Into the forest's maw [Mission]

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Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 15, 2024 11:34:18 GMT -5
Dodomeki Chitoku
I spy world champion
Dodomeki Chitoku Avatar
age 24 years old birthday rank Chunin occupation Wanker
[attr="class","butt-box2"]Ayane was sitting this one out. Another contract that suited her talents had caught her attention in Tori no Kuni. Chitoku would be traveling to Horitsu no Kuni to scout out job opportunities for them to take later, and this caravan was paying for his travel expenses.

The outfit afforded itself no carts. Instead, six Mishima cattle were strapped with loads of large scrolls on their sides and tethered together by rope. They walked in a single file line with one another, a handler to every two draught animals.

Chitoku recognized the scrolls the cows carried as containers for fuinjutsu. Such a scroll was tethered to his back, low enough not to cover the eyeballs on his neck so that he could keep an eye on those behind him. The tall many-eyed man had been assigned to the front of the travelers, following a beaten dirt path from the plains into the beginnings of the forestry.

The forest took them into its wooden moss-ridden teeth that rattled in the wind. The bur oak trees stood tall and shaded the way from the blaring afternoon sun that glowed through their leaves. The path would lead them further in and they would have to go through the belly of Moku no Kuni before they would arrive in the Law Country.

Aside from the civilians handling the cattle it seemed that a second guard had been brought along. One of the eyes on the side of his neck remained fixed on the young woman. He’d seen enough of the world not to trust other mercenaries that he didn’t know. Still, there was no need to be completely mum. Speaking often brought things to light.

"Have you traveled this road before?” he asked her, breaking the silence. It may have been unnerving as his face didn’t turn to hers, because there was no need for him to do so.

The mission had mentioned the dangers of wild animals and bandits. Being without his normal traveling companion was a bit worrisome, but hopefully this other guardian would prove to be capable when the time came.
The Onikuma Trail Mission (C-Rank)

I typically just like to write until a good story is written but if you want to pace it so that the mission ends when we hit the minimum post count just let me know.


From a young age Chitoku was implanted with preserved eyes of deceased clansmen all over his body. Coverage includes both his arms (5 on each arm), torso (9 eyes), and back (7 eyes) effectively granting him a 360 degree field of vision when his chest is uncovered and a plethora of eyes to use as visual triggers for certain genjutsu. When all but his arms are covered there are small pockets of the field which only fall into his peripheral vision.

This gift comes at a price, as he is more susceptible to seeing visual triggers himself or having the soft tissues of the eye damaged. In case of being blinded, covered eyes can be uncovered to provide sight as well, although the more eyes that are blinded or damaged the less coverage he has with line of sight.

Homicidal Medicine
Versed in traditional medicine including surgery, Chitoku can provide conventional first aid treatments to the wounded and practice medicine in general. Knowledge of the human body also grant him insights on vulnerable parts of anatomy and a deeper understanding of pain as well.

Exceptional Chakra Control
Compared to most shinobi of his grade, Chitoku's chakra control is exceptional. He is able to conserve a good deal of energy with his jutsu usage which allows him in turn to use more jutsu over time. His control is precise enough to channel complicated illusions and medical chakra as well.


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last edit by Dodomeki Chitoku on Jun 15, 2024 11:35:58 GMT -5
Dull has written 83 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 15, 2024 12:57:16 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

There are moments in time when she wonders just what might be hidden in the scrolls those cattle carry. Moments where she must remind herself to be still and act the part of an escort. Be all professional, or so it'd be described.[break][break]

"Mmm... more than once or twice?"[break][break]

Calm, collected. Absolutely not jumping at the sliver of conversation and potentially scaring them off. The cart rattles and shakes with each little bump in the road, the endless clattering serving as an adequate filler as she searches for her words.[break][break]

With a light yet awkward snap, snapping of her left fingers, her eyes flutter shut as she allows herself to sink into the faintest memories.[break][break]

"I'm at least familiar with the route."[break][break]

Enough to perhaps make a trek through the woods herself and emerge relatively unscathed. These woodlands may harbour some of the most dangerous creatures known to man, but when you boil things right down to their very essence, the only two reasons the wildlife would get you was either because you stepped into their territory or you looked like a tasty slice of meat.[break][break]

Avoiding said territories was as simple as keeping to the path. Avoiding looking like their next lunch? Not so much. But hey, that's where most tended to either travel with others, or begin debates with the wildlife as to why they wouldn't be filling.[break][break]

"What 'bout you?"


made by gimmick

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last edit by namikawa suisei on Jun 15, 2024 19:53:15 GMT -5
myriascope has written 124 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 15, 2024 23:25:32 GMT -5
Dodomeki Chitoku
I spy world champion
Dodomeki Chitoku Avatar
age 24 years old birthday rank Chunin occupation Wanker
[attr="class","butt-box2"]Chitoku’s gaze relaxed for a moment, looking past the silverette and into his memories.

"It has been awhile since I’ve walked on this path,” he admitted. "My friend and I were traveling in the lands to the east. We only returned to the west a few months ago. When we first turned to traveling, making this route kept us fed for a time. Work dried up in the winter and we moved on.”

Several of his eyes refocused on her, examining the scars she bore. Marks of experience (and perhaps opporitunity), which put him more at ease. Most of his gazes retreated back to looking over the foliage in search of figures lurking in the brush and shadows, though a single eye remained on her.

"You seem young, but it looks like you’ve seen a few harsh winters yourself. I dabble in iryo ninjutsu, so if you have any medical needs once we get out of danger, I offer services at an affordable price.”

Shilling. He knew fellow mercenaries would have coin to spend whenever they completed a mission, so planting the idea in their head was something he tried to do early into their introductions.

"Of course, any injuries you take during the trip are covered by the caravan. Anything else you might checked out though, I can give you a great deal!”


From a young age Chitoku was implanted with preserved eyes of deceased clansmen all over his body. Coverage includes both his arms (5 on each arm), torso (9 eyes), and back (7 eyes) effectively granting him a 360 degree field of vision when his chest is uncovered and a plethora of eyes to use as visual triggers for certain genjutsu. When all but his arms are covered there are small pockets of the field which only fall into his peripheral vision.

This gift comes at a price, as he is more susceptible to seeing visual triggers himself or having the soft tissues of the eye damaged. In case of being blinded, covered eyes can be uncovered to provide sight as well, although the more eyes that are blinded or damaged the less coverage he has with line of sight.

Homicidal Medicine
Versed in traditional medicine including surgery, Chitoku can provide conventional first aid treatments to the wounded and practice medicine in general. Knowledge of the human body also grant him insights on vulnerable parts of anatomy and a deeper understanding of pain as well.

Exceptional Chakra Control
Compared to most shinobi of his grade, Chitoku's chakra control is exceptional. He is able to conserve a good deal of energy with his jutsu usage which allows him in turn to use more jutsu over time. His control is precise enough to channel complicated illusions and medical chakra as well.


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last edit by Dodomeki Chitoku on Jun 15, 2024 23:26:01 GMT -5
Dull has written 83 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 16, 2024 4:37:11 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

East... West... Her fingers trace the air as he speaks of directions, almost as if sketching a map mid-air for her own visual clarity.[break][break]

"Did you two split up?" Curiosity finds itself woven in the web of thoughts. "Sounds like you've been travelling together for a while so... them not being here for this job and all?"[break][break]

Perhaps, it was just the winds of fate taking them their separate ways. Perhaps, she's accidentally stumbled across a sore topic and will wind up regretting her loose tongue. Perhaps, that is exactly why she feels that small shiver go down her spine. A premonition of what is to come.[break][break]

Gut feelings like these were probably why her mother often reminded her to watch her tongue.[break][break]

But she isn't here to tell you that, is she?[break][break]

Bitterness stains the tongue, but she swallows and shakes it off. There is a time and place to dwell on such things. This place evidently isn't it.[break][break]

"And uh... medical needs, huh?" Her hand rest upon each other, her left thumb gingerly tracing her right palm as she thinks on it. Money isn't that tight at present, but she most likely needs every single coin she can get if she wants to continue traveling across the land.[break][break]

Besides, it's been years. If time can't overturn this fate, could man?[break][break]

Nothing to lose by asking.[break][break]

"What's the worst injury you've ever treated?"


made by gimmick

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last edit by namikawa suisei on Jun 16, 2024 4:38:59 GMT -5
myriascope has written 124 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 17, 2024 11:46:17 GMT -5
Dodomeki Chitoku
I spy world champion
Dodomeki Chitoku Avatar
age 24 years old birthday rank Chunin occupation Wanker
[attr="class","butt-box2"]Thinking about Ayanne, now that they had gotten their revenge it was survival keeping them together. She was capable in her own right now, so to say he didn’t worry that she’d go her own way would be a lie.

"Nothing like that,” Chitoku said with a dismissing gesture. "It's easier to find work as a medic than a mercenary, so I usually scout contracts in other areas while she finishes some of the easier ones we have on her own. It reduces the risk that we run out of work and go broke.”

As they continued their trek the path became more overgrown with vegetation and harder to follow. The thickness of the foliage overhead cast great shadows on the road with only specks of light escaping through.

"I’ve done a few amputations, some casts, a lot of stitches, and I removed an appendix once,” he said while pointing at his own right abdomen. "My own actually, and damn that was awful. Wouldn’t recommend it. For more complicated stuff, I can usually at least diagnose it, and I don’t charge just to take a look unless I need to buy equipment.”

That was always his main draw, as most offices required a fee for even a diagnosis. He was too much of a novice and didn’t stay in one place long enough to have a reputation, so it helped him to drum up business.

About two-hundred meters down the path, a mound of leaves were piled on the trail. Chitoku began scanning around the area with scrutiny, but nothing threatening had yet fallen into his gaze.



From a young age Chitoku was implanted with preserved eyes of deceased clansmen all over his body. Coverage includes both his arms (5 on each arm), torso (9 eyes), and back (7 eyes) effectively granting him a 360 degree field of vision when his chest is uncovered and a plethora of eyes to use as visual triggers for certain genjutsu. When all but his arms are covered there are small pockets of the field which only fall into his peripheral vision.

This gift comes at a price, as he is more susceptible to seeing visual triggers himself or having the soft tissues of the eye damaged. In case of being blinded, covered eyes can be uncovered to provide sight as well, although the more eyes that are blinded or damaged the less coverage he has with line of sight.

Homicidal Medicine
Versed in traditional medicine including surgery, Chitoku can provide conventional first aid treatments to the wounded and practice medicine in general. Knowledge of the human body also grant him insights on vulnerable parts of anatomy and a deeper understanding of pain as well.

Exceptional Chakra Control
Compared to most shinobi of his grade, Chitoku's chakra control is exceptional. He is able to conserve a good deal of energy with his jutsu usage which allows him in turn to use more jutsu over time. His control is precise enough to channel complicated illusions and medical chakra as well.


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Dull has written 83 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 17, 2024 15:37:19 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

"Oh! That's smart! Twice the number of heads, twice the sources of income..." Nodding to herself, she wonders if she'd ever rope another in on her journey. Perhaps, it'd also bring about other benefits, like having a buddy to talk to, just like how she's talking to -[break][break]


Oh boy.[break][break]

"That's quite the record, huh?" It's promising. Her heart flutters, but she has to remind herself to temper her expectations. And also not overlook the fact that he's operated on himself.[break][break]

A blink. She's drawn from their chat and raises a brow at the leaf pile. A path well travelled would usually mean that pile shouldn't exist to begin with. Logically speaking, who even has enough time to gather all those leaves into the center of the road? Unless mother nature has oh so kindly decided to show one of her many miracles, it'd be wise to bet on the worst.[break][break]

"You wouldn't happen to know how to regrow limbs or the like, right?"[break][break]

Carry on for the moment, invite danger to their door. The thought of warning the caravaners does cross her mind for that fleeting moment. A worry for the poor, innocent cattle fuelling the thought. But inciting panic would honestly be the worst move here, especially if it turns out to be nothing but a false alarm.[break][break]

"Stuff like fixing nerves?"


made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 124 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 17, 2024 22:19:51 GMT -5
Dodomeki Chitoku
I spy world champion
Dodomeki Chitoku Avatar
age 24 years old birthday rank Chunin occupation Wanker
[attr="class","butt-box2"]"I’m afraid regrowing limbs is outside of my skill set. I've heard tales of doctors in shinobi villages with those talents, but I’m not sure I believe it myself. Nerve damage, it’d depend on if it is something the body could naturally heal with time or with a minor surgical procedure. I’d have to see what it is to say for sure.”

