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Firefighters Aug 3, 2024 5:23:16 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

An stood at the edge of the fire zone, scanning the horizon for any sign of her teammates. The heat from the wildfires was intense, and the sky was tinged with an ominous orange glow. She knew they were on their way, but the waiting was nerve-wracking.
She found a relatively safe spot away from the thick of the flames and took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. Her light blue-gray eyes reflected the fire's glow as she assessed the situation. The locals were doing their best to contain the fire, but it was clear they needed more help.
To keep her mind occupied while waiting, An decided to check on the progress of the water transportation efforts. She approached a group of villagers who were loading water tanks onto trucks. "How's it going?" she asked, her tone encouraging.
One of the villagers, an older man with a weary but determined expression, looked up. "We're getting there, but it's slow going. The roads are tricky with all the debris."
An nodded, her empathy kicking in. "You're doing great. Every bit of water helps. My teammates will be here soon, and we'll be able to assist more effectively."
After some more waiting, she finally spotted movement in the distance. When the figures were close enough An spoke up. "You must be my teammates for the day," An said, offering a warm smile despite the urgency of the situation. "I'm Gurē An, from Kirigakure. It's our first mission together, and we've got a lot of work to do. The fire is spreading fast, and the locals need all the help they can get."
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 274

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Wildfires rage along the edge of the fire zone, threatening to possibly spread outside the area of effect and catch other surrounding communities on fire. The locals need help in trucking large amounts of water from the outskirts of the water zone to the fire zone. Accompany the firefighting forces, or come up with creative ways to suppress the fire yourself to help protect the safety of Yugakure.
last edit by Gurē An on Aug 3, 2024 5:25:45 GMT -5
Yofie has written 417 posts
Firefighters Aug 3, 2024 7:03:54 GMT -5
Hōzuki Keneō
Procrastination is Opportunity's Assassin.
Hōzuki Keneō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday April 4th rank Genin occupation Stylin'
Wildfires. Massive raging walls of flame that hunger for all that burns, feeding upon anything it can reach in order to fill a stomach that was, for all intents and purposes bottomless. An ephemeral existence that was born to disappear almost as swiftly as it was spawned into being, only for its death throes to lay waste to anything that surrounded it due to the will to keep existing, to keep consuming.

In all honesty, this was the first time Ken had ever witnessed such a thing, what with him never having left home before and the lands surrounding the Hidden Mist being incredibly moist. It seemed like the kind of thing he would have never needed to concern himself with, yet here they were. As far as his team went, he had no idea who these people were, not really. But that didn't really matter all that much. This was a mission, and regardless of whether he knew who these people were or not, a mission had to be completed no matter what. Which was why, in his mind, he was already had at work at trying to figure out how he might optimize his own abilities to put out the flames.

As a Hozuki, he knew a thing or two about water release ninjutsu, though none of the techniques he knew would be good enough to put out a forest fire on his own. He could increase the amount of moisture in the air and make it more difficult for the flames to increase in intensity while slowing their spread, though that would only be effective if they could somehow halt the spread and contain the fire to a specific area. But even in that there would be problems, as containing flames that would grow in intensity would only hold for so long. This meant that coordination was going to be key, and for the other members of his team to possess techniques that were complimentary to his own and vice versa.

"Then lets get down to business straight away, as I doubt the flames will wait for us to get ready. I'm Ken, and I think we should focus on containing the flames, or at least making sure it does not get closer to the town."

Looking around, there were plenty of burning trees, as well as rocks in the area. Looking at their placement, Ken believed that if they could get a bunch of the burning trees to tip over, it might form a bit of a barricade while keeping the flames from spreading into multiple directions once the trees tipped over on their own and fell wherever they wanted. Either way, the falling trees were an issue that needed to be dealt with, and if they could somehow swing that in their favor, simply adding water and soil to the trees would help in creating a barrier that would slow down the spread and maybe keep it contained. And if it ended up working out, they could continue creating similar barricades until the nearby communities could be saved from the spreading fire.

"If we can bring down those trees there, there and there with some controlled explosions, we could create a temporary barricade and keep the flames focused in that area, rather than allowing it to haphazardly spread. If the two of you could see to that, i'll see to it that the fire spreading along our barricade will slow down enough for it to matter. Get these locals to bring in buckets of water and mud."

Since there wasn't a clear leader assigned to their group along the lines of a Chuunin or a Jounin, Ken imagined that time was of the essence, as it was very much not on their side. If they could all agree that swift action was needed, no real leadership needed to be assigned, as long as simple and clear orders could be issued and followed.
Shaquille Oatmeal has written 193 posts
Firefighters Aug 3, 2024 8:57:01 GMT -5
Jūryoku Azusaki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Jūryoku Azusaki Avatar
age 17 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation
    This has been the furthest trek Azusaki had taken thus far as his time as a shinobi, and certainly it was one of the more strange situations he was dealing with in many ways. Traveling with a group of others from his village wasn't so odd at all, though being sent certainly seemed a more odd choice as he thought for certain there were others with more experience to deal with this strange situation than himself. Getting there and finding himself grouped up with two younger shinobi from other villages, especially from one that his home wasn't terribly friendly with, seemed to garner yet another mark into the odd category.

    It didn't take long for the situation at hand to pull whatever thoughts he had bouncing around in his head away, as he looked at the area, the fire, the amount of other shinobi that were here, and suddenly so much of this made sense. He was pointed towards two other shinobi that were said to be from Kiri, and after they gave short introductions, he just sighed, still looked out at the fire, already trying to think about how to handle this situation.

"I'm Azusaki, and to make it simple just call me Azu. I think I can help here."

    Looking out at what was being pointed out, he didn't say much else for the moment, as he had no clue what either of these shinobi were truly capable of, as he wasn't in any way familiar with them or their clans. Eventually he started to roll his neck and take off a few layers of clothing, such as his jacket, as the area was hot enough due to this fire.

"Alright, well I can potentially slow down section of the fire to keep it from spreading, but it's going to get potentially dangerous in those areas while doing so. I can essentially control gravity, and I can lower the gravity in an area of about fifteen meters around me. It's going to make the fire dangerous, but it will spread significantly more slow. That would at least keep the fire in that area from spreading fast, without having to knock down anything we don't need to."

    He looked between them again, then once more towards the fire.

"I'll have to concentrate while doing it, so we either need a lot of water or a lot of dirt to smother the fire. Regardless, I can give us time to do whatever we need to otherwise from there. I can likely create ditches and mud paths for slowing the fire or potentially diverting it, but one step at a time."

    Without waiting for anyone to give him a starting point, he moved closer to the fire and closed his eyes for a moment, as he raised his hands, then called out.

"Anyone within fifteen meters of me, please keep in mind the gravity in this area will be lowering. Lighter objects will become near weightless, and any heavy objects on the ground or on your person will become lighter. This will also lower your own body weight, so please take all of the following in mind and be careful."

    With two quick handseals, there was a pulse around his body, and the gravity in a wide bubble around him lowered dramatically. The fire itself, inside the gravity field, started to visually shift, becoming more rounded instead of the expected high rising shape, and the spread was in fact noticeably slowed in that area within his range.

NAME: Sukunai jūryoku [Less Gravity]
CHAKRA USAGE: Low, Low (Drain)
HANDSEALS: 2 - Dog, Hare

A gravitational field is thrown outward of the user. Each field that is made can surround one object or person. Light weight objects will float while heavily ones, people, will feel lightened. This can increase their speed, but punching power will be affected if it isn’t properly compensated for. The item has to stay within the range of fifty feet (15 meters) of the user or the jutsu will dissipate.

Sprinkles has written 73 posts
Firefighters Aug 4, 2024 3:20:02 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

An watched as her teammates, Azusaki and Ken, quickly formulated plans to combat the spreading wildfire. It was clear they were experienced and capable shinobi, which gave her a sense of confidence despite the daunting task ahead. Azusaki's unique ability to control gravity and Ken's water-based ninjutsu would be instrumental in their efforts. Now, it was her turn to contribute.
"I'm impressed with both of your plans," An said, nodding in agreement. "Creating a temporary barricade with controlled explosions and slowing the fire with gravity manipulation are both excellent ideas. I think we can make this work."
She looked around at the chaotic scene, her mind racing with possibilities. "I have an idea that might help us further contain the fire. I can use my transformation jutsu to turn into a burrowing animal, like a mole or a badger. This way, I can dig a trench quickly and efficiently, which can act as a firebreak to prevent the flames from spreading further."
An quickly made a few hand seals, preparing to transform. "I'll dig a trench around the perimeter of the fire's path. This should help in keeping the flames from advancing while you two execute your plans."
With that, she performed the Henge no Shin, transforming into a large, sturdy badger. Her claws immediately began to dig into the earth, creating a trench to separate the burning area from the untouched land. The locals, seeing her efforts, began to assist by bringing buckets of water and mud, pouring them into the trench to further smother the flames and create a barrier.
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 262

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Yofie has written 417 posts
Firefighters Aug 4, 2024 15:24:07 GMT -5
Hōzuki Keneō
Procrastination is Opportunity's Assassin.
Hōzuki Keneō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday April 4th rank Genin occupation Stylin'
With everything more or less just happening before his eyes, the girl turned into an badger and began digging trenches around a certain area. The civilians wasted little to no time in following up on the orders, bringing in water and mud as he had pitched in his idea, making it so the trench could not really be crossed by the flames. With the other ninja utilizing some sort of technique that seemed to mess up gravity, the immediate feeling he got from it was strange, almost as though everything he knew about his own body was wrong since his weight got shifted around so drastically. All things considered, this put a dent in the fire's means of spreading and would aid the people of the region a good deal.

So while everything served a purpose, there were still the burning trees that needed to be taken down in a controlled manner, lest they fall across the trench that was in the process of being dug out and filled with water and allow the flames to get across that way. But that gave him an idea. Since gravity had been messed with, there was a chance that if he altered his shape, that he might be able to bring some of the trees down through brawn alone, thus taking out the need for explosives. While some level of danger was posed if the heat grew to be too much to handle, as long as they didn't need to venture into the heart of the wildfire's blaze and remained on the outskirts such as this, he would be perfectly fine. Especially since he left a moisturous path in his wake.

Breaking down his body into a mass over water as he went across the trench with a leap, his liquid form wrapped around the trees, beginning to apply pressure at the bottom while pushing against it from the side. Normally, pushing over a tree that was technically already disintegrating due to the sheer heat that was burning it and had been burning it for a while now would have been difficult to say the least. But in his liquid form with the gravity being what it was, it allowed for some leeway. And so, he managed to actually push over one of the burning trees, using their reduces weight and his water to guide it to just in front of the trench. If the civilians were to keep bringing in mud and water to toss on top of it, the trench along with the tree would make for a decent barricade.

But there were plenty of trees left to topple, which would prove difficult to do by his lonesome.

NAME: Suika no Jutsu [Hydrification Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
This technique makes it impossible to receive damage from physical attacks. From a single hair, to the skin and muscles, everything can be liquefied and solidified at will. Be it to evade an enemy's attack during a short range battle, to infiltrate a structure, or to launch a surprise attack in a liquefied state, this technique boasts a high strategic value. Applying this technique, the user can also modify their body parts for suitable situations or even use the liquid as projectiles. In order to use this technique, the user must remain hydrated, lest the user not being able to use this or other Hozuki techniques.

The only way to contain a user of this technique is to lock them up in an airtight container so they cannot move about. When the user passes out, they turn into a jelly-like state. Since this technique turns the body into water, the Hōzuki are extremely vulnerable to Lightning Release techniques. Along with Scorch Release techniques.
Shaquille Oatmeal has written 193 posts
Firefighters Aug 5, 2024 6:22:26 GMT -5
Jūryoku Azusaki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Jūryoku Azusaki Avatar
age 17 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation
"The weight of the trees should be lowered meaning-"

    He grunted for a moment as he was holding the weight of a lot of things all at once with the pressure he was exuding with his jutsu. It wasn't as if he had a direct impact on every single thing purposefully, but he had to be so much more precise than usual that he couldn't do much else but stand in place.

"-they shouldn't fall as quickly, as the fire shouldn't spread through them as quick as before. You should be able to knock them down at least easier."

    Looking around at both shinobi and civilians alike working in this dangerous environment, it reminded him why he struggled to grow stronger, for these exact moments. Everyone thought of shinobi as assassins, killers, warriors, but so rarely did they get to show they protected more than just their own villages and their own egos. Both of these temporary aligned teammates didn't so much as blink at him offering to help, and now he watched both of their unique skills matching with his own on the fly.

"Please be careful."

    He called out to those working closer and closer to the fire, as he to a step closer, trying to make sure no one was so far out of his range that he wasn't able to help them. Straining his body, he fell to a knee, not because of the natural strain of the jutsu, but because he was really pushing himself to try and push his range as far as he could to try and keep the fire at bay, and it was quite frankly not something even now he was adjusted to trying to do so consistently.
Sprinkles has written 73 posts
Firefighters Aug 6, 2024 12:15:11 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

An, now in her badger form, continued digging furiously, her claws tearing through the earth with determination. She looked up intermittently to see her teammates executing their plans. Azusaki's gravity manipulation was creating a surreal environment, with everything feeling lighter and more manageable. Ken's water-based abilities were proving invaluable as he toppled burning trees and helped form barriers against the encroaching flames.
An could see the civilians working tirelessly alongside them, bringing buckets of water and mud to pour into the trenches she was digging. Their efforts were bolstering her confidence, and she felt a renewed sense of purpose. They were all in this together, and every single action contributed to protecting Yugakure from the relentless wildfire.
Hearing Ken's words of caution and encouragement, An nodded, though she knew he couldn't see her in her current form. She focused on maintaining the trench around the perimeter of the fire's path, ensuring it was deep and wide enough to act as a significant barrier.
As she worked, she noticed a particularly large tree, engulfed in flames, beginning to waver dangerously close to the trench. The tree was on the verge of collapsing and could potentially breach their firebreak if it fell across the trench.
"Ken-san! Azusaki-san! That tree needs to come down safely, or it'll undo all our hard work!" she called out, her voice strained but determined.
Not wasting much time An returned to her task, her claws moving even faster as she dug the trench. She could feel the heat of the fire on her back, but she pushed through, knowing that every second counted. The trench was nearly complete, and she could see the fire slowing its advance, hindered by the barriers they had created.
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 287

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last edit by Gurē An on Aug 6, 2024 12:16:24 GMT -5
Yofie has written 417 posts
Firefighters Aug 6, 2024 19:32:24 GMT -5
Hōzuki Keneō
Procrastination is Opportunity's Assassin.
Hōzuki Keneō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday April 4th rank Genin occupation Stylin'
With a second tree brought down alongside the first, Ken only had so much time before he needed to move back away and get to the next tree. Working in his own little corner where the trench had already been dug and filled to make sure it remained structurally functional, his ears picked up on the call for help. Turning his attention as he returned to his original form, he noticed the tree that did in fact seem like it could collapse at any moment. Had it not been for the gravitational shift due to the other ninja's technique, it more than likely would have collapsed under its own weight already before coming down on top of the trench and bringing the blaze with it.

"On it!"

Running over towards it as fast as his feet could carry him, he made his way over to the tree before once again breaking into a liquid state and wrapping himself around the base of the tree. Feeling the trunk breaking apart, his job right now honestly just came down to slowly guiding the tree that had its weight reduced greatly and put it down on the right side of the trench. Bringing it down ever so slightly and connecting it where it needed to be, his moisturous body had already taken away much of the flame that was raging along and inside it. But the swift addition of water and mud being tossed on top of the tree helped both the trench and himself. After all, for all of the flames he put out, some moisture eventually went lost.

But thanks to the water being tossed in his direction by the bucket, he also managed to replenish that which he lost, which made it seem like all of this came to him without so much as any effort at all. Though he imagined that that only served to better his own image in the eyes of others, making it seem like he could handle himself without so much as breaking a sweat. Filtering out the mud that was being tossed into his liquid form and leaving it along the ground, he rematerialized most of his form so that he could take a look around and see what needed doing next. But all things considered, it seemed as though they had already done most of the grunt work and made sure at least one area would be spared from the flames. But if they kept working, they would certainly be able to do more.
Shaquille Oatmeal has written 193 posts
Firefighters Aug 7, 2024 8:13:39 GMT -5
Jūryoku Azusaki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Jūryoku Azusaki Avatar
age 17 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation
    By now everyone had played their part, but as usual despite how strong his jutsu was, he always felt as if he was adding less than others, simply because he was usually standing in one place and letting the jutsu do the heavy lifting. At least in this case he knew his jutsu was valuable and the three had worked together smoothly enough with the others that they had avoided a fairly scary disaster compared to what might have happened without them. The fire was to a large degree cut off from spreading, and others could now safely start putting out the fires without need of jutsu, or worst case let the fires safely burn out without fear.

"Good job, everyone."

    He let out a sigh and held his jutsu just long enough for those in the close proximity to the fires moved back, before dropping his jutsu and relaxing, giving a heavy sigh. The heat had caused his brow to cover in sweat, but knowing he had helped keep people safe, even if they were total strangers far from his own home, meant he had done something important for once, and gave him a sense of pride he truthfully wasn't used to. Maybe this is what it meant to be a shinobi after all.
Sprinkles has written 73 posts
Firefighters Aug 8, 2024 0:44:19 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

An, still in her badger form, took a moment to observe the scene. Her teammates' coordinated efforts had made a significant impact, and the fire was now mostly contained. The trench she had dug, with the help of the civilians and the combined efforts of Azusaki and Ken, was holding strong.
Shifting back into her human form, An brushed the dirt off her clothes and ran over to Ken, her eyes wide with admiration. "Ken-san, that was amazing! You saved us from those burning trees. Your water abilities were incredible!"
She then turned to Azusaki, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Azusaki-san, your gravity jutsu was very useful! It was my first time seeing anything like that. It made everything easier to handle. Thank you for that."
An could see the fatigue on their faces, mirroring her own. The heat, the physical exertion, and the stress of the situation had taken their toll, but they had succeeded. The fire's advance had been halted, and the village was safe for now.
She turned to the civilians who had been tirelessly helping them. "Thank you, everyone! We couldn't have done this without you. Your hard work and bravery made all the difference. Together, we protected Yugakure from what could have been a devastating wildfire. Let's make sure the fire doesn't reignite and keep watch until we're certain it's completely out."
The villagers continued to douse the remaining embers and secure the area, the three were free to return to their camp. The fire was no longer a threat, and the village was safe.
- E N D -
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

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