Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]

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Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Dec 20, 2021 3:48:12 GMT -5
Gure Yuuta
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Gure Yuuta Avatar
age 26 years old birthday 5/24 rank Jounin occupation Orphanage Headmaster
Nitimur in vetitum

botabota… botabota… botabota…

Water leaked from somewhere within the old weapon's factory. The old building is dilapidated, forgotten by the townspeople of Sagyou. Nestled in one of the industrial village's worst neighborhoods, the once sprawling building had become an eerie reminder of Sagyo's Glory days. Unknown to the somber villagers who called the village home; the old factory had been converted into a den of decadence in the name of "shinobi advancement". Immoral and more than likely unethical experiments had begun within the factory's walls, spearheaded by Gure Yuuta with the aid of his student, and another ambitious young medic, .

They were only just beginning their quest for innovation. However, the supplies needed to begin such biological advances had been procured. The three Shinobi walked about the inside of the building carefully placing their medical equipment, containers and various chemicals needed for the experiments that were to take place. Yuuta was a man of detail so, he didn't expect the two medics to jump in, balls to the wall and try manipulating the genes of certain animals. In fact, he decided that they would first choose a specimen with certain traits that could be synthesized in some sort of way to then be used for shinobi combat situations.

While this sort of thing sounded like science-fiction, it was actually within the realm of possibility. Many of the clans of Hi no Kuni and the world had utilized secretions, among other things to bolster they're shinobi prowess. The Gure clan was one of the best examples due to their unique biological makeup. Although the two medical shinobi were major steps away from using Yuuta as their near perfect specimen, the Jounin decided to feed their curiosity. The older Shinobi was so devoted to this venture that he'd even offer them some of his own flesh for them to research.

"Mushroom Acolyte"

Yuuta's voice echoed within the nearly empty building. From his body grew a fungal construct that quickly took the form of a small toddler. Utilizing his Kekkei Genkai and his vitality enriched chakra, Yuuta manipulated his own flesh to create a fungus that was unlike those grown in nature. Sharing both fungal DNA and human DNA, the construct Yuuta created was a great starting place for the boy's to increase their understanding of biology.

"This little fellow is Tigg'o Bitties' ", Yuuta said, referring to the small creature who was slightly humanoid, sporting a vertical maw filled with sharp teeth, Beady black eyes that seemed to lack consciousness and squishy mushroom-like flesh. "Tigg will be the starting point to our journey. Although we're not ready for actual trials, I want you to learn just about everything you can from Tiggs here." He said his voice held no remorse or sense of compassion for the creature.

"Oh? I should warn you… Tiggs isn't something to feel sorry for. If given the chance the creature would devour you whole"

Yuuta's Current Theme Song | Xanadu - Olivia Newton John

Fun fact: the color code I'm using is called Xanadu 😂

NAME: Kinoko Shudan [Mushroom Acolyte]
The Gure Clan member grows a mushroom-like chakra construct from his body. Similar to the earth golem jutsu, this technique allows the Gure to create an ally while in battle. Mushroom Boy is the size of an average toddler, complete with arms, legs, beady eyes and a vertical mouth. The creature is carnivorous and will try to eat the user’s enemy instead of the usual ways of killing, I.E smashing, stabbing, and crushing. That said The Mushroom never gets full and eats until its destroyed or there is no more enemies. The Mushroom itself has only one ability, which is it’s unnatural durability. He is able to withstand most physical attacks but is more resistant to blunt force trauma than the likes of piercing or cutting. Also, mushroom boy has some resistance against elemental jutsu such as Futon and Doton but isn't as resistant to Raiton and Katon Elements. Additionally, the Mushroom does not attack those the user considers allies or the user themselves. Mushroom boy is slightly less as strong and fast as your standard shadow clone. Lastly, mushroom boy's bite is strong enough to bite through bone.

Aisu Burr has written 250 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Dec 22, 2021 11:20:59 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"Unethical Morality".
"Do the Evolution, baby!”
Do the Evolution - Pearl Jam

Crossing lines.

At that point, Wahei would have been around Yuuta for long enough to have learn about some truths and 'real sides' of life. And that's precisely what lead him to that very 'encounter'. He has said, indeed, that he was curious about Yuuta's body and kekkei genkai, but he have never had imagined that sometimes to achieve improvements in medicine you would end up needing to cross some lines. That's exactly how humanity excels and bolster its "prowess".

Yuuta was somewhat a grown up version of Wahei, and as long as time passed the two ninjas got along very well, specially for their natural curiosity of life - and, in Wahei's case at least, how to save it.

Beyond his curious nature, Wahei now had a supplementary skill that made him particular useful for researches although he learned to keep a certain discretion of it. He now had his forehead bandana tilted down protecting and covering his right eye, along with a self-made scar downsizing it's eye, giving an obvious impression that the worse had happened.

Yes. Since Mrs. Fuzzy-Puss incident, Wahei's moral code was bended and he have learned to use little lies to protect certain major concerns. He still have that little problem with 'killing', even though he was quite more familiar of having his metalinguistic friends around every now and then. - "Okay... we have concluded that crossing lines are necessary steps to survive, protect my friends and achieve bigger goals..." - "Oh, pretty boy. You don't need to say twice. Put me on and we will shine in gold" - "Shut up, Greed, the boy's point is quite serious" - "Why are you so serious, Wrath?" - "My love, please be quiet. Mr. Wrath is right" - "Of course, my beloved Lust" - "I should have killed you all when I had the chance... except for you, boss, I would follow you proudly" - "Well that would've made things easier for me, Pride" - "I was talking to Wrath, not you, pumpkin" - "I knew it! You've always wanted to get rid of me" - "Chill out, Envy!" "What!? Y-you remember my name?" - "Of course I do, you're my favorite" - "I am?" - "Of course you're not. He's only saying this because he is a fine kid. No one favorites a reckless piece of shit that is jealous of it's own shadows" - "YOU BITCH" - "Well said, my love" - "Thank you, my love" - "Shut up already! All of you! Fuck, you're driving me nuts" - "I am hungry! I want bloody-flesh and meat! Let's kill something" - "He said shut up, Gluttony, let's all just shush a little to give him space..." - Thank you, Sloth." - "...so I can get so sleep" - "...whatever".

Seven they were. The seven deadly sins that lived up sharing Wahei's 'mind-space'. Although the trouble and self-conflicting part, when in balance and in agreement, they were useful to cover up his 'moral flaws' and guiding him away from its rigid code. It was a pretty smart trick to circumvent his own limitations and that could be used in several ways - even though Wahei always paid the price when facing reality.