As they drew nearer, Chitoku squinted at the pile of leaves. If Ayane was here this was totally something that would be puppet duty, but in her absence he’d have to risk himself. He retrieved a large branch from the forest floor and used it to poke at the pile and move away some of the leaves.

Revealed beneath the pile there was a shallow pit with makeshift wooden spikes poking up out of the ground. Examining further for any mechanisms that might trigger a trap, the Dodomeki found none and bravely reached a hand forward to try to pull the spikes out of the ground. They were firmly anchored into the ground.

He looked at the terrain near the pile, it was uneven and littered with rough stones and overgrown brush. "I think someone wants to slow down our trip, unless any of you are well versed in doton we had best get this trap dug up. Or we could go around and risk the cattle getting injured from the rough terrain.”

The handlers rumbled amongst themselves in indecision. Each side arguing for and against the risk.

"Break the tie won’t you miss?” Chitoku asked the mercenary. "What do you think we should do?”


From a young age Chitoku was implanted with preserved eyes of deceased clansmen all over his body. Coverage includes both his arms (5 on each arm), torso (9 eyes), and back (7 eyes) effectively granting him a 360 degree field of vision when his chest is uncovered and a plethora of eyes to use as visual triggers for certain genjutsu. When all but his arms are covered there are small pockets of the field which only fall into his peripheral vision.

This gift comes at a price, as he is more susceptible to seeing visual triggers himself or having the soft tissues of the eye damaged. In case of being blinded, covered eyes can be uncovered to provide sight as well, although the more eyes that are blinded or damaged the less coverage he has with line of sight.

Homicidal Medicine
Versed in traditional medicine including surgery, Chitoku can provide conventional first aid treatments to the wounded and practice medicine in general. Knowledge of the human body also grant him insights on vulnerable parts of anatomy and a deeper understanding of pain as well.

Exceptional Chakra Control
Compared to most shinobi of his grade, Chitoku's chakra control is exceptional. He is able to conserve a good deal of energy with his jutsu usage which allows him in turn to use more jutsu over time. His control is precise enough to channel complicated illusions and medical chakra as well.


[newclass=.butt-box1]margin:auto;width:38em;border:1px solid black; padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;font-family:roboto;font-size:13px;background-color:white;color:black;box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 5px #9a9d61;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.butt-box4]background-color: #9a9d61;height: 2em;[/newclass]
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last edit by Dodomeki Chitoku on Jun 17, 2024 22:29:14 GMT -5
Dull has written 83 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 18, 2024 2:13:08 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

It's okay. You expected this.[break][break]

She hums, nodding along with the logic.[break][break]

It doesn't make it any easier of a pill to swallow.[break][break]

In the time she'd spent lost in the possibilities, her companion had already unveiled the true nature of the leaf pile. And-[break][break]

"Gosh, you really put your hand into that."[break][break]

He's brave. There could've been poison in there. Or maybe he's just plain crazy. He did admit to operating on himself just moments ago.[break][break]

But that isn't as crazy as the fact that he looks to her for an opinion on the matter at hand. With her vote being the most important, or so he says.[break][break]

"You're really leaving the decision to me?" She reels back at the sudden spotlight placed upon her, the many eyes that ready judgement. "I- uhm... it's worse if the cattle get injured, no?"[break][break]

Oh, the pressure of making decisions for others. At best, they have dear medic over here to heal those wounds (Is healing animals the same as healing people?). At worst, they run the risk of incapacitating their cattle and stranding the caravans.[break][break]

"If we have some shovels, we can start digging?" Raising a thumb up to her mouth, she brushes it against her lips. The skin here has grown tough, but it'll bleed regardless with enough force. "I'll keep watch if that's a worry."


made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 124 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 18, 2024 21:45:39 GMT -5
Dodomeki Chitoku
I spy world champion
Dodomeki Chitoku Avatar
age 24 years old birthday rank Chunin occupation Wanker
[attr="class","butt-box2"]He covered his mouth and laughed into it a bit when she pointed out his brazenness. Sometimes being able to repair minor injuries did lead him to reckless behaviors, and truth be told it wasn’t water he was sipping from his wineskin as they trekked.

Chitoku nodded to reassure the other guard. "Alright you lot, we were paid by your boss to make sure you make it safely, so you’ll do as the lady says. Dig the traps out.”

Some of the cattlemen fussed for a few moments, while others grinned and began retrieving spades from their saddlebags. Eventually, the group in protest gave up and turned to assist their fellows.

"Either call you’d have made I would have supported,” he told her quietly. "Keeping united helps keep the customers from panicking or questioning our authority.”

Perching himself up on a rock, he pulled his upper garb off and undid the bandages wrapped around his chest to reveal a plethora of eyes on his arms and torso. He lifted his arms upwards, scanning the forest every which way looking for signs of movement.

"There’s nothing immediate around us,” he said. "Do you want to scout ahead a bit and report back? Or stick on watch with me and we can talk strategy. Based on the makeshift traps I think some bandits are probably patrolling the road.”

Gunshi mōdo [Tactician Mode]

From a young age Chitoku was implanted with preserved eyes of deceased clansmen all over his body. Coverage includes both his arms (5 on each arm), torso (9 eyes), and back (7 eyes) effectively granting him a 360 degree field of vision when his chest is uncovered and a plethora of eyes to use as visual triggers for certain genjutsu. When all but his arms are covered there are small pockets of the field which only fall into his peripheral vision.

This gift comes at a price, as he is more susceptible to seeing visual triggers himself or having the soft tissues of the eye damaged. In case of being blinded, covered eyes can be uncovered to provide sight as well, although the more eyes that are blinded or damaged the less coverage he has with line of sight.

Homicidal Medicine
Versed in traditional medicine including surgery, Chitoku can provide conventional first aid treatments to the wounded and practice medicine in general. Knowledge of the human body also grant him insights on vulnerable parts of anatomy and a deeper understanding of pain as well.

Exceptional Chakra Control
Compared to most shinobi of his grade, Chitoku's chakra control is exceptional. He is able to conserve a good deal of energy with his jutsu usage which allows him in turn to use more jutsu over time. His control is precise enough to channel complicated illusions and medical chakra as well.


[newclass=.butt-box1]margin:auto;width:38em;border:1px solid black; padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;font-family:roboto;font-size:13px;background-color:white;color:black;box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 5px #9a9d61;[/newclass]
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Dull has written 83 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 19, 2024 0:22:44 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

"O- oh, really?" She blinks. Once, then twice. "You could've made the call then!"[break][break]

Whining about it doesn't change anything, but she sure will make her thoughts on pressing decisions known.[break][break]

That whine quickly ends in a squeak, her eyes averted as the man begins to strip. And she's got that question of what he's doing halfway out of her mouth, until she sees that: Those many eyes that have been grafted into his being.[break][break]

Can he actually see with those? She has to assume so, given just how he's standing. Then those must be special eyes of some sort, no? How did he even get those to begin with? Is she actually travelling with some serial eye thief? Is that the true nature of his medical practices? Some scheme to collect more eyes for his abstract collection?[break][break]

She's staring. And she realises she's doing so with a jolt, averting her gaze once more as she bites down on her thumb.[break][break]

"Give me a moment."[break][break]

The price paid in blood, the single-handed signs formed with habit. Resting her fingers against her right palm, she watches as a rather tiny lizard appears on her arm in a flutter of leaves.[break][break]

"Who dares call upon -"[break][break]

"I need you to scout the area ahead."[break][break]

"- migh- Wait. Scout?" The little reptile stares up at her with unblinking eyes.[break][break]

"Keep an eye out for any bandits."[break][break]

"Woah woah! Bandits?" His voice rises an octave. "Am I doing this alone??"[break][break]

There is a moment of silence that passes between them, filled only by the clanking of shovels and crunching of dirt.[break][break]

"You don't have to fight them. Just scout ahead and tell us if anything's up ahead. Pretty important stuff, y'know?"[break][break]

Another moment of silence as the lizard's tail flicks left to right, then back. Then with a flick of his tongue, he leaps onto the ground, skittering off into the undergrowth.[break][break]

"So uh... bandits, right?" As soon as the last of the bushes stop rustling, she flicks her attention back to her fellow mercenary. "What should we do about them? Other than kick their ass, I mean."


made by gimmick

[newclass=.seilongcredits]width: min-content; margin: 30px auto; [/newclass]
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last edit by namikawa suisei on Jun 19, 2024 0:24:45 GMT -5
myriascope has written 124 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 19, 2024 22:50:48 GMT -5
Dodomeki Chitoku
I spy world champion
Dodomeki Chitoku Avatar
age 24 years old birthday rank Chunin occupation Wanker
[attr="class","butt-box2"]Lost in the moment of every eye being unfurled and searching, it took a moment for the man to respond. Many of his eyes widened and focused in on the kunoichi as she performed the summoning jutsu. He’d heard of it, but hadn’t witnessed it yet in his travels.

"I could have, but if you happened to be a disagreeable person then you might have challenged my call,” he said with a smile, though his face wasn’t turned towards her, so she’d only catch a side profile. Many found it unnerving that he rarely turned his head when speaking with someone. A bad habit that many Dodomeki shared. "Now I know that you are agreeable, and you have a summoning contract to boot. I am lucky to have someone so talented along with me for this journey.”

"I specialize in genjutsu, in this situation I will likely employ a trick to seem invisible and attack with shuriken from the trees. What do you usually do in combat?”

Ninjutsu was his guess based on the summoning jutsu, but that was such a broad field that it didn't narrow things down too much for him.

After about ten minutes of searching up the road, the lizard would find a group of people in animal hides walking the road towards the caravan. Five in total. Two with bows slung behind their backs, two carrying axes, and one carrying a gnarly wooden club. The group of bandits didn’t seem to be in any sort of hurry or alert to the caravan ahead yet.

Kou was faced with a decision. He could remain until the bandits get closer and try to listen in on their conversation, or he could head back to the caravan to report the patrol.

Gunshi mōdo [Tactician Mode]

From a young age Chitoku was implanted with preserved eyes of deceased clansmen all over his body. Coverage includes both his arms (5 on each arm), torso (9 eyes), and back (7 eyes) effectively granting him a 360 degree field of vision when his chest is uncovered and a plethora of eyes to use as visual triggers for certain genjutsu. When all but his arms are covered there are small pockets of the field which only fall into his peripheral vision.

This gift comes at a price, as he is more susceptible to seeing visual triggers himself or having the soft tissues of the eye damaged. In case of being blinded, covered eyes can be uncovered to provide sight as well, although the more eyes that are blinded or damaged the less coverage he has with line of sight.

Homicidal Medicine
Versed in traditional medicine including surgery, Chitoku can provide conventional first aid treatments to the wounded and practice medicine in general. Knowledge of the human body also grant him insights on vulnerable parts of anatomy and a deeper understanding of pain as well.

Exceptional Chakra Control
Compared to most shinobi of his grade, Chitoku's chakra control is exceptional. He is able to conserve a good deal of energy with his jutsu usage which allows him in turn to use more jutsu over time. His control is precise enough to channel complicated illusions and medical chakra as well.


[newclass=.butt-box1]margin:auto;width:38em;border:1px solid black; padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;font-family:roboto;font-size:13px;background-color:white;color:black;box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 5px #9a9d61;[/newclass]
[newclass=.butt-big]display: flex;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.butt-box4]background-color: #9a9d61;height: 2em;[/newclass]
[newclass=.butt-box5]padding: 0em 5em 1.2em 5em;overflow: hidden;font-size:11px;background-color:white;font-size:0px;min-width:30px;background-image:url('');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:25px;background-position: 0px 5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.butt-box5:hover]height: auto;overflow: visible;background-color:white;font-size:10px;background-image:none;position:absolute;width: 39.2em;border: 1px solid black;border-top:0px;inset 0px 0px 5px #9a9d61[/newclass]

Dull has written 83 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 25, 2024 6:32:11 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

"Do I seem that disagreeable?"[break][break]

Is it her demeanour? Something about the way she looks? She likes to think that she doesn't look that intimidating. Maybe she's just overthinking things. He doesn't know her in the slightest. Most times, assuming that a stranger would follow his lead could probably cost him the job at best, his life at worse.[break][break]

Lost in her thoughts, she just barely notices the way he isn't looking at her when he speaks. And quite frankly, she probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between whether he's looking at her or not, considering all those eyes that he has flitting about.[break][break]

"Mmm..." How exactly does she explain what she does in combat? "I kinda just support and paralyse with raiton?"[break][break]

Does that make sense? She looks to him and frowns in deep thought.[break][break]

"Shinra is my other partner. Decently big guy. He usually does most of the fighting for us."[break][break]

Because she'd be hopeless on her own. Being trained in unrefined techniques means she's started out weaker than most shinobi, but when one also considers her right hand -[break][break]

"I'd call him right now but I don't want to scare the cattle."[break][break]

On the other end, Kou is just about done with his mission. The task had been to scout for danger, and he had most certainly found it. Armed with bows, axes and clubs, the enemy seems like quite the formidable group. If he simply heads back and reports their numbers, they could prepare for combat and he could rest easy knowing he'd live to hopefully not be eaten another day.[break][break]

And yet, he could do more. He could do just that little more and bask in the glory of being such a good scout. Pressed down against the leafy mess scattered all over the ground, he can feel his heart thumping loud in his chest. But he slows his breathing, for he is a genius that can do many things, and begins to blend into the detritus.[break][break]

Just for a bit, Kou reminds himself. After all, many bandits are loud-mouthed fools that would spill their secrets to the wind. They'd probably be too busy bragging to notice a little soul like him! The buffoons! All he needs to do is take advantage of it.


made by gimmick

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last edit by namikawa suisei on Jun 25, 2024 6:33:06 GMT -5
myriascope has written 124 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jun 30, 2024 20:14:28 GMT -5
Dodomeki Chitoku
I spy world champion
Dodomeki Chitoku Avatar
age 24 years old birthday rank Chunin occupation Wanker
[attr="class","butt-box2"]"Ahh another summon,” Chitoku replied. "It shouldn’t be too different from what I’m used to then.”

He didn’t bother to elaborate further, but he assumed that summons and puppets weren’t that different. He’d have to be a little more careful with poison if he decided to use it.

"I agree, we should wait until there is danger.”

Meanwhile, Kou’s patience and stealth was rewarded. The group of bandits came to a stop not far from his hiding spot. The man with the gnarled club took a seat on a moss-grown stump and pulled a wineskin from his side and began chugging. Drips of alcohol ran down his matted brown beard.

"Kenji, head down the road and scout ahead. Aya, go with ‘im halfway and set up in the trees. It’s been days since a caravan came through, there’s bound to be one out here soon.”

A red-haired man with axes nodded and was followed by a rugged woman in animal pelts with a bow strung on her back. Kou would see them making for the trail that would start to lead towards the caravan. If he chose to follow them, he’d notice the woman climbing a large old maple tree as they got closer to the group and far enough that the rest of the patrol wasn’t within earshot.

The man with the axes at his sides wasn’t traveling very quickly, he spent several minutes shouting back and forth with the woman in the tree in a way that suggested flirting. Eventually he began trekking closer to the group, but stopped frequently to mark a tree with the cut of an ax. If Kou was quick and quiet, he could probably sneak back.


From a young age Chitoku was implanted with preserved eyes of deceased clansmen all over his body. Coverage includes both his arms (5 on each arm), torso (9 eyes), and back (7 eyes) effectively granting him a 360 degree field of vision when his chest is uncovered and a plethora of eyes to use as visual triggers for certain genjutsu. When all but his arms are covered there are small pockets of the field which only fall into his peripheral vision.

This gift comes at a price, as he is more susceptible to seeing visual triggers himself or having the soft tissues of the eye damaged. In case of being blinded, covered eyes can be uncovered to provide sight as well, although the more eyes that are blinded or damaged the less coverage he has with line of sight.

Homicidal Medicine
Versed in traditional medicine including surgery, Chitoku can provide conventional first aid treatments to the wounded and practice medicine in general. Knowledge of the human body also grant him insights on vulnerable parts of anatomy and a deeper understanding of pain as well.

Exceptional Chakra Control
Compared to most shinobi of his grade, Chitoku's chakra control is exceptional. He is able to conserve a good deal of energy with his jutsu usage which allows him in turn to use more jutsu over time. His control is precise enough to channel complicated illusions and medical chakra as well.


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Dull has written 83 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jul 2, 2024 20:47:01 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

Perhaps, Ayane specialises in summoning too. Or something along those lines, if he were to speak in such lax terms. With any luck, he'll overlook her bad habit of simply brushing the remaining blood away on her clothes.[break][break]

"Make sure to stand clear if he's around. He hurts."[break][break]

A quick warning as she clasps her hands together, keeping her thumb out of the way as she breathes hot air into them. The honesty in her voice stems from a first-hand experience. It had taken her a good chunk of time trying to recover her breath, then another few hours to wait for the pain to subside. And even then, she'd still been left with a notable bruise that thankfully didn't progress into anything worse.[break][break]


Just moments ago, Kou had been so certain of himself, so ready to seize the glory that came with this little job. Now, as he listens to the game plan distributed amongst the bandits, he begins to wonder if he's gotten ahead of himself.[break][break]

There's no way he's stopping them. Not only because he's weak, but also because he'd rather run than be crushed and forgotten out in these dangerous woods. Creeping through the undergrowth, he makes sure not to rustle any leaves even as he picks up the pace. And within seconds, he's outpaced the duo, skittering until he spies a familiar caravan where he silently slinks out from the bushes.[break][break]

"They're coming! An archer in the trees and an axe! They're marking the way here!"[break][break]

If it weren't for his voice and movements, anyone would honestly have a hard time attempting to spy the lizard on the dirt path. When he gets a little closer, Suisei kneels down with an outstretched palm, allowing Kou the chance to crawl on.[break][break]

"A- and there's three more behind! Another axe, bow and a club. That one's has'ta be the big'un!"[break][break]

"Hmm..." A finger is more than enough to cover the top of his head, much like how someone would pat a dog's head. "Good job, Kou."[break][break]

As usual, he laps it all up, only slightly grimacing at the scent of blood still smeared on her fingers. Then she tilts her head over to her fellow mercenary, her smile beginning to waver like her confidence.[break][break]

"Whaddya think?"


made by gimmick

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last edit by namikawa suisei on Jul 2, 2024 20:53:44 GMT -5
myriascope has written 124 posts
Into the forest's maw [Mission]Jul 4, 2024 21:10:32 GMT -5
Dodomeki Chitoku
I spy world champion
Dodomeki Chitoku Avatar
age 24 years old birthday rank Chunin occupation Wanker
[attr="class","butt-box2"]"The less we fight at once, the better,” Chitoku responded. Relying on illusions made fighting multiple enemies less than ideal, even when they were considerably weaker. The Dodomeki had other talents, but none near as refined. "If we encounter the large one, I will focus on disabling him.”

Taking a moment to adjust his belongings, he kept his chest bare so that his eyes were free to observe the world around him from every which way. He prepared rows of shuriken in a pouch at his right hip, while also unfastening another pouch at his right hip that gleaned with an inky substance in small vials. He tended to reserve his poisons for emergency use, but always made time to have them ready for use when he anticipated combat.

"The first two are probably scouts, so let’s get ahead of the caravan and try to take them by surprise,” he said. "I hope to take them out before they can signal the others. If that sounds okay with you, head us off and I will follow.”

Some of the caravan members seemed worried when he mentioned moving away from them, but he didn’t do anything to ease their discomfort as they began muttering to one another.


From a young age Chitoku was implanted with preserved eyes of deceased clansmen all over his body. Coverage includes both his arms (5 on each arm), torso (9 eyes), and back (7 eyes) effectively granting him a 360 degree field of vision when his chest is uncovered and a plethora of eyes to use as visual triggers for certain genjutsu. When all but his arms are covered there are small pockets of the field which only fall into his peripheral vision.

This gift comes at a price, as he is more susceptible to seeing visual triggers himself or having the soft tissues of the eye damaged. In case of being blinded, covered eyes can be uncovered to provide sight as well, although the more eyes that are blinded or damaged the less coverage he has with line of sight.

Homicidal Medicine
Versed in traditional medicine including surgery, Chitoku can provide conventional first aid treatments to the wounded and practice medicine in general. Knowledge of the human body also grant him insights on vulnerable parts of anatomy and a deeper understanding of pain as well.

Exceptional Chakra Control
Compared to most shinobi of his grade, Chitoku's chakra control is exceptional. He is able to conserve a good deal of energy with his jutsu usage which allows him in turn to use more jutsu over time. His control is precise enough to channel complicated illusions and medical chakra as well.


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Dull has written 83 posts