Shisen Wasureta | Takigakure | Sp. Jounin

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Shisen Wasureta | Takigakure | Sp. JouninMar 14, 2023 12:02:10 GMT -5
Shisen Wasureta
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Shisen Wasureta
The Scarlet Star


NAME: Shisen Wasureta
AGE: 18
BIRTHDAY: July 2nd
VILLAGE: Takigakure
CLAN: Shisen Washi
RANK: Toubetsu Jounin
POSITION: Shukan Operative
The Scarlet Star | Village
    A reference to her heritage in the Shisen clan, Wasureta has an incredible amount of pride in her family name. Regardless of the negative reactions outsiders may have, she sees her clan has the most important thing in her life. 


HEIGHT: 168cm/66in
WEIGHT: 56kg/125lbs

    Wasureta is a young woman with a slender frame. She has deeply tanned skin covered in burns and scars that she almost always keeps covered. Her eye is a dull green color. She also has similarly shaded dull green hair. Notably she's missing her right eye, covering the wound with a basic black eyepatch. 
    She is actually most often seen in a full maid outfit. primarily black with long sleeves and a skirt reaching her mid-calves. It also has white lace lining the skirt, cuffs, and across the chest. There are three padlocks vertically down the torso. She usually wears knee high black boots with white lace down the sides. Both shoes with a very small heel. 


NINDO: Perfection is the standard, payment the reward.

    There are two things that Wasureta values above all else: strength and loyalty. She is unendingly loyal to the Shisen clan, being more than willing to risk her own life to protect her clan mates or the secrets of the clan. This loyalty shows itself in a rather typical fashion for the Shisen clan, which is her almost cold and emotionless heart. The girl loves her clan, and cares deeply for each and every clanmate she has. She is also, however, willing to kill any one of them at a moments notice. 
    To Wasureta loyalty to the clan means that you are willing to die for the clan. If you make a mistake or put the clan in danger, your loyalty is clearly in question, and you must be dispatched immediately. This is also why she values strength. Your strength is a tool of the clan, an opportunity to better serve them. The stronger that you are the more useful you are, the more value you have. 

    Wasureta ties nearly all of her self worth to how useful she is to her clan. The more praise she receives from elders or higher ranking clan mates the more content she is with her position in life. If she feels like she's let down the clan in even the slightest of ways it can lead to a complete mental breakdown from the girl. Her entire world is built around making sure she is strong enough to serve. 

    The girl has been trained for her role as a butler since the first day she could speak. Her emotions have been trained out of her. She is taught not to showcase happiness, sadness, anger, or anything other than pure class and eloquence. It's only during her breakdowns that any of her emotions do show. 

    Another product of Wasureta's upbringing is her obsessive standards for cleanliness and order. This comes out mostly in her clothing and way of dress, but also shows in how she likes to keep any room spotless and perfectly organized. It also comes out heavily in the way she likes to act, every motion meticulously planned out. She cares greatly about her perception as a proper and put together woman. 


    Like many members of the Shisen clan, Wasureta's early life is a complete secret to outsiders. No aspects of her upbringing are of public knowledge until the day she joined the traditional shinobi network. Wasureta was born to a maid and a butler of the Shisen clan, and thus, a life of service was the life destined for her. The lives of the servants of the Shisen clan are not easy. From the moment that Wasureta could speak she was taught to speak eloquently and thoughtfully. From the day she could walk she was made to walk with poise and grace. More than anything else dedication and loyalty were drilled into her head from day one. Her purpose in life was the betterment of the clan, and the proper care for its strongest members.

    To outsiders of the Shisen, Wasureta and those like her would appear as pure butlers, but in actuality they are educators, caretakers, and well respected combatants. A maid of the Shisen is made to begin their training as early as possible and thus Wasureta was being trained in the shinobi arts as young as 4 years old. As a caretaker she was introduced to medical ninjutsu from a young age, learning basic first aid when she was only 5 years of age. Her training was incredibly intense to ensure perfection when doing her duties. The harsh nature of Shisen education saw her held to incredibly high standards from a young age. Notably when she was 8 years old she had been told to watch the tea as it brewed. The young girl was goofing off, and allowed the tea to over steep. When her mistake was discovered, her families young master spitting out the bitter tea, Wasureta's eye was ripped out of its socket. 

    A permanent reminder of her failure, Wasureta continued with her education in both shinobi and service work. 


    Wasureta's fighting style is designed to avoid combat as much as possible. She is a true assassin above all, and as such actively tries to infiltrate silently and kill people without ever having to engage in combat with them. To this end she'll use her skills as a member of Shukan to stay out of sight of her enemies as long as possible. She will go for quick kills with sharp blades. She has an incredibly patient styling, willing to stay hidden for literal hours waiting for the perfect moment to strike. 

    If she is ever caught while sneaking she's likely to use genjutsu and poison to confuse enemies to either open an opportunity for a quick kill regardless, or to try and escape. She is not a true full frontal fighter, and as such she tries to leave combat quickly, masking her movements and, if possible, removing any evidence she was there in the first place. 

    Wasureta, if forced into combat with not option of escape, has access to an array of genjutsu, poisons, and other techniques to try and dispatch foes. She tends to work through deception, confusing her enemies and obfuscating her own offense. She uses her genjutsu tricks to hide her position or her attacks. She will either go for attacks to vitals or use poison to quickly incapacitate enemies. 




  • 30 | Kunai
  • 15 | Flash Bombs
  • 12 | Smoke Bombs
  • 25 | Senbon
  • 25 | Senbon coated with Ōkubi
  • 25 | Bells
  • 15 | Explosive Tags
  • 01 | Junsei (With Ōkubi in the handle)
  • 01 | Vial of ōkubi


Enhanced Chakra Control
    Wasureta has an incredibly good grasp of her chakra, able to control the output for jutsu with incredible precision. This allows her to shape and mold her chakra in ways that many shinobi are incapable of, as well as allowing her to slow the output of her chakra and allowing her to use more jutsu than otherwise feasible. 

Silent Killing
    Wasureta is an incredibly well trained shinobi, and her time in the Shukan has refined her abilities as an assassin even more. Wasureta is able to move through the shinobi world without making a sound. This allows her to be incredibly effective at going unnoticed, infiltration, and unnoticed murder.

Medical Training
    Wasureta has trained in medical care since she was a child. Both to enhance her assassination capabilities thanks to her knowledge of the vital areas of the body, and to enhance her caretaker abilities thanks to her knowledge of genuine medical care. 

Sensor Shinobi
    Wasureta is a protector first and foremost, and she has trained herself to search and analyze others chakras signatures for that purpose. Even passively Wasureta has the ability to sense chakra up to 200 meters away. When actively focusing she's able to sense signatures up to a kilometer and a half away. 


Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Nehan Shōja no Jutsu [Temple of Nirvana Technique] X

Naru Kane: Kusari [Ringing Bells: Chain] X

Genjutsu Shibari [Genjutsu Binding] X

Chimei Kiri no Jutsu [Deadly Mist Technique] X

Tegotae [Resistance] X

I-Gikou [Healing Technique] X

Yobidashi [Curtain Call] X

Naru Kane: Konton [Ringing Bells: Chaos] X

Naru Kane: Kōgeki [Ringing Bells: Attack] X

Yuganda Shiroku no Jutsu [Distorted Vision Technique] X

Chinmoku [Silence] X

Tetsuwa Kōshukei no Jutsu [Garotte Technique] X

Chakura no Mesu - [Chakra Scalpel] X

Hōmatsu Jokei [Ephemeral Sight] X

Hōmatsu Kunai [Ephemeral Kunai] X

Naru Kane: Kakomareta [Ringing Bells: Surrounded] X

Hidari Butai to Migi Butai [Stage Left and Stage Right] X

Suibun Hokyu [Rehydrate] X

Hone Setto [Bone Set] X

Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing] X

Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking] X

Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique] X


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]

Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]

Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


HOW'D YOU FIND US?: I live Here
FACE CLAIM NAME: Tooru Mutsuki

✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by Shisen Wasureta on Mar 23, 2023 20:15:50 GMT -5
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