Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]

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Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]Apr 11, 2024 13:00:49 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
[googlefont="Open Sans"]


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi stood at the edge of Kumogakure, her gaze piercing through the early morning mist that enveloped the village like a protective shroud. The air was crisp, charged with a sense of anticipation and the faint scent of impending rain. Today, she was to embark on a mission that would take her beyond the familiar boundaries, to another village that, while not technically far, was the furthest she’d ever been from her home.

She was clad in her usual attire, practical yet highlighting her preference for dark colors. Her weapon pouch was securely fastened, each tool and weapon meticulously checked and placed within easy reach. Her ever-present mask sat snugly against her face, guarding her from the chill in the air and keeping her expression a mystery to those who looked upon her.

Despite her readiness, Matoi found herself waiting. The mission was not one she would undertake alone. A companion, whose skills and presence were deemed necessary for the task at hand, was yet to arrive. Matoi was not one to question the decisions of her superiors; she understood the value of teamwork, the strength that came from unity. Still, as the minutes ticked by, a flicker of impatience danced in her violet eyes.

She shifted her weight slightly, her gaze momentarily drifting to the path that led away from the village, towards their destination. The unknown lay ahead, a path fraught with challenges and the promise of discovery. Matoi was no stranger to the dangers that accompanied the life of a shinobi, yet each mission carried with it a unique weight, a new opportunity to prove her worth, to protect her village, to grow stronger.

But for now, she waited. The silence of the morning was her only companion, a quiet so profound she could almost hear the whispers of the leaves, the soft sigh of the wind as it moved through the village. This mission was a new beginning, a step into the unknown, and as Matoi waited for her companion, she felt the familiar stirrings of excitement, the thrill of the journey that lay ahead.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


lorem ipsum


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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last edit by Utagawa Matoi on Apr 11, 2024 13:02:45 GMT -5
apalooka has written 155 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]Apr 11, 2024 13:14:58 GMT -5
A crow pretends to be a cormorant and dives.
risi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday October 31st 1003 rank Adv. Genin occupation

Risi seems somewhat embarrassed to have apparently arrived late to the entrance of Kumogakure, having spent some time with Yamatsu this morning and having lost track of the time. Now, though, he appeared ready, though not necessarily ready for a mission. His appearance, in fact, was rather strange. He wore his usual sleeveless white shirt and frilled cravat under the black waistcoat with silver buttons on the front flaps, connected to the black mantle over his forearms. He also had on a skirt that was already unbuttoned up to the hip, which had resulted in a bit of a delay with Yamatsu before he'd headed off towards the entrance of Kumogakure. He also had on his black combat boots, as well as fingerless gloves on both hands: a white one on the right, and black on the left. The major difference between his usual clothing was that his usual top hat was gone, with the Kumogakure headband instead worn around his right arm like an armband.

With his long black hair shining brilliantly and his deep crimson eyes so like that of the white winged chough, he really was quite a sight, with his hands wielding the scythe he had so often used as a distraction, but which he now felt capable of wielding like an actual weapon. He smiles sheepishly at the woman that had clearly been waiting for him, somewhat impatiently, in preparation for this odd mission, which involved something supernatural, or perhaps not.

"Sorry to keep you waiting! My boyfriend caught a look at me changing, and... well, you know how it is.~"

His voice is quite feminine, perhaps a little ditzy. Risi's smile hopefully shows the appropriate amount of remorse for having left her waiting on him for the start of the mission, but he seems ready to go right now, at least.

coded by pinn @ thq
307 words 2/15
Babs has written 113 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]Apr 12, 2024 4:33:29 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

Down elevation, nestled into the elbow of the Valley of Lightning two hours’ journey from Kumogakure proper, was the small village of Kotohira. Settled comfortably around the shore of the large lake that occupied the valley, Kotohira was one of Kumogakure’s closest and smallest neighbors: when it struggled, the shinobi village rallied to aid.

But proximity bred complacency: there was little significant risk, genin team leadership surmised, and so two capable and pragmatic young genin would be more than capable of calming a little local superstition on their own. What was the harm? With the two genin linked up despite Risi’s early-morning boyfriend-motivated delay, checking out with the gate guard would be a simple process, and the two could begin their journey.

Early morning mist swelled into a heavy fog that would grow thicker and denser the further down elevation the two genin traveled, rolling slow and opaque off the surface of the lake. Though the rain clouds overhead painted a picture of innocence, in the air was the distinct scent of ozone: a sure sign of a storm yet to come.

Approaching the village of Kotohira, the two genin would be greeted with an air of tension and fear that hung as thick as the fog that surrounded them. The main thoroughfare of the tiny village, a wide road that ran parallel to the lakeshore, was utterly deserted. Sandwiched by traditional-style houses and generations-old businesses, it was late enough in the morning now that sure the citizens of this town would be getting to the start of their collective day, but not a soul wandered the street. Even the docks were empty, tied-off boats creaking gently as they swayed on the surface of the lake.

Further investigation would reveal a small group of about five people that were gathered around a house tucked away off the main road, murmuring quietly amongst themselves as they tried to comfort a gently crying woman. One of the windows of the house was broken, shards of glass glittering on the ground outside. The sound of approaching footsteps, should the genin choose to approach, would net a few suspicious glances and a protective crowding around the weeping woman, as if to conceal her from the eyes of strangers.


tactician has written 544 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]Apr 12, 2024 9:11:11 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
[googlefont="Open Sans"]


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]As Risi's tardiness momentarily dissipated the morning calm, Matoi's violet eyes briefly betrayed a moment of confusion before settling into understanding at the other’s words. She listened as Risi explained his delay, the corners of her mouth twitching in what might have been amusement. After all, personal relationships were complex and demanding, elements Matoi often set aside in pursuing her duties as a shinobi.

"Well, we all encounter... distractions," Matoi replied, her voice even, betraying little of her thoughts. Her gaze shifted past Risi, lingering on the path toward Kotohira. "Let's make sure they don't further delay our mission. We have a village to reassure, and it seems the weather will soon be against us as well."

She nodded towards the thickening fog and the darkening clouds overhead, an unspoken urgency in her gesture. Together, they checked in with the gate guard—a brief exchange of formalities and mission details—and set off towards Kotohira.

The journey down the valley was silent, save for the occasional sound of wildlife and the rustle of leaves stirred by the wind. Matoi kept a brisk pace, her eyes scanning the surroundings with practiced caution. As they neared the village, the enveloping fog seemed to thicken, casting a spectral pall over the landscape. The deserted streets of Kotohira struck a stark contrast to the usual bustle expected at this hour, and Matoi's alertness intensified.

Approaching the small gathering of villagers, Matoi's instincts as a protector kicked in. She exchanged a look with Risi, a silent communication about their approach. They needed to tread carefully - these people were clearly shaken, possibly scared of more than just superstitions.

"Let’s approach with respect and understanding," she murmured to Risi as they neared the crowd. "Our presence should offer solace, not add to their fear."

With that, Matoi stepped forward, her expression composed, albeit partially hidden by her mask, and her voice gentle but clear. "Hello," she called out to the villagers, her hands visible and open to show she meant no harm. "We're here to help. Can someone tell us what happened?"


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


lorem ipsum


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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apalooka has written 155 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]Apr 12, 2024 9:29:20 GMT -5
A crow pretends to be a cormorant and dives.
risi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday October 31st 1003 rank Adv. Genin occupation

Risi gives Matoi a bit of an embarrassed smile as she pokes fun a little at his "distraction", although it's a bit more shaming to be suggested that they might encounter other distractions during the mission. The ravenette boy didn't think that was likely; he was quite loyal, as was Yamatsu, and so it was highly unlikely that there would be anything to impose such an intrusion on this mission.

The change in the environment might have made most people feel that something actually supernatural was afoot; the darkening weather and the barometric pressure making hairs stand on end was a common superstitious origin for a belief in the presence of spirits. Risi himself didn't put much stock in such ideas, especially since his corvid eyes made seeing in even low light or darkness much easier. The ravens were restless, he could see, but he could also tell that they were restless because they didn't much like rain, especially if they didn't have any particularly good shelter. Their approach to Kotohira, while wordless between the two, was interspersed with an occasional caw of recognition from a few of the crows that knew Risi by sight.

Risi at least seems as aware of the nearly palpable tension in the air as Matoi is, the emotionally charged atmosphere feeling almost like a real physical pressure against himself. A quick glance with Matoi is all it takes to make it clear for each of them that they're both aware of the same sensations and an understanding of the situation. The dark-haired ninja brings his scythe up and drapes the shaft of it over his shoulders, with the blade pointed to the ground while his hands rest lightly on top of the metal bar. In such a position, Risi is still capable of quickly bringing the weapon to bear, but it still gives the appearance of one unprepared for violence, a somewhat meek mien.

He allows Matoi to take the lead on talking to these people, keeping a bit further back so he can both keep an eye on her and the environment around them. The mission document had been light on details, likely because it was actually an unresolved mystery, and an unknown had the capacity for danger. This meant that vigilance was also very important, as was at least an appearance of compassion. Appearances were what Risi did best, at least. While Matoi offered aid, Risi himself gave the people a sympathetic smile to show that he also meant them no harm and offered only aid.

coded by pinn @ thq
Babs has written 113 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]Apr 13, 2024 4:25:24 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

Matoi approached while Risi held back, but it was clear in both their body language that they intended no ill will—and after the group had gotten a good look at the pair of them, and more importantly the hitai-ate each of the genin wore, there was a visible release of some of the tension.

One of the men gave the weeping woman a comforting pat on the shoulder before breaking off from the group to speak to Matoi; he was accompanied by an older woman. He introduced himself as Hodaka, while the older woman’s name was Ami.

"Thank you for coming,” Ami said to the pair. "It’s comforting to know that Kumogakure is taking this seriously. Kiso’s house was broken into last night—”

"Pah!” Hodaka scoffed, his arms folding across his chest. "Broken into. That’s a crock of shit and you know it—”

"—what I know is that I’m tired of you kicking up a fuss about ghosts and ghouls and scaring everyone half to death,” Ami hissed, careful to keep her voice low. "Ghosts don’t break windows.”

Hodaka grumbled, but fell silent. Ami sighed.

"I’m sorry,” she said to Matoi, her gaze flicking briefly over to Risi. "This town’s a bunch of superstitious folk, and with so many things happening all close together like this it’s gotten everyone all worked up. Someone broke into Kiso’s house, stole some nice little trinkets she had displayed, and hoofed it out the window when Kiso’s baby heard a noise and woke up crying. Way I see it, someone in town’s taken to thieving, and it’s not more complicated than that.”

"Why’s it only when the fog comes, then?” Hodaka demanded. "What’s the noises that happen at night? That boy by the butcher who woke up with scratches on his arms and no memory of what happened?”

"Fog’s good cover for a runaway thief,” Ami insisted. "Animals howl at night. People get injured without realizing all the time. You’re making this into something it’s not, Hodaka.”

"It’s gonna happen again tonight,”
Hodaka said. "The fog’s heavy, there’s no doubt in my mind.” He jabbed a finger in Risi’s direction, then in Matoi’s. "You girls are here to help? Keep watch tonight. See that I’m right, and put these damn spirits to rest.”

He turned and stomped back to the house, began cleaning up the glass outside the broken window, muttering something about closing it up to keep the draft out for the baby’s sake.

"If the trend holds, something will happen tonight,” Ami said, somewhat begrudgingly. "But I’m sure it’s just a common thief—nothing you two won’t be able to handle, if you’re willing.”

If they were willing, then the task ahead of them was clear: it was to be a stakeout. Whether they wanted to spend their time setting up a vantage point, questioning the villagers, or making preparations to set a trap for ghosts, ghouls, or common thieves—that was up to them.


tactician has written 544 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]Apr 14, 2024 1:38:55 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
[googlefont="Open Sans"]


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi listened intently as Ami and Hodaka presented their conflicting interpretations of the situation, her mask making her face unreadable, her eyes however, sharp and assessing. She understood that in small villages like Kotohira, the line between superstition and reality often blurred, especially under the cloak of a mysterious fog and unexplained incidents. It was her duty to sift through the fear and uncover the truth.

"Well, it appears we have our work cut out for us," Matoi acknowledged, turning slightly to include Risi in the conversation. Her tone was calm, measured, yet beneath it lay a readiness to spring into action.

She glanced towards the settling fog, a visual echo of the uncertainty that clouded the village's peace. Turning back to Ami, she continued, "Do you think Kiso would mind us looking around their house? Understanding the scene of the incident might give us insights into whether this was indeed the work of a mere thief."

Matoi's suggestion to survey the site was practical - a shinobi’s assessment of the terrain and any residual clues could prove crucial. As she spoke, her eyes never stopped moving, taking in the environment, the villagers, the nuances of their body language. She was trying to formulate a plan, a way to protect these people and restore their sense of security.

"Tonight, we'll watch over Kotohira," she assured Ami, her voice a blend of resolve and reassurance. "Whether we're dealing with a thief or something... less tangible, we'll get to the bottom of this."

She glanced back at her partner, leaving room for Risi to add his thoughts or suggestions. Matoi knew that the strength of their partnership could determine the outcome of this mysterious affair. They were probably in for a long night, and she would appreciate any insight that the other shinobi could offer into their predicament to make things run smoother.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


lorem ipsum


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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apalooka has written 155 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]Apr 15, 2024 14:45:08 GMT -5
A crow pretends to be a cormorant and dives.
risi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday October 31st 1003 rank Adv. Genin occupation

The other Genin similarly listens intently to the story that he hears between the two elderly folks, recognizing that one is a bit superstitious while the other is more firmly of an evidence-based position. It might have been a bit humorous, if their argument wasn't given a backdrop chorus of the woman crying. Meanwhile, his eyes searched over the situation, the broken glass from the window. Compared to the size of the window, there was certainly less glass on the outside of the house than one might expect, which meant the majority of the glass had fallen inside. This made more sense for a break-in, after all.

It takes a bit of control to not smile when he's called a woman by the townsperson; after all, how are they supposed to know when he dresses and acts so feminine? But the message is clear; they're expecting more to happen tonight as well, and that means they're going to need to go through a stakeout to try and see who they can catch. Matoi's suggestion of watching over the village elicits a goofy-looking salute from the boy, combined with a similarly goofy smile on his red-painted lips.

"You got it, boss!~"

With his agreement made clear, he points uses his previously saluting hand to point over to the local watchtower, which had apparently been abandoned for the moment, thanks to all the apparent supernatural activity. Or perhaps the pay hadn't been good enough for him, and the position had remained unfilled because of the supposedly supernatural events.

"That should have a pretty good vantage point to the majority of the village, I figure we can keep a close eye from up there without being seen too easily."

He gives Matoi another smile at his own suggestion, returning his hand to his scythe so he can keep it firmly in place over his shoulders.

coded by pinn @ thq
Babs has written 113 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]May 2, 2024 3:21:39 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

"I’m sure she won’t mind,” Ami was quick to agree. "And thanks again for helping.”

Ami led both Matoi and Risi over to the crying woman, Kiso, introducing them all briefly before asking for her permission for the two shinobi to investigate the house. Kiso nodded miserably, waving them inside.

Upon entering the house, it became clear that Risi’s observation was only partially correct: there was less glass on the outside than one would expect, but not because the majority had fallen inside. Instead, it looked as though it had been blown far and wide outside of the window frame, with some shards landing as far as five or six meters away from the window itself—certainly strange for anyone just breaking a window out to make their escape. The concentration of glass below the exterior window was minimal only because it had spread so wide.

The house itself was in less disarray than one would expect. Drawers were left open, a trunk had clearly been pawed through, but there was nothing else broken; to Matoi and Risi’s eyes this would be clear evidence of a stealthy break-in, conducted as non-disruptively as possible. The baby’s crib was completely undisturbed. Most notably, it seemed, was that papers and cloth were strewn about everywhere, as if an especially strong gust of wind had swept through and knocked everything to the floor.

[If there’s anything specific you’re searching for, I can include it in the next post.]

Once their investigation was concluded, they could ascend the abandoned watchtower. If asked, Ami would begrudgingly admit that the folks who normally stood duty were too frightened to do so now due to the rumors of supernatural activity; they feared getting haunted or possessed, or targeted next in these mysterious events. She thought it was all quite silly, but the fact remained that no one was willing to stand watch overnight outside of the relative safety of their homes, with their families.

Dusk fell. The sky was dark with a waning moon, only the barest crescent of light shining from overhead; the fog rolled in thick and heavy from the lakeside, blanketing the town in a layer of what looked like dense clouds.

It was midnight exactly when a figure materialized in the mist.

It was hard to tell exactly what size it was from atop the watchtower. It looked vaguely humanoid, but it would be difficult to distinguish any notable features, sort of blob-shaped. It moved with surprising speed, appearing to float from a side street, past the watch tower, and in the direction of the blacksmith down the road from where Risi and Matoi were stationed.


tactician has written 544 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]May 3, 2024 1:06:29 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
[googlefont="Open Sans"]


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi observed the strange phenomena inside Kiso's house with skepticism and curiosity. The shattered glass and disorder pattern suggested more than a simple burglary. As she moved through the space, her steps were methodical, her senses sharpened by the ambiguity of the clues.

She noticed the details that didn't quite align with a typical theft - papers and fabrics strewn about, yet no windows other than the broken one were open to allow such a draft. The crib's untouched state hinted at a thief - knowing exactly what they were after, or perhaps being particularly careful not to disturb a sleeping child.

"Risi," Matoi called softly, ensuring her voice wouldn't carry beyond the walls of the small house. "Notice the spread of the glass? It's unusually wide for a break-in. And things are just blown about, not much is broken into. Maybe the intruder wasn't here for valuables...or at least, not ordinary ones."

It definitely was a conundrum, and not one that Matoi could really parse out. Dammit, she was a ninja, not a detective. She had no clue what kind of thing a thief would want from a small house with a baby, and why did they appear to have left out the window so forcefully?

As the evening approached, she made her way to the watchtower. Matoi's eyes scanned the village as darkness enveloped it, the fog adding a ghostly veneer to the setting. She positioned herself where she could oversee the main pathways, particularly the areas mentioned in the villagers' stories.

The hours ticked by slowly, the silence punctuated only by the occasional sound of wildlife and water lapping against the lakeshore. Then, at midnight, the figure appeared.

Matoi tensed. The figure’s movements were fluid, almost ethereal. Its path seemed deliberate, heading towards a location that could hold some significance it understood, but they did not.

She made eye contact with Risi and nodded, trying to voicelessly communicate her desire to follow. She put a finger against her lips to indicate she wanted to be quiet about it and then softly hopped over the watchtower's guard rail, using wall walking to quickly descend and hop onto a nearby building's roof as quietly as possible. She cast a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure that her partner was following.

Matoi’s mind raced with possibilities. Was this the source of the village’s unrest, a mere specter formed from collective fears, or something more tangible, with motives yet to be unveiled? Small sparks of lavender lightning danced along her fingers, ready for whatever they might discover in the heart of Kotohira’s misty night.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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apalooka has written 155 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]May 3, 2024 10:17:42 GMT -5
A crow pretends to be a cormorant and dives.
risi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday October 31st 1003 rank Adv. Genin occupation

Risi pauses when Matoi brings his attention to the fact that the glass seems to be more spread out, rather than only in front of the window. It suggested to him a great deal of force was used to break the window from the inside, and that makes him even more suspicious. It couldn't have been an explosion, either, since nobody mentioned hearing any particularly loud noises, and an explosion that knocked broken glass so far from the window would have absolutely made quite a loud boom. It was getting more and more curious by the minute as he explored it from multiple angles. The other ninja also brings up that while objects are strewn about, it doesn't look like a typical rifling through, which brings up multiple possibilities. He doesn't go through them just yet, since they're still in front of multiple suspects that might have been the culprit of the crime, and the last thing he wanted to do was tip them off where they might overhear his thinking. Instead, the pretty boy simply shrugs.

"Yeah, it's weird, but whaddya expect? They were interrupted in the middle of their thieving, so they only got through stealing a few things that were already out..."

He keeps his actual suspicions hidden until they're alone in the guard tower, and he finally lays out some of the possibilities he's considering now.

"So, assuming it's not the mother, which it might still be, the way the glass is shattered from the window, it wasn't the entrance for the criminal. It wasn't their escape route, either, I think, since they didn't even need to break anything to get inside. So perhaps the broken window is a distraction, or something else... As for the small trinkets being stolen and not much else being touched, those trinkets were targeted. Why? Without having them in hand, I have no clue, but our culprit knew where they were and went straight to them. They didn't commit violence on the baby or the mother in order to continue their robbery, so although they might be a thief, they're not willing to commit more violent acts."

Risi sighs as he leans back a little from the watching perch, dragging his fingers through his long silky hair with frustration.

"Lots of questions, plenty of clues, and very few answers."

Some movement seems to attract Matoi's attention late at night, however, and Risi himself leans in closer to see what she sees, though likely more clearly thanks to his clan's specialized eyes. Something that struck some kind of nerve in him, a fearsome sight of something that was sort of human, but not quite. He grimaces at Matoi when she makes eye contact with him, but he knows it's their mission to catch this stranger, and that's what she clearly planned to do. While Risi is unable to match Matoi's wall climbing skill, he has a different idea. First, he summons his clan's own giant crow, the Yatagarasu, before silently leaping from the tower, outstretching his arms as he grabs the Karasu no Tsubasa's edges, allowing the gliding cape to extend outwards as he glides towards one of the small homes on the other side of the street from the strange blob-like figure, with Yatagarasu providing Risi with enough upward force to keep him from dropping too hard and fast. Thankfully, his scythe was attached to his back, so he wasn't without one of his tools when he finally lands on the rooftop of the other person's house with a footstep so quiet that he can tell that the family is going to stay asleep. Now, though, he watches.

coded by pinn @ thq
Babs has written 113 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]May 4, 2024 5:26:07 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

The two genin discussed theories, dissecting the evidence they’d gathered and the observations they made as they investigated the house, then later made their way up to the watchtower. The chaotic nature of the crime scene made it difficult to discern what, exactly, the perpetrator’s motive was, and why they had left such a mess behind.

Midnight struck. Matoi saw the figure first, but Risi’s keen Kyuumu eyesight could track the movement better. Both genin descended from the watchtower to the rooftops below, keeping a vertical plane of advantage on their target as they quietly followed the figure through the misty night hours. Risi’s avian vision would provide absolutely crucial detail that Matoi would be unable to discern through fog this thick—that the mysterious figure was in fact humanoid, and the blobbiness of its shape was due purely to a heavy white sheet that they wore over their head. They did appear to be truly floating a few centimeters off the ground, but it would be clear to Risi that the methodology would inherently have to be mundane, because this was truly just a person.

Speeding along with minute motions, almost as if skating on air, the sheeted figure arrived at the blacksmith’s door. They glanced around surreptitiously to check if anyone was watching; failing to notice the two genin and the giant bird on the roof and assured that they were alone, they pushed the workshop door open with a fair amount of effort—it wasn’t locked, but the hanging door was heavy, and the metal track it hung from squeaked painfully as it rolled to the side. The figure cringed, then ducked inside with renewed haste, apparently eager to escape the sound they’d inadvertently made.


tactician has written 544 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]May 4, 2024 23:13:37 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
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[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi, perched with precision on the edge of the rooftop, watched the figure slip into the blacksmith's workshop. The thick mist that enveloped the village seemed to dull the senses, but her focus was unyielding, her body tensed and ready for action. She glanced briefly toward Risi, nodding subtly to signal that they should proceed cautiously.

Silently, she moved from the rooftop, her body a shadow against the dense fog, her movements fluid and almost ethereal. Her approach was a calculated blend of stealth and speed, ensuring she remained undetected yet close enough to intervene if necessary.

Reaching the entrance of the blacksmith's workshop, Matoi paused, her keen ears straining to catch any sound from within. The faint scuffle of movement reached her, confirming the figure's presence inside. She signaled to Risi to flank the other side of the building, ensuring they could trap the intruder between them if they attempted to flee.

With a deep breath, she drew closer to the door, her hands ready to form seals should the need arise. Matoi's training as a shinobi had prepared her for moments like this—balancing the unknown with calculated risks and quickly adapting to the unfolding situation.

Peering through the slightly ajar door, she could see the figure moving stealthily among the blacksmith's tools and supplies. The white sheet obscured their features, but their cautious, deliberate movements suggested they were searching for something specific, something they deemed valuable enough to risk the eerie, mist-covered night.

Matoi waited for a sign from Risi, confirming his position. Once assured of his readiness, she gently pushed the door open, stepping into the dimly lit workshop.

"Stay where you are," Matoi's voice was calm, authoritative, resonating with confidence. "You have trespassed and stolen under the cover of night. We are here to ensure that ends now."

Matoi held her ground, ready for any sudden movements as sparks danced around her fingers, her eyes fixed on the intruder as she awaited their response. If they tried to run or attack, she was ready to shift into lightning form and run them down. The tension in the air was palpable, a stark contrast to the quiet night outside. Matoi was prepared for any outcome, her resolve steady.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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apalooka has written 155 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]May 8, 2024 15:53:21 GMT -5
A crow pretends to be a cormorant and dives.
risi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday October 31st 1003 rank Adv. Genin occupation

Risi's eyes afford him a little more information than the usual ninja would have had, thanks to the Kyuumu clan's specialized eyes gifted to them by the Yatagarasu. He's somewhat confused by the odd floating that they manage to do, but considering the fact that their "amorphous" appearance was nothing more than a plain sheet covering them, there had to be a conventional explanation for this oddity as well. When Matoi signals for him to flank the blacksmith's shop, he nods, then drops down to the ground before swiftly and silently slipping around to the back of the building, dropping below the windows to avoid himself being seen by the blacksmith or the intruder.

For just a moment, he's able to peek in through a window to see Matoi in the doorway and their target rifling through some tools and equipment. He raises a hand to the window swiftly and swings it across, which might be mistaken for a bird flitting past the window in the moonlight, but Matoi would likely be able to make out the shape of his hand even in the quick movement to let her know that he's in position and prepared to act. Risi himself takes his own preparatory movements, moving his scythe from where it's resting on his back so he can hold it with both hands, prepared to attack, or at least incapacitate, the target if they try to rush out the back window. He's also keeping a close eye on the inside of the building through the window, so he can react if the stranger tries to leave through another side of the building rather than giving up.

coded by pinn @ thq
Babs has written 113 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]May 29, 2024 3:07:19 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

As Matoi’s authoritative command reached the figure’s ears, they startled with an undignified shriek, flinching upright from where they had been hunched over a chest that stood wide open. A broken lock lay on the ground, and they appeared to be clutching something in one hand beneath the sheet that covered their—now extremely obviously mortal—form.

For a fraction of a second too long they froze in place—then, after some awkward shifting beneath the sheet, a powerful stream of wind erupted from the would-be spectre's mouth, blowing the sheet off their body and sending it flying directly at Matoi’s face. In flashes their identity was revealed, in part: not a ghost, but a young man, a teenager somewhere in between Risi and Matoi in age.

In the same moment that the sheet went flying, the boy turned on his heel and fled, skating rapidly a couple of centimeters over the surface of the ground, his motions fluid and frictionless. He made his escape out the back window, the closest exit he had to hand, protecting his face from shattering glass with the burlap sack of ill-gotten goods he clutched in one hand…

… and landing smack in the middle of Risi’s preparations, cornered and caught between the two genin. Matoi was surely shortly behind him, crackling with electric power, while Risi’s reaper-like visage, taller than him and intimidating in the pale moonlight and heavy fog, made the boy grow nearly as pale as the sheet he’d been wearing. He dropped the bag with a clatter of metal and lifted his hands in surrender, cowering on his knees.

"Please don’t kill me,” he begged, "I was just—havin’ a bit of fun—didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt, I swear—”

It would be clear to both Risi and Matoi that the boy had no small talent with fuuton—though it was equally clear that he was not a Kumogakure shinobi, or even truly a trained shinobi at all. With the ghost apprehended and his modus operandi exposed, all that was left was for the two genin to render their judgment, and administer whatever justice they saw fit.


tactician has written 544 posts