Rubble Trouble [Mission]

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Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 6, 2024 4:06:39 GMT -5
Itagaki Mitsumi
I won't be weak. Never again.
Itagaki Mitsumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday May 2nd rank Student occupation Student
Perhaps Mitsumi was pushing herself too hard. But classes at the Academy were fast becoming repetitive and frustrating. No surprise for someone who was repeating their education, but ever since becoming host to a Bijū, Mitsumi felt anxious. A bundle of nervous energy coiled in her chest, itching to act.

At least she was paired with someone she knew, if only in passing. Though it hadn't been long since the small exchange of students, a lot had changed for Mitsumi. The plans she had come to Konohagakure with had been dashed against the rocks. New, more terrifying designs took their place. The risks were greater, but so we're the hi
Eights she could now reach.

Would Hinoe notice that there was something distinctly inhuman bound within her?

"Hyū-H-Hinoe-chan," Mitsumi tried to hide her blunder with a polite bow, already dressed for hard work. A pair of sturdy gloves for moving rubble, shovels and hammers for breaking and moving it, and a kerchief around her head to keep the sweat out of her eyes. Mitsumi straightened, still nervous, but there was a small smile on her face. "I-it's, um, good to see you."

She hoped she could still count Hinoe as a friend, no matter how distant.

She surveyed the ruined street, and the smile froze, then vanished. Pain stabbed at her heart. Disasters like these were all too familiar to her. Mitsumi set her jaw, and determination flared in her eyes. She'd spare as many people as much as this pain as she could.

She gripped a shovel tightly. "We should focus on making one clear p-path, even it's small, or not straight. A-after that, we should widen it, bit by bit." Mitsumi wasn't an expert, but it made sense to her. Make sure the street is passable, then make it easier to traverse. Her confidence faltered after a moment. "U-unless you have a better idea, o-of course."
Boats has written 134 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 6, 2024 21:58:46 GMT -5
Hyuuga Hinoe
Nanakorobi yaoki!
Hyuuga Hinoe Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday May 5th, 1005 rank Academy Student occupation Student
If Mitsumi was tired of the Academy, it was a sentiment shared by the Academy student with whom she was going to perform this task. Fortunately for both girls, Hinoe knew the Kumogakure shinobi with whom she would be working; not only that, they had actually had a reasonably good interaction when they had met. Enough to the point that Hinoe had been quite pleased to discover that she would be paired with Mitsumi for this mission.

Hinoe refused to return Mitsumi's formal bow, instead opting to attempt to hug the Jinchuuriki. Though she was less outgoing than she appeared, Hinoe was quite aware of the troubles shier individuals had with interacting with others, and tried as much as possible to be warmer than she normally would allow, when interacting with such introverts, unless she found them annoying. Mitsumi belonged nowhere near the annoying category. "Mitsumi-chan," the Hyuuga said happily, "it's good to see you too. You look well."

While Hot Springs Country was a scenic place, there was little time to spend sightseeing. Hinoe released her friend and turned to look at the large landslide-blocked street before them. It did look like a bit of work, and Hinoe did not think she ranked among the strongest folks out there. Still, she would do what she could to help. "Your plan sounds solid, Mitsumi-chan," the Hyuuga replied, hoisting her own shovel onto her shoulder. "We should also prioritize clearing any street junctions that connect with this one when we find them."

Ronin has written 92 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 7, 2024 3:55:50 GMT -5
Itagaki Mitsumi
I won't be weak. Never again.
Itagaki Mitsumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday May 2nd rank Student occupation Student
Mitsumi didn't avoid the hug, but she didn't return it either. She stiffened in Hinoe's grip, not even breathing until she was released. She looked to the side, and gripped an arm tightly. She wasn't even sure why, but she didn't like being touched. Not since...

Mitsumi shook off the thought, refusing to allow the past to bleed into the present. She had to be strong. Even now. Especially now.

"Le-let's get started, then." It came out more terse than she had intended. Hinoe was just being friendly. Mitsumi knew the other girl meant the opposite of harm, and had no reason to assume that the gesture would create a negative reaction. And yet irritation smouldered.

Mitsumi gestured to where a building had collapsed, the broken walls littering the street with broken stones and lumber. Mitsumi made her way over, and got to work shifting the smaller stones and rubble, so the larger pieces could be lifted and moved. Hopefully noone was trapped inside.

Guilt for her annoyance weighed on her before long, and Mitsumi felt the need to fill the silence. She had let so many friendships either already. "S-so, um... you're getting close to graduation, too?" It was awkward, and not helped by the phrases being interspersed with the sounds of shovelled gravel. "If you've gotten a-any better at taijutsu, I-I'll be in trouble when we meet at the exams." It was a poor attempt to lighten the mood, but Mitsumi couldn't think of anything else to say.
Boats has written 134 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 7, 2024 20:04:59 GMT -5
Hyuuga Hinoe
Nanakorobi yaoki!
Hyuuga Hinoe Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday May 5th, 1005 rank Academy Student occupation Student
Hinoe sensed the tightening of Mitsumi's body as she hugged the Kumogakure girl. It seemed Mitsumi reacted negatively to being touched. While Hinoe did not know the exact reason for that, she decided to note that tidbit of information. Not being the kind to force her way on others, she would, going forward, be careful how she made contact with Mitsumi. While others could possibly get offended that their friendly gesture had not been reciprocated, Hinoe tried to be cognizant of how others felt, or wanted to be treated. This did not apply to some of her clan members, though.

Still, Hinoe did not know how to proceed after such a response from Mitsumi, so she simply nodded and went over to the building Mitsumi had denoted, picking a different spot to start working on. The building did not seem to be occupied, and Hinoe did not feel it necessary to check for if anyone was trapped inside, using her Byakugan. Truth as, if there were any trapped people, they would still have to wait a bit before rescue, even if the girls were made aware of them.

"It does seem like I'm getting closer," Hinoe answered, "but sometimes I wonder if I shall ever graduate. Still, you shouldn't sell yourself short. Last time we sparred, you gave me a serious run for my money, and I want to believe you haven't been just sitting on your hands since we last met. " She moved a broken post out of the way then turned to look at Mitsumi. "Sorry for just grabbing you like that; I sometimes forget that not everyone is comfortable with contact."

Ronin has written 92 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 8, 2024 4:22:13 GMT -5
Itagaki Mitsumi
I won't be weak. Never again.
Itagaki Mitsumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday May 2nd rank Student occupation Student
"I certainly haven't been sitting on my hands..." Mitsumi muttered to herself, almost wishing to divulge the truth to Hinoe. They did barely know each other, but they did know each other. And that distance could even be of use, as the vulnerability that came with sharing deeper thoughts and truths would be fleeting, and avoidable.

But she couldn't. Couldn't make herself look any weaker. Couldn't betray the clan that had rejected her. Nor the village that had entrusted such a great weight to her. "I've... uh... h-had to change plans. B-but it's going well. I-I think." Every day, she was more and more aware of the creature within her. Like an itch that could not be scratched. Or was that just her mind playing tricks on her?

The apology caught Mitsumi off guard, and, instead of putting down the shovel carefully as she had intended, wound up dropping it. "I-I-It's fine! You didn't know!" Mitsumi didn't want others to step on eggshells around her. And she didn't want to be touched, or have her personal space invaded. It was a contradiction, and she knew it. "I should say sorry. F-for being... like this." Mitsumi's expression grew dark,and her gaze distant. She shook it off for a moment, and indicated a snapped beam she had managed to excavate. "I-I think we could move it. C-could you help?"
Boats has written 134 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 8, 2024 20:51:41 GMT -5
Hyuuga Hinoe
Nanakorobi yaoki!
Hyuuga Hinoe Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday May 5th, 1005 rank Academy Student occupation Student
Hinoe was happy to hear that her friend had not been just idling and not taking her training seriously. Even though they were from different villages, and as Mitsumi had earlier suggested, there was a possibility of them having to cross fists again in the Chuunin exams, Hinoe was not the type to hope her friend had not been training so that she would have the advantage when next they met on the battlefield. But there were a few things the Kumogakure girl said that confused the Hyuuga.

In any case, Mitsumi responded well (if clumsily) to Hinoe's apology. The girl gave an apology of her own, to which Hinoe shook her head. "No need to apologize. Something happened to you to make you this way. No one ever starts out like this. I cannot say I understand, because I don't know what happened to you. But I can truthfully say I empathize, and would be glad to help you with anything I can, if it's help that you need." After all, people weren't born with the entire half of their face scarred with burn marks. Something really traumatizing had likely happened to Mitsumi. "But what's history cannot be changed. I guess what matters most is how we continue living, in spite of the troubles we endured in the past. Push on in spite of difficulty and live such as to minimize the number of regrets we will have in the future." She flashed Mitsumi a smile. "Fall down seven times, get up eight."

The invitation to move the excavated beam was met with a nod. Hinoe moved to one end and tested its weight. It would be quite difficult to carry alone, but both of them could manage it well. Lifting her end, Hinoe waited for Mitsumi to join her in carrying it, as she spoke. "Just now, you talked about changing plans. What did you mean by that?" she asked, before taking a pause, as she realized that Mitsumi might be unwilling, or even unable, to divulge details. There were many secrets in the ninja world, and Hinoe was unlikely to readily tell anyone all about the prowess of the Byakugan, unless she could trust them to the utmost. "Oh, you don't really have to tell me if you don't want to," she finished.

Ronin has written 92 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 9, 2024 4:05:23 GMT -5
Itagaki Mitsumi
I won't be weak. Never again.
Itagaki Mitsumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday May 2nd rank Student occupation Student
Hinoe was being nice. She had known from the moment they had met that, while she was a survivor, she was a victim. Not just the scars, but her nervous tics, the stammer that she could only manage to control by speaking in a whisper, and just generally being an uncertain and unconfident soul.

Mitsumi hated it. Being damaged. Being seen for being damaged.

That wasn't all there was to her. Mitsumi knew that. Hinoe knew that. But that ball of irritation and anger wound tightly in her chest.

The advice was well-intentioned, but Mitsumi only managed a terse "Thank you, Hinoe-ch-chan," in reply. It was similar advice to what she had been told before. What she had told herself. But as she ruminate on it, she liked the phrase more and more.

It wasn't about getting knocked down, it was about getting back up.

Maybe, one day, Mitsumi could share what had happened to her. Why she was so desperate to become stronger, become useful, become needed. But her tongue cleaved to the roof of her mouth. Today was not that day.

Mitsumi grunted in effort as they hoisted the beam, but recent training had made her stronger than even she realized. It still took both of them, but she felt as though she was carrying her fair share, at least. "W-well, it's... I c-can't say the details..." Even though it would be indirect, Mitsumi wanted an outsider's opinion, even if only on a sliver of the whole picture.

"But I m-mentioned that I was trying to l-learn a hijutsu," With a nod to confirm readiness, Mitsumi made to cast the beam onto the ruined building it came from. Clearing out the streets took priority. "I... can't. It... wasn't compatible w-with me, I-I guess. Or I am too old." Being electrocuted was a new experience. And not one she wanted to relive. "So, u-um... I-I'm learning... uh..." Mitsumi was a poor liar, and her face spoke volumes of how she was searching for an acceptable half truth. "S-some... unusual techniques. B-but, um... it's hard." Mitsumi dusted off her gloves, then took the shovel back up to continue clearing a path. "Was it hard t-to learn how... how t-to use your eyes?"

Mitsumi didn't really know anyone with dōjutsu like that, but maybe there was some parallel, some snippet that would help her commune with and use the presence within her.
Boats has written 134 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 10, 2024 14:42:48 GMT -5
Hyuuga Hinoe
Nanakorobi yaoki!
Hyuuga Hinoe Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday May 5th, 1005 rank Academy Student occupation Student
Mitsumi seemed unwilling to give details about her mentioned change of plans, which was to be expected. But at least, she seemed alright with giving some explanation. Hinoe returned the nod and heaved the broken beam, which went sailing a little distance off to crash onto the remains of the building from which the landslide had shaken it. While the main points of this hijutsu were unknown, it was not altogether surprising that Mitsumi had been unable to learn it. Hinoe had heard of a number of hijutsu which involved starting preparations for it while the recipient was still in infancy. Perhaps this was of such a kind.

It was great to know, in any case, that Mitsumi was learning these 'unusual' techniques. "Unusual techniques often tend to be difficult to grasp, mostly because they are not well-known," Hinoe replied, "but you might find that such a thing works to your advantage, as others who encounter your techniques will be caught unawares by the novelty of it." Though curious, Hinoe did not ask about the unusual techniques. If Mitsumi felt comfortable revealing what they were like, she would.

The question about her eyes was met with a slight shrug. "Not really, I guess," the Hyuuga replied. "The dojutsu of the Hyuuga clan is something natural to us. Since it's natural, learning to use it came easily. But I'm not even close to mastering it. Also, our clan is also quite proud of our taijutsu prowess. That was much more difficult to consolidate on, especially after spending almost two years unconscious. Of course, I'm no taijutsu master, but I think I've come a long way from the girl considered useless by her clan those years ago. Now, some people are worried I might even make it out of the Academy," Hinoe laughed. "I guess the point is never to give up. Even if it's hard. You may think I'm confident and so sure of myself. I'm not, most of the time. Heck, maybe even all the time. But what good will giving in to my insecurities do me?"

Hinoe, being the pragmatist that she was, had supposed, from Mitsumi's question, that a bit of encouragement was probably needed, even if the Kumogakure girl had not specifically asked for it. She picked her shovel again and began clearing more rubble. "You know the stuff I mentioned about falling down seven times and getting up eight? My dad said that to me once, and I took it to heart. As long as you persevere, I'm sure you'll eventually make it."

Ronin has written 92 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 14, 2024 4:10:02 GMT -5
Itagaki Mitsumi
I won't be weak. Never again.
Itagaki Mitsumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday May 2nd rank Student occupation Student
Mitsumi wondered: would Hinoe be as supportive if she knew that Mitsumi was effectively trying to become less human? That was what would come from mingling herself with the beast within. Trying to reforge herself into something better. Something stronger.

Something more useful than Itagaki Mitsumi.

At least the work distracted her a little from that line of thought. There was a lot of debris to clear, even just in the section assigned to the two of them.

"I... would never have guessed..." The admission that Hinoe was not as confident as she appeared genuinely shocked Mitsumi. She had tried to keep her doubts and insecurities locked within her chest, and, even so, she knew she came across as stuff and awkward, constantly tripping over her own words, and hiding her eyes, her face, her self.

"I've... I-I've been persevering for almost m-my entire life." Mitsumi paused, gripped the shovel tightly. "Ever since..." Mitsumi squeezed her eyes shut, and show l her head. Seeing the exposed bones of buildings struck a little close to home. At least they weren't burned.

"My dad didn't tell me to keep t-trying. He told me it was okay to give up." Mitsumi knew it came from a place of love and concern. That he'd love his daughter, even if she had never gathered the will to step outside her room ever again. If she had never risen from that hospital bed.

That made it hurt even more.

"It never gets easier, does it?" Mitsumi smiled wanly, then returned to shoveling, cursing herself. She had made this all about her and her failings. Again.

Why was she like this?
Boats has written 134 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 14, 2024 21:55:25 GMT -5
Hyuuga Hinoe
Nanakorobi yaoki!
Hyuuga Hinoe Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday May 5th, 1005 rank Academy Student occupation Student
Like many people who Hinoe revealed her insecurities to, Mitsumi seemed surprised that the Hyuuga was not as self-assured as she appeared. It was all a mask, really, one which had been honed to near-perfection by the difficulties she had faced and the rejection of those she called family. While difficult experiences were unpleasant, they did teach survival, if they did not kill the student, it seemed. Or inflict a permanently disabling injury.

Hinoe watched Mitsumi in silence as the Kumogakure girl confessed that she had been struggling for a great portion of her life. It seemed there had been an event that had occurred, a really traumatic event; Hinoe immediately guessed it might have something to do with the scar that covered half her face. But Hinoe would not voice her conclusions; assumptions were, while helpful when used correctly, dangerous to make.

Mitsumi's revelation that her dad had informed her it was alright to give up was met with a sympathetic nod. But Hinoe still held her peace until her friend asked despairingly if it ever got easier. "I'd be lying if I said it ever did," the Hyuuga replied. "At least from my experiences in life. I do suspect that if my father was still alive when I awakened from an almost two-year long coma, he may have said the same thing to me. But he wasn't there to encourage me any how; I had to make do with what I had. And while I know I'm not strong, and I don't think I'm that talented, I'm ridiculously stubborn. There were people in my clan that hoped I wouldn't make it. And when I awakened, that jeered every time they saw me, convinced I would never be able to become a ninja. And all that just made me more desperate to prove them wrong. Which is why I could not give up. Which is why I can't give up. I don't have that option."

She smiled at Mitsumi. "I don't know what you've been through, but I know it's a lot. And while I'm sure your father is not wrong, if there's even a sliver of hope that you might succeed, then why not try? It never gets easier, but we'll get stronger. And then we'll be able to bear it."

Ronin has written 92 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 15, 2024 4:10:15 GMT -5
Itagaki Mitsumi
I won't be weak. Never again.
Itagaki Mitsumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday May 2nd rank Student occupation Student
If only Hinoe knew the lengths she had gone to try. Just to stand at the starting line. She felt a bubbling resentment at the encouraging words, but choked it down. Mitsumi didn't want pity. So she had to convince herself that it wasn't pity.

Especially since she wasn't the only one who had endured trauma. Mitsumi had been bed bound for a while, but to be comatose for two years... Mitsumi hadn't experienced it, but she understood all too well the pain of realizing how much time was lost. That the world had moved on without her.

There was a chance Hinoe would understand her. Actually understand her. But the thought of lowering her walls was still too terrifying.

"I... I wasn't in a coma, like you, but..." Mitsumi reached deep within herself for courage. "I... lost time. I-I don't even know exactly how long. It's all a blur. A-and even when I came back to my senses... the world was too... I don't know. Too much. When it... I lost my brother. And then..." The words were forced out, and barely coherent. She knew that. But if Hinoe had faced suffering, loss, adversity... so could Mitsumi.

"I got c-close to graduating, once. That was seven y-years ago." Hinoe was the only person she had told that didn't already know about why she was an older student than even her peers, who also had to forestall their education. She smiled wanly. "I-I don't need pity, or platitudes. I just... I'm just sick of hating the person in the mirror. I will become strong. I have to." There was a buzzing in her head, as something slithered across her thoughts.

Mitsumi realized she had divulged too much, and abruptly turned away. "C-come on, there's lots of work left to do." She hastily resumed shovelling.
Boats has written 134 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 15, 2024 22:30:06 GMT -5
Hyuuga Hinoe
Nanakorobi yaoki!
Hyuuga Hinoe Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday May 5th, 1005 rank Academy Student occupation Student
Hinoe, as she listened to Mitsumi, realized that she really would like to hear about all the things the Kumogakure girl had gone through. They were birds of a feather, both of them. They had both lost someone dear to them, had both encountered a life-changing disaster, had both been powerless for long periods of time, and were both desirous to rise above their challenges. But it seemed Mitsumi somehow had grown to hate herself. Why this was so, Hinoe had no idea.

