Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!

fallen blades
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 6, 2024 22:14:40 GMT -5
Omori Akihiko
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Omori Akihiko Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday July 2, 1006 rank Chunin occupation Operations Team 1 (Member)
Wish: "I wish to be the best Omori in the best village! I want my dad and mom to be happy and for my sister to cool her horses!"
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:46:15 GMT -5
Han has written 341 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 6, 2024 22:16:25 GMT -5
Yuki Hinata
"At what cost?"
Yuki Hinata Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 12th, 1003 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2
Wish: "I... This is silly... I want things to just be good and peaceful. I wish for my auntie back - even if it's impossible."
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:47:09 GMT -5
Han has written 159 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 6, 2024 22:49:52 GMT -5
jūryoku izure
silence is an answer
jūryoku izure Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday 1.1.1005 rank Advanced Genin occupation Genin Team 1
When Izure hears about it from Kui, her interest is piqued. From the Gods, she thinks, because who else would send magical bamboo shoots from the cosmos? Yet she knows these same deities have turned their backs on her, so for a while she doesn't wish for anything.

When she finally does write something, it's simple and bleak.

i want to see my brother
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:48:18 GMT -5
marz has written 1 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 7, 2024 0:54:09 GMT -5
Kameki Kōichi
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Kameki Kōichi Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday 8/23/1005 rank Special Jōnin occupation ANBU Op
When Nothing's True
Everything Is Fair

Kōichi stood before the towering bamboo, a colorful tanzaku in his hand. He took a deep breath, feeling the excitement and anticipation in the air as shinobi and villagers alike gathered to write their wishes. The bamboo forest glowed softly under the moonlight, creating an ethereal atmosphere that made Kōichi's heart race. With a determined look, he began to write:

"I wish for the strength and determination to seize what I desire, to forge my own path and achieve my goals with unwavering resolve. May I have the courage to take risks and the power to overcome any obstacle in my way. Let my ambitions burn bright, guiding me to success and fulfillment."

He tied the tanzaku to the bamboo, watching it flutter in the gentle breeze. A small smile played on his lips as he stepped back, feeling a newfound sense of purpose. The journey ahead was uncertain, but with this wish, Kōichi felt ready to face whatever challenges lay before him.

SA(s) Used:
『Kenzai Chikaku afficionado』
Being a member of the greatest actors to ever live in the shinobi world, Kōichi has access to the greatest tricks and tools of deception. The Kameki hijutsu is the pinnacle of this, being a member of that clan allows Kōichi to live out his aspirations.

Trained are his eyes to notice and observe details to deliver the greatest performance. While Kōichi can see hard-to-miss details far better than his peers, this sight doesn't grant him the ability to process visual stimuli on its own.

The hallmark of a great actor is to be able to rapidly improv in the event of a mishap. With this increased intelligence, Kōichi can quickly process stimuli at a rate faster than his peers. He has an advantage when it comes to planning and solution-making. With such growth, he can quickly process even under duress, however, like many, his thoughts do suffer from going out of control when he tries to think a lot, too fast, too hard.

『Go-Go Control』
Through practice and thoughtful output, Kōichi has learned to greatly decrease his excess chakra usage. By mitigating this to a refined point, it allows him to be as precise as can be. Such concentration allows him to not only have access to difficult maneuvers, but he may sustain a combative edge considering how exact he even uses a tinge of energy, whether physical or spiritual.

Jutsu(s) Used:

Equipment Used:
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:49:28 GMT -5
Necro has written 6 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 7, 2024 3:28:21 GMT -5
Live Life In The Fast Lane
Hibana Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday rank Chunin occupation Genin Team 3 Leader

The Pink Blur

Hibana stood before a shoot of bamboo a piece of paper grasped firmly in her hand. It had taken her a long time to think of a wish she felt was worth the magic of the bamboo. At first she wanted to wish that the Omori of Kumogakure accepted her eye and her use of it. That was a foolish wish for a child, she could not hope to change the hearts of so many against their will. Her second idea was to be able to use her eye like that of a full blooded Omori. Being able to activate it at will and finally be able to use the first stage would have been so helpful in combat. Again something she knew would be a foolish use of the magic. She had settled on a wish that she felt could be made and granted if she was deemed worthy by the magic plants. She hung the paper from the shoot closest to her before walking away. A gentle breeze rolled through causing the paper to shake and wave. The written words a not so simple wish from a not so simple woman.

*I wish I was able to complete my training with Kazuto Sensei and was able to learn the Rasengan to be better.*

WC: --
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:50:22 GMT -5
Yamatsu has written 108 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 7, 2024 10:44:32 GMT -5
Sourei Hisao
"Just surviving in life isn’t the same as living”
Sourei Hisao Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 09-21-1009 rank Genin occupation Medical Corp. member
.✨ Sourei Hisao

The young Sourei adjusted the mask covering most of his face. He dared another glance around and noted that only a few people lingered this late at night, none of whom seemed to pay him much attention. He breathed in and held the dark blue tanzaku tightly in his hand. The young genin had dressed in casual, unassuming clothes, the only potentially noteworthy thing about him being the long, stark white hair and dark facemask. He tried to convince himself he wasn’t really doing anything bad, even if it felt like it. It should only take a moment and with that thought he willed his body closer to the bamboo. He wished he could have hid the message better; perhaps then he could have made a more direct wish. Instead, the wish left behind in the dark of night as Hisao quickly and quietly snuck back read:

"May I grow strong enough in time to protect him, even from himself."

Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!
"Just surviving in life isn’t the same as living”

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:51:27 GMT -5
Leviathan has written 79 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 7, 2024 18:37:38 GMT -5
miyake mikio
miyake mikio Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age eighteen years old birthday -- rank chuunin occupation academy instructor


Mikio skipped ahead of a gaggle of academy students, whom she had kidnapped for the day to take on a ~SUPER SPECIAL FIELD TRIP~ to the mysterious, magical, fantastical bamboo forest that had sprouted up overnight like a bundle of kitties in spring. She hopped around, dashing from student to student to help the petite ones who needed help tying their tanabata and the youngest ones who were still learning how to write in characters and the anxious ones torn up over what they needed to wish for, dispensing assistance and advice in equal measure and with consistent good cheer.

But Mikio had to make her own wish! She hemmed and hawed and thought and pondered and scribbled and crossed out until eventually, on a bright pink piece of paper, she secured her wish to the bamboo:

pushed away to rain
please accept me as i am
i want to be home

p.s. pls make sure ta-ko never turns to stone please and thank you!!!!!!!!


last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:52:39 GMT -5
tactician has written 58 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 7, 2024 18:55:40 GMT -5
Seika Nakajima
Everything burns.
Seika Nakajima Avatar
age 30 years old birthday June 10th rank Elite Jounin occupation Psycho Fire Lady
Seika stared at the strange cluster of Tanabata Bamboo shoots, her amber-gold gaze flat with dulled annoyance. The girth had appeared overnight a day or so ago while she was out recruiting new converts with Mori, and the fools she had left in charge of the camp had elected to wait for her return before dealing with the disturbance. Brightly colored pastel papers clung to the shoots, each one with a written wish or hope from those who had written them. She had gone over the notes herself, looking for anything that might have been treacherous, but they had all been banal, simple things, well-wishes for family or prayers of success for their beloved Shinnyoha.

"Children.” The Nakajima woman muttered, flicking her wrist towards the bamboo and stretching out her, now cremated, fingers, her white flames engulfing the shoots in their purifying grip. It didn’t take long for the bamboo to catch fire, and it took even less time for the papers to kindle, leaving behind nothing but the burnt, smoldering ashes of her followers' written wishes. It was unlikely any would ask why she had chosen to immolate the grove, but if any did she would have an explanation read for them… as well a fire, to remind them of who it was they followed.

In the heart of the storming land
A fire blooms
Whose white light
Shall drown the world
In ash
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:53:27 GMT -5
Exousia has written 100 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 7, 2024 19:15:48 GMT -5
Honō Saya
"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory."
Honō Saya Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday August 7th rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Saya hurried her way down the crowded street, Hitsuiken bouncing against her left hip with every step. The crowds were especially thick today, the strange happenings up north drawing in many visitors and tourists- though nothing quite drew the eye as much as the impossible Tanabata forest that had shot up overnight on the edge of the village near the western gate. Children and adults alike had come together to affix tanzaku to the shoots, hanging their wishes upon the wind in the hope that they would be carried off to the gods and, one day, come true.

The Hono girl had no grand wish, nothing wild or life altering she wanted to happen, but she had come to grove to hang her tanzaku nonetheless, affixing the small piece of pale white paper to the bamboo before hurrying off down the road; she had been selected for a mission up in Hot Springs Country, handling some sort of commotion there, and didn’t have time to dilly-dally.

May the changing of the leaves
Herald a new dawn
I will make you proud
Mother, Father
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:54:10 GMT -5
Exousia has written 130 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 7, 2024 19:33:38 GMT -5
Minamoto-Yuki Mei
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Minamoto-Yuki Mei Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 38 years old birthday August 7th rank Elite Jounin occupation Jounin Hanchou
Mei had little time for frivolities these days; her life had become… complicated, Daigo’s ascension and Shuka assassination making things difficult on even the best of days, but the white-haired Yuki took a moment out of her day to visit the strange Tanabata grove that had sprung up, seemingly overnight, near the train station. It was an odd sight, seeing bamboo shoots sprouting up through the tundra, but no stranger than the hundreds of tanzaku that had been pinned, tied, and even burned onto the shoots, affixed with the hopes and dreams of those who had written them. No stranger than she herself, who had written just such a note, and hung amidst the field of dreams before heading back, shoulders squared, to face the day.

Peace and prosperity for Yuki
Comfort for my love
And Justice for all who would destroy
This, my only home
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:54:54 GMT -5
Exousia has written 83 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 7, 2024 19:47:22 GMT -5
Minami Sora
"You cannot cage a storm."
Minami Sora Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 2 Leader
Sora walked down the empty street with long, steady steps, sky-blue gaze bouncing from one side of the street to the other with practiced ease. Samidare sat, as it always did, on her left hip, acting as a kind of resting place for her arm as she walked; it was night, just barely past the last watch, and the village was quiet in a way that most rarely got to see. During the day this particular section of the village was rife with foot traffic, children and Academy Students and tourists all coming to visit the sudden growth of Tanabata Bamboo that had shot up, seemingly overnight, in response to the meteor that had crashed into Hot Springs Country.

She was slated to go there eventually, handling whatever difficult mission the Mizukage’s office had in mind for her, but for the moment she was free- and with that free time, she had come here, to hang her wish amongst the others who, like her, hoped that it might somehow come true. She hung the paper without a word, wandering off from the grove and back towards her home, intent on getting some sleep before the sun rose. She had team training in the morning, after all.

Wisdom for my students
Hope for my sister
Peace for my home
Steel for my enemies
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:55:44 GMT -5
Exousia has written 565 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 8, 2024 1:30:00 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yamatsu Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday July 31 rank Genin occupation Wolf Sage Apprentice
"I wish to be able to finally access my Wolf Sage Mode. I wish to be able to protect my pack."
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 19:56:35 GMT -5
Yamatsu has written 118 posts