Nakajima Mangetsuki (Super WIP)

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Nakajima Mangetsuki (Super WIP)May 31, 2023 6:06:45 GMT -5
Nakajima Mangetsuki
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Nakajima Mangetsuki


NAME: Nakajima Mangetsuki
AGE: 17
VILLAGE: Yukigakure
CLAN: Nakajima, Red Flame
RANK: Adv. Genin
OTHER ALIAS: Akai (Red): Not a real nickname, and not one he particularly likes, this is only used to refer to him by those in the Nakajima when talking amongst themselves. Only those familiar with the color hierarchy of the clan would understand the reference, and it's deragatory nature.


HEIGHT: 5'11/180.33cm
WEIGHT: 150 lbs/68.039kg

The first thing one will probably notice about this boy is that he is very literally wearing rags, a mixture of rags and bandages covering his upper body that more often than not only has a blue scarf to cover it up. And perhaps is a perfect metaphor for his relationship to his own clan, one famous for their particularness on always appearing fashionable and trendy. Though he doesn't quite look like he only dresses himself using trash he finds in the garbage, his scarf being very fine and beautiful and also wearing very trendy black gloves with a blue center on the top of his palm. And those rags he wears are clothes he tries to maintain himself, though his lack of skill with a needle-and-thread are very obvious by the presence of the bandages holding everything together.

Thankfully the bottom halves of his outfits don't quite scream orphan boy as much, being worn out but better maintained. He wears a uncharacteristically fashionable looking cover around his waist that Hides most of the wear on his pants, making him very presentable from the bottom down, with only his shoes showing some wear overall. This is also the only sign the boy seems to acknowledge he's supposed to be wearing red as a red flame of the Nakajima, wearing red shoes almost always and having a red band wrapped around one of his legs.

As for his appearance, the boy is surprisingly presentable and healthy for an upbringing as an orphan for the vast majority of his life, only having a leanness to him to show for it. Though his blonde hair is always messy, showing he's about as good at maintaining and keeping his hair neat and tidy as he is with his clothes. But while the boy might not be the neatest person in the world, he is by no means bad or unhealthy looking, with a slight tan on his light skin that accentuates his sky blue eyes, and a tallness to match his natural leanness.


NINDO: Thank you...

Mangetsuki comes off as quite aloof and somewhat insensitive upon first meeting him, often managing to come off as dismissive of others opinions when he does speak up. And due to his habit of saying thank you too people soon after doing so, this can cause some emotional whiplash whenever the young boy makes his first impressions on people. However, this aloofness isn't caused by a lack of sensitivity but instead an over-sensitivity mixed with the rough life of being an orphan making his default defense mechanism suppressing his emotions, and coming off as cold in the process. In truth he's actually quite emotional but uncertain in how to express it, and his over-sensitivity to people and things makes it quite easy to effect his mood for the better or worse, even if it can be hard to tell at times.

All of this led to him developing a strange habit, based off of what most would consider a silly, maybe eccentric interaction during his time in the orphanage. Where after getting upset by a remark by one of the caretakers, she stopped his tears by thanking him for the experience, and pointing out how it felt nicer to be thanked than apologized to. This has led to the boy wholeheartedly adopting the mannerism, able to express his emotions in gratitude, and hopefully improve other people's moods as well, showing his caringness deep down.


The son of two blue flames, it was expected that this would be his fate as well. A member of the warrior caste, where with some training and a little luck, he might manage to work his way up to where even the Kage would notice him. But, this was not to be his fate. To his parents absolute horror, to their grief, Mangetsuki was born a red flame. A flame that was at best destined to be cannon fodder for the military, at worst a laborer doomed to forever exist as an underclass unable to move upwards in life. And either way the coveted Scroll of Lost Flames was almost assuredly out of his grasp. And yet, fate is a fickle thing. And what would be for most the worst thing that can happen to someone was in fact the single best thing that could happen to the boy. His parents died, their names recorded into the Scroll of Lost Flames for bravery, and a huge honor for two Blue Flames. And only a toddler at the time, Mangetsuki, while unable to comprehend it at the time, found himself freed from his destiny to live a life of one of the underclass.

That didn't mean life was easy however. While his life was now his own, the boys overly-sensitive nature did not mesh well with orphan life, constantly worn down by the day-to-day roughness both from other orphans and society as a whole. Food, clothing, things that in his old life had been givens, were now precious commodities, and to be taken care of, a lesson he'd carry later into his life. And many things seperate him from his fellow orphans, the fact that the young boy came from a clan, his quiet tendancies, so many things to cause minor schisms that caused the boy to retreat further into himself. Only a few caretakers were able to get him to open up, one of them creating his life long habit of thanking people instead of apologizing. But not even this would last.

Coming from a clan meant certain avenues were open to him that weren't open for the other orphans, a fact both of them were all too aware of and was another brick in the wall that seperated them. Avenues like the academy, which he would enter when he became 12, hoping he would eventually be able to leave the orphanage one day. And things would start coming to a boil when he graduated from the Academy as he'd soon find himself thrusted into every ninja's worst nightmare. Clan politics. While an orphaned Red Flame wasn't much of a concern for most in his clan, a Red Flame riding above his station was. The boy had fallen through the cracks, and now it was expected for him to be put back in his place. To become a part of the underclass like he was meant to be. Which led to the boy bouncing around, still unable to find a place to belong even as a genin.


What the saying "A Jack-of-all trades is a master of none" fails to mention is that while mastery is nice, intangibility is nicer. The boys ability to turn himself into fire means that has far more options than most in how he chooses to fight, and he's willing to practice and use them all, making his versatile intangibility even more versatile.

In the end though, he does have preferences, and usually finds most of his fights at some point turning into a close quarters fight where he can fully take advantage of his invulnerability.





Haini no Jutsu (Cremation Technique)
While some clansmen might've preferred he never have learned the clans technique knowing what would come of it, Mangetsuki did indeed end up learning the clans ultimate technique. With this technique he can become either partially or completely intangible by becoming a living flame, where he is completely invulnerable to any physical non Chakra attacks wherever he's intangible, and can even absorb non-Chakra flames to heal himself.

There are drawbacks however, for one he can only learn and use fire Chakra, all other elements are completely unlearn able to him. Secondly, he is very weak to wind Chakra, causing his flame body to grow unstable and uncontrollable, to the point his flame body could even explode. And while he is highly resistant to Suiton, it does still damper his abilities temporarily, acting as a troublesome drawback, minor as it is.

Living Ghost
Mangetsuki has gotten very good at manipulating his fire body, to the point that it can seem like he can move through solid objects as easily as attacks. In truth, he's just good at dispersing, able to phase through people in a way where the person will suffer mild burns from his fire body, while he can reform at pretty much any side of them he wants. However, since this is just him dispersing his flames more than usual, he can't actually phase through things like walls or anything that he can't physically move around or is blocking his way.



Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]


Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Haini: Sai Riyō [Cremation: Reuse]

Katon: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu [Fire Release: Mist Blaze Dance Technique]]

Muchuu [Daze]

Haini: Kazaguruma [Creation: Windmill]

Haini no Jutsu [Cremation Technique (Embodiment)]

Kinobori no Waza[Act of Tree Climbing]

[Subakage-ryū: Kyokai Yanaguru[New Shadow Style: Bounding Willow Strike]

Otedama no Waza[Act of Juggling]

Tantojutsu no Waza[Act of Knife Fighting]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]

Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]

Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


CHAT NAME: Cheeky Bishie
HOW'D YOU FIND US?: I was forced into this thread at gunpoint, it wasn't my idea and I want that on the record.
LOCKER COMBO: -- (General, character rules + Newbie guide)

✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades
last edit by Nakajima Mangetsuki on Jun 5, 2023 2:16:54 GMT -5
Cheeky Bishie has written 0 posts