Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]

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Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Dec 29, 2022 23:35:38 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

An arm came up over his head as Muramasa began to stretch and limber up in the empty gym.

It was late. Easily past midnight and without any other nocturnal creatures tonight that meant that he had the space to himself. Dressed in simple sweats and sporting a new scar on the left side of his forehead he finished his stretching and walked forward to meet his foe. Not being able to sleep was a common occurrence for him and had been since he was a child. Maybe it was part of the reason he was usually so grumpy. On this night he had decided rather than lying awake aimlessly in bed to work on some of his hand-to-hand skills. He didn't get the chance to use them too often and that meant he had to practice lest he get rusty. A leather human-shaped dummy of average weight stood before him. It was go time.

Warming up with a few sets of punches and kicks with each limb he paused for a moment, settling into his square jujitsu stance. "Hands don't fail me now." he thought as he threw a weak left jab at its head. It would have been pitiful really if it wasn't immediately followed up with a snap punch from his right, rattling the dummy and nearly knocking it over with its wobbling (Zenbu-Soku Tsuki). It was one of the weaker techniques of the style but even a middling martial artist could tell that the speed and deceptive nature of the move more than made up for its lack of power. It felt good to train like this again. He couldn't remember the last time he fought up close. There was his duel with that rōnin but that was mostly a farce, didn't even have a chance to toss him around before Taki took care of him. With all the trouble it appeared it was heading right for soon he was sure he'd get plenty of chances to utilize his taijutsu. That meant he needed to be ready for his chance.

Intently he began drilling his form, practicing several grips and basic throws slowly at first and then speeding up once he had solidified the movements. "Kata feels stiff." It likely was a bit, but it wasn't long before the feel started to come back to him. He continued his warmup making sure to focus on his technique before trying anything flashy. It had been a while now since he used any of his jujitsu. Last thing he wanted was to pull something on accident and get benched when he should be out on a mission or training. Improvement stayed on his mind. It was the only constant among everything else.


NAME: Zenbu-Soku Tsuki [Front Snap Punch]
One of the most basic techniques of Jujitsu. Consisting of two sequential punches the user will first throw a small jab with their non-dominant hand to prepare for the next strike and then as they pull back instantly follow up with a snap punch from their main hand, making sure to twist their hips to gain extra power. Because of the deceptive nature of the first strike this basic but fundamental technique is great at catching opponents off guard.


String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Dec 30, 2022 10:58:17 GMT -5
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Dec 30, 2022 0:04:34 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member
Little late to be hittin the sand ain't it? "

Himari would speak as she then moved out from behind a pillar, a calm expression on her face as she looked upward toward the ceiling as she smirked lightly before then approaching Muramasa with her hands resting in her pockets. Honestly, startling him wasn't exactly on her list of things she had to do, but usually when people were in the gym, it was normal during the day and late into the evening. Often, she'd be here training herself into the late hours, then spending the last few before daylight cleaning up before pulling out for the night. Though as Muramasa seemed to have wandered in here, she decided to simply watch him for a moment.

"It's pretty nice when ya'll lone here...less noise...just the sound of the pad and ya fist clashin in and ya thinkin of how to get better...."

Tossing the cleaning rag across her shoulder, the blonde would close her eyes as she laughed lightly to herself.

"Jijitsu...draw in with one hand and then follow with a harder strike with more punch....can't say I took ya for a close quarter kinda fella but then...I ain't yet really got to see for myself..."

Himari would then stand behind the dummy as she raised her brow with a calm expression.

"Reckon it lines up...ain't gonna be much use if ya puppet is far off and can't pull it back in time...gotta be ready to throw blows when it comes down to it..."

Opening her eyes, her blue eyes would linger upon the back of the dummy's head before then snapping toward Muramasa with a calm expression.

"Though that technique....ain't somethin ya get right off the rip...and ya sure don't learn it just off any old road..."

-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Dec 30, 2022 1:08:25 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

A sudden voice caught him off guard. Not the easiest thing in the world to do.

Quickly he recognized the voice as Himari, one of Taki's hot nice cousins who he'd met when he first arrived here at the gym. "Late for most." was his response to her statement, his dark gaze moving to look her over as she walked out from behind a pillar. He arched an eyebrow and tilted his head. "What are you still doing up Himari-san?" His eyes followed her as she approached and he placed a hand on his hip. After a moment he turned back to the dummy, continuing some slow drilling of his kata as he listened. She spoke of how nice it was to train in solitude and he nodded as he moved. His body was still a bit rigid  from being out of practice but she would see in real time as he loosened up, his forms soon flowing like water.

As she named his style he paused for a moment and glanced at her. "You're familiar?" Wasn't like it was some super secret taijutsu style or anything but in his experience it was still pretty uncommon outside of samurai. Maybe she had witnessed it in battle? Or perhaps she was a true student of martial arts. Himari mentioned that he didn't strike her as a brawler and he nodded, slowly finishing a thumb jab to the dummy's neck that she stood behind. "That's the idea. Nobody expects a hip toss from the frail puppeteer." The side of his mouth perked up a bit giving his neutural expression the facade of a smirk.

His hand fell to the dummy's shoulder as he stood up straight and gazed at Himari behind it. "Exactly." he concurred with her analysis of his fighting style. A proverb came to mind and he mulled it over for a little too long before finally deciding to share. "A drunk fool of a mentor once told me, 'A ninja must see through deception.'" his eyes drifted off in remembrance but funnily enough his face did not read 'fond memories'. More 'annoyance' than anything. "It's true I guess... but they must also deceive." Just overthinking some old saying, or was it a clue about his abilities? His eyes met with Himari's as she shared an observation about his technique. They narrowed for a moment. Either he was crazy or she was feeling him out. After a long pause he nodded. "You're right about that." Confirming her assumption was well enough. But he was also curious. "Did you read my contract?" he asked, his voice quieting just a touch. Taki hadn't, but Himari may have been privy to its details. How many of the Okada knew of his origins? What did they think? He would wait for her answer before expounding further.



String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Dec 30, 2022 10:27:39 GMT -5
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Dec 30, 2022 1:35:19 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member
Let the blonde hair fool ya? Spend nough time at this job ya'll learn lots of things..."

Stretching her arms in the air, she'd see his form shift into a more fluid motion as he struck at the training target, her expression remaining the same as she then answered his question.

"This place don't clean itself...most folks didn't have a mamma to teach em how so I pick up after em..."

It wasn't so much as a chore, but a responsibility she took upon herself after seeing the state of the place after the end of the day. Pretty soon, it became a regular thing for her as she did most of her own training late into the night when she was alone. Time was hard to keep track of when you had so much to do, and there was plenty that Himari did that her family didn't really see her accomplish. Which was the point. Someone had to do the work that no one wanted to do. It just came with the territory of being one of the oldest younguns in the Okada horde.

In listening to Muramasa explain where he learned his style, his explanation made as much sense as she'd expected. No one would think that someone fighting with a puppet was capable of an ample defense. His master's words were right. The deception was the name of the game.

Which made him question if she had read his contract, prompting her to narrow her eyes as she held up a piece of paper.

"Wouldn't be much a trainer if I ain't know the athletes in my care..."

Putting it back behind her back, she'd then rest her hand upon her hip as she stared him down.

"They ain't aware of it kin ain't for spillin the tea bout people's past...we're good people like that..."

Brushing her hair from her eyes, she'd then release a sigh as she tilted her head to the side.

"So whatcha got to tell me?"

-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Dec 30, 2022 10:57:15 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

Muramasa's dark eyes remained locked on Himari.

He listened intently like he always did, her crack about blondes causing the corner of his mouth to waver a bit. Emoting wasn't exactly his strong suit but it was near enough to a smirk to show that he found it amusing. "Something tells me nothing gets past you." his tone was even as he paid her the compliment but for him that was saying a lot. He'd come across plenty of fools in his travels. Himari was the furthest thing from one. His head nodded as she explained her cleaning duties. "Makes sense." he thought as he looked her over. She definitely gave off 'responsible older sister' vibes. And someone had to clean up after everyone. "Thanks for your diligence." Perhaps his aloof demeanor made it sound sarcastic but he meant it sincerely. It was a respectable job.

After he asked about his contract he would watch as she flashed the paper, complete with his messy signature and all. "Knew it, she's sharp alright." Himari stated that rest of the Okada did not know and his eyes drifted down in thought. It was for the best. He wasn't so short-sighted to put down anything in writing that would impede his long-term goals but still, the less others knew the better. Wouldn't take a genius to figure out what a Muramasa was doing hanging around so close to his former homeland. She asked what he had for her and his gaze returned to lock onto hers. It was ok to dish a little. "I trained in Jujitsu as a kid in the Land of Iron." Despite doing his best to hide it there was a certain disdain in his voice when he talked about these things. "Samurai would sometimes teach us children about their ways... mostly as a favor to my family for arming them." Clearly there were some bad memories associated with this subject. Was that sufficient? Or did she want to know more? For the moment he would simply maintain his gaze while he waited for her reply.



String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Dec 30, 2022 13:06:07 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member
The Iron Country..."

Himari would close her eyes as she then released a breath while looking once more as he locked eyes with her. Clearly, this was information that seemed to hit a bit of a sore spot with him. His family had enough pull to get favors from those close to the Damiyo of those lands, making it clear that something happened to change that if he was now lingering around all over. A wanderer usually had some reason for wandering right?

Crossing her arms over her chest, she'd begin to move around the dummy as she continued to speak.

"And the family stuff?"

Himari would stop as she stood beside him, looking in the opposite direction as she held a serious expression on her face.

"Don't be so shocked...I ain't exactly the most hardcore nin out here, but I do know a thing or two bout gatherin information...ain't nothin sat right with ya and your movements were proof enough to show that ya ain't exactly showin everythin...deception...right?"

As the blonde would say this, she'd shift her gaze to rest upon him as she narrowed her eyes for a moment.

"I do what I do cause a promise I made long go...why do ya'll do it?"

-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Dec 30, 2022 14:40:08 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

His arms folded as he continued to watch.

It was clear she was thinking deeply on the matter after his answer. Surely there was quite a bit to consider and her next question made that plain. He watched as she moved around the dummy and stood next to him, facing the other way. "It's kind of personal." was his initial reply, giving her a sideways glance. But after a moment of thought he continued. "The gist is... my family was banished from the country and had everything stolen from us. Because of a lie." That was the short of it. More details obviously existed there but these weren't something he freely shared with everyone. "My mother and siblings run a forge in Rice-Wine Country." His eyes narrowed as he stopped. "I chose a different path."

Himari observed that he wasn't exactly being forthright and after a long pause he nodded slowly. "The less people know about you the less they can hurt you." A cynical perspective perhaps but since they were being genuine now he figured he might as well offer it up. This Shinobi World was wrought with danger. He played things close to the vest out of necessity. She looked to him, saying she was motivated by a promise and asking him what his drive was. He locked eyes with her. "Same reason as you, I suppose. A promise I made to myself." The tone of his voice had become grim. His thoughts dark as he slowly averted his gaze forward. "To take my family home one day..." A pause. "And to kill my enemies." Conviction was a hard thing to fake. Whatever else he may have omitted this last declaration was sincere. Revenge is what he sought.



String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Dec 31, 2022 0:56:22 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member
Ya'll say that, but I reckon ya feel different gettin it off ya chest..."

Holding a calm expression on her face, Himari would place herself upon the edge of the ring, her legs hanging down the side as she held her arms along the length of the rope as she began to speak. It was pretty underhanded of her to get him to spill as much as he had, though she honestly had only done so because she knew that he was holding out. But, that wasn't the only reason. Honestly, there was a secondary reason. But that could come later.

"Well...outside of whats on that there page...I'm one of the former champs of the OWA and I basically look out for all the youngun Okada since I'm one of the oldest and first born of the next line of kin. Basically, my mamma fell for a drifter...drifter left her with me....and ain't got no siblings of my own so guess ya can say cousins are just as much all I got...well...least now anyway..."

Himari would then close her eyes as she drew herself upward as she began to pull herself further into the ring.

"But..since I was running, I always wanted to be up the ring...performing...and when I was strong nough...I did...youngest one to do it too...and win it...had to make a whole division cause of me wantin in so badly..."

Himari would smirk as she then placed one hand upon her hip as she leaned slightly to the right before then gesturing for him to get in as well.

"Course...I then joined the academy and eventually I knew I couldn't do I quit...or at least..I tried...basically they set me up here as a trainer and I've been doing it ever since..."

-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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last edit by Okada Himari on Jan 3, 2023 20:13:08 GMT -5
Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Dec 31, 2022 3:20:06 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

The fire in his eyes raged as he looked forward. Her voice broke the silence and he placed his hand on the dummy's shoulder.

Still looking ahead. "I feel exposed." His retort came after a long pause. It was obvious from his body language he wasn't used to opening up at all. It took several weeks for him to speak at all about his past to Taki. Longer than that to divulge his name. Trauma was not so easily overcome but he didn't dwell on it. To him, any pain, isolation, or anger he felt were all tools to be directed towards his mission. That's the only thing that mattered to him. Or so he believed.

Himari's observation about his distance and revealing of the false contract brought him back to the present. "Maybe." His eyes turned to her seeming a tad less fierce, his voice lost some of its harshness as well. "Dirty trick, by the way." The shadow of a smirk flashed for a moment. As a schemer he respected it. He knew there existed good people in this world. So far the Okada in their entirety had been nothing but welcoming. But he also knew of betrayal and deceit. Of unfulfilled oaths. Of loss. "Most of the time... it's hard to tell who the good people are." She reiterated that their family would not unduly spread any of his info and he nodded. Himari then assured him he could open up at his own pace. His eyes moved to the side and he nodded again. "Thanks." If he stuck around much longer these Okada were gonna end up pulling some real emotion out of him. He didn't think it the case but... he sure hoped he wasn't falling for it just because they were pretty.

Next the woman laid out her rules and he brought his gaze back around. "I never do anything half way." was his response to her first, the phrasing of her stipulations leaving him a touch amused. She was alright in his mind. However... "Since we're being straight..." he began, looking into her eyes once more. "And you know what I'd normally consider entirely too much about me... tell me about you." He shifted his body so that he faced her, still resting his arm on the dummy for support. "Your story. Your promise." In the interest of warding off suspicion he had opened up. Would she return the favor?



String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 3, 2023 20:14:45 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member
Reckon thats fair..."

Holding a calm expression on her face, Himari would place herself upon the edge of the ring, her legs hanging down the side as she held her arms along the length of the rope as she began to speak. It was pretty underhanded of her to get him to spill as much as he had, though she honestly had only done so because she knew that he was holding out. But, that wasn't the only reason. Honestly, there was a secondary reason. But that could come later.

"Well...outside of whats on that there page...I'm one of the former champs of the OWA and I basically look out for all the youngun Okada since I'm one of the oldest and first born of the next line of kin. Basically, my mamma fell for a drifter...drifter left her with me....and ain't got no siblings of my own so guess ya can say cousins are just as much all I got...well...least now anyway..."

Himari would then close her eyes as she drew herself upward as she began to pull herself further into the ring.

"But..since I was running, I always wanted to be up the ring...performing...and when I was strong nough...I did...youngest one to do it too...and win it...had to make a whole division cause of me wantin in so badly..."

Himari would smirk as she then placed one hand upon her hip as she leaned slightly to the right before then gesturing for him to get in as well.

"Course...I then joined the academy and eventually I knew I couldn't do I quit...or at least..I tried...basically they set me up here as a trainer and I've been doing it ever since..."

-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

Tag: | Words: | Notes:
last edit by Okada Himari on Jan 3, 2023 20:15:22 GMT -5
Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 3, 2023 23:37:12 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

As Himari spoke he watched her, his eyes looking the woman up and down.

It didn't take much to get her rolling. Funny, that. Sure he was a cynic and naturally reserved but it always amazed him how much people were willing to share with others. "At least she practices what she preaches." the thought occurred as he listened. He might not have understood, but he certainly respected a principled person. Himari told him of her past, that she was a former champ and that her father was a drifter. Explained her distaste for wanderers. A pettier person might crack wise but the subject of dads was a touchy one for him. "Do you know him at all?" he asked. Realizing it may be an equally sore subject for her he continued. "Are you close with your mother?" At least he had heard Taki speak of her aunt before so he knew she was in the picture to some degree. She said that her cousins were all she really had he simply nodded... though a question did pop into his mind. One normally too cheeky for himself but since she had duped him he felt didn't feel too bad about asking. "Nobody 'important' in your life?" If she looked she would see the closest thing to a sly expression he could manage on his face. He may have been an introvert but that didn't mean he was totally above snark.

As she spoke of her time as a performer he listened intently, taking intricate mental notes as always. She really did have a storied life. Apparently they had to make a separate division for her specifically. Someone could write a novel about the Okada and their exploits. Who knew? Perhaps he would one day. She beckoned him into the ring and he stood awhile before slowly making his to its edge. "Do you miss it?" was his next question, parting the ropes and sliding through as he followed up. "Performing, I mean." It must have been a big change going from the ring to becoming a ninja-in-training. Muramasa interlocked his fingers and stretched out his arms in preparation of what was surely to come as he waited for a response. Lightly he paced around one half of the ring, getting a feel for the canvas as he limbered up. Himari was an interesting person, no doubt about it. Other questions came to mind but for now they could wait. Didn't want to pry too much.



String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 4, 2023 0:03:14 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member
Rather wish I didn't..caught up with em while back..."

Stretching her arms upward, she'd remove the towel from across her shoulders, draping it along the surface of the ropes as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"He ain't what folks call a daddy but I ain't lookin for those no way..."

Truth was, he basically shattered what illusion she had made of him from years of being without one. Of course, she had been fortunate enough to later find someone who proved to be far better suited for the role in her life. Though even that was shaky these days. In hearing a similar question about her mother, she'd laugh before bending down to touch her toes as she then pulled her leg back behind her.

"Thick as thieves...mamma and I pretty much spend nough time together to the point we can't stand one another on occasion...guess that comes when ya depend on each other. She was the most pissed when I said I was quittin...and who had me stick round this here gym and work for her..."

Himari would grin as she then sighed while back up and allowing herself to bend backward for a moment as her hands rested on her hips.

"Taught me just bout everythin I know...and a little more that I didn't need to...but she helped keep me honest...probably be a lot of things worse if it weren't for her and everyone else here..."

Though as he seemed to slyly ask if she had anyone important in her life, she'd look at him with a raised brow, her hand raised to her face as she coughed lightly into it before then frowning somewhat.

"No...and don't be gettin no ideas Mura..."

Narrowing her eyes, she'd release a sigh as she pushed her arms forward as she slowly drew them back while grazing her foot slowly across the mat in a half circle before then bringing it back alongside the other.

He was certainly getting his fill of questions out there, but it was fair game considering what she had done. Still, the last question did give her a moment of pause, prompting her to gesture her hand out slowly as she then drew it back into a stance as she went briefly through her forms.

"Sometimes....I'd say people miss it more than I do mostly...I can't be everything cause of em...but I can do what I can for the people I love...part of why I became a shinobi...that and the man that I call daddy...course he'd say I did it just to show em up..."

A smirk crossed her lips as she then allowed herself to face him.

"So ya'll best watch what ya'll do round here...hear?"

-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 4, 2023 1:51:32 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

A nod followed her explanation of her father.

It seemed they had paternal scars in common, at least. Though where her father was apparently not suited to the task his own certainly was. No dad is perfect but he no longer even had the opportunity to be mad at his. Samurai of the Land of Iron stole even that from him. His silence was obvious as he thought about this, something that Himari would no doubt pick up on.

Muramasa moved to his kata once more, his motions now faster than the slow practice he was doing before. Talk of mothers brought on less sullen expression from him as he thought of his own. It was good Himari had at least that in her life. "Sounds like a good woman." He would say, launching a swift kick through the air next to him. All this conversation about family reminded him. He should write his own soon. Himari took his question about significant others about how he expected. "Me?" Stopping only briefly he shot her a quick glance. "No..." Since she was so watchful she may have noticed that he was not always alone in his room. Taki warned him of 'Kuwana girls' when he first arrived but he didn't truly understand until he experienced the city for himself.

He threw several jabs into the air as she answered his last question. "For the people she loves..." As noble a reason as any. It was funny. The Okada Clan turned out to be completely different from what he expected. They reminded him a lot of his own family. Wealthier and more influential... but with many of the same values. His warmup finished and as Himari playfully told him to mind himself he turned to face her as well, a shadow of a smirk forming on his own face. "I watch my step everywhere I go." It was the only way to operate for a wanderer like himself. Muramasa lowered his center of gravity, settling into a neutral stance as he prepared himself. It had all been leading up to this. Time to see firsthand what the champ was made of.



String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 4, 2023 2:20:54 GMT -5
Okada Himari
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Okada Himari Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday January 18th rank SP Jounin occupation Operation Team Member
Right and I'm as dainty as a tea cup..."

While she shared the portion on her father with him, she didn't tell him much before allowing for a reaction from him. While it was subtle, Himari hadn't missed it. Especially as it had come with silence in regards to him before commenting upon her mother being a good one. There was certainly more to the man than what she had expected from him, though whatever else he had close to his chest, it wasn't something that would come out easily. Still, it wasn't for her to decide when he should. If anything, she had gotten enough from him, and honestly, she didn't think it would be the last time the two would talk. If he wanted to. It was part of her job after all, to make sure that each performer was both solid physically and mentally.

Though she couldn't help but admit that there was some selfish reason for making sure the guy wasn't some basket case or liar.

"Ain't just steps ya'll been watchin..."

Finishing her warm-up, Himari would continue to smirk as she pulled her arms up and squared her stance up as she lifted her leg close to her chest. Honestly, while this had been a chance for the two of them to come to some form of understanding, it was also an opportunity to practice as well. The two of them were there after all, and there was little point in wasting the chance. Plus, it wasn't as if a dummy would do much for either of them.

With her position squared, she'd then begin to move in as she then a swift jab forward as a means to catch him off-guard, following with a cross from the other before attempting to rush in with a knee as she kept her gaze focused on him and his movements. So far, she had seen that he was quick and his strikes were indeed meant to lead into other movements. It was likely that it gave him room to breath, much to his style of fighting with puppets. Better to hit and run and then regroup to come up with the next pattern. He was clearly someone who tested defenses and came up with a strategy later.

Similar to her own line of thinking in a way....

-Jutsu Used-

NAME: Sukueasutansu [Square Stance]
COST: Very Low
This square stance is the basic for all muy thai techniques. In this stance, the hips are square and facing the opponent and the feet are shoulder width apart. The arms and hands form a high gaurd near the face, purposely exposing the ribs. It is customary for practitioners to bounce between the knees in a sort of march. To move forward the right follows the left. To move to the left, right follows the left. The other two directs follow the opposite order. When kicking from this stance, the user twists their hips and pulls their head back.

NAME: Wakamushi Ninatamago [Eggs Becoming Nymph]

The user will throw a feint before appearing to throw a real punch. Missing by a slight amount on purpose the user will bring their elbow back and deliver a bewildering strike to the opponent. The strike itself feels as if the opponents to a direct punch, all of the strength the user put into the hit landing square on the opponent, causing at the least minor bruising of the bone as well as damage to the muscle.

NAME: Hiza Sutoraiku [Knee Strike]
COST: Very Low
This follows the same basic principle as an elbow strike. By focusing the force into one's knee which is a much harder part of the body, they are able to create a sledge hammer with the body, magnifying the force into a single point. This can be combined with other concepts such as clinching to push an opponent down into the strike.

-S.A Used-
Himari begun her career as an underdog, underestimated by many of her opponents within the ring due to her size. Yet, in spite of this, she would always come up with a way to win in the end, despite being at the disadvantage. This has much to do with her reflexes, capable of moving around her targets attempts and finding the openings she needs to take them down. More often than not, this serves as her means of protection in it being difficult to hit a someone that you can't accurately engage against. Though it operates on her instincts, it can be unreliable in some situations. Especially if Himari has not been able to figure out the exact anatomy of her opponent.

Heart of a Champion
During her run within the OWA, Himari would train constantly to build up her strength and stamina. She would need both in order to complete the various techniques that were involved in her style of wrestling. As such, strength training was key in her mind as she came up with an arrangement in order to continue to build upon those foundations taught to her. While she is indeed smaller than most of the people she encounters, her size does no more than give her the appearance of being less powerful than she is. Her ability to sustain stronger grapples upon her opponents is increase through this advantage, as well as the impact of her physical attacks.

Legacy of a Champion
Okada Riku was known throughout the world for her speed and agility when she was in the ring. Such is reflected upon her continue run until her retirement. This trait has been passed down by to her daughter as Himari has displayed incredible speed. This has only increased over the years, alongside her training with both her mother and other shinobi. She can move swiftly across the field with little issue, using her agile footwork to get in close on a target before they can even realize it. Excelling at this, she focuses on being evasive with this ability as well, allowing for her to be just as proactive in getting in, as well not getting hit in the process.

Keen Eye
After leaving the life of a performer, Himari was given the opportunity to help development the next generation of wrestlers for the OWA. This required that she further study the methods and means in which to help others increase their potential safely without causing injury to themselves. In doing this, she learned about the human body, as well as points upon which one could take advantage of a target and weaken them. While this was a skill she had learned through her career, she further used this knowledge to be more accurate of calculating strategies when dealing with opposition, as well as certain situations that required a keen insight into the anatomy of an individual. This insight also allows for Himari to properly control her own chakra with knowledge of her own limited and accessible supply.

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Kaze has written 178 posts
Big Trouble in Little Kuwana [Training]Jan 4, 2023 17:24:33 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

An eyebrow raised at her comment about teacups.

Seemed she did not buy him agreeing to not get any ideas... maybe she was right. It was true Himari caught his eye. Although things had changed recently after an encounter with her cousin. He'd made his intentions clear, doubling down on his obsessive pursuit of his goal to exclusion of all else. But it was clear the younger Okada still maintained feelings for him. Muramasa felt himself incapable of such things but he was not blind to the affections and emotions of others. Going forward he'd try not do anything purposely to hurt Taki. Intentions only took one so far however... but at least he was honest and up front about it all. Hopefully that would be enough.

Muramasa appreciated her commitment to not prying. If they spent more time together the pieces would surely start to fall into place but as he said, he played things close. She knew more than most now and more would likely follow since a rapport had been struck. Himari commented that he had been watching other things and his eyes stopped mid-wander to move upward. "Oh gods..." At this rate he'd end up with a reputation. For some reason he seemed to act as beacon for wanting eyes. He thought he was gloomy, grumpy, and not very fun in social situations. After some thinking he shrugged. Maybe people were just into that sort of thing? His musings paused as he noticed her focus up. It was showtime.

Of like minds they were as Himari opened up on him with a swift jab. 'Dipping a toe' so to speak to see how he would react. Simple strike or not, she was fast. As his head moved to the side just barely allowing her fist to zoom through some of his hair he could feel the sheer force of her attack. "Need to be careful." His only thought as a cross followed up and he brought his arms up defensively to absorb the blow. The impact nearly uncentered him but he managed a block... though he was now left wide open for her knee. With a dull thud his midsection took the brunt of her strike which sent him sliding back about a foot across the canvas. A wince followed. He was going be sore tomorrow for sure...

In similar fashion he threw two fast jabs to gauge her reaction, his Zenbu-Soku Tsuki. The snap punch she had witnessed earlier. What followed next was brand new however. Showcasing speed unusual for most puppeteers Muramasa dashed forward, false-stepping at the last second to swing around to her blind spot in a fluid motion. Once there he unleashed a side kick at her lower back. This maneuver? Suiho. Muramasa took care not to aim at her spine like he normally would though this meant the trajectory was perhaps a little... too low. Whether it landed or not he backpedaled and re-grounded himself in his stance. Himari was both faster and stronger. If he wanted to land a blow he had to get technical.


NAME: Zenbu-Soku Tsuki [Front Snap Punch]
One of the most basic techniques of Jujitsu. Consisting of two sequential punches the user will first throw a small jab with their non-dominant hand to prepare for the next strike and then as they pull back instantly follow up with a snap punch from their main hand, making sure to twist their hips to gain extra power. Because of the deceptive nature of the first strike this basic but fundamental technique is great at catching opponents off guard.

NAME: Suiho [Waning Step]
Named after the crescent moon-like shape in which this maneuver mimics, the user dashes towards the target but feints at the last moment, side-stepping around the opponent in an arc to their backside. Once in position they then deliver a crushing punch or kick to the spine. This attack targets a vital area and is able to fracture one's back if enough force is applied.


String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Jan 4, 2023 18:00:15 GMT -5
Yenga has written 663 posts

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