fallen blades
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 3, 2024 18:03:31 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

When the previous fight concluded, the announcer wasted no time in stepping forward, projecting his deep, booming voice to make himself heard throughout the beautifully acoustic arena to announce the fifth of the team fights.

"Next up! Kumogakure’s own Nepo Baby, Jokyu Katsuo!”

(In the leader box Kizumi could be seen choking back a laugh, shaking her head in dismay as she crossed two fingers in an X.)

"Paired with! The Smoking Wolf of Kirigakure, Shizu Amaya!


The Hoarder of Birds and Bombs, Kyuumu Suzaku of Kumogakure!

And the Song of Ice and Fire, Yukigakure’s Muramatsa Jun!”

Those who were pitted against each other in the first fight were now paired together in the next. The teams were bid to line up on their respective yellow lines and bow, and then the countdown for the round to start would begin.





As the starting signal sounded, a haze of thick, dark grey smoke suddenly began to fill the arena. It smelled of rich burning wood and incense, so heavy and so dense that it would cut each genin's visibility to only five feet or so in front of them, and as the minutes ticked by it would grow harder and harder for them to breathe. The smoke was clearly crafted through use of ninjutsu, and it would take an enormously powerful fuuton technique to clear it away; it was quite plainly meant to remain in place for the entirety of the fight. Spectators and participants alike would be familiar with the sight—it had been deployed earlier in the round in the first team fight, and it was the boon that Amaya had exchanged his scroll for.


tactician has written 453 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 5, 2024 6:15:47 GMT -5
Kyuumu Suzaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyuumu Suzaku Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 06/21 rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2, Clan Heir
The teen was still holding his side as he eyed towards the girl standing next to him. With flowing, silver hair and wearing a robe. And underneath that robe was a hidden blade, something he knew from experience as he held his side tighter. Thankfully he'd been healed extensively after the fight, impressively so as he was able to move like it hadn't even happened in the first place. But it had, and not only that but the girl across from him then surrendered after all that. And now they were working together, Suzaku being reminded of the Raikage's speech, yesterday's enemies becoming tomorrow's friends. Maybe that's what this was supposed to be about, yet there was some tension. And not just cause the girl had stabbed him, in truth the resolution to the fight felt...incomplete. Instead of proving himself, it felt like he fluked into a win, even the announcer had seemed confused when it happened.

Suzaku wasn't some fighting obsessed honor seeker, he didn't care if the fight itself was satisfying or not. But this felt almost like how his last exam fight went, the scene with Azarea that seemed to be playing through his mind the last few days since the exams got close. Like it was over before he could show just what he could do, it just do happened that this time he'd won. Maybe he was simply overthinking it, but it didn't really feel like he'd won the last fight.

But perhaps that made this next fight an opportunity. An opportunity to feel like he'd achieved something. And he'd recognize both of his opponents that he' d be trying to prove his kettle against. The black haired boy he'd been paired up with in the first round, and the twin of his own teammate, Natsuo. And while he'd never actually learned just what it was that Amaya could do he did have a good idea on just what Katsuo could do. Magnetism. But despite this familiarity he wouldn't greet his fellow countryman, they weren't particularly close, the Kyuumu being well known for being distant from the rest of the village. Careful. The blonde one, he's able to use magnetism. He'd reveal his countrymans abilities to a stranger, a stranger that was now his teammate. He didn't know how to feel about that. But he wouldn't have to ponder on it too long, as soon smoke started filling the ring once the fight began.

He started coughing, caught completely off guard by this development. What?? cough He'd heard this had happened during Amaya's fight, but he hadn't expected it to carry over to this round! And he was still unfamiliar with the boys actual abilities were. But he did know one thing, this wasn't great, he could barely see his hand in front of his face, let alone the enemies. So instead, he got help. He was covering his mouth with his jacket collar now, trying to block the smoke, and he took as deep a breath he could. And then let out a caw to whatever birds could hear it. Summoning them to the area, spreading them through the smoke, the arena now filled with bird cries flying in and out of smoke.

-Isn't sure how to feel working with Jun, but doesn't seem thrilled. Also isn't sure what to make of her surrendering, but isn't thrilled about that either
-2nd chance
-Points out Katsuo has magnetism abilities. Also he needs more friends
-Has no idea what Amaya can do though, even though were in first round together
-Thank you Tact for saying participants are likely aware a big smoke thing happened last round. Is still caught off guard though, not expecting it again. Also smoke is not his friend
-Uses jacket to cover face, and takes a deep breath to summon his eyes and ears
(BIRDS: 2 Crows x2 + 11 Summoned from call x2 = 26 birbs)

NAME: Karasu no mure kakure [Hiding in a Murder of Crows]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium (Very Low drain to maintain)
Using nothing but murder speech, a member of the Kyuumu clan can normally talk to and command birds individually; however, by using some chakra and a large flock of crows, the user can call an incredibly large number of birds to their current location. While this jutsu is being used the crows are cloned continuously, making them almost impossible to get rid of completely. While some of the crows may end up attacking the enemy and causing minor damage, the primary function of this jutsu is to obscure the vision of the enemy.

Individuals that are trained to hide amongst the murder of crows created by this jutsu are just as difficult to find as a Kirigakure shinobi trained to hide in mist. Unlike the Hidden Mist jutsu however, the crows will caw and alert the Kyuumu of the enemy's exact location within the flock, giving the user of this jutsu a unique advantage over their opponents.

Kyoukou Kousai:
Like all children born in the Kyuumu, Suzaku had his eyes taken out and replaced with crow eyes when he was just a baby. And while this sounds gruesome, the benefits of such an operation that the boy can't even remember are undeniable. His kinetic vision is enhanced to a degree far beyond normal human levels, able to trace movement and speeds that most would have difficulty processing as if they were moving in normal speeds, and with clear enough vision he's able to pick out small details at the same time, even from great distances as he can see far beyond human limits as well. He also effectively has night vision, needing only the bare minimum of light to make out things in great detail, and even make out magnetic fields which allow him to tell the direction of North as long as he can see. However, this enhanced eyesight also means things like artificial lights can give him a headache if he stares at them as he can see their rapid flickering, and if he can't see at all its all moot.

On top of this, like all Kyuumu, the boy is fully capable of understanding all birds and being able to talk with them. He is much more proficient at this then when hes talking too people, feeling much more comfortable talking to birds as it's something he's done his whole life. However, when multiple birds are talking at once it's the equivalent of being surrounded in a crowded street, and the boy can be easily overwhelmed as he's not yet experienced enough too make out the different conversations.

Kinetic Vision:
While all Kyuumu have exceptional movement based vision, Suzaku is exceptional even among other Kyuumu, things often managing to appear as if they're moving in slow motion as he is able to process high speeds to such a high degree. This not only let's him pick out details of high speed moving things, but lets him react to them better as well, not because his reflexes are better but simply because they appear slowed to him.

Ja and Dō
last edit by Kyuumu Suzaku on Mar 5, 2024 23:45:06 GMT -5
Cheeky Bishie has written 77 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 6, 2024 9:24:04 GMT -5
Muramatsa Jun
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Muramatsa Jun Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday December 25th rank Genin occupation




[attr="class","skullbody"]The next match would begin she left out of facility wearing her coat which slightly patched up from the damage from before she'd wear it with her hands free of the sleeves using a strap on the jacket to keep it attached around her neck her arms crossed with her staff strapped inbetween her jacket and her back.
Their opponents the Kumogakurian boy she had faced earlier and one Shizu Amaya in his prior fights he had used this same haze and wondered if perhaps this may have been a functionality of one of the scrolls. However shortly after she'd received a warning from her partner as well about the man they'd be facing. "He was my partner in the first round...but this wasn't something I was aware of." Before she had a chance to capitalize on this information the arena would be filled with a thick haze, she'd pull up the dark under garments she'd been wearing and use them to cover her face and now her visibility was quite hampered not something she was expecting and with no futon based technique in order to defend herself this whatever plans she had out of the window she was a bit concerned but couldn't waver.
"Focus Jun." she'd think as the haze took away the last of her visibility she noticed her adversary had a blade and wondered that if perhaps he was a close range combatant, she couldn't see much of his last fight but did notice he deployed it at some point. But how could he see in the haze just what was his plan? However as this happened her partner Suzaku would call forth his massive flock of birds to CAW round the arena the sound constant and apparent.
She wasn't sure how her opponents would approach but figured they would've had too do from a close range given the nature of the circumstances. "We..." she'd cough. "Stay together...they'll need to approach us I may have...a plan." another viscous cough. "If you have anything to keep you off of the ground I suggest you use" For now Jun would await the approach of the opponent crafting a few handseals that would leave a seal on the ground that surrounded the duo, if their adversaries were to approach them they'd find themselves stuck to the ground however its obvious shimmer may serve as a deterrent but with the haze it made it hard to see until it's too late.
However from here she'd simply wait looking to her partner. "Tell me something...your birds how is there visibility do you think they can help us find them...? I have a plan keep one situated here and...send a few locate them and if you see anyone give a signal." if for whatever reason her teammate couldn't escape she'd use a Kunai to damage the sections of the seal allowing him to move freely. For now she'd bide her time.


NAME: Mahi Shīru [Paralysis Seal]
Placed on the ground after forming the necessary hand signs it creates a visible seal covering a 5m area in radius around the user. Anything other than the user that tries to cross the seal from outside will be frozen in place for one post unable to move. If combined with a Repulsion Seal it has the effect of not only paralyzing but then sending them flying with great speed in the opposite direction. This seal lasts 5 posts or until removed using a unsealing technique. However unlike the repulsion seal the edge of it shines faintly serving to warn others of the danger of approaching. This does not however reveal the seals nature just that one is in effect.

[attr="class","skullinfo"]452 WORDS


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last edit by Muramatsa Jun on Mar 6, 2024 9:45:46 GMT -5
Meep has written 348 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 6, 2024 11:40:20 GMT -5
Shizu Amaya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Shizu Amaya Avatar
age 21 years old birthday December 1st rank Adv. Genin occupation



take me where the dark things are


Amaya's anticipation for the battle was palpable, an excitement stirred within him for the advantage the environment would provide. The scroll he had earned beforehand presented a selection of boons, and logically, he chose one that would envelop the arena in a thick haze. In preparation, he tore off his sleeves, repurposing them into a makeshift mask to help mitigate the effects of the acrid smoke, even if only a modest shield. He glanced towards Katsuo, his current ally in this round. Their roles seemed destined to shift constantly between friend and foe, yet for now, Amaya was glad to have his partnership. The opponents were somewhat unknown to him, with only a vague knowledge of one's affinity with birds. [break][break]

At the signal, the arena was swiftly consumed by the anticipated haze, and Amaya, compounding onto it, unleashed the dense black smog from Hajimari's hilt. This would further obscure visibility, transforming the battleground into his perfect playground.  [break][break]

The haze would create limitations of Katsuo's sight under these conditions, Amaya took his hand, ensuring they would remain near each other. His resonant sight technique granted him an advantage in this environment, and he intended to extend this advantage to Katsuo as best he could. With the arena now shrouded in darkness, he gently rang the bells in his palm, guiding Katsuo away from the sound, it would be crucial to never stay still.

Amaya's mind conjured a greyscale image of the battlefield, the positions of their opponents momentarily becoming clear. Muramatsu Jun appeared to hold her ground, while the other vanished, replaced by the silhouettes of birds. This development aligned with Amaya's suspicions, the distinct sound of flapping wings a giveaway to his trained ears.

Pointing towards Jun's location, he informed Katsuo, "The woman is there. The other one is absent, only their birds remain." [break][break]

Facing Katsuo, Amaya affirmed, "I will see for the both of us." With that, he closed his eyes, sinking deeper into his auditory focus, allowing the sounds to paint a clearer picture of their surroundings. 


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Enhanced Hearing[break][break]

Due to Amaya fighting mostly in smog, he has had to develop a keen sense of hearing which allows him to track his opponents through the smog. His sense of hearing, without the use of chakra, allows him to detect even the faintest movement within 10 meters. While focusing, Amaya can detect and locate movement within 20 metres. The louder the environment the more difficult this becomes. As well, Amaya is skilled in listening in on conversations even in busy environments. Due to his training being in a sight deprived environment, to focus and use this ability to its greatest extent he must have his eyes closed. Amaya’s enhanced hearing has allowed him to develop ninjutsu that is akin to echolocation.[break][break]

Kuromoya [Black Smog]:[break][break]
When Amaya activates the blade it will begin to billow out a thick black smog. This smog is only able to obscure vision with its thickness. It can be inhaled without being harmful and contains no special properties. Amaya can alter the speed at which the smog is emitted and can be used to create smaller wisps of smog for genjutsu. However, its main purpose is to darken a battlefield much like the hiding in mist technique. After one rotation after its activation, the smog will cover a twenty-metre radius around where it was activated. While the area is fully covered, anyone within has their field of vision reduced to five feet in any direction. This includes Ayama. While activated, the smog can resist being blown away from Fuuton jutsu, but they will create a temporary opening in the smog in which to see. Powerful Fuuton jutsu will be able to blow away the smog, causing Amaya to have to refill the area.[break][break]

The smog is contained in a special compartment in the hilt of the blade. It contains enough smog to last for a total of 20 rotations. Amaya can stop and resume, but after a total of 20 rotations the sword must be re-stocked with the smog.[break][break]

NAME: Kyomei Kokei no Jutsu [Resonant Sight Technique][break]
RANK: D[break]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low[break]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu[break]
ELEMENT: -[break]
HANDSEALS: -[break]
TRIGGER: -[break]

This is a passive technique which allows Amaya to see within his black smog. To use this technique he must have a reliable source of sound, for which he uses three small bells tied together. When he shakes the bells he receives a quick flash of his surroundings in his mind. This gives him a general idea of his surroundings, but he must shake the bell to get an updated image. The echolocation only provides him with shapes and distances, and he cannot make out details. This technique only works if Amaya can hear. Requires enhanced hearing SA.

last edit by Shizu Amaya on Mar 6, 2024 11:41:04 GMT -5
Owl has written 219 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 6, 2024 12:35:35 GMT -5
Katsuo Jokyū
"I may fall behind, but I will catch up and surpass eventually!"
Katsuo Jokyū Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday February 2nd rank Adv Genin occupation


[attr="class","vinfoNotes"]notes here, this box will scroll if they get too long!

[attr="class","vcrashLyrics"]Even if I can't reach the stars I can at least fly


The next fight would find Katsuo in alliance with his last opponent Amaya. Which he knew would be both a disadvantage and advantage to him especially since it meant he wouldn't have to be the one afflicted by the other boys' genjutsu yet if he pulled the smog tactic again that would just dampen his abilities. Still, he would do his best to work with his newly acquainted partner as he saw their opponents. While he didn't know anything of this Suzaku fellow he knew some small information about the female from the first round. "Jun has some fuinjutsu abilities in her arsenal so be careful not to get too close," Katsuo would warn Amaya remembering the first round and the fact they tried trapping the blonde man who turned out to be someone in disguise. [break][break]

Katsuo wished he could give his teammate more info, but because of his rather prickly and unfriendly nature, he didn't get to know his fellow countrymen that often so his knowledge was very limited. So he didn't know how well of a partner he would be especially if Amaya stuck to the tactics he used in their last match. However, Katsuo wouldn't be allowed to think much about that since the arena would be filled with smoke just like it had before, and even Amaya used the smog in his blade to make it even worse. "Great," Katsuo would mutter in annoyance as his eyesight would be very limited. The sound of bells would tell him Amaya was listening in and looking to find his opponents. This explained why he was able to see so well in their fight previously and Katsuo decided it might be a good strategy to take into future battles one day to train. [break][break]

Letting Amaya guide the way the other boy grabbed Katsuo's hand and brought him to a different part of the arena to keep themselves moving which was a good plan, but Katsuo wasn't about to let Amaya do all the heavy lifting in this match. He may have decided to be the eyes for both of them, but Katsuo wasn't going to be a useless weight for his teammate and decided to go on the offensive. Katsuo didn't know if the others moved from their original location or not but figured it would be wise to an assault. Grabbing three of his Senbon Bakudon he would throw one to each side of where the two opponents stood while the third would go into the air above where Katsuo remembered where they started. The balls, after Katsuo activates a seal, would explode and launch fifty senbons each around them hopefully hitting their opponents.[break][break]

Actions Used:[break][break]

Katsuo warns Amaya of Jun's ability to use Fuinjutsu[break]
Lets Amaya direct him through the smoke[break]
Throws 3 Senbon Bakudon's at their opponents, one to their left, one to their right, and one above them[break]
activates the handseal for the balls to explode sending 50 senbon each out of their explosive area[break][break]

Items Used:[break][break]

NAME: senbon bakudan[break]
RANK: C[break]
CLASSIFICATION: Offensive[break]
ELEMENT: -[break]
A baseball sized ball covered with several seals. [break]
The bomb is activated by direct chakra or remotely using the snake seal. If fifty senbon will blast like shrapnel from the sphere. Each senbon has slightly more force than if they were thrown.


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Elumenate has written 98 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 9, 2024 10:32:41 GMT -5
Kyuumu Suzaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyuumu Suzaku Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 06/21 rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2, Clan Heir
Honestly, he hadn't expected it to go so well, his choked call for reinforcements actually creating a respectable flock to search the inky blackness that surrounded them, despite the fact that his call ended with him coughing. But while this smoke was troublesome, he'd have his own eyes and ears combing the area, filling the arena. And when one of the birds would find the targets hidden in the smoke, a call would alert the other birds and suddenly the fiery haired boy would have a way to keep track of these hidden opponents. Diving in and out of the smoke, Suzaku wouldn't be able to see the two hidden figures be divebombed by his flock of birds, but he'd know it was happening. And as they wove in and out of the debilitating smoke to breath, some birds would remain above the smoke, away from the battle. Flying above, hidden from everyone's view because of the smoke. Truthfully, while he might hate this smoke, he was able to at least function inside of it better than most. Wait, is that why they were paired?

As the annoying idea struck him, the girl asked if he could float, causing a range of emotions on his face starting at confusion and slowly ending at concern. Nooo? Why...Would you think I It wasn't like he'd ever shown any real agility in their fights beyond his ability to body flicker, and while his natural chakra was Fuuton, it wasn't a huge part of his repertoire. And he continued staring as she made a paralysis seal, damaging it on the side for him to move. You do know that's really bad for the se-

A loud caw echoed, louder than the background noise of the other birds. Enough he could pick it up, and make it out. And whatever had been said stopped him mid-sentence as he looked up. The attack made by Katsuo wouldn't go unnoticed by the swarm that had by now surrounded them, and they reacted. Calling out a warning for the black wearing teen. We need too move, now! While he knew an attack was coming and had a direction to watch, he didn't actually just what the attack was or where it was. The downsides of being completely reliant on his sight. So, he simply left the entire area, grabbing Jun as he proceeded to body flicker, looking as if both of them turned into scattering birds as he brought the girl along. Illusionary birds that'd be filled with senbon after the escape.

Suzaku didn't actually know where the go, he could only see a meter or so in front of him, but thankfully seeing in slow motion meant he could navigate that hazard better than most would. Trying to aim opposite of the now much quieter birds. He couldn't do this and maintain that jutsu, so his clone birds would disappear in front of the two just moments after they'd formed a mob, revealing the trick. That they'd been clone birds. And even worse, it meant that the birds he'd conscripted were no longer under his control, at risk of flying away. But his speeds right now we're so fast, he'd reached a destination in almost teleport speeds, ending up around ten meters away from the two adversaries now. And when he stopped he let out another caw, followed by more coughing, in an attempt to keep his flock. And whether he managed to keep them all or not, however many he did have would do the same thing as they'd done last time. Clone with half of them diving into the smoke, now having an exact location on where to dive thanks to two birds who hadn't fled. The two crow familiars the boy always had around him.

Follow the cries, they're surrounded by birds. cough That's where you aim. But while dragging someone with body flicker was exhausting beyond belief, he did have an idea as well. Grabbing a kunai, he'd break off a small rock from the arena while letting Jun keep them occupied, hoping she had something up her sleeves. That wasn't a knife at least. He was thankful he could at least see close enough that he'd be able to write on the rock he was holding, the sound of the ink pen he carried having it's cap popped off being music to his ears as he wrote a seal himself onto the small rock, and let out a caw through the area as he held it up. And it'd be snatched out of his hands, in a familiar fashion to what he'd done in the second round for Jun, as one of his birds would carry it over where the screaming of the other birds were, above the smoke. Our of sight as it let it go. Two loud caws would be screamed by the bird, the first quieting the mob pecking and scratching at the blonde boy and the sword wielder, and the second a call for Suzaku. And he'd activate his own seal, and as it fell through the smoke the small rock would suddenly grow five meters as well, falling from the sky above the targets. He didn't know how a five meter boulder would effect the surrounding smoke, but he was pretty sure a hidden boulder was just as dangerous as a visible one. And he'd have one last word, as he started moving away from his silver haired teammate, trying to get out of range this time. Make the paralysis seal!

-A bird mob forms around Katsuo and Amaya upon finding them, letting Suzaku keep track of them. Half are above smoke and half are in
-Suzaku wasn't expecting to be asked if he was able to float, and kinda just stars in a mix of confusion and concern
-Watches as she makes an escape route for her paralysis seal, noting that's gonna just weaken the seal
-Is interrupted by an emergency call. Answers the birb phone, is warned there's an incoming attack. He has a direction but no idea what it is
-Tells Jun they need to move, grabs her and uses body flicker to dodge with Jun in tow, though it cancels out murder Crows. Tries to aim around 10 meters away from the two
-Whatever amount of birds he had once again mob the two, pecking and clawing while being a nuisance
-Tells Jun to aim for the bird noises as he breaks off a rock from floor and makes an Expansion Seal on the rock
-Has a birb grab the rock and fly above the smoke, and drop it above the two as he makes it grow 5 meters. Dunno if this is gonna break smoke or not but it's gonna be interesting
-Suggestss Jun to make the Paralysis Seal once he's out of range
(BIRDS: 2 Crows x2 + 11 Summoned from call x2 = 26 birbs)

NAME: Sanpatsu no Karasu: Shunshin [Scattering of Crows: Body Flicker]
This technique is one of the many forms of the Body Flicker Technique, where the user invigorates their entire body with chakra and moves at a speed faster than nearly any eye can track; rather than simply disappearing for this particular version though, the user's body appears to disperse into birds, a simple trick meant to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Just like Shunshin, though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user significantly. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, and any uses beyond those 4 tear the muscles in the user's legs. This jutsu shares its limit with the regular shunshin, so using this jutsu would reduce the number of normal shunshin available to the user by 1 for each use.

NAME: Karasu no mure kakure [Hiding in a Murder of Crows]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium (Very Low drain to maintain)
Using nothing but murder speech, a member of the Kyuumu clan can normally talk to and command birds individually; however, by using some chakra and a large flock of crows, the user can call an incredibly large number of birds to their current location. While this jutsu is being used the crows are cloned continuously, making them almost impossible to get rid of completely. While some of the crows may end up attacking the enemy and causing minor damage, the primary function of this jutsu is to obscure the vision of the enemy.

Individuals that are trained to hide amongst the murder of crows created by this jutsu are just as difficult to find as a Kirigakure shinobi trained to hide in mist. Unlike the Hidden Mist jutsu however, the crows will caw and alert the Kyuumu of the enemy's exact location within the flock, giving the user of this jutsu a unique advantage over their opponents.

NAME: Ōkina Kakuchō [Great Expansion]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low - Medium
REQUIREMENT: Fūinjutsu Primary or Secondary
A rudimentary technique where the user inscribes a small seal upon any palm sized or smaller inanimate object. Once activated by a single ram seal the object expands exponentially in size based upon the amount of chakra the user puts into the seal. This happens only for a brief duration (1 post) before the object returns back to its original size in a puff of white smoke.

Medium (3m - 5m)

Kyoukou Kousai:
Like all children born in the Kyuumu, Suzaku had his eyes taken out and replaced with crow eyes when he was just a baby. And while this sounds gruesome, the benefits of such an operation that the boy can't even remember are undeniable. His kinetic vision is enhanced to a degree far beyond normal human levels, able to trace movement and speeds that most would have difficulty processing as if they were moving in normal speeds, and with clear enough vision he's able to pick out small details at the same time, even from great distances as he can see far beyond human limits as well. He also effectively has night vision, needing only the bare minimum of light to make out things in great detail, and even make out magnetic fields which allow him to tell the direction of North as long as he can see. However, this enhanced eyesight also means things like artificial lights can give him a headache if he stares at them as he can see their rapid flickering, and if he can't see at all its all moot.

On top of this, like all Kyuumu, the boy is fully capable of understanding all birds and being able to talk with them. He is much more proficient at this then when hes talking too people, feeling much more comfortable talking to birds as it's something he's done his whole life. However, when multiple birds are talking at once it's the equivalent of being surrounded in a crowded street, and the boy can be easily overwhelmed as he's not yet experienced enough too make out the different conversations.

Kinetic Vision:
While all Kyuumu have exceptional movement based vision, Suzaku is exceptional even among other Kyuumu, things often managing to appear as if they're moving in slow motion as he is able to process high speeds to such a high degree. This not only let's him pick out details of high speed moving things, but lets him react to them better as well, not because his reflexes are better but simply because they appear slowed to him.

Ja and Dō

Cheeky Bishie has written 77 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 12, 2024 5:10:33 GMT -5
Muramatsa Jun
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Muramatsa Jun Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday December 25th rank Genin occupation




[attr="class","skullbody"]With the girl still shrouded in darkness it would appear that no one would have tracked her but before they could find themselves attacked, she'd be whisked away by her teammate who would tell her of the nature of how his crows worked and that she would need too aim in that direction, however she wasn't sure how far away they were and had another method of attack that could be aided by the blinding haze since it was hard too see.
And so the girl would activate her dojutsu and fire off a fuinjutsu seal directly towards the sounds of the birds which would create a brand that would then reach out and ensnare their opponents if they were caught, the brand would spread quickly and if their opponents were caught within it they would find themselves unable to move and potentially at the mercy of the boulder.
Based on his wording she knew there was an opening but didn't have any techniques that wouldn't expressly harm the birds however if their gambit worked at least their opponents would either be damaged by the large stone that would be produced.
She wasn't fond of killing her opponents however...she wasn't fully aware of what was going to happen until after the fact seeing a large boulder, she'd dispell her dojutsu and then think for a moment. "Is he mad...he'll get us disqualified!?"

[attr="class","skullinfo"]232 WORDS

Special Ability #1: Jutsudo
Being part of the Muramatsu Clan has given Jun access to the Jutsudo-gan or Art eye and allows her to utilize the special techniques that enable her to fire off fuinjutsu from her eyes without the use of handseals these seals in turn burn the victim and allow her to utilize them from a range that fire at the speed of a Taijutsu primary relative to her rank.

NAME: Mahi Shīru [Paralysis Seal]
Placed on the ground after forming the necessary hand signs it creates a visible seal covering a 5m area in radius around the user. Anything other than the user that tries to cross the seal from outside will be frozen in place for one post unable to move. If combined with a Repulsion Seal it has the effect of not only paralyzing but then sending them flying with great speed in the opposite direction. This seal lasts 5 posts or until removed using a unsealing technique. However unlike the repulsion seal the edge of it shines faintly serving to warn others of the danger of approaching. This does not however reveal the seals nature just that one is in effect.


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#BF00FF;[/newclass]

last edit by Muramatsa Jun on Mar 12, 2024 5:20:15 GMT -5
Meep has written 348 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 12, 2024 14:06:10 GMT -5
Shizu Amaya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Shizu Amaya Avatar
age 21 years old birthday December 1st rank Adv. Genin occupation


take me where the dark things are
Before the birds reached them, Amaya was already tuned to their approaches. The distinctive sound of their diving cut through the noise, guiding his blade, Hajimari, through the mist to meet them. As they emerged from the haze, Amaya aimed to halve them with precise strikes.[break][break]

Mobility was key, Amaya and Katsuo knew this, staying on the move to avoid becoming easy targets. The chiming of Amaya's bells provided fleeting glimpses of their murky battlefield, suggesting their foes had evaded Katsuo's weapon. They pressed on, never staying in one place. Yet, not all attacks could be evaded. The crows clawed at Amaya, some strikes feeling real while others left no mark—some were illusionary. Another chime revealed nearly the same, but Jun had something brewing directly in front of her.

"Move!" Amaya advanced to a run, forcing Katsuo with him.[break][break]

A sudden, thunderous crash nearly halted their momentum, a massive boulder embedding itself into the ground where they had just been. It appeared there would be no respect for the rules.[break][break]

Despite the destruction, some birds remained relentless. With another ring of his bell for clarity, Amaya quickly identified Suzaku's location. With a swift combination of hand seals and a shout, "Summoning Technique: Imprisonment!” he initiated his counterattack. [break][break]

Beneath Suzaku, seals would spring to life, ensnaring him with tendrils that dragged him towards an abyss. To Suzaku, the dark void below promised a grim end, the pit seemingly bottomless as he was dragged beneath to be sealed away for eternity.[break][break]


[newclass=.itsover b]color:#a366b6[/newclass]

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NAME: Magen: Jiguko e Hipparu [Demonic Illusion: Dragged to Hell] [break]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium[break]
CLASSIFICATION: Genjutsu[break]
ELEMENT: -[break]
HANDSEALS: 2[break]
TRIGGER: "Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Toguko / Summoning Technique: Imprisonment”[break][break]

After the victim is caught within the trigger they will see summoning seals appear below them and several black, gooey tentacles emerge from the seals. What appears to be an endless pit will appear below the victim and they will feel the tentacles try to drag them into the pit to be sealed away forever. The victim often exerts a good amount of energy trying to escape the illusionary tentacles which unrelenting pull them further and further into the pit.

last edit by Shizu Amaya on Mar 13, 2024 12:00:31 GMT -5
Owl has written 219 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 12, 2024 21:19:29 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

Hello and welcome back to TACTICIAN INC.’s battle moderation services!!

Events thus far:

Suzaku [R1]: Uses HIDING IN A MURDER OF CROWS to summon a flock of crows to his position. Including Ja & Do as well as the first round of crow-cloning, there are 26 birds spread throughout the arena.

[The smoke inhalation will affect the birds more rapidly than the human participants; being in the smoke at all is extremely dangerous for them, and they are only present and willing because of Suzaku’s summons.]

Suzaku is using his jacket to try to filter out the smoke.

Jun [R1]: Uses PARALYSIS SEAL on her location, keeping both Suzaku and herself within the circle.

[If Suzaku leaves the radius of the seal, he cannot re-enter without being paralyzed. Jun is the only person immune to the effects of the seal.]

Jun is using her undergarments (? undershirt?) to try to filter out the smoke.

Amaya [R1]: Amaya releases black smog from his sword, further obscuring the environment. Holds Katsuo’s hand (!) to ensure they remain close to each other. He is using his enhanced hearing and Resonant Sight Technique to give Katsuo directions as to Jun’s locations, though he can’t locate Suzaku.

Amaya ripped off the sleeves of his shirt to wrap around his face to try to filter out the smoke.

Katsuo [R1]: Katsuo tosses three senbon bakudan—one each to either side of where he believes Jun to be, and one above the enemy team’s starting location. He sets them off with a handseal, so 150 senbon rain down on the area below.

[Katsuo would need to briefly let go of Amaya’s hand to form the handseal; he’d be able to just hold hands again immediately after, but it wasn’t mentioned here, so it’s something to keep in mind moving forward.]

Katsuo is not attempting to filter out the smoke.

Suzaku [R2]: Has some of his birds stationed above the smoke, while others divebomb in and out of it to avoid breathing in the smoke too much. The real birds are stationed overhead while the clones do the divebombing. The birds warn Suzaku that an attack is coming, so he picks a direction, grabs Jun, and crow-flickers away to escape the onslaught.

[Suzaku appears to disperse into birds, but Jun cannot, since she does not know the technique and is not performing it, and it cannot be performed by Suzaku on another person. Jun can be a side-along for the body flicker, though.]

He uses Hiding in a Murder of Crows again to try to keep the flock close by. The remaining birds would clone again [exact number to be determined.] He uses his kunai to break off a rock from the arena [would need to be the ground], writes the Great Expansion Seal on it, and has a bird fly it up above the smoke and drop it. As it’s falling, he performs the handseal to have it expand into 5 meters in size.

The crows are cawing to indicate where Amaya and Katsuo are roughly positioned.

Jun [R2]: Jun uses her doujutsu to long-range fire a Paralysis Seal at the location where the crows are indicating Katsuo and Amaya are positioned. The Paralysis Seal as a projectile presents as a translucent red orb and travels quickly, and will burn onto the ground in a 5-meter radius on impact.

[Jun’s SA states that she can use fuinjutsu with her doujutsu without the use of handseals, but there is nothing in the description of the clan Hijutsu that states users don’t have to use handseals. This is most likely an oversight that was missed in the review process when the character was created; clarification should be sought from staff so that either the SA or the clan Hijutsu description can be amended ASAP.]

Amaya [R2]: Amaya is staying mobile, using his sword to slice at divebombing birds and [logically] holding Katsuo’s hand to guide him through the smoke. He’s clawed up by some of the bird-clones as he runs. His and Katsuo’s constant movement keeps them from being caught by the Paralysis Seal and consequently also the upsized boulder. After it lands, he casts the Demonic Illusion: Dragged to Hell genjutsu on Suzaku.

[Again, he would need to briefly let go of Katsuo’s hand to be able to do so, but so long as Katsuo doesn’t run off somewhere then rejoining hands is a simple action logically taken at the end of the post.]

The debate at hand:

Are Suzaku’s crows able to consistently and accurately report the location of Amaya and Katsuo, enough for Jun to be able to fire her long-range Paralysis Seal and catch the boys before the rock falls down?

The ruling:

The question partially hinges on the number of crows that Suzaku has at his command as well as their ability to consistently keep tabs on Amaya and Suzaku. As of rotation 1, Suzaku had 13 real birds and 13 clones at his disposal, with the real half remaining above the smoke and the clone half continuously divebombing in and out to locate Amaya and Katsuo and alert the rest of the birds, as well as Suzaku, to their location.

Amaya is consistently attacking the birds as they find him—the vast majority of his R2 post is spent purely running and slashing at crows. His hearing SA + Resonant Sight Technique make him able to accurately attack the crows as they arrive.

Even diving in and out, the birds who are scouting are inhaling quite a bit of smoke in the process, which endangers their lives at a much faster rate than the smoke is affecting the humans involved. Between this and Amaya attacking those who come near, I would say a fair estimation is that half of the birds scouting are either killed, dissipated, or fuck off due to self-preservation [edit: clarification was gained that the real birds are exclusively above the smoke. Only close are affected, and they are dissipated.]. The 13 birds above the smoke are unable to see into or through it.

Suzaku’s second use of Hiding in a Murder of Crows would retain the remaining 19 crows, roughly 9 of which are clones. The second use of the technique clones them all again, resulting in 38 birds total—25 of which are clones. The original 13 real birds remain above the smoke.

The crows cannot stay close to Katsuo and Amaya for more than a few seconds at a time without risking severe damage from smoke inhalation—thus necessitating the divebombing. It is reasonable to think that the crows are tag-teaming in order to keep tabs on the pair, alternating which birds fly out of the smoke and then come back in, in order to relay accurate information to Suzaku, at least for as long as he has control of them.

Auditory directions and speed of use, however, are no substitute for line of sight and visual accuracy. Jun knows generally where Katsuo and Amaya are, based on where she’s hearing the cawing coming from, but knowing which direction the pair are in does not indicate how far away they are, how fast they’re moving, or any of the more specific information that is arguably able to be relayed to Suzaku via Murder Speech. Suzaku would be able to be far more accurate with his boulder than Jun would with her Paralysis Seal; she doesn’t have line of sight on them, and hitting a moving target in the dark with only a general awareness of the direction of their moving location just isn’t enough to definitively say that both boys are caught in the Paralysis Seal when it lands.

Amaya’s echolocation would make him aware of the projectile as it’s being fired, making him more able to effectively evade it than Katsuo. Assuming logically that he and Katsuo are still holding hands, he would then also be able to ensure that Katsuo is, at the very least, out of its direct line of fire.

Katsuo may still be caught in the 5-meter radius of the Paralysis Seal, but that depends on what actions he takes and if any evasive maneuvers are deployed. Katsuo is more strongly affected by the smoke than the other three participants due to not taking any protective measures—he will be coughing heavily and struggling to breathe, which will also impact his ability to effectively react.

Neither Amaya nor Katsuo would know what the projectile does; Amaya would know only that a small sphere is aimed loosely in their direction. Once the seal is on the ground, as with the original, neither Amaya nor Katsuo have any way of keeping track of its location, and have the risk of accidentally stumbling across either seal in the dark should they keep running around the arena in this way.

Next steps:

Owl should edit his post to reflect Amaya’s awareness of the projectile Jun has fired from her eyeballs, and what, if anything, he does to make Katsuo aware of a potential threat. Keep in mind that Amaya has no way of knowing if the projectile is an AOE or what it actually does. Then Lumen can post, and the fight can continue as normal.

Additionally: a five-meter boulder falling from the sky kills people, Carl. A proctor will intervene with a raiton technique to shatter the boulder before it hits the ground, regardless of the outcome with the Paralysis Seal—they’re not risking someone’s head getting crushed like an egg in the middle of the fight. Debris will rain down over the arena; everyone is getting bonked on the head by a little rock or three. Dope strategy, though, I dig it.


last edit by hirana kizumi on Mar 12, 2024 23:33:41 GMT -5
tactician has written 453 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 14, 2024 1:54:54 GMT -5
Katsuo Jokyū
"I may fall behind, but I will catch up and surpass eventually!"
Katsuo Jokyū Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday February 2nd rank Adv Genin occupation

freedom in the stars

Star Flyer
find your freedom in the stars

[attr="class","ktt-post"]Katsuo had to put all his faith in Amaya's guidance for this match since he had no idea what was going on and with all the birds that kept coming in and out it just meant the other team had some idea too. So Katsuo was easily the odd man out and he felt terrible not being able to do much for his teammate in this scenario. To make matters worse the smoke was starting to affect him as he began coughing quite hard from smoke inhalation. He was so focused on doing something at the start of the match he had forgotten to create a filter for himself to avoid the damage from the smoke. So using a combination of his teeth and free hand he would rip off the fur collar of his jacket while Amaya and Katsuo ran.

Once they had moved a bit more Katsuo heard what sounded like an explosion of something being destroyed and while he didn't know who did it there would be a rain of debris that would hit him lightly. Katsuo wouldn't know that it was interference from a proctor till after the match concluded so for now he would simply believe it was an attack that failed from their opponents. Following along with Amaya, Katsuo would just narrowly miss being affected by the seal that Jun had placed seeing the seal just barely missing him had he been even just a tad bit slower. "They are trying to trap us!" Katsuo would say to Amaya as he took the time Amaya was casting a genjutsu to attach his makeshift fur filter around his face to help prevent more smoke from affecting him in the match. He even lowered his goggles just in case he needed those to protect his eyes too looking even more like a miner than ever before.

Their biggest issue seemed to be the birds and Katsuo didn't like the idea of it, but they needed to get rid of them somehow. The birds had to be coming from somewhere if they were going in and out of the smoke towards them so Katsuo figured they had to have some sort of location outside of the smoke where they flew. So grabbing his five fire bombs he would take a rather destructive gamble. Tossing them high into the air away from their location Katsuo would remove his hand from Amaya and release the seal on the paper tags attached to the bombs to force them to explode. The explosion should at the very least scare the birds away from attacking them anymore, but at worst it could kill them all. This would ultimately also cause a rain of fire to rain down on the other side of the arena and while Katsuo didn't know the location of his opponents it would hopefully catch them by surprise. Katsuo would then grab Amaya's hand again and be prepared to run again with him.

[attr="class","kttbottom"]Actions Taken: Ripped Fur collar off jacket and turned it into a filter to breathe through
Warned Amaya of the paralysis seal that just missed him from their escape
Tosses all five of his fire bombs high into the air and detonates them to explode to hopefully either scare the birds from participating or set them ablaze before grabbing back onto Amaya's hand
This would in turn cause fire to rain down from the sky

Item Used:
NAME: fire bomb [hakka-gu]
OWNER: Universal
A small clay ball that can be held in one hand, the inside is filled with flammable oil and sealed off completely. It is usually sold accompanied by an attached paperbomb, or can be used as a thown weapon with a paperbomb.

[Fire Power] Throwing this clay pot with a paperbomb attached and detonating the sealed explosion will always have enough force to shatter the clay balls, setting the oil ablaze as it extends outwards. This allows paperbombs to become great fire starters on a larger scale, as the oil not only keeps the fire burning after the initial blast but acts as a spreader, extending the danger zone of the explosion by [1 meter].
𝓐𝓭𝓲𝓻𝓪 ლ

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last edit by Katsuo Jokyū on Mar 14, 2024 2:02:09 GMT -5
Elumenate has written 98 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 15, 2024 22:32:55 GMT -5
Kyuumu Suzaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyuumu Suzaku Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 06/21 rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2, Clan Heir
Suzaku had been prepared to flee from his partner when suggesting that she create a paralysis seal, not wanting to risk getting caught in the seal and becoming paralyzed himself like had almost happened last time. Yet, he stopped as he watched her, the girl not seeming to make any moves in fact. He'd wanted to try and cast a net, a seal covering one part of the arena and on the other his boulder falling from the sky. To force them to flee into a spun web, but the boy wasn't good at communicating, and he also wasn't used to working with others. He didn't know the girls abilities, didn't know she could create seals from her eyes, and this smoke prevented him from seeing it. All he could make out was her silhouette in the smoke. He wouldn't even see what happened to his boulder in the sky, going from small to large so fast, giving those below so little time to move. It had been meant to trap them, to maybe remove this smoke, but it could just as easily kill the two opponents below given they'd have barely any time to escape its 5-meter reach. The Suzaku would hear it, an explosion above, and then rocks would rain down on him, the boy forced to cover his head. How had they even done that. What the hell are these guys....

The scraggly haired boy wouldn't see what happened next, the attack focused not on him but on his birds. Just like before though, the attack wouldn't be a surprise, the birds continuing to scream to each other as the blonde haired teen, though it'd be far fewer of them now, the sword wielding Amaya cutting through his attacking flock. But he wouldn't find flesh or bone with each cut, but instead no resistance as they dissipitated into smoke. And this flock of clones would grow even smaller when they reacted to Suzaku's fellow Kumo-nin not throwing these barrels at him, but instead into the sky. Two birds would break off, trying to intercept and grab fire bombs that had been thrown and return them from hence they came. They were now active suicide bombers, but whether they'd successfully pull off this maneuver or not, the two birds clones would be incinerate since they never even bothered to dodge.

As for the main flock, they would see the rest of the jars break the smoke cover, but they'd be long gone, a mix of co-ordination and luck in that Katsuo had simply been throwing randomly through the smoke in hopes of getting lucky. It also helped that the explosion was so small, the birds would have needed to be right next to the jars to get incinerated. But the enemy Kumogakure ninja would succeed in throwing off their co-ordination, the need for evasive maneuvers meaning that they couldn't dive bomb. But, they hadn't lost track of their prey, as a third bird had stayed back, a black feathered crow. It was one of Ja's clones, and Suzaku's most sharp eyed familiar. He'd stay on the two as they moved, as fire rained unto the arena behind him, another hazard for the blind to stumble into. Crowing as smoke filled his lungs, cawing past his limits, yet continuing to reveal their position. Allowing Suzaku's main flock to reorganize, and continue attacks as the clone would dissipitate into smoke fulfilling it's job.

And once the flock continued their attack, it'd feel like there was even more birds than last time. Clawing, biting, and most importantly tracking. But, there'd an especially painful bite on both the two boys hands, another crow bird biting the boys hands as the clasped together, it's large beak specifically bred to be strong enough to rip flesh and break bone. And now he was using that beak to try and get them to let go of one another, to try and separate them in the smoke as the mobbing would continue. But, the scraggly haired boy wasn't the only one taking initiative. And he'd hear it through the caws, his black haired opponents yell. Summoning Technique: Imprisonment. And Suzaku would look down in a fright, to see tentacles sprout up.

He'd stumble in a panic, jumping back before getting caught despite his attempts. Than he'd race through his pouch, pulling out a tag and letting out a caw of his own. And just like before, there'd be a swoop, a gust of wind, and the tag would disappear from his fingers as he got pulled in. And it'd fly in through the smoke, disguised in a crowd as landed next to Amaya and let out a call, a call that was followed by the sound of an explosion. Suzaku knew Amaya had been responsibe for whatever this was, so he'd acted. But he still had to deal with whatever was happening too him. What is this?? It wasn't any summoning jutsu he'd heard of, and he'd grab his Fuuma Shuriken, swinging at the tentacles to slice them apart and allow him to escape.

-Suzaku watches Jun, but since he doesn't know about her eyes doesn't notice she did anything
-Suzaku's plan is literally raining down on top of him. Isn't sure just what destroyed his boulder
-Birds communicate each other about Katsuo's attack. Two brave clone souls try to grab two jars and redirect attack back unto Katsuo and Amaya (Successful or not they're roasted. Also this arena is just all hazards now)
-Birds pull evasive maneuvers from the warning calls, so OG birbs avoid getting roasted as well but are successfully thrown out of sync
-A clone of Dō sticks with Amaya and Katsuo to continue keeping track, giving time for Crows to continue dive bombing as clone Dō suffocates. Grizzly.
-Clone of Ja tries to use his C rank beak strength to get Katsuo and Amaya to stop holding hands as the mobbing continues and hopefully break them apart
-Suzaku is caught in genjutsu. Uses another suicide bombing crow to target Amaya with explosive seal
-Suzaku starts cutting at tentacles with his Fuuma shuriken as he tries to use that to escape and regroup

(BIRDS: 2 Crows + 11 Summoned from call = 13 Real Birds. 4 Crow Clones - 1 + 21 Bird Clones - 3 = 3 + 19 = 22 Bird Clones Attacking

NAME: Karasu no mure kakure [Hiding in a Murder of Crows]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low drain to maintain
Using nothing but murder speech, a member of the Kyuumu clan can normally talk to and command birds individually; however, by using some chakra and a large flock of crows, the user can call an incredibly large number of birds to their current location. While this jutsu is being used the crows are cloned continuously, making them almost impossible to get rid of completely. While some of the crows may end up attacking the enemy and causing minor damage, the primary function of this jutsu is to obscure the vision of the enemy.

Individuals that are trained to hide amongst the murder of crows created by this jutsu are just as difficult to find as a Kirigakure shinobi trained to hide in mist. Unlike the Hidden Mist jutsu however, the crows will caw and alert the Kyuumu of the enemy's exact location within the flock, giving the user of this jutsu a unique advantage over their opponents.

NAME: Exploding Seal Jutsu [Bakukami no Jutsu]
One of the simplest jutsu thought to almost all beginner fuuinjutsu users. This technique has been used for centuries being put on exploding notes of all sorts. The idea behind this jutsu is to seal a certain amount of the user's chakra inside of a seal and release it at a later date using a simple seal. The user is capable of inscribing the seal onto any [non human] surface and the explosion strength can be varied depending on how much chakra the user puts into the seal,C rank being your average explosive note.

Kyoukou Kousai:
Like all children born in the Kyuumu, Suzaku had his eyes taken out and replaced with crow eyes when he was just a baby. And while this sounds gruesome, the benefits of such an operation that the boy can't even remember are undeniable. His kinetic vision is enhanced to a degree far beyond normal human levels, able to trace movement and speeds that most would have difficulty processing as if they were moving in normal speeds, and with clear enough vision he's able to pick out small details at the same time, even from great distances as he can see far beyond human limits as well. He also effectively has night vision, needing only the bare minimum of light to make out things in great detail, and even make out magnetic fields which allow him to tell the direction of North as long as he can see. However, this enhanced eyesight also means things like artificial lights can give him a headache if he stares at them as he can see their rapid flickering, and if he can't see at all its all moot.

On top of this, like all Kyuumu, the boy is fully capable of understanding all birds and being able to talk with them. He is much more proficient at this then when hes talking too people, feeling much more comfortable talking to birds as it's something he's done his whole life. However, when multiple birds are talking at once it's the equivalent of being surrounded in a crowded street, and the boy can be easily overwhelmed as he's not yet experienced enough too make out the different conversations.

Kinetic Vision:
While all Kyuumu have exceptional movement based vision, Suzaku is exceptional even among other Kyuumu, things often managing to appear as if they're moving in slow motion as he is able to process high speeds to such a high degree. This not only let's him pick out details of high speed moving things, but lets him react to them better as well, not because his reflexes are better but simply because they appear slowed to him.

Ja and Dō
Cheeky Bishie has written 77 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 18, 2024 3:13:40 GMT -5
Muramatsa Jun
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Muramatsa Jun Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday December 25th rank Genin occupation




[attr="class","skullbody"]With the girl having fired off her seal she was uncertain that it would've worked, but before she could even so much as confirm anything she would a small amount of debris raining down on her which the girl would attempt to sheath herself from it quickly.
Jun did her best to keep her wits about her as it all unfolded. In an instant there were small explosions she would notice, but thankfully due to how wildly his throws were they would be safe. Suzaku's bird flocks around the area, seemingly after something as her partner stayed on the ground trying to swat off an invisible enemy. She didn't have time to lose her focus and kept her focus forward, the caws still going, a loud cacophony of targeted noise.
However in that final moment, Amaya would shout, Suzaku seemingly drops by the sounds of it and claims to be attacked by something, with that the girl would craft a series of handseals just as Suzaku's bird flies past moving towards him. With that she'd fire off her own set of birds towards him as well, in a wide arc to cover whatever manner he may try to move in potentially burning him and possibly even Suzaku if he was caught in the cross fire. Each one racing incredibly quickly towards Amaya specifically.
If successful in addition to the explosive notes that seemed to be barreling towards him he'd also be faced with dozens of birds attempting to move towards him and if they touched him would burst immolating his clothing and causing severe burns that would come his way.

[attr="class","skullinfo"]000 WORDS / TAGGED


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Meep has written 348 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 18, 2024 23:45:44 GMT -5
Katsuo Jokyū
"I may fall behind, but I will catch up and surpass eventually!"
Katsuo Jokyū Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday February 2nd rank Adv Genin occupation

freedom in the stars

Star Flyer
find your freedom in the stars

[attr="class","ktt-post"]His bombs were a nice attempt at scattering or getting rid of the crows, but he wasn't expecting them to do too much. Katsuo merely hoped they would do something especially since it felt like he wasn't being very useful for Amaya in this fight. Being dragged around the arena only for them to be caught up in everything was getting annoying. Katsuo was a dead weight for his partner so honestly he needed to act on his own somehow.

First things first though he needed to make sure the birds were taken care of. With his bombs being activated he noticed something unsettling about their position. While he couldn't see the explosions two of them sounded way too close for comfort with a bit of the smoke being slightly displaced causing some movement to appear in front of them. This meant while his bombs did explode they probably didn't have their intended effect which meant it was a waste of an effort trying to rid themselves of the birds this way. So letting go of Amaya's hand, and stepping in front of him, Katsuo grabbed all his arrows and touched the tip of each one. Pouring a bit of his chakra into them he would then begin casting his ghost hand on them this would essentially cause them to fly around him and Amaya like a protective barrier of arrows to pierce through any birds that made their way too close.

This would ultimately cause many of the birds to poof in smoke if they weren't too careful and protect Amaya and himself from too much harm from them, but it wouldn't negate the effects of being found. It also wouldn't negate the explosion of the bird with a tag though its distance from them after being hit by an arrow would lessen the damage of the explosion. It would in turn affect Katsuo only causing him to be pushed back into Amaya, singeing his clothes, and causing his arrow barrier to burn to a crisp. This would cause his fur mask to be burnt quite a bit making him susceptible to the smoke again though there was now a gap between the smoke as it had been pushed around from the explosive for a short period.

This would give Katsuo just a tad forewarning of the next set of birds that were coming these were fire birds though which meant they were very dangerous and so in an attempt to keep Amaya safe he would push his partner out of the way saying, "You got this." Katsuo would then cast another jutsu to form a barrier that would take in the birds along with himself leaving Amaya outside the barrier to protect him. His back turned to the birds as they would hit him instead, bursting on impact, burning his clothes, and knocking him out. Once knocked out his barrier would drop letting the fight now become a one vs one scenario.

Actions Taken:
Let go of Amaya's hand, stood in front of him, and pulled out all his arrows.
Cast ghost hand on all of them to create a moving barrier of arrows to pierce and stop the birds from getting any closer.
Arrow barrier causes the paperbomb to explode a distance away pushing Katsuo closer to Amaya, singeing his clothes, and destroying his arrow barrier also causing the smoke in front of them for five meters to be a bit clear for a short time
clearing of smoke gives Katsuo a short period to react to the firebirds coming in and uses the short time to create a barrier between him and Amaya to keep his partner safe.
Takes the bird attack from the back causing massive burns and leaving him to be knocked out of the match.
Barrier would drop after Katsuo is knocked out

Jutsu Used:
NAME: Jiton: Yūrei no Te [Magnet Release: Ghost Hand]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low, Continuous
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu, Kekkai Genkai
ELEMENT: Jiton [Magnet]
In this incredibly simple technique, Chihiro touches a metal object, and then is able to pick it up without her hands, as if by telekinesis. As long as she's picking something up, it will constantly drain her chakra, even if it's at a very low rate. Chihiro cannot pick up anything larger than she'd be able to on her own with this jutsu. There just simply isn't enough force overpowering gravity. The range of this jutsu is roughly five meters.

NAME: Kekkai: Ma [Barrier: Room]
The user forms a hemispherical barrier of 30m in diameter creating a small 'room' that is difficult to break from the inside but relatively simple to shatter from outside. As such the user attempts to trap the opponent in the room with them to allow for further attacks from odd, difficult to block angles.

[attr="class","kttbottom"]All manner of things could be placed within this little box out of character notes, the weather, how your character is feeling, their outfit, a song that inspired your post, links to pictures that relate to your post, this scrolls so have fun with it my lovelies!
𝓐𝓭𝓲𝓻𝓪 ლ

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Elumenate has written 98 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 20, 2024 10:45:35 GMT -5
Shizu Amaya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Shizu Amaya Avatar
age 21 years old birthday December 1st rank Adv. Genin occupation



take me where the dark things are


In the blink of an eye, chaos ensued, hurling Katsuo into Amaya seconds after he laid his illusion. The explosion's impact sent them tumbling across the ground, a chaotic tumble of dust and dirt. Amaya's attempt to stabilize his teammate was lost to the explosion, both of them sliding helplessly through the debris.[break][break]

Before he could regain a semblance of control, Katsuo shoved Amaya further away—a barrier formed around Amaya. A brief flash of fire marked its existence before it disappeared. In the settling chaos, Katsuo lay before Amaya, his body charred but breathing—alive. Katsuo's last words, "You got this," echoed in Amaya's mind, fueling him to victory.

Feeling the wear of battle, Amaya launched himself back, diving through the lingering smoke and his own dark smog. Finding a new point, he rang his bells, the sound casting the battlefield into his mind—a monochrome war zone marked by the still forms of his teammate and Suzaku. Leaving only Jun, his final hunt.[break][break]

Jun remained stationary amongst the haze, and Amaya prepared for the final hunt. The bells chimed again, louder, ensuring they would be heard across the arena. This next illusion was meant for Jun alone, a symphony of ringing would surround the kunoichi. Coming from every direction and every distance.

Amaya, now a phantom amongst the din of his bells, circled Jun in a wide arc. He released three shuriken, staggered from different positions as he ran the arc. Their flight paths would betray his movement. With a swift change of direction, he doubled back, to hide his position.


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NAME: Naru Kane: Kakomareta [Ringing Bells: Surrounded][break]
RANK: D[break]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low[break]
CLASSIFICATION: Genjutsu[break]
ELEMENT: N/A[break]
TRIGGER: The ringing of a bell[break]
A slight advancement of the Kurikaesu technique. This technique will also repeat the ringing sound of the bell without amplifying its volume. Unlike the former technique however, the sound of the bell is not stuck to the origin of the bells location. Instead, the sound of the bell will repeat, always from a stationary position, but from a variety of sources around the opponent. Making it sound as if there are far more bells than there actually are.

Owl has written 219 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3-2 | FIGHT 5Mar 23, 2024 14:12:38 GMT -5
Kyuumu Suzaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyuumu Suzaku Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 06/21 rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2, Clan Heir
The boy whose entire skillset revolved around his eyes wouldn't be able to see Katsuo's quick thinking, though he wouldn't need to see it, or even understand the cries of the destroyed clones to figure out that the opposing team had thought of something. Everyone would hear how much quieter things would get after his flock was shredded by the arrows that danced at his fellow village's fingertips. And everyone would hear the explosion of Suzaku's own attack as his explosive tag went off, though the fiery haired boy wouldn't be able to see just how much damage he'd caused, even the explosions couldn't break apart this thick smoke. And as Jun would keep up the pressure, the bird wielding teen would be busy dealing with the tentacles grabbing at him, pulling him down until he cut them off and started moving closer to Jun to regroup. But he wouldn't get a word out, or more than a step forward before falling to his knees.

He was on all fours, unable to find the strength to even lift his head. In the heat of the battle, the heat of having of being attacked, the heat of being pulled into the earth, he hadn't realized he'd been running on pure adrenaline. But now his body was giving out on him, unable to move, his chakra depleted completely and utterly. But...I don't want... Even his thoughts would go unfinished, as darkness would swallow him up in the smoke, unseen. At least, unseen by his fellow genin. As he'd be pulled out of the ring after collapse, too unconscious to recognize the familiar face of a member of both his clan and the boys branch he was set to inherit. Motoki, a proctor of the exams.

The audience would see his birds break away as Amaya would see the remaining clones around him disappear into smoke, signaling for sure that Suzaku was out of the fight. Ja and Dō for their part, upon realizing that their owner was no longer maintaining his jutsus would call out for a response, until seeing Motoki come our of the smoke with the boy. His two ready to fight companions than completely ditched Jun, though not before swiping through the smoke. Suzaku's silver haired girl would hear it above her, the only two Crows remaining last calls. Not of warning, not even normal crow sounds, but a deep, creepy laughter, Ja's ability to mimic human speech filling the air before leaving the girl. They'd than land on Motoki's shoulders outside the arena, chirping and clacking beaks in an effort to try and get food from the bird speaker. Far more important matters than this silly fight, and their owner was too unconscious to stop them from being overfed and indulging. A happy ending for the two most important people in this fight.

Tact: This is an exam about conservation
Suzaku: I'm gonna spend half my chakra on a makeshift meteor lol[/spoiler
last edit by Kyuumu Suzaku on Mar 23, 2024 14:17:57 GMT -5
Cheeky Bishie has written 77 posts