Up A Tree [Training]

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Up A Tree [Training]Sept 20, 2022 21:20:21 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


The meadow not far from the village was not a traditional training ground, but it had in the past served as one to those seeking privacy or who were worried about being seen failing by their comrades. A quiet place surrounded by lush leaves and one Azarea had once frequented often with her old teammates. A secret place known only to the academy students and genin of Konoha. Glancing around at the grass which had grown tall with the absence of use the woman couldn't help, but wonder if perhaps this hidden place had fallen out of fashion. Unwilling to entirely admit to herself that some small part of her had been hoping her own team and former Sensei might still remember this place. Might still utilize it. 

Might visit it so she could see they were ok.

But like ghosts they were nowhere to be found. Not unless she ventured into the heart of Konohagakure itself as the woman't wasn't quite that desperate yet. Letting out a sigh the Azarea channeled chakra into her feet absentmindedly strolling up one of the great Hi no Kuni oaks as she absentmindedly fitted her fingers through routine seals hoping to improve her speed with them. When her Kikaichu alerted her to that fact she was no longer alone. The sound of rustling leaves and branches reaching her ears just in time for the woman to glance up half way through her climb and spot the green haired young woman exiting the brush.

Leaving Urikohime with the sight of a white haired, silver eyed, woman who appeared in her early twenties standing sideways upright on a tree with the same sort of casual ease one would display walking down the sidewalk. The Kumogakure no Sato headband she had tied to her upper left arm of her jacket glinting in the early morning sunlight.

"Ah, Hello. I wasn't expecting to see anyone out here." Azarea calls out in greeting offering the girl an easy going if slightly awkward smile.

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 335 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 20, 2022 21:50:53 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Most people were excited at having graduated from the Shinobi Academy, for as Genin, they were allowed greater rights and responsibilities, and while not particularly held in high esteem, they were seen as definitely something more than just a child. Which was to be expected, seeing that it was almost impossible for one to be past the age of childhood and still be taking classes as a student of the Shinobi Academy. Most people who got into adulthood and had not graduated from the Academy simply gave up, either due to shame or frustration. Which was why becoming a Genin was so important for one who wanted to walk the path of the ninja. Uriko had graduated at a relatively average age for new Genin, but life had happened, and she had had to shelve her desire to continue as a ninja, until now.

And yet, becoming a Genin was just the beginning. Like in the Academy, although a lot more commonplace, it was not too common to see a relatively fresh Genin who could be considered an adult. And while Urikohime would certainly not be considered to be at the zenith of maturity, she was sure she could easily argue that she was no longer a child. Which was why, having the skills of one who had just graduated from the Academy, she was quite motivated to try to catch up with those of her age bracket, many of which would probably have been graduated to Chuunin, or on their way there. It would be hard work, but she was willing to do it. Still, she found that, being not yet weaned of the self-consciousness that came with one's teenage years, she was unwilling to train in the public training grounds, as she preferred that people not ask why someone as old as she was would be learning basics.

This was why she had made her way out of the village; as a Genin, she would be allowed, as long as she did not go to far. There were a few spots in the forest close to Konoha, which were very good for training in secret, something she was planning on doing a lot of. Expectedly, she was quite surprised to hear a voice call out to her in greeting as she made her way into the meadow to tackle some training before the day began in earnest. The woman with snowy hair and silvery eyes did seem to be from an allied village, by the design on the hitai-ate tied to her arm, something Uriko was glad for. True, only an idiot or a very powerful enemy would come that close to the perimeter of a hostile village, but Uriko did not like violence much, whether she had the advantage or not. "Greetings," she replied, glad that the stranger seemed rather cordial enough. "I wasn't expecting to see anyone here, either." As she was wearing her ninja attire, it would be evident that she was from the nearby village.

For a moment, she was silent, wondering how to word what she was going to say next, but she eventually just decided to be bold with her intended request. The lady's position on the tree was proof of her knowledge of the Kinobori no Waza, a skill that most, if not all Genin were expected to have if they would be considered to even have the hopes of becoming Chuunin. Learning it would give Uriko the confidence that she could succeed on the path of the shinobi. "Um, I know this is a stupid question, but is it difficult to learn that? I mean tree-walking." She wanted to test the waters first. If the lady seemed amiable enough in her response, Uriko would ask her if she could teach her, or give her pointers.

