Towers [B-Rank Mission]

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Towers [B-Rank Mission]May 28, 2022 17:36:44 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
If there was one plus side to being along side Shigure on this mission it was the fact that his eyes could do the work of a dozen Shinobi without more than a quarter of the work. Just thinking about it had him thinking of what life would have been like if he would have been able to do more missions with Nori. Fortunately he had Kazui with him on most of his missions so they were still a breeze, but still it would have been nice to have his old friend.

Maybe in the future the two of them would be able to do more missions. Hopefully none related to construction that is. Nonetheless, after instructions on what was to take place tomorrow was acknowledged Shigure begin to brainstorm some options on how they could handle guarding the area over night. Issei could already tell he was going to be flying through the ranks in no time with how quickly he processed information.

Maybe going on more missions with him would be a terrible idea as it would give him little to no room for his own suggestions, thus lowering his own IQ. The plan he suggested was definitely a good one, and with eyes on them it would be quite the idea to use their Shinobi skills to their advantage. Hunting them would be far more work than either of them would probably feel like doing, not to mention there was always the problem of running into others who were secretly working with them.

If they could in fact convinced the opposition that they were on a man hunt then it would be easier for them to just reveal themselves to he and Shigure. "I think this idea is perfect. It makes the problem do all the work while we get the chance to sit and rest." Issei added with a head nod. On first thought he thought about using the Kage Bunshin tech, but using that would only half his pool of chakra. Not to mention the opposition would likely not even notice the difference.

So instead he decided he would just use the standard bunshin clone. At night it would be hard for anyone to notice the difference; especially if they were looking to avoid them altogether. So long as Shigure cosigned on his suggestion Issei would weave the handseal needed to create his cheap clone to head out into the city to go on this invisible man hunt.

  • E.P.T. | SOLE REFLEXES | HANSHA 反射 - Fighting up close in combat with Issei will prove difficult to opponents seeing as his ability to see others movements almost before they even fully develop puts them at a disadvantage. 
  • SHARINGAN | 1 TOMOE KG - With this power Issei can do a number of things starting with his slight enhanced perception of movement. Issei can also see Chakra in physical form. With it Issei can not only distinguish what is being used based on its color, but its visual prowess allows him to see through Genjutsu making it easier for him to Kai out of it. SN: Kai is still limited to what the chart says.
  • SUPERIOR CHAKRA | RESERVES - with this he is able to perform use a larger repertoire of jutsu without the consequences of running out of chakra like most are accustomed to, and thus isn't limited to the amount of jutsu he can use at once. Also this ability grants him the power to user higher ranking jutsu with little to no consequences given the fact that he has a greater amount of chakra than most.
  • ENHANCED AGILITY | E.P.T - Issei is now capable of moving his body without the consequences of his muscles inability to handle his own body weight and speed. With this, he can move around almost as if the laws of physics don't apply using his near perfect movement precision.
  • DRAGON BREATH | JUTSU ENHANCEMENT - Issei can not only use the Fire Ball jutsu without handseals, but the size of it in Comet form is doubled. In addition to that its burning prowess has increased to the level of causing critical levels of damage. Likely death with a direct hit.
  • ENHANCED SPEED | E.P.T - Issei speed has reached its peak for his current class and as a result there aren't many others who can keep up him. The combination of his raw athleticism and speed make him a nightmare for anyone wishing to take him on in close range combat.
  • ----
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  • NAME: Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
    RANK: E
    CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low
    CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
    ELEMENT: None
    After performing the necessary hand seals, the user can create a handful of intangible clones to confuse the enemy. They do not contain solid mass, have no shadows and do not interact with the surrounding environment, making them somewhat easy to distinguish from the real person.

| AP has written 653 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Jun 1, 2022 16:10:25 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Issei loved Shigure's idea and that made him blush slightly, with a hint of red colouring his cheeks. It was nice to see he was doing a good job, especially when accompanying a more experienced and accomplished shinobi such as the Uchiha. The Hyuuga nodded when he digressed about it. "That's exactly what I thought." he confirmed with a large smile on his face.

Much like Issei, he initially thought about the Shadow Clone Technique, but on a second thought, wasting chakra and tiring themselves just for decoy would be overdoing it. The people were far enough that Shigure could barely see them with his two kilometre range Byakugan, so they would also be unable to see them properly. Hence, a normal clone would do the trick. With that in mind, he waved the single hand seal. "Bunshin no Jutsu." with a faint poof of smoke from the inside of the tower, a perfect replica of Shigure appeared, and it followed Issei's clone to the suggested inn, only disappearing when completely out of sight.

With the decoy sent out, he would turn to the Uchiha and get ready to take turns during their watch. "So, fine if I take the second watch? I don't mind rising before the sun is up." he asked, but ultimately he would abide by what the Uchiha decided. Whenever it was his turn to do the watch, Shigure would activate his Doujutsu and scan the area around them, if clear, he would deactivate it and re-do it five minutes later. With a range of two kilometres, it was a reasonable time of rest in between, for people couldn't cover that distance that fast without making some reasonable noise.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

B-Rank Mission
Creates a decoy clone and sends it to the inn, asks to take on the second watch. When watching, activate the Byakugan, scan, rest 5 minutes and repeat.
[ ]
[310 words]

Technique used:
NAME: Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user can create a handful of intangible clones to confuse the enemy. They do not contain solid mass, have no shadows and do not interact with the surrounding environment, making them somewhat easy to distinguish from the real person.
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Jun 17, 2022 16:53:10 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
meepington Avatar
age birthday rank occupation



Towers [break]
Familiar Face


With the two boys setting up the diversion to try and distract the individuals at hand they opted to sleep at the docks and much to their benefit. The criminals in question seemingly took the bait allowing them to sleep through the night in rather uncomfortable positions. To the point where when the morning came two would find themselves feeling sore and not very well rested their plan while fruitful still had some setbacks.
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As the morning came however and the men began to arrive to being their work all seemed to go over well but there was this ominous feeling of tension for shortly after everyone had come at around 9 A.M. "Mornin boys…sleep you’re hear mighty early…excellent work ethic.” he’d state looking at the two, placing a hand on both their shoulders. "Thanks to your help the other day the rest of this project should be go swimmingly, if you’d like feel free to focus on guarding the area."
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After sometime should the two head to the front of the site they would be met by one of the two men from the day before standing there looking to the two young men seeming rather smugly, looking rather well dressed. "Morning gentlemen.” he'd say looking to them rather confidently as if they knew something they didn't.
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And for good reason, for amongst the field of construction workers there was another who made had made their way through the crowd earlier on looking as normal as every other worker disguising their chakra signatures to the point of being indistinguishable, carrying a tool box as they made they way onto the site looking to get towards the tower.

Choosing to sleep on site left both of them susceptible to being rather out of it and making them slightly more sluggish.
Sleeping in a hotel would allow the boys to at least be well rested but may unfortunately leave them at the mercy of a surprise attack by the bandits; however , they'll be more alert and able to fight better.
Chance of night-time attack: 50%
Enemy #1: Disguised Construction Worker
Rank: C
Chakra Natures:
1 Chakra Control
2 Sensory
3 Anti Sensory
Enemy #2: Well dressed man
Rank: B
Ninjutsu sole
Chakra Natures:
1. Stamina
2. Reflexes
3. Durability



The Postest with the mostest

[newclass=".rain"] width: 450px; padding: 30px; background:url(""); background-size:auto; border: solid 1px #050505; [/newclass][newclass=".rain .main"] background:#337733; border: solid 1px #050505;[/newclass][newclass=".rain .main img"] width: 400px; height: 200px; padding: 10px;margin:10px;[/newclass][newclass=".rain .title"] padding: 0px 15px 10px; border-bottom: solid 5px #EEEEEE;font-size: 13px; font-family:'playfair display'; color: #eee;text-align: center;text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; [/newclass][newclass=".rain .text"] background: #111; padding: 35px;font-size: 12px; font-family:'playfair display'; color: #eee;text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=".rain .text b"] font-size: 14px; color:#EEEEEE;[/newclass][newclass=".rain .text i"] color:#EEEEEE;[/newclass][newclass=".rain .extras"] padding: 20px; border-top: solid 5px #EEEEEE;font-style: italic;font-size: 11px; font-family:'playfair display'; color: #eee;text-align: center;text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]

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last edit by meepington on Jun 20, 2022 23:05:26 GMT -5
has written 88 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Jun 20, 2022 22:51:23 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
Sleeping in the construction zone might not have been the best idea, but it was most certainly the safest one. After all the work they put in they most certainly needed the rest if they were going to be able to focus on stopping whoever the hell it was that was interested in the ruining the progress of this mission. Nonetheless, as the time for work came around Issei would find himself being waken up by Shigure as the sun begin to rise in the distance.

There was nothing more that Issei hated then having to wake up this early. Fortunately it appeared as though nothing odd took place over night, but that didn't stop the feeling he had that things were coming together too easily. For a B rank mission he expected that there might be more chaos, but instead things were coming together just fine. Off the intel they were provided alone the two of them should have been looking for danger, instead they were met with peace and ease.

It wasn't as if he could just start stirring up trouble either so he'd just have to keep his focus as sharp as always. When they were met by the crew from earlier everything felt fine to him. A head nod was given as the person in charge thanked them for their help yesterday and that all that was needed for them today was their muscles. Once again, another easy task. Issei followed through with another reassuring head nod just before looking over to Shigure.

When they begin heading off toward the front of the site Issei would openly address his suspicions. "You're a smart guy Shigure.. I'm certain you aren't the only one thinking that all of this is going by abit too easily." After taking into account whatever it was that Shigure said they would be met with the presence of someone they saw the previous day and the unfamiliar frame of another. The vibe from them wasn't suspicious, but in wake of his own thoughts it was hard to believe everything was going this perfect.

"Morning to you as well. Myself and Shigure will be on security detail today with you guys from what we were told."
| AP has written 653 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Jun 21, 2022 8:07:44 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


That was a terrible night of sleep, but that was already to be expected. Being Shinobi meant that they were no stranger to sleeping in makeshift campsites, exposed to the elements. However, they would be in a less than ideal shape the coming day, still, he was confident that the two of them together would be able to complete this mission regardless of that. Once the sun rose, Shigure would wake up Issei, reporting that nobody did approach the place during the time the Uchiha was resting. He could notice his grumpy expression, which he couldn't determine if caused by the early morning, or the fact that nobody showed up, but he chose not to ask.

Shigure would grab some food and offer it to Issei as he usually did on his missions. Nothing too heavy, just some rice with bonito flakes and tea, and after having this light meal, they would see the workers finally arriving. The Hyuuga frowned his brows, activating his Byakugan so he could scan the people walking in, trying to see if anybody would be bold enough to try and disguise themselves as part of the crew. Still, as they were approached by the man who they worked with before, Shigure turned his gaze towards him as a courtesy, nodding to him with a smile.

As they walked, he nodded to Issei. "They might be hiding their chakra, which works fine with most sensory, but if they have chakra, I will eventually be able to see it in their chakra network. Only the most advanced technique can make that vanish." he whispered back to Issei as he continued to look at each and every person on the site individually, going deep inside their body and analyzing their chakra network system.

As they walked, they were approached by a well-dressed individual. Shigure's Byakugan helped him read people's emotions, and he noticed that this person was hiding something, even though he didn't quite know what.

If he noticed the well-dressed man chakra pathway system (since he has no anti-sensory):

Not only the man gave him a suspicious vibe, but upon seeing the chakra pathway system in his body, Shigure would smile at the man and offer him a bow. "Good morning, sir."

However, that was a feint, seeking to get the man off-guard, considering he was showing to be somewhat confident, perhaps a bit too much. With a quick and precise move, he would shove his hand forward, aiming at the man's core and using one of his most powerful and fast techniques. "Hakke Hasangeki!" he would roar the moment his palm connected - if it did.

Should the surprise attack hit the man, he would be hit by an extremely powerful wave of chakra emitted from Shigure's palm, enough to send him flying back and cause severe damage, both from the internal damage of the chakra, and also physical damage from crashing against something after being sent flying away. Shigure's skill with the Gentle Fist enhanced the speed and power of their techniques more so than what you would expect from a regular Hyuuga.

"I saw his chakra pathway system. This man is a shinobi." he would quickly explain it to Issei, assuming his fighting stance and continuing to scan around for more enemies.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

B-Rank Mission
Looking for the chakra pathway system inside people. If noticed the one on the well-dressed man, aim for a surprise attack with Mountain Crusher
[ ]
[569 words]

SA used:

Like all members of his clan, Shigure also has the famous Byakugan as one of his signature traits. Naturally, Shigure’s eyes have a near 360 degrees field of vision around himself, save for a small blindspot at the back of his neck above the thoracic vertebra. His eyes are capable of seeing through most objects, giving him great perception of his environment, and making quite the challenge to surprise or ambush the Hyuuga when his doujutsu is activated. Having been seriously trained to develop his sight, Shigure managed to increase the range of his Byakugan to a respectful 2 kilometres range, which makes him quite the competent tracker in missions. His eyes also allow him to see infrared, through chakra barriers, discern clones from their makers, determine colour of someone’s chakra, and determine if a genjutsu is being used or not.

He is also very capable in his ability to see chakra, including the chakra circulatory system inside a person’s body, thus allowing him to easily identify the precise location of the tenketsus, which is paramount in the use of the Gentle Fist to its maximum capacity, power, and finesse. On top of it all, Shigure’s training and experience as a people’s person allowed him to add this insight to the power of his Byakugan, thus making him quite competent at reading people’s emotions. Therefore, when using his Byakugan, Shigure can usually detect if someone is lying through the impulses of their brain, heartbeat, and general body language. Moreover, when focused on an opponent, Shigure can even anticipate their reactions based on their muscles and body functions prior to the execution of an action.

What Shigure lacks in physical strength, he definitely makes it up in the combat speed department. Having trained the Gentle Fist since his early childhood, the Hyuuga learned that raw power and superior strength were borderline useless for his style since, in the end, nobody can train their inner organs to become stronger. Therefore, the chakra reliant style of the Hyuuga fighting style was more than enough for him to achieve the desired results in battle. Thus, the truly efficient way to improve his fighting capabilities was directly associated with how fast he could act and react in a fight.

Shigure’s reflexes are absurdly sharp, and he can react almost instantly to attacks, which makes him quite skilled at counter attacking with his deadly Gentle Fist, making it difficult for opponents to actually land a blow on him. In short, he can react fast to combat situations.


Due to the intensity of his training and his overall style as a practitioner of the Gentle Fist, as well as his Hyuuga genes, Shigure was able to develop a level of chakra control that puts him above that of his peers, equiparing himself to those a rank higher. His level of control is remarkable and allows him to optimise the usage of chakra, avoiding any unnecessary waste while using his techniques. This ability gives him an edge on the battlefield, as he is able to use more techniques, with more frequencing, while also avoiding the draining effects of running out of chakra due to waste.