"You have grown, kid. All you need to do now is focusing on picking one of us in your mind and say the words". - "Yeah, but remember that not all of us can be trusted, and once giving away, you hardly would be able to take back control by force" - "Yeah, punk, that incident won't happen again. The more you give us control, stronger we got. And stronger you got. And the loop flows on. Got it?" - What exactly I'm suppose to say?" - "You already know the word, my love".

That was a decision for later. Finally getting into the place indicated by Gure Yuuta, the genin get the chance of checking on Asahi. - It's actually a pleasure to give a face to your name - he said warmly. He have read somewhere that this phrase was friendly so he had expecting to use it and cause a good first impression. 

When Yuuta 'sprout' a fungus creature out of him, Wahei was not exactly surprised but he still wasn't able to contain his excitement - If we play our roles straight, we will be able to save countless lives by learning from this life-creation process. It will revolutionize ninjutsu itself to a whole other level! I can fell it! - he was optimistic but genuinely believing in all his words. - Where do we begin? I mean, we are not suppose to kill it, right? - the boy sighted and swallow afraid that he might have to call his friends sooner than expected.

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Seven Deadly Sins!
- Knowing the fragmented parts of the puzzle called Wahei -
[ , ]
[769 Words]

last edit by Wahei on Dec 22, 2021 12:10:45 GMT -5
MissingNo has written 491 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Dec 22, 2021 20:05:20 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member
you play with the wolf

The three of them finally reached their destination. Asahi looked from Yuuta, the man who had met him here in Sagyo, to Wahei, a boy who he hadn't truly met yet but who would be joining he and Yuuta in whatever the man was getting them into today. The green haired boy found himself in what looked to be an old weapons factory. On the outside it looked abandoned and run down, but on the inside Yuuta had turned it into a place of many experiments. Asahi's eyes widened with the excitement he tried to hide on his face. This place was fascinating. The hospital was fascinating too, but this, this was something else.

As the three unloaded their equipment, Asahi took that chance to finally get a good look at Wahei. The unusual way his headband was worn and scar on his eye, caught Asahi's eyes first. Did the boy have an eye injury of some sort? He didn't look more than fourteen and he already had a serious injury like that? That was the life of a shinobi...

To save it from Asahi staring and making things weird, Wahei broke the silence with a greeting. The warmth and friendliness in the brown haired boy's voice caught Asahi off guard. Given their environment and what they potentially could get into having a first impression of Yuuta, Asahi hadn't expected Wahei to be so warm. "I-it's nice to meet you too, Wahei," Asahi responded while still looking at the boy, trying to read him. Asahi returned Wahei's warmth with a bow and a small smile. It wasn't far from his neutral expression but it was something a little more.

Then the man who had brought them there acted. Asahi's eyes went from Wahei and stuck to Yuuta as the man grew a mushroom construct from his own flesh. Every time the man did something like that, the boy's interest and curiosity about not only his ability, but him as a person, grew. The genin listened to the man's words- Tigg’o Bitties?...Interesting name...

Asahi nodded, understanding their assignment. It wouldn't be much different that his own little experiments he had run from being a kid until now. The squirrels, birds, and other small creatures he had been able to get his hands on and analyze so far. The green haired boy was ready to get right to it, until he heard Yuuta's statement about the creature devouring them whole. But it was so small...

The boy's attention was drawn to Wahei as he released his excitement. There was an optimism and genuine nature behind Wahei's words. Asahi held his golden gaze on the boy. He really believed that, didn't he? Given time to think the man's words over, Asahi was still down, but what he believed to be a healthy amount of skepticism had crept back in.

Asahi didn't exactly hold belief in all that Wahei was spouting, but the boy had something like confidence. Confidence in the potential advancements they could make, the things he could learn, the words Yuuta had sold him one what they had met. "Maybe it will. Wouldn't that be something..." Asahi responded to Wahei, before Wahei asked about where they start.

"No," Asahi started and began circling the toddler sized construct. "No, I don't think we should kill it, not at first." On the surface the boy looked at the thing with what seemed like nothing more than curiosity, but he was like a predator circling its' prey.

"We should study it from the outside in. Start on the surface and work our way to dissection and analysis of the internals. Then we kill it. Learning the various ways to kill it, and what doesn’t, is gonna be a chunk of time on it’s own...” Asahi said trailing off in thought about how they should go about it and what different sections analysis of the creature would entail.

Asahi's words held a similar tone to Yuuta's, with that lack of compassion. The neutrality of a scientist looking down at his test subject. But thinking far ahead, he was getting ahead of himself. "Shall we get started?" Asahi asked Wahei as he crept closer to the construct. His glanced from the construct, to Yuuta, to Wahei and repeated the rotation. ~Devour us whole eh? Probably should play it safe...~ the boy thought.

If the construct was friendly and docile, there would be no need for the creeping and act of surprise. But just to play things safe, Asahi dropped the white jacket he wore, and two extra "arms" made of chakra and bone material shot out of his back, ripping through the fabric of his green undershirt.

The two ki arms would go to quickly pin down the construct, if it proved to be hostile. But if it proved to be docile, they two ki arms would gently lay the thing on it's back, pinned to the floor of the warehouse.
but you sleep with the bones of a rabbit




Incarnation of Many Hands (Ōorigami Clan Hijutsu)

The rigorous training from his mother who tattooed the seal on his back, gave him enough experience for the extra arms this Hijutsu brings to feel natural at this point. Only able to make two, he uses them to hold extra weapons, and assist in other ways inside battle, medical training, and in everyday life. However, he still has much further to go, with more arms to come in the future and more ways to get quicker, stronger and better at utilizing them.


last edit by Ōorigami Asahi on Dec 22, 2021 20:09:09 GMT -5
Milu has written 379 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Dec 23, 2021 11:55:28 GMT -5
Gure Yuuta
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Gure Yuuta Avatar
age 26 years old birthday 5/24 rank Jounin occupation Orphanage Headmaster

Nitimur in vetitum

The two genin were more excited than Yuuta expected, piquing the man's curiosity even more than they already had. Yuuta was fairly aware of Wahei's situation, however the Jounin were still learning what made Wahei tick. Yuuta couldn't help but notice that he and Wahei shared a lot of Yuuta's more troublesome proclivities. Which is to say that they were both different from everyone else… It is this distinctly aberrant persona that made them so similar. The two of them did not behave in the same way as other people in their society. Wahei, however, would in a contradictory manner prove to Yuuta just how different the two of them were as well. Especially when he mentioned saving countless lives.

