Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)

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Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 3, 2024 15:13:41 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

After finally shrugging off his duties, and telling his parents that he was going to go training for a while, which had the great effect of allowing him to escape any further lectures from his father. Asahi found himself in the village leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Today he was in his shinobi gear, his headband tied to the top part of his left bicep, across his back was a scroll that seemed far to large for him to carry. A holster pouch on his right thigh, and another on the back of his left thigh. Wearing his usual loose fitting tunic, and shorts he dashed through the village so that he could get in some training before the grounds were overtaken with other genin.

As he drew near the sounds of combat floated on the wind towards him, and gave him pause. Stopping a short distance away so that he could observe whoever might be there, he froze. She was dark toned like him with short red hair. Asahi didn't recognize her, not that he recognized many people, but it was clear that she was older than him. Heat rose to his face for a second before he mentally smacked himself out of it. Carefully he approached the woman training, observing her from a distance, wanting to see how she fought.

It was in his nature to want to see something new, and interesting. Everyone was so secretive about everything, that it starved his curiosity more often than not. At least civilians were more forthcoming with their professions. Still he wanted to know about this strange woman, and see her techniques, it wasn't often he got front row seats to another training.

Hopefully she wouldn't notice him, and if she did, he prayed that she wasn't the violent sort.

Solo has written 85 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 3, 2024 15:33:46 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Risuki is, for the moment, totally focused on the training she's doing, although she's quite an odd sight. While she might have normally been using Sota to help with her training, this time around, the wolfdog pelt was draped over her shoulders like a cape. Her short and straight red hair, worn in a bob style, is bouncing in time with her bouncy steps and shuffles, her turqoise eyes focused intently on the wood and straw dummy in front of her. While it might seem somewhat odd, she was still dressed in business casual attire, a loosely worn white shirt with bright green pulled up sleeves, showing off the musculature of her taut, firm forearms, baggy olive green slacks with Y-shaped suspenders, as well as light brown fingerless gloves. The boots she wears are particularly odd with their raised six inch heels. The Sunagakure headband shines in the sunlight, used like a belt around the waist of her pants and with the village symbol front and center.

For the moment, her fingerless gloves are overtaken by the pair of knuckle dusters she's also wearing, in addition to the Hung Gar rings at her wrists and ankles to provide her punches with even more power. Indeed, each strike is causing the training dummy to visibly shake and sway against the stand meant to keep it pointed upright, but which was beginning to splinter from the force of each strike she lands on the body of the dummy. As she strikes, her attacks come faster, with her hands and feet beginning to pick up a slightly greenish glow thanks to the Fuuton chakra she's building up as she trains. It was a little draining, but she was already sweating and had been training for quite some time already. Finally, she finishes with a backflip, as opposed to another straightforward punching attack, with her foot meeting the dummy's head where a person's chin would be, and finally the wood at the base seems to have had enough, tearing apart from the force of her backflipping kick and causing the dummy to launch skyward while Risuki lands.

"Hunh. Not bad..."

She looks up to watch the dummy starting its plummet to the ground, landing with a crash not far from some stranger white-haired boy she hadn't noticed watching her, and her turquoise eyes narrow in a show of suspicion at the apparent peeping tom.
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 4, 2024 10:00:29 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

He watched as each strike connected with the dummy, and he made mental notes of her techniques, and forms. While he could fight hand to hand if absolutely forced to, he was a ninjutsu specialist. So to him watching someone who was better at him was just as valuable an experience as training himself. She looked like a barbarian though, with a wolf-pelt, and knuckle dusters. More heat rose to his face, but he quickly shook it away as he observed. How many times had she practiced those punches, and that finishing move? His thoughts carried him away, that he didn't realize until several seconds after that she was now staring at him as if he was something that should be swatted away.

"Ahh wai-wait! It's not what it looks like! I wasn't spying on you I swear!"He held up his hands in surrender as he stepped out into the open giving her a full view of him. His loose fitting clothing swaying in the breeze as he stayed perfectly motionless not wanting to risk her potential. "I was just coming to train, and I heard someone else, and so instead of interrupting I just watched...." He explained to her with a nervous smile, realizing all to late that he had just described spying.

"But it wasn't the bad kind of watching, I promise! I uh just wanted to see what you could do, that's all!" He continued to explain with a metaphorical shovel in hand digging himself a deeper hole. Beads of sweat began to build up on his forehead, as he tried to think of any possible escape of this situation that wouldn't wind up with him looking exactly like the training dummy she had just been practicing on.

It all hinged on her willingness to believe him.

Solo has written 85 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 5, 2024 14:18:41 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
While Risuki had been suspicious at first, the boy's awkward explanation of his actions is, ironically enough, sufficient for her to believe that he had no real perverted intentions when it came to watching her train. Only a truly innocent person could accidentally make themselves sound suspicious; the truly guilty ones always had a much smoother explanation for what they were doing, usually far too smooth. Maybe she was a bit too trusting in her own gut reaction to him, but she hadn't been led astray by instinct yet, and at least this boy - no, teen - was also a member of the Sunagakure ninja forces, so she could put a little trust in him, at least.

"Well, if ya say so, kid. Jus' don't get too comfortable watching women secretly, yeah?"

She smirks a bit at the last sentence and even gives him a knowing wink before gesturing to him to approach her, curling a finger at him to get him to come to her. Risuki was also removing the slightly spiked knuckles from one of her hands, and after signalling him to come closer, she removes the knuckle duster from that hand as well, bouncing them in her other hand to make the metal clang against each other in the air in a little one-handed juggling motion.

"If yer really interested in learnin' more about the way I fight, yeh'll have an easier time learning by doin' than by just seein'. Yer body knows things yer mind doesn't, ya know?"

Her speech was somewhat more laid back than one might expect, given her tough appearance, but then she was from a clan that had been somewhat more removed from Sunagakure, and her skin showed it in its tan complexion. More "civilized" Sunagakure ninja had fairer skin, like the youngest of her teammates, who was still a bit green. Risuki herself had seen more outside the walls than she'd seen within Sunagakure, and so she was "less refined".
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 5, 2024 15:02:51 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

That wink did more damage to him than any Taijutsu, or Ninjutsu combined, and he did his best to keep the heat from rising to his face once more. Thankful that his skin was a darker complexion as she beckoned him over, and he slowly made his way over to her. Happy that they were finally about to talk, so he could ask her exactly how she was building up her chakra that way, and what other techniques she had. Of course he was also curious about the wolf pelt that she was wearing, but at her next set of words he stopped dead in his tracks.

What did she mean? Wait did she wanna spar him? There was a bit of panic in his face, and he looked back at the training dummy she had just shredded, and then over at himself. Of course he didn't mind sparring with her, she was right, but....Would his father get angry at him?

"I erm....I guess that's okay, but you're not gonna like maim me or anything like that dummy are you?" He sized her up quickly. She had more experience than him, he could tell that. How many enemies had she fought? How many missions had she completed? She had to at least be a Chunin level....All that knowledge that his father drilled into his skull for the past few years was paying dividends at the very least. "I erm just don't wanna hurt a fellow comrade, or really get hurt either....My mom would be annoying about it." He sighed knowing that everytime he showed up home with even the slightest bruise she fussed over him.

Of course he was grateful that his parents cared about him, but it got suffocating sometimes. Still he smiled brightly at the woman, and realized they hadn't introduced themselves to each other yet.

"Oh yeah, I'm Asahi nice to meetcha!" A bright smile on his lips.

Solo has written 85 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 5, 2024 15:14:43 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
One of her red eyebrows quirk upwards when he asks if he's going to get maimed like the dummy, not quite sure what he's getting at; she hadn't intended to try and spar with anyone, and certainly not someone that was clearly younger than her. As usual, her mouth gets started before her brain can catch up to what he must be thinking her intentions were as she starts to compare the size of his hands to the size of hers; they're oddly about the same, but then hands aren't too different between individuals, with the exception of some serious outliers on either end of the size spectrum.

"Why would ya get ma- Boy, I'm not gonna hit ya! Ya goofball!"

She was almost insulted that he'd thought she was going to teach him with a spar; she wasn't some kind of unthinking meathead that only thought that one could learn by simply striking someone. Then again, that was somewhat the persona that she seemed to be putting out for others to feel. She sighs and decides that maybe she should work on her people skills sometime, not that it mattered much if she was out on a mission that didn't involve some level of diplomacy; if she was put on such a mission, that would be a failing on whoever accepted her for such a mission, in any case.

