Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]

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Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 28, 2022 10:15:18 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
Miroru was saved by the barrier armour she had set up, but the stab was still painful nonetheless. Still, the person was hoping to swiftly end her, and since that failed, he was left wide open for her counter. With her incredible speed, she would grab the attacker and smack him against one of the thugs, thus dispelling his transformation technique, changing Azarea's likeness to that of a brunette with a scar over her nose. With the two of them smacked away, Miroru avoided the other attacker and then hit him with her Lightning Release attack, scorching the poor bastard and claiming his life.

Still, as she looked around and saw another Azarea, paranoid by the ambush, she lounged in to attack and hit the woman in the chest with the Short Circuit technique, destroying her chest armour. Blood would come out of her mouth as she felt limp on the ground, unconscious and vulnerable. Nothing was dispelled, so this was the hard evidence that - despite her suspicion - she had hit her allied.

The last thug left standing, near where Azarea was, took the opportunity to try and cut Miroru down with his sword. Cruel smirk on his face as he lounged for his attack. "Thank you for taking your friend down, stupid brat! Now join her!" he said in a cocky tone, believing his attack could end her life.

At the same time, the brunette slowly got up, still having some fight in her, despite the recent injuries.
Ren has written 286 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 28, 2022 13:58:05 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 325  | notes
Miroru will never in her life forget the sound of Azarea’s scream, the look on her face as Miroru strikes what she was sure was another trick coming to ambush her. Much less the single word she manages before shock and pain rip her from consciousness and deliver her to merciful, fleeting slumber.

W h y ?

"No, nono, I thought- I th-thought-"

"... O-onee-chan..?”

She didn’t hear the words of the arrogant killer lunging towards the child standing over the smoking form of one of her nearest and dearest. She didn’t see him moving to strike, aiming to cut her down while her armor fought to reform itself. But as her despair and fear and rage overwhelmed her, and the Kyuubi offered her a path towards revenge, redemption- for a moment, she FELT his killing intent, his disdain and arrogance
What tiny, pitiful things they were in face of the storm inside the child.
The short sword slammed into Miroru’s palm- or, more accurately, stopped just short, caught on a glimmer of golden, seething chakra that boiled out of her hand and wrapped around her body as she caught the strike. Her hair flooded backwards, twisted into fox ears, dark streaks tore back from her eyes to stain those ears. She turned- slowly- back towards the remaining MONSTERS…

… as her shroud overflowed and spilled down to the ground in two churning, scorching tails, threads of malignant red creeping out from her core. She never even looked at the one assuming the battle already won as a quartet of chakra arms exploded from her shroud to plunge towards his face, his shoulder, his gut, his thigh. Scorching, searing, as she spoke the only word she felt these DEMONS deserved.

"D I E”

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 28, 2022 14:06:41 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
The man could hardly believe his own eyes when his sword was stopped by the child, who now had a chakra shroud surrounding her entire body. He didn't know what that meant, but even though knowledge escaped him, every instinct on his body started telling the man to run. All red flags had been risen, he knew he was in danger, but before he could even formulate a plan, a strategy on how to get away, the girl punched him with such a strength that it destroyed his upper body, scorching and cauterizing whatever remained, as it hit the floor in a thud.

The brunette, the one who had trapped them in genjutsu looked at the scene in terror, hands covering her mouth as she screeched. Seeing one of her men being destroyed in what seemed like an effortless attack made her realize that her own life was in danger. What could she hope to do against such a power? Still, whatever shinobi training she still had allowed her to at least try and tap into any source of sense of self-preservation. She grabbed two kunais with explosive tags attached to them and threw them at Miroru, hoping that perhaps the attack could incapacitate the girl enough so that she could potentially run for her life.

The last remaining thug was just about getting up, but for him, fear paralyzed him; he couldn't even scream as the tears started pouring down his face.
Ren has written 286 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 28, 2022 14:57:58 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
  | 240  | notes
Miroru howled wordlessly, tears evaporating off her face as steam pulsed off her back as her wound healed. Her mind was chaos. Every smile she’d ever shared with Azarea. Every hug, every lesson. Fury was everything.

Almost everything.

Her first instinct on seeing the explosive tags was not to flee or show off.

It was still further rage that they would endanger Azarea still further just to hurt her now.

She exploded into movement nearly unfathomable for a genin, tearing forward to stop just short of the flying weapons, grab the tagged kunai out of the air with one hand, and swing her arm to the side all in an instant, extending a chakra arm to attempt to drive the knives straight into the woman’s accomplice’s guts right before the sheer heat detonated them.

And in the next instant? This terror of a child was on the Genjutsu specialist, chakra limbs dragging her like a spider in a horrifying skuttle as she slammed into her, hurled her to the ground, loomed over her as she screamed the only word she was sane enough to speak, the echoes of something worlds larger and absolutely reveling in the devastation of worthless human lives reverberating behind her screech.

? ! ? !WHY! ? ! ?

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 28, 2022 15:22:27 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
With one of her hands, Miroru grabbed the kunais and threw them aside, making them explode a safe distance away from the Jinchuuriki and from Azarea. Her other hand made quick work of the last living thug, leaving just herself and the brunette woman left standing on the battlefield, or at least they were, until Miroru leaped on the woman, slamming into her and hurling her to the ground, screaming with all her lungs and asking why. "Because you shinobi deserve it! Just die and join your filthy friend!!" the woman screamed in fear and anger, as in a last resort attack, she grabbed a Kunai and tried to hit Miroru in the neck.

If it hit, it probably wouldn't be deadly due to the power of the chakra shroud, but it still had the potential of hurting her a lot, if the girl didn't react to it. Fortunately, it was an obvious attack, and with her current power, Miroru could most likely intercept it if she chose to do so.
Ren has written 286 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 28, 2022 16:47:03 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
  | 234 | notes
Miroru just stared in wide eyed rage as she admitted that yet again, Azarea was in danger because some prejudiced, hypocritical monster decided she didn't deserve to live. The knife didn’t have a chance to hurt Miroru this time. She’d waited too long. The barrier armor had recovered, and the blow simply didn’t get past the shroud AND the barrier armor combined. The armor shattered, the blade stuck in the shroud, and the Chakra peeled off Miroru's fist as she palmed the demon woman's face and stalked towards a nearby tree, deathly red leaking further out of her core, her hatred clashing with her furious adoration of her onee-chan.

"Y O U F I R S T."


Miroru slammed the woman's head into the tree trunk.



Miroru's hand hit the tree once there was nothing left in the way.

And what was left of the headless body slumped to the ground. Leaving Miroru staring blankly as she hung in the balance between her growing panic over Azarea's condition, her target less rage, and what felt like bottomless despair.

At least until something moved.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 28, 2022 18:00:49 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Consciousness returned to Azarea in a wave of pain and heat as the woman rolled onto her side coughing. Her trembling twitching hands fumbling with the slagged remains of her vest straps as she snaps them loose to allow her to more easily draw breath into her screaming lungs. The twisted hunk of metal falling to the ground in a clatter as the raging ball of chakra that was leaving her near sensory blind and deaf paused at the noise to turn to face her. The Kumo nin looking upon the monster raging across her senses for the first time as her numb fingers fumbled to form the seals for a kawari casting the net of her chakra out to tag one of the downed branches around them.

As she found herself staring into the eyes of a monster wearing her kohai's face.

"Miroru..." She rasps out blood covered tongue struggling to form words. "Are... are you all right?" Azarea questions scooting back slightly in the dirt as she struggled to find any form of recognition in the Uchiha's eyes. Even as realization settled over her that she hadn't been mistaken. That it had been her little kohai who had attacked her as betrayal pooled in pit of her stomach like a poison. The Kunoichi flaring her chakra a the Kumo nin spammed out the same signal every Konoha nin learned for the first time in the Academy with the vain hope someone was close enough to feel it or... more importantly someone far away was paying enough attention to spot the same white chakra as their own go up in the signal no commander ever wants to see. As Azarea screamed into the void and hoped either she could hold till help arrived or the girl she thought of as a younger sister recognized her.


Azarea removes broken Chestplate, Preps Kawarimi, Signals S.O.S

NAME: Kawarimi no Jutsu [Body Replacement Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals (one post prior to the technique's use) and locating a nearby object within a 10 meter radius (typically a log or something of similar size to their body.), the user switches places with the said object just before an attack lands, creating an optical illusion. During the small interval where they have left their opponent surprised, they may take the time to attack or flee.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count:279  |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 28, 2022 21:52:00 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 291 | notes

Miroru twists at the sound of a voice, coils of reddening golden chakra tearing up out of her shroud to slam down against the ground in rapid succession, tearing in a line across the space between them, churning up chunks of turf as she shreds at the unexpected movement, stalking towards the source, each step charring the grass to ash as she moves, hunched over, to make sure the unrecognized threat has been neutralized.

Splattered blood. Char. Good. That was good.

Movement caught her eye and she snapped towards it, catching Azarea on the other end of her Kawarimi.

She's okay!


She's running away..?


I stopped everyone. It's fine. Why is she scared?


What? No, I didn't mean to-


No! She's my-


I don't want t-



The chakra arms bulge out of the shroud again- and Miroru's hands shove out of the shround to sieze them, hands smoking as she refused to let them lash out, "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO" Scorched hands dig at the shroud around her face, ripping the gold and red off her body, stumbling back and away from Azarea "Not her not her not her not her not her not her not her" as she falls from her feet to her knees, toppling to the side and digging her heels into scorched turf as she rips away shreds and tatters of her shroud with trembling, smoking fingers.
"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 28, 2022 23:29:05 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Blood and Ash

Instinct is all the saves her from the first lash of blazing chakra that streaks towards her like a trailing star. The Kumo nin ignoring the screaming electrical burns on either side of her gut as she throws herself bodily to one side the ends of her crimson hair singeing. Azarea clawing her way to her feet as she tries to dance out of the way.

"Miroru it's m~" She tries to call out voice a hoarse rasp before the second blast catches her. The woman barely having enough time to throw up her arms and jacket to try and protect her face and eyes. The thick leather sizzling to ash as boiling bubbling malefic chakra lashes across Azarea's arms and torso searing into her skin like burning tar as her sharp gasp of pain is cut off as she's hurled backwards into a tree. The impact knocking the wind from her lungs as she wheezes reaching out to grasp at her thread of chakra tugging on it as she begins to make the~

Scarlet eyes dart up to meet Miroru's crimson panicked ones as pain the likes Azarea had not felt since the poison sets every nerve in her body on fire as the Kyuubi's claws rake across her neck. A scant few inches of ragged flesh the only thing between her and death as her throat's flayed open spared by her kohai's desperate nails digging into the arms of boiling chakra as blood pools down the Kumo nin's front. Her hand reaching up fingers trembling to press against the ragged pouring wound... as her Kawarimi finishes snapping into place. A broken branch all that's left as it hits the ground with a thud.

Azarea in the distance past the glow of the Kyuubi's burning aura stumbles to her feet in the shadows vision spinning as the hand not desperately trying to staunch her injury fumbles with bloody fingers into her pouches as she wrenches out one of her emergency tags her blood soaking the paper as she slapped it over her throat funneling a spark of chakra into it as the wounds ragged uneven edges close. Buying her time at the cost of her rapidly dwindling chakra.

As following age old instincts beaten into every Konoha nin and adapted to Kumo's high altitudes Azarea hid. Clambering up into the branches of a large oak as she tucked herself against the trunk fingers fumbling as she formed the seal for plain sight technique. The genjutsu settling over her like a blanket as she struggled to keep her eyes open. A terrifying numbness making it's home within her bones. Her throat hurt, the woman not even able to swallow, but more terrifying was the lack of agony from the burns lashed across her front.

They should hurt.

They didn't.

That was never a good sign.

As struggling to maintain her technique Azarea couldn't be certain if it was the darkness of the night, the blindness from the Kyuubi's flaring shroud, or unconsciousness creeping that now crept in around the edges of her vision.

Kawarimi Activates
1 x Kizu Fūinjutsu [Wound Sealing Technique] Tag utilized

NAME: Tairai Joukei no Jutsu [Plain Sight Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: To Use: Low | To Maintain: Low
This jutsu while not being able to be used offensively can make many jobs much more simple. This technique causes all other people who can see the user's handseal to not notice them. Meaning that when someone is using this technique people will subconsciously not take notice of them, the affected person(s) eyes looking around or right past them. Even in combat this can be a useful technique, as long as the user holds the seal the opponent will find it impossible to bring any focus on the user from their five main senses.
A technique meant for assassinations and infiltrations, its only true drawback is the small amount of chakra required to maintain it and the fact that the user must hold the seal while using it, making them unable to use other techniques. This technique however does not stop the target(s) from utilizing additional senses from detecting them. This including, but not limited to sensor shinobi.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 513 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 29, 2022 0:37:52 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 757 | notes

Miroru stormed into herself, swathed in raging chakra, knee deep in writhing umber waters, the first three shrines blazing light into her core as she sloshed through the waters towards where massive talons had risen from the water to grip the end of the pier.

"WE HURT AZAREA!" Miroru screamed at The Old Fox, the heartfelt howl pulsing the water away from her in a rush before it returned, accompanied by a world-rumbling laugh.

YOU hurt her~

"The FIRST time! You were trying so hard to wrench control away, I couldn't think straight, and attacked her even when everything was clear! We'd WON. She was SAFE. And YOU HURT HER BECAUSE-"

She cut off, and the waters went still, silent. The Fox waiting to hear her response.

"... because I didn't stop you soon enough."


"It's not your fault. I mean. You caused it. But I can't blame you for it. You tried to get out the only way you can see. I wasn't prepared to hold the reins. This was-

This was my fault. Not yours."

One tail faded. The other. The shroud. All dissipated, flowing back into their three shrines, each occupied by a full, tiny fox statue now. All that was left was an exhausted, tear-stained, filthy girl with burnt-bloody hands.

"I won't blame you for my failures." She opened her mouth again, and closed it. "We'll talk later. I have to take care of Azarea."

She turned.
Stepped to the woods.
Vanished as the lake receded and the claws slid out of sight.

The Fox didn't remark on her departure.
But neither did he deride her as he closed his eye.

Miroru came back to herself and pitch forward in abrupt, keening agony, hands curling into ragged, charred claws, sucking breath and spitting it out again as she fought to stand. To stumble, looking around. No shroud. Nothing left. Just- bodies.

She stumbled, fell to her knees- and formed a few handseals with her breath sucked back, face pale with agony as she forced the precise movements. Finally, she planted her palm- and called up a summon. Just one. Tiny. A foot tall at the shoulder.

The scene was clearly an absolute shock for Kin.

"O-oh..! I guess- I guess that must be the other guy... ahaha... right?" The fox said, trying desperately to find a bright side. Miroru managed a weak smile, and murmured, "I n-need you to bring me m-my backpack. Th... then go that way. T-to the road. Turn r.. right. And run b-ba-b... back to Konoha. Find... f-find a g-gate guard. Teh... tell them," she said, forcing the words past the pain of her hands. "Theh... there was an ambush. W-wounded leaf. Cri..." Her eyes welled, and she squashed them shut. "Critically... wounded... cloud. We n-need... a medic... asap. M... maybe backup. We'll... hide. A-and wait." Kin was a village summon, and easily spotted from far off due to the trail of literal flames she left. Extremely easy to spot and recognize at a difference.

Kin nodded, and licked Miroru's knee before she bounded off to fetch Miroru's backpack and scurry on, waiting to reach the trail before blowing into full gear and tearing down the trails towards Konoha.

Miroru, meanwhile, gritted her teeth and bit back sobs as she pulled out her tent tarp, gauze, bandages, and blood pills, from her pack. Then she looked up into the trees, finding nothing, but-

-but a slumping Azarea, unconscious and falling out of the tree as her jutsu broke. The frantic redhead hurled herself to the base of the tree and screamed as she caught Azarea, breaking down into agonized sobs as her weight settled on palms charred as if by molten steel ropes.

It took some work, but she used a corner of the tent tarp to crush up a blood pill, very carefully pouring it into her mouth, under the tongue to help her absorb the blood-replenishing medicine, and pulled them both under the tarp, executing a excruciating Cloak of Invisibility Technique before carefully, slowly, bandaging and binding her hands, a kunai drawn and kept back from Azarea's body as she huddled them both against the base of a tree, disguised as a bush splattered with blood.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 29, 2022 14:58:17 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
As she regained consciousness, Azarea's instict of self-preservation kicked in and prompted her to make what seemed like an enormous effort. Her injuries were bad, and she knew that. If she got hit by Miroru again, at that state, she was as good as dead, and with that in mind, she climbed a tall tree, trying to keep herself as far away as she could fathom. Her Wound Sealing Technique helped stop the bleeding and keep her out of immediate danger.

Meanwhile, Miroru struggled with her own self, trying to regain control, reign in her rage, and it slowly worked out. The chakra shroud disappeared, leaving Miroru alone on the ground, with the corpses of her victims. With her summon, the girl gave it instructions to head back to the leaf and get medical help as soon as possible, and the fox departed, running like the wind.

Fortunately for them, Miroru being the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki had some advantages, and one of them was that surveillance was never too far. A small group of Root operatives were not far from her, and when the fox got close to them, they revealed themselves, listening to the creature's report, and immediately following it back to where they were supposed to be. Among them, one medic.
Ren has written 286 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 30, 2022 16:42:12 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"resource gathering".
"Moral is too subverted to serve justice"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei

The Butterflies.
"The butterflies..." - a shadow figure, hid from the sight of those who walked in the lights. His mission now was to take an eye over the Leaf's jinchuriki, who happened to be a friendly person to him.

"That again, love? Isn't the girl stalking thing creep enough? This should be a illegal though" - "Erm. I'm pretty sure it is, actually." - "The butterflies are back" - "We are in a mission. Directly Toshizo's orders. There's no room for emotional field here" - "I don't thinking he is talking about the girl, though." - "The feeling we all got from the thing within her. On him, it's some sort of... different trigger" - "Wait, are you in love with that monster?" - "I wouldn't use this world to describe it, but, yes. In a certain way, though. There is a strong connection among that thing's spiritual energy and ours. As a passionate person, Wahei's spirit manifest some kind of uncomprehensive and enphatic attraction for it" - "What does it mean? How? Why?" - "Love for its power" - "Wrong. Its some kind of... I recognize your fears and pain situation. Wahei feel connected to that giantic form, because just like it, he was also created from chakra and biocells to handle the weights of hatred of this rotten world" - "This is wonderful, love. You have the pretties butterflies".

He had straight orders to not interfere in their mission. All he was suppose to do was watch and guarantee by any means that the jinchuuriki would return safely to the village. But then, the incident happened. And it happened way too fast. - "Something is wrong" - and in the moment Wahei's body reacted to make a move, the power within Miroru lost control. - "This is... outstanding" - his body freezed and his eyes widened and eyebrows arched like never before.

Wahei got crossed by the willing to help and his sense of duty. He was not prepared for a situation like this, and revealing his presence there was a worst case scenario but things turned into mayhem way worst than expected. So what could he really do?

"If you take the stand, our mission will be compromise" - "And if I don't, the Leaf can get in a lot of trouble. Azarea situation is critical and having her die by the hands of an jinchuuriki could mean not only a threat over our alliance, but lead both villages to a state of war" - "I'm with the kid. We need to act. We can't risk all the work Toshizo-sama has built because of an incident like this" - "If the coopepper or that gorgeous thing inside of her recognizes us, it is very likely that we are going to become a target. We all know it didn't like us when we first met." - - "IMO, we should kill them both of us and tame the beast" - "Or eat them all. Can we eat them all? - "We got no time for this. Wahei, move!"

The boy jumped towards where the girl were. With the byakugan triggered, he was allowed to detect one of the enemies that were crawling out of the area. He was lucky enough to beat the odds  and survived the kyubi mass destructive rampage. And he would possibly have success even though his wounds were quite severe, but having a witness was a bad thing so with the tiger seal, he made a water clone and send it to put an end in his misery, cleaning the mess and guaranting there was anyone around.

In the meanwhile, original Wahei approached and when he finally got at the scene, Miroru find the strength to regain control over the kyubi, which made Wahei smile under his mask - "You're amazing... handling all this hatret all by yourself".

- Step away. - his voice tone had changed, exactly like Fear's voice. Hopefully, with his hood on, she'd not be able to identify him. But he granted a slightly opening so she could see his konoha protector which now he used as a belt. As he kneeled down at Azarea's side, the boy shook his head and sighted. It was bad. Wahei made some extra water clones and with his special ability, their watery form would help the first aid and healing process.

The girl got lashed and thrown back by a blast of Bijuu chakra, and even though her face was intact, the boiling chakra that hit her across the torso and arms gave her some really nasty burns in addition to the electrical ones she got earlier by Miroru herself. Fortunately, the watery property would help to cool down her skin along with the natural healing process of the mystic palm.

As for her throat, even though the kyubi pretty much ripped Azarea's neck open and she had some pretty bad damage to it and her throat and the rapidly bleeding out, the wound sealing fuinjutsu managed to save her life by temporarily sealing the wound. There was still blood loss, but the pill provided by Miroru was coming in handy and would hold the situation. And just because of that, Wahei could start by cooling her whole body down, since the first aid was pretty much done by the sealing technique and the natural property of the mystic palm would gradually help her close the wound in the neck.

But this was only the external damage. Thanks to the byakugan, Wahei also noticed that the boiling chakra had also been breathed by the girl, causing internal damage. As for the torso who was the most affected part, the damage also get to her kidneys.

Fortunatelly, the way Wahei learned to use his water clones combined to his medical skills allowed him to cover up wounds in several different positions. The price of using this techniques is that not only he and the patient started to dehydrate faster, and that's where the water clones was most important since they could simoultaneously heal and accelerate the healing process but also refill the patient's organism water level as they dry.

He had used that technique before and it was fundamental to keep Shigure alive. Now, he had to do it again which proved his skills were not only evolving, but also serving its purpose. Proving worthy again, Wahei slightly stepped away from the girl, taking his own canteen and taking a large sip. - She is out of risk, for now. We need to move her to a safe place with an emergency center so she could have proper care.

Wahei carefully put Azarea in his back. Under the mask, he quickly looked at Miroru and asked - Are you ok? Miroru had also suffered severe burns to her hands and wounds on her back. She was out of risk physically speaking. But mentally, the girl was probably a mess for the burden of her actions. And Wahei's byakugan could read through those desperate feelings. - I need your help to save her, but we got to move now. - a white lie, because he didn't need her help, even though it could come in handy. His idea was helping the girl to deal with her emotions, offering something she could grab on the hope of at least helping on keeping Azarea alive.

"I'm nothing but a memory. I have no name. I have no present or future. All that I am now, is a missing number."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Call of duty ! ! !
- When the target is a friend -
[ |  | ]
[1230 Words]
last edit by Wahei on Oct 30, 2022 16:42:46 GMT -5
MissingNo has written 491 posts
Resource Gathering! [M:C|Azarea]Oct 30, 2022 18:26:47 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 353 | notes

As the Root Operative landed nearby, Miroru heard it from beneath the tarp she was using to maintain the Cloak of Invisibility technique, and she bit her lip hard, eyes splayed wide. It was too soon. Even for Kin, even for her incredible speed on foot, this was too soon. This was another enemy. Another assassin. And if she fell, they'd get Azarea, too, and it'd be entirely her own fault.

Her knuckles went white on the bloodslick handle of the kunai in her hand as she braced herself. The moment the tarp was pulled back by the Operative, she-

-saw the gleam of a Leaf protector.

She relenquished Azarea to care.

She released her grip on the kunai, dropping it into the grass, the handle and her palm dripping blood. Her back, though- that wound was gone.


In fact, all the wounds from the battle itself- to her back, the wounds from the last woman's desperate, flailing stabs to try to save herself, all of them were gone.

The only wounds that remained were the shredded burns from tearing back the chakra arms that had literally gone for Azarea's throat. Why was an easy guess for the medic. She clearly hadn't been treated to whatever regenerative factor the Tailed Beast had provided while she cooperated with it- when she'd enforced her own will, drove it back at the cost of her own blood, that healing factor had gone to sleep with it. Leaving her scorched and covered in blood- hers and Azarea's both.

She didn't say anything when spoken to.

Nodded when he said she needed to be moved. Picked her up, eyes showing strain from pushing past the agony of her burns.
Nodded when he asked if she was okay.
Nodded when he said it was time to move.
Moved when he did, where he did.

She'd have time to break later.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

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