Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank]

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Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 26, 2022 17:16:22 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

The Shavar Sudruud Caravan was not a particularly large one. However their owner one Dawa Altan held an exclusive contract with some of Kumogakures finest porcelain craftsman. Their work the pride of Kaminari no Kuni and only able to be compared to some of those from Shimo. Which is where the problem lay. Dawa-san had been lucky enough to acquire the contract from one of the Daimyo of Hi-No-Kuni's retainers to provide the court with the finest porcelain on the continent. The contract stated that he was to prepare a full shipment and arrive at the neutral location of Kawa in Hi-No-Kuni where the wares would be inspected and then purchased. Only his last attempt had ended in disaster when one of his carts had suddenly out of the blue broken two side wheels sending it tumbling over and damaging the shipment beyond repair.

Though his connections were able to buy him more time this would be the Merchant's last chance to make good on the contract before the retainer turned to other sources, likely those from Shimo. Sources Dawa-san was convinced had sabotaged his last delivery. More then a few yen poorer and a good deal wiser this time Dawa-san had seen the wisdom in contracting Kumogakure for an escort. Preferably a shinobi familiar with the land of Fire whom could act as a guide and ensure this time the Caravan traversed safer paths.

Thus to her surprise Azarea found herself arriving at the gates where the Caravan was preparing to depart with her pack and slated to return, however temporarily, to the land of her birth. The red haired, crimson eyed woman's eyes cutting over the bustling Caravan in search for her partner for the mission. Her fingers toying with the Kumogakure headband tied around her upper left bicep.

"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 301 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 27, 2022 8:27:56 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


Eri had not expected to be given a solo mission while working as the leader of a Genin team, but it seemed that Kumo needed her to do more than just make sure some of its most disasterous Genin actually got their jobs done. Thus, she had gotten up early in the morning and prepared her mission equipment, making sure that she had everything she needed, her puppets were in top shape, and she was both physically and mentally ready to leave the village.

A gesture had Genbu-san opening up, and the Chuunin slipped into the comfortably padded interior of the puppet, feeling it connect with her chakra system as it slid closed around her, cradling her within the protective embrace of her most realistic looking puppet.

Crystalline eyes opened behind dark glasses as Genbu rose from seiza and tested his joints, making sure that nothing had been missed from the outside. Satisfied that his form was at an optimal level, he would head towards the gates, hands tucked within the flowing sleeves of his kimono as he approached the caravan. According to the mission scroll, he would be accompanied by another shinobi, who knew the region well, and needed to be protected from damage... harm, from harm.

Genbu didn't hurry in his movements, his long legs eating the distance in a smooth, nearly uncanny gait. Arriving at the front of the caravan, he looked around for his mission partner, unable to spot them amongst the bustling crowd of workers. It was likely that Genbu's seven foot tall frame would bring the other shinobi to him, much more easily than finding them among the crowd.

Word Count: 275
Kumo-baa is carrying 4 sealing scrolls containing the following
  • Scroll 1 - Camping Equipment, including a tent, cooking gear, food and other supplies. A fully stocked medical kit, and gear maintenance tools.
  • Scroll 2 - 50 Shuriken, 20 Kunai, 200 Senbon, and an additional 4 doses for each of her poisons, with twice as many antidotes as doses.
  • Scroll 3 - Empty
  • Scroll 4 - Empty

Eleri has written 92 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 27, 2022 8:45:51 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

And bring them to 'him' it did as a young woman looking to be in her late teens, early twenties, with braided back long red hair, and sharp crimson eyes wove her way through the crowd to meet him. The light glinting off of the Kumogakure headband tied to her upper left bicep where she was clad in a form fitting black and red jumpsuit and a red leather jacket. Compared to Genbu-san the five foot size inch Kunoichi was a bit on the small side as she stopped just short of arms length from the other shinobi. Her skin pale, but not the paleness of too many years out of the sun. It instead had that slightly sickly sheen of a woman fresh from the hospital only now becoming reacquainted with the outside world. The fair skin tone causing the sharp darkened scars, one across her right eye as if someone had tried to gouge it out, and another across her left jawbone to stand out all the more.

"Good morning. I am Azarea. I'll be your partner for this mission. I am primarily a genjutsu specialist that works with insects. Thus I am good at scouting and tracking in addition to field control. I will be your guide to Kawa." She introduced herself with a short respectful bow her demeanor one of rote professionalism. "Please take good care of me on our journey together and I shall do the same for you." Azarea adds allowing a little crack in her mask of duty as she flashes the 'man' an easy going smile.