"Saving lives huh? Well that would be great… After all, there are people I wish to protect". Yuuta was being genuine when he replied to Wahei's dreams and genuine want to save lives. The Jounin didn't understand people's desire to save those they hardly knew. Yuuta's tone reflected his lack of understanding or well the lack of importance he places in saving everyone versus simply saving those he cared about. This was the first time his words didn't have their usual confidence, assertiveness or zeal that usually accompanied everything he said or done.

It made his disagreement stand out all the more. The genin would probably able to tell that the man wasn't as convincing as usual. "I implore the both of you to use what's gained here for whatever goal you may have. However, for me this venture is purely selfishness" he paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and decide whether or not to tell Wahei what he really sought to gain from their unsanctioned research. In the end… Yuuta decided to treat them both as adults and simply be honest with them.

The Gure shinobi was becoming more inventive during his tenure as a Jounin shinobi. Motivated primarily by intellectual curiosity, among his other illogical views. Yuuta pursues a variety of different avenues in an effort to simply know. "The research is to ultimately free me from the ravages of time. To no longer grow old… To essentially become a being that doesn't age biologically" Yuuta explained… This goal was second fiddle to his main goal. So much so that Yuuta didn't want to become impervious or immortal in the sense that he couldn't be killed. Rather, he wanted more time to amass everything there is to know within the world. If Yuuta should die then it would be because of his own actions or the actions of his enemy rather than father time himself.

"You see Wahei, I'm a man of information… knowledge and wisdom. Although certainly not in the respect of a genius. My life's goal is to discover the truths of this world" he continued as Asahi took a closer inspection of their current guinea pig. "For as long as I can remember, I've had a dangerously strong desire to gain a deeper understanding, rather than exerting any control over the world around me" he said honestly. "I guess you can call it, learning for the sake of learning, rather than for a specific purpose," he added quickly.

Yuuta turned his attention to Asahi, who was someone Yuuta wasn't as familiar with but nonetheless someone Yuuta held in high regard. He was willing to do what needed to be done in order to grow and become stronger. Yuuta encountered Asahi one fateful night within Sagyo. Asahi was having a bit of a scuffle with the native children when Yuuta just so happened upon him. Thinking back to this night, Yuuta wasn't sure what moved him to choose Asahi; at least until Tiggs' was in front of the boy. Asahi went into action without hesitation or another word from the Jounin. His lack of compassion, and out of place excitement made his demeanor quite terrifying. It would be a lie if Yuuta denied that Asahi mirrored himself at this moment.

The genin's cold and calculated tone, combined with his methodical approach to how they would proceed with the research, was the reason Yuuta had chosen him. Asahi wanted to "know" just as much as Yuuta did. "Exceptional Asahi!" He exclaimed at the sight of the arms springing forth from his back. Afterwards, Yuuta plucked a notebook from a nearby table and began to take notes. He was nothing if not modest and though he had denied being a genius the man's attention to detail and ability to store both useful and useless information made him quite the scholar.

Madness of Knowledge

One of Yuuta's greatest embarrassments; his curious nature is also one of his oldest and strongest abilities. He has gained a vast knowledge of fundamental and unorthodox Shinobi skills. Including combat tactics used during old conflicts such as First Shinobi World war. Over the years Yuuta devoured any information he could get his hands on and did so until he was able to apply this knowledge within his ninja career and his fighting style. That said he is exceptionally intelligent and uses his knowledge to creatively utilize his abilities and think up strategies. Because Yuuta is a nerd who likes "bad ass” abilities; he has gained general knowledge on other countries, their Shinobi and the common abilities they usually use.

The Art of War

Due to Yuuta intelligence and love for wartime history. He has become an extremely skilled strategic genius. Using the information he's gathered on past conflicts in the world and the general knowledge of the modern Shinobi nations. Yuuta is able to create strategies and plans several steps ahead of his opponent. He can elaborate strategies from different traditions and a variety of cultures and apply them not only in battle, but all activities that involve intellect. Additionally, he can predict possible obstacles a mission or village will present or the opportunities the venture would open up. Yuuta usually knows what the best actions to take in a situation, allowing him to adapt and prepare for any situation that may occur and handle it effectively. Yuuta macabre personality also plays a part in this side of him as he is not above using tactics deemed immoral in today's age.

Aisu Burr has written 250 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jan 10, 2022 10:33:45 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"Unethical Morality".
"Life presents many choices, the ones we make determine our future.” - Catherine Pulsifer

The choice.

It was clear - not only for the appearance - that Asahi was more into what was about to going on that Wahei. The boy wasn't dumb - although in terms of social skills he kind of lack - a lot - but even knowing that he'd probably jump into a hole he couldn't see the bottom, he wasn't expect things to stoop low and that fast. - So, basically... what you are saying is... this synthetic form of life... it has no significant value... - the anger start raising inside of the boy, but it was controlled by the seal triggering a strong headache on him - "Wahei-kun!" - the voice shouting out from his mind snap him out of that wave of wrath - "You're not up to this. One of us should intervene - now!" - "I don't get it. Is not like him to drop the ball so fast. What've you' done, Boss?" - "I've done nothing, you fools, the boy's struggling because different from us, his life is synthetic just like the construct on the table." - "And he is a lovely kid. For him, there's no such difference between forms of life... even ours..." - "Precisely" - "I'm sorry, guys. But I haven't decide on who shall jump-in" - "I'll do it. Call me in." - "Pride?" - "Stop wasting our time, kid, call me in before you lose grip again" - "Pride is our best choice, do it, kid!". 

らりるれろ - he said, closing his eyes for a little and feeling the dizzy and the burning in his head until finally his consciousness vanished in dark - I'm sorry for that. I'm a person that values life above all but I sure do understand that, in some circumstances, life itself is the price for improve medicine and evolving as life beings. That's what I meant. - "Nice one, Pride" - he had a totally serious expression, absent of all kindness Wahei used to have - But as I told Yuuta once... sometimes I just have to push my limits aside and let my Pride takes the stand. Figures.

By that, not only he would be able to take Wahei off the scene, but also give a sign to Yuuta that the real deal was about to go on. Naming the chosen one, he would also let the jonin (or one of the entrusted persons around) know who was the one in control - one of Wahei's specific conditions.

Pride remained in silent after Yuuta started his speech telling the reasons behind all that experimental. Dude seemed to not give a crap for methods or personal goals, as long as he could get what he wanted: expand his time life. Fair enough, and having Wahei's body around certainly wasn't a coincidence. - "Should this guy realize what Wahei is really made of, he'd be the next one in the table" - "Wahei trusts Yuuta, and is safe to assume that he might know better since he is a jonin. That's a risk we are going to take but never let your guard down" - "I never do, Boss. I got this".

- I agree with Oorigami-san. We should start knowing the basics but I think we should trigger the 'thing out because that's the only way we are going to be able to find out what this is really about. Only when life is on the edge beings get the chance to reveal what they are really made of. - he finally said something after a quite long time in silence - somewhat 'ignoring' Yuuta, because he felt no need for talking so far.

Asahi have called his attention, especially when he managed to create two extra armes to assist them holding 'Tiggs' - Pretty cool. - he added. Wahei take two steps away and activated his implanted byakugan under the headband. That way he'd be able to pay close attention to every aspect of 'Tiggs' anatomy, chakra flow, including to predict any aggressive behavior that would lead to using the Chakra Scalpel with two fingers to strike the vital spots its members, just to immobilize 'em making 'Tiggs' unable to move. - We are going to make a great team. I mean, I'm good at 'observing' and acting when needed... and you by putting hands up for the dirty work. - he said in a serious tone, learning by Asahi's skills and positioning in a way he would end up being more useful.

In a very discrete manner, he would provide details he could've noted with the byakugan - including leading Asahi to certain points so they could "found out" about things he have already noted with the dojutsu - his "intuition". After quite search and learning the basics, he'd suggest to skip the boring part and start pressuring it to a 'survival state'. - So, what about having a little fun on this? I want to see what this little guy is capable of. Should you agree, of course, Yuuta-san; Asahi-san;

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Seven Deadly Sins!
- Knowing the fragmented parts of the puzzle called Wahei -
[ , ]
[845 Words]

Sorry for taking so long guys!

last edit by Wahei on Jan 13, 2022 11:34:40 GMT -5
MissingNo has written 491 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jan 12, 2022 3:10:34 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member
Asahi barely registered Wahei's slight outburst about the value of life in his approach of the construct. He kept his attention torn between the construct and the words of the other two. Eventually Wahei joined his side.

The green haired boy put on the porcelain mask from his hip, since this was a fungi looking thing. One run in with spores in Kawa was all it had taken for the boy to learn his lesson. Just like with pinning the thing down, better safe than sorry. Wahei gave what was...maybe a compliment, about them making a good team. Asahi for the first time in a bit, looked from the construct and met Wahei's eyes. "Thanks, and it's a little early, but I'm leaning towards agreeing with you," he started his response with a small smile.

The fact that Wahei was willing to hop in on this process, did say something about their similarity. But, something seemed different about his fellow genin...What had Wahei just said before all of this?...The price of Asahi splitting his attention was showing. The green haired boy couldn't quite put his finger on it, and quickly brushed it off.

"At the very least we'll balance each other out if those are the roles. But it's not dirty work. We have a willing-somewhat willing participant. This is more like a voluntary case study. Thank you for your service." Asahi looked back down at Tiggs as he cracked the joke to end his reply. Then, together, they proceeded with initial analysis.

First thing Asahi did was cut into the things abdomen with a real scalpel from his medical kit, keeping it pinned with R2 and L2 in case it reacted to any pain. The amount of pressure it would take to cut into the skin of a human and most animals wasn't enough for the scalpel to enter. While he did this with his right hand, he placed his left hand on the constructs arm.

It felt surprisingly tough. He gave the arm two knocks, like on a door, to confirm the theory. He looked back to their mentor, and the creator of the mushroom toddler they analyzed. "The flesh seems harder than human and probably most organic creatures, which is surprising to me given its fungal nature."

The boy's golden eyes went back to the construct and continued the cut on its upper body. Once completed he let stopped pinning it down and if the creature remained calm, parted the incision slightly with R2 and L2. With this look on the inside, Wahei pointed out a couple of things that led Asahi to make a couple of more observations. "It's internal structure looks to be a blend of our physiology and the properties of fungi. There's no blood, but spores run throughout this thing similarly."

After an idea from Wahei, Asahi used the technique, Life Bond, to see what the things chakra wavelength was like. Although the technique was usually used to stabilize patients, here it could be used to analyze the things chakra network and way it all flowed. "Chakra also flows through it similarly to how chakra flows through us, but it's different. The Life Bond technique seemed, constrained, as if my flow could never match its flow. That was a good idea Wahei." Asahi said and thanked his partner.

Then the genin opened the things maw with his ki arms. Again it took a bit of effort, but the creature relented. "No teeth, but where it's mouth is seems pretty sharp..." Basic analysis continued for a bit, but eventually Wahei turned and proposed they study the construct another way. Asahi had been using the Cauterizing Technique to close the major openings he had made on the construct.

When done, he turned to Yuuta. "I agree with Wahei-san. We have to see the things innate behavior, and how it responds to stimuli in a more real context. With two on one, I think we'll be fine." Asahi said with a confidence in their ability, and the odds their numbers gave them. Worst came to worst, Yuuta could call the thing off them right?

"I can't see much danger in letting it loose," he finished with a glance over his shoulder at the construct, and back at Yuuta with a small smile and a shrug. He turned back to Wahei and nodded in agreement. In their eyes, they thought themselves capable, but what did their teacher think?



Incarnation of Many Hands (Ōorigami Clan Hijutsu)
The rigorous training from his mother who tattooed the seal on his back, gave him enough experience for the extra arms this Hijutsu brings to feel natural at this point. Only able to make two, he uses them to hold extra weapons, and assist in other ways inside battle, medical training, and in everyday life. However, he still has much further to go, with more arms to come in the future and more ways to get quicker, stronger and better at utilizing them.

Seimei Ken [Life Bond]


CHAKRA USAGE: To Use: Very Low | To Maintain: Very Low

CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [Medical]



REQUIREMENT: Chakra Control SA


This jutsu is for use in cases of severe chakra exhaustion. Though rare in normal circumstances use of chakra can prove to be deadly if signs of fatigue are ignored and exhaustion is allowed to occur. This jutsu transfers chakra into the recipient to stabilize them. The user forms the needed seals and placing their hands on either side of the patient's head. While maintaining contact the user concentrates on harmonizing their chakra to match the wavelength of the recipient's which allows the transfer. This can keep a comatose patient alive for the duration of the time it is used but if the jutsu is maintained for at least four posts, then the patient is considered stabilized and able to survive being taken to a hospital for further care.

Shōshaku no Jutsu [Cauterizing Technique]



CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [Medical]



REQUIREMENT: Chakra Control SA


A simple medic jutsu that needs little chakra, but some modicum of control. The user will gather concentrated chakra in the palm of their hand until the blue hue of chakra can be seen. Then, it will place the hand upon the wound and forcefully cauterize it.


last edit by Ōorigami Asahi on Jan 13, 2022 13:08:20 GMT -5
Milu has written 379 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jan 22, 2022 22:42:01 GMT -5
Gure Yuuta
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Gure Yuuta Avatar
age 26 years old birthday 5/24 rank Jounin occupation Orphanage Headmaster
Malleus Monstrorum.

"Wahei, assumptions are like assholes, everyone has one and no one wants to hear them" Yuuta replied to the boy's comment about synthetic lifeforms; horribly destroying a saying he once heard from some random person. "Besides my dear boy… It's not how we are put on this earth that makes us synthetic or not. It's how we choose to live the life we're given that decides whether we are real or synthetic. You my friend are far from synthetic. Not only that but this guy here simply wants to devour everything in its path, I don't think that's living" Yuuta added again, destroying something he heard someone else say. While trying to encourage Wahei the Jounin had found a small notebook and pencil, when Asahi started to literally dig into Tiggs, Yuuta started to take notes…

The two of them were in their own element, Yuuta wasn't really much help in this regard but he'd let them continue, taking notes as they spoke. The Jounin eyed Wahei, his expression showing a hint of curiosity and then a bit of a glare. The boy was different that was for sure and what the were doing wasn't sanctioned by the village; could down right be illegal, however he was the boy's Jounin… Yuuta made a mental note to make sure Wahei understood this fact. For not though he would leave it alone and continue to focus on what was at hand.

"Oh? You want to see what it's capable of huh? Should it be against us or something like an animal from outside. Meh, nevermind that I'm sure the two of your are pretty capable enough to deal with one or them. Although, let's not make this easy. No one had ever had any breakthrough by taking the easier road in life" Yuuta said, standing from the stool he had just so happened to get, when no one else was looking and walking a bit from the specimen and genin. He'd hold a single handseal and grow yet another mushroom Acolyte from his own flesh, this time he had fashioned the creature to look like a young girl; although it right have hair, the shape of the top of it's head resembled pony tails, it's facial features were softer, small lumps on its torso resembled boobs. The lower part of its torso flared out as if it were a dress despite it being part of its body.

"Tiggs is pretty much done for… I mean his body is flayed open. So here's Bessy" Yuuta said, a devilish grin creeping across his face. He'd turn back to Wahei, and shoot him yet another glare for ignoring him earlier. When they were ready, Bessy would go after him first. With her gaping maw, she'd try to latch on to any part of the boy's body in an feverish attempt to taste the crimson liquid the rushed through his body, and devour the sweet meat of his flesh.

Jutsu used:

NAME: Kinoko Shudan [Mushroom Acolyte]
The Gure Clan member grows a mushroom-like chakra construct from his body. Similar to the earth golem jutsu, this technique allows the Gure to create an ally while in battle. Mushroom Boy is the size of an average toddler, complete with arms, legs, beady eyes and a vertical mouth. The creature is carnivorous and will try to eat the user’s enemy instead of the usual ways of killing, I.E smashing, stabbing, and crushing. That said The Mushroom never gets full and eats until its destroyed or there is no more enemies. The Mushroom itself has only one ability, which is it’s unnatural durability. He is able to withstand most physical attacks but is more resistant to blunt force trauma than the likes of piercing or cutting. Also, mushroom boy has some resistance against elemental jutsu such as Futon and Doton but isn't as resistant to Raiton and Katon Elements. Additionally, the Mushroom does not attack those the user considers allies or the user themselves. Mushroom boy is slightly less as strong and fast as your standard shadow clone. Lastly, mushroom boy's bite is strong enough to bite through bone.

  • Symbiont Genetics:
    Due to the Gure clan's Genetic Make up sharing similarities to Fungi, the clan has developed the ability to merged their body with flora and the earth itself. Yuuta's prowess in this ability allows him to gain entrance into some of the most secure strongholds undetected. Even with his large chakra pool, Yuuta can only be sensed by elite sensor Shinobi. While no where near the likes of time-space ninjutsu in terms of speed, Yuuta's skill with this ability allows him to move extremely fast when merged. Being able to move faster than the average taijutsu specialist or otherwise walking/running. The max range he can travel is 10 kilometers before needing to emerge.
  • Shinkin no Sōsa | Fungal Manipulation
    Gure Yuuta is one of the most dangerous Gure clan members to be born in his generation. While his Fungi jutsu aren’t geared towards a specific type, like poisonous shrooms. Yuuta has completely mastered his clans abilities. Being able change his battlefield in a moment's notice or decimate his opponent with decomposing mold. Due to Yuuta's immense chakra supply, he is easily able to increase the size of his mushroom jutsu or create more Fungi than average Gure Shinobi. It is this reason that he was chosen to be the leader of the clan’s Konoha family.
  • Enhanced Chakra Supply
    The amount of chakra Yuuta’s body contain has always been unbelievably large. With the amount he has Yuuta can to use more jutsu than the average Shinobi. Additionally, his Gure jutsu also benefits from the size of his chakra supply in that he is capable of rearranging an entire battlefield and still be able to fight his opponent efficiently. Because his chakra amount is so large and unruly, Yuuta chakra control is average at best.
  • Madness of Knowledge
    One of Yuuta's greatest embarrassments; his curious nature is also one of his oldest and strongest abilities. He has gained a vast knowledge of fundamental and unorthodox Shinobi skills. Including combat tactics used during old conflicts such as First Shinobi World war. Over the years Yuuta devoured any information he could get his hands on and did so until he was able to apply this knowledge within his ninja career and his fighting style. That said he is exceptionally intelligent and uses his knowledge to creatively utilize his abilities and think up strategies. Because Yuuta is a nerd who likes "bad ass” abilities; he has gained general knowledge on other countries, their Shinobi and the common abilities they usually use.
  • The Art of War
    Due to Yuuta intelligence and love for wartime history. He has become an extremely skilled strategic genius. Using the information he's gathered on past conflicts in the world and the general knowledge of the modern Shinobi nations. Yuuta is able to create strategies and plans several steps ahead of his opponent. He can elaborate strategies from different traditions and a variety of cultures and apply them not only in battle, but all activities that involve intellect. Additionally, he can predict possible obstacles a mission or village will present or the opportunities the venture would open up. Yuuta usually knows what the best actions to take in a situation, allowing him to adapt and prepare for any situation that may occur and handle it effectively. Yuuta macabre personality also plays a part in this side of him as he is not above using tactics deemed immoral in today's age

Aisu Burr has written 250 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jan 25, 2022 9:53:47 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"Unethical Morality".
"I will always be watching you from the shadows.” - Pride - FMAB.


