[event] shattered foundations | team two

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[event] shattered foundations | team twoNov 17, 2022 9:24:56 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


With the rocks falling from the mountain side, Daisuke had unforunately been held back from his previous disposition. While his intent was first and foremost to deal with the fires, the rockslide posed a greater threat to him and his wolf pack in the moment.

His attention pulled, Daisuke was not quick enough to deal with each and every stone that fell their way, a few of which crashed into him. Perhaps it was the anger he felt that clouded his vision and actions. His pride getting in the way of his objective yet again. Nothing but a few scrapes and bruises for now, save for one that his him just above the eye causing a streak of blood to run down his face. The wolves suffered a similar damage. Not quick enough to alert them, and with their attention focused on the rescue, Daisuke saw one stone after another fall towards his pack.

The young sage gritted his teeth, his fist clenched. Ichi had reassured him that none of the pack had been injured enough to stray from their objective, and while thankful, it did not aid the pressure forming on his conscience.

Again, the Chuunin's attention was pulled away as Shigure called out to him, snapping him back to reality.

"No,” Daisuke exclaimed, "I got this!

With a flash of handseals, the sage thrust his hand to the ground and a torrent of water began to erupt from the ground and form a large pool.

"Shigure!” Daisuke called back, turning to his comrade. "Send any able bodied civilian who wants to help my way to help with the fires!” He said, gesturing to the large pool that formed beside him.

"Alright...” The sage mumbled to himself. "Let's get it done.

Daisuke followed the creation of the pool of water with another slew of handseals, a powerful jet of water soon shot out from the pool of water beside him. Under his control, the stream immediately collided into the fires closest to him, drenching as much as he could before the fire crept further through the village.


Temp By: Akira

SA’s Active:


Sea of Chakra - Chakra Reserves
Thrill of the Hunt - Enhanced Speed and Endurance
Will of Thousands - Enhanced Strength and Durability

Summons: Ino, Oki, Gaara and Ichi

Jutsu Used:


NAME: Takitsubo no Jutsu - [Waterfall Basin Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium [Potential Continuous]
DESCRIPTION: Takitsubo no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Water Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals to create a large volume of water. This is a go to for many shinobi who specialize in Suiton techniques. It should be noted that for continually pouring in a moderate amount of chakra the user may keep making water. However while creating water the user can only move at a brisk walk at most.

NAME: Mizurappa - [Violent Water Wave]
DESCRIPTION: Mizurappa is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, the user will expel a strong jet of water at their opponent.

Matt has written 205 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoNov 17, 2022 11:13:23 GMT -5
Murahira Sengo
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Murahira Sengo Avatar
age 20 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1

 Sengo could of moved but there was still one person he needed to get away from the hazard zone. Good thing he still had his fan open as the large boulder came toward him and the injured adult. This time he would have to use Sickle weasel the right way. Sengo gathered wind chakra into Iron flowers frame. When he swung his fan down the torrent meet the large rock head on. Cutting wind struck the rocks the larger rock became a medium sized rock with a group of smaller ones. 

Sengo would put himself and his fan between the still wounded father of the kids he saved. Closing his fan so he could crush the smaller then large rock. The rock crumbled under Iron flowers large heavy frame. But the smaller rocks nicked him here and there where exposure was a thing. Still high on his body's adrenaline these cuts where ignored for now. Figuring getting while the getting was good was a good idea. Sengo sheathed his fan on his back and got the injured man in a good firemans hold. And would use the nimbleness his clan was famous for to get the man to safety. When Sengo's sky blues feel on the three little ones the looks on there faces brought out a little of the warm and fuzzes' from the pits of his stomach. He set the man down with the other injured. and then made his way back the the groups fearless leader to get new tasking.  




dantlessknome HEX: #63a0c6 No notes!

dantlessknome has written 26 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoNov 20, 2022 7:44:01 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

shattered foundations
"through crisis, unity."

Azarea, doggedly determined to rescue as many civilians as possible, continues straining herself with her thus-far successful combination of precision sensory, Doton-powered digging, and lion support. Continuing to move north along the western edge of town, she, with Shuusuke’s help, pulls free another fifteen villagers, four of them dead—not due to suffocation, thankfully, as it seems their system has been working quickly enough to rescue most people before they ran out of oxygen; a cursory glance would reveal more obvious causes of death, such as blood loss or fatal injuries.

Koji, meanwhile, has created a clone to escort the villagers to safety, while he himself uses the bandages Azarea supplied to put a stopgap to the worst of the wounds inflicted. He uses three bandages in this way, hopefully helping to ensure the villagers’ safety and wellbeing on their way out of the village. Koji himselfs remains steadfastly at Azarea’s side, and he is the first to get a front-row view when…

[Random Event: Azarea!] While Azarea is pulling one grateful villager out from beneath the earth of their collapsed home, a commotion starts up nearby—a group of eight goats have broken out of their pen, and are stomping in a mad, bleating rush directly towards Azarea! The elderly man in Azarea’s grasp feebly groans for the goats to stop—perhaps he is their caretaker…? In any case, these goats are large, stocky, and thickly furred, with large, heavy horns adorning their brows—and they’re charging straight for Azarea! [Random Scenario Roll: Stampeding Animals!]

By Shigure’s order, one of the Convocation deftly swoops in to rescue the dazed Akihiko, flying him safely out of the village’s danger zone until he is ready to rejoin the group. [Akihiko is exempt from Random Scenario Rolls and safe from environmental danger.] He takes a moment to check in with the firefighting wolf sage before moving northward to the most risky area of town: the other end of the widespread fire that Daisuke is working to put out, where buildings are the least stable and people are in immediate danger of both structural collapse and spreading fires. The two remaining eagles accompany him, working to clear his path so that he can quickly enter buildings and remove people from immediate harm’s way.

Using this method Shigure is able to rescue another fourteen villagers, eleven adults and three children; during his efforts, he locates another three deceased, each having died from either fatal injuries due to structural collapse or smoke inhalation. As he continues his efforts, Shigure will find it harder and harder to catch his breath, as he enters buildings where the air is clogged with dust and smoke and heat.

Sengo, having successfully obliterated the falling boulder and escorted the injured man and his children to safety, links back up with Shigure as he approaches this more dangerous region of the town. Though he’s taken some minor injuries, his adrenaline is surging and they do not impact his ability to assist at this time. If Sengo helps Shigure in moving through the buildings to rescue villagers, with their combined efforts they’re able to do it in less time, though both will be suffering from smoke inhalation (albeit to a lesser degree than if Shigure made the effort alone).

At the other end of this zone, Daisuke swiftly weaves handseals to create a large pool of water, which he uses as a source to begin putting out the rampaging fire spreading through this block of businesses and homes. The fire has rapidly spread even in the short time since the shinobi have arrived, but the force of Daisuke’s suiton tech is doing a lot of work towards dampening the flames; it’s certainly successful, but will take more time and effort until the worst of the fires are put out.

The wolves stand by, awaiting direction from the young Sage Apprentice.

Team Two Citizens Located: 75
Total Citizens Located: 116
Total Dead: 14

[Random Event: Universal Roll]
[Safe Roll!]

[found on pinterest, i did not draw this lmao]

Map has been updated with the team's positions relative to one another. The pink highlights reflect ground already covered in rotations 1 through 3, while the red highlights reflect burning buildings. Let me know if you have any questions!

| | | | |

Fourth rotation posting deadline: 11/29/22, 03:00 HST
timezone converter

The deadline has been extended for this rotation due to the holiday! I'll be traveling to visit family, so the next rotation will begin when I come back and have access to a computer again. (:

- All skills, weapons, and jutsu are allowed.
- Posting window will be strictly enforced. If a participant misses a rotation, they will be skipped. Whatever happened in the last post, if relevant to the skipped character, will happen to the character.
- A 24-hour extension may be given up to two times per member during the event, if the member contacts Tact.
- This event is death enabled and canonically takes place before the Fall 2022 Iwagkaure Chuunin Exams. If you are participating in both events, injuries or death that might occur during Shattered Foundations will significantly impact the proceedings of the exams in Kuwana.

Every rotation, a 1d6 will be rolled to see which Random Event impacts the vicinity of a team member. Another 1d6 will then be rolled to select that team member.

Every rotation, a 1d100 will be rolled. (:

The event will conclude when the entire vicinity has been checked by either team and at least 80% of Kikai’s population has been accounted for, either dead or alive. I will be keeping track of the net encountered civilians across both groups in each rotation.

If events between the two groups overlap, a tertiary thread may be created to merge the two groups and keep events consistent.
tactician has written 544 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoNov 22, 2022 11:52:23 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
Kojirou had been doing great up until now – all of the villagers up until this point had been alive… but the sight of four casualties soured the mood very quickly. The swordsman’s mouth was tied shut throughout the extraction, and Shūsuke was being a champ for not commenting about anything. The heir of the lions was doing his job diligently, as always, with his heart closed off to the tragedy.

A shinobi’s very title invited death all around them. From the right, from the left, above and below and right in front of their faces, death would commit excessive leaps of boundaries to remain a reminiscence to the ninjas. Kojirou wasn’t an idiot – he had understood these terms long ago… despite the shivering… no, it wasn’t fear. But what Kojirou had felt intrigued him, not out of interest but out of f-

… Were those goats?! Shit, they kept charging straight towards them, and Azarea was still concentrating!

Tar could be used to slow them down, so Kojiroiu weaved three handseals and channeled another Jutsu from the Lava Release. Afterwards, he clapped both hands onto the rocky ground and watched as a puddle of tar began leaking up from the cracks on the granite and debris, aiming to use its stickiness to brake the goats charging at him and Azarea. They were goats – goats were scared shitless – so he’d done this to await Shūsuke’s return from the next extraction of survivors before commanding the lion to herd the goats away too. These belonged to someone and provided both food, clothes and milk…

NAME: Yoton: Kuro Ashikubi Shikakejirai [Lava Release: Black Ankle Entrapment]
Forming three hand seals the user will force his chakra into the earth and draw out a 10 meter diameter puddle of tar that coats the ground. This black tar is both flammable and sticky and will hold any enemy or ally foolish enough to walk across it, though it is shallow and only just covers the soles of the feet. It can be camouflaged with the use of leaves, loose grass, or sticks thrown across the surface to disguise it. The hold of the tar can be easily broken through the use of Raiton chakra. Any other methods will require a decent expenditure of energy.
Koji has written 394 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoNov 22, 2022 11:57:51 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


Daisuke could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he moved the stream of water from building to building, trying to put out as much of the fires as he could. To his chagrin, though, the fires seemed nearly unquenchable in the moment, seeming to spread further and further despite his attempts. Still, though, Daisuke did not falter. His efforts kept up, a torrent of water dowsing the fires as much as he could.

Ichi and his pack soon returned to the young sage's side, reporting back with their findings and rescue results.

"Great work. Take your pack and head into the buildings that are no longer aflame. See if you can find anyone inside. Dead or alive, they need to be accounted for, but lets hope for the later.

With a nod of their heads, the wolves went to work searching for any lingering or trapped civilians.

Sweat began to bead on Daisuke's forehead, the first wave of fatigue mixed with the heat from the surrounding fires beginning to hit him. The sweat, though, soon caused the dried blood on his forehead to dampen once more, the trail now trickling further down the side of his face. Though the chunin knew his chakra was far from exhaused, the fires he fought only seemed to grow despite his best efforts.

"This isn't enough, dammit... I need more!” Daisuke cursed under his breath as the stream of water he pulled from the source beside him ceased, and an idea popped into his head. 'It's now or never, Daisuke.' he thought to himself. His hands clasped together as he shouted, "Kage Bunshin!” And a single clone burst from the smoke beside him. Immediately, the clone continued where he left off, weaving it's hands together to continue fighting the fires.

Time seemed to slow around Daisuke, his breathing slowing, and his mind growing still. The din around him lessened to a quiet hum as the young sage kneeled to the ground. His heartbeat pounded in his ears as he tried his best to attune himself to the world around him. He focused on the breeze through the trees, the crackling of the fire, the sound of rock shuffling, and the animals that soon broke free of their pens. The energy of all of it, though, was what he had learned to harness. To listen to the wills of the world around him, and pull that energy, use that bond, to strengthen himself. And thank the gods it seemed to work. Daisuke could feel the natural energies beginning to tingle in his fingertips, and before he knew it, it was spiraling through his entire being.

A fierce determination bulstered the chunin, his all too familiar smirk stretching across his face as he opening his eyes. They burst with a blue glow that soon illuminated the rest of his body, as if the natural chakra were steam rising from a hot spring. While it wasn't quite a full undertaking like what Kaede were capable of, it was good enough for now. He couldn't wait any longer to absorb more energy even if he tried. The fires needed to be dealt with.

With a powerful exhale, the shadow clone burst into smoke, the sage taking it's place and stepping into the pool as his hands once more weaved a series of seals, releasing an incredible torrent of water into the sky, cascading down over a broader area like rain over the buildings to quell as much of the spreading flames as he could manage.


Temp By: Akira

SA's Active:


Sea of Chakra - Chakra Reserves
Thrill of the Hunt - Enhanced Speed and Endurance
Will of Thousands - Enhanced Strength and Durability

Summons: Ino, Oki, Gaara and Ichi

Jutsu Used:


NAME: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Shadow Clone Technique]
DESCRIPTION: The Kage Bunshin technique evenly distributes your chakra between one or more clones with form and substance.

The clones created by this technique are able to utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows, has all of their special abilities, as well as their kekkei genkai. Typically a clone's equipment doesn't retain any special abilities and the clone itself is dispersed when hit with a single attack or incapacitated, although the clone can also choose to disperse itself or be dispersed by the user.

When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained along with it's remaining chakra are passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

NAME: Mizurappa - [Violent Water Wave]
DESCRIPTION: Mizurappa is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, the user will expel a strong jet of water at their opponent.

Matt has written 205 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoNov 23, 2022 13:54:01 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Guilt stabbed at Azarea's heart as they removed the bodies their chakra signatures fading out even as she pulled them free. The woman's hands and clothes slick with mud and blood as she continued her dour work. It felt as though she had jinxed herself by allowing such a foolish moment of hope that they could reach them all in time. At least with Koji's help and the seals they'd managed to prevent four of those injured from dying and still had more as she carefully passed the victims off to be air lifted out with Eagles, Lions, or Wolves. Which ever summons came to take them as she trusted her partner to have her back. Not even giving the goats a sideways glance as she helped the old man from the hole only taking a second to tug on her goggles and gasmask to help keep her vision clear as they neared what she suspected was the epicenter of impact with the growing frequency of injured and dead.

"It's a good thing my hair was already red." Azarea mutters as she continues her grim work between honing in on victims with Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye] and then pulling them out with Moguragakure no Jutsu - [Mole Hiding Technique] alongside Shūsuke. It wasn't exactly the thrilling work and the thought she may very well be the last thing many of the dying saw filled her with regret, but at least their last breaths would be of open air. The woman moving with a relentless almost mechanical precision to her movements akin to a silent shinigami counting souls. The woman having not the time for either grief, nor joy, nor sorrow. Not when the seconds were ticking. Pain throbbing behind her eyes as she focused on the razor fine control she needed to maintain to continue such efficiency as she felt the sands of the hourglass slipping through her blood slick fingers.


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.

NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye] [X]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
REQUIREMENT: Chakra Control SA, KME or Sensory SA
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Name: Moguragakure no Jutsu - [Mole Hiding Technique]
Rank: C
Chakra Usage: Low
Type: Ninjutsu [General]
Element: Doton
Moguragakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Earth Element. This technique allows the ninja to burrow into the ground and hide out of sight. This allows them to avoid attack or hide underground. This technique is commonly used to bury large amounts of explosives. It should be noted that the user can not travel while underground, they only may be in the hollowed out area made by the technique.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 322 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoNov 27, 2022 19:37:30 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"shattered foundations".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


As dire as things were, the team was doing a good job so far. With the injured Akihiko out of harms way, Shigure would be able to more properly focus on the task and have the full support of the Convocation of Eagles once the one in charge of putting the boy out of harm's way was back, and with that, he proceeded to the more risky area of the town, where he continued to rescue people from the flamming structures. Still, the smoke was making it harder and harder for him to breathe and he started coughing as he struggled with the smoke. The Eagles were being paramount for the swiftness of this action, but even with them, it was going to be demanding on his body, so he was considering a few different options.

Noticing how well Sengo was doing in the nearby area, he would turn to the Murahira and issue new orders. "Sengo-san, let's join our efforts. The two of us and my eagles working together will make the rescue faster and expose us to less risks." he said to the young man, noticing just how well Kojirou and Azarea were working together, while Daisuke put on some effort to make sure the fire was contained. He didn't fail to notice when his friend started using his Senjutsu and that brought a smile to Shigure's face. "You are quite amazing, Daisuke." he thought to himself.

Shigure would then continue to move towards the buildings that posed more danger, but this time he would also use his Wind Release containing its power to avoid causing more structural damage, focusing mostly on the gust aspect of the technique to try and get rid of some of the smoke, and some of the damaged structured that were at risk of falling down. "Fuuton! Daitoppa!" he would exclaim when using the technique.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Asking Sengo to work together with him. Using Wind Release: Great Breakthrough in a more contained way to get rid of some smoke and debris
[ ]
[336 words]

Technique used:

NAME: Fūton: Daitoppa [Wind Release: Great Breakthrough ]
This is a relatively simple technique that creates a sudden gust of wind, but its scale varies greatly depending on the user. If used by a superior shinobi, it has enough destructive power to knock down a large tree. The wind from the squall can blow away all things in the user's line of sight. A variation of the technique involves a smaller blast of wind which gets ignited with flame.
last edit by Hyūga Shigure on Nov 27, 2022 19:39:28 GMT -5
Ren has written 1,690 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoNov 28, 2022 11:17:30 GMT -5
Murahira Sengo
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Murahira Sengo Avatar
age 20 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1

 When Sengo landed to get orders from there Boss man for the day. He quiped back once Shigure asked for the two to combine there efforts. "Sure thing bossman." A smile formed on his face they were helping some Sengo liked to dwell on the ones there groups where saving not the dead. It was a amazing they saved the ones they did. If he did think of the dead that would make him sad. And as kind of a positive thinker the Lazy Fox of Kumo liked to think of the positive things of life.

Freeing his mothers last gift to his self from its casing on his back. Iron flower opened the black iron which covered the canvas of his giant fan shining as he opened his fan up. Once again he would use Its step skipping ability. Iron Flower was a good fan due to its way of skipping the steps needed for sickle weasel. When they where skipped you could bled out winds natural cutting which it was known for. You could use it to push. Sengo would push chakra into his sore limbs and jump. As he was making his way to a perch of a building which saw better days his gracefulness which was part natural but mostly trained due to the dancing nature of his chosen marital art helped stave the crumbling of the place. once the boss launched his wind tech, Sengo would release his own as he called it Cheat Weasel at the center of the smoke once the cheat weasel hit the winds hit center and pushed out clearing the area of the worse of the smoke with the aid of Shigure's own wind maneuver.      


 292(words) Sengo added his own wind move to Shi's    


dantlessknome HEX: #63a0c6 No notes!

dantlessknome has written 26 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoDec 13, 2022 6:16:02 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

shattered foundations
"through crisis, unity."

Azarea’s single-minded persistency is getting results: as she and Koji move further north, her efforts result in locating another whopping nineteen villagers… but these are houses closes to the mountain where the worst of the landslide came crashing down, and ten of those located have already died. Azarea has a choice to make: make the effort to retrieve the corpses, which would slow down the rescue efforts but offer succor to the survivors who wish to see their dead buried with dignity… or leave the dead in place, to the vocal protest of the survivors, and move on to the next batch of those who need rescuing.

Koji’s quick thinking prevents tragedy as a thick layer of tar stops the stampeding goats in their tracks. Shuusuke, after escorting another round of survivors to safety, returns to the bizzare sight of bleating, frightened goats with their hooves hopelessly trapped within Koji’s tar; but his calm demeanor serves well to herd the goats away once the trap is released. No sooner does Shuusuke leave with the goats, however…

[Random Event: Koji!] A house settles, a rock tumbles, and that alone is enough to send an already-unstable building crumbling to the ground. The side of the building adjacent to where Koji and Azarea are working suddenly collapses, sending stone and slate tumbling down directly towards Koji, Azarea, and the group of civilians Azarea is working to pull free! If action is not taken to protect themselves, they will all incur moderate damage from the collapse! [Random Scenario Roll: Building Structural Collapse!]

In the midst of the fires, Daisuke puts his sage training to good use, focusing on the flow of nature chakra all around him and using it bring down the rains of heaven itself: a good swath of the flames surrounding him are quenched, putting out a significant portion of the fire in the village in one fell swoop. It’s an impressive display of power, Daisuke the image of a wrathful nature god wreathed in steam and smoke… but if he keeps it up for too much longer, he may be too exhausted to continue helping the rescue efforts, as unpracticed with the form as he is.

With the fires cleared, the wolves are free to go through the inflamed buildings without fear of suffocation or catching flame, and with their combined tracking skills they locate twenty-five civilians in the eastern chunk of buildings; nineteen dead of various casualties.

While Daisuke puts out the fires on the ground, Shigure and Sengo are clearing the smoke from the skies, the power of their combined fuuton abilities clearing away the smoke from the center of town, allowing for easier breathing for themselves and the civilians as well as easier navigation for the eagles. With the smoke cleared, they have much easier navigation of this more dangerous area of town, and can continue their investigation and rescue efforts far more safely.

Akihiko, still dazed, continues to collect himself on the outskirts of town.

Team Two Citizens Located: 119
Total Citizens Located: 153
Total Dead: 50

[Random Event: Universal Roll]
[Safe Roll!]

[found on pinterest, i did not draw this lmao]

Map has been updated with the team's positions relative to one another. The pink highlights reflect ground already covered in rotations 1 through 4, while the red highlights reflect burning buildings. The blue highlights reflect fires that have been put out. Let me know if you have any questions!

| | | | |

Fifth rotation posting deadline: 12/20/22, 02:00 HST
timezone converter

The deadline has been extended for this rotation to help my own time management! Thanks for your understanding & patience! <3

- All skills, weapons, and jutsu are allowed.
- Posting window will be strictly enforced. If a participant misses a rotation, they will be skipped. Whatever happened in the last post, if relevant to the skipped character, will happen to the character.
- A 24-hour extension may be given up to two times per member during the event, if the member contacts Tact.
- This event is death enabled and canonically takes place before the Fall 2022 Iwagkaure Chuunin Exams. If you are participating in both events, injuries or death that might occur during Shattered Foundations will significantly impact the proceedings of the exams in Kuwana.

Every rotation, a 1d6 will be rolled to see which Random Event impacts the vicinity of a team member. Another 1d6 will then be rolled to select that team member.

Every rotation, a 1d100 will be rolled. (:

The event will conclude when the entire vicinity has been checked by either team and at least 80% of Kikai’s population has been accounted for, either dead or alive. I will be keeping track of the net encountered civilians across both groups in each rotation.

If events between the two groups overlap, a tertiary thread may be created to merge the two groups and keep events consistent.

last edit by TACTICIAN on Dec 18, 2022 18:54:03 GMT -5
tactician has written 544 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoDec 17, 2022 9:30:07 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
… OH NO!

With every cell in Kojirou’s body setting on fire, a truly horrendous scenario was about to unfold. It all started with the sound of cracking stone… but Kojirou was surrounded by fires and digging shinobi, so it was only when the debris approached the group that he had the ability to jump into action.

The amount of stone coming down made it look like a big wave from the ocean, especially since the slate and rocks just gained more and more momentum further down the slide. Kojirou couldn’t block that himself – and yes, that was his only viable option with the civilians here – but maybe a clone could help…

A few handseals were weaved by him, before an Ember Clone was molded from his chakra. Since the area had lots of ash present, creating the clone was a ripe opportunity, but what now?

Another handful of handseals were then weaved by the original before releasing a layer of rubber, which once more formed the human-sized orb that was characteristic of the Rubber Ball Jutsu. However, Kojirou wasn’t done with the defense just yet, for right after the rubber escaped his mouth to inflate into a balloon, the Ember Clone of his greedily grabbed the rubber on the orb and pulled it away, while the original began pulling in the opposite direction. Thus, they both darted towards the side where the debris from the collapsed house side was falling down towards, attempting to stretch the rubber as far as they could. It would have to serve as a sort of ‘bag’ to catch the debris and stop it, before it could hit the civilians or Azarea. For their sake, he tried his best to stretch it out as long as possible, but whether if he was strong enough to stop the debris in time was something else.

NAME: Oki Bushin [Ember Clone]
The user creates a clone out of the usage of volcanic powders which are volcanic rubber and ashes into one. The material for the clones can be found from volcanic activity, pre-existing, or the user can breath it out of the mouth. The clones are incapable of using jutsu and upon being hit the clones will dissolve into still burning ashes, showering the opponent and clouding their sight.

NAME: Yōton: Gomudama [Lava Release: Rubber Ball]
The user expels a large glob of lava from their mouth, which quickly solidifies into a hollow ball as big as the user, that can be used to protect an object by surrounding it with the durable rubber-like material. The properties of this substance mean that it can both absorb and dissipate the force behind a blow when struck, resulting in it either deforming or bouncing upon impact.
Koji has written 394 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoDec 18, 2022 16:00:25 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Bitter Choices

It was a bitter decision, but in truth there was really no other choice in the Kumo nin's mind as she turns to those she had pulled from the rubble and bows the lowest she has ever done so in her life. The tips of her long ragged red hair brushing the muddied ground as she speaks, "I am sorry." Azarea apologizes with every ounce of respect and dignity she possesses for the agony and pain that rolls off these people in waves.

"I cannot bring back the dead, but my efforts may yet save the living. Forgive me the sin of not being strong enough to do both." She states grateful for her goggles and gasmask hiding the way her teeth grit in frustration and brow furrowed with self hatred. If she was just a little bit faster, a little bit strong, had a little bit larger chakra stores, if she was just a little bit more... could she have done both? But the clock was ticking and the what-if's were weights that would only slow her down.

"Once I have saved all those I can I swear I will return and unearth your loved ones. Please know this." Azarea promises as she turns trusting Koji and the others to do what they must to protect them all as she returns to her work. It's a fools promise. She'll drop from chakra exhaustion no doubt by the end of this, but even if it takes days she'll keep her word. She does not move to stop the civilians should they lash out in anger. What was a thrown rock or a casual strike to a shinobi? Should they choose to abide or vent their anger Azarea wouldn't stop them. Focusing instead on continuing onward to the next group as the number of survivors grew slimmer by the second. Utilizing her Kagura's Mind's Eye and Hiding Like a Mole to continue to save those that she could.


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.

NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye] [X]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
REQUIREMENT: Chakra Control SA, KME or Sensory SA
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Name: Moguragakure no Jutsu - [Mole Hiding Technique]
Rank: C
Chakra Usage: Low
Type: Ninjutsu [General]
Element: Doton
Moguragakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Earth Element. This technique allows the ninja to burrow into the ground and hide out of sight. This allows them to avoid attack or hide underground. This technique is commonly used to bury large amounts of explosives. It should be noted that the user can not travel while underground, they only may be in the hollowed out area made by the technique.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoDec 18, 2022 16:30:50 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"shattered foundations".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


The team was doing a remarkable job at saving people, even though it was impossible to save everyone. That was the harsh reality of the world, but still, they were not letting the unavoidable fatalities shaken their spirit. Azarea and Kojirou were working well together, and so were Shigure and Sengo, while Daisuke used his sage powers to take care of the fire. If they had Akihiko in a good shape, maybe they could've accomplished more, but again, there was no point considering the "ifs" of life.

Still, the damage to the town was significant, and even with all their effort, there were many risks involved. With his Byakugan, Shigure tried to keep track of what was going on with the members of his team, and when he noticed the collapsing structure near where Azarea and Kojirou were, he took a deep breathe, waiving a single hand seal. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" he exclaimed, creating a perfect shadow clone of himself, who immediately knew what to do.

The clone would dart towards the place where Azarea and Kojirou were with its full speed, using the Body Flicker Technique to close in the gap, and hopefully arrive at the place in time, and then leap between the people and the rubble. "Run! I will take care of this!" the clone would exclaim. With that being said, the clone would start moving its arms at an incredible speed, aiming to destroy every single piece of rubble coming their way. "Shugohakke Rokujuuyon Shou!!" using the Protection of the Eight Trigrams, one of the absolute defences of the Hyuuga clan.

After that, if the clone managed to protect itself and the others, it would stick around Azarea and Kojirou to further aid them with the rescue.

Meanwhile, Shigure would grab his military ration pill and eat it to recover some of the chakra he had spent to create the shadow clone, and continue to work alongside Sengo to save people, taking advantage of the fact that Daisuke had dealt with a lot of the fire, and that they had taken care of the smoke as well, hoping that this would allow them to work faster and more efficiently at rescuing people, alongside the Convocation of Eagles.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Creates a Shadow clone. Shadow clone uses Body Flicker to move towards Azarea and Kojirou, and seeks to protect them using Protection of the Eight Trigrams. Shigure eats a military ration pill, and continues to work alongside the eagles and sengo to save people.
[ ]
[415 words]

SA used:


Like all members of his clan, Shigure also has the famous Byakugan as one of his signature traits. Naturally, Shigure’s eyes have a near 360 degrees field of vision around himself, save for a small blind spot at the back of his neck above the thoracic vertebra. His eyes are capable of seeing through most objects, giving him great perception of his environment, and making quite the challenge to surprise or ambush the Hyūga when his doujutsu is activated. Having been seriously trained to develop his sight, Shigure managed to increase the range of his Byakugan to a respectful 8 kilometres range, which makes him quite the competent tracker in missions. His eyes also allow him to see infrared, through chakra barriers, discern clones from their makers, determine colour of someone’s chakra, and determine if a genjutsu is being used or not.

He is also very capable in his ability to see chakra, including the chakra circulatory system inside a person’s body, thus allowing him to easily identify the precise location of the tenketsus, which is paramount in the use of the Gentle Fist to its maximum capacity, power, and finesse. On top of it all, Shigure’s training and experience as a people’s person allowed him to add this insight to the power of his Byakugan, thus making him quite competent at reading people’s emotions. Therefore, when using his Byakugan, Shigure can usually detect if someone is lying through the impulses of their brain, heartbeat, and general body language. Moreover, when focused on an opponent, Shigure can even anticipate their reactions based on their muscles and body functions prior to the execution of an action.


What Shigure lacks in physical strength, he definitely makes it up in the combat speed department. Having trained the Gentle Fist since his early childhood, the Hyuuga learned that raw power and superior strength were borderline useless for his style since, in the end, nobody can train their inner organs to become stronger. Therefore, the chakra reliant style of the Hyuuga fighting style was more than enough for him to achieve the desired results in battle. Thus, the truly efficient way to improve his fighting capabilities was directly associated with how fast he could act and react in a fight.

Shigure’s reflexes are absurdly sharp, and he can react almost instantly to attacks, which makes him quite skilled at counter attacking with his deadly Gentle Fist, making it difficult for opponents to actually land a blow on him. In short, he can react fast to combat situations.


Due to the intensity of his training and his overall style as a practitioner of the Gentle Fist, as well as his Hyūga genes, Shigure was able to develop a level of chakra control that puts him above that of his peers, bringing himself to a level similar to those a rank higher. His level of control is remarkable and allows him to optimise the usage of chakra, avoiding any unnecessary waste while using his techniques. This ability gives him an edge on the battlefield, as he is able to use more techniques, more frequently, while also avoiding the draining effects of running out of chakra due to waste.


Shigure is a natural savant at his clan’s legendary Taijutsu style despite being a sort of a late bloomer. He has developed an incredible proficiency with the techniques of his clan, that allows him to stand out above even his fellow kinsmen. With his current level of understanding and application of his techniques, the heir to the clan brings incredible precision and swiftness to his attacks, rarely ever missing his mark once an attack is launched.

Guided by his potent doujutsu, he became an expert at shutting down his opponents chakra network, as well as combining the techniques of the clan together to deliver even more powerful attacks. He can, while using the Gentle Fist and it's techniques, also land more blows per second than most of his peers, moving so swiftly that it’s even hard to keep up. This makes him an incredibly dangerous opponent to fight at close quarters, as he is capable of giving even higher ranking Shinobi a real challenge.


Shigure's speed is no longer solely restricted to his reaction speed in a fight; he can also move extremely fast. The Hyuuga can run at an incredible speed, capable of matching higher ranking shinobi. Keeping up with his pace is an strenuous task for those who are not skilled in close quarter combat, and to the untrained eye his movements will appear like a blur. If his opponents do not have superior reaction speed, they may struggle to evade him from closing in during battle, or from catching up to them in a chase. As consequence, he is also quite capable at retreating from combat, as few can match his full speed.


The Hyuuga has improved his melee dexterity dramatically thanks to his intense training, dedication and hard work. His body learned to move with grace, no matter to which direction (forward, backwards, sideways), without straining his muscles, which are now capable of handling his body weight and swiftness in battle. Due to this, he can move around with near-perfect movement precision, making so that no wasteful movement is used, and his body moves at full efficacy. This allows him to move without any momentum, giving him an advantage in combat.

This ability, which helps him to maneuver without being hampered by his own body, makes opponents of similar level have a terrible time landing a blow on him.

Technique used:

NAME: Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō [ Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms]

A dual functioning jutsu in which the user creates a gigantic shield of chakra around them that serve a dual purpose: to defend them from attackers (to the smallest to the largest) and to deflect and cut the enemies. To create this shield they should emit strong blades of chakra while they move their arms precisely creating the strong net that creates the skin of the dome. The final creation will be that of an strong barricade that keeps enemies at bay while serving as an "absolute defence” effect similarly to one of it’s parents technique: The Eight Trigrams Revolving Heaven.

NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.

Item used:

Military Ration Pill x1
Ren has written 1,690 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoDec 18, 2022 17:18:36 GMT -5
Murahira Sengo
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Murahira Sengo Avatar
age 20 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1

While There fearless leader was doing his thing Sengo put his fan back in its place on his back. His task as of now, use his fluffy white ears atop his head to locate and save some more life's. The ears atop his head moved about as He moved closer to the embers of the now smokeless area. Coughing north of him would catch the Lazy Foxes interest.

He made his way with care, if there was a soul to be saved heavy foot falls could be bad. The ears atop his head twitched as he neared. His sky blues would come upon a sight. There was a child under some rubble. Poor thing they had burns here and there but they where alive. "Over here I found a survivor!" Sengo would shout, Loud enough to be heard by the team of three of the team of summons out and about, But not so loud as to destabilize the area around the kid. Sengo could free the kid but more hands would make the task more of a success. Sengo would look around the area so when help arrived if it did he would have a idea on how to act whe the time came.           


 219(words) Sengo added his own wind move to Shi's    


dantlessknome HEX: #63a0c6 No notes!

last edit by Murahira Sengo on Dec 18, 2022 17:22:01 GMT -5
dantlessknome has written 26 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoDec 20, 2022 16:24:06 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


While the pool beneath was still far from dry, it seemed much of the roaring flames had been dealt with for the moment.

The pack of wolves moved swiftly through the buildings, rescuing as many as the could along the way. Unfortunately, though, it seems a few of those pulled form the wreckage had met a more unfortunate fate. Daisuke felt his shoulders grow heavier with each of the deceased pulled from the chaos. These were his people, and while the event put no one to blame, he couldn't help but blame himself for the dead. Kaede could have done it, he thought to himself. Kaede and Don'yokuna could have saved these people. His people.

While proud of his accomplishments, his use of natural energy was still far from the perfect balance against his fool-minded fight with the sage wolf himself. Then, Daisuke had achieved his first, and so far only, full execution of Sennin modo. He needed that now.

Daisuke's train of self deprecating thoughts soon broke, however, his attention pulled to a terrible sound. A nearby building had fallen, the rubble crashing down directly over his ally from the Grass country, and Azarea, his friend. His heart sank in his chest at the sight, but without a thought his body sprung into action. As he moved instinctually, it seemed Shigure too had intent to send his aid. The man reached Kojirou with blinding speed, and the Hyuuga turned himself into an impenetrable defense with the use of his families famous "Protection of the Eight Trigrams" technique. Seemingly not a single piece of stone or debris could pass Shigure's display. It was awe-striking, in truth.

'No wonder she put him in charge.' The thought crossed his mind.

Daisuke, however, was already moving to take action. His hands weaved a length of seals, and spiraling from the pool of water he stood in, a dragon came roaring to life, launching itself toward the crashing building. Its trajectory was aimed toward the larger, more dangerous pieces, the ones that could cause some major damage to the surrounding survivors and structures alike.

To his surprise, though, it seemed he couldn't help the natural energy still pulsing through him from seeping into the technique, and the dragon was not only larger and likely more powerful, it moved nearly twice as fast as it otherwise would have. If he had known this would have been a result, he certainly would have done it intentionally. At least it would be a note for next time.

The large water dragon roared towards his allies, breaking apart the larger pieces of debris with no problem at all. Thanks to Shigure as well, his protection ensured that no stone would bring much harm, if any, to those nearby. After the dragons work was done, Daisuke would soon send it straight upwards before the creature would erupt, raining down water from the skies, covering their surroundings.


Temp By: Akira

SA’s Active:


Sea of Chakra - Chakra Reserves
Thrill of the Hunt - Enhanced Speed and Endurance
Will of Thousands - Enhanced Strength and Durability

Temporary Sage Mode Enhancements - Jutsu Effectiveness, Speed, Reflexes, Strength, and Durability

Jutsu Used:


NAME: Suiryuudan no Jutsu - [Water Dragon Projectile Technique]
Suiryuudan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a long string of hand seals which then causes a column of water in the form of a dragon to rise from the water and then strike their target. While being the same rank as Suikoudan no Jutsu, the two techniques have slight differences. Where as Suikouden is a slightly faster attack, Suiryuudan deals more damage against the target and has a farther range, but also requires more handseals to be performed.

last edit by Kojima Daisuke on Dec 20, 2022 16:27:33 GMT -5
Matt has written 205 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoDec 24, 2022 8:46:59 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

shattered foundations
"through crisis, unity."

In a truly impressive display of cohesive teamwork, Shigure, Daisuke, and Kojirou leap into action to protect the laser-focused Azarea and the work she doggedly continues even in the midst of chaos—and immediate threat to her own life.

Shigure’s body-flickered shadow clone and the lightning-fast, masterful execution of Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō takes care of the immediate danger: the first wave of cascading debris all obliterated by emitted chakra. The rapid follow-up of Daisuke’s usage of Suiryuudan no Jutsu decimates the largest pieces of debris, allowing them to be more easily broken down by Shigure’s shadow clone; and finally, the last line of defense, Koji’s quick thinking and clever usage of an ash clone and Yōton: Gomudama protecting Azarea and the civilians from even the shards and fine powder that the debris had been rapidly reduced to. With the combined effort, Azarea and the civilians are completely unharmed.

The closest civilians—those just recently rescued, desperate to retrieve the bodies of their loved ones and loudly berating Azarea as she goes on to continue the rescue effort, are stunned into silence by the display, and collectively allow themselves to be shepherded off to safety by Shuusuke.

Though her progress is somewhat disrupted by the activity and commotion of the chaos around her, once the dust settles Azarea is able to proceed northward, and locates another thirteen civilians… eight dead, yes, but five still living. With this action the area of town closest to the western ridge will have been completely cleared, and Azarea and Koji can cross the bridge to continue their work in the eastern section of the village, north of where Shigure and Sengo have been doing their work.

By this point Azarea will be able to feel that she’s reaching the limit of what she’s able to put forth, and is beginning to scrape the bottom of her chakra reserves. [OOC: Azarea will be able to make use of roughly three more low-cost techniques before succumbing to chakra exhaustion.]

Koji is in a similar state, having expended a significant amount of chakra in quick succession in order to protect Azarea from the goats and debris; his ash clone quickly dissipates, as he does not have enough chakra remaining to maintain a clone. [OOC: Until he takes time to recover, Koji will no longer be able to expend chakra without succumbing to chakra exhaustion.]

As an experienced chuunin and with the bountiful chakra reserves of a Sage Apprentice, Daisuke is far from an exhausted state… but his inexperience with harnessing Sage Mode will begin to show, and he will be unable to maintain his heightened state for any longer… and unless he takes the time to focus, he may risk upsetting the balance of nature chakra within himself.

Meanwhile, using his heightened Murahearing, Sengo ventures northward to where he hears a coughing child beneath the rubble. He calls out for help from the summons so that he can safely extract the child…

[Random Scenario Roll: Sengo!] There’s a subtle shift beneath his feet, and the faint sound of pebbles cascading over the rubble…

but nothing happens. The immediate area seems more or less stable for now. [Random Event: Safe Roll!]

Shigure, the eagles, and wolves are quick to come to assist, and with the help of Sengo’s keen hearing are able to locate another thirteen civilians: two living children, and five living and six deceased adults. The group is able to help remove the rubble safely and stably so that no additional damage is incurred during the extraction.

Akihiko, still dazed, continues to collect himself on the outskirts of town.

Team Two Citizens Located: 145
Total Citizens Located: 176
Total Dead: 64

[Random Event: Universal Roll]
[Safe Roll!]

[found on pinterest, i did not draw this lmao]

Map has been updated with the team's positions relative to one another. The pink highlights reflect ground already covered in rotations 1 through 4, while the red highlights reflect burning buildings. The blue highlights reflect fires that have been put out. Let me know if you have any questions!

| | | | |

Sixth rotation posting deadline: Wednesday 01/04/23, 04:00AM HST
timezone converter

We're going to have a long deadline for the holiday! I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas & New Years and that you all stay safe!! <3

- All skills, weapons, and jutsu are allowed.
- Posting window will be strictly enforced. If a participant misses a rotation, they will be skipped. Whatever happened in the last post, if relevant to the skipped character, will happen to the character.
- A 24-hour extension may be given up to two times per member during the event, if the member contacts Tact.
- This event is death enabled and canonically takes place before the Fall 2022 Iwagkaure Chuunin Exams. If you are participating in both events, injuries or death that might occur during Shattered Foundations will significantly impact the proceedings of the exams in Kuwana.

Every rotation, a 1d6 will be rolled to see which Random Event impacts the vicinity of a team member. Another 1d6 will then be rolled to select that team member.

Every rotation, a 1d100 will be rolled. (:

The event will conclude when the entire vicinity has been checked by either team and at least 80% of Kikai’s population has been accounted for, either dead or alive. I will be keeping track of the net encountered civilians across both groups in each rotation.

If events between the two groups overlap, a tertiary thread may be created to merge the two groups and keep events consistent.

last edit by TACTICIAN on Jan 2, 2023 7:21:30 GMT -5
tactician has written 544 posts