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UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MOct 25, 2023 14:03:53 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
With regards to any controversy, they were amongst the best in all of Konoha. At least that's the way Issei felt about the team assembled to investigate what happened to Kurei, and to maybe find her remains if what ROOT confirmed was true? Nevertheless, he Hokage trusted himself, Kazui, and Miroru to all be able to handle this mission without the risk of anything major happening to any of them. Especially to Miroru, whom he learn just recently what she might be capable of.

The details were to be brought to him whenever they got back from the village as he was certain that with the three of them that it might be increasingly hard to beat them. Still, Issei wouldn't let the confidence he had from his peers get to him as anything could happen. Kurei was still among the villages best, and if they managed to get to her then there was no telling what they'd be up against.

The team as assembled would be lead by him. That title meant very little as Kazui could have easily been the front runner, but seeing as she had a period of retirement he probably just deferred to the Shinobi he'd been more in touch with. Nevertheless, everyone in group would have their own purpose with Kazui being the most important of the two given her sensory and chakra prowess. Miroru would act as the ace in the hole as no one would likely take her to be a threat because of her age.

Given the importance of the other two Issei would act simply as the front line man calling the shots, because if anyone were to die it would have to be him. Kazui was likely the stronger between the two of them and her presence would be needed to massively shorten the time of the mission, and Miroru coming back alive was of the upmost importance. Orders straight from the Hokage and Toshizou meaning he'd have to risk his life to make it happen.

Of course that didn't mean he was a slouch and someone to overlook as well, but for the sake of what they were trying to accomplish he'd accept the responsibility of making sure Konoha wouldn't take on any more meaningful losses. The earlier part of the mission consisted of following the path Kurei likely traveled and that would hopefully lead them in the right direction.

"So, as planned, I'm in the front. Miroru will remain in the middle, and Kazui will remain in the back. Kazui we will follow your directions in accordance to your sensory abilities as to keep us from danger as well as rely on your combat prowess to handle any ambushes coming in from behind."

The way he saw it, since she was the navigator she could give him directions, but she also was the strongest—since he was unaware of what Miroru could do—and that made her the best option to protect her first as well. Any adjustments needed to make on his end could be done on the fly, and if necessary Miroru could surprise the opposition.
| AP has written 653 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MOct 25, 2023 23:53:13 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

Things started to have a different feel around the village at least in a certain sense. There was a particular signature that Kazui had known of for a while - and this person hadn’t been seen around since they left many moons ago. They simply just vanished while out on a mission and never seemed to return. Even more concerning was the fact that this person was part uzumaki, part senju capable of utilizing both of the clan's kekkei genkai - what should’ve been a mighty opponent against many. Kazui’s own suspicions leaned towards the worst, it was simply the way that the shinobi world operated.

Despite the short notice, Kazui gladly accepted taking part in such a critical investigation on behalf of the village. Hand picked by Lord Eighth himself because of her expertise in sensory and her overall combat ability as a kunoichi. Accompanied by Miroru and her close friend Issei, the team seem well equipped to handle most things thrown their way.

"Hai.” The ravenette nodded in response to Issei informing her of the duties that she was tasked with. With Miroru being such a valuable weapon to the village it was best that she remained positioned between the two older Uchiha respectively. Regardless, Kazui hung back a few feet from Miroru, dark optics focusing ahead while she mentally fine-combed over the area around them.

It was her job to navigate the crew throughout the terrain, avoiding conflict as best as possible while guiding them to their target destination. "Kurei of all people..that’s something.” The ravenette mumbled as she continued forward. A sigh escaped her lips as she dug her hands into the pockets of her flak jacket. "I wonder who or .. what could be behind the lady’s absence, she was considered an elite for a reason.” Speaking to no one in particular, Kazui was simply eager to get to the bottom of it all.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

word count ● @tag ● notes

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
last edit by Lady Kazui on Oct 26, 2023 0:08:07 GMT -5
Yamori has written 214 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MOct 26, 2023 0:40:04 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 389 | notes

Miroru understood the assignment. She knew why she'd been sandwiched between the older Uchiha, why she was the one in the middle and why they weren't all spreading out in what would possibly be a more efficient, if riskier strategy. She even understood the importance of the tactical prioritization it represented.

But none of that meant she had to LIKE it!

Still, much as she muttered and grumbled ON THE WAY- more of Miroru's patented efforts to make herself seem ridiculous so others could roll their eyes and smile a little, even in tense situations- once they were on scene, she gave absolutely no resistance to the planned strategy. As Issei reiterated, she simply nodding in agreeable quiet, and turning her own eyes to work on the surroundings. Unlike her partners, Miroru didn't need to strain or stress herself to put her advanced eyesight to work- the application of a tiny bit of chakra narrowed her pupils to fox-like slits and helped her search the area for visible clues. "Understood." Her hands flickered through a blindingly-quick handful of seals, preparing a small suite of Kekkai techniques for her own protection. Strengthen, to activate the custom design of her gloves; Stair, to do the same for her boots; and Armor, to synergize the enhanced strength of the barriers her hands were touching with the skin-tight protection of the Armor technique.

"I don't know her," Miroru admits. "Which is... kind of unusual, really. I knew like. All the important folx. Most of them trained me. Even her boss helped me sign the village contract. But her- I never really even met," she murmured quietly, turning this way and that, scanning the ground for obscured or hidden clues, and looking for anything like terrain scarred by battle in some way that Kazui's sensory capabilities might not pick up as easily... if any such things existed, anyway, she didn't really get how that stuff worked...

Kekkai: Kyōka Suru [Barrier: Strengthen], Kekkai: Dan [Barrier: Stairs], Kekkai no Yoroi [Barrier Armor] - fallenblades.proboards.com/thread/578/non-elemental-ninjutsu

Gloves/Boots - fallenblades.proboards.com/thread/22646/mirorus-new-gear

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 1i | C - 14c/5i | B - 2i | A - 0 | S - 0
Threnody has written 1,193 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MOct 29, 2023 13:38:37 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
As the three Uchiha made their way across the countryside, blurring across the landscape of Forest Country, Kazui’s sensory abilities would pick up on a great deal of information; small hamlets nestled in the woods, literally thousands of animals, and even a fair few bandit dens (all non-Shinobi) were within range of her Mind’s Eye, though none of this information provided the group anything useful for their goal. The Konoha nin would have a fair idea of the basic route Kurei had taken, but that left a wide swath of ground for the group to cover- and while the trio knew the rough basics of what to look for, it was still a lot.

Even so, Miroru would be the first to pick up on something different, her enhanced eyesight catching sight of something unusual: a large swath of forest about fifteen miles to the west that simply… wasn’t there, as if someone had clear-cut the whole thing. She wouldn’t be able to tell much more than that at this distance, but it was something. A clue, perhaps, or evidence of a healthy logging industry. Either way, it would be up to Miroru to convey this information to the rest of the group, provided Issei and Kazui didn’t notice it on their own.

has written 236 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MOct 31, 2023 17:07:18 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato

The petite redhead paused and squinted through the nearby leaf cover, pausing her movement and (hopefully) halting their little procession for the moment. "Hey, guys? I think I see something." She moved in that direction, hopping up a few steps into midair using her boots to perch on a branch a bit off the ground. She mad sure to go nowhere near high enough to break the canopy or expose herself, but just far enough to give her a slightly less obscured view towards what she saw.

After a few moments, she came back down, frowning faintly and thumbing back the way she'd been peering. "I can see a big chunk of the woods that just doesn't exist anymore. It could be as simple as like. A logging camp? But it's the -only- clearcut patch I see. It seems more likely to be the site of some kind of shinobi conflict- or, I guess, a mine site that had an accident with some blasting powder kegs- but it's the best I can see. Maybe Kazui has some other leads?"

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 1i | C - 15c/5i | B - 2i | A - 0 | S - 0
Threnody has written 1,193 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MNov 2, 2023 18:11:37 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
For the most part their travel went on without any sort of resistance, but it appeared now as thought they might have finally come across something out of the norm of the route Kurei was expected to have traveled. Surprisingly the clue didn't come from Kazui, but Miroru instead. Issei was hesitant on letting her sort of go off on her own, but she was a Chuunin now and he intended to give her every bit of that respect.

Miroru was smart to not try to reveal herself and in the event something happen Issei would be ready for it. Out of precaution he'd activate his Sharingan as she looked to verify something she claimed to have saw. When she stepped back down she revealed there was a large portion of the forest that was cleared. That kind of thing happened from time to time, but the way Miroru explained it seemed like a clearing as a result of conflict rather than trying to sell lumber or building homes.

"Hmm, looks like we arrived much quicker than we anticipated. I hoped she would have gotten a lot closer to her destinations, but it appears as though some kind of trouble had potentially anticipated her arrival."

Issei nodded his head quietly before looking over to Kazui in agreence with Miroru. "Well, I guess this is where your expertise comes in. I know you've probably gotten a great deal of information over the area so far, but perhaps focusing in on this particular area might bring about more clues?" The average Shinobi might not have found anything except maybe blood, or if they were lucky some sort of clothing residue, but Kazui was capable of much more.

"I'm not quite sure on the range on your sensory prowess, but are we clear to let you observe from here or would you rather us move forward so that you can gather more intel on the area? I can pull security in the event that the people responsible for the damage happen to lurk permanently around this area."

2 Tomoe Sharingan active

| AP has written 653 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MNov 2, 2023 21:04:02 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

There was a lot going on in Kazui’s mind, her thoughts occupying the time of travel as she tried to see if she could piece it together. Kazui heard tales of how Kurei could be, but it didn’t seem like her to just disappear out of the blue. She’s far too much a Konoha loyalist. The ravenette thought. Regardless as she continued on, a rather tingly sensation tickled the girl’s nose, a faint sneeze was caught. With a sniffle Kazui’s line of sight returned to where it had been and in that instant the fiery haired teen was gone.

"Hmm.” Kazui hummed. Looking off to her side, she’d find Miroru peering further into the forest. Intrigued while still worried about the young girl falling out of formation, the raven haired teen followed shortly behind. "I wonder what happened there?” Her first assumption would’ve been that it was a clearing for bandits to be using to occupy their camp. Upon further inspection however, things just didn’t sit right. With her dojutsu active Kazui’s eyes scanned the area briefly before she quickly rested her eyes and focused her chakra precisely over the missing area.

A sigh escaped her breath.

"We should move in and take a closer look. It’s not everyday that a section of a forest goes missing.” Kazui pointed out. "Not like that.” The girl added on.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

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[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
last edit by Lady Kazui on Nov 2, 2023 21:04:42 GMT -5
Yamori has written 214 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MNov 5, 2023 18:46:47 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
As the trio of Uchiha moved towards the gap in the trees, one thing became clear to all of them; whatever had happened here had nothing to do with logging. The closer they got, the more details Miroru and Issei would be able to pick up; entire trees that had been torn clear from the ground, a massive, gaping chasm extended into the forest on the western edge and, most concerning of all, the stark, unmistakable stench of long smoldering ash clung to the air, even these many days later.

Among the three of them, however, only Kazui could sense emotions through her Mind’s Eye, and therefore only she would be able to pick up on the subtle traces of feeling that clung to the field of ash and stumps. There was anger there, yes, but also grief, all of it weak and nearly dead, but lingering still… particularly over a pair of slight mounds that protruded from the earth in the center of the ashen field. She could sense no significant chakra signatures nearby, not for miles and miles, though a handful of what seemed to be civilians were clustered in a small group far to the east, just at the edge of her range.

With nothing to stop them from investigating further, the trio could easily head wherever they pleased, and examine anything they so wished… though, should any look up, they might notice the small form of a bird overheard, circling slowly. If they looked up, of course.

has written 236 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MNov 13, 2023 1:12:28 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
Miroru fell quiet as she internally made the same observation as Issei- that Kurei hadn't really made it all that far. Chewing her lower lip, Miroru took that in and tried to see if the thought connected with anything else in her head at the moment. For now, it didn't.

Issei, of course, took the lead and directed Kazui to use her senses to search for more information. A very solid idea- she liked to think Itsuki would have been doing something similar. Or Azarea, even. But it was just the three of them today, and musing on what others might do in the situation wasn't really productive just now.

Perhaps thankfully from Kazui's perspective, Miroru didn't stay out of formation long at all.

As they approached, Miroru's nose wrinkled as she muttered the obvious. "Still charred..? Was this some sort of wide-scale katon assault..?" That was about as far as her insight got, though, with the bulk of the work left to Kazui and her ability to feel the chakra and the traces of detail left within it. As for the redhead, she laced her hands behind her head and leaned back a bit to stretch, noting the bird in the lonely sky overhead, but aside from a brief comment- "Too small to be a buzzard. Wonder what kinda bird that is."- she didn't think too much of it.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 1i | C - 15c/5i | B - 2i | A - 0 | S - 0
Threnody has written 1,193 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MJan 10, 2024 22:31:16 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
The damage that had been done to the area was impossible to ignore for anyone, but especially for Issei. Fire was a big part of who he was and a major part of his skillset. No one in the clan possessed a larger or more powerful Fire Ball jutsu than he, and so it was no surprise to anyone who knew him that this would leave him stunned. The person responsible for pulling this off had to be rather powerful.

"It has to be Miroru... Whomever used this had to have burned a ton of Chakra or possessed exceptional mastery, but more importantly? Whoever did this wasn't trying to leave their target, Or anyone for that matter alive."

The second thing that came to mind for Issei was if what transpired had been a setup. Kurei was many things, but she wasn't weak. The bird that soared the skies served no importance to Issei as his intention remained glued to the charred area and its remains. "I don't even think ANBU would have been able to get anything from all of this." Issei stated confidently as he kneeled down to the ground to pick at what used to be nothing but trees.

"Shit.. Well, its a good thing we were chosen for this, but my expertise ends where the fire started... Eh, Sorry Miroru." Issei addedly silently as he realized he sort of talked around her. "I can't get passed... This." He acknowledged while waving both arms to the area. "The mission she was on was should have been a no brainer. Even if she solo'd this." A frustrated sigh escaped from him as he looked back to his two comrades in the hope they could gather something from this.

"Even these eyes can't help me.. Perhaps you might have more to add Kazui?"

2 Tomoe Sharingan Active

| AP has written 653 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MJan 13, 2024 9:39:22 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

Noticing the massive chasm in the earth one thing immediately came to the jonin’s mind. "Doton.” Kazui’s attention in particular however was drawn to the somewhat mounds left behind along with the smoldering ashes. A passing wisp of anger, and grief lingering with every step closer. The ravenette looked towards her comrade as she spoke. "There’s no doubt that lives were lost..” Placing a hand over one of the mounds once close, Kazui closed her eyes and focused her chakra over it. The signal was weak but it was enough for the time being. "There’s a sense of anger.. sorrow here as well.” She mentioned as she opened her eyes.

”Surely these are graves. Whoever may be underneath was truly cherished.” She mentioned. Being a former operative of Division 3285, or the Investigative Unit of the Anbu these sort of missions were typically Kazui’s specialty. Though now she was much more advanced than when she was 16 which was why Lord Eighth had chosen her to aid Issei and Miroru with their efforts. "My guess would be that whatever caravan Kurei was sent out to protect came under attack by very skilled individuals, no less than 3. Kurei wasn’t known to be a fire release user.” Kazui added on as she turned to face Miroru who was facing the sky.

Kazui’s eyes couldn’t help but follow and watch the circling bird in the sky. Using her mind’s eye Kazui focused on the bird in particular as it circled "We should check it out..” Kazui suggested to her comrades.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

word count ● @tag ● notes

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
Yamori has written 214 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MJan 19, 2024 20:25:39 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
The moment Miroru looked up and saw the bird, it banked, leaving its circling pattern and flapping away from the scene below, heading west at a rate of speed that far exceeded what something of its size ought to be capable of; then again, many people underestimated how fast birds could fly. Kazui’s Mind’s Eye would tell her the creature was little more than an animal, and certainly no summon, but if she wished to track it the raven-haired Uchiha would find it much more difficult to follow than expected- in part because of its sheer speed, and in part because of just how small its signature was.

As for the rest of the group, Issei’s Sharingan would prove to be somewhat less useless than he thought; with Kazui focused on her sixth sense and Miroru’s attention lingering on the bird above, he was the only one cognizant enough to notice something poking through the earth a few meters from where the loose graves had been made. Should the Uchiha go over to inspect it, he would find it to be made of metal and surprisingly heavy- he would need a few minutes to pull it from the dirt, or perhaps the help of a jutsu.

The three Leaf-nin were rather exposed, standing in the ashen crater of what was obviously the battlefield that had claimed Kurei’s life, but as far as Kazui could sense, they were alone; no one of Shinobi strength was anywhere nearby, and the forest seemed oddly quiet, as if the pall of death still lingered amongst the trees.

has written 236 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MApr 12, 2024 14:15:23 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in the rain.

Kazui sighed as her gaze drifted down from the sky and began examining the earth below once more. The graves intrigued her but she didn't wish to waste much time digging up what may have been useless information. A breath parted from her lips as dark grays spun into crimson orbs - with her sharingan active the jonin observed the scene with both her dojutsu and mind’s eye working together in tandem. "Hmm.” The woman hummed as she noticed something protruding from the earth not far away from the mounds. A hand resting below her chin as her head cocked to the side in an intrigued manner.

"Miroru, if you can please utilize your clone jutsu to dig up these mounds.” The lady suggested to her fellow clansman. With her sheer number of clones, the girl would have little trouble digging up the two mounds in an efficient and timely manner. Kazui on the other hand would investigate the object protruding through the earth. Placing a hand on the ash and dirt below, the jonin waved her palm through the dirt and collected a small sample of the mixed ashes that remained. She then investigated the object, pulling it hoping it would unearth without needing to expend any unnecessary energy, though that wasn’t the case. Still the girl pulled with all her might until it was free.

Kazui examined the object with her sharingan and mind’s eye, hoping to pick up any lingering emotion or energy that may have been left behind. It seemed as if they were moving in circles, but one thing was becoming more and more apparent as the group searched on - Kurei was likely dead by now so Kazui’s mind would switch from a ‘missing persons’ focus and into a murder investigation focus. Her eyes looked towards the sky once more, this time however the jonin would simply search for guidance on how they should proceed next.

"Mama Hiruko..what would you do in this situation?” She mumbled to herself, and then it clicked. Mama Hiruko! The Lady of the Fox! "Miroru, perhaps you can make use of your kitsune contract? My sensory is great but even I have my limits, though a skilled fox may be able to pick up on the scent of blood or any other scent that may lead us to Kurei.” The jonin informed her. "Besides. There’s a village right on the edge of my senses, perhaps we can ask around there if all else fails.” They were well equipped with personal belongings of Kurei for scent, as well as a photo to help with the search so if it came down to it they could simply resort to the good cop, bad cop method.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

word count ● @tag ● notes

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
last edit by Lady Kazui on Apr 12, 2024 14:17:39 GMT -5
Yamori has written 214 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MMay 4, 2024 3:05:45 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| ### | notes
"Yeah... I dunno what to make of it all myself. It feels like there's pieces missing- I know how it feels to have the answer's bits and bobs and just not get how they go together. This feels... obscured." Miroru was quiet while Issei spoke of how easily Kurei should have managed all this, chewing her lip quietly all the while.

"No less than three skilled shinobi... was this a set-up? Or just an interception, then? And why bring so much force down on such a simple mission?" Miroru murmured before blinking at a possibility. "Do... you think they knew Kurei would be here? Alone?"

Kazui had a way to proceed, and Miroru flashed a salute. "On it!" A quick hand seal, and a scatter of Miroru's appeared- six in the space of a blink, splitting into pairs to approach the mounds with kunai in hand.

Modified trowels, the kunai were pretty useful for digging, and that's exactly what the collection of Miroru's did- dig, careful not to just plunge indiscriminately into the mounds, but to use them to carve off broad, shallow strips and cast them aside to reduce the chance of damaging whatever's beneath!

At Kazui's idea, though, the original Miroru perked up! "Yeah! Toshio's great at this sorta thing! Lemme give him a ring!"

A quick slash across the back of her wrist left a shallow, red slice, seeping enough to swipe a finger across it and drop her palm onto the ground, expanding a summoning seal as she called forth a burst of smoke, erupting upwards!


"Hm? This isn't anywhere near the village..."

Miroru squealed and threw her arms around the fox, grinning. "Heya, Toshio! We got a job for ya! We need some help tracking any traveling scents of blood or anything else that might lead to Kurei. She's from the village... and we think she's got to be either really hurt... or worse. Can you help..?"

Used Shadow Clone!

Toshio SA:
Expert Hunter/Tracker

Toshio is the most skilled hunter in the skulk. His senses are honed beyond that of your average fox, and is capable of catching scents up to hundred hundred miles away. He has spent a decade training his ability to track, and can notice even the smallest of disturbances around him. He can track almost anything over any terrain.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 1i | C - 15c/5i | B - 2i | A - 0 | S - 0
Threnody has written 1,193 posts
UCHIHA ASSEMBLE! | MMay 13, 2024 20:01:18 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
While the six Miroru clones got to work digging up the mounds and Kazui inspected the strange object lodged into the blackened earth, Issei (by pure happenstance) turned his attention skyward; with his Sharingan active, it was easy for him to spot the small messenger hawk flying towards them and, with his companions distracted by their task, he took the opportunity to hail the bird over to their position. It wasn’t long after that the bird was on her outstretched arm, a small scroll attached to its leg with an important message for the Uchiha Clan Head.

After reading it carefully, the Tokubetsu Jounin pocketed the scroll and, with an annoyed relayed to both Kazui and Miroru that he would have to depart for the village: he was needed back home for an important matter, and couldn’t stay. He wished them luck on their mission before he left, speeding away on a Shunshin with a look of unveiled annoyance, clearly unhappy to be leaving his kin to handle their task without him.

Unfortunately for Kazui, her enhanced mental senses could pick up nothing of interest from the surrounding area or the item in question; her attempts to pull it free from the earth proved rather difficult, as the object was quite heavy for its size and rather misshapen, appearing to be half-melted from whatever had burnt down the forest. Despite this, the raven-haired Uchiha did manage to eventually pry the object free, its blackened metal length resembling a chair with a large hole blown in the seat, so long as you didn’t mind the twisted bits of charred metal that made up the back.

As for Miroru, her clones dug out the mounds with relative ease- the dirt was loose and not well packed, as if it had been recently disturbed, and soon the Chuunin discovered what the mounds had been erected for, uncovering a pair of scorched and mangled corpses, the smell of which began to permeate through the air around them. Despite the nauseating aroma this induced, Toshio didn’t speak, the ash-gray fox sniffing around the whole area, from the graves to the chair, before at last catching onto a scent, his tail rising to signal to he had found something.

"Hmmm. There were five people here, Kurei included.” He said as he flicked his tail back and forth, sniffing the air while he walked, following the trail in a zig-zag of motion, eventually stopping at a point just on the edge of the scorched earth. "There were three males and one female besides Kurei. Two of the males are in those graves, killed by the other female scent. Third male’s trail heads north, the other female west. Kurei’s scent is… odd. It vanishes, like she disappeared. Hard to tell beneath the stench of fire, but…”

The fox tilted its head then, taking in a long breath as he flicked his tail back and forth, looking to Miroru for what she might want him to do next- and to give her the bad news. "I think she died. There’s a lot of blood scent beneath the scorch. Almost all of it hers.”

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