Resource Gathering [Mission]

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Resource Gathering [Mission]Sept 3, 2022 9:54:08 GMT -5
Nara Shikajin
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Nara Shikajin Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 26 years old birthday rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3

the worst case scenario is you
An early, crisp morning covered the lands of Hi no Kuni as the young sun had barely finished rising over the horizon providing light to the day. Only those who made it their norm to be up at the crack of dawn were milling about or those who had been given an assignment that designated such, to which the shaggy haired Chunin was the latter. Granted, his sleeping schedule was such that there was a good chance he would have been awake at this time of day anyway, but to actually be moving about was a different story.

The mission Shikajin and the others had been assigned was relatively simple but would take them to the eastern coast of the country which predicated the early departure time. Shipments of special oak that were used in the construction of maritime vessels were beginning to come under regular attack, or rather, the people who were tasked with shipping it, and the village had been formally asked to intervene. Any kind of specialty goods that could fetch a high price was always subject to these kinds of raids from people trying to make a quick buck and it was up to this team to put a stop to it.

The Nara stood near the large gates that offered entrance to the village as he awaited the other two who would be accompanying him on this mission. They would first have to make a stop at the production facility in Shukuba to meet up with those who would be under their protection before continuing to the port city, so time was of the essence. He was unfamiliar with either of the other two shinobi but felt confident that they would be able to complete the mission without too much hassle.

  @three | ### | whoop whoop

Kata has written 303 posts
Resource Gathering [Mission]Sept 3, 2022 23:52:06 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
Academy Student Extraordinaire!

Her first mission! Miroru had stacked the deck in her favor as much as possible. Bathed and prepped her gear the night before, whipped up and packed away a bento, polished the staff her parents had gifted to her, checked, double checked, triple checked her kit. She wasn't sure how long she'd be out in the field, so it made sense to ensure she had anything she might need.

Besides, depending on the conditions, she might get the chance to play a trick or two!

When she finally hauled herself out of bed early the next morning, it was simple enough to get dressed, get kitted out, and hurry out on foot, making sure to drink liberally from her canteen, and stopping now and then to refill it from streams and rivers along the way.

Nara was subjected to the sight of the petite redhead, definitely a fresh genin, marching towards him with a nasty-looking, ornate staff strapped across her back. She moved with the ease and confidence of someone who'd had some extended physical training, so it was a good bet she knew how to use the staff.

Whether Shikajin recognized her as the leader of a gang of academy students- they called themselves the Justice Scouts and ran around doing odd jobs for the village and calling them missions- was maybe a coin toss.

Regardless, she lifted a hand and waved as she caught sight of him, picking up the pace to a trot and ambling over with an excited grin! "Hi! Good morning! I'm in the right place, aren't I?" She bowed politely. "I'm Uchiha Miroru. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Resource Gathering [Mission]Sept 8, 2022 14:49:21 GMT -5
Senju Kazuyuki
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groupLeaf Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 13th rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1 Member/Barrier Corps Interception Division

Senju Kazuyuki

Kazuyuki had worked with the Nara on missions before, but the name of the one he was working with today was unfamiliar to him. He’d never met this one before, since he generally avoided the Nara who weren’t his best friend. The other member of this team, an Uchiha, was also an unknown. This matchup in general could be quite chaotic if their fighting styles didn’t mesh well, but at the very least they probably wouldn’t be lacking in power. Their mission to protect a shipment was an important one, and Kazuyuki would ensure it went smoothly, if only so he could get paid.

Approaching their meeting spot near the gates, the chuunin flicked open his tessen, delicately covering his face even as he bowed his head. His mission persona was already in place, though his "young master” mask would dissolve the moment they got into combat. ”Senju Kazuyuki ready for duty,” he said, deferring to the Nara in front of him. He looked vaguely familiar, though Kazuyuki still didn’t know him. Maybe Kazuto knew who he was? He’d have to ask his cousin upon their return. All he knew right now was that for all his own intelligence, Nara probably had him beat by default. That clan was far too cunning.

His equipment was safely stashed in his kimono sleeves, sorted and easy to pull out in seconds. He was more than ready to leave for their mission, C ranks weren’t the best pay in the world but the sum was nothing to sneeze at either. And if he intended to annoy any bandits they found? That was his own business.

Kitarial has written 37 posts
Resource Gathering [Mission]Sept 12, 2022 11:12:07 GMT -5
Nara Shikajin
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Nara Shikajin Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 26 years old birthday rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3

the worst case scenario is you
It wouldn't take long for his mission partners to show up and for that Shikajin was thankful. The first was a jovial looking young one carrying a big stick, and though hearing her surname sent a small shiver down his spine, this one looked to be a complete opposite from the last Uchiha who had caused him such headaches. He wondered why one so fresh out of the academy had been assigned to this mission in a rag tag group instead of with her genin squad but knew better than to try and figure out the reasonings behind why those in power did what they did. Sometimes it was just as simple as missions needing to be completed and there were only so many available people to choose from. "Yes, you're right on time. Nara Shikajin, nice to meet you."

Perhaps not Kazuto himself but a similar gravitas to the air around them signaled the approach of their third and final member. Had spending all that time around the other Senju given the Nara a sense about how all the Senju carried themselves, or was it just a coincidence? Either way, the Chunin could at least find solace in the fact that the man carried himself well. "A pleasure, Kazuyuki. Nara Shikajin." He would reply with a slight nod of the head.

"Alright now that we're all here I suppose it's a better time than not to head out. Our first stop is in Shukuba to the east to pick up the shipment, then we'll continue on towards the port city. We shouldn't have any problems until we get closer to the port, but keep your eyes peeled." The Nara would be brief in his words before turning to exit the gates headed due east.

  @three | ### | whoop whoop

Kata has written 303 posts
Resource Gathering [Mission]Sept 12, 2022 23:03:24 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
Academy Student Extraordinaire!
"Oh, good. I worry about being late a lot. I don't end up late very often, but I hate the idea of missing out- on lessons, or experience, or anything! It's the worst!" Miroru seemed relieved to at least be on time!

"Senju?! Like Kazuto-sama?! Are you his little brother? Or his cousin or nephew or something??" Miroru chirped as she caught Kazuyuki's name. "I bet you are, you're all proper and restrained like he is. Is that a Senju thing? All noble and calm like the forest?"

"Gotcha, boss! I've got your back. You just let me know where you want me." Miroru stated as they started out towards Shukuba. "Actually, come to think of it, we should talk roles real quick. That's important to strategy- already knowing everyone's capabilities and weaknesses, so you can intervene for them with a strength if faced with a difficult situation on their hands! Lucky for you guys, I'm good at everything! Like. Almost everything. Not medical stuff. And not those spooky puppets. But everything else I'm good at! And! If there's any jerk shinobi in the bandit's midst, you can bet I'll make their lives awfully uncomfortable with my signature technique! Ehehehe~"

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Resource Gathering [Mission]Sept 21, 2022 12:44:11 GMT -5
Senju Kazuyuki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Senju Kazuyuki Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 13th rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1 Member/Barrier Corps Interception Division

Senju Kazuyuki

"Kazuto and I are first cousins. Don’t tell anybody, but I’m the fun one of us two.” Winking at the excitable genin, the young Senju automatically moved to the front of the formation. ”Don’t get into the specific, Uchiha, you never know who may be listening. But while we’re at it I will say this. I’m largely a ninjutsu specialist, it’s probably best I’m in the front. Any attackers will find it hard to get past my Mokuton and barriers. You’re still an inexperienced genin and assuming our Nara mission teammate here has followed in his clan’s footsteps, he’ll be more useful at mid range, where we can protect him when he’s using his abilities.”

He wasn’t being mean just yet, nor was he trolling. Mission formation was important to consider in missions of any rank, even D ranks. Realistically speaking, he was the best choice for the front of the formation. When she had more experience he was sure the Uchiha would be better, but here and now, as a fresh genin, it was better for her to let Kazuyuki take point. She’d have plenty of chances to be the point of the formation in the future.

”This okay with you Nara? Your clan are meant to be the smart ones, after all. If you see a better option, let me know,” he added as an almost afterthought, turning back to their third member. He wasn’t the mission leader but he sure wasn’t going to hold silent about his opinions, either. Those would be made perfectly clear no matter what the others in the group thought of him. After all, it wasn’t them he needed to keep the good opinion of. No, his politeness was mainly reserved for their clients.

last edit by Senju Kazuyuki on Sept 21, 2022 12:46:04 GMT -5
Kitarial has written 37 posts
Resource Gathering [Mission]Sept 29, 2022 13:19:03 GMT -5
Nara Shikajin
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Nara Shikajin Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 26 years old birthday rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3

the worst case scenario is you
There had just been no way Shikajin had been this fortunate to end up with these two: a hyper genin and.. a Senju. Perhaps it was because he didn't know Kazuyuki that the haughtiness came through stronger than when he was around Kazuto, though he didn't remember the man being quite like this either. It was difficult to blame Miroru for being excited as there was a time many moons ago where Shikajin would have been just as eager to talk strategy as her, but being so loud about it this early was going to make for a long trip.

The Senju making his way to the front of their formation while he and the Uchiha spoke did not go unnoticed, but out of the three of them he was best suited for the role, so at the very least they knew where to be when things got a little rough. "I see no issues with the formation, though Miroru I'd prefer to have you take up the middle position so you can focus on our flanks instead of everything that may be behind us." The chunin would reply before realizing he hadn't answered the first question. "As for me, I have learned the techniques of my clan but I also specialize in medical ninjutsu, so while I would prefer none of us get injured I'll be able to help should the need arise." The Nara would add looking between both of his mission partners.

While a bit unorthodox the three of them on paper did make for a good squad. The variability of Miroru, the strength of a Senju and the immobilization and medical skills of Shikajin himself covered most of their bases. It remained to be seen just how capable the Uchiha truly was but even basic competence would be enough to help complete the mission. Now if he could only get them to turn down the volume a bit.

  @three | ### | whoop whoop

Kata has written 303 posts
Resource Gathering [Mission]Sept 30, 2022 21:01:50 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
Academy Student Extraordinaire!
"Eheheh! I believe it! Kazuto-senpai is awesome, and I look up to him, like, a LOT, but he doesn't exactly radiate chilled out grooves, you know?" Miroru giggled out her answer, nodding and smiling. "And- well, sure, but that's why I only referenced myself! When you don't have much in the way of isolated strengths or weaknesses, is that a worrisome thing to point out?" She sounded legitimately curious, not contesting the judgment.

She nodded along at their assessments of the priority battle plans, rubbing her chin to emphasize the appearance of wise consideration. "I see, I see. So you want to keep me in reserve to make any sneaky punks attempting to deploy their own stunted and wicked tactics against us regret standing in our way! Truly a wise decision- I shall abide by it, Leader-sama!" She did ponder a moment and lowered her voice significantly. "Do either of you have tricks I should know to stay out of? I have one, but you just gotta keep on dry land to avoid it! In fact-"

She pulled a decent-sized scroll of her pack and offered it to Shikajin. "Since we'll be in close quarters and you're the leader, I'll put this in your hands. Unseal that towards any groups of enemies we need to clear out in a hurry, okay? Just make sure to jump clear after," she finished quietly, as the meeting spot came into view a bit ahead of them, out of earshot but getting closer.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
last edit by Uchiha Miroru on Sept 30, 2022 21:02:54 GMT -5
Threnody has written 1,193 posts