Murakumogiri [heavy polearm personal]

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Murakumogiri [heavy polearm personal]Apr 4, 2024 18:24:04 GMT -5
Chikamatsu Akiro
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age Sixty-Five years old birthday 18th January rank Elite Jounin occupation Retired


OWNER: Chikamatsu Akiro


CLASSIFICATION: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary




 The  Murakumogiri is a very heavy polearm called a bisento (a more massive version of the Japanese naginata), The weapon's size is massive 7'4, with a striped pole ending in a spherical edge, and a curved, large blade attached to the pole via a golden part, decorated by a sea snake, with a thin part of it protruding on the blade itself. Can be used with one or two hands.


Chakra Reactive: is highly reactive to Fuuton chakra, and without such chakra channeling through the blade, it seems to be a simple, heavy polearm. Should Fuuton Chakra be channeled into the polearm when the weapon comes in contact with flesh, it will glide through like a hot knife through butter. At first glance, the flesh will appear unscathed, spilling not a single drop of blood. However, this effect is short-lived as the fuuton chakra imbued into the blade cuts so incredibly sharp and fast that the wounds do not seem to appear when the cut is initially made. When the wound finally appears, the cuts made tend to be far deeper than what would normally be expected, as the fuuton chakra adds to the cutting strength to the blade. It can also be used to cut through other chakra-based attacks depending on the situation. It requires a constant charge of low chakra being channeled through the weapon to keep this active.

Sharp-bladed edge: The curved-bladed edge of the weapon is sharper than most other blades and can cause a lot of damage on impact of body parts and other natural materials.

Strength:  Due to how heavy the polearm is blows from this weapon are meant to be heavier resulting in more damage on the impact of defences. The addition of Fuuton chakra through the weapon only increases the damage this can cause. 

Durability:   The Murakumogiri has been made to be strong against other blades it may come into contact with but also durable against the impacts it makes onto targets. Repeated blows against defences or enemies are likely to not falter the durability of the weapon in any way, even other chakra-based constructs.
last edit by Chikamatsu Akiro on Apr 10, 2024 17:03:23 GMT -5
Jian has written 0 posts
Murakumogiri [heavy polearm personal]Apr 10, 2024 17:04:30 GMT -5
Chikamatsu Akiro
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Chikamatsu Akiro Avatar
age Sixty-Five years old birthday 18th January rank Elite Jounin occupation Retired
Replaced the Wind part and combined the two chakra reactive abilities since the first was basically needed to do the second so its is now one Sa and added a new Sa the sharper edge.
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Murakumogiri [heavy polearm personal]Apr 26, 2024 21:47:10 GMT -5
Chikamatsu Akiro
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Chikamatsu Akiro Avatar
age Sixty-Five years old birthday 18th January rank Elite Jounin occupation Retired
If you mean chakra-based attacks it is stuff like other jutsu-like structures made from earth for example or lightning justu since wind is strong against it, but wouldn't work for fire since it would strengthen it etc.
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Murakumogiri [heavy polearm personal]May 16, 2024 13:06:58 GMT -5
Forever Tired
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It's been 2 weeks since the last review without any modifications as such this will be removed from notify. Please make any requested edits and then post in notify again once edits are made.

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