Just another day at the office [Kaguya Toru]

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Just another day at the office [Kaguya Toru]Jan 31, 2022 8:48:46 GMT -5
Sourei Zaizen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sourei Zaizen Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

[Word Count]: XXX.
OOC Note(s):

Today had been most like other days for Zaizen as he kept his mind sharp as well as his eyes looking out for trouble whilst on patrol in Kirigakure for the most part Zaizen kept outside of the village walls as the regular forces kept the village safe for the most part. Zaizen even as the Hunter captain liked to remain active as he hunted outside of the village for criminals and missing-ninja. There had been quite the few on the list more recently that he decided to track down and he had a lead going for the most part until one of his forces had managed to track down Zaizen and brought him a scroll containing important instructions and from the Mizukage of all people. Zaizen took the scroll from the hunter ninja and could see it contained a important village seal on it. It clearly showing its importance. As the hunter ninja disappeared from Zaizen's sight, he wasted no time in opening the scroll to see what was contained on the parchment.

After taking a moment or two to read the writing on the scroll Zaizen had been summon by the Mizukage back at the village. Zaizen had not really had the chance to meet the Mizukage yet as Zaizen was kept doing his job from the shadows as he has always done since he could remember. Even when the man had been a missing ninja he kept to the shadows and working the best way he has always known, it wasn't really a surprise that Zaizen had been summoned by the Mizukage considering he was the hunter captain and due to his former status as a missing ninja. Zaizen had expected this to happen after all with that in his mind he headed back to the village leaving his trail alone for now.

It took Zaizen about an hour to arrive back at the village and headed for the Mizukage's office now present just outside of the office. He didn't waste any more time as he knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter. Zaizen was expecting the new Mizukage to set Zaizen some expectations that were expected of him, this wasn't Zaizen's first show and had been in this position a number of times.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
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          Jian has written 131 posts
          Just another day at the office [Kaguya Toru]Jan 31, 2022 9:59:16 GMT -5
          Kaguya Toru
          "Live or die, just do it well.
          Kaguya Toru Avatar
          groupMist Shinobi
          age 17 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
          if i'm a danger to myself
          Just think what I could do to you

          Toru had been the reason that Zaizen had become the Captain of Oinin Butai. Though, he had not been totally content with the man's performance thus far. At least from his reports, the activity had been semi-stagnant. So, Toru wanted to set some guidelines with this meeting. Expectations of what the man should be doing and what he was going to have to do going forward to maintain his position. Zaizen was doubly scrutinized for his history of having been a nukenin. Toru did not feel that Zaizen had truly deserved the position, but he had chosen to give the man a chance upon his request. A chance that he was all too willing to give away to someone who would be better for the position.

          Of course, it was hard to say if someone was better or not. But, Toru knew one thing. If the expectations he laid out were not met, the man coming today would not be in that leadership position for long. Unlike his mother who had been content with giving a nukenin a bodyguard position, Toru was not quite so lenient. He gave a chance, but never two chances. Zaizen needed to prove his mettle and loyalty to the village in one of the highest stations in the village.

          Though, it was not as if anyone knew who held the position. There was a reason all the Oinin wore masks, to protect their identities and names. Toru was the only one who was privy to the individual files and information about them all. Still, that did not alleviate Zaizen from those duties.

          So, the knock on the door came and Toru knew who it was, would pull Zaizen's file up in front of him from a stack of scrolls. He would unravel it.

          "Come in."

          One of the guards at the door would open the door for Zaizen, and the man would be let inside.

          "Sit." There was a chair across the desk from where Toru sat.

          Toru was not one who spoke in many words, he preferred to be concise and his tone was that of true neutrality matching that of his expression. A bored, placid red-eyed stare would aim itself at Zaizen waiting for him to sit down.

          "I have not heard from you since your request to move positions. How are things progressing with the Oinin? Anyone, you see potential with?" Toru more or less know how things were progressing, but he wanted to know what Zaizen had to say.

          Han has written 2,514 posts
          Just another day at the office [Kaguya Toru]Mar 30, 2022 8:27:09 GMT -5
          Sourei Zaizen
          Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
          Sourei Zaizen Avatar
          groupMist Shinobi
          age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

          [Word Count]: XXX.
          OOC Note(s):

          It was true for the most part that Zaizen had not really done much since he became the captain of the Oinin Butai. Some of that had been Zaizen's fault and he wasn't hiding that lie from anyone, but some of the fault had been down to other things too. Zaizen wasn't a man of many words, but the words he spoke were often wise and to the point when it came to conversations with this man. When Minako allowed Zaizen to return to the village with the pardon she gave him it allowed Zaizen to become her bodyguard in order to gain the trust of her at the time. He served the position well given the time he was able to devote to the position and had not done anything to misplace the mistrust she had given him. Zaizen time as a missing ninja, had been funded partly by the village at the time while to knowledge about this wasn't common for most even the new Mizukage might not know much about it either. Yeah Zaizen had been a missing-ninja, but for the most part he didn't harm Kirigakure ninja or Oinin Butai ninja that had tried to chase him down, for the most part he was able to avoid them most of the time with his various skills, he had been the Captain of the Oinin Butai in the past so had the knowledge of how they operated too so that did help his cause.