"I do understand this guy. Really. - I mean - I'm also hungry" - Gluttony said right after Yuuta mention the simple nature of the fungus constructs. Wahei, on the other hand, remained silent.

Both Yuuta and Asahi would eventually note the change of heart in "Wahei" after Pride jump-in and take control. Once he had apologized for before - the moments early he took control - nothing left was said by him, even though some of the comments made by the duo called his attention. He eventually nodded with a neutral expression, focusing in what really mattered for him in that situation.

Albeit also being a very difficult person to handle, Pride was the most reliable personality Wahei had, along with Lust, and in spite of doing things differently, he was the boy's ace when it comes to crossing lines. Lust was jealous and didn't like to being use for covering the boy's breach - reason why she barely rise up except for sharp comments.

Pride nodded while Asahi made voice notes of the specimens, noticing that Yuuta also was taking notes, Pride grabbed the tools to do the same, but obviously pointing out their own perspective of things - facts included.  They have learned a lot of precious information in that brief moment, until the boy suggested to make things more "fun".

Yuuta acknowledge and launched a look into Pride-Wahei. He smiled back confidently. When the man started to make "Bessy", Wahei stare at it process with the byakugan, he wanted to see the chakra forming up. He also concentrated his chakra around preparing to move - as if he could tell that the thing would come for him.

When "Bessy" was ready and jumped over Wahei, the boy only had time to use his arms to hold "Bessy's" and after strugling a little, the construct finally bite the young mednin's neck making spurt 'blood' from it while the thing devoured the rest of 'Wahei's' body. In the ground below a puddle formed revealing that actually the construct had ate a Mizu Bunshin

Wahei surged from the puddle, striking the leg vital spots fiercely, pulling the thing's head down with the other hand just to roll over his back. At least, grabbing it's arms to immobilize it against the ground, Wahei start analysing it in details while reporting. - It's pretty strong, and it's mouth is quite fast in swallowing. It's also sharp, indeed, even though it's not as letal as a dog bite or other predators.

With his byakugan activated, he was preparing to somewhat type of metamorphosis that would make thing change it's body to counterattack him. A new replacement would be made in case it's needed, but he was also aware if Asahi would intervene and let the comrade to jump-in freely in case he wants to make his own tests based on his interesting skills.

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Seven Deadly Sins!
- Knowing the fragmented parts of the puzzle called Wahei -
[ , ]
[841 Words]

Sorry for taking so long guys!

MissingNo has written 491 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Jan 29, 2022 4:52:57 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member
Yuuta took them up on their challenge, walking away from them to create some distance. Then, their mentor made another mushroom kid, this time in the form of a young girl. While had the chance, he also began to analyze their teacher.

He could probably make those constructs take any form he wanted, given a size constraint probably dependent on chakra amount. How big could one of the jounin's constructs get? Asahi's wondering was cut short as Bessy came for them, more specifically Wahei. Bessy launched herself at the boy and Asahi watched as Wahei got bitten in the neck. His fellow genin fell to the floor, and for a second Asahi was in shock.

~Did he really just k- oh?~ the voice in Asahi's head said as he watched Wahei turn into a puddle, revealing that it was a clone. Then, the real Wahei came from the puddle and wrapped up the construct. His fellow genin worked to immobilize it, and with Wahei seemingly having it under control, Asahi rose from Tiggs and strode over. He didn't rush, because he partially wanted to see Wahei up against this thing. He nodded, taking in Wahei's notes on the creature as he stood over them.

Then, Asahi dropped to a squatting position, face to face with the creature. It snapped at him as it tried to wrestle free from Wahei's grip. "Hmmm." Asahi let out as he looked at the little mushroom girl. Then with L2 and R2, he took the things head and pulled it's jaw open with a tight grip so the thing couldn't close it.

"I wonder if you're poisonous." Asahi said to Bessy as he stuck his real right arm out. If everything worked out and the mushroom construct didn't break free, Asahi would control the jaw and let the thing bite him. He let it bite him just enough to get through the skin and if there was poison, for it to get into the bloodstream.

"Or if not poison, what other side effects come from your bite, other then some damaged skin." Asahi said to the mushroom girl, letting go of the thing with L2 and R2 to back away from Wahei and it. Now he would just need to wait on any effects. Wahei could do all the fighting with the thing he wanted to. It was actually pretty fun to watch. And he could see how they both adapted to each other. He could learn from observing both, while waiting for any effects he would need to address.




Incarnation of Many Hands (Ōorigami Clan Hijutsu)
The rigorous training from his mother who tattooed the seal on his back, gave him enough experience for the extra arms this Hijutsu brings to feel natural at this point. Only able to make two, he uses them to hold extra weapons, and assist in other ways inside battle, medical training, and in everyday life. However, he still has much further to go, with more arms to come in the future and more ways to get quicker, stronger and better at utilizing them.


Milu has written 379 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Feb 8, 2022 14:42:06 GMT -5
Gure Yuuta
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Gure Yuuta Avatar
age 26 years old birthday 5/24 rank Jounin occupation Orphanage Headmaster

Love takes off masks
that we fear
we cannot live without
and know
cannot live within.

Oh, I can't make poisonous mushrooms. However, there are some Gure around the world that can create all sorts of Fungi. My specialty is… decomposition. That and my chakra pool is quite large. I can rearrange this entire village if I needed to" Yuuta answered Asahi's question, despite it seemingly being rhetorical. His tone was void of any arrogance, though there wasn't any sense of humility either. The man spoke as if this was something normal, that most shinobi, if they could somehow rearrange a battlefield, that it would be the norm to be able to do so. In fact Yuuta's use of the clans Kekkei Genkai is what awarded him the title of clan leader, at least of the Konohagakure Gure.

As the two of them handled Bessy with little to no effort at all, Yuuta wondered if he was going easy on him. In that moment the man thought to use unusual growth, to forcefully enlarge the mushroom construct. However, he'd quickly decided against the idea to keep from destroying the warehouse he had commandeered. "You've both gained so much information from this one creature…" then the Gure had suddenly remembered something he might have forgotten to tell the two genin. "Did I mention that Gure shinobi were more related to Fungi then humans? Our biological makeup is considered human to an extent however there are more similarities to Fungi" he informed them as they continued with Bessy.

