT -5
Aisu Burr has written 250 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jun 14, 2022 10:10:59 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"Unethical Morality".
"Moral is too subverted to serve justice”
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei.

Steeled resolve.

Both Asahi's and Yuuta's look in their faces was priceless. Although having Shihoin into a strong basis made Lust hold their laugh and keep that same smirk, admired by the elder's posture just in scene. - And you just proved yourself more lovely each second last, love! - he winked to Shihoin, having a desirable sparkle in 'her' eyes.

Shihoin had a great perception too. That was a 'woman's thing, probably. And the scold towards Yuuta just made Lust have even more fun in that peculiar episode of their research. - Yuuta has his merits for achieving somewhat 'youth-minded immortality' since he is sometimes just a lovely big baby in an adult body. - 'she' poked him, but promptly shook 'her' head - Nah. I'm just messing with him. Sensei is a lot smarter than he pretends to look. Even Wrath has acknowledged him as a vital piece into Wahei's development. - crossing lines, yeah, albeit she was the one who would had this kind of 'lust'.

As the conversation jumped towards Asahi's perspective, Lust listened carefully to his words and, essentially, to his way of speaking. He was hiding something bigger and she could tell it. Ladies could always smell trouble. Even so, Yuuta followed his line and that was good. She wasn't the kind for scientific discussions albeit she was pretty sharp and smart herself, enough to follow up into their line and make her own considerations over the subject. - I'm highly suspect... but pursuiting one's desire is the absolut essence of Lust. I find lovely how you loves bravely raid towards your goals no matter what. - and 'she' exchange her crossed legs. Albeit having a lady's manners, 'she' was still into a boy's body. Meaning 'she' had to deal with that movement carefully, so to say - This steeled resolve is so exciting!

But then Yuuta directed a strange but very important question to Shihoin. Lust eyes widened and though she was not quite sure what that really meant, she could smell that it was some sort of sensitive spot of the conversation - "Hope you are taking notes, love" - "You jumped-in just for the fun, hasn't ya? Working this way gives me plenty more trouble y'know" - "My peaky manners will give you more than you could take in a lifespan. Enjoy it!".

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Seven Deadly Sins!
- Knowing the fragmented parts of the puzzle called Wahei -
[ , ]
[392 Words]

MissingNo has written 491 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jun 21, 2022 17:21:06 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
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Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member
After Asahi gave his little spiel, he stayed quiet, watching and listening as they all conversed. He tried to avoid staring at Wahei, but his fellow genin was the main subject of his observation.

Sure, Wahei had some sudden changes here and there, but this one was different. This was one that Asahi hadn't interacted with much. Asahi was like a young boy in the presence of a pretty girl, quiet and avoiding eye contact with the current Wahei. He didn't know why Wahei had him flustered, something about his energy now.

Yuuta's words got Asahi's focus, and his agreement to continue their pursuit brought a smile to his face. Asahi had plenty of time to think about the issue, debating it with himself before he got to the conclusion he had preached moments ago. Justifying the pursuit, came a little easier to the boy now.

But in classic Yuuta fashion, his next words took Asahi for a spin of shock. ~A what to a WHAT?!~ he exclaimed inside his head as he traded looks from Yuuta to Shihion, throwing a glance to Wahei in there every so often. Shihion did look a little...abnormal but...she was a puppet? And a puppet to a...zombie? Asahi wasn't familiar with the Cordycep fungi.

Like he had been for this little bit, he stayed quiet, listening, taking mental notes.



Milu has written 379 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jun 23, 2022 19:25:41 GMT -5
Gure Yuuta
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Gure Yuuta Avatar
age 26 years old birthday 5/24 rank Jounin occupation Orphanage Headmaster
Gure Yuuta

Life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking

It was merely a theory at first… that was until our little temptress… he said referring to Wahei's Lust persona, "moved in closer to my grandmother Or should I say what's left of her." Yuuta was more than certain that his grandmother had recently attempted to gain abilities deemed forbidden by the Gure. Before Yuuta was born the Gure clan had banned assimilation of certain fungi due to their inherent dangers should a Gure fail at assimilation. The Cordycep Fungi was one of these fungi. It was difficult for him to accept at first because her mannerisms were spot on. Right down to her voice and recognition of Yuuta as her grandson.

This creature isn't Gure Shihoin… look closer. Can you see it? The tendrils coming from her skin, granted her appearance is normal for her, but if you look closer you'll see the Cordycep Fungi jutting from various areas on her skin". Tensing up, the Cordycep Fungi was one of the more dangerous and immoral fungi a Gure could try to incorporate in their arsenal. One person was said to have completely assimilated the Cordycep, his name was Gure Nobutama; former leader of Konoha's Gure clan, founder of Konoha's orphanage, Shihoin's late husband and... well Yuuta's grandfather. 

"Decadence, come towards us… now" Yuuta changed Wahei's name yet again, Yuuta's way of showing that he was aware of Wahei's change in personality; however, with how things had just escalated, there wasn't any time for them to discuss his change in depth. Nevertheless, he wanted the two of them to see the Fungi, writhe underneath her skin as the protrusions tried to follow Wahei's movements. "The Cordycep Fungi also known as the zombie-ant fungus, is an insect-pathogenic fungus which is usually harmless to humans. However, a Gure clan member failing to assimilate this particular fungi is another story altogether. Because this particular Fungi has just one goal: self-propagation and dispersal"

"Ish this how you would treat an elderly woman?! No..sense grubbish and dribel. Come give grandmama a hu… uh huugg" The Shihoin husk exclaimed, before lurching forward in a visibly difficult and inhuman movement. The Fungi had become impatient and desperate causing its grip on the woman's nervous system to slightly falter. It continued towards the three shinobi; albeit slower and more cautious than before.

There you see, it's beginning to lose its grip on the body's nervous system. Probably because we figured out it's parasitism or worse. My grandmother's body no longer has enough nutrients to sustain it" Yuuta did his best to quickly inform his research team; because Shihoin had failed at assumption, the Fungi had taken over her brain and nervous system and had become slightly sentient so long as it had her as a host. This alone meant that it couldn't be allowed to propagate any further as it could spell disaster for all of Hi no Kuni, including humans, animals, insects and the very forest itself.


last edit by Gure Yuuta on Jun 23, 2022 19:28:52 GMT -5
Aisu Burr has written 250 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jul 5, 2022 21:05:28 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"Unethical Morality".
"Moral is too subverted to serve justice”
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei.

Cordycept... fungi... whatever.

Yuuta alerted the group that the 'person' in front of them wasn't who she - he - it - whatever - was suppose to. When the jonin mentioned the need of a 'closer look', Lust promtly popped out the veins in 'her' left tempers, activating the byakugan. - "Pride!?" - "I'm on it" - no 'love' this time, since situation had changed in a incredible plot twist.

- Bara-Bara! [薔薇 薔薇!, lit. "Roses-Roses"] - 'she' shouted, surprised for what she had just seen but also to Pride straightfoward explanation of what was happening with that least of human body in front of them. 

Even though it's pretty close to "BAKA" [馬鹿, 'foolish'], specially by the way Lust make it sound, the expression was something hard to assimilate, since it was something unique from 'her' pseudo-tsudere nature, when that specific personality of 'her' popped out - generally by surprise or extreme tension moments, this time making it a 'both'.

Roses, specially the red ones, were 'her' favorite token for Lust. Albeit there was no reasonable explanation or even a logic behind 'her' impulsive yell, it could be generally be understood as a genuine "What the fuck!?".

By the time 'she' yelled, the 'thing' - nothing would change 'her' opinion on that after what 'she' saw with the byakugan - jumped over 'her' body, restraining it and goring the shit out of 'her' in a not very beautiful scene.

As they were in a very umid environment though, soon enough Lust would rise from the ground, between the duo, as the 'thing' realized it was now devouring - or 'propaging', perhaps - into a scapegoat water clone. Meaning: replacement technique - a basic but yet quite useful tool for a shinobi.

- Thanks for the advise, Love. And the name is Lust! - 'she' slapped Yuuta's butt strongly, with a wide wild whitened eyes, expressing 'her' fiercely disapproval on his mistaken over 'her' name - Seriously though, what is wrong with that 'thing', loves? - instinctivelly, 'she' gave a step back adjusting 'her' position between the team. Accidently - or not - 'she' bumped Asahi's shoulder with 'her' shoulder back - Oh! Oops. Hey ya~, love. - 'she' said, gently - Watch over my back, would'ya? But don't look at it too much, okay~? Just a little bit - 'she' winked to him, showing the tip of 'her' tongue with a fuzzy expression, in a sort of suppose to be sexy grimace. - So, loves, what do we do know with that... Cordycept... fungi... whatever...!? - 'she' had a youngster and full of expectation look, waitining for the execution order.

"Hold your horses, lady. That shit is a precious study material. It's a priceless source of information for us" - "Don't kill my buzz here, love, it's my time to have some fun with Wahei's friends!" - "Don't... Just... G'ah... just don't mess things up, okay!?" - "Leave that to me, love~" and with Yuuta authorization, 'she' nodded and winked to Asahi again, so they could make a breach to restraing the 'thing' for their... study purposes.

Lust would probably make use of water clones to make a breach for Asahi. Then, 'she' would take advantage of the terrain and the clones to cast out the water prision technique. Although it wasn't a jutsu that Wahei had mastered yet, hopefully, 'she' would make it because of the favorable conditions they were in, even though it would clearly be an improvised version against - and a bold move indeed. 

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Seven Deadly Sins!
- Knowing the fragmented parts of the puzzle called Wahei -
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[596 Words]

MissingNo has written 491 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jul 21, 2022 12:55:56 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member
As the momentary shock subsided, their encounter went from a meeting, to a lesson. As Yuuta spoke, Asahi traded looks from him to the Codrycep fungi near them. He looked at Shihoin a little closer, squinting as he did so, and could just make out the tendrils Yuuta said protruded from her skin. The woman, or what used to be a woman tried to keep up the facade, moving in a very apparent inhuman way, now that it was discovered. Just like many animals when backed into a corner, this life form was no different. It was getting desperate.

