QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]

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QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]Aug 3, 2024 14:10:28 GMT -5
Gurē Ren
Knowledge is Power
Gurē Ren Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday January 27th rank Chuunin occupation Medical Corps

   the things we know...

-  -  -  Q U I C K S A N D  -  -  -

It had been incredibly hectic around the elemental zones. The lives of many had changed in one night and Ren would do what he could to help. Because of his affinity for Raiton and medical qualification, he was assigned to some of the earth zone missions. The first one was general support to help rescue and keep calm people stuck in quicksand that had appeared on the outer rim of the zone. Houses, landmarks, belongings and whole streets had now been submerged. It was a pretty big rescue mission and Ren’s team was one of many. Luckily, he was with someone he knew – his cousin – so there was no doubt he would surely succeed. They had also been assigned a medical shinobi from the hidden leaf village. Ren felt extremely indifferent. Not that he was against hating Konoha – he simply did not care. The duty of medical shinobi was to try and preserve life. Ideally. Not that he hadn’t used the skills to cause harm. Anyways, the blonde doctor would remain strictly professional and hate Konoha after the mission, if he felt like it.

The trio were evacuating a man who had been trapped for hours and, by the looks of it, probably had a few cracked ribs. The guy was half-sunk yet kept quiet. ”Sir, what’s your name?” Ren asked calmly. The group of shinobi escaped sinking by focusing chakra in the soles on their feet. It was the same like walking on water – just on quicksand. It was a technique Ren used all the time on top of snow when he didn’t want to get his shoes wet.

”Shinji. Nakamura Shinji.” the man answered, feeling like he had to add: ”My leg. I hurt my leg when I fell. It hurts a lot and I can’t move it.”

The blonde laid his hands on the sand slowly encasing him and focused. Using the chakra transfer technique, Ren pushed lightning chakra into the ground and the sand around the man seemed to loosen. ”Shō, help me lift him out. Under the armpits.” he’d urge his cousin to help and got in position to pull the man out from the front expecting the Shō to go from behind. ”One, two, -” they would lift him on three.

Upon extraction, the man would be laid down on a gurney and it was painfully apparent his leg was twisted. It was broken in multiple places, easy. ”Sir, we’ll have to set your leg. Please remain still. You will feel pressure but it won’t hurt a lot.” Quickly, the chuunin focused chakra in his hands and formed three seals: Dog, Dragon and Ox. ”Chintsu-Zai [Pain Relief]” Ren placed both hands’ fingertips on his leg. In but a minute, the effects of moderate pain killers would start to take effect.

It was then that he looked across to where he expected the Konoha mednin to be: ”Help me reset his leg, miss...?” it was then that he’d inquire her name.

TAG : || WORDS : 496 || NOTES : ---

simple thread template no jutsu by odango

odango has written 51 posts
QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]Aug 4, 2024 2:03:02 GMT -5
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin & Kamenoko Mamori

Quicksand[break][break] - 10th Anniversary's Mission - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


"Oh god, what in the world is going on…" Shō muttered in disbelief. Even after everything he'd been through, from the Civil War to Sanbi's Rampage, seeing such a massive disaster hit Yugakure was surreal. This wasn't just any ordinary disaster… it was strange and magical in a way he couldn’t quite grasp.
Before he knew it, he was assigned to a team. One member was someone he knew well, his cousin, Ren. The other was a Konoha-nin, which was a bit of a problem given that Konoha was their nation's sworn enemy. Normally, this might have been an issue, but Shō, being a pacifist, didn’t have much trouble with it and was more focused on the task at hand.
They were quickly assigned a low-ranked but crucial mission. Several fleeing civilians were stuck in thick mud and sand. There was no time to worry about ranks or team dynamics; their main goal was to rescue them.
"Got you!" Shō said as he helped Ren pull a man out of the sand. Together, they managed to get him to safety. While Ren worked on treating the injuries, Shō turned his attention to the other trapped civilians. Using his lightning chakra, he carefully helped another victim out of the quicksand.
As he worked, Shō called out to his teammate, "I'm Shō. We don't have to be friends, but let’s focus on working together to save these people, shall we?"


Gurē Shō – 235 words [ 2 ]  「Gurē Ren」「Sō Yuno

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Gurē Shō on Aug 4, 2024 2:04:24 GMT -5
Akirei has written 362 posts
QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]Aug 5, 2024 16:29:04 GMT -5
Sō Yuno
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sō Yuno Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday May 7th 1007 rank Genin occupation Medic

Yugakure was the hidden hot spring village, it's well known for it's stance on peace. Often considered the best place for safe and welcome political peace negotiations. So it'd seem like a foolish decision to not agree to assisting this land in need. There'd be a hot spring with her name on it in the near future. On top of that everywhere might hear of heroic deeds assisting these distraught people.

The idea of everyone hearing about it would be further enforced by the fact she'd been assigned with Kirigakure shinobi. Yuno wasn't completely out of the loop with village relations. She certainly knew that there was bad blood between their two villages, but she was also the descendant of dragons. Her mother was alive prior to this whole village shtick too, so she'd not the slightest reservation to this little team-up. If anything she was just woefully surprised by their complete lack of interest in her.

Maybe it was best to keep quiet? She'd not want to cause any trouble and she definitely felt the least experience, so following the two into this odd elemental storm was fine by her. Ready to go full scale and pull someone from the sand, she'd instead be called over for a different task. One calling upon her medical training, "Of course!" She'd rush over to the man on the gurney, grasping his thigh with one hand to keep the leg still.

"I'm Sō Yuno, merciful sea dragon of the leaf village and a friend to all." She'd state with a smile, as she'd take the mans ankle pulling the leg to reset the bone. Her hands sliding inwards to the spot it broke, as to assure she carefully resets it back into the right place. It wasn't her first broken leg to treat, but she hadn't any real internal techniques to assure everything was okay. As for 'a friend to all', it was a sentiment of her name. As Yuno meant friend, but also as a sentiment to her willingness to work together.

Words. --
Notes go here wheee and you can get as long or as short as you want because it doesn't matter. And do you wanna know why that is? Is it because you think this scrolls? Well you'd be right. It does scroll. Pat yourself on the back my good man. You are smart. Smart little man.

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 47 posts
QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]Aug 6, 2024 8:00:00 GMT -5
Gurē Ren
Knowledge is Power
Gurē Ren Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday January 27th rank Chuunin occupation Medical Corps

   the things we know...

-  -  -  Q U I C K S A N D  -  -  -

The Konoha shinobi didn’t hesitate to help and Ren watched as the white-haired girl efficiently reset the bone. The bend in the shin was obvious and it only took medical knowledge and a slight amount of imagination to see how it had been warped. Ren assisted with keeping the patient calm and would then secure the leg.

*A friend to all?* he repeated in his head while looking up from the man to take a better look at Yuno’s face. She seemed sincere, if not a little over the top. He didn’t mind over the top – the man was a performer himself – and, at least, it looked like she knew how to prioritise the mission and be polite. That was enough for Ren to decide he’d have nothing against her. ”Beautiful work.” he commended on her skill. Surely, the girl had seen her share of broken bones. ”I’m Ren. Let’s work well together.” he said in a straight-forward way but his tone was gentle.

The comment on the dragon was interesting – was it a stage persona perhaps? Anyway, the task at hand was to take care of the man. Ren signaled to one of the extraction teams posted outside the further off tents and soon a team of three would arrive to take the gurney away. ”It’s not efficient to perform surgery out here so we’ll just treat immediate trauma and will pass them on to the extraction teams. They told you that there are a couple clinics being set up outside the perimeter of these zones, right?” he asked the new colleague. If she didn’t know before, she did now.

”Get me out of here! I can’t! I can’t be stuck here! My cat! I need to find my cat!” nearby a woman thrashed around while stuck in the ground. If she kept going, she might hurt herself. ” Shō!” Ren called out to his cousin who was closest to the scene.

TAG : || WORDS : 323|| NOTES : 4/10

simple thread template no jutsu by odango

odango has written 51 posts
QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]Aug 7, 2024 12:53:50 GMT -5
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin & Kamenoko Mamori

Quicksand[break][break] - 10th Anniversary's Mission - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


From Shō's perspective, the scene was unfolding in a blur of activity. He had just placed another injured victim near Ren and Yuno for treatment when Ren’s urgent call reached him. Even without a detailed explanation, Shō knew exactly what needed to be done. The woman's cries for help were clear, and he could hear her frantic pleas for her cat.
"Got you." Shō responded with a quick hand sign to signal that he understood. Without hesitation, he set the injured victim down and then seamlessly melted into the dirt, merging at an astonishing speed. This jutsu was Iko, the signature kekkei genkai of the Gure Clan, which allowed them to merge with the flora and fauna. However, Shō had refined this ability to an extraordinary degree, achieving speeds far beyond the norm.
The ground seemed to part for him as he moved through it with incredible velocity, his speed barely perceptible. In the next fifteen seconds, he re-emerged from the earth, gently placing a scroll and unsealing the cat near Ren and Yuno. "It's safe." he reported while panting for fresh air.
The rapid travel wasn't without its drawbacks. The speed at which he had moved left him with a few cuts and scrapes as he re-emerged too quickly. Shō winced slightly but remained focused on his task. He was confident that Ren, with his medical expertise, would be able to tend to these minor injuries later. For now, his priority was ensuring the safety and well-being of those in need.


Gurē Shō – 252 words [ 5 ]  「Gurē Ren」「Sō Yuno

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 362 posts
QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]Aug 7, 2024 20:05:55 GMT -5
Sō Yuno
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sō Yuno Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday May 7th 1007 rank Genin occupation Medic

Yuno would be a bit surprised as Sho disappeared into the sand. Though she'd be most perplexed by the fact he didn't immediately go to the struggling woman. Not that all life wasn't precious. If lesser beings didn't matter than why would a dragon care for people? Though this dragon wasn't sure on the cats situation, but instead could clearly see the woman losing it.

"Uh-He's got the cat, so I guess I'll get you!" Yuno would state to the frantic woman, as she'd rush over with the water walking technique. As to avoid being similarly trapped in the sand, she didn't have any sort of lightning chakra or sand merging ability. She'd instead have to pull the woman from the sand the old fashion way, but it'd be an easy task for the blue eyes white dragon.

Her left leg what skin was visible would suddenly shift into white scales, as she'd get a firm footing next to the woman. Kneeling down she'd extend her right hand to grab the stuck woman's hand. Scales channeling down from her right shoulder to her hand. There was nothing for these scales to defend against, but they're more than just armor. As in an almost effortless motion, she'd pull the woman out from the sand. Her arm and leg strength doubled by the partial dragon transformation.

In the ease of the motion, she'd rather quickly scuttle back to Ren. The woman pulled over the sand back to safer ground, as Sho was emerging with her cat in a scroll. "It's safe, are you though?" Yuno would remark letting go of the woman's hand to let them re-unite, as she'd lean in to look over the scratches on the Kirigakure shinobi. The scales on her arm and leg retracting back into her body and leaving no trace of their existence once again.

Words. --
Notes go here wheee and you can get as long or as short as you want because it doesn't matter. And do you wanna know why that is? Is it because you think this scrolls? Well you'd be right. It does scroll. Pat yourself on the back my good man. You are smart. Smart little man.

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 47 posts
QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]Aug 8, 2024 10:14:59 GMT -5
Gurē Ren
Knowledge is Power
Gurē Ren Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday January 27th rank Chuunin occupation Medical Corps

   the things we know...

-  -  -  Q U I C K S A N D  -  -  -

It was hectic. Multiple teams were working on the scene and the priority was to evacuate people in the safest way and timely manner. However, the plan didn’t only include people so the preserving of animal lives was just as important as the human ones.

Shō never ceased to impress Ren and the blonde smiled as his cousin quickly emerged with the feline safe and sound. After Yuno had released the woman, the two were reunited once again. ”Oh, Olive!” she exclaimed as tears ran down her cheeks and picked up her pet to hug closely.

Ren examined both of them quickly and, once cleared fit to walk, the woman was instructed to head over to the tents with the assistance with an extraction team member.

The blonde Gurē would then turn to his cousin that Yuno would already be assisting. ”Are you alright? Does anything hurt? Your wounds look superficial but they should get cleaned...” he glanced towards the white haired Konoha medic. ”Could you, please, clean the scrapes? I’ll check the other three.” he asked the girl. Under any other circumstance he would do it himself but the mission was time sensitive and he believed he could quickly and efficiently check the civilians laid down in front of him on his own but didn’t know if the situation could work the same in reverse so he made a judgment call to ask Yuno to treat Shō.

The villages were not fans of each other but medical shinobi prioritised healing and self-preservation for that matter. It was extremely unlikely that Yuno would do anything to Shō.

In the mean time Ren worked on the three in front of him. One man was unconscious and looked slightly dehydrated but his vitals were normal so he was probably suffering from fatigue and the stress. Ren advised the extraction team to get him scanned for any internal damage just in case. The other two had minor sprains and abrasions but it was nothing a tight gauze wrap or patch up couldn’t fix. They were also escorted away.

People were being delivered to the tents and it looked like more and more cases of mild dehydration were coming their way. ”These people need water...”

TAG : || WORDS : 371|| NOTES : 7/10

simple thread template no jutsu by odango

last edit by Gurē Ren on Aug 8, 2024 10:17:28 GMT -5
odango has written 51 posts
QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]Aug 8, 2024 11:06:45 GMT -5
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin & Kamenoko Mamori

Quicksand[break][break] - 10th Anniversary's Mission - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


Shō felt a twinge of guilt as he realised he didn't get the woman to safety along with her cat. Lately, his mind had been playing tricks on him; hallucinations, memory lapses, etc, ever since he had returned to his homeland. It was unsettling, and he knew he needed to get it under control.
The woman was safe now, thanks to Yuno's quick thinking and act, but he couldn't shake away the guilt, at least not without making a proper apology. He turned to Yuno, the kunoichi from the Hidden Leaf, and offered a sincere apology. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for covering my mistake."
As he spoke, Shō couldn’t help but think how different things could be if the world worked together more often like this. Here they were, shinobi from different villages, traditionally enemies, yet working side by side to save lives. If only such cooperation were the norm.
He was also surprised by Yuno's abilities. Watching her effortlessly pull the woman from the sand with strength enhanced by her dragon-like transformation was impressive, but Shō kept his expression calm and composed, striving to maintain his graceful demeanour. "Seems like the Gurē clan's ability to merge with nature isn't that strange after all…" he thought, glancing at his cousin Ren with a slight smile.
When Ren and Yuno offered to treat his injuries, Shō politely declined. "I'm fine, no need to worry about me. Let's focus on the injured first." He didn't want to waste any more time on himself, especially not this minor injury, when there were still people in danger. Without another word, he zipped away again, disappearing into the ground as he used his kekkei genkai. Bottles of water quickly appeared for the injured, then he moved on to find those in need of help.


Gurē Shō – 303 words [ 8 ]  「Gurē Ren」「Sō Yuno

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Gurē Shō on Aug 8, 2024 11:07:03 GMT -5
Akirei has written 362 posts
QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]Aug 13, 2024 17:56:11 GMT -5
Sō Yuno
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sō Yuno Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday May 7th 1007 rank Genin occupation Medic

"It wouldn't take me but a minute and couple tears." She'd offer to the shinobi who'd quickly head off before she could do any such healing. She'd let out a bit of a sigh, her hand reaching up to pinch her brow. "Well, I guess it's best you finish making scars, so they can all be treated at once." Seemed like good enough medical justification for her to shrug off the professional concerns.

"Uhmm, I'll make a second round about for trapped folks too, see if we can't round up water from the debris. Otherwise I guess I could make some..." The white water dragons, dragon breath wasn't fire, but instead it'd take the form of water. Though she had a feeling in the same sense it made her sick kind of coughing up liquid. Another individual would likely question the quality of her water.

Getting back up Yuno would give a few laps around the area, using her dragon transformation in order to unearth anyone else. As well as looking through cargo boxes of rubble for any sort of bottled water. If not then things she could possibly use water bullet into, it'd be thankfully her teammate would find and deliver water effectively throughout the tents.

Words. --
Notes go here wheee and you can get as long or as short as you want because it doesn't matter. And do you wanna know why that is? Is it because you think this scrolls? Well you'd be right. It does scroll. Pat yourself on the back my good man. You are smart. Smart little man.

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 47 posts
QUICKSAND [D-Rank Mission]Aug 13, 2024 19:19:23 GMT -5
Gurē Ren
Knowledge is Power
Gurē Ren Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday January 27th rank Chuunin occupation Medical Corps

   the things we know...

-  -  -  Q U I C K S A N D  -  -  -

”Tears?” Ren overheard and looked back at Yuno. He curiously tilted his head and started to feel a tinge of regret there was no time to actually ask the girl more about herself and how her body worked. She was even kind of cute so it might have been a double win. ”Make some?” he repeated again, watching the girl with the utmost attention. Did she possibly mean a water jutsu of some sort? There was no time to ask and it was not a priority. Instead, the blonde doctor made a mental note to commend her after they were done.

”Thank you for your hard work!” Ren waved off before the girl took off on a second round and he, himself, returned to tend to the people in front of him. It was such an impossible scenario. In this zone alone multiple people had been crushed and many had lost their lives. Those who hadn’t had lost their livelihoods and homes. All the zones were the same. The flood zone had the added benefit of sharing the abundance of water to the other zones, it seemed but this cursed wheel of natural disasters was an awful showing of power against humans. The land underneath would survive it and the animals would repopulate but humans put too much value in things to let such sorrow go.

*I’m getting too philosophical again.* Ren hesitated while applying a bandage on a superficial scrape on a person in front of him.

All things considered, it was going smoothly in their sector. Ren had expected a lot more trauma but the people he saw had broken bones and nasty sprains. Many were dehydrated but there was not much to write home about. The process of excavating the trapped was greatly aided by Yuno and his cousin. The blonde doctor was truly proud of his kin. What a hero. The younger Gurē was stronger and ranked higher. There was no doubt how talented he was and, to Ren, his presence helped accept the unbelievable reality they had been invited into. Elemental zones (regardless of being fuelled by some evil chakra or not) were the stuff of nightmares.

The group continued working with a steady stream of rescues and cleared out their assigned zone within the following hours. They had deserved rest and would be assigned elsewhere the following day.


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simple thread template no jutsu by odango

odango has written 51 posts