Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)

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Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 7, 2024 10:20:03 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
She's honestly a bit surprised when he suddenly grabs her hand, but she could see that he was inspecting it, not trying to do anything untoward. And besides that, she'd been quite informal for the entire exchange and teaching moments with him, so it made sense in the context of their interactions already that he should feel comfortable simply doing something like this without even asking. To her credit, she doesn't tug her hand away or anything like that, and just allows him to look her hand over for damage. Risuki herself could actually see that the knuckle dusters had gotten slightly scuffed from the abrasiveness of the wooden splintering, but her hand was practically unharmed, showing that she'd focused all of the force into the weapons covering her fingers.

The question about how long she's been training is met with a simple shrug.

"Eh, 'bout ten years now. That was split 'tween learnin' to punch, how to use Wind chakra, 'n' how to use my clan's kekkei genkai, so take that with a grain o' sand."

She can't help but to feel a bit of pride when she can see that she's clearly had an effect on the younger ninja, and when he states that he'll someday become the one reducing dummies to rubble, she tugs the knuckle duster off her left hand so she can reach over and lightly jostle his white hair, just like a big sister would do to her little bro. She could see someone thinking they might be distantly related, at least due to their skin tones, but she did feel like he was somewhat like a little brother to her, partly because of the differences in their age, as well as the major difference in skill, at least in pure Taijutsu.

"No doubt about that one! I'll be keepin' an eye on you."

Risuki gives him another wink before she remembers that he might not actually think of her as a big sister, despite how she treats him, but it's too late now.

"Anyways. What's yer fighting style that ya can keep people away usually?"
last edit by Karamatta Risuki on Jun 7, 2024 10:26:16 GMT -5
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 7, 2024 10:36:01 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

Ten years....That was how long it took her, and that was with other training mixed in with it. She was definitely Chunin level at the least, which meant that he had a long ways to go. First he would have to catch up to her, and then surpass her, as all these thoughts were going on in his head, she reached over, and ruffled his hair, and he frowned like a grumpy cat at the notion. Not that his hair wasn't wild already, but still. It felt like something Big Sis would do to him, and when she retracted her hand he would shake his hair back into it's usual state.

Upon the question of his fighting style he just smiled at her, giving his own lopsided grin, but he figured it was only fair to show her since she had shown him.

"Ah that's easy enough stand back." He expressed to her, and he took the large scroll off his back, and unraveled it. Using the Generic Sealing Method he would release the contents kept within the seal, and soon a dense cloud of Iron Sand would revolve around him glinting against the sun. It was ankle deep, and the cloud extended outwards to ten meters. Holding up his hand some of it would pool into his hand taking on various small shapes.

"With the help of this, I can make it hard for anyone to get close enough to punch, it's a pretty versatile ability, but I'm sure you know all about it." Like her he felt a certain pride in the abilities that he had honed since he was young, and it showed as he manipulated the fine grains of Iron Sand around him like a puppeteer without strings.

Solo has written 85 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 7, 2024 10:47:03 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Risuki raises an eyebrow when he asks her to stand back so he could show what he can do, but she does it anyway; after all, he knew his own skills better than she did, and she thought it best to take his advice on what his own skills were. She feels a bit of surprise when he pulls a great deal of iron sand out of the scroll he'd apparently been using to contain such a huge cloud of the stuff, and she's glad she'd agreed to take a few paces away from him. She racks her brain a bit, then realizes she knows where she'd seen similar abilities before; the Kazekage was also capable of using metallic sand in just such a way, she was sure. Her eyebrows raise at this realization that he's from the same clan as the Kazekage himself, and wonders momentarily if he's also directly related to the rather... flirtatious village leader.

Of course, as informal as Risuki is, she's not nearly so tactless as to ask him outright, or even surreptitiously. If he was related to the Kazekage, most people wore it as a bit of pride for themselves on their "lineage", but this Asahi boy seemed to at least have a little humility, as he'd even chosen to learn how to punch from her.

"Oh yeah, it's versatile all right."

Now it makes sense to her when before he'd said that he was usually trying to keep enemies at a distance with his fighting style; the iron sand could definitely keep enemies at bay, although she's certain there's some limitations to the ability to control such a large amount of small particles. She's not exactly sure what the weaknesses or limitations are, since that's nowhere near her concern, and she'd never really thought about it before, but she redoubles her mentality that he's going to need to learn how to fight up-close as well. A focus on any one particular form of combat was a weakness, this she knew well.

"Jus' keep in mind, ya might not always be able to keep people at bay with it. So close quarters combat ain't a bad thing to learn."
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 7, 2024 11:00:20 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

After he showed her a bit, he placed his hand back on the scroll, and reapplied the seal sucking all the Iron Sand back up like a vacuum cleaner, and then he placed it back on it's holster across his back. Of course he had no idea what she was thinking, but at her insistence of him still learning close combat fighting he nodded to her.

"Don't worry I'll work hard in case someone manages to get through....With my fighting style people will underestimate my ability to fight at close range. I'll be able to take them off guard if they make that mistake." Of course he wanted to get as strong as possible before the next set of Chunin Exams as well. So he would have to learn a lot of different techniques from not only his clan, but other sources as well.

"I was curious, why did you decide to become a ninja?" For him it was a standard question, everytime he met someone new he asked them why they did the thing they chose. Why did this fishermen become a fishermen, why a smith became a smith. They all had unique answers, and so he was curious about hers. Everyone had a reason for doing what they were doing, for some it was passion, others because their parents before them did it. Others because they had a dream they wanted to achieve, and that was the only way to get to it.

"Though if you don't wanna say that's okay too, I just like to know why people do the things they do. Since you trained for ten years you said I'm guessing you really wanted to become a ninja." He understood that you didn't dedicate that much of your life to something without conviction.
Solo has written 85 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 7, 2024 11:10:18 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Risuki feels happy with his answer that he'd continue to learn more about other fighting styles, particularly close combat, and that puts her mind at ease. She trusts him to do that, since he sounds like Asahi had put into his own words what she hoped he would understand was the point of teaching him a completely different fighting style. Then comes a rather interesting question to ask a stranger, to know why they had chosen the job they had. For a moment, Risuki reaches her right hand up to lightly touch the wolfdog pelt she wears across her shoulders like a cape, before she realizes it's a bit odd to do so when she's asked such a question. She decides on giving him the answer her clan had given her, an answer based on duty.

"Wouldn' be much of a peacekeeper if I couldn't fight. And the fastest and most effective method of learnin' to be great at combat is to become a ninja and increase in rank. It's my job to protect the village and my clan, so I had to be a ninja, it's my duty."

She wonders if he was the type to laugh at a word like "duty", but decided he probably wasn't. As young as he was, she didn't strike him as the type to have such a crude and sophomoric sense of humor. In any case, now it was her turn to flip it around on him and give him the same question in return. It was only fair, and if he wanted to ask her why she became a ninja, maybe it was because he wanted to tell her about why he'd done the same. Risuki had learned a little about how people think, though it was at best a surface-level understanding of such a topic.

"But now you gotta answer the question, yerself. Why'd you become a ninja, then?"
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 7, 2024 11:41:16 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

Oh that made sense to him he supposed. She wanted to protect the village, and her clan, so she had to get strong enough to do those things which wasn't all that dissimilar to his own goals. Maybe they were more alike than he initially thought, but of course came the same question directed right back at him, and he just smiled brightly at her.

"Ah well it's sorta like your own reason, I want to get strong enough, so strong that my name, and words can quell violence before it even happens. Just like the two Kazekage that I admire the most. With their words they built the foundation of Sunagakure, and I'd like to create a world that doesn't have to have so much bloodshed in it." Though perhaps that was a strange ideal for a ninja to have, it wouldn't be the first time people made fun of him for wanting that, and he doubted it'd be the last. Though that never deterred him before.

If he was related to the two best Kazekage then he would have to live up to those expectations, and then exceed them. That was what he wanted deep down, and no matter how many laughed at him, he'd see it through.

He still had a long ways to go though to make that dream a reality.

Solo has written 85 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 7, 2024 11:59:08 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Risuki is somewhat surprised to hear Asahi's reasoning for becoming a ninja, and while she finds it a bit idealistic, she has to admit that it's a noble goal, even if seemingly unattainable, from her own point of view. She felt there would always be bad actors, and that was just part of human nature. At least she didn't think it was the only part of human nature, but she also didn't think that it would be all that realistic to quell violence before it happens every time. Her job was to focus on reacting to the danger, after all. Trying to prevent that in the first place was far above what she thought possible, but she wasn't about to fully dissuade him of this ideal that he so clearly wanted to pursue.

"Dunno 'bout all that. But if you think you can, don't let me tell ya otherwise. Ya do gotta keep in mind, though, that those Kazekage had a lot o' power behind 'em when they used those words to broker peace. Peace through words is possible, but that don't mean the words don't have the power of violence behind 'em."

After giving him this bit of rare wisdom from the normally punch-happy Genin, she stretches and yawns, causing her back to pop in a few places after arching her back to stretch herself out.

"Anyways, this has been a real interestin' yap session, but I'm done trainin' for a while, least for my Taijutsu. 'N' I'm not allowed to practice my clan's kekkei genkai techniques in public, on account of the techniques being so secret. But hey, we can train some more on a different day, right?"

She gives him a smile, letting him know that she wasn't dismissing him completely, but also that she wasn't about to continue the conversation much longer. She really did have to go, even if Risuki wasn't usually much for training with the rest of the Karamatta clan.
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 7, 2024 12:55:49 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

There was a sense of disappointment when she said that they basically had to part ways, but he understood. His Kekkai Genkai was different, showing her his ability to manipulate Iron Sand wouldn't give anything away, but if he went further than that, then he could get into hot water with the rest of his clan. He'd get an earfull or even worse, and that wouldn't be fun for him to deal with, so he nodded despite being a tad sad they wouldn't get to hang out more today, but he needed to train as well.

"That makes sense, but sure I wouldn't mind training with you again! If you see me around don't be scared to say hi!" Not wanting to take up more of her time he would quickly leap up to the top of a nearby roof, and then with a speed befitting a ninja he would vanish. Though the lady had made quite the impact on him, deep down he knew that he couldn't tell anyone of his meeting with her today because if he did his family would relentlessly question him, and tease him. That had to be avoided at all costs, but a new goal had crept into his mind on this day.

Even if she didn't know it, he was going to get her to acknowledge him one day, and then it would play out just like a fairytale or so he assumed. That would be nowhere close to how life would happen though.

Solo has written 85 posts