from the unknown...
Night... it provided the perfect shroud for all sorts of things.
For several days now someone had been tailed by this shadowy figure. A swordsman... and samurai to be exact. Truth be told he had no idea if the man knew anything of use to him. Though when it came to those who wielded katana it didn't much make a difference. One way or another he'd find out.
Perched along a wide branch his dark eyes followed the figure.
"Easy mark." Due to the lantern he was carrying and the slow pace with which the man traveled along the road he was a prime target for any highwaymen that lurked about. That... or the vengeful son of a swordsmith.
"I'll make camp further up the road." He thought to himself, eyes moving to the distance. It was doubtful any traveler could resist a warm campfire on such a cool night. Even a proud samurai of the Land of Iron.
"Keep on walking... like a fly to honey." Not wanting to waste another second the hooded pursuer leapt to another branch. Then another... making his way along the treetops with haste.
Faster and faster he jumped. Gone eagerly to bait his trap.
A few miles past the samurai's last known position is where he chose, a cozy-looking alcove just off the main path.
"Perfect." A firepit and two logs used for benches already resided there. Didn't take long for him to gather up some kindling and get a small blaze going using a small piece of flint and a kunai. Blowing on the embers to bring it life, he went about in preparation. For his bandaged gear he placed it behind a nearby tree. Easy access. A sleek black katana he allowed to lean against the log he sat on, near his left side for quick use. Slyly, he had unfurled a scroll and placed it under the opposite bench. Completely hidden by the log's heft. An inviting den full of hidden dangers.
"Now to wait." It was all he had left to do at this point. Wait... and steel himself for what was to come.
Under his hood a thin scar was visible on the left side of his forehead above his eyebrow. The young man leaned forward in his seat one hand held in the other as he thought.
Violence was in store... though just how much he could not say.