The fungal creature struggled to get away, every now and then it would snap it's maw like mouth with such force that it not only made a sound but could literally bite clean through human bone. "Our chakra is enriched with vitality so much that it allows us to affect these similarities to change our own cells into that of various fungi. It's how the Mushroom Acolyte jutsu is performed. In order to incorporate new Fungi however we just first absorb it and have our body assimilate it. Though this is pretty dangerous for us." the Jounin said walking over to Bessy and placing a hand on the creature, using his Kekkei Genkai he'd reabsorb the creature into his body, in a gnarly looking display as Bessy became slightly malleable, it's body losing its form as Yuuta, in a similar fashion to Fungi absorbing nutrients from the environment, returned the creature from whence it came.

"Should we move on to natural growing fungi or animals? We might get better results if we see how my cells affect the environment or how naturally existing fungi affect the environment" Yuuta suggested, he would do almost anything to stop or extend his own biological clock. If not that then he'd want to increase his own abilities to the point of becoming so much more, just like the various Fungi in the world. If Fungi are the interface organisms between life and death, then what did that make Yuuta?


last edit by Gure Yuuta on Feb 8, 2022 20:32:35 GMT -5
Aisu Burr has written 250 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Feb 9, 2022 7:57:16 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"Unethical Morality".
"The true struggle is for the superiority of ideas” - Moira - Overwatch.

The "One-Duo".

Pride remained attentive to all Yuuta-sensei speech. Nodding every now and then when something started to make sense on what he understood. Sometimes, tho, Wahei in his mind had to add certain notes to get him in the same page. That was one of the disadvantage of relying on other persona to get hands dirty. Even though they knew pretty much the same thing, only Wahei could handle the specifics of medicine or either scientific material. Fortunatelly, the conversation between would be enough and Pride could work through.

- I see. - he said when Yuuta mentioned his chakra proprieties and cellular 'control' - Well, I'm pretty interested in this cellular level of control. Erm.. do you think it would be possible to, I don't know, combine this level of technique with medical stuff? Maybe through a leverage vehicle like, I don't know, Water Release, perhaps? - he said, sounding like someone making anyone else's question.

Eventually Yuuta would suggest them to jump to the next part of the research, which would involve, testing his cells over natural growing fungi and animals. - Well, it would certainly be useful to start comprehending how Ninjutsu can affect life in cellular level. - he said thoughtfully or somewhat - I'm ready! - he exclaimed, clenching his fists and gritted the teeth showing his fierce enthusiasm, even though in a completely different manner Wahei use to show his energy.

"Are you sure you don't want to jump-in for this one, kid?" - "Not really. I'm starting feeling comfortable with my spectator position. Furthermore, it's easier to get clear thinking over our research here than there. We are kind of making a good team" - "K'eh! I told ya, didn't I!? There's nothing Pride can't do." - "Except being modest"- "Touché! But I admit, I'm starting to like this research thing. I mean, you do the brainy shit, I get my hands dirty with plenty funny action. This is not so bad" - "Well, it's settled them. I'll be the brain, you'll be the body! I really think this will work out" - "Hope you're right, kiddo".

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Seven Deadly Sins!
- Knowing the fragmented parts of the puzzle called Wahei -
[ , ]
[328 Words]

Sorry for taking so long guys!

MissingNo has written 491 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]Feb 9, 2022 22:31:02 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member
Yuuta answered Asahi's hypothesis about the potential poison. Asahi listened as Yuuta explained a bit about himself and his abilities. This was the type of information that would go in the important folder in Asahi's head. ~The entire village?!~ Asahi exclaimed in his head with wide eyes, and then his attention went back to Wahei and the creature. With Wahei doing most of the work restraining the thing, Asahi could give all his attention to soaking up what their mentor said.

So they were more related to fungi than humans. Interesting. Yuuta approached them as he explained more. Asahi was like a straight A student in a lecture. All of this information was useful, every drop. It made the boy realize that maybe his initial theory about how to achieve their goal, could be off. Yuuta absorbed Bessy and asked them what they would like to move on to next. Asahi deactivated his clan's hijutsu once Bessy was gone. Wahei chimed in on the usefulness of what Yuuta proposed, and Asahi nodded at his fellow genin in agreement.

"I suggest we see how your cells affect the environment. Then, if I cross that with how fungi naturally exist, maybe that will give some insight into our goal." Asahi said as he turned back to Yuuta, clearly torn between the moment and the processing his brain was going through. "The fact that your makeup is more similar to fungi than human is fascinating, and also helpful." Asahi admitted. His words were genuine. He was like a student in their favorite class.

Aside from his fascination, there was a lightbulb that came on in his head. Maybe the key wasn't figuring out immortality or life extension for humans. Maybe the key was figuring out how to do that for fungi first...The man's words had introduced a whole new set of variables to the already complicated equation.




Incarnation of Many Hands (Ōorigami Clan Hijutsu)
The rigorous training from his mother who tattooed the seal on his back, gave him enough experience for the extra arms this Hijutsu brings to feel natural at this point. Only able to make two, he uses them to hold extra weapons, and assist in other ways inside battle, medical training, and in everyday life. However, he still has much further to go, with more arms to come in the future and more ways to get quicker, stronger and better at utilizing them.


Milu has written 379 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]May 7, 2022 16:37:17 GMT -5
Gure Yuuta
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Gure Yuuta Avatar
age 26 years old birthday 5/24 rank Jounin occupation Orphanage Headmaster
Gure Yuuta
Come fairies, take me out of this dull world. For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.
The Jounin allowed them to take the lead, subtly walking slower than the two genin were once they departed the warehouse. In Yuuta's mind, his both instructor and specimen; the reason he didn't take the lead was so that he wouldn't concisely influence the direction of the experiment. In a sense the three shinobi were in the planning phase of what could very well become a controlled experiment. Of course they had already dissected one of Yuuta's constructs, however Yuuta didn't consider that or their current objective the actual experiment. Right now they were simply gathering information to then come up with a theory.

The experiment would come much later, to verify their theories on Yuuta's biological makeup.
 The Gure himself was eagerly willing to be the ultimate test subject or at the very least, an abundant supply of Gure DNA. As they walked out of Sagyo, anyone would have noticed the eyes of Sagyo's inhabitants. The native Sagyo population was already hesitant with the hidden leaf, even more so with Yuuta once he had settled in. Now two more, albeit genin, hidden leaf shinobi walked their streets.