As Yuuta gave more information about the thing in front of them, Asahi wrestled with the information. So it was behaving this way because it lacked nutrients? That also made sense. But Asahi's brain was already trying to comprehend and apply that to their greater goal. His mind wasn't allowed to wander too far or pull him too far away from their present moment though. What was a neutral interaction, had no become a potential threat.

Wahei, or Lust rather, had decided to act on that threat first. But what she, or rather what was revealed to be a water clone, did, didn't seem to work. Before the use of the replacement technique by Wahei, the thing seemed to try to devour him, if that was the right word. The real Wahei regrouped with their squad and bumped his shoulder as she backed into him. His- or rather her words, and the playful tongue out expression, made Asahi glance away, after defying that order and giving Wahei's body a quick look over. "Ummm, yeah, got it..." Asahi said, not meeting Lust's eyes. Then she asked what they should do with the thing in front of them.

Asahi thought that went without saying. Restrain it and study it was his go to answer. His eyes crossed paths with Lust's again as she winked at him. What was this feeling in him? As much as this sudden shift was making him nervous, he also...liked it? Or rather, he found himself amused by her flirty personality...

"I'm still figuring out how this thing works, but from what you did earlier, I don't know if physical contact will work, Yuuta correct me if I'm wrong?" Asahi began. While he asked that, his two Ki arms emerged from his back, the chakra and bone like arms resting outside of his normal ones. If they couldn't touch it with their bodies, maybe he could restrain her with the ki arms? He performed five handseals and focused chakra to his hands, performing the Chakra Scalpel technique, with sharp blue chakra surrounding his hands and extending beyond them.

If his ki arms wouldn't work, Chakra Scalpel would be the plan B, to protect himself and the others, or give them opportunity by using the technique to avoid physical touch with the being while decapitating it. But these were just plans... "Also, Yuuta, you said usually it's harmless to humans, but if she runs out of nutrients, will the fungi turn to other humans to get them? If thats the case, we should put her down, and make sure the fungi is destroyed after we finish our studies, no?" Asahi asked, his callous, calculating tone neglecting the fact that this used to be his teacher's grandmother.

However, Asahi did these two jutsu in preparation. He didn't rush in just yet. "Ready whenever you are...love." Asahi said, adding the playfully mocking note at the end of his statement to Lust, as he gave her a small smile, with a small hint of nervousness showing through.



Enhanced Chakra Control
Genetics and an inclination towards medical ninjutsu has led him to hone his chakra control to make up for his average sized chakra pool. He could be classified as an adept at best, but still has better chakra control than his peers who have focused on other things. He knows how to find the equilibrium between unneeded chakra and energy, and just enough for jutsu, but is still working to lengthen this efficiency and endurance in the field.

Incarnation of Many Hands (Ōorigami Clan Hijutsu)
The rigorous training from his mother who tattooed the seal on his back, gave him enough experience for the extra arms this Hijutsu brings to feel natural at this point. Only able to make two, he uses them to hold extra weapons, and assist in other ways inside battle, medical training, and in everyday life. However, he still has much further to go, with more arms to come in the future and more ways to get quicker, stronger and better at utilizing them.

Combat Medic Training
With solid chakra control, his upbringing, and experience so far, he has developed the foundational knowledge base required by most medical ninja. Anatomy, the nervous system, muscles, poisons and flora. He has gained a knowledge about these wide array of medical subjects, but his knowledge and skills comes with a focus that few medics pursue.

Where some medics run from combat, with that being the common practice of field medics, Asahi has trained himself to work under the pressure of combat and physical pain, being able to hold his own, and potentially protecting those who are also trying to protect him. Using his medical knowledge to aid himself in combat is something he thrives at, and many medical techniques can be used for harm rather than help. Asahi has found skill in utilizing them to do both.


NAME: Ikutete no Ikō [Influence of Many Arms]

CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu | Hijutsu
Basically the name given to the control of these arms using Raiton chakra, this is the most basic technique the clan use, emitting their nerve signals from their head to the arms to control them as if they were their own limbs.

NAME: Chakura no Mesu - [Chakra Scalpel]
CHAKRA USAGE: Low [Continuous]

CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [Medical]
REQUIREMENT: Enhanced Chakra Control
After forming the needed handseals, the ninja will focus chakra to his or her hands. When his or her charged hands reach the body of the target, the user can use it as a normal scalpel or even extend the chakra internally into the target's body to cut and neatly slice the target's muscles and blood vessels without harming the surface skin. This technique can be used in battle, but because of its hectic nature, the fine precision required for an instant kill is not feasible. Damage can still be done to the vital organs, but the technique should be used carefully in battle.



Milu has written 379 posts