Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!

fallen blades
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 1, 2024 21:22:17 GMT -5
Yamanaka Tomomi
Learn to recognize poisons before you swallow them.
Yamanaka Tomomi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 34 years old birthday 6/10 rank Jonin occupation Hokage's Assistant

Even something so simple as this could be a dire threat. That was where danger thrived, in the innocent-seeming corners of the world. Though the students had been chirping excitedly all day about their theories on the origin of the bamboo, Tomomi had been much warier.

They examined it, tried to use their chakra sensing to search for an origin. All signs pointed to the sky, though, no ripple of recognition surfacing anywhere on the chakra barrier. When she recruited her family to check it out, it by all appearances seemed to be normal bamboo. Digging under some revealed no shinobi burrowing underneath.

In the end, it seemed to be just a strange miracle after all.

Though she was going to keep her eyes open, she gave in and left a wish; "Bring prosperity to Konoha and all its people."

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 16:58:01 GMT -5
Cocoa has written 763 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 1, 2024 22:10:55 GMT -5
Saji Kitae
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saji Kitae Avatar
age 19 years old birthday January 7th rank Novice occupation Blacksmith
Is your tongue sharper than your katana?

Kitae was carrying his bags down the road when he spotted a collection of bamboo littered with colorful papers. Ignoring them, he pulled a saw from his supplies and set about trying to cut the bamboo down to use. After a few frustrating minutes of work, his efforts yielded no results. He huffed and sat down next to the shoots, looking at some of the papers that had been left behind.

They were covered in all sorts of stupid wishes. Eventually he found a blank strip for himself and carefully wrote something down:

"Give me my own shop, where I can forge the strongest weapon."

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 16:58:57 GMT -5
Cocoa has written 37 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 1, 2024 22:33:55 GMT -5
Tachibana Miori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Tachibana Miori Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 24 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
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notes go here. this box will expand to be as long as you need it to be


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Miori had placed several tags to the bamboo rods before this most recent attempt. The strange plant sticking out of the ground suddenly would have been a sight for any location- but in the desert it was an anomaly of an anomaly. Many had taken this rarity to mean it was a chance to make wishes, and hope they came true. At first Miori had placed her own wish on there... only for members of her village to remove the tag from the bamboo chute. Seemed the cursed spider's taint didn't belong alongside the other's wishes.
Miori had initially returned in her current disguise to destroy the thin wooden tower. Wrapped in white cloth, no one would recognize her as the cursed spider. In fact, unless they were from the outskirts, all anyone could see was the Silken Lady- a respected figure by those who were simply trying to survive. None would know it was a woman who the village despised, and who despised them just as much. If Miori didn't get her wish, she saw no reason any others got to have theirs. Besides, it wasn't like this stupid aberration was going to do anything, there was no magic at work here. It would serve far better as materials for a puppet than some moronic hope that things would suddenly get better!
Yet standing in the sand, looking down at her tag, she could see it was still there. The wind had no blown it away despite how strong it had been blowing, nor had the sand buried it completely. Reaching down to pull it out, Miori could see how the string was frayed by it's cuts, the roughness of the paper from the over 12 hours in the sand and sun. She could even see the section of her wish she had done her best to cover. It was still holding together despite how rough it was. Looking over the wishes, she could see a few hand writings she recognize. Friends she rarely spoke with anymore...
Without a word, the shinobi would tie the paper back to the bamboo chute, leaving as she returned to her nightly vigil. Fluttering in the wind alongside the wishes of her friends, a faded piece of paper held the first half a wish... and if one looked closely, they could see the words that she had tried to hide.
"Let me catch up.
I'm tired of being alone."

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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 16:59:44 GMT -5
Belac has written 226 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 1, 2024 23:15:31 GMT -5
Mikatakujira Ruto
The only cost not worth it is my own life.
Mikatakujira Ruto Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 39 years old birthday 1/26 rank Jounin occupation Suspended Shinobi

After three years under house arrest, staying in one place for too long had really begun to drive Ruto stir-crazy. They had been hunched over their lab table for hours, running test after test on their newest invention, and they could really do with standing up and stretching their legs.

Ruto rose, his joints cracking, and he glanced over at his research assistant, still fully engrossed in their work. Coming up behind them, Ruto placed a hand on their shoulder.

"Did you hear some of the other doctors discussing that strange bamboo? You liked plants, didn't you? We should go take a look."

Already assuming she would follow, he left the lab behind, wandering outside in search of this mysterious plant. Strange, new plants were always springing up around Bonchi no Kuni. This one was notable, however, for how completely mundane it was. It didn't belong in a place like Takigakure.

People had taken to tying tanzaku to the shoots, leaving their wishes behind on the lucky bamboo. Ruto stopped to ponder for a long while, gingerly raising his hand to touch wish after wish, reading what other people were dreaming of. People wanted all sorts of predictable things - to become stronger, to become successful, to find love. What did Ruto want? None of those things had ever really called to him. Broader ambitions slipped between his fingers. He flitted from obsession to obsession.

In the end, there was one fixation his mind always returned to. He wrote in the small, sloppy print of a doctor: "One day, let us find a world death can't touch."

Carefully tying the paper to the bamboo, Ruto smiled at Yukari.

"What did you wish for, Tokonatsu-kun?"


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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:00:30 GMT -5
Cocoa has written 154 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 2, 2024 2:56:08 GMT -5
tokonatsu yukari
this time will be the time we get it right.
tokonatsu yukari Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 31 years old birthday september 29 rank sp. jounin occupation medical corps

Inane chatter about wish-granting bioluminescent bamboo was easy enough for Yukari to avoid; Ruto’s hand on their shoulder was not. She followed peaceably in their wake—she did like plants, after all, and if nothing else then this would sate her professional curiosity, allow her to draft a report to the Asagao elders.

Irritatingly, the bamboo was utterly ordinary. They claimed a handful of slivers slipped into vials to take back to the lab for further testing, but preliminary examination revealed absolutely nothing of note about the plant—which was, perhaps, notable in itself, given how overwhelmingly hostile Bonchi no Kuni flora tended to be.

She watched in silence as Ruto examined the colorful wishes scattered about. Her eye was drawn to the faint smattering of people enjoying the sights, heads bowed together as they discussed their hopes, their dreams, the wishes carefully tied to stalks of bamboo in the pursuit of something better—

Ruto’s voice drew them back to themselves. They examined his wish, then looked down at the blank piece of vivid red paper in their hands. What was Touwa’s wish, they wondered; what was Tadashi’s?

Her son, her own flesh made flesh. Some days she felt as if she must have immaculately spawned him, she saw so much of herself in him, and so little of his father. Please don’t let anything happen to him, she thought, please let me make a world that is worthy of him.

As they wrote, beautiful scriptlike calligraphy, they said softly: "May we give the world back to Nature, and allow this suffering to cease.”

Kyuusai’s whiskers twitched in approval. Yukari’s returning smile to Ruto was small, the faintest upturn of red-painted lips, but it was a rare and sincere thing.


last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:01:31 GMT -5
tactician has written 58 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 2, 2024 3:01:04 GMT -5
nue masahiko
it is what it is.
nue masahiko Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 24 years old birthday april 1 rank sp. jounin occupation team one leader

Light summer snowfall draped a blanket of white over the bamboo forest. The bamboo glowed in the cold moonlight, small bursts of colorful paper fluttering in the breeze. Masahiko examined a few, feeling the thin paper between the pads of his fingers and scrutinizing the handwriting as if the messy strokes of black ink would reveal their authors to him.

Wishes, he thought. How fanciful.

And yet he found himself enamored by the romance of it all. Fanciful, yes, naive at best, but—what if?

He plucked a piece of blue paper and wrote in thin, spidery handwriting, justice; just beneath it a little smaller: courage; and just beneath that, smallest of all: requitement.

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:02:19 GMT -5
tactician has written 156 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 2, 2024 7:45:07 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday October 11th rank Jounin occupation Jounin Hancho
Make your wish


WORDS. xxx


"Come on Ara! Make a wish too!"

As Arashi would sit outside of her parents home, looking on at the glowing bamboo was something that she managed to at least do once in a while. This time, it seemed like a certain sensation was drawing her to do so tonight, and with her little brother no less. With their mother gone, Arashi had picked up much of the responsibilities left behind. Set was great, but even he had limits with dealing with their younger sibling and he was still figuring much of himself out. Their father was also not able to do everything, and she was doing her best to try and pick up some of that to allow him the space he needed as well.

As such, tonight, she was outside of their family home, looking on from the roof as the boy noted what appeared to be a a faint glow that was surrounding areas of the village .. It was a rare sight to say the least, leading to her tilting her head for a moment before then raising her brow.

"Huh..don't see that every day..."

With others within the village looking out as well, enjoying the view as the boy seemed to close his eyes and pull on Arashi's arm to do the same, the young female would smirk before then shaking her head.

She didn't believe in wishes....

In truth, there was a lot of things she didn't take much stock in based on faith alone. Granted, she allowed herself some skeptical thinking in light of this, but wishes were often things that either went unheard or considered for idiots who didn't want to put in the effort.

Still, there was an innocence in believing...and just hoping that maybe...just maybe...they might come true...

Though it didn't change her thinking in regards to them, the concept was fine enough...even if she didn't trust it enough to take faith in it any longer.

But, as she watched Takefusa take all of his own will into such a thing, seeming so firm on at least hoping really hard for something to happen, the Jounin would seem to follow suit as she then closed her eyes and took in a deep breath as she allowed her thoughts to drift.

What she wanted...what she really wanted...couldn't come true....that much she knew...and even if it could...and she knew that it was possible from experience, she wouldn't want her mother to be different form the person that she was...so...what could she wish for?

"I wish....I wish I could have the courage that my mother had...and be the person that she saw that I could be..."

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.

Ichibi Curse Seal
The only ability Arashi has competent control over, this is the ability to utilize the curse seal marks over Shukaku’s body for her own bidding. Arashi can will the seals to cover her own body and control them to form various seals to preform fuuinjutsu from her own skin. As such, she can summon weapons she has sealed within them and rearrange the seals to be able to perform various fuuinjutsu that she has knowledge of without scrolls by using her own skin. She may also seal items within the curse marks and rearrange them to perform an unrelated technique before reforming them to summon the item at a later date.
-Jutsu Used-

-Items Used-

-Familiar Used-

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:12:32 GMT -5
Kaze has written 2,819 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 2, 2024 10:55:33 GMT -5
Tenchi Amane
See beyond what the eyes can see, take control of your destiny.
Tenchi Amane Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday July 7th, 987 rank Elite Jounin occupation 7th Amegakure Lady

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[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]The Seventh Lady of Amegakure

Just like every Tanabata before, Amane wrote on a vibrant paper and hung it on the bamboo stalk. As usual, she left no name in the paper, only a poem written in kanji.

谋 年
权 年
夺 暴
位 雨
献 夺
万 千
命 命

如 如
能 能
护 护
国 国
皆 永
为 不
安 安

Yearly storms claim thousand lives;
if it shields the land, it shall dwell.

Queen of storm through countless lives;
in safeguarding the realm, all fare well.

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:15:41 GMT -5
Akirei has written 52 posts