Shigure is a natural savant at his clan’s legendary Taijutsu style despite being a sort of a late bloomer. He has developed an incredible proficiency with the techniques of his clan, that allows him to stand out above even his fellow kinsmen. With his current level of understanding and application of his techniques, the heir to the clan brings incredible precision and swiftness to his attacks, rarely ever missing his mark once an attack is launched.

Guided by his potent doujutsu, he became an expert at shutting down his opponents chakra network, as well as combining the techniques of the clan together to deliver even more powerful attacks. He can, while using the Gentle Fist and it's techniques, also land more blows per second than most of his peers, moving so swiftly that it’s even hard to keep up. This makes him an incredibly dangerous opponent to fight at close quarters, as he is capable of giving even higher ranking Shinobi a real challenge.

Technique used:

NAME: Hakke Hasangeki[ Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher]
A more powerful variation of Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm. The user hits the target at close range with a powerful wave of chakra emitted from their palm, which sends them flying back, causing severe damage. It is advised to be used in rocky terrains so the enemy can be send flying to one of the rocks and cause much more damage.
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Jul 2, 2022 10:20:48 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
meepington Avatar
age birthday rank occupation



Towers [break]
Familiar Face


As the two would focus on the man in front of them the Hyuuga would seemingly try and attack him, however with his reflexes he attempted to move his body out of the way of the attack, taking advantage of a taijutsu technique to allow his body to move at peak performance. However despite his best efforts he would find himself grazed on the shoulder and violently flung backwards rolling along the ground the shockwave of the technique sending him a considerable distance but due to his durability he was able to shrug off some of the damage but non the less his body still hurt.
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He'd take a moment to readjust himself but had a hard time due to the pain he was in, from his back and shoulder. Never the less if he were able he'd form 3 hand seals partially hindered by the damage, using the Sokudo technique to force his body to move at a more proficient speed but only exacerbating the pain he was in.
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Never the less if his handseals were completed he'd release the taijutsu technique and unleash a series of birds that would rush towards his opponents covering a good distance in a short amount of time the creatures looked to be burned asunder with flames 3 racing towards Shigure and 3 racing towards Issei should they manage to land the birds would burst into flames engulfing their clothing or exposed skin in fire.
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Meanwhile as the shockwave rang out in the nearby area from the large strike that had hit his comrade everyone at the sight stopped except for him, from there he’d sneak his way into the building and begin crafting hand-seals to create a large barrier that would prevent entry, revealing his chakra signature. The large tower was devoid of windows or other exits save for the perch on the roof and the bottom entrance to the tower, with the latter still bare and unfinished. The perch on the roof had enough room for 2 people to stand on and walk about and led down to a set of stairs that spiraled down towards the entrance, not cramped but not spacious. But the roof itself was still unfinished being worked on by men from the site who were busy gawking at the fight in the streets.
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From there he would begin to scrawl down a series of explosive seals onto the walls using his hands imbuing them with sizeable amounts of chakra, in an effort to detonate the lower walls of the tower to cause the structure to topple over. Either into itself or into the sea beside the port. If he hadn't been caught by this time he would attempt to exit the structure, making his way towards the roof to escape. Whilst this was going on a construction worker who had stopped to look around would call out to him as he made his way up the walls, towards the unfinished portion of the tower. "Hey! What do you think you're doing."
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Disguised construction worker:

Paralysis Seal
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NAME: Mahi Shīru [Paralysis Seal]
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Placed on the ground after forming the necessary hand signs it creates a visible seal covering a 5m area in radius around the user. Anything other than the user that tries to cross the seal from outside will be frozen in place for one post unable to move. If combined with a Repulsion Seal it has the effect of not only paralyzing but then sending them flying with great speed in the opposite direction. This seal lasts 5 posts or until removed using a unsealing technique. However unlike the repulsion seal the edge of it shines faintly serving to warn others of the danger of approaching. This does not however reveal the seals nature just that one is in effect.
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NAME: Shikoku Fuuin - [Finger Engraving Seal]
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CHAKRA USAGE: Low [Continuous] [For the two seals]
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Chakra is released into the tip of one's finger, increasing its temperature as a small flame-like discharge is generated. This allows one to write upon almost any surface and leave a scar-like mark, working to inscribe the formula of seals or write messages if a writing utensil is not readily available.
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NAME: Exploding Seal Jutsu [Bakukami no Jutsu] [X3]
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One of the simplest jutsu thought to almost all beginner fuuinjutsu users. This technique has been used for centuries being put on exploding notes of all sorts. The idea behind this jutsu is to seal a certain amount of the user's chakra inside of a seal and release it at a later date using a simple seal. The user is capable of inscribing the seal onto any [non human] surface and the explosion strength can be varied depending on how much chakra the user puts into the seal,C rank being your average explosive note.

Well dressed [and injured] man
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NAME: Sokudo [Literally Meaning Speed]
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CHAKRA USAGE: High [Continuous]
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Sokudo is a method of using chakra passively to reinforce the body's physical capabilities. Such things are movement-based rather than just brute strength would. It gives the user's muscle stimulation, allowing increased hand movement, wrist, arms, and even the legs. This can be used to just have everything work more proficiently. Though, after being used for more than seven posts, the user's muscles will be sore as if they just did an extensive workout. IF continued to be used, eleven posts will begin to break down muscle. Intense pain followed, forced technique shut down.