Then the introductions start, and she's quick to respond to this Asahi boy's own acquaintances.

"Name's Risuki. Nice ta meetcha too."

She returns his smile with one of her own, then Risuki decides that she'd better let him know what her actual plan for training him was, or risk letting him get scared that she might consider sparring with him. As she explains, she starts fitting the knuckle dusters over his own fingers, making sure that they fit comfortably enough that they won't cause him too much damage when he punches with them.

"We're not gonna spar, I'm just gonna show you how ta punch. See? Nobody's gettin' hurt."
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 5, 2024 15:34:58 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

There was a pause as he let her words sink in. She was just going to teach him how to punch....Embarrassment was the first emotion he felt, but he quickly composed himself, there was no need to get all bothered over a simple misunderstanding. As the realization took hold he nodded to her, once again thankful that the blush would be hard to see on his dark complexion.

"Ah yeah right, I knew that." He said kicking the sand with his sandals a bit, and clasping his hands together. So her name was Risuki, that was nice. If she was going to go out of her way to teach him a bit of how she fought then he would absorb it all. When she took his hands, and started to fit the knuckle dusters over them he admired them for a bit. Already his brain was going over their design, how comfortable they were, and he was thinking up ways that he could utilize his own abilities to make variants.

"These are nice, what kind of metal are they made of do you know?" With his unique chakra affinity he could tell that they were at least ferromagnetic, so he could manipulate them if he desired. It was still interesting though, did she funnel her chakra through them earlier? "Are they chakra conductive?" His eyes lit up with excitement at the thought, already the peppering of questions was starting.

last edit by Oonakayama Asahi on Jun 5, 2024 15:35:24 GMT -5
Solo has written 85 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 5, 2024 15:43:41 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Risuki smirks as she hears him lie that he'd already known that she hadn't meant a spar, but just that she was going to teach him how to fight as she did. She knew what had scared him before, but the lie didn't matter so much to her, so she lets him think he got away with that attempt to save face. Instead of calling him out on it, she just responds to his other questions about the knuckle dusters, at least as well as she can, given she doesn't really know much about weapons or armor, other than what she knows about how to use some of the throwing weapons as well as simple weapons like the knuckle dusters.

"They're just plain ol' steel. And no, they aren't chakra conductive at all. I was using a specialized fightin' style to add Fuuton chakra to my fists; these knuckles are just for focusin' all that force into a smaller area. Puts a lotta stress on a smaller spot, so it deals more damage, get it?"

Then she guides him over to one of the training dummies that she hadn't just turned into firewood, stepping back to observe him herself.

"First off, show me how ya normally punch. Go through it like ya would if this training dummy was trying to beat you up. I gotta see what I'm workin' with before I give ya any pointers."

Then Risuki crosses her arms over her rather well-endowed chest, curious to see just how much he knows about close quarters combat, although if his stealth was as good as his Taijutsu, she knows she's in for a really long training session. At least they'll both learn something from this, probably. She'll learn how to teach someone else to fight, and he'll just plain learn how to fight in close quarters.
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 5, 2024 16:00:11 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

Don't look....

Don't stare....

You're training....

He was mentally trying to focus himself as she placed him in front of the training dummies, and basically told him to hit it. Already he hated where he was, this was not his forte at all. Medium to long range were his comfort zones, close range was fine if he had his Iron Sand out, and about, but right now he didn't. So he took a deep breath, it was going to be fine, just because he wasn't well versed in Taijutsu didn't mean he was totally helpless right?

So he pulled his fist back, there was no technique, no proper form at all, and punched the dummy as hard as he could. There was a satisfying thunk that resounded from the impact, but nothing more. It was passable for someone who wasn't a specialist of some kind, but it would be more than obvious to her that there was a long road ahead if there was going to be any progress made on his hand to hand skills.

"So how was that?" He asked turning around to face her, keeping his eyes glued to her face.

Self control was an important tool for a ninja, and whether it was thanks to his unique release, the hours of training, or maybe just wanting to impress a stranger. He had that in spades at this moment.

Solo has written 85 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 5, 2024 16:24:38 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Risuki watches with interest as he winds up, then continues to stare blankly at the clearly unfocused and untrained punch that he throws at the dummy, where his fist does indeed land on the dummy, but just bounces off of the wood with a loud noise without doing any significant damage to the training aid. It takes a great deal of self-control of her own to keep from laughing hard at what he seems to have thought was a great punch, but she barely manages to do enough that she was only smiling at him when he turns around to face her. The least she could do was be a bit more positive when he clearly knows absolutely nothing about fighting in close quarters.

But that doesn't mean she won't be honest with him.

"Well, it isn't the worst I've seen... You never punched anyone before, have ya?"

She approaches him now, which probably makes it even worse for him, but she's unaware of his attraction to her. Instead, when she notices that he's still looking at her, she reaches a hand up, puts it on top of his head and forcibly twists his head to face the training dummy again.

"Yer eyes don't leave the enemy 'til he's not breathin'."

With that bit of instruction done, she focuses on his feet first, using her own legs to nudge his feet into a much more stable position for at least punching, with one of his legs back a bit further than the other, about shoulder width apart, and she nudges the back of his knees slightly with her own to get him to bend the knees a little, ensuring that his legs aren't stiff boards with no give at all.

"Alright. Tighten up your stomach, too. Yer punches lack power, and your legs are more powerful than anything else, but ya gotta get the strength of yer legs up through yer body, so it needs ta be tight for that."
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 5, 2024 16:39:16 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

Ah she caught him, but he half expected that if he was being honest with himself. Normally he didn't like to let people get that close to him if it could be helped, but sometimes things didn't work out that way. It was a gap in his skillset, but still he nodded sheepishly.

"Er it's not that....I passed the academy after all, but my style of fighting doesn't usually allow opponents to get so close to me." He explained to her honestly. Still he thought he was about to get a pat on the head before she turned him around like some sort of screw, and then continued to talk to him.

So he absorbed it, he wasn't suppose to take his eyes off an enemy until they weren't breathing. There was a slight frown on his face, that sobered up his feelings slightly. Killing....Did he really have to kill? The Yondaime Kazekage didn't have to kill to get his way, he had managed to do so much with diplomacy. It was why he idolized the man, Asahi wanted to be the kind of person who could make others listen with just words alone. Though he didn't have the strength of a Kazekage.....He would one day though.

Then he was forcibly snapped back to reality at the feeling of her legs against his, and spreading his stance out. She was close, to close to him, and he stared so hard at the training dummy in front of him it should have burst into flames. Instead it stood there unscathed by his stares, mocking him like some cruel wooden god. Who did this training dummy think it was? Did it think it could just laugh at him.

So he tightened up his stomach as she said, and in a bit of a childish rage at the 'mocking' of the dummy, with her instruction he attempted to get the power of his legs up through his core, and into his arms with a twisting motion. He struck the dummy with far more power than before even managing to take a tiny chip of wood out of it. There was a dull ache in his knuckles to signify that his form still wasn't perfect.

"Erm was that better?"

Solo has written 85 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 6, 2024 10:46:04 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Risuki rolls her eyes when she hears how the tan young man suggests that his style of fighting doesn't usually "allow" opponents to get close. It was a good thing that she'd made sure to have him focus on the wooden training dummy, so he wouldn't be able to see her reaction. She felt that this kind of talk was more than a little arrogant, but he deserved to be given at least as much respect and he'd already shown to her, and so she was more than courteous enough not to also scoff at his words. Instead, she used a more gentle tone when she gives him some reproof of this idea that he could "allow" opponents to get close to him.

"Yer enemy is gonna be at least as smart as you, if they're not smarter than you. This means ya gotta plan for when they outsmart ya and end up in close range, if they decide to fight ya up close and personal like. And that means trainin' to at least punch the daylights outta them. Even if ya don't kill 'em, they wanna kill you, ya know?"

Risuki watches his next strike with some level of interest, and when she sees that he's managed to knock off a chunk of wood from the dummy, she nods approvingly, then realizes like before that he can't see her gesture of approval.

"Hell yeah. A lot better. Y'see how yer punch bit into the wood instead of bouncing right off? When ya punch good and firm like that, the dummy is the one taking all the heat, and yer transferring all the power into the dummy instead of letting yer hand take it all and bounce off."

The redhead can see that his arms are a bit low, and so she reaches down and taps the underside of his elbows to make his arms go up again, guiding his arms now into position so that his curled fists are in front of his face, with his left fist up higher and leaving room above his right fist so his eye can still see the dummy. Then she realizes with a start that her body is pressing into his back just a bit too firmly, and she quickly pulls herself off from his back.