"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 264 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 27, 2022 22:18:45 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


Genbu's gaze lowered down as he was approached by a woman with Kumo's symbol displayed, staring through dark glasses at the deeply red-headed woman who gave no clan name and looked like she had only recently emerged from the hospital. He might have been concerned had she expressed herself as a Taijutsu or Bukijutsu specialist, but as a genjutsu specialist physicality was somewhat less important.

Dipping his head in a bow, the large 'man' began to speak, a deep voice emerging from beneath his thick beard, hiding the fact that the lips were not actually moving along with the words. "Greetings Azarea-san, I am Genbu. I am somewhat of a ranged combat specialist, utilising puppets, my range is approximately 200 yards with them, however I am skilled in utillising them in close quarters as well. I utilise poison in liquid and aerosol form, though I believe your model mask should be sufficent to filter against them for a period of time."

He stopped to look around at the caravan for a moment or two, noting that they were still clearly unready for departure, "should it become necessary, I am capable of detection and tracking up to a kilometer, however that should be a last resort as it does leave me somewhat more vulnerable than I would like." At some point there would need to be modifications made in order to allow him to utilise the ability without exposing Eri to the world, but for now she was unable to access the information on how such modifications could be made. Clan secrets were rather irritating all things considered.

"My mission scroll indicated I was to take the lead, but it did not provide me details of your own capabilities. Without intending to sound indelicate, what is your current rank? Purely so I may have further understanding of what to account for." Genbu would obviously have to take different actions depending on who he was paired with. Another chuunin would mean looser reins, a Genin meant being more careful, and if by some odd turn of chance he was paired with someone higher ranked than him while remaining team leader... well, that would present a different complication altogether.

Word Count: 366
Notes: N/A

Eleri has written 92 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 27, 2022 22:32:04 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

The red head cracks a small smile inclining her head in acknowledgement, "I am still learning the art of poisons, but will do my best mask or no mask to keep out of the range of your toxins so as to not be a complication." She assures him well aware enough of her own capabilities to understand that pride was a folly most could not afford and survive.

"As for my rank I've only recently been cleared for active duty after complications from my previous assignment and the plague. So I am still only an advanced genin. Most of my career has been spent utilizing my brain over brawn, but with the new Raikage seeking to revitalize the village it's all hands on deck." Azarea adds with a soft chuckle and a shake of her head. Despite the late start it was good to be out in the field once more.

Though it seemed Azarea had not been the only one to spy Genbu for his height as a man of middling height with dark eyes, dark brows, and black hair in a shaved top knot approaches them in his rich robes.

"Ah you two must be the Shinobi I hired. Greetings I am Dawa Altan the owner of their Caravan. I wished to inform you both that we will be departing soon and inquire if there is anything in particular you may need of me or my people to ensure our cargo and our safety?" The man inquired tone polite if a bit rushed as his gaze kept darting to the various people packing as if attempting to keep an eye on everything at once. A sort of nervous energy to his person in light of his last disastrous journey.

"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 291 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 28, 2022 0:30:21 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


"I am currently not carrying anything lethal, but it is best you wear the mask should we encounter a combat situation, as a precaution" Genbu murmured 'softly', not wishing to seem as though he had been concerned that the other shinobi would get in the way. He didn't comment on her rank being a nod of understanding, he wasn't going to judge her based on such a thing, it was simply important information to know for the mission. A paperwork ninja out of practice with fieldwork meant that Genbu would need to take up more slack than otherwise, having been a field shinobi for a number of years now, and that was fine.

He was about to continue to talk with the woman, only for a new figure to appear dressed in the sort of rich robes that could only be indicative of great wealth... and therefore most likely to be their client. Slowly turning his gaze to the man, Genbu sketched a shallow bow.

"Good morning Dawa-san. We will be your shinobi escorts to Hi no Kuni, I am the team lead, Genbu, and this is Azarea. We will do our best to ensure that your caravan makes it to its destination completely unscathed. To assist us in that, it would be best if your employees listen to any directive we give them without question. Additionally, any information you can give us regarding the anticipated risks of this mission would be very useful" he didn't outright say it, but he wanted to make sure that the nervous merchant hadn't undersold the dangers when setting the mission request. Kumo was in a dangerous enough state that they may not have done due diligence.