NAME: Katon: Zekkyō Satsujin [Fire Style: Screaming Murder]
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After three hand-seals, the user will clap their hands together and create a dozen or so small, swallow like birds of fire around them. The birds are then used as projectiles, fired all at once, with a range of twenty meters, which they can cover in five seconds. They can cause serious burns, and disfigurement alone. But together can easily take down a group of shinobi as they will ignite any flammable objects, such as clothes.

Enemy #1: Disguised Construction Worker
Rank: C
Chakra Natures:
1 Chakra Control
2 Sensory
3 Anti Sensory
Enemy #2: Well dressed man
Rank: B
Ninjutsu sole
Chakra Natures:
1. Stamina
2. Reflexes
3. Durability



The Postest with the mostest

[newclass=".rain"] width: 450px; padding: 30px; background:url(""); background-size:auto; border: solid 1px #050505; [/newclass][newclass=".rain .main"] background:#337733; border: solid 1px #050505;[/newclass][newclass=".rain .main img"] width: 400px; height: 200px; padding: 10px;margin:10px;[/newclass][newclass=".rain .title"] padding: 0px 15px 10px; border-bottom: solid 5px #EEEEEE;font-size: 13px; font-family:'playfair display'; color: #eee;text-align: center;text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; [/newclass][newclass=".rain .text"] background: #111; padding: 35px;font-size: 12px; font-family:'playfair display'; color: #eee;text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=".rain .text b"] font-size: 14px; color:#EEEEEE;[/newclass][newclass=".rain .text i"] color:#EEEEEE;[/newclass][newclass=".rain .extras"] padding: 20px; border-top: solid 5px #EEEEEE;font-style: italic;font-size: 11px; font-family:'playfair display'; color: #eee;text-align: center;text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]

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last edit by meepington on Jul 12, 2022 2:21:48 GMT -5
has written 88 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Jul 11, 2022 13:16:48 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Shigure was quite surprise the man managed to react to his surprise attack so quickly and avoid some of it, no easy feat against someone as skilled in the use of the gentle fist as the heir to the Hyuuga clan. The man was sent backwards, rolling on the ground due to the shockwave, but Shigure was not going to let him escape. However, his Byakugan also saw the other enemy they had sneaking into the building and starting to craft some hand seals to create a barrier, but it didn't seem to have covered it all. "Issei, quickly! The other one is in the tower, he created a barrier. You can still get in through the roof I believe, but be quick! I will take care of this one!" he exclaimed, being short with his words and explanations due to how time sensitive the situation was.

They were about to split up, but he had to believe Issei would be capable of preventing damage to the building in time, while he kept the other man busy. Using his already incredible movement speed and a special technique, the Thunder Step, Shigure would attempt to immediately close in with his foe. His movement was so fast that it seemed like his body was lightning.

If Movement Speed SA + Thunder Step allows him to close in before the man finished his jutsu:

Shigure would use the Thunder Step to further enhance the already impressive speed of his attack, aiming to stop the man from casting his jutsu by using his technique. "Hakke Rokujuuyonshou!" once the man was within the area of the Eight Trigrams, Shigure would start an onslaught of tenketsu strikes, aiming first at the man's arms and then at his core, with the goal of shutting down his chakra pathway system, stop him from being able to use jutsu, and also damaging his inner organs. If that was successful, then it would be very likely that the man would not be able to continue fighting afterwards, but he would not lower his guard. Instead, he would resume his battle stance and wait to see what was going on.

If the enemy was truly defeated, he would rush to aid Issei.

If the man casts his jutsu before Shigure gets there:

"Dammit! I wasn't fast enough!" he would grit his teeth in frustration, but he wouldn't hesitate either. With the Thunder Step and his speed and reflexes, Shigure would dodge the three birds coming his way and try to get into melee range in order to attack the man with the Eight Trigrams Sixtyfour Palms, only this time he would focus all of his attacks on the man's torso, aiming to shut down the core of his chakra pathway system, preventing him from using techniques, and damaging the inside of his body. If that was successful, then it would be very likely that the man would not be able to continue fighting afterwards, but he would not lower his guard. Instead, he would resume his battle stance and wait to see what was going on.

If the enemy was truly defeated, he would rush to aid Issei.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

B-Rank Mission
Uses Thunder Step to close in quickly/dodge and close in, then 64 palms to shut down the chakra pathway system
[ ]
[545 words]

SA used:


Like all members of his clan, Shigure also has the famous Byakugan as one of his signature traits. Naturally, Shigure’s eyes have a near 360 degrees field of vision around himself, save for a small blindspot at the back of his neck above the thoracic vertebra. His eyes are capable of seeing through most objects, giving him great perception of his environment, and making quite the challenge to surprise or ambush the Hyuuga when his doujutsu is activated. Having been seriously trained to develop his sight, Shigure managed to increase the range of his Byakugan to a respectful 2 kilometres range, which makes him quite the competent tracker in missions. His eyes also allow him to see infrared, through chakra barriers, discern clones from their makers, determine colour of someone’s chakra, and determine if a genjutsu is being used or not.

He is also very capable in his ability to see chakra, including the chakra circulatory system inside a person’s body, thus allowing him to easily identify the precise location of the tenketsus, which is paramount in the use of the Gentle Fist to its maximum capacity, power, and finesse. On top of it all, Shigure’s training and experience as a people’s person allowed him to add this insight to the power of his Byakugan, thus making him quite competent at reading people’s emotions. Therefore, when using his Byakugan, Shigure can usually detect if someone is lying through the impulses of their brain, heartbeat, and general body language. Moreover, when focused on an opponent, Shigure can even anticipate their reactions based on their muscles and body functions prior to the execution of an action.


What Shigure lacks in physical strength, he definitely makes it up in the combat speed department. Having trained the Gentle Fist since his early childhood, the Hyuuga learned that raw power and superior strength were borderline useless for his style since, in the end, nobody can train their inner organs to become stronger. Therefore, the chakra reliant style of the Hyuuga fighting style was more than enough for him to achieve the desired results in battle. Thus, the truly efficient way to improve his fighting capabilities was directly associated with how fast he could act and react in a fight.

Shigure’s reflexes are absurdly sharp, and he can react almost instantly to attacks, which makes him quite skilled at counter attacking with his deadly Gentle Fist, making it difficult for opponents to actually land a blow on him. In short, he can react fast to combat situations.


Due to the intensity of his training and his overall style as a practitioner of the Gentle Fist, as well as his Hyuuga genes, Shigure was able to develop a level of chakra control that puts him above that of his peers, equiparing himself to those a rank higher. His level of control is remarkable and allows him to optimise the usage of chakra, avoiding any unnecessary waste while using his techniques. This ability gives him an edge on the battlefield, as he is able to use more techniques, with more frequencing, while also avoiding the draining effects of running out of chakra due to waste.


Shigure is a natural savant at his clan’s legendary Taijutsu style despite being a sort of a late bloomer. He has developed an incredible proficiency with the techniques of his clan, that allows him to stand out above even his fellow kinsmen. With his current level of understanding and application of his techniques, the heir to the clan brings incredible precision and swiftness to his attacks, rarely ever missing his mark once an attack is launched.

Guided by his potent doujutsu, he became an expert at shutting down his opponents chakra network, as well as combining the techniques of the clan together to deliver even more powerful attacks. He can, while using the Gentle Fist and it's techniques, also land more blows per second than most of his peers, moving so swiftly that it’s even hard to keep up. This makes him an incredibly dangerous opponent to fight at close quarters, as he is capable of giving even higher ranking Shinobi a real challenge.


Shigure's speed is no longer solely restricted to his reaction speed in a fight; he can also move extremely fast. The Hyuuga can run at an incredible speed, capable of matching higher ranking shinobi. Keeping up with his pace is an strenuous task for those who are not skilled in close quarter combat, and to the untrained eye his movements will appear like a blur. If his opponents do not have superior reaction speed, they may struggle to evade him from closing in during battle, or from catching up to them in a chase. As consequence, he is also quite capable at retreating from combat, as few can match his full speed.

Techniques used:

NAME: Raiippo [Thunder Step]
The thunder step is a step beyond the wind step. The user will move their body even more faster than that in the wind step, and with their chakra, will cause their body to appear like "lightning" flying around the opponent in circles; there have been instances where the user has also appeared as a hundred sharp pieces of paper that fly around the opponent. This move is far more difficult to predict than the wind step and the user can launch dozens of attacks within seconds to quickly wear the opponent down. (tai primary only)

NAME: Hakke Rokujūyon Shō [ Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms]
The Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms is a taijutsu that should only be passed down in the main house of the Hyūga. Using the Byakugan’s near 360º filed of vision the user will strike the enemies within their eye reach with violent palm or finger thrusts. By striking sixty-four of the tenketsu, they will cause a huge disruption in which the chakra flow of the enemy will be forcefully stopped, making it unable for them to even properly stand after the assault. Each set of strikes is done at an exponentially increasing pace and strength. The attack not only disables the enemy but also knocks them back with every set of strikes.
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Jul 12, 2022 0:10:15 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
It seemed like Issei's suspicions were all but true as the man in front of them attempted to make a move on Shigure. Immediate Issei's eyes changed from its brown hues to a spinning red Sharingan with two tomoe around the iris outside the pupil of his eye. His next instinct was to follow behind Shigure's own attack so that the man wouldn't even get the chance to make another move of his own, but Shigure had detected another problem happening from the location they just left.

The Uchiha had many questions, but obviously there was no time for them as he simply needed to accept that somehow the opposition managed to get through undetected. Issei nodded before body flickering away from the scene out of sight and hopefully out of mind. If the man was looking to engage Shigure in hand to hand combat then they were surely going to experience some of the worst pain they'd ever felt. The Gentle fist style was one not to take lightly.

Even the Uchiha feared it as getting caught between it could best even the better of the clan with the right timing. Nevertheless, Shigure's intel was spot on as he closed in quickly on the tower. His eyes might not had the visual prowess of the Byakugan, but it could still see chakra just as good as any Hyuuga. The weak point described to Issei from Shigure was that it was from above the barrier, and right now there was a path he could take that could lead him right into it.

Issei would have to make sure that once he engaged with the opposition that he was careful not to create any damage as keeping the work they'd done intact was of the upmost importance. Using the acceleration jutsu and his athletic abilities he would quickly make his way up to the top of the tower where the opening Shigure noted was at. Upon arriving Issei would create a Shadow clone of himself so that he'd have some backup in the event there was multiple people inside.

Before he could even make a move it appeared as though one of the workers from below had spotted the person responsible for creating the barrier and likely trying to cause problems from the work they'd put in. The clone version of Issei would be sent out to inspect the building for any traps of any kind in the event explosives of any kind were planted because why else would they be here in the first place if to not ruin their construction.

The Real Issei would confront the person responsible for all of this. With his left hand out a blowing ball of chakra begin to swirl and form around his hand in a counter clockwise motion until it was about the size of his palm. "You can give up now the easy way, or you can fight and find out the hard way." The man wouldn't be given much time to do anything as the moment his muscles even twitched Issei would make his way toward him quickly with the Rasengan.

  • E.P.T. | SOLE REFLEXES | HANSHA 反射 - Fighting up close in combat with Issei will prove difficult to opponents seeing as his ability to see others movements almost before they even fully develop puts them at a disadvantage. 
  • SHARINGAN | 2 TOMOE KG - Issei Sharingan now has the full reactive and Genjutsu capabilities that were withheld from him in its premature state such as being able to reactively dodge fast moving projectiles; as well as predict an opponent's moves just by watching minuscule twitches of their muscles. Issei can also see Chakra in physical form. With it Issei can not only distinguish what is being used based on its color, but can also break lower level Genjutsu.
  • SUPERIOR CHAKRA | RESERVES - with this he is able to perform use a larger repertoire of jutsu without the consequences of running out of chakra like most are accustomed to, and thus isn't limited to the amount of jutsu he can use at once. Also this ability grants him the power to user higher ranking jutsu with little to no consequences given the fact that he has a greater amount of chakra than most.
  • ENHANCED AGILITY | E.P.T - Issei is now capable of moving his body without the consequences of his muscles inability to handle his own body weight and speed. With this, he can move around almost as if the laws of physics don't apply using his near perfect movement precision.
  • DRAGON BREATH | JUTSU ENHANCEMENT - Issei can not only use the Fire Ball jutsu without handseals, but the size of it in Comet form is doubled. In addition to that its burning prowess has increased to the level of causing critical levels of damage. Likely death with a direct hit.
  • ENHANCED SPEED | E.P.T - Issei speed has reached its peak for his current class and as a result there aren't many others who can keep up him. The combination of his raw athleticism and speed make him a nightmare for anyone wishing to take him on in close range combat.
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  • NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]
    RANK: D
    CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
    ELEMENT: None
    DESCRIPTION: By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.

  • NAME: Kasoku Suru [Accelerate]
    RANK: C
    CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low
    ELEMENT: -
    DESCRIPTION: A very simple technique, by using chakra the user is able to instantly accelerate their selves to their max speed. This can be done in just about any condition, but any techniques that slow the user's movement (such as armor from jutsu or most jutsu that might slow an individual) will still affect them.

  • NAME: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Shadow Clone Technique]
    RANK: B
    CHAKRA USAGE: Medium
    CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
    ELEMENT: None
    DESCRIPTION: The Kage Bunshin technique evenly distributes your chakra between one or more clones with form and substance. The clones created by this technique are able to utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows, has all of their special abilities, as well as their kekkei genkai. Typically a clone's equipment doesn't retain any special abilities and the clone itself is dispersed when hit with a single attack or incapacitated, although the clone can also choose to disperse itself or be dispersed by the user. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained along with it's remaining chakra are passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

  • NAME: Rasengan [Spiralling Sphere]
    RANK: A
    CHAKRA USAGE: Medium
    DESCRIPTION: A jutsu that requires no hand seals, the Rasengan is formed by spinning the users chakra on the palm of their hands, therefore creating a rotating sphere of chakra. Considered to be an example of the highest form of shape transformation, on contact grinds and encompasses into its target, propelling them, either away from the user up to a distance of seventy meters or into the ground beneath them, creating a big crater in the process, and at some point bursts, causing severe damage at the point of contact.

| AP has written 653 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Jul 27, 2022 22:15:14 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
meepington Avatar
age birthday rank occupation



Towers [break]
Familiar Face


As the now tattered and injured man laid on the ground he’d fire off his jutsu towards the Hyuuga hoping to cause a slight burn to his clothing however due to his speed he’d pass by it easily and would begin to assault him before he got up to his feet. Each shot like a bullet going through his body putting him down on the ground and down for the count if he did survive there was no way his arm would ever be the same.

