Towers [B-Rank Mission]

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Towers [B-Rank Mission]Apr 27, 2022 15:13:59 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Ever since the Chuunin Exams, the Hokage seemed more concerned with the safety of the Land of Fire, and Shigure understood all too well why he was concerned with that. The incident involving Wahei and the Mist shinobi, which resulted in his imprisonment definitely increased the tension between the two Hidden Villages, and - by consequence - between the Land of Fire and the Land of Water. Creating guard towers along the coast, near Port City was a good move from Keisuke, and would definitely allow them to be better prepared in case of an attack by the sea. Any time they could gain in preparing for an attack was precious, and with enough towers around the area, their area of surveillance would increase enough so they could at least rest assured the eastern cost of their land was being guarded.

The construction should - in theory - proceed smoothly, as they were not currently under attack. But the borders of a country - even the maritime ones - are a tricky area. There were many low-lives who made their living by smuggling things illegally from the Land of Fire, and also pirates of many sorts. Shigure knew that all too well, for he had been in Port City not too long ago, taking care of bandits who were disrupting the fishing activities of the citizens of the place. This was probably the reason why he was assigned this next mission. His knowledge of the area, and his Doujutsu, who would help find and identify threats before they arrived, as well as track whoever decided to make the building of the towers problematic.

Still, the risks involving this mission were higher than the one before, and he would not be leading this one. Instead, Uchiha Issei had been assigned as the leader of this mission. In all honesty, Shigure was rather excited at the prospect of going on a mission with the Uchiha. They got to know each other better a few months ago, during a festival, but they had yet to have the opportunity to see what they were capable of.

Eager as he was, he ended up showing up at the gates a bit too early, so he would have to wait. Shigure leaned against the gates at the entrance, arms folded and a subtle smile on his face. He had prepared a few meals and sealed them in the scrolls he carried on his flakjacket, so they wouldn't have to worry about finding food on their way to Port City.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

B-Rank Mission
Hidden Leaf's gates
[ ]
[419 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Apr 27, 2022 17:47:38 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
It seemed like Konoha couldn't catch a break these days. Between what happened with Yuuta during his exams, the trouble he'd gotten into with Takigakure, and then of course what happened at the exams there was going to be a lot of changes. Honestly, he couldn't put all the blame on his former mentor Keisuke. The now Hokage was actually a great man, and if he were being honest with himself? Kind of fun to be around, but unfortunately he couldn't always turn to those things.

Keisuke was dealt a crap hand by the previous Hokage Niko, but there was still obviously much fixing that needed to be done, and to be accountable he had to understand his role in that too. He wasn't a kid so blaming the previous regime wasn't some excuse he could throw around. There was a lot of people that was depending on his guidance and leadership, and once he officially took the throne of his clan he'd have to continue to move in that manner.

His new mentor Toshizo expected nothing but the best out of him and Issei intended to show him he was every bit of the praise he'd gotten prior to his one fuck up on Bonchi. On a slightly more positive note he was tasked out to handle what he felt was a very important situation and he'd get to do it with new promoted Chuunin Shigure. Well, maybe not too new, but he hadn't seen him in awhile and honestly it was just hard to face him.

Especially after being told by his current mentor about his own dealings with Kuni. He didn't want things to be too awkward, and Issei was still very much so insecure about his inability to protect Ayukawa. The letter she eventually sent out was the icing on the cake as she told him that he would not be able to see her anymore. He had no intentions of letting that happen permanently, but he needed to get his own shit together first.

Nevertheless, his focus would get back to the mission at hand. He looked forward to working with Shigure and hopefully getting the chance to really talk about what transpired since last seeing one another. There wasn't many people he was willing to talk to these days, but Shigure was definitely one of the better people he'd come across so he'd make sure not to fit the stereotype of an Uchiha, even if that was who he'd become in recent memory.

As he left his house with his Shinobi gear and usual mission attire he make a run toward the gate seeing as he waited till the last minute to leave. If Shigure was paying attention he'd see the Uchiha waving his arms as he closed the distance between the two of them. "I see you wasted no time getting fitted for your Flak Jacket." Issei added hoping that his words would break the possibility of their encounter starting out negative.
| AP has written 653 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Apr 27, 2022 18:04:17 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


It didn't take long for Issei to show up. The moment he got close to the gates, Shigure noticed him with the corner of his eyes and turned to face the Uchiha with a large, friendly smile on his face. Yes, he heard what happened with them from his mother, who was close friends with Hatake Toshizou, but not in all details. That girl, or thing... Kunikunosaku was a real menace, as she was willing to take on hostages through deceit to essentially void their numerical advantage. She needed to be dealt with, but in due time. For now, they had more pressing matters at hand. The defences of the Hidden Leaf Village and the Land of Fire against the ever growing threat of the Mist were of utmost importance, and they needed to be successful in this mission.

Issei quickly greeted Shigure, making a comment about his new outfit. The Hyuuga chuckled lightly and shrugged. "What can I say? I've been coveting this flak jacket for a few years now. I also started teaching at the academy, so wearing the uniform is a requirement, although I made some modifications." he said, pointing to the Hyuuga symbol emblazoned on the beige sleeve covering his left arm. The smile faded a bit, but didn't disappear completely. "So, how are you holding up?" and despite the fact that the nature of the question should be quite clear to Issei, he decided to leave it a bit vague in the way he formulated it in case the Uchiha was not willing to talk about the incident just now.

"I'm still coming to terms with Yoru's death and Wahei's imprisonment... I wished I could've done something to help them, but it was out of my hands." he admitted, now the smile completely leaving his expression. Yet, he didn't show himself to be too sad, rather he seemed unsettled.

In any case, this was a necessary ice-breaker before such an important mission. It was good to catch up with Issei as it did feel like forever ago when they last met. Heck, Shigure hadn't even fought Kunikunosaku in the Forest Country yet, and although he had reached out to Tetsumi, and even sparred with the Senju, by the time he went on to look for Issei the Uchiha had already left the village in his chase for that monster from the Waterfall village.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

B-Rank Mission
Hidden Leaf's gates
[ ]
[401 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Apr 27, 2022 21:59:07 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
Issei was rather impressed to see that Shigure was already on the move with the next step of his career. To be apart of teaching the future of Konoha was a big deal, and while there were Chuunin staff members in the academy it was still very few of them. After all, you needed the right kind of experience to be able to get such a position, and that usually required you to be at least his rank. Nevertheless, he was happy to see that he was doing well.

He remembered all too well how good it felt to be promoted and immediately explode into the scene. Especially when you found yourself stuck as a Genin for as many years as the two of them did. He was certain without a doubt that Shigure would be in his position in no time. That meant he was going to have to take his game to another level so that he could stay ahead. Nothing was better than creating a rivalry that made you push beyond your normal limits.

"Nice touch up to your uniform.. I might need to do something like that down the road."

It was definitely something you didn't see often, but it reminded him a lot of the uniform associated with the Konoha police force except his was a little more fashionable. "Um... I'm doing the best I can, but everything still hurts. I try to bury it in my training and work, but my mind wont let me forget my failures." Issei did his best to keep his problems short because what he endured still didn't compare to what Shigure had to deal with.

"Yeah.. Words cant express the pain I feel for you. I've never had to endure anything of that magnitude of my life.." He almost went into details, but managed to stop himself from repeating what had already been said. Issei had only 'almost' lost Ayukawa, but Shigure lost a fellow genin and arguably one of his closest friends was imprisoned with nothing he could do about it. If there was one thing he could do to make things neutral it would be to not talk about his problems.

"There isn't much I can say that could probably fix any of our issues, but... There is one thing we can do, and that's to get stronger so that the people we love don't end up in situations like the ones we've just dealt with."
| AP has written 653 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Apr 28, 2022 10:23:54 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Despite all the shortcomings of his clan, all of which Shigure was very aware of, he was still proud to be a Hyuuga and he came to embrace his role as the heir. He wanted to use his position of privilege to steer the clan in a better direction, and he was hopeful for the future, when he became its leader. He chuckled lightly when Issei mentioned he needed to do something of the sort in the future and he nodded in agreement. "We are Leaf shinobi, but we also carry a legacy of many generations. We are part of the noble clans, and our symbols are both a reminder of our privilege and pride, as well as our responsibilities and duties." he said with a proud smile on his face, before it turned into a slightly more humorous one. "Plus, I know a very good tailor, if you need it as a reference for when you are ready! Good prices too! Hahaha!" he added, and he wasn't really joking. It might not be obvious, but despite his wealth, Shigure was very conscious of his own spending; if he was to lead the clan, he needed to have a good understanding of money and economics.

As the conversation steered into the more serious subject, and the smile and humor faded away, giving it's place to a more taciturn expression and tone, Issei responded his question saying he was doing the best he could despite the lingering pain and the Hyuuga nodded. "Welcome the pain as a companion, for it will linger by your side for a very long time. In truth, it never truly disappears... It just becomes easier to cope. And just like you said, use it as building blocks to your improvement. The burden you carry does not need to weight you down, Issei. It can serve as a force pushing you forward." and a bittersweet smile appeared on his face once he said those words. That was how Shigure found the strength to move forward despite losing Kaito, Natsuki, Natsuo, Yoru, and almost Wahei.

The Hyuuga sighed and placed his hand gently on Issei's shoulder; the Uchiha was much taller than Shigure, so he had to look up to him. "I'm glad you didn't my friend, for I don't desire that pain not even to my enemies. But I'm here, I'm not shying away from my duties, and that's how it has to be." he added, and when Issei stated what they could do moving forward, he nodded in agreement. "And we will. I'm sure of it. And I'm happy we can rely on each other. Now... How should we proceed with the mission? I have been to Port City a week ago, the road there is fairly safe, and I took care of some pirates disrupting the fishing routes." he asked since Issei was the captain for this mission, so ultimately, the way to proceed would be his call, but it was also important for Shigure to share the intel he had from his previous mission; information was key to a successful mission.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

B-Rank Mission
Hidden Leaf's gates
[ ]
[518 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Apr 29, 2022 22:02:38 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
meepington Avatar
age birthday rank occupation



Towers [break]
Friendly faces


With the two shinobi having made their way to the gates of their village it was time to press forward. They would find that for the first part of their journey would be without issue save for a few stray travelers that would be passing by merchants, villagers and even some familiar faces who had recognized the two and a gentle breeze. A calm reprieve that would hopefully allow them to forget their troubles if only for a moment.
Upon making their way towards the site of the construction the two would more than likely hear the sounds of the sea as they entered into the port town along with the voices of several merchants peddling wares as their destination stood in the distance. A tall tower that seemingly dwarfed the many smaller buildings that stood in it's foreground. And while they may not be complete it's presence brought to some a sense of security and to others a sense of unease.
There were 5 in total each one situated at the edge of town, just far away enough to not be directly attached to the port but close enough to get a good view of the water, and were positioned along different parts of the port.
If they were paying close enough attention they’d be able to note that as they made their way through the wharf that there wasn’t much shinobi presence outside of themselves and while there were certainly friendly faces who seemed more than welcoming. of the Somewhere in the corners of the town there was a group of individuals who weren’t exactly enthralled by their presence, but that was a worry for the future for now their destination was just up ahead, it wouldn't be much longer now.



The Postest with the mostest

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has written 88 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]Apr 30, 2022 14:29:07 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
Issei wished that he possessed the natural optimism that Shigure possessed. Even in some of the worst times of his life he somehow always managed to find a way to make the most of it. Issei on the other hand was left to replay his failures in life on repeat as if his Bloodline was doing its absolute best to drive him mad. Some days he was able to fight his way through it, but on most? He'd succumb to his minds grievances. It seems like there was only a matter of time before he lost it.

Nevertheless, Issei would do his best to keep his impression of a smile on his face so that Shigure didn't add him to his growing list of problems. He already still had the aftermath of the Shodaime situation to deal with, and while he internally was on her side for wanting to leave that didn't mean he wouldn't feel for those left behind who were in her exact circumstance. "Correct." Issei interjected when Shigure mentioned he cleared the roads going there not long before their mission today.

The village intel made sure to note that so that they would have an idea on what to expect when they headed there and once they arrived. "I think our first plan of action will be to navigate through the port to see who might be potential suitors for problems. This could be a nuisance in most mission, BUT, we have you." Issei added while pointing to both of his eyes. He was sure that Shigure would know what he meant by that gesture.

"There isn't a single soul that can hide from the Byakugan's prowess, and while this might not give us any direct answers it would at least give us the chance to have all of the faces going to be their in your mental database. From their we can play a game of probability to find out who might give us any problems on building these towers."

So long as Shigure didn't have anything to add they would head from the gate so that they could head toward the Port. For the time being the problems removed by Shigure held up and the two of them wouldn't have to worry about having to take out anyone on their way there.

Upon arriving to the Port the first thing that Issei noted was that nothing felt out of place. If anything the place felt quite welcoming. All of the people he made eye contact with seemed to be happy about their presence in addition to the small of Shinobi who were already here.

"Hmmm.. Well I guess for starters everything seems to be going quite well. I guess that means we'll have to investigate any potential threats ourselves."
| AP has written 653 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]May 3, 2022 13:42:08 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


The way to Port City was uneventful, and they only passed by a few stray travellers and merchants. The conversation with Issei was pleasant, but he couldn't help but to notice that the Uchiha seemed to be holding something inside of him. He had heard about the matter with his girlfriend and the monster from the Waterfall village, and although Shigure had lost many people throughout his life, he knew better than to just assume people could take in stride like he did. He was a bit concerned with his friend, but this was not the time to talk about such matters; they had a mission to focus on, a very important one for the defences of their land.

As they arrived at the construction site. Upon finally seeing it on a more advances stage of its construction, Shigure felt a sense of security he hadn't felt in a while, which was a good counter to the feeling of dread he felt whenever he stared far into the ocean's horizon, for he knew that the Land of Water was there, and that they were not fooling around in the slightest.

The city didn't have many shinobi roaming around, and that - to Shigure - was a bit concerning. They needed to have more people posted around the country, but that was not his call to make. He didn't fail to notice, however, the disapproval in the eyes of some people, which he just took a mental note for now and continued; they may become a problem in the future.

In any case, Issei spoke to him, elaborating on their first plan of action, and Shigure nodded at that as he pointed out to the Byakugan, continuing to say that people couldn't escape it. The Hyuuga smiled, proud of his recognition. "And I managed to improve it a lot since we last met. My range is of two kilometres now." he informed him. It was quite the jump from the six hundred and fifty metres from before his Chuunin Exams.

With that being said, the veins on his temples bulged as he activated his doujutsu, expanding the world around him. As they walked, Shigure would scan around to try and look for two main things: people capable of using chakra, so he could take a mental note out of it, and would also go back to the people he first noticed, the ones who seemed unhappy with their presence. He would scan their bodies for both chakra and concealed weapons, and once he had something to report, he would let Issei know of his findings.

Shigure would continue the scanning until they arrived at the Port, noticing that nothing felt out of place.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

B-Rank Mission
Using Byakugan to scan the area of 2 km to check for chakra, and double check on the unhappy individuals
[ ]
[467 words]

SA Used:
Like all members of his clan, Shigure also has the famous Byakugan as one of his signature traits. Naturally, Shigure’s eyes have a near 360 degrees field of vision around himself, save for a small blindspot at the back of his neck above the thoracic vertebra. His eyes are capable of seeing through most objects, giving him great perception of his environment, and making quite the challenge to surprise or ambush the Hyuuga when his doujutsu is activated. Having been seriously trained to develop his sight, Shigure managed to increase the range of his Byakugan to a respectful 2 kilometres range, which makes him quite the competent tracker in missions. His eyes also allow him to see infrared, through chakra barriers, discern clones from their makers, determine colour of someone’s chakra, and determine if a genjutsu is being used or not.

He is also very capable in his ability to see chakra, including the chakra circulatory system inside a person’s body, thus allowing him to easily identify the precise location of the tenketsus, which is paramount in the use of the Gentle Fist to its maximum capacity, power, and finesse. On top of it all, Shigure’s training and experience as a people’s person allowed him to add this insight to the power of his Byakugan, thus making him quite competent at reading people’s emotions. Therefore, when using his Byakugan, Shigure can usually detect if someone is lying through the impulses of their brain, heartbeat, and general body language. Moreover, when focused on an opponent, Shigure can even anticipate their reactions based on their muscles and body functions prior to the execution of an action.
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]May 7, 2022 2:38:06 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
meepington Avatar
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Towers [break]
Get to Work!


As the boys would get further from the town and closer to the pier they would begin to notice the sounds of clamoring from the other civilians who were assigned to help put the large structure together. "Sir the shinobi are here!” a voice would practically shout towards the back of the workyard. "Dammit Mokuba I’m right here…” a raspy voice say coming out from behind a pile of wooden planks. "Sorry Mr. Satoshi sir it’s just that uhh…” he’d meekly point towards the two young men who had made their way into the area, akio at first would raise a brow at his worker but upon realizing who he had on him would change his tune.
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"Well I’ll be damned…” the older gentleman would say as he made his way down from what looked to be the interior of the tower it’s construction seemed to be partway complete. "Uchiha Issei, and that Hyuuga you’re names Shigure right?” Issei who had already made him name within the village was rather well known to the man and his crew, whilst Shigure’s namesake had slowly begun to grow prominence after his stellar placing at the chunin exams.
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"I’d heard about your performance in the exams…nice work son!” the old codger would add, but shortly there after there was a pause. "Anyway lemme show you around.” with that he’d gesture for the two to follow him as he took them towards the tower that was being built, as they moseyed around they’d see several men and women lifting large pieces of lumber hammering in nails and laying bricks and cement.
[break] [break]
"The tower’s construction has been going almost flawlessly cept a couple of days ago we ran into a bit of trouble, some well equipped bandits seemed to be passing by every few days giving us warnings, seems like trouble and it’s got some of our boys on edge.” the older gentlemen would add. "We’re not sure when to expect em to be back and that’s what led us to get in contact with you all, this tower is too damn important to be lost and cost a pretty penny to make, if something were to happen too it well we’re not too sure the town has the funds to support it. Whatever stipend we had left we spent on the two of you.” after a moment however he’d place his hands on both of the young boys shoulders.
[break] [break]
"But with reputations like yours I’m certain we’re in good hands.” "Sir! We could use a hand here!” one of the men would call out. "But don’t think you’ll just be standing guard…grab yourselves some tools and help us get to work.” the man would say pointing to a small chest with hard hats and tool belts.
[break] [break]
"The men’ll guide ya don’t fret now I’m sure a little elbow grease ain’t nothing you two ain’t used too.” with that he’d leave them too it for now it looked like they'd be lending their services in a different manner.


The Postest with the mostest

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last edit by meepington on May 7, 2022 2:40:12 GMT -5
has written 88 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]May 12, 2022 16:48:32 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
While there was definitely no hard feelings between the two of them Issei definitely put him in the same realm as himself in terms of how quickly he was growing since before the exams and now that he was promoted as well. He definitely needed to make sure he wasn't slacking off or this guy in no time would definitely be giving him orders. Not like the latter would be a problem, but it would be something else he'd look back on with disappointment given how much further ahead he was.

To increase his Byakugan range that much was definitely a huge sign of progression based on what he learned from his previous teammate Nori. Nonetheless, he and Shigure continued to move forward as it seemed like eyes were moving about based on their presence here. Being a civilian attached to a military operation would probably do that to a town seeing as they wouldn't have gotten this much attention otherwise. Issei would nod his head to those they walked by as a sign of good faith so they wouldn't have anything to worry about.

Soon they would be met with the presence of an older man who was likely in charge of everything that. The fact that he was familiar with the both of the seemed to give that part away. "Yes we are." A simple nod was given as he briefly pointed in the direction of Shigure just before he addressed his performance at the exams. A sort of impressed grin stretched across the lips of Issei for a moment as it wasn't common for people to be so aware of things like that.

He too remembered experiencing the same luxury after his own exams, and while they were on a mission he hoped that Shigure would take it upon himself even if it were for a moment to acknowledge the results of his hard work and good faith. After the two of them would exchange words the man would take it upon himself to show them around the area so that they could be familiar with some of its places and perhaps even a little bit about their people.

"Warnings you say?"

The Uchiha eyes squinted for a moment as he contemplated how bold these bandits would have to be to threaten a construction site as important as this one. "Well, for what its worth I'm glad you guys were able to reach us before things got out of hand." This tower was not only important to the village, but its people as well seeing as this investment would also bring a degree of financial support from the village because of their presence here.

Before Issei would get the chance to add anything in addition to whatever Shigure expressed the man would be called back over to his place of work, but not before also acknowledging that they would be getting to work too. A brief glace of despair would be seen on the Uchihas face before agreeing to the mans demands. "Well of course, that's why we are here after all."
| AP has written 653 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]May 12, 2022 18:15:37 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


The duo continued to walk around the area and Shigure could see the workers and hear the sound of construction. It seemed like everything was proceeding smoothly and these towers would be paramount in the defence of the Land of Fire from its enemies.

When they got close to the worker, who seemed to recognise not only Issei, but also Shigure himself. The young Hyuuga blushed slightly, his cheeks in a discrete hue of red, for he didn't expect to be recognised them. Seemed like his performance at the exams were well-received by everyone, well, with the exception of his father, who berated him for losing to two other people in the scoreboard. "T-thank you, Oo-san." he responded with a slight yet polite head bow.

The man explained that everything was good until just a few days. Bandits were giving them trouble, for the towers would make the region safer, and their line of work would clearly be disrupted. In any case, they were there now, so they would be safe in case they came back to stir some trouble.

However, they wouldn't just stand guard, they were there to serve their country after all, and when the older man mentioned that, Shigure nodded firmly. "Roger that." and he picked up some tools and a hat, and glanced over to Issei. "I will keep watching the area while I work." he assured his captain.

And with that being said, Shigure started working on the construction of the tower. He wasn't the fastest construction worker, but he was physically fit enough that he could handle the hardwork. He would activate his Byakugan every ten minutes or so to scan the area, and hopefully avoid being surprised by the enemies they would be fancing sooner or later.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

B-Rank Mission
Went to work, but kept on scanning the 2 km area with Byakugan every 10 min
[ ]
[310 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]May 15, 2022 13:15:07 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
meepington Avatar
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Towers [break]
Shifts Over!


With his declaration of work he’d leave them too it but in the distance if they were careful one might notice a pair of eyes leering at them from afar their chakra signatures too small to be seen as anything of note, but were not men that the others were familiar with since no one batted an eye perhaps this in an indicator that these men had numbers? If so then the Uchiha and the Hyuuga should be careful, who knows what dangers may be just around the corner.
[break] [break]
For the remainder of the day there wouldn’t any real trouble safe for a few busted fingers from some cat calling construction workers getting their hands banged in from hammers but it was mostly calm just the waves and the water, along with some messy construction noises.
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It almost didn’t feel like there was danger but, if the shinobi were vigilant they’d keep themselves on the up and up much like the waves the tide could turn at any moment. Their work load would continue into the night undisturbed. "Alright you two…you aren’t bad hands, maybe we oughta hire ya on full time.” the construction manager would joke. "I’m sure I don’t gotta tell you this but we start up again at 9 A.M. sharp see ya then.” right about now the two should more than likely start looking for a place to stay the night.


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has written 88 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]May 17, 2022 13:35:13 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
A head nod was given to Shigure before the two of them were put to work. Missions like this was definitely not his forte if he was being honest. It wasn't as if he was above working hard or anything like that, but missions like this were always more physically taxing to him than others. His favorite kind of missions to go on were escort or retrieval missions. The first provided many opportunities to see places he had not saw before.

Retrievals were always interesting because it was another way for him to really bolster his popularity with other places and thus provided him with more political opportunities. Something he definitely valued as a growing public figure in the village and amongst his clan. Nevertheless, the Uchiha never missed a moment to make sure all of the workers around here could here him sighing so that they could get a good laugh out of him.

Everything about this was a nuisance, but this was definitely something he could add to his growing list of things he'd accomplished as a Shinobi. The day was long and hard, but along the way it was nice to meet a few the of the growns blue collar workers as they established a relationship that would be beneficial to both his village and their own. As the day turned into night they would be approached by the man in charge who had a few words to say to them.

"Thank you.. I don't know how you folks can work like this so often. Even as a Shinobi this is too much for me."

Another long sigh escaped from him as he looked over to Shigure to see if he had anything to add just before the man noted they would be starting bright and early again in the morning. "NINE A.M?!" The ugliest frown would reshape the skin on Issei's face as his head dropped to the floor with a respectful nod acknowledging that he understood the orders given to them both.
| AP has written 653 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]May 17, 2022 14:38:49 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Shigure didn't fail to notice the pair of eyes leering at the two of them from afar, and from the looks of it, they did have a chakra signature, which the Hyuuga would make an effort to identify the colour and remember it; they were there because of trouble, and unidentified people with chakra were usually the cause of trouble. He didn't want to alert the other workers, so when he found a good opportunity, he would whisper to Issei. "I saw some people staring at us. They were too far for me to get a proper look a them, but they do have chakra. We are being watched." the Hyuuga told the Uchiha as he continued to unsuspiciously perform the hard labour.

Whoever those people were, they seemed to not be willing to do anything on this day. Maybe they were hoping for the Shinobi to get tired first, or maybe they were waiting for a better opportunity. Whatever the case was, Shigure was not going to lower his guard. When the work day came to an end, Shigure was feeling a bit tired, still, he was used to intense physical work out with his daily training routine, and if anything, he actually enjoyed participating.

The two were praised by the old man in charge and Shigure smiled at the man, giving him an enthusiastic thumbs-up. Issei thanked them, but mentioned how this was too much work, and that he didn't know how they could do it every day. The Hyuuga stretched his arms, feeling the natural soreness in his body. "I'm glad we did a good job. I enjoyed it. I don't get many chances to try out new skills." he said, with the happy smile on his face, a bit of a contrast to Issei.

The man said that they would be starting up again at 9 am, which was more than fine for Shigure, who was used to waking up between 5 and 6 am. Again, it was a bit comical how Issei seemed to dislike the starting time, and Shigure chuckled lightly. "More of a night owl, I assume?" he asked. To be fair, Shigure used to go to bed fairly early, once his duties were completed.

The workers started heading home, and now Shigure and Issei had to find a place to stay, but the Hyuuga had a suggestion. "Issei, why don't we sleep here, at the site? We could take turns with the watch. I'm having a bad feeling about the people watching us, and with the tower left unguarded at night, it could give them an opportunity to cause some damage." he suggested, his voice almost a whisper. "We could go inside, send some clones towards the city, so if people are watching, they would assume the site is abandoned. What do you think?" he suggested, but he would be fine with whatever Issei decided; he was the captain after all.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

B-Rank Mission
Finished hard labour, suggested staying in the towers through the night, and send clones to make people think they left.
[ ]
[509 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Towers [B-Rank Mission]May 22, 2022 15:12:59 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
meepington Avatar
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Towers [break]
Make your choice


With the boys having been given their marching orders to head away from the site and find somewhere to sleep, Shigure wasted no time suggesting that the two of them remain at the site and even send out clones in order to allow them the opportunity to attempt and fool the individuals who seemed to have their eyes on them.
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Whilst they took time to deliberate the sun would begin to set into the night and the land itself began to come alive. Several individuals moving out and about as the nightlife began to swallow the port town and while it wasn’t as extravagant and other locales within the land the fire it was still none the less bustling, but what would their choice ultimately be to stay and sleep on the grounds taking guard duty which would undoubtedly be an unpleasant experience for them but would allow them to at least be prepared for the menace at hand should they decide to come.
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However if they opted to stay at a hotel the two would at least be well rested but could potentially be caught off guard by what may happen should the bandits decide to strike. The choice however was up to them.


Sleeping on site will leave the two somewhat groggy and sore, not a major setback but will impede their ability to fight to a small degree due to a lack of sleep and uncomfortable conditions.
Sleeping in a hotel would allow the boys to at least be well rested but may unfortunately leave them at the mercy of a surprise attack by the bandits; however , they'll be more alert and able to fight better.
Chance of night-time attack: 50%


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last edit by meepington on May 22, 2022 15:13:34 GMT -5
has written 88 posts