It also just helped to know what was expected, because then they could better prepare for it and thus better complete the mission.

"Also, for your understanding, both Azarea and myself focus on the more subtle shinobi skills, so there may be times where it appears we are not doing anything. I can assure you that will not be the case."

Word Count: 344
Notes: N/A

Eleri has written 92 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 28, 2022 8:18:08 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

"A pleasure to meet you Dawa-san." Azarea offered a short polite bow her eyes never leaving the client. Her manners the sort of fine polished kind one might expect of a clan child despite her listing no family name. The woman instead respectfully allowing Genbu to take the lead in the conversation as the team captain

"I will be certain to convey such information to the rest of the Caravan so there will be no mistakes." Dawa-San states with a solemn nod, "And too my knowledge the information I've offered in regards to the job is accurate. I suspect saboteurs, but we've never had any direct confrontations nor any encounters with the likes of shinobi. Merely issues with wagon wheels mysteriously falling off when they were fine the night before, trees coming down on the road, things that would delay or cause damage to our goods and the like. However, I do not know what our enemies may do should their initial attempts be unsuccessful." The Merchant explains folding his hands into his sleeves to quietly wring them out of sight of his employees so as to not make them nervous. Is words however, while nervous, have the ring of truth to them. The man simply overly harried with the wolf of time at his door.

"Those would be the last boxes being loaded now. Let me go inform the others of your request. We'd best not delay. I've given us a generous extra weeks time, but I'd rather not use it." Dawa-san admits and true to his word the Caravan is hitching the horses and urging the gate guards to open the gate so they can depart. Soon enough all would be on the move.

"Well..." Azarea murmurs brow furrowing as she recalls the various roads and back roads to their destination. "I think we can make his time table without issue with some days to spare, but if they've got people trying to sabotage them they'll probably attempt to delay us on the Kawayama pass before we leave Kaminari-no-Kuni proper." The Red head muses as she adjusts the straps on her pack and glancing around flips the collar of her jacket up hunching down a bit and holding her palm out flat.

"With your permission I'm going to begin 'bugging' everyone and the cargo, yourself including Genbu-san if you will allow me." She requests glancing up at him with those sharp crimson eyes.

"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 404 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 28, 2022 9:14:31 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


Genbu listened to the man explain the situation to the best of his knowledge, a case of sabotage at a civlian level seemed straight forward enough, but they would need to be careful to avoid getting complacent. It could be too easy to make assumptions and then wind up dead instead of successful, and that wasn't a scenario that he really wanted to have happen. Pulled from his musings, he turned to look at Azarea briefly, what could have been a frown in his body language even if his face remained impassive.

"I am not certain I like the implication of being 'bugged' personally. Granted, I am not familiar with your techniques, however I am wary that my own might be too clearly obvious when they rely on secrecy," he stated, somewhat stiffly. The last thing needed was for his true nature to be revealed when he was trying rather carefully to keep it secret. It wouldn't be good if that particular secret became common knowledge after all. "I do not have such reservations for your bugging of others thought," he added, nodding slightly even as he started to move towards the center of the caravan.

"But you are right, the pass is a good spot for an ambush, and if we are not dealing with Shinobi then they are likely not going to try and trick us through a different spot... unless they are smarter than anticipated. I will stay within the central section of the caravan while you keep an eye on the perimeter. Let me know if you locate anything of importance."
Genbu found himself a good spot within the caravan and promptly ignored the looks he got from the civilians as the mass of men and beast and merchandise started forward, leaving the village of Kumogakure behind as it slowly wound its way down the path towards the roads to Hi no Kuni.

Word Count: 317
Notes: N/A

Eleri has written 92 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 28, 2022 9:38:31 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

"Very well. It might mean I may be a little slower in locating you should we get separated, but I will respect your wishes. I'll check in hourly then." Azarea agreed the red head offering him a dip of her head as she moves to take up her own position slowly circling the perimeter of the caravan as it moves. The woman dusting off her clothes to disperse what at first glance appear to be little glinting bits of what might be mica, a mineral common in Kaminari-no-kuni, but are in fact tiny little beetles. The bugs drifting to the ground where they burrow or skuttle over the caravan settling into the creases of various civilians clothing or wiggle into the cracks in the boxes to hide amongst the cargo. A few even making themselves at home among the manes of the horses and donkeys. The Aburame would need to rotate out her swarm to rest, but she could change them gradually over the journey and hopefully keep any enemies none the wiser.

The first few days on the road are peaceful. Boring even. A few of the civilians make a few token attempts to draw Genbu into discussion, but should he not prove receptive eventually lapse in their efforts by the third day. Azarea is moving too constantly on the fringes to be talked too much by the civilians other then when they break camp and remains rather staunchly polite if a little distant. Though Genbu would likely notice this is due to the fact the woman is a touch winded at first with the travel. Her stamina still being rebuilt after so long.

Thankfully for all that the initial part of the journey is boring the scenery is beautiful. True to both Genbu and Azarea's guess the first real issue does not arise until they've begun to descend down the mountains and have enter Shimo. The caravan exiting the initial sparse forest to enter Kawayama pass only to find the bridge has been 'washed' out. The evidence of axes cuts to the remaining wooden pillars of the missing bridge evidence enough of foul play.

"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 356 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 29, 2022 7:59:12 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


Genbu made a note of the way that the Genin woman seemed to spread dust around the caravan, his attention focusing just enough to realise that he was looking at strange beetles being dispersed across the caravan. An oddity to be sure, and something niggled within the mind of the Chuunin, but ultimately connections did not line up, and so he simply found himself a good spot to sit on one of the carts, settling into a perfect Seiza and going completely, unnervingly still. The large 'man' would respond briefly to the inquiries of the civilians, but never enough to really encourage conversation, instead seeming to stare blankly ahead as he appeared to watch over the whole caravan from somewhere in the middle. He would also keep an eye on Azarea, the redheaded woman finding herself offered water and food at random intervals when she got close enough for him to catch her attention. 

Each night he would help set up camp, and listen to the music of the traders even with his back to the fire looking out over the wilderness in case of danger. By the second night the whispers about his stillness and clear self-discipline spread through the traders, but beyond that he wasn't much bothered. Azarea might notice that he did not seem to eat or drink, and the only rest she would note from him was his kneeling in a perfect seiza for periods long enough to make even a samurai wince in pain.

Their arrival at the clearly sabotaged bridge was the first thing to draw him from the cart he had been kneeling on since they started, the large male coming to stare at the damaged location. "Well, I suppose we shall have to build a more thorough bridge, I do not suppose you have a jutsu that will make this easier?" he asked the genin calmly even as he considered their options.

The huffing and puffing of Dawa Altan soon drew his attention, the leader of the expedition obviously wringing his hands even thought they were hidden by his sleeves. "I knew it, I've been sabotaged again. You have to do something! I must get my wares to the destination on time or I'm ruined" he declared, eying the river carefully and with apparent confusion.

"If you have any axes to spare, e may be able to do something Dawa-san," 
Genbu asked the man, not sure if there were any floatin around, but hoping the answer was yes. It would be much easier if he didn't have to bring out his puppers to try and achieve a similar goal.

Word Count: 437
Notes: N/A

Eleri has written 92 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 29, 2022 10:40:00 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

The red headed woman seemed to acknowledge the oddities of her traveling partner, but was polite enough to not intrude. Some shinobi after all were intensely private and she could respect that so long as it didn't interfere with the mission. Instead the adv. genin made it a point to report in brief about any oddities she encountered and accept the food and drink with gratitude while returning the favor by offering to take the less pleasant second watch so Genbu could get some extra rest.

As the pair approach the sabotaged bridge Azarea cannot help, but frown. Her mind wracking through her various skills to see if she had any that might assist. "I'm afraid the best I can do is I have a technique that can dig holes for the bridge supports or dig up the trees. I could potentially rechannel the water with a little bit of time by making canals, but that may take longer then just building a basic bridge." The woman admits with a frown even as Dawa-san considered Genbu's question.

"I believe we have a few axes for gathering firewood. You are welcome to them." The man states after a long moment of nervous hand wringing and thought before he waves a few of the caravan members over to bring their axes. "But won't it take a long time to move the trees even if we unhitch and use some of the horses to drag them?" The Merchant questions.

"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 246 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 30, 2022 8:29:56 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


Nodding slightly at the information, Genbu turned to Azarea "please continue to keep an eye out on our surroundings, it would not do to be ambused at this point, but let me know if you require a break?" he asked, reaching behind himself and pulling a small pack out before turning to walk towards the nearest collection of trees. "I would not worry Dawa-san, you have hired Shinobi, and I am well versed in the properties of wood." And with that he gestured with a hand towards the pile of axes that had been gathered nearby. To the untrained eye the tools would seem to suddenly rise into the air of their own volition, revolving through the air as though some invisible wielder was testing them out. 

