Up A Tree [Training]

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Up A Tree [Training]Sept 28, 2022 20:37:16 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Uriko watched Azarea as the latter took the beetle back to the tree and released it onto the thick trunk of the plant. Seeing her makeshift tutor's gesture, Uriko's eyes fixed on the insect as it traveled up the stem, watching as it moved slowly but resolutely up the structure. She knew that insects did not climb with chakra. The tiny barbs on the feet of this miniature animal were enough to allow it to cling to the rough surface that the bark on the stem provided. And yet, there was something to learn about the way it moved. How it distributed its weight as it moved, maximizing position and motion as it ascended, even though gravity was against it.

As Azarea gave the kunoichi a short answer in the affirmative, Uriko filed the name 'Yugao' for future reading. She was sure that there would be some things worth reading about them. As to whether Azarea was Yugao or now, the snow-haired kunoichi had not said. Uriko was considered naive, but she was not stupid. If Azarea did not say whether she was Yugao or not, perhaps she didn't want Uriko to know. The Konoha girl had no problem with that. But she would not raise the topic again, unless Azarea did so first.

As Azarea walked back up the tree and invited her to follow, expecting her to reach the lowest branches, Uriko proceeded to climb the tree again, this time, trying to put what the beetle had taught her into practice. It was interesting to note that even though chakra was the main force behind remaining connected to the tree trunk, how she distributed her weight made it easier or harder to keep her feet connected to the trunk. Watching Azarea, who was performing handseals again, she made her way up the trunk, faster this time than she had done before.
Ronin has written 328 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 29, 2022 5:26:02 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Final Trials

This time there are no final tricks. No nasty hidden jutsu as she finishes up her quick string of practice seals. Instead Azarea simply beams down proudly at Urikohime as the young woman stops just short of her. Giving her an encouraging thumbs up as pushing off the bark the Kumo nin clears the tree and tucks to land and roll onto her feet on the ground. "Try walking back down and then I'd say you've successfully learned the Kinobori no Waza jutsu." She calls up to Urikohime and then takes a slight step back just to be safe in case her student fell on her. Sure she trusted Urikohime's skills, but she also didn't want a hundred plus pounds of genin impacting her from a tree branch.

It'd be a bit awkward to be squished by your own student specially an unofficial one. She wasn't even really getting paid for this like she would if she ended up taking a genin team one day. Though the thought of perhaps teaching her own gaggle of brats wasn't the most off-putting. Though she'd want to at least make jouning first. Genin got into all sorts of trouble. She should know as one after all.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 203 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 29, 2022 21:26:45 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Uriko had to admit she was a little bit surprised, but not at all displeased that no new tricks of bark breaking, or bugs falling on the face ensued, as she made her way up the tree to close the distance between herself and the white-haired Kumogakure ninja. Azarea seemed genuinely happy for her progress, indicating so with a thumbs-up gesture, before launching herself off the tree and performing a graceful somersault and landing easily on both feet. Uriko was sure she could execute such a maneuver; all she needed was the proper launch from the tree. But before she could, her makeshift sensei called out the last step of her training this fundamental jutsu.

It did sound simple enough, but Uriko did not want to make any assumptions that Azarea would not try to make her lose concentration on the way down. The Kumo kunoichi had given herself a considerable berth from the tree, something Uriko suspected was as a result of the hazard of the green-haired girl falling on her. The Konoha ninja's first thought was that Azarea was giving her this space because the snow haired kunoichi had something in mind; her "mischievous spirit" appearance did seem to match her behavior, so it was a strong possibility. Still, Uriko decided to give her the benefit of doubt, but just be ready, in case a new trick was in the offing. Walking down the tree was a slightly different ball game, due to the change in her perception of the pull of gravity, but Uriko was quick to compensate for it, and was descending the tree easily, although she was still surreptitiously being watchful for tricks, even though she had noticed that Azarea was no longer performing handseals.
Ronin has written 328 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 29, 2022 21:40:30 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Till Next Time

No tricks, trifles, or traps are sprung this time. Instead Urikohime is greeted with polite applause as she successfully makes it all the way down the tree trunk and manages to reach the ground safely. Stepping off the tree to the earth on her own two feet and without even any unexpected final slip-ups or complications. Though the girl had a long ways to go to gain true mastery Azarea was at least confident she wasn't likely to fall to her death. Thus she'd done her job as a makeshift teacher in such regards. "Keep up the practice. Try taking the ninja highway across your village rooftops or the tree tops whenever you can. This is a skill that will only improve the more you use it." She cautioned her smile fond if a little bitter for their inevitable parting. For the window of her stay and how long she could linger here safely were swiftly drawing to a close and like all spirits the mystery was only maintained should she disappear.

"I hope to see you in the upcoming Kumo chuunin exams. Don't disappoint me Urikohime and please feel free to write to me in Kumo. I'll be certain to do the same for you. Perhaps while I remain in Konoha we can even take on a mission or two." She suggests before with a broad toothy smile she claps her hands and forms a seal. "Till next time my student!" And in a swirl of golden dust dematerializes into nothing. Gone as quickly as she had arrived.

NAME: Nise no Sōkō [False Traveling]
CHAKRA USAGE: To Use: Medium | To Maintain: Medium
Upon the target(s) seeing the user render a handseal, a substance of their choosing (sand, leaves, etc.) will quickly swirls around the user before they disappear. Unlike the technique this illusion is meant to imitate, the user will not travel anywhere and instead will simply vanish from the target(s) vision. This, in turn, could allow for the user to escape or to launch a surprise attack.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count:259 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts