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ANTISTATIC [D RANK MISSION]Aug 2, 2024 16:06:38 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but know why you're doing it
Nara Shun Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 12 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

1. Tokonatsu Touwa, Hotaru Tadashi, Nara Shun

Within the lightning zone, it becomes dangerous to carry many of the traditional shinobi tools needed to protect yourselves. These shinobi have been instructed to divest themselves of weapons and spread out to set up antistatic pads and lightning rods throughout the first leg of the zone, to help protect the explorers who will come afterwards. They are under specific instructions not to fight and to flee from any wildlife that approaches them.


- t h e  t a l e  o f -


”I’ve never seen something like this...” Shun said out loud while staring in awe at the visible bolts of electricity crashing into the ground further away. The air was heavy and the sky was incredibly dark. The teen had taken all the metal and anything else that might compromise her out of her pouches. The only thing that remained was her hitai-ate tied to her hip but her open yukata/shirt mostly covered it. Instead of weapons, the Nara had eight scrolls with her, four containing antistatic pads and the other 4 each containing a lightning rod to unseal upon arrival at a new checkpoint. They had planned to make the area more secure for teams to come.

In this case Shun was teamed up with a couple of waterfall shinobi. She had never met any and was far too young to have an involvement in the war but her clan surely did. She, herself, had luckily lost no one in military action against Taki but there was dislike towards them, the same as Kirigakure, Amegakure and Iwagakure. In any case, Shun was anxious to work with people who might hate her because of her origin and she was also outnumbered... however, the idea of the mission was to split up. Perhaps, all would end well, or she might get ganged up on later.

The raven haired genin had arrived to the scheduled meet-up spot in the storm covered area first. It was the entrance of a now evacuated town at the foot of a hill. All there was left to do was to wait for the others and agree on a plan.

”Hello. I’m Nara Shun. I look forward to efficiently working together.” she would introduce herself politely with a curt bow when the others would arrive.

Words: 297
Shun: 395828
odango has written 157 posts
ANTISTATIC [D RANK MISSION]Aug 3, 2024 5:04:39 GMT -5
Tokonatsu Touwa
I have no interest in those who have lost their future.
Tokonatsu Touwa Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 31st December, 1011 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

Touwa surveyed the storm-covered landscape, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the towering lightning bolts crashing down in the distance. The air was charged with a palpable tension. He adjusted the scrolls strapped securely to his back, each containing the antistatic pads and lightning rods necessary for the mission. Despite the turbulent environment, he maintained an air of confidence, born from his deep-seated belief in the superiority of his lineage.
Touwa's disdain for the mission's circumstances was palpable. Not only did he have to navigate a perilous lightning zone without his usual arsenal, though luckily Ruiteki was an exception, but he also had to cooperate with a shinobi from Konoha, a village he held in contempt. He stood at the entrance of the evacuated town, waiting for everyone to arrive with a mixture of impatience and resignation.
When Nara Shun introduced herself with a polite bow, Touwa’s expression remained stoic, his eyes flicking over her briefly before he responded. "Tokonatsu Touwa," he said, his tone clipped and formal. "Let's get one thing straight. We're here to set up the pads and rods, nothing more. I don't care about Konoha or its shinobi. Just stay out of my way, and we'll get this done efficiently."
His words were direct, reflecting his ingrained elitism and his reluctance to engage with anyone outside his clan. Despite this, a part of him couldn't help but be curious about the Nara clan’s famed intelligence. However, he quickly buried that curiosity under layers of sarcasm and indifference. He had no intention of letting his guard down, especially not around someone from a village he distrusted.
斬術 | Zanjutsu [lit. Cutting Technique]
The Araikettei clan's hijutsu allows the user to obtain and wield the Life Blade - Ruiteki. The blade has its own consciousness and is capable of acting on its own. Regardless, Touwa and his Life Blade are inextricably linked to life and death. When one dies, the other dies, and thus anyone who is not Touwa is unable to wield the weapon.
毒耐性 | Doku Taisei [lit. Poison Tolerance]
Touwa has a higher tolerance to biological toxins and poisons because he is a member of the Tokonatsu clan. Because of his resistance, Touwa can heal from wounds caused by biological poisons or toxins more quickly. Biological poisons or toxins require a dosage increase of one to become effective.
竑 | Kou [lit. Endless]
Touwa possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to his peers. This advantage enables him to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting his chakra, granting him a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, he can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within his rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 270

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last edit by Tokonatsu Touwa on Aug 3, 2024 5:04:52 GMT -5
Yofie has written 252 posts
ANTISTATIC [D RANK MISSION]Aug 7, 2024 9:24:47 GMT -5
Hotaru Tadashi
"Protect those I hold dear with all my might"
Hotaru Tadashi Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday 30th June, 990 rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 3 Leader

Working with the other villages in a sorta truce scenario to explore and discover what this phenomenon was certainly surprised Tadashi. The villages were constantly angry at each other so the fact they were all able to get together at least somewhat for a common goal was shocking, to say the least. Then again once they got the missive from their Lady it made sense that not everything would be perfect behind the scenes. While they weren't allowed to attack or initiate battle they were allowed to defend themselves and should some konoha shinobi fall in the process it was a free pardon on their part. While Tadashi didn't much like the idea of killing for killing sake he would do as the lady demands as he was sworn to that duty. Much more even so since he would be escorting his son Touwa to one of the areas that needed help. If Touwa was in danger he was very much willing to decemate whoever got in his way.[break][break]

Luckily it sounded like they would only be teaming up with a single shinobi from the village hidden in the leaves and even lucky it was a child. Now normally one would take full advantage of a child being someone they were against, but after his teaching days and seeing the Yamakira twins in action Tadashi knew not to judge a shinobi based on their age alone. There could be raw and destructive power under there so he wasn't about to be overconfident about his abilities. Especially when he found out this child was from a very important clan of the leaf village. Notorious for their trapping capabilities, medical prowess, and intellect just meant they could manipulate a situation quite well. So Tadashi would need to keep on his toes to make sure both he and Touwa weren't being made a fool of by this Leaf Shinobi.[break][break]

When the two would appear before this leaf shinobi, who introduced themselves, Touwa was the first to speak spitting out some venom in his words. Tadashi couldn't help but smirk at how his son was acting and decided to chirp in, "Now Touwa there's no need for that we are here to work with the Konoha shinobi." Tadashi would look at Shun before adding, "Just because they can't handle such a task by themselves doesn't mean we should diminish them simply for their country of origin." A slight jab he was giving to the failures that were Konohagakure before addressing the leaf genin himself, "Hotaru Tadashi. I'll be in charge of making sure to keep the peace between our villages." This was partially true as he was there to keep the peace between the two genin, but he might turn a blind eye if things got a little heated between the two genin. Especially if it seemed like Touwa had the upper hand.

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[]letter-spacing:1px;-webkit-transition:all 1.5s ease;transition:all 1.5s ease;[/newclass]
Elumenate has written 46 posts
ANTISTATIC [D RANK MISSION]Aug 8, 2024 13:19:55 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but know why you're doing it
Nara Shun Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 12 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member


- t h e  t a l e  o f -


Shun stared at the other genin as he made his statement. The boy came up to her chin in height and was skinny with bright eyes. She couldn’t help but think the nature of his words, that were supposed to be cold and perhaps intimidating and convey dislike, and his appearance did not go together at all. The Nara only saw someone kind of cute. ”U-understood.” she nodded to the boy’s words and felt a little bit of colour in her cheeks. He was absolutely adorable and she couldn’t take him seriously one bit – even though she tried.

The taller Takigakure representative mentioned being in charge of no one fighting and that seemed reasonable enough. The colour on her face drained a little when he said that Konoha couldn’t take care of the mission themselves. The thought raised too many questions. If anything, the fact it was two of them could mean that she was assisting them and not the other way around

*Is he taunting me?* she thought to herself while thoughtfully glancing at the tall man. Her mind quickly analysed the possible reasons for it that she could think of and she quieted her heart where a nationalist spark had lit. A part of her wanted to say something back but, rationally thinking, she was outnumbered and didn’t want to talk back to someone that outranks her. Also, she was not sure of the etiquette in Taki – what if she offends someone? Perhaps being rude to others was their custom? Dislike between villages aside, Shun did not wish to bring shame upon her home because of her quick tongue. Not just the honor was concerned – she was also outnumbered.

Instead, the girl gave another bow: ”Thank you for your efforts, Hotaru-san.” She spoke politely and added a light smile. It was apparent that the girl was not easily riled up. ”Shall we head out then? Best to complete our task quickly to aid the next teams to come.”

The group would leave and, as planned, spread out.

Words: 339
Shun: 395828

last edit by Nara Shun on Aug 8, 2024 13:20:26 GMT -5
odango has written 157 posts
ANTISTATIC [D RANK MISSION]Aug 9, 2024 0:45:34 GMT -5
Tokonatsu Touwa
I have no interest in those who have lost their future.
Tokonatsu Touwa Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 31st December, 1011 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

As the group began to move out, Touwa kept his pace steady, his thoughts swirling with a mixture of irritation and disdain. He had expected his father to back him up, to assert their dominance over the Konoha shinobi, but instead, Tadashi had taken a more diplomatic approach. Touwa clenched his jaw, barely suppressing his frustration. It wasn’t just the mission itself that rankled him—it was the fact that he had to cooperate with someone from a village he had been taught to look down upon.
"Understood?" Touwa muttered under his breath, mimicking Shun’s response with a mocking tone, though quietly enough that only he could hear. He glanced over at the Konoha girl, his eyes narrowing as he observed her composed demeanor. She seemed unflustered, even polite in the face of his hostility. That annoyed him even more. It was as if she didn’t take him seriously. His pride prickled at the thought.
As they spread out to begin the mission, Touwa found himself in a quieter area of the zone, away from Shun and Tadashi. The air was thick with the static of the approaching storm, and every now and then, a crack of thunder echoed ominously across the sky. The task at hand should have been straightforward—place the pads, set up the rods, and avoid getting struck by lightning—but Touwa’s mind was elsewhere, still dwelling on the interaction with Shun.
He couldn’t shake the feeling of being underestimated, not just by the Konoha shinobi, but by his own father. Tadashi’s earlier comments replayed in his head. "There's no need for that," his father had said as if Touwa had been too harsh. As if it was wrong to assert his superiority. But wasn’t that the way of their clan? To be better, to show no weakness? Yet here they were, working alongside a Konoha shinobi and his father was acting like they were equals. It was infuriating.
He finished securing one of the antistatic pads, stepping back to inspect his work. His mind kept wandering back to Shun. She had been so… collected, unruffled by his words. That irked him, but it also intrigued him, much to his dismay. Shaking his head, he pushed those thoughts aside. He had a job to do, and he would do it well if only to prove that he didn’t need to rely on anyone from Konoha to complete it.
As he moved on to the next spot, Touwa’s focus sharpened. He was set on to complete this mission flawlessly, to show his father—and Shun—that he was every bit the shinobi his lineage demanded. Even if it meant putting aside his disdain for just a little while, he would see this through with the same confidence and competence that had been drilled into him since childhood. The storm was fierce, but Touwa was fiercer.
斬術 | Zanjutsu [lit. Cutting Technique]
The Araikettei clan's hijutsu allows the user to obtain and wield the Life Blade - Ruiteki. The blade has its own consciousness and is capable of acting on its own. Regardless, Touwa and his Life Blade are inextricably linked to life and death. When one dies, the other dies, and thus anyone who is not Touwa is unable to wield the weapon.
毒耐性 | Doku Taisei [lit. Poison Tolerance]
Touwa has a higher tolerance to biological toxins and poisons because he is a member of the Tokonatsu clan. Because of his resistance, Touwa can heal from wounds caused by biological poisons or toxins more quickly. Biological poisons or toxins require a dosage increase of one to become effective.
竑 | Kou [lit. Endless]
Touwa possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to his peers. This advantage enables him to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting his chakra, granting him a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, he can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within his rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 473

