Sea Wolves [C-rank]

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Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 2, 2022 10:27:22 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Thoughts and Musings

Azarea was starting to wonder if maybe she should just dye her hair white. It wouldn't fix her eyes, but there were bound to be contacts or drops she could use to change them without straining her chakra stores. Though having to maintain a henge not only for long periods of times, but also in dangerous situations was certainly fine tuning her control. Lingering at Dock number 23 the Kumo nin sat perched on a wooden crate idly kicking her feet back and forth as she awaited the arrival of her sometimes student and this time mission partner for the task at hand. Flushing a few pirate out of the various fishing covers where they'd been bothering and raiding traders and fishermen alike. The small islands around Wave country and Hi no Kuni waters proving a safe haven for those criminals flushed out by the Kirigakure navy.

Drawing a kunai Azarea eyed her appearance in it's reflection frowning for a moment. No dying her hair wouldn't do at all. Then if she didn't fix her eyes she'd look even more uncannily like that man and if he thought she was going to accept being added to the clan archives so easily and come to him on bended knee then he had another thing coming to him. Shaking her head she resheathed the weapon and glanced up before catching a hint of green locks amidst the crowd. Her face lighting up with a grin as she lifts a hand to wave and call out, "Urikohime! Over here!"

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 2, 2022 22:04:25 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
The docks really did seem crowded today, but perhaps that was only because, having grown up in a relatively small community, Uriko was not too familiar with the docks, and thus did not expect them to be as chock full of people as they were. In retrospective consideration, having many people at the docks was not expected to be too surprising, as this place was a hub of economic activity. The kunoichi from Konohagakure was dressed in her standard dark pink outfit, with her headband identifying her loyalties proudly, as she meandered between people, making her way to Dock 23, where she was expected to meet up with a familiar face.

Azarea. She did not know whether her former makeshift teacher and present partner for this mission had a surname, but that did not really matter, did it? What mattered was that she felt that the white-haired kunoichi, though mysterious and probably a bit mischievous, was a good person and worthy of being trusted. She was quick to trust in that regard; as long as one was identified as an ally, she gave them the benefit of doubt. It was considered a rather dangerous behavior in a world steeped with subterfuge and deceit, but Uriko considered this not. If people were more open and kind, the world would quickly improve.

The sound of a voice calling her name drew Uriko to the caller, none other than her partner. "Ohayo gozaimasu, Azarea-dono!" she called out happily, waving in response to her partner's own gesture as she hurried over. "I'm not late, am I?"

Ronin has written 328 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 3, 2022 9:18:34 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Fish in a Barrel

"You're right on time actually!" Azarea assured her her face brightening with a cheery grin as she gestured to the small fishing boat behind her. "We're actually really lucky! A big storm swept through recently and all the fishing boats are at port for repairs. Pirates can't dock at ports to do that so they'll be huddling in coves patching up their vessels. Which is the perfect time for us to ambush them." She explains as she hops into the boat gesturing for Urikohime to join her and gives the fisherman in question a thumbs up.

"So instead of having to hunt the shipping lanes or worse wait for them to come to us we can just go check the coves and take them and their vessels out while they're not yet sea worthy. Should be a bit like shooting fish in a barrel!" Azarea chirps tone rather light and cheery. "And better yet we can turn any worth their salt in for bounties. So this should be a pretty good payday for us both." She adds glancing Uriko over before shrugging. The woman didn't look like she was hard up on cash like Azarea was. Clans tended to take care of their own after all, but the Kumo-genin's thick leather jacket was more patches then actual original leather at this point and Azarea would be loath to admit she hadn't been eyeing some of the nicer mesh armor in the various stores on the outskirts of Konoha. Their offerings not as good as the specialized shops further into the village, but what could she do? To venture in further was too risky.

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]


CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]

CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]




After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 273 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 3, 2022 20:50:06 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
It did sound quite serendipitous that the storm that had recently swept through the area would be a boon for this mission. Uriko had initially been simply glad that the storm had passed, as it might be difficult to go looking for pirates in stormy weather. It was also odd to observe that the storm, which had scuttled many of the fishing boats at the docks, had also most likely scuttled the pirates' boats as well. Talk about silver linings. Uriko had no idea where the coves that served as pirate haunting grounds would be, but she was sure that they would not be too hard to find; it was likely that the fisherman who would be serving as their transporter would have an idea of where they were to search.

The green-haired Genin gingerly got into the boat and bowed in greeting to the fisherman, then turned to Azarea, a confused and slightly distressed look on her face. "Why would anyone want to shoot fishes in a barrel? It does sound a bit redundant to put fish in a barrel, if all one is going to do is shoot them, right?" she wondered aloud. Yes, it was an idiom, but given Uriko's general lack of exposure, it had flown over her head. While Azarea seemed excited about the mission, Uriko had mixed feelings. She understood the necessity of the mission, but she would rather not have to use violence. "Uh, Azarea-dono," she said hesitantly, "do you think the pirates may be open to-- to dialogue?"

Ronin has written 328 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 3, 2022 21:06:46 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

First Kill

"You can just call me Azarea-Senpai like you did before if you like. No need for Dono." She assures Uriko with a lopsided grin as she settles down on one of the boat slats as the fisherman pushes off from the dock after returning the green haired girl's greeting with a nod of his own. The Kumo genin chuckling as she realizes the saying may have gone over Uriko's head.

"Shooting Fish in a Barrel is a way of saying something is easily done. Most people would not in fact actually shoot fish in a barrel." Azarea patiently explains though her complexion pales a bit as Uriko inquires about diplomacy. The woman having become so inured with fighting pirates of late and the type of ilk she'd been dealing with spilling over from fleeing Kiri's waters she hadn't really thought twice about finishing off an opponent and leaving the lucky ones to be picked up by the navy. More worrisome though was Uriko's hesitance.

"Uriko? Please don't take this the wrong way, but have you had your first kill yet?" She inquires with a worried frown well aware that hunting pirates or bandits was often how Konoha introduced their genin to the nature of death and shinobi work. Though she'd thought perhaps she would have lucked out and managed to avoid being the teacher for such a mission thus far. Yet it seemed her debatable luck had finally run out.

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 240 |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Oct 3, 2022 21:07:05 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 3, 2022 21:31:54 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
"Oh!" Uriko said, understanding dawning as Azarea explained the idiom that she had misunderstood. It did otherwise seem quite pointless, silly and cruel, if it would be taken literally. She did notice the subtle change about Azarea when she mentioned the hope that pirates might be willing to engage in more diplomatic means of conflict resolution. Oh dear, she had made a flunkie, she surmised. Still, it was better to be honest and have everything out in the open now, than seem to be all good and ready for the mission, only to fail to deliver when the time came. Uriko did hope that she would not have to deliver anything though, for the service to be delivered today was death, most likely.

"M-- my first kill?" the green-haired girl asked nervously, before shaking her head quietly. Of course, it did seem odd that someone as old as she was, and a ninja as well, would not have killed anyone before. But her life had not progressed as a traditional ninja's did. Also, she had lived a relatively sheltered and nonviolent life, so she was quite not yet used to the notion that taking lives was a shinobi's job. She had always known, but it had seemed so far away....

Ronin has written 328 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 3, 2022 21:58:37 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Forcing the issue wouldn't do either of them any good as Azarea offered Uriko a small hesitant smile, "All right we'll try and find a small boat and you can see if you can talk them into surrendering. But keep in mind any pirate we capture will be turned over to the navy for justice which could range from the loss of a hand to years in indentured servitude. Some pirates may rather fight so you need to be ready." Azarea explained as the woman shared a brief glance with the fisherman making certain he heard to look for smaller vessels. At least if they got jumped if it was a small crew they could manage just the two of them.

"How good are you at close combat and have you learned to Water Walk yet?" She inquired curious to know what they were working with here in terms of fighting prowess if things went south or if she'd need to be sneaky and take out their enemies with alternate means. Last thing she wanted was Uriko dead or traumatized worse then the usual first kill after-effects. Wouldn't due to lose an eye or a limb as Azarea checked her explosive tags. If Uriko kept them distracted... she could probably prime the boat to explode if things went bad.

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 219 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 3, 2022 22:13:16 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Uriko was surprised that Azarea agreed to let her attempt to talk to the pirates to try to ensure their surrender. "Thank you, Azarea-senpai," she said gratefully. While something at the back of her mind told her that this would probably be futile, she could not help but at least try. Maybe the pirates would somehow see reason and be willing to be taken in without a fight. "This is true," she replied, "but I believe that judgments are often more lenient when criminals seem willing to atone for their crimes. I am willing to attempt to push for lighter sentences for anyone who is willing to surrender, for what it's worth." Which sadly wasn't much. Still, the doing was in the trying. And if Uriko waited until she was prominent before she started trying to make a difference, she was likely to lose many opportunities.

On being asked about her fighting prowess, Uriko knew that it had been a long time since she had graduated from the Academy, but she had not let her skills atrophy. Unfortunately though, not having teachers meant that she could not improve much. "I am afraid I don't know the Water Walking skill yet, but I'm a good swimmer, so I should be able to hold my own if I fall into the water," the green-haired girl replied. "And as for close combat, I'm not incredible at taijutsu, but I think I can hold my own. In any case, I won't be considered defenseless."

Ronin has written 328 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 4, 2022 13:39:35 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Water Walking

"I see. Well that's something." Azarea agrees with a nod of her head mentally calculating what assets they had for completing the mission before determining that worst comes to worse she could probably get Urikohime out of whatever situation she got herself into with only minor issue. Before gesturing the girl to come sit beside her as she kicks her feet over the edge of the boot and channeling chakra into her soles lets them drag over the waves. The water washing off her shoes like waves over a duck's back.

"I'll teach you the basics of water walking while we're at it just in case." She adds flashing the other girl a grin. "Ok here's what you do. Channel chakra to your feet like you did when tree walking, but you need to fluctuate your charka up and down to match the speed and movement of the water you are on. Moving water needs to be fast, slow water with just a few ripples needs to be slow. Waves move your chakra in a wave like pattern. You should feel resistance like your standing on a rubber mat when you get it right." She instructed showing how she's able to slap her feet onto the ocean and just bounce off. Even going so far as to hop out and jog alongside the boat in demonstration.

"Try not to fall out until you get the hang of it, but if you do I'll fish you out of the water." Azarea assures her gesturing for her to give the technique a try on her own.

Henge Sustained


NAME: Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]


CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]

CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]



A slightly more advanced version of the Tree Climbing Skill, this technique allows a shinobi to walk on water as if it were a solid surface. What makes this so difficult is a very precise amount of chakra ust be applied, as balance is harder to maintain on a not so tangible and even moving surface.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 264 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 4, 2022 23:20:50 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Uriko was grateful that her partner did not castigate her for not knowing the Suimen Hokou no Waza. As she gestured to Uriko to sit beside her, the green-haired girl complied and scooted over to settle beside Azarea, watching as the Kumo ninja with snow hair swung her feet over the side of the boat, so that they were in contact with the water. Uriko was not sure she was going to grasp the details of the technique at this present moment, not when there was a mission to worry over, that was still looming ahead of them. Still, having theoretical knowledge might be useful in any case.

She listened intently to Azarea, taking note of the instructions being given. This technique, while technically having a similar basis to the Kinobori no Waza, sounded a whole deal more complex, and requiring much more control to handle, than its tree climbing counterpart. Given what Azarea had said, Uriko would have preferred having to try this technique on a water surface that wasn't as active and constantly moving as the waves beneath their boat. Still, there was a bit of advantage in having a more difficult training regimen: it simply meant that if she learned it here, she would be able to truly say she had mastered it.

Uriko swung only one leg out of the boat, and tried placing it on the water, as she channeled chakra to her sole. Her leg plunged into the water with no apparent effect. "Huh. Guess I did that wrong."

Ronin has written 328 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 5, 2022 10:50:32 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


"Keep at it. You'll get the hang of it in no time." Azarea encouraged as the woman hopped back into the boat moving to speak in low tones to the sailor as they discussed the various coves. The pair eventually settling on checking three of the smaller ones that couldn't house large ships meaning the crew of vessels taking shelter there had to range between five to ten men. Manageable should the crews turn hostile and decide to attack them. Of course giving her tips on water walking served another important purpose as it kept Urikohime's mind busy instead of focusing at the challenge ahead. Thus ensuring she was less likely to psych herself out should things end in ruin.

Shaking a few Kikaichu out of her jacket while her makeshift student's back was turned and her attention focused on the water Azarea instructed the bugs to fly ahead. The Kumo nin perching herself on the prow and taking a meditative position as they pulled up to the first cove as she pretended to act as a sensor while waiting for her insects to report back. "This cove is empty. Let's check the next one." She declared after a moment as the small bugs returned, latching onto the side of the boat just out of sight.

The next cove however proved to be occupied by a small sloop. The crew looking to number eight at most who had anchored there to patch their small sails that had been torn in the storm. A perfect beginning to cut Urikohime's teeth on. "The upcoming cove has a ship. Crew numbers eight. I'm going to swim up under water to place seals while you pull up alongside to negotiate. If negotiations go south slap the water." Azarea instructed as she pulled her rebreather from her kit and flipped backwards off the boat. Transforming herself with a henge into the form of a tigershark as she began to lazily make her way towards their target. Deciding it was perhaps best to not let Uriko know that with her bugs on the boat she'd likely know things were going badly even without the slap to the water.

Rebreather Equipped

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count:  362 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 5, 2022 19:52:42 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Having been told by Azarea to keep attempting the technique, Uriko decided to spend what time remained before they found the pirates trying to make some progress on the Suimen Hokou no Waza, although she strongly suspected that she was not likely going to be able to learn it today, not with the fact that she was finding concentrating a bit difficult, due to her worries about how the meeting with the pirates would go, and the fear that she would flunk it. Still, the process of trying to learn the technique made Uriko a little less fixated on what could possibly go wrong; perhaps that was a mixed blessing, seeing as the adage went, "worrying about having a child is harder than having a child.".

The first cove the boat reached was empty, and Uriko could not help feeling some measure of relief, although deep down, she knew that this relief was vain; it was merely a delaying of the inevitable. She took note of Azarea sitting on the prow; the other kunoichi likely had some sort of sensory ability, which soon provided intel on the next cove and its occupants. There were eight of them. Before Uriko could state that such a number would be unlikely to listen to negotiations, Azarea had given instructions and gone into the water. The instructions seemed sound enough.

As the boat approached, Uriko rose and held up her hands to indicate that she was not carrying any weapons, and thus did not intend to fight. That wasn't enough. The first pirate that saw her yelled, "Konoha ninja! Die!!" Uriko sank into a crouching position as she reached for her weapon pouch with one hand, slapping the water surface with the other. "Stay directly behind me," she said to the sailor in charge of their transportation. "If I leave the boat, put some distance between yourself and the fighting." She needed to pay attention to the fellow's safety.

Ronin has written 328 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 6, 2022 7:25:41 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Disguised as a shark Azarea swam slowly beneath the pirate sloop only pausing when directly beneath the boat to release her henge shifting with a few quick seals even succeeding in dropping one back to her prior appearance and slapping an explosive seal right where the rudder met the hull. With the intension of blowing a nice hole in the stern when the time came. Satisfied with her work she channeled chakra to her feet sticking to the side of the boat as she began to creep up and out of the water. Right as Urikohime slapped the surface signaling trouble and her Kikaichu alerted her that things were not going according to plan.

"Right. Time to Work." Azarea chirped cheerfully to herself as the woman dashed up the side of the ship flicking through the hand seals for the Barrier Bullet Technique as chakra formed in the back of her throat as she came up over the railing opposite of where Urikohime was. Her gaze flicking over the pirates quickly spotting the one with the nicest equipment and proceeded to plant her bullet right into the back of his skull while the crew was paying attention to her wayward partner.

With the audible *THUD* of the Captain's body hitting the deck the crew half turned to glance at their new attacker as Azarea smiled all teeth and malice. "Kirigakure no Jutsu!" The woman called out as the ship was blanketed in a layer of rising fog giving her a chance to spring back off the railing and onto the water.

1/10 explosive tags use
1/8 Pirates Killed

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

NAME: Kekkai: Dangan [Barrier: Bullet]

Compressing air into a very tiny barrier the size of a musket ball, the user fires it at great velocity towards the target, able to pass straight through a human body. However objects of higher density than it will certainly stop it, including certain thicknesses of wood, iron or steel.

NAME: Keizokuteki Enmu no Jutsu [Continuous Fog Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: To Use: Low | To Maintain: Very Low
TRIGGER: Auditory
Developed as a genjutsu version of the hidden mist technique it allows for the same effects as the ninjutsu version with much less chakra utilized. The target seeing a thick fog or mist rising up to obscure their vision and even their hearing. Less experienced users of genjutsu usually leave it at this, but more experienced practitioners will add in the proper smells and even the damp feel of the fog to the target(s) senses. The technique is triggered by the user saying the techniques name; although they'll often render a handseal or two as well to make the target(s) believe it is actually a ninjutsu.

NAME: Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
A slightly more advanced version of the Tree Climbing Skill, this technique allows a shinobi to walk on water as if it were a solid surface. What makes this so difficult is a very precise amount of chakra ust be applied, as balance is harder to maintain on a not so tangible and even moving surface.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 261 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 6, 2022 22:33:02 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
The pirates were yelling and making attempts to approach the vessel which contained Uriko and the steersman who had brought the two ninja to the cove. The green-haired girl, for her part, drew six kunai, three in each hand, and crouched slightly. "It may be safer to back off slowly..." she said gently to the man behind her. If Azarea had done what she said she was going to do, there was very likely going to be a big boom soon enough, and Uriko was not sure their little canoe would be strong enough to withstand even the fringes of the blast. She had not told the fisherman to beat a full retreat just yet; there would be enough time to worry if the pirates got within blast range of their boat.

Uriko saw her teammate rise silently out of the water and perform a jutsu; she was a bit too far to see exactly what the Kumo ninja did, but it immediately downed the pirate who had been targeted. A good choice of targets, seeing as he looked like the head honcho. While Urikohime was not too pleased about the unfolding violence, she was aware that it was either them or the pirates. It seemed Azarea had not finished with her surprises, using what looked like Kirigakure no jutsu to cover her escape. Even as the illusory mist began to form, Uriko threw the six kunai in her hands, aiming at vital points on bodies she had seen just before he vision was obscured. However, since the pirate boat wasn't that big, she was sure she would not hit six people at once. Still, that would be better than nothing, and she was very likely to hit people, seeing as the pirates would most likely freeze once they were caught in the mist, making them less likely to dodge an attack they could not see. A couple of screams in the fog informed her that her gambit had been correct.

6/20 Kunai used
4/8 Pirates killed

Ronin has written 328 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank]Oct 7, 2022 13:39:24 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


"Don't worry Miss. She hasn't sunk her own boat yet... well unless you count that one time. We'll probably be fine." The Oarsman assures Urikohime from where he'd ducked behind a crate he's positioned in front of the rudder to keep control of the boat and also stay out of harms way. His last word punctuated by a rippling boom and an explosion of splintering wood as Azarea forms the handseal and lights the explosive tag and eerie chill raising chuckle rising from the woman's lips amidst the mist as the ship cracks and begins to go under. Most of the backside and one of the pirates already blown to pulp as the rest are left scrambling in the water making them easy picking.

As Azarea pads across the surface of the waves finding those that come up for air and drawing a kunai to save chakra proceeds to give them their final mercy. One however slips past her and soaked, half blind, and desperate the man manages to get his hands on the side of Urikohime's boat and begins trying to pull himself up a dagger clutched between his teeth and his eyes wide and murderous. Insults spewing from his lips even as he grabs his weapon and attempts to take a swipe at her.

Continuous Fog Sustained
Water Walking Sustained
1/10 Explosive tags detonated.

7/8 Pirates killed

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 216 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts