Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]

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Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]Jun 5, 2024 1:10:25 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
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Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
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[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi swiftly followed the fleeing boy, turning her form into a blur of lightning as she easily kept pace with him. She arrived just in time to see him cornered by Risi, the boy's fear palpable in the fog. As she arrived behind them, her crackling electric aura cast eerie shadows around them, adding to the tension of the moment.

Matoi quickly assessed the situation. The boy was clearly no real threat, his bravado and tricks crumbling in the face of true shinobi. His plea for mercy tugged at her heartstrings. Though he had caused trouble, it was evident that his actions stemmed from immaturity and a desire for mischief rather than malice. Just a kid being a kid.

She approached him, the sparks of violet dimming as she reformed her shape. Her voice was firm but not unkind. "You’ve caused a lot of fear and unrest in this village," she said, her gaze steady on the boy. "It doesn't matter what you meant, people were scared and property was damaged."

She exchanged a look with Risi. "You need to face the consequences of your actions," she stated, her tone leaving no room for argument. "But we are not here to harm you. Instead, we will take you to the authorities. They will decide on an appropriate punishment."

Turning to Risi, she added, "Let's secure him and make our way back to the village. The sooner we get him to the authorities, the sooner Kotohira can have some peace."

As they began their journey back, she couldn't help but consider the boy’s potential. He clearly had some talent, even if it was misdirected. Perhaps, in time, he could learn to use his abilities for better purposes.

Matoi made a mental note to suggest to the authorities that the boy be given a chance to learn and reform, possibly through training at the Shinobi Academy. It would be a fitting way for him to atone for his mischief and grow into a more responsible individual.

As they walked towards the village square to await for the morning, Matoi's mind was already on their next steps and the potential for a new beginning for the young boy.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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apalooka has written 155 posts
Ghosts in the Night | Mission [Risi]Jun 5, 2024 13:27:20 GMT -5
A crow pretends to be a cormorant and dives.
risi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday October 31st 1003 rank Adv. Genin occupation

Risi frowns as the boy he'd managed to corner cowers before him, having witnessed his ability to use ninjutsu, though clearly at a more reflexive nature than an actual ninja, showing that he wasn't particularly educated in the use of chakra, but had somehow learned enough to make some clandestine use of Fuuton chakra. This was dangerous for a mere civilian, so he wasn't sure exactly what the appropriate end might be. Killing him was out of the question, it wasn't something that two Genin could decide on, but Matoi suggests that they take him to the authorities so they can determine a punishment appropriate for the damage he's done.

Risi is relieved that at last their job is done, and he turns his red eyes towards the boy, giving him a glare that places him under a firm Genjutsu, locking his body in place with the power of the illusion placed over him, though the cost of the jutsu is draining on Risi's own chakra reserves. At least it's the only technique he's actually used for this mission, and it doesn't seem like he'll need to make use of any others until they've brought him to the authorities. He lifts the boy across his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, carrying him with some difficulty out from behind the house and following Matoi's lead to get back to the village.

"Urgh. He's heavier than he looks..."

Of course, it didn't help that Risi had never really focused particularly much on his physicality, at least no more than enough to keep himself fit and thin. After setting him down at the village square, he uses the sheet that the boy had previously been using as a disguise to tie his wrists and his ankles together behind his back, ensuring that he wouldn't be able to shrug his way out of the bindings or use his hands to loosen the knots before he's satisfied enough to let the illusion he'd placed on the other boy fizzle out and return him to a state of comparatively free movement, though most of his possible movement is just moving his head and trying to get himself into a more comfortable position on the ground.

"Mission accomplished.~"

coded by pinn @ thq

Babs has written 113 posts