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last edit by Tokonatsu Touwa on Aug 9, 2024 0:50:18 GMT -5
Yofie has written 252 posts
ANTISTATIC [D RANK MISSION]Aug 14, 2024 21:36:38 GMT -5
Hotaru Tadashi
"Protect those I hold dear with all my might"
Hotaru Tadashi Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday 30th June, 990 rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 3 Leader

Being gentle and kind was something of a specialty of Tadashi's especially when dealing with people from rival villages. He was excellent at putting up a facade of dumbfounded innocence and golden retriever energy when needed. Sure by Takigakure standards he wasn't this harsh and power-hungry man, but even had this side of him not that he showed it often. He could reign in his more almost sadistic tendencies when needed and doing so for this leaf shinobi who looked, in his mind, as fragile as a pup was necessary for the village. If the two genin were to face each other in combat Tadashi was more than certain Touwa could handle the child alone and quickly so if they did indeed try and do something he doubted he would need to interfere, but he might especially since they got that pardon from Lady Mikatakujira. [break][break]

The group would be quick to separate each doing their part of placing pads and rods to keep the area a bit safer for the other groups involved. Tadashi would of course take advantage of his unique abilities for this mission and send out clones to do as much of his job as needed while he would watch the two genin from a distance to make sure they kept things civil.

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Elumenate has written 46 posts
ANTISTATIC [D RANK MISSION]Aug 17, 2024 9:56:03 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but know why you're doing it
Nara Shun Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 12 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member


- t h e  t a l e  o f -


It was quite the predicament. Having been separated from the other Konoha shinobi - even her clansmen - Shun was assigned to missions with foreign people and, while she was very excited to learn about new places and cultures, the girl couldn’t help but be a little nervous. There was clear animosity from both of her colleagues on this mission but the Nara teenager put those feelings to the side to sort out and, instead, went into the situation with an open mind. The genin didn’t want to believe that people could hate without reason. It did not fit with her ideals and she saw it as silly to classify a full nation as enemies while knowing nothing of their lives and circumstances. Then again, it was possible that the nicest people from elsewhere could be dishonest so maybe the open display of dislike was somewhat reassuring that their feelings were genuine. It was complicated to think about. A situation such as this asked her to trust her team yet be constantly weary of them. Would they save her if she needed it? Or just stand by? Not knowing the answer only meant she should rely on herself and herself alone.

The girl was fast for her rank - noticeably so. She was also thorough and nimble with her hands with a good eye for detail and a sense to plan ahead. The girl only had two lightning rods to set and doubled back to check the work of the other two. It made sense to her to place the lightning rods around the possible route through the area and it wasn’t that small.

Returning back in sight of the others, she monitored for progress and, if it happened so that she’d lock eyes with Touwa, she’d offer a kind smile and a friendly wave of her hand. They were of a similar age so why not try to get along?

The road through the zone took about 30 minutes by carriage so Shun would sprint the distance to find the emptiest zones to set the remaining lightning rods in. It had been in one such zone that she had met up with the Taki ninjas again.

”I’ll set up two more rods here and about 100 meters ahead.” she’d communicate with the others. These things covered cone-like areas so the higher they were set, the better. Of course, they had limits. Shun had picked a place that would likely be a target only by spacing she had seen already and, just as one might have it, the area they stood was struck. Right next to the reunited group was a sudden flash of pure white and the ground opened up in an explosion. It all happened so fast that she only noticed later that, instinctively, having Touwa be the closest person to her, the girl had moved to shield him with her body. Luckily nothing happened, but Shun would still stand up and ask: ”Are you ok?”