Azarea would probably be able to catch the slight flow of chakra from Genbu's hand to the axes, up to five tools connected to each finger of his right hand as the Fuyo Buki-ko [Floating Armory] was utilised on the tools, the axes flying outwards towards the trees and beginning to chop at them, heavy thuds echoing out over the area as the axe bits sunk deep into the wood, each heavy slam striking with a force that even a muscular civilian man could not hope to match.

"Azarea-san, could you perhaps sketch up a mock up of a potential bridge? I would like to be able to estimate how many trees will need to be felled to cross the river safely." The request was calm and casual, though it was in fact super important, he did not want to stay here any longer than required, it was too exposed and the last thing he wanted was to fail this mission due to being unprepared for what it entailed.

Besides, he should probably try to get to know her a little better, right? 

Word Count: 310
Notes: N/A

last edit by Yamamoto Eri on Sept 2, 2022 6:47:24 GMT -5
Eleri has written 92 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Aug 30, 2022 10:59:11 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

"Don't worry Genbu-san I'll let you know when we need to trade off watch," Azarea assures him as she subtly sets her hive on high alert. The adv. genin's head on a slow swivel as she keeps a wary eye on their surroundings while the larger man begins hacking into the trees. The woman only glancing away to pull out a bit of paper and a pencil to sketch out a rough bridge design. It was a simplistic flat bridge, the sort used often by construction teams in fire country, but it should be sturdy enough for the heavy carts and last them across the river.

"We're going to need six trees Genbu-san! Three to lay across the river, three cut in the middle to form six support poles. If you can trade out on watch with me once you get the six trees down I can't get you measurements on where to cut them to size." She offers eyeing the river. It wasn't the widest, but the waters were deep and fast with the banks steep. The sort of river that had cut it's way into the earth with various floods and melts as the seasons changed.

Waiting for Genbu to get the six trees down Azarea indicated for him to trade off with her. "All right I'm going to hop down onto the water and see if I can figure out how tall the support poles need to be and dig up the pieces of the ones remaining." She offers waiting for Genbu to collect the trees or move to settle back among the Caravan so it would not be unguarded. Before she finally moved and channeling chakra to her feet walked down the side of the drop off to hop tentatively onto the raging water. The fast current straining her chakra control, but other then a slight wobble Azarea remained firm.

"It looks like we need the poles to be eight meters and the trees spanning the river to be sev~" The red head begins to call out measuring the distance and height with her eyes as she decides to be a little extra generous with the length. They could always trim the wood down, but they couldn't add to it. When the glint of light on metal in one of the trees caught her eyes.

"AMBUSH!" She snaps out barely pulling her hands into the seal for a body flicker in time to dodge an arrow that embedded itself into the side of the river bank just behind where she'd been standing. The bandits must have been camping nearby and been drawn out by the sound of the caravan.

"There is also opportunity."

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]

An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

NAME: Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]

A slightly more advanced version of the Tree Climbing Skill, this technique allows a shinobi to walk on water as if it were a solid surface. What makes this so difficult is a very precise amount of chakra ust be applied, as balance is harder to maintain on a not so tangible and even moving surface.

NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 426 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Sept 2, 2022 9:10:19 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


As the trees fell Genbu would haul them away from the edge of the forest, chakra strings managing to drag and even lift the large logs up as the Chuunin seemed to direct each motion with the most subtle twitches of his fingers. The traders watched on in somewhat shocked awe as the axes seemed to dance from place to place around the tree, felling them with startling speed, and the logs appeared to the untrained eye to simple float through the air towards them. It didn't take too long for him to harvest the required number of trees, and once he had done so, Genbu moved back into position to place himself in a defensive position for the caravan, allowing Azarea to do what she needed to in order to check water depth.

The suggested design didn't sound particularly sturdy, but they didn't need to make a long lasting bridge, just one that would last long enough to get the caravan over the river.

Azarea's call of an ambush had Genbu reacting as quickly as he could, chakra threads lifting the trees he had chopped down and stacking them between the caravan and the direction of the attack. He could hear the civilians gasping and screaming as the heavy trees were hurled over their head to slam into the ground between them and the danger. "Get into cover!" he called out, deep voice booming but calm, so as not to cause a panic from their clients.

With the trees in place, Genbu's chakra strings grabbed at the various projectiles on his body, 20 shuriken and 10 kunai sliding out of his equipment and beginning to float around his body in time with surreptitious twitches of his fingers. The large man was calm, quiet, his weapons whirring around in chaotic patterns as he sought out the enemies.


Azarea would hear a curse as she dodged the first arrow, a second coming soon after, as the bandits began getting closer to the river. There was maybe 3 archers at the moment, each one unconcerned and smiling slightly, like this was a game for them. A trio of shots came flying at her, with a fourth shot following after, aimed roughly where she would likely dodge. If nothing else, they clearly had some level of experience fighting shinobi.

Word Count: 387
Notes: N/A

Eleri has written 92 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Sept 6, 2022 13:35:38 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

The bandit's most certainly weren't the only ones cursing, "Mother buggering sh~" Azarea muttered under her breath as the second arrow narrowly grazes her jacket scarring the sturdy leather. The Bandits experience was clear given the efforts the archers were taking to keep her on the move and prevent her from leaving the river channel where they could shoot at her with a brazenness born from experience. Leaving the red head to wonder if this group weren't part of that gang that had been giving the local genin a hard time.

Taking advantage of the fact the archers would need to track her with their eyes Azarea lifts a hand forming a single seal as the earth beneath the archer's feet begins, to their senses at least, appear to give way. The ground shaking and crumbling as if the rock and stone was about to tumble into the river chasm and take the men with them. Making any sure footing nearly impossible and sending most of the arrows going wide.

Unwilling to become a pincushion however the red head released her Suimen Hokou no Waza technique and allowed herself to plummet into the fast moving current. Disappearing beneath the surface as the arrows impacted around her. The water snagging onto her clothes and sweeping the woman quickly down river as Azarea lashed out an arm chakra pooling at her fingertips as she strained her control. Her hand glancing against the rough hewn stubby remains of the former bridges supports as she sinks her chakra into the surface with every ounce of her will. Dragging herself against the current as she clings to the pole like a particularly tenacious bug. Before casting her chakra out feeling it snag on one of the downed branches Genbu-san had cut as she prepped her escape slowly struggling through the necessary handseals against the current.


Meanwhile the merchants yell out in alarm a few freezing for a second in panic, but at Genbu's confident orders the small caravan does it's best to get behind the barricade. The archers thankfully seeming preoccupied with taking out one of the two shinobi threats rather then taking potshots at the merchants. However emerging from the trees on the same side of the river as the caravan step five burly men. The largest of which stands nearly the same height as Genbo and is hefting a large kanabō. While none of the five have headbands they carry themselves with the air of men used to violence and they hold their weapons with the basic grips taught by the academy. Likely drop-outs seeking to use their ill-gotten skills for iller-gotten gains.

"Shinobi-san! Have your clients hand over their cargo and there needn't be any further blood shed today! We are reasonable men after all." The Leader calls out with a snaggle toothed grin clearly thinking himself quite clever though his allies eye the array of weapons hovering around Genbu with a touch more wariness.

"You wouldn't want to end up like your partner after al~" The Bandit Leader begins to add... then the three archers on the far bank begin screaming out in alarm and scrambling back at seemingly nothing as the man glances in confusion towards his allies.

"There is also opportunity."

Azarea utilizes the Mass Genjutsu Chikyū o Shifuto [Shifting Earth] at Medium Cost in order to capture the Archers in the Technique
NAME: Chikyū o Shifuto [Shifting Earth]
CHAKRA USAGE: To Use: Medium | To Maintain: Low
Triggered by the target(s) seeing the user render a handseal, the technique begins by immediately causing the earth to violently shake. This, in turn, makes it difficult if not impossible for the target(s) to remain standing. Furthermore, the user is not affected which means that their mobility will remain unhindered unlike their target(s) allowing this technique to help bridge a gap between the user and targets that are more physically inclined.

Azarea stops maintaining the Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking] Jutsu and falls into the River to avoid the remaining arrows.

Azarea uses Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing] to cling to the post underwater
NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

Azarea preps Kawarimi no Jutsu
NAME: Kawarimi no Jutsu [Body Replacement Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals (one post prior to the technique's use) and locating a nearby object within a 10 meter radius (typically a log or something of similar size to their body.), the user switches places with the said object just before an attack lands, creating an optical illusion. During the small interval where they have left their opponent surprised, they may take the time to attack or flee.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 530 |

last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 7, 2022 15:23:10 GMT -5
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