Bowing her head, Arashi would thank him for his assurance of aid, watching him leave for wishing him safe travels with his wards. As the distance of his departure grew further, the young female would allow her door to close before then cupping her head beneath her face. In truth, the conversation was more vexing than it was reassuring.
Clearly, the man wanted to accomplish something that likely would involve a larger stage perform upon. Whether or not it came to Sunagakure having to join was left in the hands of the Kazekage, but did any of them want to create a conflict over this? If so, who would be the ones to suffer in the end? The people for one, next the ones that started it.
So many questions were left unanswered, but it still too soon to tell just how Bonchi no Kuni would respond to this event. Perhaps it would be no more than a warning. Or, it could be worse. Arashi wouldn't claim to know the mind of their leadership, only the rumors of his ruthlessness. A man who had fought his way to the top was not someone to be considered lightly.
"It's gonna be a long year..."
Closing her eyes, she'd release a soft breath before than returning to her desk as she watched the Council man make his way down the street toward the exit of the village. Yet as she did, her gaze would remain on him before then returning to her own work.
-End Thread-
(It was great rping with you...hopefully we can do so again XD )
-S.A Used-
Will of Sand
Will of Sand- Adding the element of her own chakra into the mixture of sand, Arashi is capable of faster and stronger sand manipulation and attacks. The extent of this control is due to the supply gathered within her gourd, granting the bonus of power, but limited to only the amount contained within it. This ability makes her constructions more dense and harder to break down, and the swiftness of their creation is instant rather than requiring the prior time of build-up as before due to the strengthened bond between Arashi and Shukaku
Ultimate Defense
A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.
Sand Control
Arashi is granted two forms of defense by the Ichibi. The first one is a subconscious ability granted by the Bijuu is that there is constantly a barrier of sand clinging to Arashi’s skin. This barrier acts as a shield against her skin, absorbing heavy blows and protecting her. Her sand defense is very tough, being very difficult to break through. The sand has been likened to steel and concrete. The second form is one which pulls sand from her surroundings and the sand piled on her skin to form a visible barrier and dome like barrier around her. The sand is typically pulled from the ground and any nearby source. Arashi’s various dogs often have a plentiful amount of sand carried in their thick coats. As such, the sand is often pulled from their coats to be used to protect the girl. Through the course of her training, Arashi has learned to control both of these forms of defense to a degree, making her much more capable of mounting a defense in a variety of ways. But she still at times must incumbent some cooperation from Shukaku to ensure of it's sustainability.
Arashi can control sand and wind around herself to whip up sandstorms with powerful gusts. The sandstorm often appears when she’s emotionally strained and damaged. If there is no sand around her, powerful breezes will still gather around her. Shukaku enjoys teasing the girl to the point where sandstorms appear. But with the course of time, Arashi had grown more comfortable with this and developed a thick skin towards such actions by the Bijuu.
While Arashi had previous had little to no control over her other sand related abilities, she has a somewhat capable hand at this one. Because of the trauma of her sand attacking her classmates at a young age, Arashi has managed to reign in some of this power. Learning to bend the sand to her will, Arashi can keep it from hurting those she doesn’t want it to hurt. Sand will be gathered from nearby sources to be used as a weapon when this ability activates. This ability typically only activates when Arashi is in severe danger, but it has now become possible for her to do so with ease. Though it is more prone to activating near or on full moons. The sand takes the form of blunt objects or tendrils to bash or choke enemies. During moments of extreme strain, Arashi loses all control over this ability as well.
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