Words: 499
Shun: 395828

odango has written 157 posts
ANTISTATIC [D RANK MISSION]Aug 18, 2024 8:13:30 GMT -5
Tokonatsu Touwa
I have no interest in those who have lost their future.
Tokonatsu Touwa Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 31st December, 1011 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

Touwa had been steadily making his way through the task, his irritation simmering just below the surface. As he worked, he kept glancing around, half-expecting to catch a glimpse of Shun’s progress. He was irritated by how quickly she moved, and how efficiently she seemed to be working. It irked him that she wasn’t struggling more—struggling in a way that would validate his disdain for her.
But then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw her approach again, and he noticed something that made his irritation flare even hotter: that kind smile, that friendly wave. It was as if she didn’t understand, or worse, didn’t care about the distance he was trying to maintain between them. How could she be so unbothered, so unaffected by his hostility? He felt a surge of frustration, mixed with a confusing hint of something else—maybe curiosity, maybe admiration, though he’d never admit it.
He was about to respond with a sarcastic remark when the world around him exploded into white light. The deafening crack of lightning split the air, and for a moment, everything was chaos. Touwa instinctively ducked. When the light and noise faded, he found himself unharmed, the ground nearby scorched and smoking from the impact.
"Touwa!" Ruiteki shouted in unison.
And then he realized something else: Shun was standing right in front of him, her arms outstretched as if she had been ready to shield him from the blast. Touwa’s eyes widened in surprise and confusion. Of all the things he had expected, this wasn’t one of them. For a split second, he was too stunned to speak. The girl he had been so eager to dismiss had just instinctively moved to protect him, despite all the animosity he had shown her.
As Shun stood up and asked if he was okay, Touwa blinked, trying to process what had just happened. His pride screamed at him to brush her off, to act like it was no big deal, but something in him hesitated. He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks, not just from the proximity of the lightning strike but from the sheer unexpectedness of her actions.
"I—” he started, his voice faltering for the first time since they’d met. He quickly caught himself, straightening up and brushing some dust off his sleeves. "I’m fine,” he finally said, his tone a bit harsher than he intended, but with a hint of something softer beneath it. His usual sharpness was tempered, if only slightly, by the realization that Shun had just risked herself for him. It was unsettling, and he didn’t like how it made him feel—like maybe he’d been wrong about her like maybe she wasn’t just a weak Konoha shinobi after all.
He glanced away, trying to regain his composure. "You didn’t have to do that,” he added, quieter this time, the words feeling awkward on his tongue. He wanted to sound dismissive, but the truth was, he wasn’t sure how he felt about what had just happened. His pride warred with a new, unfamiliar sense of gratitude that he wasn’t quite ready to acknowledge.
Without waiting for a response, Touwa turned back to the task at hand, his movements a bit more mechanical now, as if he were trying to bury the awkwardness of the moment under a layer of forced concentration. But the encounter lingered in his mind, unsettling him more than he cared to admit.
斬術 | Zanjutsu [lit. Cutting Technique]
The Araikettei clan's hijutsu allows the user to obtain and wield the Life Blade - Ruiteki. The blade has its own consciousness and is capable of acting on its own. Regardless, Touwa and his Life Blade are inextricably linked to life and death. When one dies, the other dies, and thus anyone who is not Touwa is unable to wield the weapon.
毒耐性 | Doku Taisei [lit. Poison Tolerance]
Touwa has a higher tolerance to biological toxins and poisons because he is a member of the Tokonatsu clan. Because of his resistance, Touwa can heal from wounds caused by biological poisons or toxins more quickly. Biological poisons or toxins require a dosage increase of one to become effective.
竑 | Kou [lit. Endless]
Touwa possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to his peers. This advantage enables him to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting his chakra, granting him a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, he can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within his rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 572

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Yofie has written 252 posts
ANTISTATIC [D RANK MISSION]Aug 22, 2024 1:35:16 GMT -5
Hotaru Tadashi
"Protect those I hold dear with all my might"
Hotaru Tadashi Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday 30th June, 990 rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 3 Leader

Things were going rather smoothly for the group as the two genin were doing their tasks and Tadashi's clones were jumping all over the area placing more and more of their objective. It was nice and simple and things were going well for the most part. The animosity between the two villages needed to be overcome to continue this mission. While Tadashi wouldn't mind getting rid of this child once and for all he figured it was best not to do so without reason. So for now he would simply play watcher of the two genin to make sure nothing happened between the two.[break][break]

Which unfortunately did happen. While not something of hatred, but rather of heroics. Lightning had struck where the group was standing and the Konoha shinobi had gone to shield Touwa while Tadashi in a similar matter was doing the same, but different. Since using his clones he created a barrier around the group letting them all take the brunt of the lightning leaving the group to be surrounded by a poof of smoke. Panting slightly Tadashi would ask Touwa with a worried tone, "Are you alright?" Using the multiple shadow clone jutsu so quickly was something Tadashi hadn't done in a while nor was prepared to do so it took a lot more than he expected. Plus with the added adrenaline running through him to protect his son he certainly lost the composure he normally had on him.[break][break]

Seeing the two genin were ok Tadashi would let them continue with the mission helping out as much as he could. He wouldn't be able to use as many of his clones as he did before due to using a huge portion of his chakra and stamina, but he would keep a few clones near Touwa just in case he got into trouble again. As a small sign of peace and gratefulness for attempting to help Touwa, he would also lend a single clone to help Shun out. He didn't much like helping this leaf shinobi, but the sooner he got Touwa out of this area the better.

[]letter-spacing:-1px;-webkit-transition:all 1.5s ease;transition:all 1.5s ease;[/newclass]
[]letter-spacing:1px;-webkit-transition:all 1.5s ease;transition:all 1.5s ease;[/newclass]
Elumenate has written 46 posts
ANTISTATIC [D RANK MISSION]Aug 23, 2024 15:58:25 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but know why you're doing it
Nara Shun Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 12 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member


- t h e  t a l e  o f -


Shun could hardly believe that she just saw a lightning strike so close, to begin with, but the adrenaline had her focused on the boy in front of her. Luckily, the jonin present had shielded them with his clones and Shun made a note to thank him after making sure Touwa was fine.

’Is he… blushing?’ Shun was a little taken aback and blinked a couple times while just quietly watching his inner struggle. Her own cheeks caught colour at how precious it seemed. ”A-aah…” she gave in agreement when the other genin ran away from her with work as the excuse. She wasn’t one to prod so she would back away and give the boy his space. Suddenly the two waterfall shinobi did not seem so threatening anymore. Touwa was just proud and Tadashi did protect both of them while he could have let Shun be a meat shield. Silently, the girl peered up at the jonin and smiled warmly: ”Thank you.” she said and then would return to her work.

The group continued and would soon set up all the pads and rods necessary to clear a path to what Shun could only describe as a lightning storm of nightmares. After the outer zone, the weather only got worse and thunder roared through the skies. Sometimes it was deafening. The girl felt cold sweat form at the back just looking at it…

Eventually the group would return to their starting point without incident. Shun had appreciated the shadow clone given for assistance to her by Tadashi-san. Of course, at first she was a little weary but the clone man helped her get around obstacles so she could only take the presence in good faith.

After coming back, Shun would bid farewell: ”Thank you for your assistance, Hotaru-sama, Touwa-kun.” she’d bow to both of them and would smile before separating to return to the Konoha headquarters and report the mission outcome.


Words: 330
Shun: 395828

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