          The guard had let Zaizen enter the Mizukage's office as Toru was sat at his desk, the file in the mans hand had been one that often detailed reports ninja within a village and Zaizen was pretty sure that was his file. He wasn't bothered about some papers and scrolls as that didn't detail his life only Zaizen knew the hardships he had taken in his life. Toru offered Zaizen the chance to sit across from him, but Zaizen preferred to stand honestly so would refuse the offer to sit. Zaizen leaned up against the back wall of his office.

          Toru wanted progress on what Zaizen had been up to since he had taken up his new role as the Oinin Butai captain. To be fair he had nothing to report for the most part, except that Zaizen had been patrolling the village, checking on various information and leads. It might seem he had not been doing anything, but as soon as intel would show up he would investigate no problem. Zaizen was probably one of the best gifted when it came to tracking and hunting people from his experiences in his life and the various skills he had. One thing he could do a better job of doing is meeting with the other Oinin Butai members.

          "There is nothing really to report Toru. I keep watch over the village from the shadows as I always do. While that might not be to your expectations is the way I have always operated. Those files in your hand are not always the truth its written on." Zaizen said before leaning back so he was comfortable. "I need to meet with the Oinin Butai members and evaluate them myself. I'm sure they will be acceptable standard." Zaizen had been blunt for the most part as he didn't expect the other members to be as capable as Zaizen as there was only one Zaizen. Zaizen felt that Toru really didn't trust him and for good reasons Zaizen expected people not to trust him with the mans reputation for what he was capable off, but that wasn't always a bad thing, it would keep people on the edge around the man, giving him something over people. " I get you don't trust me Toru, I even had to fight your mother to prove my worth to her so its not like I was allowed in and didn't have to pave the way."


          [Skills/Traits In Usage]:
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                  last edit by Sourei Zaizen on Mar 30, 2022 8:37:50 GMT -5
                  Jian has written 131 posts
                  Just another day at the office [Kaguya Toru]Mar 31, 2022 15:46:08 GMT -5
                  Kaguya Toru
                  "Live or die, just do it well.
                  Kaguya Toru Avatar
                  groupMist Shinobi
                  age 17 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
                  if i'm a danger to myself
                  Just think what I could do to you

                  Toru stared at Zaizen as he entered the office and stood off to the side before leaning quite casually against a back wall instead of sitting or standing professionally towards the center of the room when addressing his leader in an official meeting. This was not a casual lunch date after all. Toru, despite his age, was not a subordinate and he found absolutely no merit in being referred to by his given name as if they were friends or as if he were beneath the other. Red eyes stared, he listened to what the other had to say, he did not interrupt, there was no reason to. Toru was painfully patient.

                  Perhaps too patient.

                  "It may not seem immediately obvious, but this is an official meeting. If you will decline my request that you sit, then you will stand in front of me to address me, and you will address me as your leader. Not casually as you just have. I will wait for the adjustment, or you may leave." There was a pause, if Zaizen believed that Toru was having an ego trip he might think again. Toru was young, and for this reason, alone people felt it was okay to disrespect him. This would not be something he allowed, a precedent set from the beginning.

                  "If you choose to leave, you will be demoted to a position more fitting of your attitude." That was more of a promise than a threat. Toru did not care how this made him look. He felt no intimidation from Zaizen, nor any shinobi for the matter. He understood the other's strengths, and this was not him underestimating the other, but rather something to simply explain that this was not a situation in which one could simply show up and act as one desired without repercussions. So, Toru would wait for Zaizen. If the man adjusted, he would continue.

                  "My trust is tentative, however, it is I who approved your promotion to captain, so perhaps do not assume that I do not trust you. Rather that I am skeptical of your ability to perform. Your job is not to protect the village from the shadows, but to lead your unit of assassins, and to lead espionage in the country and other countries as the opportunity arises." It was not expected that Zaizen was out in enemy land every single day, but it was expected that such plans were being at the very least plotted and submitted for approval if they made sense.

                  The young man would look down at the scroll.

                  "It is doubtful that the council is withholding information from me, though if there are secrets about you that I do not already have..." Toru had more than this simple scroll in front of him after all, "You may tell me, candidly so that we may begin to build this trust you do not think I have for you."

                  Once again he would allow Zaizen space to respond however he desired. Though he would move on to the crux of the matter if there was nothing to respond to, only to note for the future.

                  "In the next few months, I expect you to have met with all of your subordinates. Evaluate them, and bring full reports to my desk. There are plenty of missions that need doing, the village has not been suffering in this regard. In failing to carry out this simple request, I will find it quite easy to find a different position more suitable for you in the village. I gave you the position of captain with the expectation that you will exceed my expectations. I hope that I will not be continuously disappointed."

                  Han has written 2,514 posts
                  Just another day at the office [Kaguya Toru]Apr 6, 2022 10:55:42 GMT -5
                  Sourei Zaizen
                  Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
                  Sourei Zaizen Avatar
                  groupMist Shinobi
                  age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

                  [Word Count]: XXX.
                  OOC Note(s):

                  t didn't seem like Zaizen had set a first good impression on Toru with him declining to sit as instructed to, Toru had addressed Zaizen about treating this as an official meeting, not calling him by his name and addressing Toru as the leader of the village. Zaizen had no trouble doing what the Mizukage wanted him to do even though he was having an ego trip, not that the leader would admit to anything like that and Zaizen decided to keep his comments to himself for the moment. He didn't want to give the Mizukage any more reason to be mad. So Zaizen made the adjustments required even as the Mizukage threatened to have Zaizen demoted, at the end of the day it didn't matter if Zaizen was demoted the man was dangerous even as a gate guard, the man was fabled and considered a living legend, the Mizukage knew that much from stories he would have likly heard as a child considering he was still young himself. Zaizen had been a threat for the past thirty years, while he had obviously calmed somewhat since his days of getting revenge for him family things were a little different, with him still trying to prove himself to a village he has gave everything to for the past twenty-five years even before the Mizukage had been born.

                  Zaizen adjusted himself so that he was stood in front of the Mizukage now with his hands behind his back as he properly addressed the Mizukage now. Is this better Mizukage?" Assuming that it was to the Mizukage's liking now he was stood properly in front of him and addressing him as his leader instead of his friend. The Mizukage spoke more about the trust in Zaizen been tentative, but the Mizukage was more concerned with Zaizen's ability to perform. He had to be joking right Zaizen would gladly mock the Mizukage, but knew fine well he would be stepping over the line and more likely his anger if he pushed the subject. The he kept looking at the scroll in front of him with the so called information about Zaizen on it. Zaizen knew well enough that the information in that scroll was as out of date as you could get.

                  " You shouldn't doubt my skill Mizukage, I am capable of adapting to any environment, been placed deep in enemy lines with basically no knowledge and still getting the task done. I can kill people in there sleep and not know I was there, you can hear me nor see me. But that is not the point I know I have the skills to do almost anything my reputation speaks for itself. As for the village council you can't blame them for not having all the information about me. It had been something set up by the Kurokawa Shio - Godaime Mizukage that we agreed on during my search for my families killers, I had not betrayed my village at all, I just needed the breathing space to make sure I got the job done. Obviously if I got caught during the process everything would be denied, but that never happened. I don't mean to disrespect you in any way Mizukage, just not everything is written in a scroll sometimes it comes with life experiences such as my life for example. "

                  After speaking the Mizukage continued with some expectations that the Mizukage expected Zaizen to do in the next few months when it came to the rest of his hunter-nin in meeting them all and performing so tasks together. While in truth this was a fairly simple task to complete, Zaizen needed to learn to work with others that was going to be the hardest part.
                  " I will try my best to keep with your wishes. "

                  [IC COMBAT INFORMATION]

                  [Skills/Traits In Usage]:
                      [Techniques Executed]:
                        [Extra Details[OOC]]:

                          Jian has written 131 posts
                          Just another day at the office [Kaguya Toru]Apr 16, 2022 12:00:20 GMT -5
                          Kaguya Toru
                          "Live or die, just do it well.
                          Kaguya Toru Avatar
                          groupMist Shinobi
                          age 17 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
                          if i'm a danger to myself
                          Just think what I could do to you

                          Toru listened, he was silent and without moving the entire time. He found the other's retort to be without any gain to his reputation, it was condescending and unbecoming of someone of his station. Perhaps Zaizen thought otherwise, but Toru was unfortunately for him behind the desk, not the other way around. Perhaps if the tables had been reversed, Toru would be standing and paying his respects as he had done when Minako sat at the desk. Even if he had the privilege of sharing a decently close relationship with the woman, he had still respected her in these moments that asked for more respect.

                          The disrespect the young boy received, he knew was directly correlated to his age. Those older than him believed themselves to be infallible due to their experience without realizing or acknowledging Toru's own experience - which was quite impressive considering his shinobi career thus far.

                          Red eyes continued to regard the older male in silence, occasionally he would blink but even this seemed slow, methodical, and carefully measured. Nothing without its proper place it seemed.

                          "I will keep what you have said to me in mind, this knowledge is important for us to have a solid working relationship in the future." He responded evenly, leaning back into his chair a bit now that the other had finished speaking. He found it a little easier to move, for one reason or another it was as if his entire body froze when he listened perhaps because he was focusing, it was difficult to determine.

                          "I hope you will too, I have already stated plainly what happens if you do not." He shrugged lightly, nonchalantly in a manner of speaking. Perhaps it was harsh, but Toru wanted a well-oiled machine of a village, and if all the pieces were not in their proper places things would not go well in the future for all of his plans.

                          "You may go unless you have something you would like to speak to me about."

                          Han has written 2,514 posts