The streets that Konoha and the Capitol had forgotten and neglected. The Jounin didn't speak as they exited the industrialized village, he was too busy thinking of the possibilities that could come from studying and experimenting with the Gure biology. Lost in his thoughts, the older Shinobi recounted everything he was taught by the Gure clan elders about their Fungi brethren and themselves as well.

Eventually, after nearly an hour of walking and rummaging deeper into the forest, the Jounin spoke. "Can you imagine the trial-and-error process involved in discovering all that we know about the simple and most common mushroom? Some tastes nutty, others kill can in four minutes flat, then there's the one that took me on a tour around the universe with Amaterasu, the Heaven Shining Great August Deity for a full week!" the man joked, the latter being an actual fact rather than a joke. Yuuta was trying to ease the tension caused by the Sagyo natives and perhaps the three shinobi's own guilt or lack thereof for their descent into depravity. Yuuta wasn't sure if it would work or if it would make things worse. Besides,he wouldn't be Yuuta if he had not at least tried.

The group eventually found an area within the forest where various fungi would undoubtedly thrive. The environment was perfect for nearly every type of fungi to not only live but thrive, the soil was soft and moist, several trees had fallen and began to decay. Yuuta had spotted a few common mushrooms clustered together as well, signs that there could be an even larger specimen beneath the very ground they stood upon. Yuuta began setting up shop immediately, while doing so he recalled a particular lesson given to him by one of his childhood teachers.

Ms.CobbleBottom. She was one of the most detached and coldly logical people the man had ever met. His own personality often clashed with hers, however there was one thing they had in common and that was their love for knowledge. The old hag's words reverberated within his mind, as he silently mouthed them to himself, at least he thought it was silent.

"In short, fungi eat death, and in doing so, create new life"



last edit by Gure Yuuta on May 19, 2022 5:57:21 GMT -5
Aisu Burr has written 250 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]May 7, 2022 19:13:03 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"Unethical Morality".
"Fungi make worlds. They also unmake them.
There are lots of ways to catch them in the act" [...]
Merlin Sheldrake in Entangled Life:
How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures

Change of scenario.

Albeit Wahei and Asahi performed well - apparently - in their first research, there were a lot yet to be learned. And as they follow developing their individual skills and team work altogether, also Yuuta were rewarding them with bigger challenges. The day by day lead them to built a relationship based on their will of learning more about medicine, cells and beyond. One of those day's Wahei realized that becoming a great medic needed to go beyond the relation with patients, traumas and procedures during in the battlefield, but was also related to going deep into science. Was he a somewhat kind of scientist now? Perhaps a crazy one?

He understood that under Yuuta's guidance he was following through that path, and that quite thrilled him as well. But he didn't had what it needed to be called scientist. One day, maybe, he would feel like one. Maybe even more than he felt like a medic? Uncertain. Unlikely. But life is not a straight line.

Yuuta took the boy's towards the deeps of a strange and not very welcoming forest - in his opinion - where they could reach a lot of fungis and mushroom of all imaginable kinds and species, so to say. Yuuta's consideration didn't grab a single chuckle from Pride, who was already in charge. He shrugged, rolling his eyes towards Asahi for a while but then staring back at the onward - whatever they were heading to.

They finally reach at a point where Yuuta met up with an old hag, or as Pride would call her - Howdy, Ma'am. - So, Yuuta, this is where we were heading to? - he took a better look into the place, but with nothing in particular in mind. He just wanted to find out what they were suppose to do or, in that case, where to start. - What do you think, mate? - he turned to Asahi. His tone was just regular.

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Seven Deadly Sins!
- Knowing the fragmented parts of the puzzle called Wahei -
[ , ]
[329 Words]

Sorry for taking so long guys!
last edit by Wahei on May 20, 2022 14:14:38 GMT -5
MissingNo has written 491 posts
Unethical Morality [MissingNo/Milu]May 12, 2022 0:55:42 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member
The setting of their research changed as they made progress. It was still hard to see towards what, but in Asahi’s eyes, everything they said and did here influenced when and how they would get to the goal. They all left the abandoned warehouse that Yuuta had repurposed and left Saygo, with eyes following them the whole time.

It was the same reason the group of kids had decided to try and jump him the first time he had come around the town. Shinobi were sparing here and even less welcome by the Saygo locals. But the states and murmurs about them as they passed by, didn’t really bother Asahi. He had experienced that type of unspoken judgement plenty of times. Their group of three walked deeper and deeper into a forest and for the first time in a while, Yuuta spoke.

Like Wahei, Asahi didn’t say much to Yuuta’s words, and didn’t really pick up on the joke. He wanted to question their guide’s statement but decided against it, settling his conflict with a simple nod. Asahi could relate to that process of trial and error. He could argue that is how he had learned up to this point and continued to learn up to that moment. Trial and error, was the foundation for all science, maybe even all knowledge.

Finally, they got to a place in the Forest where they slowed to a stop. It was a spot in the forest with the perfect conditions for mushrooms to grow, and the abundance of life growing over the wet decaying life proved it. There were so many mushrooms of different colors and patterns, sizes and shapes.

Yuuta began to set up, exactly what, they would have to wait and see. Then as with most things surrounding the man he learned from, something unexpected happened. A thing…person? No, a thing came out of the ground, more mushroom than human but still maybe so. Either way she seemed really old and something about her seemed cold and analytical.

Asahi, who had gotten closer as Yuuta had set up and the old mushroom lady revealed herself, heard Yuuta’s words, the man saying them out louse to no one. Asahi’s eyes widened as he had a realization, or at least a potential realization.

Wahei asked him what he thought, perfectly timed and presumably about the place and what had been revealed to him now. "Of course we have to test out this theory but I think I figured out a potential key to Yuuta’s goal. Our goal.” Asahi said to Wahei and then turned back to Yuuta.

"What if the key to beating death lies in what you just said? Maybe we don’t find find a way to completely overcome it, but use it. Maybe your immortality is cyclical somehow?” Asahi thought and proposed out loud, turning his attention back to Wahei and returning the question. "I think we’ve stumbled upon a valuable setting and a place that is going to take more than a day to research. But I really hope Yuuta isn’t making us fight an old lady….” Asahi playfully said to Wahei, knowing that both he and his friend would if they had to.

He and Wahei seemed somewhat similar, in their lack of hesitation when it came to those type of things, or at least so it seemed.




Milu has written 379 posts