If not for the fact that the Kumogakure girl disliked being hugged, Hinoe would have offered to hug her again. There was a lot of evident pain in her voice. Somehow, Hinoe was lucky. It didn't seem so crushing when one was too stubborn to think and consider that perhaps failure was a possibility. So even though there had been days Hinoe felt hopeless, her natural stubbornness would keep her unrelenting. Mitsumi was unrelenting in her own way, but perhaps Hinoe was more dramatic, and it was that expressive stubbornness that made Hinoe seem less broken by the weight of her past. For a while, Hinoe held her tongue, as she resumed widening the path alongside the now silent Mitsumi.

"I do not pity you, Mitsumi-chan," Hinoe finally said, as she shoveled chunks of dirt and concrete out of the rapidly expanding path. "Or at least not in the condescending way sympathy sometimes evokes such sentiments. To me, you are an equal, someone who has gone through the same hell as I, though through different corridors. You are, despite what you think of yourself, an encouragement to me, because in your own way, you have realized you have no options but to keep moving forward. As have I. I hope that we will be able to keep supporting each other."

She had nothing to say about Mitsumi's self-loathing. She had no idea what to say. In such times, being silent was wise.

last edit by Hyuuga Hinoe on Aug 15, 2024 22:30:35 GMT -5
Ronin has written 92 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 16, 2024 5:22:47 GMT -5
Itagaki Mitsumi
I won't be weak. Never again.
Itagaki Mitsumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday May 2nd rank Student occupation Student
The same hell, but different corridors.

It was a grim but helpful way to think of it. There was no point in comparing which of them had it worse, or who was doing better with the bad hand dealt to them. As Hinoe said, they could only move forward. If Mitsumi let herself take a single step backwards... she'd be trapped in her room again. Paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. It might be the same for Hinoe. How would Mitsumi know?

Just because her scars were more visible - both physical and mental - didn't mean that Hinoe had escaped unscathed.

And yet... and yet jealousy burned. Ugly envy. Of how Hinoe was able to take her pain in stride, to walk with her head held high. It was a mirror to her own failings, her own regrets. And, as always, Mitsumi hated what she saw in that reflection. Or, in this case, the things she lacked in that reflection of her own trauma.

Mitsumi pushed the envy down. Buried it. Choked on it.

She managed a wan smile.
"I guess... w-we just keep putting one foot in front of the other." What else could either of them do? "If I-I can encourage you, then..." Mitsumi tried to believe it. She really did. "We can... encourage e-each other. We might n-not be from the s-same village, or... but... let's s-stay friends, okay? If things only get harder from here, then... we will need friends." And, if Mitsumi was ever going to open her heart to someone, it would have to be someone like Hinoe.

Who had faced pain, loss, adversity. Who knew what it was to be powerless.

But the work before them remained.
Boats has written 134 posts
Rubble Trouble [Mission]Aug 17, 2024 23:53:26 GMT -5
Hyuuga Hinoe
Nanakorobi yaoki!
Hyuuga Hinoe Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday May 5th, 1005 rank Academy Student occupation Student
Hinoe smiled brightly and nodded when Mitsumi spoke of putting one foot before the other. Mitsumi had the right of it. Perhaps it was all platitudes, but Hinoe firmly believed that one only stopped making progress when they either died, or chose to stop trying to move forward. For now, the both of them were alive, and that was enough of a boon, at least as far as Hinoe was concerned. Also, they did not have conditions or injuries that made them utterly useless, though they'd both dodged a similar bullet.

"Yes, let's stay friends!" the Hyuuga replied, as she dug through rubble and earth. "There are times when one can not do things alone. Even though the ninja world seems to place emphasis on those who can stand alone and be strong alone, the truth is that most people never got strong on their own." Hinoe paused to exert herself a little more to shove a rather heavy load of debris out of the way. "Teachers, family, friends, there are always people who helped those who are currently strong. So let's help each other, and get strong together. Even though we're in different villages, knowing there's someone else like me who isn't giving up will make me want to continue."

She heaved a last load out of the way and rubbed perspiration from her forehead. "In the end, I think persistence wins out," the Hyuuga stated, gesturing at the path they had made. Perhaps over time, it would need widening, but what the two girls had done was enough to work for the moment. "Never give up striving, Mitsumi-chan!"

Ronin has written 92 posts