"Now hit it with the other hand. Ya gotta know how to do it from either side!"
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 6, 2024 13:20:16 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

His enemies would try but he doesn't say that outloud. Much like how he doesn't know her capabilities, she doesn't know his. Instead he does his best to take in all the information that she is giving him. It was good advice, but he didn't know how much use it was to someone like him, when he would rather incapacitate, and make peace. Was he broken? It was a thought he had never entertained before now, but he keeps it to himself, and instead at her praise, he puffs out his chest a bit. Of course he had done a good job, if he was able to practice like this, there weren't many things that he couldn't pick up.

Then once again the gods are cruel to him, or perhaps too kind as she grabs his arms, and starts to position them into proper form. If they weren't similar heights perhaps it would've been worse, but he could feel something pressing against his back, and his face was red. He didn't dare to look back at her at all. Instead he just listened to her reasoning for wanting him to do it with his other hand.

"O-okay....I'll try...." he mumbled a bit, and then he drew his left arm back, twisted his body in a similar motion as he had done with the right side. Twisting his hips, and arm as he propelled his arm forward in the striking motion another chip of wood would be parted from the target as he had managed to deliver another decent punch. Though it was clumsy, and awkward since it was his less dominant half. Shaking his hand out as he grimaced a bit.

"That feels weird to do...." He complained a bit, but he looked at her with a curious tilt of his head. "Wait can you fight with both hands?" Intrigue covering his features suddenly.

Solo has written 85 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 6, 2024 14:57:48 GMT -5
Karamatta Risuki
"In the name of Sunagakure, I will punish you!"
Karamatta Risuki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday March 29th, 1001 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Risuki notices how his non-dominant hand hits more clumsily, and she crosses her arms with a look of disappointment, but it wasn't really unexpected that his off-hand was a little less accurate when he needs to punch with it. She lessens the look of disappointment as she sees him shaking his hand, and she reminds herself that he's using the knuckle dusters for the first time, and that he'd not seriously learned to punch with all of his body before. She gently reaches over and takes the knuckle dusters back from him, letting him watch as she pulls them on both of her hands. When he seems surprised that she can fight with both hands, she smiles at him, giving him a bit of a lopsided smirk before turning back to the wooden training dummy.

The taller, tan woman brings her left hand all the way back, extending her fingers as her arm is pulled as far back as she can get it, then curls her fingers and presses into the knuckle dusters as she brings her left fist forwards with all the weight of her body as well as the additional force created by her Hung Gar rings in order to smash through the entire training dummy in a single strike. Once she's turned the dummy to nothing more than matchwood, she turns back to the younger shinobi, dusting her button-up shirt with both hands. If the knuckle dusters or punching the wooden training dummy had caused her any pain as well, it didn't show in a single mark on her. Once all the wood dust is brushed off, she smirks at him again.

"Not bad fer punchin' southpaw, huh?"
Babs has written 67 posts
Encounters of the First Kind (Closed)Jun 7, 2024 10:07:12 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

He was staring...He probably shouldn't have been staring so intently, but when you witness someone do something incredible it was hard to not stare at all. She just obliterated the dummy with a single punch, and his mouth was hanging agape with a million questions foaming up to the surface of his brain. First he walked over to inspect the now destroyed dummy, and then he simply took her hand, and just looked it over looking for any signs of damage. Not aware that it was probably rude to just grab her hand like that, but at the moment his manners were gone. On her skin what he could see there didn't appear to be any damage to her, and so he just looked up at her, eyes shining with awe.

"How long have you trained? It must've taken a while...." He let his voice trail off as he began to take in stock. Asahi wanted to become strong enough so that he could be like the Yondaime Kazekage, so powerful that with words alone he could change the world. However seeing strength first hand put it into perspective for him that he still had a long ways to go before he could even attempt to measure up to him, not to mention his ancestor who helped found the village.

"You just wait, I'll practice! I might not be as good as you, but you'll see how strong I become." He puffed out his chest a little letting go of her hand finally. "Then I'll be the one reducing dummies to rubble." An easy going smile on his lips. It would take a series of steps for him to get as strong as he'd like too, but this would be step number one in his journey.

It had absolutely nothing to do with him wanting to show off to her eventually, nothing at all.

Solo has written 85 posts