Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank]

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Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Sept 7, 2022 8:37:40 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


Genbu's head turned to stare as the bandits emerged out of the trees, expressionless face still somehow managing to express his disdain for these bandits. With surprisingly quiet movements for his size, the 'man' began to step towards the five attackers, not far enough to be out of range of protecting the caravan, but far enough that any attacks aimed at him wouldn't accidentally damage the clients.

"Bandits! I offer you no clemency besides a quick death. Drop your weapons and surrender to the justice of Kumogakure and your deaths will be painless," he declared with an almost chilling certainty, his words punctuated by the sudden screams coming from across the river. It was at this moment a pair of the floating kunai stopped spinning in an instant before hurtling towards the bandits with barely a twitch of Genbu's fingers, aimed directly at the throats of two of the lesser bandits, intending to end their lives while they were distracted by the screaming.

"I believe my partner remains alive at this point," he called out, a taunt evident in his tone even as he remained in place, weapons spinning around him in readiness, even as he waited calmly to see the results of his initial strike.


The archers scrambled as the red headed shinobi seemed to make the ground crumble beneath their feet, none of them worrying about accuracy when they risked falling into the river and possibly drowning. Once they were assured of their safety they began to scan their surroundings, not sure if any of them had managed to hit their target. Slowly they began to walk back to the edge of the river, glancing around to see if they could spot her.

They weren't some scruffy goat herders, they knew better than to assume a shinobi you couldn't see was dead. Arrows held at the ready, they covered one another's blind spots as best they could, each one trying to find the red hair that would direct them to their target.

Word Count: 335
Notes: N/A

Eleri has written 90 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Sept 7, 2022 15:37:46 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

As her lungs began to burn both from the effort of holding her breath and the freezing water Azarea decided three things. She was wet. She was cold. And she was pissed. The Aburame had been intending to keep her bugs on the downlow. The last thing she wanted after all was word getting out that the exile was back on Hi-no-Kuni soil, but that would do her little good if she failed her mission. Which means she'd just have to kill all the bandits and hope the merchants were too distracted with the blood shed to notice certain little details. Forcing her feet down against the river bed Azarea ordered her kikaichu into the earth. The bugs chittering and complaining at the wet, but eager for the meal she promised them. The insects creeping through the dirt even as the archers crept towards the edge to peer over in search of her.

As suddenly the third nearest the back dropped three feet as the earth beneath him was devoured, the golden bugs swarming over him and dragging him down as they bit and clawed at his flesh and glutted themselves on the poor bandit's chakra. His agonized screams and flailing the perfect distractions as the other two archers turned searching for their attacker only to witness the horror of their companion being dragged into the earth while eaten alive.

Thankfully they wouldn't have too much time to ponder the sight as flaring chakra to her legs Azarea took advantage of her bugs distraction to shunshin the distance between them. The woman drawing two explosive seals in one smooth motion from her jacket as she slapped them upon the remaining two archers backs.

"You really picked the wrong genin to shoot at." The woman murmured flashing them a fanged smile all pointed teeth and manic mirth, feral crimson eyes wide with amusement and maybe just a hint of madness. Then she crooker her fingers into the trigger seal for the tags and tugged on the thread of chakra connecting her to the distant tree branch on the other side of the river. The piece of wood appearing in her place with a poof as the tags went of with a roar of detonation and the wet snap of limbs. Most genin after all were hesitant to kill. Most genin hadn't lived through a coup and a plague however.


Genbu's first kunai catches the thug on the left in the throat. The man going down with a wet gurgle that would surely mean his death without immediate medical treatment. Sadly they were out in the middle of the woods and the chances of the bandits getting first aid this far from their camp was slim to none. The second Bandit was luckier, or unluckier depending on how one might view it. The man attempting to duck away as the knife sliced open his eye. The bandit screaming as blood streamed down the side of his head the thug clutching his face in panic as his howls of agony alerted the remaining two that they were under attack.

"We're hardly afraid of some lone shinobi." The 'Leader' sneered as he motioned towards his second. The smaller bandit drawing a well worn katana as the man charged, dropping low at the last minute to try to slice Genbu's legs from beneath him. A feint to force the large Shinobi to jump and bring himself right in line for the leader's attack as the Bandit head followed close in his allies footsteps slinging his kanabō around with the intention of slamming the heavy thick spiked end of the large club right into the side of Genbu's face.

"There is also opportunity."

Azarea utilizes Mushiyose: Ōchi [Insect Summoning: Recess]
NAME: Mushiyose: Ōchi [Insect Summoning: Recess]
This technique can only be utilized by those with bugs capable of both aerial and underground movement.
By allowing a swarm of bugs to submerge into the ground, the user is able to maneuver and place them beneath an opponent as a trap. Once placed, the bugs can then rapidly emerge from underneath the opponent, consuming the ground beneath them and rising up to surround them.
The combination and suddenness is enough to cause an opponent to lose their balance with the ground under them suddenly disappearing while allowing the bugs to grasp onto the target and drain them.
While the rate at which the bugs are able to dig is dependent on the bug, this jutsu can also speed up their digging capability depending on the cost.
Bugs that attach to the target drain chakra at a [Low] rate.

Azarea uses her 2nd use of Shunshin no Jutsu
NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.

Azarea draws and plants 2/10 Explosives Tags on the Archers & Actives them.

Azarea activates the second part of Kawarimi no Jutsu [Body Replacement Technique] to Escape the Explosion.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 614 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Sept 17, 2022 7:30:15 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


Genbu barely reacted as the kunai hit the thugs, a slight twitch of fingers the only indication that he had done anything after the projectiles had been launched, while his remaining weapons circled around him in a casual threat display. Unfortunately, it seemed that the threat was not enough, and the two remaining bandits hurled themselves towards him. They were so focused that neither reacted to their screaming companion's sudden silence, so intent on striking the large Chuunin that all else seemed irrelevant.

The thug with the katana expected Genbu to move, so did the apparent leader. They expected an attempted dodge or an amputated limb, for him to react the way other victims might have. They were cocky, that was for sure, assuming they were a match for a Genin, let alone a Chuunin. 

Genbu was disinclined to give them anything that they wanted.

Instead, the katana hit his leg, a thunk and then tink sound as it struck, followed by the Kanabo smashing into the side of his head with a cracking sound, his glasses flying off his face and landing some distance away. For a moment the thugs undoubtedly thought themselves triumphant, the Chuunin's head bending under the impact. It was a blow that splintered bone and pulverised flesh, any regular person struck by such an impact would undoubtedly die.

"Painful it is," rumbled Genbu, unnatural crystalline eyes flashing up from a cracked face as his fingers twitched once more, causing the shuriken that had been orbiting him to slam into the hands and feet of the two thugs. A casual kick from the large Kumo-nin had them stumbling backwards in pain only to feel hands lock around their shoulders and drag them to the ground. The katana-wielding bandit screeched in agony as a kunai dug into his stomach, ripping up towards his ribcage as he stared in horror at the corpse that had killed him, gaping throat wound dripping cooling blood over his face. The dead man dragged his dying companion away with startling speed, and from the distance came the muted sounds of... meat. There were no further screams.

The leader found himself immobilised through carefully placed slices to his limbs, the one-eyed figure of his other downed companion staring blankly at him, a smiling gash across his throat clearly the cause of death.

Genbu's glasses flew into his hand, and his attention turned back to the caravan as he put them back on. "Stay hidden for now, we do not know how many are left," he callied out to the merchants, his head turning to watch as the corpse that was held in his control moved over the bandit's leader. Chakurasutoringusurō [Chakra String Throw] was certainly an unexpected tactic. It wasn't as good as using Soen: Tezā [Puppet Performance: Tether], but it did the job.

The bandit leader couldn't even bring himself to scream as he was dragged off into the distance.


It was a matter of moments for Genbu to check the surroundings for more bandits. When it was clear there weren't any at this moment, he returned to the caravan, stopping near a wet Azarea. "Are you injured?" he inquired, scanning her for obvious damage. His face was obviously cracked, and she would be able to see the glint of iron beneath his dark 'skin', eyes hidden behind his sunglasses and overall demeanour seemingly unharmed.

He might have checked on the merchants as well, but in his current state he felt it probably wasn't the right choice.

Word Count: 586
Notes: N/A

Eleri has written 90 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Sept 17, 2022 7:46:01 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

Azarea had landed a short ways from the caravan with her substitution sopping wet, but other then a new tear in her leather jacket she'd need to stitch up she seemed unharmed. The woman wringing out long red locks as she glances up at Genbu making no comment on the screams and noises of the dead and dying bandits, but his cracked face and the metal beneath the flesh do get a slow blink. A puppet? Or... wasn't there a clan from Suna that had puppet bodies? For a moment the genin considers asking her mouth opening, before she just closes it with a click of teeth and a shake of her head. She wasn't being paid to pry and Genbu would share when he felt like it. "I'm unharmed. You want some time to clean up?" She offers uncertain if the man needed some more time to 'put his face back on' as it were.

"Here's the measurements for the logs. I'll keep the caravan busy and uh... sorta already dug the holes to set the beams so feel free." Azarea offers with a chuckle that's only a little awkward, but softening a bit by the minute as she gives him a two fingered salute and squelches her way over to help organize the caravan and calm down the civvies.

"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 221 |

last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 17, 2022 7:48:48 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Sept 17, 2022 22:05:05 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


His hands came up to his face for a moment to assess the damage to it, "hrm, I had not realised he struck so hard. You should go to dry off, and ensure the merchants do not go off into the trees, I do not believe they could handle the... message... that I left for other bandits in the area" the large chuunin stated, a small snort emerging from him. There was no doubt in his mind that the message would have an impact on a number of people, and the last thing he wanted was the clients getting all upset over the rather brutal lesson he was leaving for those that came after their attackers.

Pulling out a small hand mirror and a small container the large chuunin seemed unconcerned if Azarea watched as he opened the container and scooped some brown paste out of it, smearing it over the cracks in his face with precise motions until they were all covered. The mix stood out against his dark 'skin', but seemed like little more than an ointment of some kind.

"I will likely be rather tired after putting the bridge together," he informed the Genin as he wiped the balm from his hands and put away the mirror and tin, heading towards the chopped down trees and gesturing once more, the axes beginning to whirl around his body in a storm of motion, the wood slowly broken apart into the correct sizes and lifted in to place with little more than movements of Genbu's arms and hands.

Soon enough a rough log bridge spanned the river, held together by simple carpentry joints that would be sturdy enough for their caravan, but would need to be replaced soon. As promised, the chuunin was rather drained by the end of this, and plodded his way back to the caravan to his usual seat on one of the carts, unless stopped for anything.

Word Count: 322
Notes: N/A
last edit by Yamamoto Eri on Sept 17, 2022 22:05:19 GMT -5
Eleri has written 90 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Sept 17, 2022 22:29:31 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

"Once you get the bridge together I'll cover the caravan with my hive and you can get some rest." Azarea assures him and works on getting the merchants straightened back out and ready to depart as soon as the bridge was complete. Only pausing to briefly duck into a covered wagon to change into some clean clothes. Coming out in a dry outfit not much different from her previous one. As Genbu settled down in his usual spot Azarea took up circling the caravan once more. The woman no longer attempting to disguise her Kikaichu which hovered around the merchants like glinting flying bits of gold.

Thankfully the bridge held fine for the crossing and in a few hours the caravan exited Shimo and entered hotspring country without much issue. The group stopping over for the night to camp as the two shinobi rotated shifts with Azarea taking the longer of the two to allow the chuunin to rest. The only remaining issue along the journey being a stuck wheel once they crossed over into Hi no Kuni. The group eventuall reaching Kawa with a few days to spare much to their contractors relief. The ex-Aburame adjusting her appearance as they arrive in Hi no Kuni. The woman's hair turning white and eyes silver as she gives Genbu a playful wink. "Well this has certainly been an interesting journey. I hope we work together again in the future Genbu-san." She quips flashing him a smile.

"There is also opportunity."

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 245 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Fine Porcelain For Fire Country [C-rank] Sept 18, 2022 6:27:04 GMT -5
Yamamoto Eri
I will do my duty
Yamamoto Eri Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 8/3 rank Chuunin occupation Raikage's Assistant


The mission passed remarkably uneventfully after that particular hiccup, with Genbu able to recover chakra easily enough while Azarea guarded their clients. The next few days passed without any major worries, and soon enough they were pulling into Kawa. Exchanging a few brief words with the merchants, Genbu soon had the mission signed off on and was ready to move on to the next stage of his own tasks. 

"According to the information I was given, you will be remaining in Hi no Kuni," the large man stated as he turned to Azarea, having barely reacted to her changed appearance when it first occurred, "I will not be returning to Kumo immediately, I will pass back through Kawa in approximately five days, if you require an escort back to the village, I am sure you can find me here easily enough." With that said, he would give the Genin a casual bow before turning to leave.

Kawa wasn't exactly the nicest place to be, but Genbu had business within the swamps and quite possibly a brief trip into Kaze no Kuni on the other side, so he couldn't really stay back to look after Azarea. Besides, despite her rank, she was old enough to look after herself, and clearly seemed confident enough to do so. She would be fine, and he was not under orders to escort her further.

All in all, this stage of her journey had been rather uneventful.


Word Count: 241
Notes: N/A

Eleri has written 90 posts