Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]

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Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]Sept 7, 2022 15:54:29 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

The market warehouse district was a mess of sights, sounds, and people as various merchants rushed to get their new good unloaded from the caravans and offloaded into the warehouses in time to catalogue and ready everything for the weekend market. It would be a full moon soon and one that coincided with the days of rest which meant not only a profitable market day, but also a night market. Double the work, but potentially triple the profits as Azarea wove her way through the rushing workers and other genin, or even a few thrifty chuunin needing a quick paycheck, who were helping aid in unloading the various carts. Eventually making her way towards a series of... well to call them carts would be a bit off, but more like cages on wheels. With a few even carefully covered and secured from prying eyes as Azarea glanced over the individuals until she spotted a somewhat sketchy looking man missing and eye with half his face having been scarred over with what looked to have might have been acid that seemed to be in charge.

"Kento-san?" She called out hazarding a guess and was rewarded when the man looked up and flashed her a snaggle toothed grin.

"Ah Shinobi-san! Just who I was waiting for!" He called out with more enthusiasm then his appearance might belay. "It is so good to see you! I was hoping to find someone of your particular skills! Please! Follow me and we can begin unloading!" He called out.

"There is also opportunity."

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Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 253| @'person

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]Sept 7, 2022 16:11:08 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

Azarea dutifully followed her employer as he lead her past the various carts towards a set of three of the covered ones. Noting that it was rather odd that while the man's employees were working actively to unload the various cages containing all sorts of creatures from the other carts with great care, but little worry, the lot of them gave these particular carts a very wide birth. As if afraid of the contents.

"Now Shinobi-san I've been told you have a particular skill with these specific creatures which is why I'm willing to pay extra if you will handle and unload them with care. After all they were damnably difficult to get my hands on and Kumogakure no Sato does pay very well for their specimens for medical research and breeding." The Merchant rambles as he pulls back the cloth on the cart leaving Azarea to blink as she realizes exactly why she had been specifically requested for this job.

Bugs. The cart was filled to the brim with carefully woven wire cages containing a myriad of bugs from spiders, to beetles, to dragonflies, mantises, and everything else creepy and crawly under the sun. Enough that they would doubtlessly make any man's skin crawl. However the Aburame, even an exile as herself, couldn't help the way her eyes gleamed with interest, "Ah. I see now why you requested me Kento-san."

"There is also opportunity."

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Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 223 | @'person

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]Sept 7, 2022 16:25:38 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

"Yes I'm afraid a few of these species are man eating and while I've never lost an employee the risk of someone dropping a cage and being eaten alive tends to make finding those willing to help me unload or transport them quite difficult." Kento-san mourned with an almost pout as if the man couldn't quite see what all the fuss was about to make others so nervous. His expression earning a chuckle from Azarea.

"Well you needn't worry about me Kento-san. I may not be the strongest of shinobi, but I can certainly handle unloading three carts without damaging the contents." Azarea assures him and of course there was the bonus that she got to look at some particularly fascinating insects and arachnids while she was at it. Maybe if she did particularly well the man might even let her purchase a few off of him at the end or later on to add to her own collection to crossbreed new species of Kikaichu.

"Perhaps once the job is done you might do me the honor of seeing your own beetles if you please. It is always a pleasure to witness the various species your clan wields. That is if you don't mind." Kento adds as if reading her mind his gaze glancing over the young woman, but rather then his eyes being appreciative it's clear he's hoping to catch a glimpse of her bugs in her clothing. His dedication that one of a man with a true passion for his work.

"I think that could be arranged, but first to work. I wouldn't want to keep you waiting." Azarea quips with a good natured smile.

"There is also opportunity."

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Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 277 | @'person

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]Sept 7, 2022 16:45:52 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

Stepping up to the cart Azarea selects a large wire cage that at first appears absent of life. It's floor solid and filled with loamy soil and as she peers down into it closely she can spot the tell tale circles of the opening to trap door spider dens. The little web covered earthen doors dotting a large amount of the cage as Azarea keeps tight control over her Kikaichu lest one slip in and she lose it to the spiders. Her bugs while far from tasty would still make a decent meal for an arachnid until she figured out how to make them further unappetizing to her web spinning friends.

Tucking the cage under one arm Azarea hooked a smaller circular wire mesh cage filled with ladybugs with her other hand and turned to head into the warehouse to set them on the variety of stands and surfaces waiting to receive them. The ladybugs fluttering around the caged excitedly and finding themselves confused at being unable to fly freely just yet. They were probably due for Kumogakure's greenhouses to help deal with natural pests if she took a guess. Rather then risk using pesticides and ruining some of the more delicate and sensitive plants or worse yet contaminating them before they could be used to make life saving or life ending medicines.

"There is also opportunity."

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Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 223 | @'person

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]Sept 7, 2022 16:53:46 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

The next cage was much heavier then the others filled with sand and dirt along it's bottom. The structure requiring Azarea to lift it with both hands and stick her palms to it with her chakra lest her fingers slip and drop it. Inside scuttled around a series of bright blue beetles that at first she thought were purely suna scarabs were it not for the almost acrid smell to them not disimilar to acid or gasoline. Something chemical and likely unpleasant that the bugs used for a defense mechanism. Their appearance and the smell especially catching Azarea's interest as she mentally earmarked the cage for potential purchase later and did her best to keep her curiosity off of her face.

Kento-san after all would not have been in this business so long if he wasn't good at his job and being good at his job likely meant he knew how to haggle. Which while barter and trade was something she herself enjoyed she couldn't find it within her to pay too much of an arm and a leg for the bugs. If she got off with just losing her missions pay to purchase them she'd be lucky. The woman instead casting her eyes about over the other cages as she made her way off the cart and into the warehouse to set this one down in hopes of spying something else of interest to pretend was her true mark.

"There is also opportunity."

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Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 240 | @'person

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]Sept 7, 2022 17:02:05 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

Azarea's gaze alighted upon the various crates of mesh covered bees boxes. Setting her current target down inside the warehouse she began the slow process of unloading the many hives that seemed to make up the bulk of the shipment. Likely they would go to pollinate Kumogakure's fields and greenhouses, but in a spark of inspiration she recalled how Sengo mentioned he liked to keep bees. Perhaps she could purchase one of the hives, use it to create some toxic honey for herself, and then give it over to her teammate to use for more humane and probably less deadly and admittedly creepy purposes the likes of which Azarea had intended for them. Of course Kento-san wouldn't know that and just hopefully think she was a bee enthusiast with an interest in pretty beetles to keep as pets.

It was certainly worth a try as wiping the sweat from her brow Azarea hauled in a fifth, sixth, then seventh of the ten hives making up one of the entire carts. Her Kikaichu buzzing with slight irritation at the mount of bugs about that they weren't allowed to currently socialize with. "Easy now. I'll let our employer coo over you when we're all done with the heavy lifting." She promises with a fond sigh. Just as fond of her own hive as her foxy friend undoubtedly would be of the bees.

"There is also opportunity."

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Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 230 | @'person

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]Sept 7, 2022 17:08:45 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

The next series of mesh cages were filled with orchid mantises. The creatures breath takingly beautiful as they swayed this way and that and watched her with their multifaceted eyes. Occasionally fanning their pretty jeweled wings in a way that had Azarea sighing at the sight as she tucked the various cages under her arms and hauled them into the warehouse. One bug though was a bit odd. Where as it's counterparts skittered this way and that it sat stock still, watching, and waiting. It's carapace a pale white and it's wings a blush pink. It's small size signaling that despite the feminine coloring the creature itself was most certainly male.

"Pssst~ Hey pssst! Kunoichi-san!" The little creature hissed startling Azarea as she set the cages down. The woman glancing around to see that none of the workers had turned to address her. In fact they were still giving her and her cargo a wide berth before she concluded that yes... the mantis was talking to her and no not in the way her Kikaichu usually would.

"Excuse me? Are you addressing me?" She questions in a low whisper focusing on the little white and pink mantis. The bug in question hopping towards the door as it cants it's head up at her.

"There is also opportunity."

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Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 213 | @'person

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]Sept 7, 2022 17:20:06 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

"You're excused," The mantis chirps sagely. 'Sassy little thing' is all Azarea can think as she clicks her tongue thoughts showing on her face as the little insect quickly adds, "Hey look Kunoichi-san can you do me a favor? I'm not supposed to be in here. I fell for the bait and if my family finds out I'll be in real trouble. I'm clearly not a regular mantis." The little creature explains voice a touch wheedling as he realizes he might have offended his only chance at respectable rescue.

"Mhm..." Azarea draws out the sound goading the mantis to continue.

"Uh... anyway look. I'd be real grateful if you did me a favor and let me out. I promise I'll return the favor down the road if you do." He offers rubbing his scythe like arms together nervous and fidgety. "I really don't want one of these lovely ladies to decide they're hungry and that I look like a nice meal." The Mantis adds eyeing his cage mates with distinct concern. No matter how pretty they were he liked his head where it was and everyone knew caged and stressed female mantises tended to kill their mates.

For a moment Azarea weighed her options. The mantis was clearly a summoning creature given it was intelligent and fully capable of human speech. Keeping such creatures locked up was against the law in Kumogakure no Sato though she doubted Kent-san even realized there was a summons among his catches. If she freed the mantis she'd be owed a favor and favors were one of the few currencies along with cold hard cash one could trust. That and worse came to worse if she was caught... she could bring up Kumogakures subsection C article 5 of the treatment of summoned creatures and Nin-animals to wiggle her way out of trouble.

"All right, but you had best keep your promise and remember this debt." Azarea murmured glancing around to ensure no one was looking as she carefully undid the latch on the cage.

"There is also opportunity."

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Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 339 | @'person

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]Sept 7, 2022 17:27:29 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

"I swear on my clan and contract Kunoichi-san I won't forget this!" The little Mantis chimes crossing himself with one of his scythe like arms are carefully to block the others from escaping Azarea opened the mesh lid just enough for the little mantis to slip out before quickly relatching it.

"Here. You'll need to hide in my jacket while I finish the job. Once I'm done unloading the last cart I'll pass through a park on my way home and you can drop off me there with no one the wiser." Azarea explains opening one of her pockets within which the mantis was quick to take shelter.

"Thanks! I'll keep quiet I promise! Just try not to squash me!" He calls up to her as Azarea makes a shushing motion eyeing her surroundings wary of the two being discovered as she closes the pocket and quickly turns to return to the carts. It wouldn't due to be suspected even if technically what she as doing was fully within the right of the law and even if it wasn't she had choice opinions in regards to slavery. Thankfully Kento-san seemed to give no indication as he passed her by to inspect her work thus far that he noticed the mantis missing or that it had ever been among his stock. Which was good. She'd like to keep a pleasant relationship with him for future insect purchases after all. It wasn't often one found a bug enthusiast outside of her clan.

"There is also opportunity."

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Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 250 | @'person

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Incoming Waves [D-rank][Solo]Sept 7, 2022 17:46:12 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

The last cart thankfully goes by quickly. The contents mostly full of smaller cages that she has to stick to her arms with chackra as she piles them high and hauls them into the warehouse. Working quickly and carefully and doing her best not to show that she's favoring her side with the pocket she knows the little mantis to be hiding in. As she unloads the last of the insect laden cages she offers Kento-san a smile.

"Good job Shinobi-san. Thank you for your quick work and ah could I?" He gestures to her clothes as Azarea blinks then chuckles calling one of her little fluffy white and gold Kikaichu to her fingertips allowing the man to lean close and inspect it. "Fascinating! It seems they've adapted to Kumogakure's colder climate. Oh how I wish I could get my hands on some Kikaichu, but respectfully I enjoy living." The man jests cooing over the little beetle which preens.

"Please feel free to call me should you need anymore specific cargo unloaded." Azarea offers with an incline of her head, "As you've guessed I am an Aburame, but I prefer to go by Azarea only." She introduces herself as Kento offers a sage nod and counts out the ryo for her work placing it in her hand with an understanding smile.

"I look forward to seeing you again Azarea-san that we might discuss our mutual interests." The man explains before gesturing that she was free to depart as his other workers call him over to handle this or that.

The walk back to her own apartment is quiet. The Aburame carefully letting the little mantis out of her jacket at one of the nearby parks. The insect offering a grateful bow before he scuttles off into the bushes. It's only as she arrives at her door that the woman swears.

"F- I meant to ask him the price on his bees and beetles!" She exclaims with a groan. Hopefully she could catch him at the night market.

"There is also opportunity."

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Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 337 | @'person

Keen has written 1,221 posts