"Oh, where are my manners? I'm Kayahara Urikohime, but call me Uriko. Pleased to meet you."

last edit by Kayahara Urikohime on Sept 20, 2022 21:52:24 GMT -5
Ronin has written 328 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 20, 2022 22:07:24 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

An Offer

The woman cocks her head to one side observing how the girls eyes darted between her, to where her feet were firmly planted against the bark of a tree, and back to her. The familiar look of curiosity one she'd seen recently on Miroru's face and not an expression she would begrudge anyone. To be able to tree and water walk opened up many avenues of travel for a shinobi and it was as much a right of passage as anything else. Though Azarea must admit she was a bit surprised that the young woman with her Konoha headband hadn't already been mentored in the skill, but she'd never been one to judge based on age.

"I am Azarea of Kumogakure no Sato," The lack of last name odd, but not unusual. Orphans and bastards were a perpetual fact of Shinobi life after all. "And it's not too difficult to learn. The technique is mostly patience and chakra control and learning to maneuver while distracted." The woman adds letting he hands drop as she hooks her thumbs into the webbing of her belt, keeping her hands visible so as to not alarm Urikohime.

"I could teach you if you'd like, but in exchange you'll need to put up with me practicing my handseal speed and trying to distract you." She offers because there was no such thing as a free meal. Shinobi, no matter their village, tended to be more comfortable knowing what would be owed by them up front.

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 250 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 21, 2022 21:23:23 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
The white haired woman was either unwilling, or unable, to tell Uriko her last name, something the Konoha kunoichi noticed, although she made no attempt to ask after the reason. There were many possible reasons for the withholding of such information, ranging from not particularly having a surname (which was not all that uncommon, though it did seem a bit strange to the green-haired girl), to not being keen on giving it. Whichever the case, Uriko had no qualms with the lady's apparent lack of a surname. It wasn't particularly her business to know, in any case.

Azarea's statement of the Kinobori no Waza being relatively easy to lean was a good thing to hear. "Sounds great," Uriko announced eagerly. "I think I know a thing or two about chakra control, and I'm sure I'll get into the swing of things regarding being distracted while practicing." There was a pause, before the guilty confession came: "I'm not too sure I score high in the patience section, though, but I'll try to learn all the same." She'd seen a good number of shinobi who didn't seem to be the patient sort, and they held high ranks. So while she wasn't underestimating the value of that particular virtue, she was hopeful that she would not need the level of patience of an arahant to be able to perform this technique.

The offer to teach the Konoha ninja was met with an enthusiastic nod, as the girl stepped forward joyfully. "I would very much be pleased to learn from you, Azarea-sensei," she said joyfully, clapping her hands together. "But it's funny that you speak as though me putting up with you practicing your handseal speed is me doing you such a great favor. In any case, your terms are more than agreeable, and I accept."
Ronin has written 328 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 21, 2022 22:34:23 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Azarea inclines her head pleased with the girl's acceptance though she fails to warn her that her hand seal practice might involve more distracting techniques then the genin is expecting. Instead she flashes the girl a lopsided grin as she walks down the expanse of the tree to step onto the ground. "Just call me Azarea-Senpai. I'm not old enough or high enough ranking to be a Sensei." Though maybe one day, she thinks. For now though she has plans and a squad would just slow her down.

"First lift her leg and press one foot flat against the bark of the tree." She coaches demonstrating this herself as she places one booted foot against the side of the oak. "Then concentrate and feel your chakra moving within your core and circling through your coils. Carefully direct that chakra down to the soles of your feet. I find picturing your chakra forming little hooks, ridges, or suction cups to improve traction and grip helps." Azarea adds before pointing to her foot.

"Too much chakra and your foot is pushed off like trying to force two magnets together." She explains and purposely adds too much as she's blown back a little by the chakra having to take a step back to maintain her balance. Stepping forward once more she puts her foot back where it was. "Too little and your foot slides right off." She explains showing how her foot can't find traction against the bark and instead just scuffs against the surface until she gets the jutsu right and it sticks to the tree like glue."

"Then to walk you regulate lessoning the amount of chakra you use on one foot and then increasing it enough to stick in order to take steps. Once you've mastered the technique this will grow to be second nature to you." Azarea assures the girl with a thumbs up as she walks a ways up the tree to stare down at her makeshift student expectantly.

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 331 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 22, 2022 21:09:04 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
The green-haired girl nodded once as Azarea refused the sensei title. Senpai it would be then. Uriko listened quietly to the explanation she was being given regarding the execution of the technique. It did not sound too complicated, and the concept of imagining that one had adhesive or apprehensive devices under her soles seemed to be a useful aid to manipulating chakra to achieve the desired result. Whatever the case, it appeared that what mattered most in the execution of this technique was balance. Not in the sense of movement and direction, but in the sense of knowing the right amount of chakra to use to stick to the tree.

Uriko waited until Azarea had walked partway up the tree trunk and given her a thumbs up before making an attempt of her own. Although sprightly and active, she was not over-impulsive, and suspected that attempting to rush things by trying to run up the tree would end in painful failure. So, just as Azarea had done, she lifted her right foot and placed it against the tree trunk, and began pushing chakra into her foot, as it stayed connected to the trunk. As she did, she tested to see if she had got things right by trying to gently pull her foot away from the trunk. It came off too easily. Uriko placed it back again, and increased the amount of chakra. This time, she felt a bit of resistance, though her foot came away again. The third time, it stuck.

Given that she was quite adept at managing how she used chakra, the Konoha ninja did not take long to recreate the same effect in her left foot, and was now standing perpendicular to the tree trunk, just as Azarea was doing, although Uriko found herself wobbling about, seeing as she was not accustomed to that sideways position. The fact that she had quickly been able to stick to the trunk was exhilarating, but Uriko was sure it was one thing to just stand, and another to walk. "Looks like this might take some getting used to...."
Ronin has written 328 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 22, 2022 23:28:43 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Azarea observes her student for a long moment watching as she mimics her movements and tests out her chakra. Finding the fine balance between too much and too little until finally the green haired girl is standing sideways on the tree. Her stance wobbly and a bit uncertain, after all it takes time to get used to defying gravity, but successful none the less. Then Azarea smiles with teeth. Showing off the full array of sharp pointed almost Inazuka like fangs as she flashes through a series on handseals focusing on speed and experimenting with dropping the last seal. Her chakra bucked a bit protesting the action, but she managed to complete the jutsu. As she spits out a clear near invisible to the eyes bullet which impacts right beside Urikohime's feet shattering the bark under the soles of her boots.

Thankfully should the girl lose her balance there's soft grass and moss under her and if there was ever a time to fall then when one is close to the ground is best. After all Azarea doesn't actually want her makeshift student to come to harm. "So Urikohime right? Are you intending to take the Chuunin exams this season?" Azarea inquires content to make casual conversation as an additional distraction as her grin one feral and sharp with mischief softens into something warmer.

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

NAME: Kekkai: Dangan [Barrier: Bullet]
Compressing air into a very tiny barrier the size of a musket ball, the user fires it at great velocity towards the target, able to pass straight through a human body. However objects of higher density than it will certainly stop it, including certain thicknesses of wood, iron or steel.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 224 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 23, 2022 22:16:37 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Uriko was too concentrated on keeping her chakra just right to stay attached to the tree trunk that she did not see the predatory smile appear on Azarea's face. From the corner of her eye, she knew that the Kumogakure ninja was doing something, but Uriko's peripheral vision was not yet trained enough to suspect what it was. Suddenly, there was a loud crack, as the bark beneath Uriko's boots was blown into pieces, most probably as the result of some jutsu that had just been performed by her impromptu teacher. The alarm of the sudden sound, as well as the removal of the material beneath her feet was enough to throw her chakra into momentary disarray. It was just a single short moment, but it was enough. The green-haired girl let out a short scream as she fell off the tree, landing squarely on her back.

So that was what Azarea had meant when she had talked about bearing with her distraction. Uriko could see the value of this kind of training. While some would just assume that she had learned the technique because she had managed to stick to the tree, Uriko was beginning to realize that the Kinobori no Waza was not only meant for sticking to trees. It had to become to the point of being almost second nature. She sat up and looked at the snow-haired girl who asked a question about signing up for the next Chuunin exams. "I don't think I'm ready yet, Azarea-senpai," she replied, rising to her feet and carefully reattaching herself to the tree like before. "I still have so much to learn, and I haven't even yet accomplished a single mission." Talking while controlling her chakra was a bit challenging, but Uriko was quickly learning how to focus on small, simple tasks while keeping her chakra regulated enough to stay stuck to the tree trunk. She took one step up the tree, and then another. She felt she could be getting the hang of it, but didn't want to be cocky, so she stayed silent.
Ronin has written 328 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 24, 2022 2:22:46 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Spark Word

"The current exams are planned to be in Iwagakure no Sato so that is perhaps wise. They and Konohagakure no Sato's rivalry is rather infamous so where as I'd normally advise signing up just for the experience you'd likely be painting quite the target onto your back." Azarea quips, the woman kind enough to show no reaction to her student's surprised shriek as she topples off the tree like an upended beetle. The girl however gets back on her feet and tries again. Even progressing to taking a few tentative steps as the red head offers her an approving smile.

"However I know my Kage intends to put forth Kumogakure no Sato for the next exams so should they be chosen you would be able to visit my home village. I think you'd like it there though knowing how to tree walk is rather essential when you live in a vertical village built into the mountains." The woman jests tossing Urikohime a wink and god wouldn't she know. She'd had to live with practically no chakra for years and the shinobi sections of the village were not laid out well for walking. The woman gives a subtle shudder remembering all the stairs she'd had to climb as she backs up a few steps up the tree. Giving Urikohime some room to approach as she idly flicks through rapid handseals. None of them yet doing anything. At least the Urikohime would notice.

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count:241  |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 24, 2022 20:58:23 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Uriko had heard of the great animosity that existed between the Village of the Leaf, and the Village of the Rock. It did sound funny that villages at variance would allow their members to partake in events organized by their rivals. Funny, but not a thing she considered with distaste. After all, interactions between such villages had the possibility of creating bonds and fostering friendships. It was unfortunate that most shinobi would instead consider it as an opportunity to attempt to acquire or steal intel from potential enemies. If everyone had such a mindset, how would the world be at peace? Perhaps if people like herself could show others how to act in potential enemy territory, more people could be inspired to think less hostilely of their fellow ninja. The possibility of being targeted by Iwa nin was quite daunting for her to think about, though. "Uh yeah, I think I'll pass on the exam for now," Uriko said nervously.

It was likely, from Azarea's words, that she would be ready for the one to be held in Kumogakure. It had always sounded like a lovely place, and Uriko could see how being able to run up walls would be helpful in a village which had a lot of buildings built into the mountainside. "It does sound like a rather delightful place," the Genin responded eagerly, momentarily pausing to prevent her chakra from spiking due to her excitement at getting to travel. She was able to quickly get it under control. She did not notice Azarea's shudder, but she noticed her makeshift sensei move backwards, higher up the tree. That looked like an invitation to reach her. Uriko, however, watched her performing handseals with some degree of wariness, as she slowly made her way up the tree, waiting for signs of an attack that did not come. Yet.
Ronin has written 328 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 25, 2022 1:33:33 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Bug? BUG!

"Iwagakure and their alliance will likely have a high number pf participants due to it being in a friendly village to them. However the chuunin exams can be lethal and genin from enemy villages are more likely to go for an authorized 'kill'. You could probably cut a deal with an opponent from Konoha's allies to keep things non-lethal. It's all just for show after all." Azarea explains with a thoughtful hum. Her expression softening at the mention of her own village.

"Kumogakure is a breathtakingly beautiful place. High mountains, deep valleys, lush forests, and raging rivers. It's one of the most varied of lands in terms of terrain. I suppose that's why most Kumo shinobi tend to be all arounders in regards to environment." The woman quips with a chuckle.

"Though I just admit I'm looking forward to the team portion of the exams. I'm curious who I'll be paired up with and what missions we'll need to complete." She muses take a slow step back for each or Urikohime's steps forward her smile warm and encouraging even has her hands continued to flick through seals. The woman stretching her chakra outward like a net until she found exactly what she was looking for in the branches above her. As a large, fat, blue black beetle detached from the bark it was clinging too and aimed to fall right on Urikohime's face while she was distracted.

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

NAME: Hijutsu: Mushiyose [Insect Summoning Jutsu]
By simply touching a surface with their palm and fingers, the user releases a small web of chakra that draws bugs to that location. Since the Aburame member can communicate with insects, it can be useful to gain information by gathering local insects

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 237 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 25, 2022 21:22:55 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
The idea of Genin trying to kill one another didn't sit well at all with Uriko. Especially when they did not have to do so. "That's horrible!" she replied, still concentrating as much as she could on moving while staying stuck to the tree trunk, which, to be fair, was good for someone who was just starting to learn the technique. Frankly, she was happy that Azarea decided to return to talking about Kumogakure. Uriko was getting more and more interested in visiting the Land of Thunder when she had the chance.

Uriko was paying too much attention to her makeshift sensei, when her eyes suddenly caught on to the huge dark-colored bug falling towards her face. She reacted instinctively, swatting at it while screaming hysterically. If Azarea had the intention of getting Uriko off the tree trunk, this particular attempt was a roaring success. Uriko found herself on the ground again, although whatever shock or pain she would have experienced from falling off the tree from a height greater than before was ignored by her fear of the bug, of whose location presently she had no idea. Rising to her feet as fast as possible, she took off, running to hide behind the stem of another tree and peering nervously out into the meadow at Azarea standing comfortably on the tree she had been battling just seconds ago.

"Is-- is it gone?" she asked, her eyes wide with fright. Were ninja supposed to behave like this? Well, the jury was out on that one.
Ronin has written 328 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 26, 2022 1:08:35 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


This time Azarea can't quite help laughing. It starts with a muffle snort, then her nose wrinkling as she struggles and fails not to giggle, then the dam breaks as the woman is doubled over chakra straining to keep her attached to the tree as she's wracked with laughter. Tears forming at the corner of her eyes as she shakes her head heaving for breath and holds up a finger to indicate she needs a moment. Before moving to speak. Only for brows to furrow, lips pursing, as she doubles over again with another howling peel of laughter. It takes a good few more minutes before heaving in breath she shakes her head and slowly walks down the tree. Her eyes searching the grass until she finds the target of her justu and gently scoops it up with surprising care.

"It's all right. You can come out now. I've caught the culprit." She quips proffering the beetle with a smile.

"Come see for yourself he's really not that scary I promise. Sides you can learn a lot from these little guys." Azarea explains as she tilts her hand so Urikohime could get a better look at the little guy. Well 'little' compared to them. Rather large as far as regular beetles went.

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 212 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 26, 2022 21:14:37 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Uriko's cheeks flushed as she watched her makeshift instructor laughing at her. But she did not let herself get angry. She had every reason to be embarrassed. Were ninja supposed to behave like this, screaming and running from things that weren't actual threats? She had, despite owning a hitai-ate which identified her as a member of Konohagakure's forces (even if she was just a Genin), acted like an untrained civilian villager, and she berated herself silently for her dramatic response. Still, it couldn't be helped. Bugs made her quite squeamish. The Genin said nothing, keeping her position, even as Azarea shook her head, walked down the tree, and hunted for the bug, eventually finding it, and holding it out for Uriko to examine, with the assurance that it wasn't that scary.

Cautiously, Uriko emerged from her hiding place and came over, drawing close enough to be almost within touching distance to the insect, though she made no attempt to touch it. It was a beetle, and most beetles were not harmful to humans, as she knew from her wide reading. Being the rather smart individual, her brain was already analyzing things, even if she was not aware that she was doing any analysis at the moment. While it was perfectly normal and even expected for a beetle to be found in a tree in the Hi no Kuni, had it been a mere coincidence that had brought the bug flying at her face? It began to look like much less of a coincidence when Uriko factored in the fact that Azarea had said she was going to attempt to distract her.

"Well, it really is beautiful in its own way," Uriko said truthfully, admiring its blue-black, yet almost iridescent elytra, and the wavy markings across its cuticle. "But I'm afraid I don't do too well with bugs. Say, does Kumogakure have ninja that control bugs? We do have the Aburame Clan here." She had no idea of Azarea's heritage; it had been her strong ability to analyze and the piecing together of clues that made her ask.
Ronin has written 328 posts
Up A Tree [Training]Sept 28, 2022 2:29:46 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Spark Word

The beetle is rather pretty indeed as Azarea allows Urikohime to examine it before she takes her scuttling little friend over to one of the smaller trees and carefully sets him onto it. Gesturing to the creature to encourage her student to pay attention to how the little insect hooked his feet into the bark and scuttled upwards at a steady pace. Always starting with his front foot and never releasing it until his back foot had passed it. Though the beetle had the advantage of having many more feet then either human could boast.

At Urikohime query however Azarea blinked canting her head to one side before smiling, "Yes actually. They're called the Yugao." She quips, but doesn't say what bugs if any the clan utilizes or whether or not she is a part of it from her grin as the woman returns to their tree and walks right back up it. Her hands returning to flitting through seals as she gives Urikohime and encouraging nod.

"Come on up. The weather's fine. I think you'll make it past the first branch this time which will give you something to grab if you lose your footing." Azarea calls down silver eyes twinkling with quiet encouraging mirth. Looking for all the world with her white locks flowing in the breeze akin to some strange forest trickster spirit. Maybe Urikohime had never actually found the Kumo shinobi. Maybe there never really was one?

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 241 |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 28, 2022 2:30:36 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts