Sea Wolves [C-rank]

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Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 8, 2022 21:37:58 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Uriko kept her eyes forward, simply nodding as the fisherman assured her that Azarea was not likely to end up getting their boat blown up. She had no idea what he meant when he talked about "that one time", but the Konohagakure ninja decided to assume that the fisherman and Azarea may have worked together in the past, and some dramatic things may have happened when they had. In any case, now was not the best time to get anyone to share stories, as the sound of an explosion came right on the man's last words, almost obscuring it from being heard. That was definitely Azarea's work.

While all the pirates had been in the boat, last time Uriko saw them, she did not want to carelessly think that all of them had been dealt with. She remained in the boat, a kunai held at the ready, while she waited for Azarea to return. And then the boat rocked. Someone was getting into it, and it wasn't her partner. She turned, eyes wide, as the pirate climbed into the boat, cursing. Their eyes locked, and Uriko saw her death in them; brutal and merciless. And spurred by adrenaline, given the choice of fight or flight, and her mind subconsciously registering that the fisherman was under her protection, the girl chose the former. Stepping forward swiftly, as she had the advantage of already being in the boat, Uriko thrust her weapon, held in both hands. The pirate, hand upraised, made a gargling sound, as he dropped his dagger, which thudded on the floor of the boat. Then his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fell backwards, disappearing over the edge of the boat with a noisy splash, with Urikohime's kunai lodged in his throat.

Apart from the lapping of the sea, and Uriko's heavy breathing, there was silence.

last edit by Kayahara Urikohime on Oct 9, 2022 19:31:08 GMT -5
Ronin has written 328 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 9, 2022 20:05:04 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


The world is silent for a time besides the sounds of the sea. The other pirate's cries of panic and pain having fallen silent as Azarea finished her grim work. The woman dismissing her technique as the fog faded and the Kumogakure Kunoichi stepped out of it like a ghost from the mist. Padding quietly across the waters surface to hop back into the boat as she shook the water off of herself. Noting Urikohime's wide eyes and pale façade the woman paused her gaze darting down to the body floating in the water just off of the boat and then back to the younger girl. There was no judgement in her eyes. Just steady understanding.

"Thank you for following my order Uriko. You did a good job. Had you not stopped him he likely would have hurt you and our sailor friend. You've done what you needed to do. You can rest now." Azarea stated her words slow, firm, and with an edge of command to them as she shouldered the burden of the death. Offering Uriko the much needed solstice of following a superiors commands until the girl's mind could process and cope with what she had done in the heat of the moment. Slowly shifting forward Azarea cautiously approaches gauging if the girl would be ok with her presence before reaching out a steady hand and gently guiding Uriko down into a seat.

"Let's head back to Konoha. I'll handle writing our mission report. The waters are safer now thanks to our efforts." She murmurs nodding to the fisherman to get them back to the mainland as the man turned the boat steering them away from the sinking bodies that would soon become food for the fish of the cove.

Henge Sustained

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count:  293|
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Oct 9, 2022 20:29:42 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 9, 2022 20:29:09 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Uriko heard Azarea's voice and flinched slightly, unconsciously, before she relaxed a little, remembering that the voice belonged to a friend. They were all safe; the mission was completed, but Uriko could not help but still breathe heavily as she tried to settle herself. It had been necessary; as Azarea had rightly said, if she had not done this, both she and the fisherman would have been hurt. Perhaps if she had been alone, it would have been more disastrous, seeing as it had been the realization that the innocent fisherman's life was in danger, and that his safety depended on her response, that had moved her to act.

She was not supposed to feel this way. She was a ninja. Ninja were killing machines. Some. Most. Was this the life she wanted, one that involved death? The core of her being was still interested in being a ninja, but could she cope with getting comfortable with taking lives? Uriko did not shy away from Azarea's approach, being aware of her presence, and she accepted her partner's attempt to guide her into a sitting position. Azarea was a kind soul, despite her apparent cold-bloodedness. Uriko was sure that others would have probably mocked her in this situation. Azarea didn't. Maybe it was possible to end up a killing machine who still had concern for her colleagues. Maybe....

Ronin has written 328 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 9, 2022 20:38:46 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


The ride back to the mainland was quiet. With Azarea giving Urikohim the space to process her own thoughts. Only making sure the girl didn't get too lost in her own head or interacting should she appear to be degrading. Occasionally quietly offering a canteen of water or a bit of jerky. Things to help the girl feel more human and present in the moment as Azarea wracked her mind to recall what her own sensei had done to help her and her teammates through such times. They'd gotten their first kills early in their careers given their squad was slated for track and kill. The need to desensitize them to violence and death essential for their jobs and survival. Hopefully Urikohime's mind would settle and she would learn to cope.

Though Azarea suspected the girl would do better in tactics and defensive divisions then herself. Aburame made excellent assassins' and Azarea more so then most. A fact she often frowned upon given her family history. Pulling out a scrolls the woman settled into writing their report. Pressing the finished thing into Urikohime's hands as she helped the other girl up onto the docks and sent her on her way home. Thus ensuring the most the green haired genin needed to do was proffer the item to her superiors.

"It's been a pleasure working with you Urikohime. Be safe on your way." Azarea murmured and with a small smile, awkward, but kind, disappears off into the crowds as she departs.

[Mission Complete]

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count:250 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts