Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]

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Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 4, 2023 21:34:57 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member
Ready then?"

Though she had made the first move count, she didn't expect to be left to her own devices for too long. After all, she'd seen some of what Muramasa could do, proving that he wasn't just skilled at the manipulation of strings. With him coming in with a swift jab, the familiarity of the previously viewed tactic kicked in, allowing her to lean back to avoid it. Though it was a diversion to keep her offset, leading to him moving around her to try and land a kick against her back end. Seeing the movement in process, her reaction kicked in for her, allowing her to drop down low, attempting to sweep him off his feet from the heels. While her attempt missed, he'd backstep to reposition himself, allowing her to rise back up as she brushed her nose with her thumb.

"Guess no need to tell ya'll to think on ya feet..."

Drawing her arms back up, her stance would shift to a more modern offense akin to her Muy tai stance, keeping both feet planted on the ground as she began to shuffle in closer, her expression serious as she slowly inched in. She could rush him, but she imagined that there might be something else waiting for her once she tried. Still, she'd admit that she was curious to what else he might have up his sleeve.

-Jutsu Used-

[NAME] Okada-ryū: Hīru hari [Okada Style: Heel Hook]

Using this technique either offensively or as a counter, the user will take hold of the victims leg and wrap both feet around it whilst positioning one of their feet beneath the knee joint in an attempt to constrict the movement of the victim and keeping the heel of the victims foot in their grasp. This Places them into a compromising position as the user violently twists the heel at the ankle joint in an effort to damage the muscles and ligaments in the knee. The move is excruciatingly painful once properly locked in. However a skilled or fast shinobi may be able to wriggle out of the hold, in addition those with high pain tolerance may be able to ward off the pain of the ensuing injury. Generally if there is no way for the user to escape the hold will last one rotation and the victim's knee will be rendered unusable.

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 5, 2023 0:46:27 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

They were in the thick of it now.

Muramasa's eyes followed Himari's movements as they traded blows. She dodged his initial attacks as he expected but as he rotated around to her backside she was even able to evade his tricky kick. "Fast!" he cursed as she dropped down low and swung her feet back to attempt a sweep. His last second retreat allowed him to barely avoid the attack and compose himself. The Okada girl brushed her nose and made a quip about thinking on his feet. "Not so bad yourself." he responded, narrowing his eyes and raising his arms into a closed guard.

Her stance shifted into something he'd never seen before and she slowly advanced on him. Not knowing her abilities was dangerous enough, and her being able to switch up styles like this was going to be an issue. "Have to make a move." Was his only thought as he inched forward, squaring up with Himari. Muramasa took one more step within her range. Bad for him... but necessary for his next move. He'd maintain his guard until she struck and once she did would attempt to grab the woman behind her back, raising his right leg and bringing it down to sweep hers in an attempt to toss her over his hip and onto the canvas with a Sōji Yōbu Goshi. A risky maneuver to be sure due to her strength and speed, but even if they took a tumble to the floor together that would be fine in his book.


NAME: Sōji Yōbu Goshi [Sweeping Loin Throw]
An aggressive move created to cause maximum damage while stunning an opponent at the same time. After closing the distance the user will grab the opponent behind their back while raising a leg at the same time. Simultaneously kicking backwards into the targets feet while pulling them forward will sweep them over the user's hip and onto their back sending them crashing into the ground. The force from the impact will knock the air out of the target and can knock weaker opponents out cold.


String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 7, 2023 3:40:34 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member

While closing the gap had been the right call, it had been a risk as it seemed that Muramasa was willing to meet her head on. Still, she wasn't about to back down from the challenge presented before her. With both looking toward each other, she'd make the first move as she struck at him, prompting his guard to rise as he would make his move to get behind her, using her arm as a pully in the process as it tried get it behind her back. Gritting her teeth, she'd feel his strength against her frame, his leg moving to sweep and toss her to the ground. Yet in doing this, she'd quickly let the moment of conceived victory allow her to pivot around him, taking his arm and twisting it with her as she soon came upon his back this time.

Breathing for a moment, she'd shook her head as she held him in place for a moment before pushing him forward before then tilt her head to the side.

"Did T teach ya'll that..or was that somethin ya'll already knew? Seemed like the Hammerlock to me..."

With a calm expression, she'd return to her previous stance as she held her ground and hands at the ready. In her experience, there was plenty of moves that took after Okada style. Though of course, it wasn't as if the Okada style was completely it's own. There were measures of it, small or large, that had incorporated a variety of different styles to make it what it was today. But since his was Ju jitsu, it should not be too much of a shock if there might be some Judo in there. Maybe...

-Jutsu Used-

[NAME] Okada-ryū: Hanmā rokku [Okada Style: Hammerlock]

Using this hold, the user will grab hold of the victims wrist and then pivots whilst bending their arm behind their back. Whilst in this position, the user is able to set the victim up for a variety of follow ups, this holds primary function is to injure the wrist and moves performed from this hold may also aggravate the shoulder joints in the limb that has been constricted.

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 8, 2023 13:37:27 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

As his loin toss went off he stayed focused. Celebration in battle often came too early... a fact that proved true as Himari rolled with the momentum and took his exposed back.

"Ah!" he uttered with a wince, feeling her breath on his neck as one of his arms was wrenched behind him. She had him dead to rights. So he was relived when she pushed him forward and released her grip. "Something I picked up from my Jujitsu training." His response came as he steadied himself, turning once more to face her. "Your grappling's no joke." Muramasa would compliment her, a rarity for him as he rolled his now sore arm. He thought about just leaving it there but whether it was from the loosening up that came with training and elevated chemicals in his body or from Himari opening up himself he felt inclined to... share. Odd. "It's a style as old as the Land of Iron, so a lot of modern ones descend from it. Judo and Aikido, for instance." His eyes came to focus once more on Himari as he flicked his eyes up and down her form. "Not as flashy as your Okada techniques... but it gets the job done." His words may have been taken as insult, but it would be clear to Himari from his tone that he respected her moves.

Maybe his inner theatre-lover admired the showmanship. Her looks certainly didn't hurt, either.

With his stance re-entered Muramasa narrowed his eyes on Himari before moving once again. He'd known who the victor would be from the beginning but he'd be damned if he didn't put up a fight. Stepping once more into her range he would hesitate, feinting to his left before lashing out at the right side of her midsection with a knife-handed Kirioroshi. One of his more powerful Jujitsu attacks but he made sure to aim and hold just enough back to not cause any lasting injury. "Like I even could anyway..." The thought occurred as his limb spliced through the air. The Okada were tough nuts to crack. Himari surely one of the toughest.


NAME: Kirioroshi [Downward Knife Hand Cut]
Killing blow created with the sole intent of maiming or ending the life of an opponent. After forming a 'knife hand' the user brings it down on a target's vital area with immense speed and power. The precision of this strike will dictate its lethality. While normally aimed at the neck the user may target the kidneys, groin, head, ribs, or other vital spot although the throat and area around the collarbone seems the ideal target. Due to the force of this attack the user has a chance to damage their hand if used repeatedly. Small fractures of even complete breaks of the hand can occur if used back-to-back. Though the technique is forceful enough to smash through hard surfaces and armor, this risk only compounds if used against them.


String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 8, 2023 16:56:39 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member
Reckoned that was it!"

Himari's interest certainly had been peaked for a moment as she listened to Muramasa, her expression holding a smile that seemed to be one of the first that was actually genuine.

"I had a feeling that much of what came before always came from something dating back. Likely even a mixture of it came into Okada style too..."

At the compliment of her grappling, the blonde would wave her hand to the side as she nodded at him.

"Thanks...ya'lls ain't bad neither..."

With the two of them having this brief reprieve, Himari would begin to rotate her own arm as she stretched it upward as the man-made mention of how his style wasn't as flashy as the Okada, leading the young woman to smirk as she rested her hand upon her hip.

"Gotta be...otherwise we won't be much as performers. Alotta it just for show though..."

It wasn't that much of a secret in truth, but they had to make sure that such moves were capable of being viewed by crowds and made a great effort of making sure that it was both safe for the user and still captivating for those watching them. If it was simply straight and to the point, it would reflect a lot of real life. Often, people didn't come to shows just for that alone. Some came for the drama and the spectacle.

"Still don't mean it ain't all for it..."

It seemed like their break was over, allowing Himari to gesture with a nod that she was ready as she placed herself back into her squared stance. Seeing as he began to move in, she'd watch as he attempted a jab with this left, though clearly moving with intention through the right side with a downward knife-hand. Using her shin as a defense against the impact of the strike, the sting of the attack was not lost upon her, but she managed to move her arms upward to hold him in place, locking him in as she then switched from her defensive left leg to her right driving itself into his chest. In a final attempt, she'd release him from her lock before slamming her elbow downward to plant him against the ground, bouncing back before holding her left leg upward and close to her chest, her stance returning to its previous position as she grit her teeth.

"I still got a question for ya'll...if ya'll feel like answering..."

-Jutsu Used-

NAME: Sukueasutansu [Square Stance]
COST: Very Low
This square stance is the basic for all muy thai techniques. In this stance, the hips are square and facing the opponent and the feet are shoulder width apart. The arms and hands form a high gaurd near the face, purposely exposing the ribs. It is customary for practitioners to bounce between the knees in a sort of march. To move forward the right follows the left. To move to the left, right follows the left. The other two directs follow the opposite order. When kicking from this stance, the user twists their hips and pulls their head back.

NAME: Kyatchi to Rokku [Catch and Lock]
COST: Very Low
Rather than raising one's leg/shin to block a kick and potentially lose one's balance, a practitioner can catch a kick instead. While shifting one's hips and core oppsite to the kick, the elbow can be brought down and into the body to catch the leg and lock it at one's side. It is possible to add the hands into the motion by claspin the leg and catching it before locking it or by wrapping the arms around the leg and catching and locking it that way.

NAME: Shimetsuke [Clinching]
COST: Very Low
This is both a defensive maneuver and an offensive one. For a muy thai fighter, close range is the best range. By tightening their hands around an opponent's neck and pulling them in, they can gain the upper hand and put themselves in a position to attack. It is also possible to avoid attacks in this situation and recover since it limits the opponent's movements.

NAME: Hiji Sutoraiku [Elbow Strike]
COST: Very Low
Taking advantage of the fact that the elbow is almost pure bone, this attack works like the point of a knife. By focusing all the force on the elbows, the force is centered and magnified in a small area, creating intense pressure like that of a blade. This attack can easily cut through human skin due to the hardness of the elbows. Even if it doesn't knock an opponent out, this almost guaranteed to leave a nasty cut if it connects.

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 8, 2023 18:10:45 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

His eyes widened slightly at Himari's excitement. It was like seeing a mama bear behave like a cub. Unexpected... but cute.

"Nice smile." He'd say, his own mug adopting a half smirk once more. The Okada woman speculated that parts of Jujitsu had been integrated into their own brand of martial arts and the wanderer would nod. "Definitely possible." A hand came up to his chin in thought. "It's a little archaic to tell the truth... so if it did you might have improved on it." Rigid kata still had their uses but in modern combat other styles were likely more practical. It was his though, so he practiced it. Besides he could always add his own changes once he'd mastered the forms he knew. Himari said his own grappling wasn't bad and he would nod. "Thanks." High praise from a submission expert like herself. Funny. When they'd first met he never imagined a polite conversation. But it turned out they had some things in common after all.

Next she said that their moves had to be flashy for the performance aspect. "So I see." He replied, placing a hand on his hip. "Reminds me of putting on puppet shows in a way... though I was never great at conveying the right emotions." Unsurprising really given his muted demeanor. He could act when he needed to, even lie decently. But expressing himself to others was a struggle. It had been since he was ten.

Resuming their bout Muramasa found his knife hand promptly blocked by her shin, an unpleasant experience for his hand. Finding his arm locked in place he was helpless to avoid her leg strike and he only barely managed to raise a hand to catch her elbow as he was pinned to the ground by its force. It stopped a small amount of damage but didn't keep the air in his lungs as he hit canvas. He lie there stunned. Another question she said. "Have me at a disadvantage here... so go for it." He spoke between heavy breaths as he wobbled onto one knee. This match was drawing to a close. But he had one more thing left to try. Without warning he would rush forward, maneuvering to her back with Suiho. Instead of stopping however he would allow his momentum to carry him all around. Another Suiho. In one final move he would place his hand once more on the woman's back and go to sweep her leg with his right foot, trying to toss her over his hip with Sōji Yōbu Goshi. Was his speed enough? Or would she reverse it and he end up pinned? He knew the answer... but he thought it worth one last shot.


NAME: Suiho [Waning Step]
Named after the crescent moon-like shape in which this maneuver mimics, the user dashes towards the target but feints at the last moment, side-stepping around the opponent in an arc to their backside. Once in position they then deliver a crushing punch or kick to the spine. This attack targets a vital area and is able to fracture one's back if enough force is applied.

NAME: Suiho [Waning Step]
Named after the crescent moon-like shape in which this maneuver mimics, the user dashes towards the target but feints at the last moment, side-stepping around the opponent in an arc to their backside. Once in position they then deliver a crushing punch or kick to the spine. This attack targets a vital area and is able to fracture one's back if enough force is applied.

NAME: Sōji Yōbu Goshi [Sweeping Loin Throw]
An aggressive move created to cause maximum damage while stunning an opponent at the same time. After closing the distance the user will grab the opponent behind their back while raising a leg at the same time. Simultaneously kicking backwards into the targets feet while pulling them forward will sweep them over the user's hip and onto their back sending them crashing into the ground. The force from the impact will knock the air out of the target and can knock weaker opponents out cold.


String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Jan 8, 2023 18:56:46 GMT -5
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 8, 2023 18:34:10 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member
Hush now..."

At the comment toward her smile, Himari would do her best to remove it from her face, though it was honestly one of the few times she'd let someone actually see that. Save for her family. Of course, there was certainly a childlike interest in the various styles of martial arts. It was what had gotten her into the ring and what had allowed her to come up with her own means of fighting along with wrestling. She had to admit to having a passion for it. Though the last thing she needed right now was Muramasa complimenting anything like that about her.

But with them once more back into the fray, he seemed willing to hear her out, considering his current position, yet as he spoke, he'd soon begin with one last push toward getting the best of her, moving in swiftly as he began to throw a string of feints and punches her way, prompting her to be on her toes as she began to move from one side to the next, blocking some attempts while also dodging others. Before long, his next move to sweep her down would be met with a slight hop to her left, still feeling the sting of the last attempt against it. Though weakened, it allowed for the attempt to fail as she pushed through stopping short of slipping in close to him, her body lowered to deliver a knee but stopped short of his liver as she then drew her leg down and stared at him directly face to face and within close enough proximity that they were only an inch apart.

Releasing a slow breath, Himari would allow herself to become more composed, the sweat of her brow lingering as she spoke.

"Ya'll know T crazy bout ya'll right?"

Her expression drew into a more serious demeanor as she then continued to look at him.

"She ain't been that way for somebody in a while...meanin ya'll better to real with her if ya ain't interested..."

-Jutsu Used-

NAME: Hōboku Ramu [Grazing Ram]
COST: Very Low
This is a more advanced technique in that it is all about timing. The movement has to be fluid and natural in order to be effective. Depending on which fist the opponent throws, the practitioner will quickly step the appropriate foot forward while catching the arm of the opponent, making sure to duck or slip the head back to avoid the attack. With the opponent's momentum carrying them forward, the practioner will pull the opponent's arm while twisting their own hips to deliver a blow to the opponent's liver. It is important that the blow be with either the flat of the arm as a blunt force attack or the elbow as a slicing attack as the fist won't have enough force due to not completing the full range of motion.

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 8, 2023 19:35:18 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

At her urging, he did in fact hush. If anyone knew guarding your true feelings it was him but he didn't regret telling her.

Muramasa was able to get a hold on her just barely before she hopped away. "Here it comes..." He thought to himself, half expecting her to grab onto his arm and flip him over her shoulder without much effort. Instead she paused what was sure to be a devastating knee to one of his vital spots, lowering it instead back to the ground. She drew close. Their eyes locked and their faces nearly touching. "Uh..." The only word he could manage as he watched her take a deep breath. His own breathing was heavy from exertion by this point.

Then something unexpected happened... she told him that Taki was crazy about him and asked if he had realized.

Silence. Just for a moment. Allowing his own expression to compose itself. His dark eyes met hers. "I know." His reply came with a nod. Himari was playing her role as protector and that he understood. It was a part he used to play for his younger sisters. Her expression grew stern and she told him that Taki was not one to fall easily, and that he should be honest with her. Another nod. "We talked... I let her know everything up front." Muramasa let his hands fall to his sides as his gaze drifted off to the side. "Romance, relationships... those kinds of things aren't for people like me." His voice was a bit hushed now. Even between staggered breaths his melancholy was notable. "She's my friend. My only one, actually." A tinge of softness entered his expression, but only for a moment before he turned his eyes back to Himari. His own expression was stern now. Beads of sweat traveled down the sides of his face. "But that's all she can be." Casual companionship was a concept many people had a hard time understanding. To Muramasa though, it was slightly different. No capacity for love... or so he believed at least. For now he would simply stare into Himari's eyes and wait for a response.



String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Jan 8, 2023 22:50:44 GMT -5
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 8, 2023 20:04:30 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member

His response had been in part, what she might have expected to be honest. Though she wouldn't say it out loud, at least at the moment, Taki was a pretty good judge of character. If she took such an effort in getting this close to someone, it showed that there was clearly something that was drawing her to him. But, from his answer, it appeared that he was clearly attempting to try and just keep things simple. They were just friends. It was all that Muramasa seemed to believe he and Taki could be.

Though as her deep blue eyes stared into his, Himari would pull back as she then placed one hand within her pocket, a small smile resting on her face as she shook her head.

"I don't reckon ya'll fully believe that..."

In saying that, she'd make her way toward her former starting point in the ring, taking hold of her cleaning towel before then looking back over her shoulder.

"But ya'll wrong bout one thing..."

Looking at him, she'd hold a small smile as she closed her eyes.

"She ain't ya'll only friend..."

That said, the girl would then begin to make her way out of the ring, still talking as she moved toward the exit while brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Course if ya'll have in her ya'll room again and I find out I'll break ya neck..."

Himari would yell this as she didn't look at him, continuing toward the door as she prepared to finish the last of her own tasks.

"Don't linger long...ya'll got practice later today and I want ya'll just as prepped as ya'll were now..."

With that, it appeared that Himari had left, leaving the young man to his thoughts as she seemed to have her own thinking to tend to.

-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 8, 2023 21:25:19 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

When Himari told him she didn't think that he believed his words he shook his head in response.

"I do." He said. As far as he was concerned that was the fact of the matter. Only thing he had room for in his life was his mission. And he told Taki as much. Did she fully grasp his words? Well... that was a different question.

Next came a surprise. She told him he was wrong. That he had more than one friend. After, Himari would see the closest thing to a smile he could muster. Muted as it was, he appreciated her words. Life on the road had made him withdrawn. Distant. Never would he have imagined staying in one place for more than a few days. Let alone making friends. His thoughts were interrupted as she promised to break his neck if she caught Taki in his room and to be ready for practice later. "Again?" He thought, quickly realizing that she must have seen her before their training. "We were just talking." Muramasa called after her, likely falling on deaf ears as she got further and further away. "That time..." He muttered to himself, his eyes watching the woman leave.

Folding his arms as Taki came to mind. He had done his best to be truthful... but maybe Himari had a point. To continue any physical intimacy might give her the wrong idea. And the last thing he wanted was to hurt her by mistake. A sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck. This was part of the reason he never bothered with these matters. Too complex. After taking some time to cool down and do a few post-spar stretches Muramasa would make his way out of the gym and back to his room. To catch some sleep hopefully. And to think.



String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
Yenga has written 663 posts

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