[event] shattered foundations | team two

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[event] shattered foundations | team twoDec 27, 2022 16:30:48 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Hive Deployment

Azarea staggered as she helped pull another group free. Her vision starting to go white around the edges as she felt her efforts scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of her well of chakra. Leaving only the barest dregs behind and those would begin dwindling rapidly. Blinking the spots from her eyes the woman shook her head and then immediately regretted the action as nausea rose up with the telltale signs of chakra exhaustion as the woman was forced to release her techniques as blood began to soak the inside of her gasmask from the steady drizzle running from her nose from holding such fine concentration for so long. It was time to find an alternative to her current strategy or be rendered useless before the task was complete. She couldn't be useless. She'd spent six years feeling helpless and forced to watch her village suffer.

Never. Again.

"I'm low on chakra. Swapping to using my regular chakra senses and deploying my hive. I'll need someone else to dig." She calls out to her team. While using her regular chakra senses would not be so fine tuned as her Minds Eye they could let her pinpoint the general location of trapped civilians. Her Kikaichu however could help locate their exact position. As spreading her arms wide a cloud of golden dust appeared to rise and swirl about the bloody mud covered Kumo nin as she insects dispersed. The winged beetles spreading out on her orders and digging to locate trapped civilians and alert her to their location. From there Azarea would move to either pull people from the rubble by hand or waylay a summons or teammate to dig them out pointing out where exactly to dig.


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.


                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoDec 27, 2022 17:58:35 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"shattered foundations".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


The clone had done its job perfectly and in conjuction with Kojirou, they managed to protect their team members and the civilians from the collapsing structure. Still, with Azarea and Kojirou burning low on chakra, the clone would turn to them and nod. "I can see your chakra is running really low, so now I want both of you to support me, while I take the lead on the rescues. Your main objective is to provide simpler aid, while you take some time to rest and recover some of your chakra. If something dangerous happens, run away, and I will take the heat. I'm a shadow clone, after all." the clone explained, issuing his directions and then proceeding with the team, using his Byakugan to try and find people.

The clone would try to do most of the work, while also preserving as much of its chakra as it could, letting Azarea help with her hive, and Kojirou to just aid with simpler tasks. The trio would stay mostly together.

Meanwhile, Shigure would continue to move further into the town with Sengo at his side and the Convocation of Eagles in the skies. The Byakugan and Sengo's hearing would guide them to where they were needed. They had already saved a number of people, but the number of innocents who had died frustrated the Hyuuga. "Daisuke, are you okay?! Rest if you can... I see that there's still some fire up ahead, and we will need your Water Release." he would shout to his friend.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Continuing with rescue efforts, clone is trying to take the lead and let Azarea and Kojirou rest a bit
[ ]
[273 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoDec 28, 2022 13:19:16 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
Kojirou had just about exhausted his available chakra reserves with the two last Jutsus, so he wasn’t sure if his sore arms could promise to not get ripped off of his body when the debris would hit the rubber carpet that he created. Still, it was worth a try… but someone had seen the swordsman and Azarea in harm’s approaching way, and with the arrival of a Shadow Clone – a very familiar Shadow Clone, no less – Kojirou was spared dislocating his arms just to stop large rocks from burying them. With dust whipping his haori from the debris that was crushed to smithereens by Shigure-senpai’s Gentle Fist Technique – one that the swordsman had not yet seen – the rocks falling down were suddenly no more a threat.

Shūsuke was about to jump in to help as well, but the sudden arrival of a humongous Water Dragon shocked the breath out of both the lion and Kojirou himself. Was that the Dai-guy’s Jutsu?! He could summon a freaking Dragon?! Dragons existed?!?!?!

Kojirou always thought that Dragons were myth, but- wait… ohhhhhhh, it was made of water. A Suiton Jutsu… just as quickly as the shock enveloped him did it disappear again, once the swordsman knew what was up. Disheartened, Kojirou lowered his head in shame of his own fantasy… but the Water Dragon looked so bloody cool. Imagine if he could cast a Lava Dragon Jutsu…

Shūsuke had managed to escort the survivors to safety after they were stunned into silence by the display. Kojirou and the lion would hear Azarea’s plead, but while the swordsman needed a break himself, Shūsuke was still capable of work. "Here, Shūsuke-" Kojirou suddenly called over to the lion, placing upon his fur one of the sealing tags that Azarea handed over to him before, "That wound looks a bit nasty...”

"I’m fine.”

"... I know that you’re strong, Shūsuke, but a little help won’t hurt.” The lion heir was proud as ever, which could explain his uninterrupted service under Kojirou up until now – a sense of unbreakable duty. With the help of Azarea’s Chakra Senses, Shūsuke would then dig down himself and continue retrieving remaining survivors buried under whatever rock, dirt or debris that was left covering their way towards those who had suffered the most. That Underground Submarine Voyage Technique would have to be exerted more this time.

As Shigure-senpai’s clone commanded, it was time to take a simpler aiding role and rejuvenate his chakra. While the act of running away sounded cowardly in the ears of any Honō, survival was victory, so there was no discussion in that part. Kojirou knew better than to disobey a comrade.

Kojirou, in the meantime, could only hold the handle to his sheathed sword with little strength left. He really needed a break... but looking at Azarea, he couldn’t allow himself to waver. Despite what she just said, she was still in full action with-

"...” Yeah, the swordsman had to step back a few at the sight of what appeared to be some huge numbers of- were those flies or? They looked pretty, though, but Kojirou wasn’t that used to insects yet, so he couldn’t help himself. "W-Where’d they come from?! Azarea, are you alright?! H-Hey, Shigure-senpai, a bunch of flies just-!”
Koji has written 394 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoJan 3, 2023 14:08:14 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


Daisuke could feel his energy burning inside, like an all or nothing offensive. Unfortunately, while he could seem to enter a pseudo-sage mode from his training, he had never managed to create a full balance, let alone reabsorb chakra during this state. All three times Daisuke had entered a state like this before, once the natural chakra had been consumed, it left him exhausted. If he was going to continue to aid his people, he had to do all he could to keep that from happening.

"Shigure,” the chuunin called back to his friend. "I'm gonna need a minute. Buy me whatever time you can.

Daisuke took in a deep breath, time seeming to slow as his head swiveled about. Everyone on his team was giving their all to aid this village, to save those they could, and bring back the bodies of the ones they could not. In the distance, just as the Hyuuga had said, fires still raged, and he might be the only one who could shut them down. If that truly was the case, then Daisuke would need help now more than ever. He'd need Kota.

Kota. The wolven companion who was like a brother to him. They both trained together in the sage arts as soemthing of a bonded pair, like Don'yokuna and Kaede. Kota was his spirit animal, in a much more literal sense of the term. But, Daisuke had not called on the wolf since he'd nearly gotten him killed due to his own stupidity. His foolish challenge to the alpha wolf, one that he too had scars from, but a challenge that his companion seemed to suffer from even more so that he did. the thought brought a tear to the chuunin's eye. His fists clenched, his body shaking as his emotions swelled. But, he could not hold onto his resentments at the moment. For now, he had to let the feelings go to the wayside and call to the one person he knew would always aid him.

Daisuke's hands moved, a kunai in one, as he brought the other over the blade to draw blood.

"Ichi. Your pack is dismissed. Thank you for your aid.

Daisuke's hand drove toward the ground, all four of the wolves turning to a puff of smoke as the summoning seal spiraled out from around him.

"Kota...” He started, his voice shaking. "I need you.

The young sage let out a quivered breath, again feeling his emotions get the better of him, despite his efforts to keep them at bay. He prayed, deep in his heart, that Kota would hear his call. A large burst of smoke erupted before him, his eyes drifting upward to meet those of his companion.

The large wolf seemed regal in his presence. Something about him had certainly changed in the weeks of his recovery. Two large scars now shown over both shoulders, the markings Don'yokuna's fangs had left, but the wolf seemed to bare them proudly.

"I was wondering when you'd call for me again.” The wolf smirked.

"Kota, I-

"Later, friend. For now, just concentrate. Breath with me, and take in the energy of the world around you.

"... Right. Right.


Temp By: Akira

SA’s Active:


Sea of Chakra - Chakra Reserves
Thrill of the Hunt - Enhanced Speed and Endurance
Will of Thousands - Enhanced Strength and Durability

Temporary Sage Mode Enhancements - Jutsu Effectiveness, Speed, Reflexes, Strength, and Durability

Summons: Ino, Oki, Gaara and Ichi

Jutsu Used:


NAME: Kuchiyose no Jutsu [Summoning Technique]
One of the most common and beneficial techniques in the known shinobi world. Simply drawing blood and releasing a mass of chakra from one's extended hand is capable of calling an animal or otherwise to one's location. As a Space-Time Ninjutsu, this technique is capable of instantly displacing an intended summon from wherever they may be to the requested location, though there are obstacles that can prevent this. To use this jutsu, one must first make a contract with whatever they are summoning, living creature or not. Both the size and the stamina of what a shinobi calls upon increases the demand of chakra they must spend to perform the jutsu.

Summons: Kota

last edit by Kojima Daisuke on Jan 3, 2023 14:09:11 GMT -5
Matt has written 205 posts
[event] shattered foundations | team twoJan 5, 2023 6:41:23 GMT -5
Murahira Sengo
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Murahira Sengo Avatar
age 20 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1

 The Shifts in the ruins which he found his the latest victim was concerning. Luckily war fan martal arts helped with balance thanks to there dance like nature. Sengo moved the injured kid from there place with care. Then he made sure to exit the death trap with care. Once free and clear he would off load the kid to one of the safe areas with a swift yet nimble gate. Sengo would Leave one of his funnier works with the kiddo. "Be sure to share that with your friends." Sengo would offer the youngin, before he made the march back to the boss and Kumo's Sage to be. 

As he made foot fall to the two He would speak "Yo Boss just dropped off the last survivor." The Fox man would inform the Hyuga. His sky blues fell upon the burning village. He wished he could do more but he was a one trick pony. "If we have time after this drinks are on me I know a few good cheap places around  Kumo." Sengo would offer  Shigure and  Daisuke with a smile on his face. He found free drinks helped with motivation and he liked sharing.             




dantlessknome HEX: #63a0c6 No notes!

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