Konohagakure | Jounin | Komeiji Kana (WIP)

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Konohagakure | Jounin | Komeiji Kana (WIP)Oct 13, 2023 16:05:26 GMT -5
Komeiji Kana
Komeiji Kana Avatar
age 30 years old birthday 11/30 rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 1 Leader


NAME: Komeiji, Kana.
AGE: 30.
GENDER: Female.
BIRTHDAY: November 30th.
VILLAGE: Konohagakure no Satou.
RANK: Jounin.
POSITION: Genin Team 1 Leader.


HEIGHT: 5'8" | 175 cm.
WEIGHT: 143 lbs. | 65 kg.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum.


NINDO: "Rise to every challenge, knock down any walls that may impede your path, and if there isn't a path then carve one yourself. That is what it means to be human."



The Beginning: Year 993
From a young age, Kana had always dreamed of being a superhero. It was a novel concept, something she poured her younger years over, but a noble goal all the same. Born three years after the end of the Third Shinobi World War Kana's father, Masayuki, was one such unfortunate soul conscripted to assist Konohagakure during their forced part in the war. A staunch follower of non-aggression Masayuki did what was required of him but gained a reputation due to the amount of focus he kept on the lives of both his allies and his enemies, preferring to incapacitate rather than kill and only taking lives where necessary. This philosophy stemmed from his upbringing, but not directly. Masayuki's father, Soujuurou, was a veteran of the First Shinobi World War but did not share his son's non-aggressive beliefs. He instead believed the way toward peace was crushing those who dared to threaten it, and it is said that he took his grudge toward Iwagakure to his grave. Masayuki refused to make the same mistake.

As the War came to a close Masayuki, now married to a woman by the name of Setsuko, wanted to extend this peaceful philosophy across his home. The relationship between Konohagakure and the Komeiji's had always been been strong, whether it be their staunch loyalty or, where it concerned Masayuki specifically, his loyalty plus his status as a positive role model. Collecting their funds together Setsuko and Masayuki were able to found the Komeiji Dojo, a small but respectable dojo made out of their homes that welcomed any and all who wished it. Rather than following any particular philosophy at the time, Masayuki believed that the wellness of mind and body was the truest way to achieve peace, be it inner and outer. Watching Masayuki as a child and having a very strong and close relationship with him, the beginning of the philosophy Kana would one day found was born here. Reading historical books combined with fictitious tales and her father's recollections of past events, some embellished, grew a fire inside of Kana's chest. More than anything else, she wanted to be a hero, like her father.

Shortcomings & Triumphs: Year 999 to 1005
On one hand, being the daughter of a prominent martial artist was a boon. On the other hand, it was a curse. Perfectly capable of utilizing Ninjutsu and Genjutsu? Kana certainly was. Good at it, though? Not even close! Perhaps it was that fire burning inside of her heart, or maybe it was just the fact that Kana suffered when it came to book smarts and using her head in any expanded way. Whatever the case might be, Kana could throw a damn good punch and was surprisingly flexible for her age but flunked more tests than she would ever be proud of and flowing chakra through her body didn't come as naturally to her. This adversity would soon come to be offset due to a chance meeting between Kana and a boy. That boy's name? Eto Yachi, a scrappy young lad not belonging to a prominent clan or anyone of particular significance. Gifted with exceptional chakra control and with the desire to one day join the Medical Corps, Yachi's kind-hearted straight man behavior made opposites attract with Kana's energetic, short-tempered funny man behavior.

It was through Yachi's cooperation that Kana was able to improve her test scores, and even perform the basic jutsu required of her. Upon the pair graduating the academy, Kana told Yachi that one day they'd be married when Kana inherited the dojo from her parents. A fairly innocent thing to be said from one kid to another, if the way Yachi flustered was any indication. Unfortunately, a seed had become planted within the young boy's mind. A seed that, watered by jealousy and increased infatuation, would spell destruction for the both of them. Blissfully unaware of what the future would hold the pair pinky swore on Kana's promise, soon after graduating the Academy with... let's be honest, unequal expectations, but nevertheless ready to begin their lives as Genin. It was during this time that Kana's mother, Setsuko, approached her upon her graduation. This was seen as an oddity to the young girl given that, despite being a daughter, her relationship with her mother hadn't been as strong as with her father. She was always a quieter woman, detached but with a sweet smile on her face. She was a maternal presence for Kana, no doubt, but it was during her Genin years that Setsuko's role in Kana's life became much, much more prominent.

The Eight Celestial Gates: Year 1005 to 1009
With much shorter hair and an even shorter stature the young Kana, forehead protector worn in the most common and logical place you'd expect it to be, began her time as a Genin placed upon a team consisting of herself, Yachi, and an unknown variable. Ultimately, though sadly, the third member of the Genin Team Kana belonged to wasn't a prominent enough figure to really remain a mainstay within her life. Their name was Iwata Futaba, and while Kana excelled at Taijutsu and Tachi excelled in Ninjutsu Futaba was the Genjutsu specialist of the group. One figure Kana does remember even to this day, however, is a grizzled old man by the name of Ametsuchi Tetsuhiko. "Hiko-sensei", for short. Detached and staunchly pro-Konohagakure, Hiko did his best to instill an increasing sense of loyalty within his team while also keeping their delusions grounded in reality. This proved to be a boon and, unfortunately for Kana, a curse.

For you see, she still clung onto her childhood ideal of being a hero like her father. Fairly aged and approaching retirement the spark that Masayuki once had was beginning to die down. Not fade away like a flickering flame, just run it's natural course. Because of this, his more youthful wife took over the primary reigns of assisting in training Kana alongside the training and mission experiences she gained as a member of her Genin Team. Apart from the aforementioned, Kana's years as a Genin remained fairly bog standard. There were injuries, defeats, triumphs, arguments mended in a matter of days and some grudges that would last a lifetime. Still, life was, for the most part, peaceful. The political goings-on within the village were noticed but not given much stock, as Kana did not view herself as intelligent enough to pay it much mind. What she did pay a mind to was something that Futaba once told Kana in private. She had stated that Yachi told her one day that Kana would be his someday but Kana, with a still developing emotional maturity and not exactly the strategist of the group, saw it as nothing more but boyish pining.

If only she knew how wrong she was. As the Chuunin Exams reared their head, each member of the team was slotted to participate. Months in advance Setsuko caught wind of Kana's insistence of participating in the exams and decided to teach her something she had learned about through schooling but not put much stock toward. The Eight Gates, eight specific tenketsu on a person's Chakra Pathway System that limited the flow of chakra through their body. A limiter of sorts that prolonged an individual's lifespan but as a result made their body weaker. Though it required intense training to learn to control these gates, it just so happened that Kana's mother was one of those who had been put under intense training to learn how to utilize them. The family Setsuko hailed from were adamant as drill sergeants about the children of their family, both the girls and the boys, excelling in their respective fields of expertise. Setsuko's, unsurprisingly, was Taijutsu.

Setsuko, like many shinobi, understood the risks behind the utilization of the Gates. They were, after all, likened to a kinjutsu given the intense toll on the user's body and the life-threatening conditions they could put the user under. All of this information was given to Kana amid Setsuko's reluctance. There had, after all, been a reason why it hadn't been something so openly discussed. But Kana was determined and Setsuko, wanting to pass along a lineage that was not solely limited by name and relation, chose to go through with training her daughter. Plus, in her mind, if she was in charge of Kana's training she would be able to directly oversee her daughter and keep her safe. As expected, Kana hurt herself time and time again trying to push her body harder than necessary. Each time Setsuko scolded her, but it was like the saying went: fall down seven times, stand up eight. Through arduous training, vigilant practice, and just a dash of natural born talent, Kana was able to successfully achieve maintaining the state of having one Gate open for a prolonged period of time.

The sensation she went through upon unlocking the First Gate for the first time was... not what she expected. Though her body felt lighter, quicker, and moved with much more fluidity, her mind was sharpened. Her rambunctious nature calmed itself, and she felt at peace. This peace, of course, came with a few days out of commission as she may or may not have pushed herself a bit too hard... but, still! It was an euphoric sensation, and an ace in the hole she felt she had finally achieved when compared to her teammates. With this, she would no doubt crush the competition in the Chuunin Exams! ...Right? Well, not so simply. She struggled and fumbled when it came to numerous aspects of the exams, and honestly wouldn't have succeeded much if it weren't for the tournament portion... But a broken clock is right at least twice!

As the tournament progressed, Futaba was knocked out in the first round and Yachi scraped through his match by the skin of his teeth, outlasting his opponent utilizing medical ninjutsu. When it came Kana's turn she was up against another Taijutsu specialist from Sunagakure. As the fight between Kana and the Sunagakure Genin progressed Kana began to display a talent never before seen, be it by her teammates or even herself! Blow after blow was taken by the young woman, but each time a technique was displayed by her opponent Kana was able to mimic the movements and timing nearly perfectly. Unfortunately, "nearly" is not quite the same as "perfectly." With her back against the metaphorical ropes Kana summoned up the courage necessary to show what she learned after all this time, unlocking the Gate of Opening, displaying a powerful speed and brutal blows that overwhelmed her opponent. As the fight raged on the two dropped out of their martial arts stances and proceeded to engage in an outright slugfest, ceasing only after Kana had successfully knocked her opponent out cold. As the fight came to a close Kana, exhausted and weary from utilizing the Gate, collapsed.

Though this triumph had put Kana on cloud nine once she awoke from her unconscious state, it was the first of many aggressive disagreements between herself and her childhood friend, Yachi. He attempted to forbid her from doing something that dangerous again and Kana, trying to appeal to his sense of reason and claiming she wasn't given a talent by birth the same way he had, only succeeded in angering the young man further. Slotted to face one another in the next round of the tournament, the frustration between the two came out in full force. This, sadly, would not be the origin story to Kana's days as a superhero. Instead, during the fight Kana recklessly attempted to open the Second Gate, the Gate of Healing, and was swiftly defeated by Yachi due to his superior strategic intellect and the fact he was able to keep his distance from Kana long enough for her body to be pushed too hard. Though the pair reconciled once the Exams had concluded, both of them achieving the rank of Chuunin due to their performances, an ill feeling in the pit of Kana's stomach had formed. It was her first true taste of aggressive failure, and an instilment of fear toward an uncertain future, both in her ideal and in her relationship with one of her closest, if not her closest, friends.

The Komeiji Dojo: Year 1010 to 1018
One year after achieving Chuunin is where Kana's story picks up next. With a first year full of trips and tumbles, the first notable event within Kana's life up to this point was the proper reconciliation between Yachi and Kana. Futaba, their once team member had drifted apart from the pair, and the last contact Kana can recall hearing from them was that they and their family had settled down within Hi no Kuni, pulling out of shinobi life. Yachi and Kana, meanwhile, had grown closer much like their younger days. Yachi had appeared much more mellowed out than he had been when he was younger and Kana, more level headed as opposed to hot blooded. Her tomboyish nature had begun to be replaced by a more feminine side, and she had become far more deadly in her usage of Taijutsu and training with the Gates. Placed on an Operations Team alongside Yachi Kana participated in a number of missions, utilizing her talent of replicating martial arts maneuvers through witness and logical replication to add a number of hand-to-hand techniques to her repertoire. Life, it seemed, was steady and flowing.

Through life experience, over her years as a Chuunin Kana abandoned her original ideal of being a superhero and replaced it with something more realistic. She still yearned to do what she could to help others, but tempered this lofty ideal by only focusing on helping those she could and in much more realistic ways. During this time Kana's father passed away of natural causes, leaving Setsuko to step up and take the reigns of the Komeiji Dojo. Kana's role as a seasoned member of the dojo started to become more prominent, and she had already begun instructing newer members. Many of the members were around Kana's age or a step or two younger, causing the dojo function more akin to an afterschool club than anything else. Time was also spent for Kana and Setsuko to grow much closer, and for Kana to continue her arduous training in utilizing the Eight Gates. No cliff was too steep, no mountain too high to climb. Kana's people skills began to sync up well with her abilities on the battlefield, typically taking on the role of a direct combatant or, at times, a worthwhile distraction. She had no problem slotted in as the "muscle" of her team, even though her intelligence was a far cry from that of her youth.

As Kana began to gain more missions under her belt, so too did she end up travelling to different locales as part of these missions. One constant that did not change from her youth, however, was her lack of interest toward the politics of her village. She loved her home but did not feel particularly strongly toward the idea of laying her life down for it. If she died during her duties so be it, but death, to her, was seen as the ultimate failure toward her goals, her ambitions. Over time, organically, Kana's dream of helping people had begun to mold and shift in a different direction. One day, she would take the dojo over from her mother and, through it, she would instruct using the same ideology adopted from her parents. Utilizing Taijutsu to assist others in achieving peace, inner and outer to the best of their abilities. One particularly emotional night after a very heavy hearted missions, Kana and Yachi had a prolonged, deep conversation with one another. She shared her dream with him, and he reciprocated, promising to do what he could to assist the dojo. By this point Yachi was a fairly prominent medical shinobi in his own right, and promised Kana he would be the dojo's own, personal standby doctor, adding a sense of strengthened stability to the locale.

Kana's Chuunin days would come to an end after many years of trials and tribulations, showcasing the kunoichi was able to excel in a variety of fields and make quick-thinking, critical decisions that would lead to success. She showed a backbone and ability to act on her own where needed. The most prominent action undertaken by Kana during this time was during a search and rescue mission of a prominent Hi no Kuni member who had been kidnapped by a group of missing-nin and held for ransom. Believing the mission to be cut and dry after securing the notable official, an ambush was set by the missing-nin and, though a team of four consisting of Kana, Yachi, their fellow Operations Team member and the leader of this mission, multiple traps sprung left only Kana, Yachi, and the official within commission. Faced against overwhelming odds, Kana opted to make a dangerous sacrifice to not only protect the lives of her comrades but succeed in their mission. Barking at Yachi to flee with the others Kana unlocked not one, not two, but four of the Eight Gates. With her skin blood red and body being pushed to the absolute maximum Kana unleashed a flurry of blows, movements, and aggressive attacks, doing what she could to crush her enemies before her body succumbed to fatigue and injury.

It would not be the afterlife that would greet Kana but instead a bemused Yachi. Though he stated another team had been sent in after them as a "contingency plan", Kana wasn't buying it. She knew Yachi had been the one to heal her well enough to get her to Konoha's Hospital, and could tell from his presence at her bedside that he was assisting with her healing process, but she also had her suspicions that anyone had come after them. The rest of the Team was in the hospital with her, save for the Leader, and word had reached her soon after that the official had been rescued without a scratch and he sent his regards to Konohagakure for a job well done. Kana was given the news of her eventual promotion to the rank of Jounin once she was able to recover from her injuries, as well as the fact she had avoided life changing injury through Yachi's intervention, and accepted the promotion gracefully and with just a few tears. Around the time of her promotion Kana lost her mother, Setsuko to old age, her final words to her daughter speaking of how proud she was of her and that she knew she was leaving the dojo in good hands.

Jounin Daze: Year 1019 to 1022
A year into Kana's official days as a Jounin and things were... swimming! Though she had her hiccups, trips, skips and bounces in her earlier years, the much older and wiser Kana exhibited a personality that was not wholly different but of a very changed woman. With much less restriction over travel Kana would begin to embark, alongside much higher skill based missions, on what would become a mainstay in her reputation: travelling. Her ability to mimic physical maneuvers through witnessing them and replicating them at a baseline level, at times even modifying them to better suit her body's capabilities, was one of her strongest assets. On top of this, by this point in Kana's life she had begun to develop and spread across the land a philosophy known as the "Path to Heaven"; the belief that through Taijutsu one can achieve inner peace, and the flexibility exhibited by witnessing and mimicking a variety of hand-to-hand techniques should be applied to all things in life. Popularity within Kana's teachings, however brief, caused many people to spread the belief far and wide.

Of course, given how many places Kana visited spread something too far and it became too thin. Not only that but Kana had begun to neglect the Komeiji Dojo and, by extension, the man who had been put in charge of overseeing the dojo's operation anytime Kana was away: Eto Yachi, her fiancé. Knowing how his future wife was and how her brain worked, this didn't seem to bother Yachi too badly. Plus, if she ever went and got herself hurt too badly she'd always have him to fall back on as the dojo's permanent, occupational doctor. This was balanced by missions of his own undertaken as well as other duties that would bring in monetary gains, but overall Kana was living a happy life. Her best life. That is, of course, until she revealed to Yachi after one of her many travels that she had achieved a new jump power spike to her abilities. She had learned how to unlock the sixth Gate, and was on her way toward learning how to unlock and utilize the seventh. Yachi reacted so negatively that Kana was immediately reminded of his behavior so many years ago when the pair were kids.

Unbeknownst to Kana, this behavior was not flung out of left field. Unfortunately, she would learn in the next few years the real kind of person Yachi was beneath that lackadaisical, charming personality of his. She had seen the roots of it grow yet had never paid it much mind, and it was far too late to do anything substantial about it now without resorting to drastic measures. Those roots had grown and wrapped around Kana, and extended to wrapping around the students of her dojo, students who had grown up looking up to Kana as something of a parental figure, if not a big sister. Arguments between herself and Yachi would sometimes come out during lessons, quickly covered up by an emotionally recoiling Kana. Her frustration toward her future husband caused her to contemplate breaking things off, and it was due to this distraction that Kana took a few wrong steps during a mission she was on. She not only lost to the Missing-Nin she was assisting in hunting down, but suffered a series of dangerously broken bones before being rescued. Yachi, much like Kana, had reached his boiling point and things were ready to bubble over toward tragedy between them.

Tragedy, it seemed, did not occur quietly. A few months after Kana was fully healed, during a conversation about Kana travelling the world once again to "clear her mind", as she had her bag slung over her shoulder and was preparing to leave Yachi, convinced that the only way to stop Kana from risking their future together, as well as the future of the dojo, was through sheer force, began to attack her. Confused and saddened by the aggressiveness displayed by her so-called future husband, and deducing loudly that all Yachi cared about was possessing and controlling her like an object rather than a person, Kana angrily began to unleash the force of the Gates upon Yachi, defending herself but also going on the offensive a number of times. The fight, occurring outside of Konohagakure's walls, gave the pair plenty of room to air their grievances within the dead of night. Within Kana's pain and rage, put on the backfoot due to Yachi's medic-based Taijutsu and beginning to grow weary given her Gates usage, opened Gate after Gate until she had pushed herself beyond her threshold, unlocking the seventh Gate.

This was, unfortunately, not a fairy tale story. Kana, overwhelmed by the fatigue and immense injury to her body due to the unlocking of the Gate of Wonder, collapsed before the fight could reach it's proper conclusion. Body wracked with injury and overwhelming pain, to the point even so much as a light poke would send severe injurious sensations throughout her body, all Kana could do was lie there and claim that Yachi had won before being rendered unconscious. When she awoke the next day upon her dojo's floor, she knew immediately what had occurred. Her body was still injured and it would take months of recuperation, if the medical ninja on scene were any indication, but what dragged her from the brink of death was one final intervention from Yachi. He was nowhere to be seen and as of the present day she has only received one communication from the man; a communication stating that he had fled the village due to a witness of their conflict, accepting the life of a Missing-Nin, and to not come looking for him.

Despite his insistence, she tried. She spent weeks, months even, trying to track him down. Trying to make sense of it all. Had he really, truly wanted to control her like an object? Was it evidence born from those many, many years ago between them? Or was it something more complicated, more complex? Rumors had begun to circulate as to why Yachi had disappeared, what Kana may have done or had done to her. Because of these rumors and Kana utilizing her travels as a way to cope with the pain she was feeling, the Komeiji Dojo began to reach a state of decline. Couple that with the newer generation lacking as much interest in the old ways, as time would naturally flow, and though Kana had begun to gain peace within her heart due to her coping method she had begun to feel a disquieting in her soul!

As of the present day Kana, having put much of her teacher's focus into her dojo, now feels she must resort to filling the role of a Genin Team Leader to both keep her teacher's wits up and also potentially pull interest toward the Komeiji Dojo once again. On top of this, Kana must prove to herself, silently, that she is still a fully capable and well rounded Jounin able to impart her personal philosophy within the new generation. It may be an uphill struggle, dependent on a variety of factors, but Kana is deadset and cocksure toward achieving this goal. Rise to every challenge, knock down any walls that may impede your path, and if there isn't a path then carve one yourself. That is what it means to be human.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum.




  • 00 | Item #1
  • 00 | Item #2
  • 00 | Item #3


Special Ability #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Special Ability #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]

Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]

Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


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✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by Phantasm on Apr 22, 2024 23:18:31 GMT -5
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