Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!

fallen blades
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 2, 2024 11:07:53 GMT -5
Kōjitsuki Kanae
Blind in the eyes, not in the heart.
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groupSand Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday July 22, 1010 rank Academy Student occupation
Wish: I love my family. I love my friend. I love you too, God, but I will love you even more if you could give me a moment to see the world, even just for a glimpse, to see those I cherish.
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:26:08 GMT -5
Akirei has written 36 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 2, 2024 11:15:19 GMT -5
Tokonatsu Yuika
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groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday 28 Dec 1004 rank Civilian occupation Scholar
Wish: May I discover something unknown to all mankind, so I could leave my name as a legendary scholar.

Ajisai ftw :>
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:28:20 GMT -5
Akirei has written 33 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 2, 2024 11:32:01 GMT -5
Yuki Hakurei
What's cooler than cool?
Yuki Hakurei Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 40 years old birthday Dec 23, 984 rank Jounin occupation Senior Diplomat
Hakurei walked out onto the street and looked both ways. The Yuki compound was aglow with strange bamboo that had sprouted up through the snow. He pulled a little slip of paper out of his pocket and stared down at it. He felt silly for playing along with this but his heart grieved. "My Lady," He whispered, "I will try to honor your legacy… but I don’t think I can be diplomatic when I find out who took you from us."

He hung the slip of paper on the tree and as the icy wind rustled the branches you could just make out a single word. REVENGE.

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:29:41 GMT -5
Thalia has written 144 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 2, 2024 13:19:49 GMT -5
Hōzuki Keneō
Procrastination is Opportunity's Assassin.
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groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday April 4th rank Genin occupation Stylin'
Passing by the peculiar occurrence that had come by in the shape of bamboo, Ken was honestly just surprised at how quickly they had grown. He knew that some bamboo could grow up to ninety centimeters in a day, which was remarkable no matter how you looked at it, but it still needed to come from somewhere. And these bamboo in particular had not been here yesterday, at least not to his recollection. However looking at how much of it had sprouted and reached up to the heavens, Ken could not help but shake one thought in particular. A thought about how quickly something could come out of nowhere and reach for the sky, limited only by their roots and their ability to persevere.

"I wish to become one of the finest shinobi this land has ever counted among its own."

An enhanced element would be amazing

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:30:38 GMT -5
Shaquille Oatmeal has written 194 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 2, 2024 15:01:51 GMT -5
Uzumaki Keisuke
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groupLeaf Shinobi
age 30 years old birthday 26/12 rank Elite Jonin occupation Hokage
Keisuke had heard about the Tanabata bambo spreading after the shooting star passed overhead only recently and had started to spread far and wide. Keisuke had heard of the village folk and ninja alike going out and leaving messages of wishes or good words in the hope that they might come true. Keisuke had never been one to believe in such tales but with everything that had gone on in the world and his own life to date, he thought it couldn't heard to leave some message.

They talk of lands where no tears are shed,
Where joy and love are freely spread.
In their rustling, there’s a song,
Of a world where all belong.

ITEMS: the hero's glasses [Active]
the hero's cape [Active]
Hero’s "Presence”

This Hero’s presence is an ability that stems right from Keisuke’s own chakra and with how the man is around others. The man believes that he is a real hero, even though a lot of that is self-proclaimed. His belief that he is a real hero has created something truly special for Keisuke. He has developed a special aura, that stems from his hero "energy” [chakra levels]. This aura can be seen by others, though it can only really be seen clearly when he is in the thrill of battle believing he is a true hero. Out of battle his aura is faint but is sometimes present if he speaks of his hero-like desires. Those who witness his aura ‘might’ believe in him for just a second, whilst they will often deny they believed anything. The doubt is in there minds. In the presence of friends and allies, his aura will truly be seen. His aura to friends and allies will give them a slight boost in confidence and will give them the belief they can win even if they are against it. As a Uzumaki Keisuke's will is yet strengthened by his will and determination even more he will keep going until until he drops dead if he has to.

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:31:37 GMT -5
Jian has written 97 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 2, 2024 23:40:13 GMT -5
Burokon Zakku
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Burokon Zakku Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

And I wanna conquer the world
Give all the idiots a brand-new religion
Put an end to poverty, uncleanliness, and toil
Promote equality in all of my decisions


Zakku tied his wish to the bamboo and exhaled his skunky smoke.  He stared at his wish.  He saw others from peoples writings he could recognize and left them alone.  He placed his blunt between his lips.  "A wish huh?"  He chuckled exhaling smoke. He turned away darting off.  "As if...But it's better to be safe just in case."  He rationed to himself leaving his wish.  Maybe he wished it would come true,.  Maybe he knew it was a sham but in the event it did work out he had to be sure.

Wish: I wish to never lose a friend again or to be fast enough to stop it from happening.
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:38:04 GMT -5
Duh Dood has written 563 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 3, 2024 1:08:46 GMT -5
Fujiyama Orbei
Home isn't where you're from. It's where you belong.
Fujiyama Orbei Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 29 years old birthday 11/28 rank Jounin occupation Bodyguard
Wish: I wish that Mom and Dad don't ever worry about me and live peaceful lives. It's my fault for causing them all this trouble, and I want them to just be happy.
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:43:00 GMT -5
seychii has written 14 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 3, 2024 9:09:38 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
The new bamboo sprouts were attracting pandas! Kojirou’s face was mixed with joy and fright at the sight, but he couldn’t bring himself to shoo them away from the delicacies… although many people had a custom of attaching tanabata to the sprouts as a means to send one’s wishes to the sky above. He, too, held one of those papers in his hand, but he had to make his way through the handful pandas that monopolized the bamboo grasses…

A beat-up, fur-covered Kojirou made his way to a tall bamboo, leaning on it with an exhausted form before slowly climbing up the bamboo. Once he reached the top, he used the last remaining strength of his to attach the paper to the leaves before dropping down, landing on the big back of another panda that was planning to eat that very same bamboo… but decided to leave it alone. A bamboo that dropped humans as self-defense? Better stay away from that one.

The paper he attached near the top held a single wish that he groaned out in frustration:

"I-I wish I could talk to animals, man…”
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:44:57 GMT -5
Koji has written 394 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 3, 2024 10:38:57 GMT -5
Hyūga Honnō
Hesitation is defeat...
Hyūga Honnō Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 28 years old birthday February 18th rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 2 Leader
Hon, glaring over the bamboo, took a bit of time to come up with a wish for this year...

May my students take my lessons to heart, and never fall behind.
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:46:10 GMT -5
Koji has written 101 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 3, 2024 10:43:47 GMT -5
Shouki Kumori
Allow me to honor your efforts, and let me show you this old shinobi's true power!
Shouki Kumori Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 69 years old birthday June 17th rank Elite Jōnin occupation
Kumori had many wishes in his heart. Too many to write on a single tanzaki, but there was a wish that dominated the rest.

Clan’s hope in my hands,
Rituals change, children rise,
Future’s dawn unfolds.
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:47:34 GMT -5
has written 102 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 3, 2024 22:53:49 GMT -5
Inoue Yuya
Let me wander free
Inoue Yuya Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 12th rank D-rank occupation Wanderer
In his short time on the mainland, Yuya had experienced all manner of personalities, traveling like wayward spirits beside him. In fact, although he was far from home, the teen didn't feel nearly as alone as he thought he would. The branches of the tree of life were only dense enough to offer safe descent, but those who fell through their grasp would never be held up overlong. Yuya felt himself falling through those leaves, hurtling toward a fate he could never predict and at a pace he wished he could slow. What lied on the ground beneath, the shades of the bed of grass changing in a smattering of rays that broke through momentary gaps in the canopy above, was ever a mystery.

To wish for what may or may not be, in hopes it would favor the speaker, was, of course, futile. Yuya knew that much. But there was some magic still left in his heart, something that startled him with its presence each morning as it tightened the cords in his gut while he braved another stretch. But, for all he praised these lands for their warmth and camaraderie thus far, this evening he found himself alone.

His mind wandered over the past few months as he traveled down a beaten path, each side graced by the miraculous shoots of bamboo and countless wishes scrawled upon the paper tied to them. It was exactly this kind of magic that kept a fire burning within Yuya, eager to continue on and venture forward into the rest of his life with a confident next step. So he couldn't help but participate.

Procuring a similarly colorful piece of paper to its soon to be brethren, Yuya wrote in a messy scrawl, using his leg as an unsteady surface while the other struggled to keep him upright. Still, it was legible with some effort.

'All in my wake as I go is the past to me,
and for the people I left behind I'm just a memory.
This is already taking its due; I think they all forget when I walk out of view.

I just want a place to head home to.
What's more, I want some friends that care that I do.'

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 17:49:08 GMT -5
j. has written 22 posts