Meanwhile however his other three would pass him and aim to pass towards Issei however at the rate he was going the technique would fizzle out, as he made his way to the top his clone would find itself captured by the seals. But as he rushed up the walls he’d ready his hands to craft the seal but upon making his way to the edge he’d find himself face to face with the Uchiha before him he was faced with a powerful looking orb of energy he wanted to form the seal he valued his life more and in that instance would raise his hands up admitting defeat.

With both one opponent all but incapacitated and the second having surrendered all that was left to do now was clean up the scene of the crime and carefully remove the seals along the walls all in all a job well done.

Disguised construction worker:

Paralysis Seal
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NAME: Mahi Shīru [Paralysis Seal]
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Placed on the ground after forming the necessary hand signs it creates a visible seal covering a 5m area in radius around the user. Anything other than the user that tries to cross the seal from outside will be frozen in place for one post unable to move. If combined with a Repulsion Seal it has the effect of not only paralyzing but then sending them flying with great speed in the opposite direction. This seal lasts 5 posts or until removed using a unsealing technique. However unlike the repulsion seal the edge of it shines faintly serving to warn others of the danger of approaching. This does not however reveal the seals nature just that one is in effect.
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NAME: Shikoku Fuuin - [Finger Engraving Seal]
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CHAKRA USAGE: Low [Continuous] [For the two seals]
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Chakra is released into the tip of one's finger, increasing its temperature as a small flame-like discharge is generated. This allows one to write upon almost any surface and leave a scar-like mark, working to inscribe the formula of seals or write messages if a writing utensil is not readily available.
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NAME: Exploding Seal Jutsu [Bakukami no Jutsu] [X3]
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One of the simplest jutsu thought to almost all beginner fuuinjutsu users. This technique has been used for centuries being put on exploding notes of all sorts. The idea behind this jutsu is to seal a certain amount of the user's chakra inside of a seal and release it at a later date using a simple seal. The user is capable of inscribing the seal onto any [non human] surface and the explosion strength can be varied depending on how much chakra the user puts into the seal,C rank being your average explosive note.

Well dressed [and injured] man
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NAME: Sokudo [Literally Meaning Speed]
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CHAKRA USAGE: High [Continuous]
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Sokudo is a method of using chakra passively to reinforce the body's physical capabilities. Such things are movement-based rather than just brute strength would. It gives the user's muscle stimulation, allowing increased hand movement, wrist, arms, and even the legs. This can be used to just have everything work more proficiently. Though, after being used for more than seven posts, the user's muscles will be sore as if they just did an extensive workout. IF continued to be used, eleven posts will begin to break down muscle. Intense pain followed, forced technique shut down.

NAME: Katon: Zekkyō Satsujin [Fire Style: Screaming Murder]
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After three hand-seals, the user will clap their hands together and create a dozen or so small, swallow like birds of fire around them. The birds are then used as projectiles, fired all at once, with a range of twenty meters, which they can cover in five seconds. They can cause serious burns, and disfigurement alone. But together can easily take down a group of shinobi as they will ignite any flammable objects, such as clothes.

Enemy #1: Disguised Construction Worker
Rank: C
Chakra Natures:
1 Chakra Control
2 Sensory
3 Anti Sensory
Enemy #2: Well dressed man
Rank: B
Ninjutsu sole
Chakra Natures:
1. Stamina
2. Reflexes
3. Durability



The Postest with the mostest

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has written 88 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Jul 27, 2022 22:36:22 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Shigure's heart was beating like a drum, adrenaline was rushing through his veins as he charged towards his enemy, using his Thunder Step technique to avoid his attacks; he knew that getting hit by them would mean trouble. But once he got in the range of his Eight Trigrams, he knew the fight was decided. "It's over! Ni shou! Yon shou! Hasshou!" with each and every set of the tenketsu strikes, the speed and potency increased. With Shigure's proficiency with the Gentle Fist, the damage to the tenketsus and nearby organs was greater than that caused by the average Hyuuga clan member. "Juuroku shou! Sanjuuni shou!" the man's arms were already incapacitated, so now Shigure moved to attacking his torso, closing the tenketsus around his chakra core, and damaging his main organs. "Rokujuuyon shou!" and with the final step, another thirty-two strikes were delivered in but an instant, sending the man flying backwards a handful of feet, falling flat on the ground, not yet dead, but dying.

Once the enemy was defeated, Shigure quickly turned his focus to the tower, where Issei was already taking care of his own opponent with a powerful Rasengan. "So that's the power of that technique, uh? I wonder when I will finish my training with Kazuto." he wondered, knowing just how tough his training regiment was, but seeing the Rasengan in action made it all seem worth it.

But in any case, the mission was completed, the tower was kept safe and those who wanted to harm it were defeated. The Hyuuga sighed in relief as he walked towards the tower. With Issei taking care of the enemy who surrendered, all they had left to do was remove the seals from the wall, which didn't give them much trouble. After the thanks from the man in charge of the construction, they were ready to depart. Shigure would then turn to Issei and give him a smile and a thumbs-up. "We are quite the team!" he said, chuckling lightly.

The mission was successfully completed.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

B-Rank Mission
Exit post.
[340 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts