Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, Homare

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Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 9, 2024 20:51:52 GMT -5
Suzuki Tsubasa
Change is hard, but I’m going to work harder
Suzuki Tsubasa Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday March First rank Advanced genin occupation Genin Team 7
Tsubasa was waiting nervously near the edge of the Katon zone. This was the first time she’d ever left Tsuchi no Kuni in her life and for it to be for such a big emergency wasn’t helping. The poor girl hadn’t wanted to leave the village, or even be part of this situation, but she was a genin and had responsibilities to the village, both as a shinobi and representative. The final part of this whole situation that had her on edge was the fact that everyone was here. Villages that didn’t like each other, probably even individuals that had specific hatreds that were more than willing to take them out on anyone associated with their hated targets. There was always the possibility someone would take advantage of the situation.

Thankfully on her part it seemed that the universe was willing to be kind. The team she’d been told to meet up with was from allied villages of some description, though she didn’t exactly know much more about them than that. A couple of names, Yugao Uka and Mayonaka Homare, the fact that they were all genin. Sadly Tsubasa wasn’t well read on when it came to clans from other villages, so the best she could do for now was hope whoever turned up was going to be nice. In the meantime the silver haired girl was constantly readjusting her Iwagakure headband, desperately trying to keep it on display as opposed to nestled down under her chin.

Despite her best efforts, Tsubasa’s nerves were on clear display. She’d jump if anyone approached and stutter out a sort of greeting, "H-hi? I- I’m Tsubasa from Iwa. Are you here for the investigation?”
Evielution has written 81 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 11, 2024 2:50:07 GMT -5
Yūgao Uka
I gotta find something fun to do
Yūgao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Genin occupation Assistant & SPWC [Junsa]

Uka cradled Momo, her beloved plush toy, as she made her way to the meeting point near the edge of the Katon zone. The toy, shaped like a friendly ghost, was more than just a keepsake; it served as a vessel for the butterflies and moths she cherished. Their gentle fluttering inside Momo created the illusion that the toy was alive, a comforting sensation that Uka held onto tightly. The plush’s soft fabric against her skin brought a small but significant sense of reassurance on what was her first real mission.
As she neared the designated spot, excitement coursed through her. Finally, she had the chance to put her training to the test. The journey from Amegakure had been long, but Uka had hardly noticed—her mind was consumed with thoughts of the mission ahead. The task was daunting: exploring the dangerous elemental zones, finding a way past an imposing firewall, and opening up a path for the next team. But despite the challenge, Uka felt ready to give it her all.
Uka noticed a girl standing nearby, her nervousness evident even from a distance. The way she kept fidgeting with her Iwagakure headband and her skittish demeanor were telltale signs. Uka’s heart went out to her; she knew what it was like to feel nervous. But there was no room for hesitation now, and Uka decided to project confidence in hopes of easing the girl’s anxiety.
With her usual energetic stride, Uka approached the girl, her scarlet eyes gleaming with excitement. The girl jumped slightly as Uka drew near, her stuttered greeting confirming what Uka had already sensed.
"H-hi? I- I’m Tsubasa from Iwa. Are you here for the investigation?” the girl asked, her voice wavering.
Uka flashed a bright smile and gave a small, reassuring wave. "Yep, that’s me! I’m Yūgao Uka from Amegakure. It’s great to meet you, Tsubasa-san!" Her voice was upbeat and full of enthusiasm, hoping to inject some energy into the tense atmosphere. "Don’t worry, we’ve got this!"
She paused, studying Tsubasa’s face for a moment. "You know, the most important thing is to stay focused and work as a team. We’ve got each other's backs, okay? And if we run into any trouble, we’ll figure it out together."
Uka hoped her words would offer some comfort. She knew that confidence could be contagious, and if she could project enough of it, maybe Tsubasa would start to feel more at ease while they waited for their third teammate to arrive.
鱗翅目技術 | Rinshinmoku Gijutsu [lit. Lepidoptera Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yūgao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.
層 | Sō [lit. Layer]
Uka has an unwavering commitment to learning genjutsu, which has allowed her to acquire the ability to layer genjutsu. Due to her practice and understanding of the nuances of genjutsu techniques, she has developed a level of proficiency that enables her to deftly weave multiple layers of genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 416

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last edit by Yūgao Uka on Aug 11, 2024 2:52:05 GMT -5
Yofie has written 142 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 12, 2024 13:06:16 GMT -5
Mayonaka Homare
"I will bring pride to the Mayonaka Clan!"
Mayonaka Homare Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday December 26th, 1004 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member
Homare finally arrives, although she feels a bit late. Her upper arms are busy making sure her cheongsam is worn correctly, while her middle pair of hands are crossed over her chest, and the lowest pair of hands keeping a hold on each of her weapons, both her shinobi hand axe and the katana on opposite sides of her hips. The blue-haired woman approaches two complete strangers, but their appearances match the descriptions she'd been given about her teammates for this mission. This was cutting into some precious training time she feels she should be spending with her teammates, but she can put it aside with such a strange and dangerous event going on. Her lowest hands stay in position at the ready over her weapons, but her middle arms unlock so she can give a short and rather cheerless wave to the other two girls.

"Yes yes, hello. Mayonaka Homare from Kirigakure. I plan to finish this mission quickly, so I hope you both are, as well. Reports of strange animals is not a good sign, but let's see if we can't verify what the first squad has already reported to our superiors, or else figure out something else."

Her face is rather firmly set, although she also notices that Tsubasa looks a little nervous. Homare's face softens after she realizes that the other girl is not so confident, remember that she herself had been quite shy around others until very recently, and had been quite inwardly drawn and introspective for much of her life. She can feel a bit of sympathy for this Iwagakure kunoichi, but if she feels the need to speak up, she keeps it to herself. Instead, she turns to look at the huge fire wall, and wonders if perhaps there's some location where the wall is the weakest and they might be able to pass through it. She does have quite a few highly powerful Suiton techniques, after all, but if she can avoid using them, that might be better.
Babs has written 171 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 13, 2024 7:15:18 GMT -5
Suzuki Tsubasa
Change is hard, but I’m going to work harder
Suzuki Tsubasa Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday March First rank Advanced genin occupation Genin Team 7
Tsubasa couldn’t help but smile at the first girl to approach. They seemed to shine brightly as they approached, all smiles and enthusiasm. It reminded the silver haired genin of some of the advice the medics back home gave her to help handle her nerves, so she closed her eyes, stopped fiddling with her headband, and took a few deep, calming breaths to her herself back under control. It didn’t matter that she didn’t feel ready to handle a big, seemingly important mission in another country. She could do her best and face the results.

By the time she opened her eyes, and her poor headband fell back around her neck for the umptieth time, the third member of their little band had arrived, expressing a much more rushed yet somehow also professional attitude. That wasn’t all though, as Tsubasa focused on the older girl and registered the distinct features of her clan she gave a significantly less nervous, almost familiar and friendly smile.

"S-Stay focused, watch each other’s backs, and work quickly?” Tsubasa asked, the stuttering still there, though the nervousness from her earlier greeting was clearly under much better control now. "I’m unsure if the first team have even r-reported back yet.” She added, hoping to show her attentiveness to the other to, though potentially exposing a lack of information at the same time.

Most of what she’d heard about the zone so far was from external observations, including the placement of the wall itself. Even from this distance the wall looked massive, though this also made it appear much closer than it actually was, or so Tsubasa thought. Considering it supposedly sat at about the halfway point between the aid base and the destination the many nations were trying to reach it made the most sense.

"We have a fair walk ahead of us s-so stay vigilant and k-keep an eye out for corrupted animals. If we’re careful we m-might be able to keep them from noticing us?” A hint of uncertainty crept back into her voice at that suggestion. Some of the people she knew back home probably would have made a fuss about being quiet but she wasn’t sure how widespread that particular quirk of the shinobi world was, and Tsubasa could only hope that suggestions of caution would not offend. Regardless of the reaction, and with yet another deep breath to steady herself, the silver haired genin made her first official step into the Katon Zone alongside the other members of her team.
Evielution has written 81 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 15, 2024 2:46:55 GMT -5
Yūgao Uka
I gotta find something fun to do
Yūgao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Genin occupation Assistant & SPWC [Junsa]

Uka's excitement was palpable as Homare arrived, completing their team. The blue-haired kunoichi from Kirigakure had an imposing presence, with her multiple arms and weapons giving her a warrior-like appearance. Uka couldn’t help but feel a mix of admiration and curiosity, especially since Homare's demeanor was so different from her own. While Homare seemed focused and intent on getting the mission done quickly, Uka's energy was all about embracing the experience, even if it was her first time in such a dangerous situation.
As Tsubasa spoke up, her voice still tinged with nervousness, but she showed determination, and Uka felt a surge of affection for her teammate. She could tell that Tsubasa was trying her best to push through her anxiety, and Uka was proud of her for it. Uka had always believed in the importance of team spirit, and she was determined to keep the mood as positive as possible, even in such a tense environment.
"That’s right, Tsubasa-san!" Uka chirped, her tone as encouraging as ever. "We’ll stay focused, keep an eye out for each other, and make sure we don’t miss a thing. And don’t worry about those corrupted animals—we’ll handle them together if they come our way. We've got the power of teamwork on our side!"
She glanced at Homare, her enthusiasm undimmed by the older girl’s more serious attitude. "Homare-san, with your Suiton techniques, and the three of us working together, I’m sure we can find the weak spot in that firewall. If we have to get through it, your water techniques might be just what we need. But like Tsubasa-san said, let’s try to be as careful and quiet as we can. No need to attract unnecessary attention!"
As the team stepped into the Katon Zone, Uka felt a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The heat from the distant firewall radiated through the air, making everything feel more oppressive.
Momo, the plush ghost in her arms, seemed to give her a reassuring squeeze—though it was really the fluttering of the butterflies and moths inside. Uka smiled softly and focused her chakra, knowing that her next move could potentially help the team gather vital information.
"Alright, let's see if we can get some help from the local lepidopterans," Uka said, mostly to herself but loud enough for Tsubasa and Homare to hear. She formed a simple handseal, feeling the familiar flow of chakra as it radiated from her, spreading out in a 50-meter radius around them.
"Hijutsu: Rinshimokuyose!" she whispered, invoking the Secret Technique: Lepidoptera Gathering. The technique was simple but effective. By releasing her chakra in this way, Uka could attract any nearby butterflies and moths to their location.
Within moments, Uka could sense movement in the air. A few delicate butterflies appeared, fluttering down from the treetops, their wings reflecting the soft light of the surrounding flames. Soon, more began to arrive, joined by moths that had been hidden among the foliage. Uka watched them with a keen eye, mentally communicating with the insects to gather any information they might have.
It was strange; they should not have been able to survive in such an environment, but here they were. Was it because of the strange chakra all around?
Uka turned to her teammates, her expression both serious and excited. "The butterflies and moths are coming. They’ll help us scout the area ahead and maybe give us a clue about any weaknesses in the firewall or dangers we might not see yet. They’re also sensitive to chakra, so if there’s any strange activity, they might pick up on it before we do. If I receive any new information, I will forward it to you."
鱗翅目技術 | Rinshinmoku Gijutsu [lit. Lepidoptera Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yūgao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.
層 | Sō [lit. Layer]
Uka has an unwavering commitment to learning genjutsu, which has allowed her to acquire the ability to layer genjutsu. Due to her practice and understanding of the nuances of genjutsu techniques, she has developed a level of proficiency that enables her to deftly weave multiple layers of genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 611

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last edit by Yūgao Uka on Aug 15, 2024 2:47:15 GMT -5
Yofie has written 142 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 16, 2024 11:33:24 GMT -5
Mayonaka Homare
"I will bring pride to the Mayonaka Clan!"
Mayonaka Homare Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday December 26th, 1004 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member
It seems that Tsubasa is quick to agree to getting the mission done quickly, seemingly if only because she was so nervous about the job. Homare sometimes knows that going quickly can sometimes be the only way to get through something that makes one uncomfortable. It seems their third member of this group is a bit more of the social glue holding the team together in this instance. Homare starts to wonder if she's perhaps cursed with being matched up with people similar to her previous teammates; Gomi was rather like Tsubasa, and Uka reminded her a bit of Shizuka. It was actually a bit strange that Uka apparently knew something of her capabilities with Suiton, but perhaps she'd been briefed on more than just the names and appearances of the other people on this mission.

She did have a point that her Suiton would likely come in handy very much in such a location, though. Unless, of course, there wasn't a lot of water to go around, in which case they might end up eating into whatever water they can find or that they've brought with them, which would be dangerous. Homare decides not to bring up that worrying potential, and keeps her mouth shut on that possible issue. At the very least, she does have to remark on not making too much noise; while she hopes they can get to the firewall before they're noticed at all, and that would require them to remain hidden and stealthy, she doesn't want Tsubasa getting the wrong idea.

"If you get attacked, be very, very loud. If you're being attacked, it's because you've been found, and it's better for you to let your teammates know you've been found and are being attacked so we can come in and help."

This was likely somewhat odd coming from a Kirigakure ninja of all people, and especially from someone in her clan, who have been somewhat infamous for the occasional crime of banditry. After she says her piece, she sits back and watches as this Uka girl suggests getting help from someone with a name she doesn't really understand. "Lepi" and then something or other, it was hard to keep track of such a long and strange-sounding name. She seems to perform a technique, even calling out its name, but nothing seems to happen right away, until some delicate bugs fly in on what look like ephemeral wings. Uka seems singularly focused on them, and she stays silent in order to let her do whatever she's looking to use these butterflies and moths for.

Homare is then surprised by the suggestion that the butterflies and moths would scout the area ahead for them and let them know about any dangers or strange activity ahead of them. She looks from the strange flying insects and the girl, then turns to look at Tsubasa and shrugs, letting her know she has no idea what to make of it, but she's apparently willing to let it happen as she starts stalking forwards towards the burning wall, her lowest hands still prepared to draw her pair of weapons.

"Okay, I admit, that's pretty useful. Keep us informed, then."
Babs has written 171 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 18, 2024 4:15:10 GMT -5
Suzuki Tsubasa
Change is hard, but I’m going to work harder
Suzuki Tsubasa Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday March First rank Advanced genin occupation Genin Team 7
Uka’s continued encouragement may have come off as grating to someone else, but Tsubasa really appreciated the girl’s efforts. Add in Homare’s firmly sensible presence and it really did feel like someone had actually planned this group out, rather than mashed available genin together to go do something. Though part of her couldn’t help but feel the spidery lady was being a little too cautious towards her words. They weren’t even supposed to split up while sneaking towards the wall! Still, it was good advice so Tsubasa nodded, not wanting to be rude and ignore it.

"Of course, h-hopefully we d-don’t get split up, t-then we won’t have to” she replied with a smile, "I-I’m still not sure how I can contribute to this situation, b-but I’ll do my best!”

The radiating heat of the wall could even be felt this far out, and another, more unnatural heat seemed to be seeping out of every molecule of the air around them. Whatever the nature of this katon energy was seemed to utterly infuse the area and Tsubasa couldn’t help but be concerned for their own health at this time. As they continued to delve deeper Uka seemed to be quietly performing some sort of technique, only for a gathering of butterflies and moths to slowly draw in around them. At first Tsubas was concerned, maybe such fluttering creatures were enemies! But after the explanation she relaxed a little.

"You sure it’s safe? S-some of them might have been corrupted.” Tsubasa glanced around them cautiously, uncertain if any of the red sheen she occasionally sighted on the surrounding creatures was something that mattered, or just the light of the distant wall reflecting off them. Unless the butterflies presence somehow attracted some sort of infused wildlife they should be able to sneak carefully towards the firewall, ideally the entire way assuming nothing went wrong.
Evielution has written 81 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 18, 2024 5:07:51 GMT -5
Yūgao Uka
I gotta find something fun to do
Yūgao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Genin occupation Assistant & SPWC [Junsa]

As the group ventured deeper into the Katon Zone, Uka maintained her focus on the delicate butterflies and moths that had gathered around them. She could feel the subtle pulse of their wings, each flutter providing her with tiny bits of information. The oppressive heat of the zone was ever-present, but Uka’s technique was working, allowing her to tap into the insects' natural sensitivity to chakra and their environment.
Homare's advice about making noise if attacked was sound, though it was surprising coming from a Kirigakure ninja. Uka appreciated the practicality of it—being loud could save a life if things went sideways. Tsubasa, still clearly nervous but trying her best to remain steady, voiced her concerns about the insects being corrupted. It was a valid worry, especially in a place like this where even the air felt tainted by the strange chakra permeating the area.
Uka offered Tsubasa a reassuring smile. "I understand your concern, Tsubasa-san. Some of these butterflies and moths might be affected, but I can sense their natural chakra. If any of them seem off or corrupted, I’ll be able to tell. I promise I’ll keep us safe."
She turned her attention back to the insects, her gaze intense as she continued to communicate with them. The information was coming through slowly, but Uka could sense something peculiar—an odd fluctuation in the chakra near the firewall. It wasn’t a guarantee of a weak spot, but it was worth investigating.
"There's something strange up ahead," Uka said, her voice quieter now, as if speaking louder might disturb the fragile connection she had with the insects. "The butterflies are picking up on some sort of chakra disturbance near the firewall. It might be a weak point, or it could be something else entirely. We should move carefully and check it out."
鱗翅目技術 | Rinshinmoku Gijutsu [lit. Lepidoptera Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yūgao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.
層 | Sō [lit. Layer]
Uka has an unwavering commitment to learning genjutsu, which has allowed her to acquire the ability to layer genjutsu. Due to her practice and understanding of the nuances of genjutsu techniques, she has developed a level of proficiency that enables her to deftly weave multiple layers of genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 302

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Yofie has written 142 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 19, 2024 17:23:49 GMT -5
Mayonaka Homare
"I will bring pride to the Mayonaka Clan!"
Mayonaka Homare Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday December 26th, 1004 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member
Homare nods once firmly when Tsubasa brings up the issue of the insects being corrupted, but when Uka mentions that she'd be able to tell from their natural chakra, Homare stares at her a moment, wondering if that's actually possible. She considers learning how to do that, but perhaps she'll think more about that at a later time. Her own attention also turns back towards the wall of flame, but when the girl states that there's something strange up ahead, and that the butterflies are also picking up on a chakra disturbance close to the wall itself. The suggestion to check it out puts Homare on edge, but she also agrees that if there's anything odd going on, it's their job to investigate. That's why they were put on this mission, after all.

"In that case, perhaps you should lead the way; I wouldn't be able to sense the exact location of any kind of chakra disturbance, but it sounds like your small friends are capable of doing so."

With the plan seemingly coming together and a plan of action and a destination decided on, the Kirigakure ninja uncrosses her arms, ensuring that they stay in a fairly ready state as she begins moving as quietly and as quickly as she can, which is somewhat surprising considering the fact that she has six arms. One would think that such a bulky addition to her upper body would make her too top-heavy for swift movement, but she's also been living with such arms for her entire life, and she was more accustomed to moving with them. Her middle arms move towards the center of her body, preparing to form into handseals at any point, while her uppermost arms are pumping to help keep her pace up for the rush towards the chakra disturbance. She barely pays attention to see if the other two are close behind her. Her purple hair is flying out behind her, like a flag for the other two girls to chase after on her way towards the edge of the strange wall of flame.
Babs has written 171 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 20, 2024 7:06:38 GMT -5
Suzuki Tsubasa
Change is hard, but I’m going to work harder
Suzuki Tsubasa Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday March First rank Advanced genin occupation Genin Team 7
Tsubasa gave a sigh of relief at Uka’s explanation. The last thing she wanted was to keep quiet on a worry only for it to turn out to be true and cause the team issues later. The silver haired girl felt uncertain about her capabilities as a combatant at the best of times and wanted to put effort in to communicate clearly, and consider what sort of potentially dangerous situations that might pop up for the team to make up for it. Unlike the other two experienced genin this really was her first ‘team’ mission as circumstance sent this situation their way before she was able to settle in with her new team properly.

Relying on the Amegakure’s butterflies felt a little odd. The only clan Tsubasa really knew of back in Iwagakure that had a connection with animals venerated cats, and didn’t seem to have any way to sense what they sensed. But there was a whole world of different clans and abilities out there that she had never heard of so she continue to trust in the others despite her own uncertainty. It didn’t feel right to impose her own nerves on the abilities of other.

"What exactly is a chakra disturbance?” she asked quietly, curious to learn something new even as the group started to move closer to the giant wall of fire. The fact they had a specific destination in mind now seemed to encouraged a swiftness in Homare that Tsubasa struggled to keep up with. The heat of the land they were moving through was enough to cause and uncomfortable sweat, and the damage caused by the disaster seemed to cause the environment to fracture. The end result was a mad dash to keep up that somehow felt more intense than any obstacle course she’d run back home, despite the fact she didn’t really need to dodge through anything more crazy than a half-fallen tree.

"How far out from the disturbance are we exactly?” With the team’s increased proximity to the firewall Tsubasa wasn’t able to whisper anymore and she had to half shout just to hear herself. The temperature was steadily climbing as they got closer, but on the plus side the roaring flames shooting into the sky above them was loud enough that it would hopefully make it difficult for any nearby creatures to pinpoint the group.
Evielution has written 81 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 22, 2024 1:46:37 GMT -5
Yūgao Uka
I gotta find something fun to do
Yūgao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Genin occupation Assistant & SPWC [Junsa]

Uka felt the heat intensify as they approached the firewall, her focus divided between leading the team and staying attuned to the butterflies and moths that fluttered around them. Homare’s sudden burst of speed and determination put Uka on high alert; she understood the urgency, but the last thing she wanted was for the team to rush into something dangerous without being fully prepared.
As Tsubasa struggled to keep up, Uka slowed her pace slightly, ensuring that they remained together. The roaring flames ahead were daunting, and she could see the strain it was putting on Tsubasa, who was not as experienced in such harsh environments though Uka herself was in the same shoes.
When Tsubasa asked about the chakra disturbance and how far away they were, Uka took a deep breath, trying to explain it as clearly as possible despite the challenging conditions.
"A chakra disturbance is like... an inconsistency or fluctuation in the flow of chakra," Uka called back over the roar of the flames. "It could mean anything from a weak point in the firewall to the presence of another jutsu or even an enemy. It's hard to tell exactly, but the butterflies are picking up on something that doesn’t match the natural flow of chakra here."
She glanced back at Tsubasa, her expression reassuring. "We’re getting close now, maybe just another few meters. Stay sharp!"
Uka shifted her attention back to the insects, mentally urging them to move ahead and scout the area near the disturbance. The butterflies and moths flitted forward, their delicate wings carrying them toward the source of the anomaly. Uka’s connection with them allowed her to sense what they were feeling—the intense heat, the oppressive chakra, and something else... something faint but definitely out of place.
"We're almost there," Uka said, her voice tense but calm. "I can feel it. Whatever this is, we need to be ready for anything."
As they closed in on the disturbance, Uka took the lead, her senses heightened by the presence of the insects. She could feel the pulse of their wings, each beat providing her with more information. The closer they got, the more she could sense that this was not just a random fluctuation—there was something deliberate about it.
"Get ready," Uka warned, her tone serious now. "This could be the weak spot we’re looking for, or it could be something else entirely. Homare-san, be prepared to use your Suiton techniques if we need to get through the firewall. Tsubasa-san, stay close to me. We’ll need to work together if things go sideways."
With each step, the air grew hotter, and Uka could feel the tension building. The butterflies and moths were her eyes and ears now, guiding them toward the source of the disturbance. The team was close, but they needed to be careful—one wrong move, and they could find themselves in danger.
Uka’s heart pounded in her chest as they approached the edge of the disturbance. She could sense it now, a small but significant break in the overwhelming chakra of the firewall. Whether it was a weakness they could exploit or a trap set by something—or someone—remained to be seen.
"We’re here," Uka said quietly, her eyes scanning the area as the butterflies hovered near the disturbance. "I can sense a slight break in the chakra. It’s not much, but it might be enough for us to get through—or it could be something we need to investigate further."
She turned to her teammates, "What do you think? Should we try to get through here, or should we investigate more before making a move?"
鱗翅目技術 | Rinshinmoku Gijutsu [lit. Lepidoptera Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yūgao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.
層 | Sō [lit. Layer]
Uka has an unwavering commitment to learning genjutsu, which has allowed her to acquire the ability to layer genjutsu. Due to her practice and understanding of the nuances of genjutsu techniques, she has developed a level of proficiency that enables her to deftly weave multiple layers of genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 602

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Yofie has written 142 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 22, 2024 10:16:08 GMT -5
Mayonaka Homare
"I will bring pride to the Mayonaka Clan!"
Mayonaka Homare Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday December 26th, 1004 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member
When Homare looks back to make sure the others are following her, she sees that Tsubasa is struggling a bit, and remembering the Red Keep mission she'd been involved with and the struggles of Gomi to keep up, Homare slows her pace significantly to allow the other two to keep up more easily, and also allowing Uka to have an easier time with leading the trio towards the chakra disturbance. The heat from the wall of flame is certainly having an effect on the surrounding landscape and the environment as well, with the heat causing Homare to sweat more than normal and also causing her to wince a bit from the rising temperatures. She's certain if they don't fix whatever is going on soon, they might have a problem with heat exhaustion. On the bright side, it also actually means that the heat is causing water to evaporate, which means that the water vapor is a bit thicker in the air. While this does also make their movements feel like they're having to push through the air, it also means that Homare won't have to worry about finding a source of water for her Suiton techniques; there's plenty of it surrounding them.

The question about what exactly the chakra disturbance is also interests Homare, although the follow-up question about how far they are from it is also important for her; she doesn't want to spend too long in this wretched heat if she can help it. She nods once when she's instructed to be ready to use her Suiton techniques, while still focusing on the environment around them to see if she might need to respond to a threat. Her weapons are best used for close-range combat, so she watches out carefully. As they approach, Homare feels something, although she's not sure what exactly it is, until Uka states that they're right at the chakra disturbance, and she's a bit surprised that this might be what she's feeling. She has no skill in sensing chakra, so the fact that she can feel it is a dangerous thing for her. But when Uka gives them the option, she starts performing handseals as quickly as she can, although she's not necessarily the fastest with them, at least she's quick enough to rush through the twenty-one handseals necessary for the strongest Suiton technique she has access to, drawing on as much moisture in the air as she can reach.

"Get some distance away from it. I will hit it with everything I've got!"

The water in the air around them begins to coalesce into a column of water, though she holds the technique long enough that the other two girls can move out of the way. This normally wouldn't be possible outside of rain or very thick mist, but the water vapor was so heavy in the air that she could draw upon it for this technique as the water column forms into the shape of a dragon's head. The six-armed kunoichi then directs the dragon head to slam down into the source of the chakra disturbance, hoping that the force and the water will blast down the source of whatever it is and also break apart the fire wall.
Babs has written 171 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 23, 2024 6:52:47 GMT -5
Suzuki Tsubasa
Change is hard, but I’m going to work harder
Suzuki Tsubasa Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday March First rank Advanced genin occupation Genin Team 7
Tsubasa nodded as they moved, happy to be learning something new but despairing that she wouldn’t be able to write it all down. She distantly remembered being taught the basics of sensory techniques as a concept back at the academy, though as it wasn’t an area of interest at the time she skipped a more detailed understanding. A decision she was starting to regret. "So we’re hoping for a weak point, but prepared for the worse. I understand.”

Considering how Uka’s attention had been split between interacting with the team and paying attention to her butterflies, Tsubasa decided that she’d stay sharp by sticking close to the younger girl just in case. She was certain the Amegakure genin was more than capable of self-defence, but the risk of her split focus and a rapidly changing situation meant she really didn’t want to risk anything. Once the team closed in on their destination the silver haired girl took a few steps forward and pulled out her bo staff, extending it to full length as though the metal stick were capable of some amazing levels of defence.

In truth Tsubasa was back to being nervous, her hands shaking for a moment before tightening around the shaft of her weapon in a somewhat familiar and comforting grip. She didn’t want to, but was willing to hit something if she had to. Not that it would turn out to be necessary. Homare seemed intent on taking care of the situation all at once. Before the Iwagakure genin could even register, the older girl was flipping through a long string of hand seals to some technique she’d never seen before, and warning Uka and her to back up.

Tsubasa did as instructed and attempted to usher Uka back along with her. She had the distinct feeling that whatever Homare was doing was a high ranked technique, something highly destructive and certainly not something you’d want to get hit by, even as collateral, and if the water went out of control she wanted to be ready to do something. Indeed, as she watched from a distance that felt safe she marvelled at the sheer amount of water the older girl seemed to materialise before it seemed to hammer down at the target that had been pointed out. Without even getting a chance to see what it was, gallons of water started smothering it and the surrounding wall of fire, turning a large section of it into very hot, and very soggy mud.

Tsubasa ran forward once the flow of water had calmed down, the impact had done a lot of damage to the surrounding area, but she was more concerned about Homare. A technique that destructive was likely exhausting to pull off and she wanted to make sure the young woman still standing. "I-I think you did it? Are you okay?” she asked, not having to shout as much as before considering the nearest section of the wall was no longer there to down her out. She offered the multi-armed woman a shoulder to lean on if needed but tried to get a look at where the chakra disturbance at the same time, wondering if they’d actually succeeded.

Ahead of them in a rapidly evaporating puddle of water, was a large shard of ‘something’ crackling with what she could only assume were visible strands of katon chakra. It was hard to tell if it was damage or just smothered for now, but a glance to either side of the gap revealed a more pressing issue. The edges of the wall were ever so slowly advancing towards the shard. If they didn’t act fast then all of Homare’s effort would be for naught.

"Oh damn, oh heck. Um. Hang on, I might have something?”

In one of her braver moments, filled with a desire not to let down the rest of her team and with no idea how to get out of the situation if things didn’t work out as she hoped, Tsubasa charged towards the shard, rising her staff over her head in a distinct hammer-style grip and focused as much chakra as she could into the weapon. The silver haired girl’s initial hope was that whatever the shard was made of was some sort of rock rock, something her weapon could pull in to take back to the emergency teams for study, but that didn’t seem to be the case. Instead, the poor genin continued running forwards, the earthen head of her hammer getting bigger and bigger until she was struggling to really move, before gravity did the rest of the work.

Down came the boulder of solid earth, crashing into the shard with a little extra oomph thanks to Tsubasa’s Tengoku: Takame Dageki technique and sending a mixed plume of leftover water and earth into the air. A loud crack echoed out, though to the other girls on her team it looked as though the Iwagakure’s weapon was the culprit. The boulder-sized hammerhead seemed to crack and shatter on impact, kicking up a cloud of dust and debris that made it impossible to see. On the inside of this mess Tsubasa tried to clear the air as best she could by waving weapon around like an idiot, only to breath in a mouthful of gunk and stat coughing. She just needed a moment for the dust to clear so she could see if she’d been successful or had to start running for her life!
Evielution has written 81 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 24, 2024 3:37:47 GMT -5
Yūgao Uka
I gotta find something fun to do
Yūgao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Genin occupation Assistant & SPWC [Junsa]

Uka watched in awe as Homare unleashed her powerful Suiton technique, summoning a massive dragon of water that crashed down with immense force. The roaring column of water extinguished a large section of the firewall, sending steam and mud flying in all directions. Uka could feel the pressure and intensity of the attack, and for a moment, she wondered if anything could survive such a strike.
As the water receded and the steam began to clear, Uka quickly scanned the area, her eyes darting between the rapidly diminishing flames and the spot where the chakra disturbance had been. She could sense that something had been hit, but the visibility was still poor due to the lingering steam and mud.
When Tsubasa rushed forward, Uka felt a surge of anxiety. The Iwagakure kunoichi’s determination was admirable, but Uka feared that Tsubasa might be exposing herself to danger. Despite this, she stayed back, trusting Tsubasa’s instincts and ready to intervene if things went awry.
As Tsubasa’s hammer-like weapon came crashing down on the shard, Uka winced at the sound of impact—a loud, cracking noise that echoed through the area. For a moment, everything was obscured by the cloud of dust and debris that rose, making it difficult to see what had happened.
Uka took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. She couldn't see much through the cloud of dust, but she could sense that the chakra disturbance had weakened significantly. The oppressive heat from the firewall was starting to lessen, indicating that their combined efforts had made an impact.
When she saw Tsubasa waving her weapon around, trying to clear the air, Uka quickly moved forward, closing the distance between them. "Tsubasa-san, are you alright?" she called out, concern evident in her voice. The younger girl’s coughing made Uka even more anxious, and she reached out to steady her, helping her to a safer spot.
The dust began to settle, revealing the result of their efforts. The shard, which had once crackled with intense Katon chakra, now lay shattered in pieces, the remaining energy within it fizzling out into nothingness. The edges of the firewall that had been slowly closing in seemed to hesitate, as if uncertain whether to advance or retreat.
Uka looked at the broken shard, her heart pounding with a mixture of relief and urgency. "You did it, Tsubasa-san!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration. "That shard was the source of the disturbance. It looks like you managed to break it apart!"
She turned to Homare, who had likely expended a significant amount of chakra in her powerful technique. "Homare-san, are you okay? That was incredible! But we need to move quickly before the firewall closes in again. This might be our only chance to get through."
As Uka, Homare, and Tsubasa moved closer to the gap they had created, Uka's attention was drawn back to the edges of the firewall. She noticed that the flames, which had initially seemed to waver and close in, were now stabilizing around the area where the shard had been shattered. The intense heat was still present, but the flames no longer seemed as aggressive in their movement, as if the disturbance in the chakra had disrupted their integrity.
Homare’s Suiton technique, combined with Tsubasa’s decisive strike, had done more than just weaken the firewall temporarily—it had created a permanent break in the barrier. The once-raging wall of fire had now been split, leaving behind a gap that, while still surrounded by intense heat and residual embers, was not closing up as Uka had feared. Instead, the flames were now confined to the edges of the break, flickering weakly as if their energy had been sapped.
Uka studied the gap carefully, her butterflies fluttering through the space to ensure there were no lingering threats. The air beyond the firewall was still hot, but it was breathable, and more importantly, it was free of the oppressive chakra that had once fueled the inferno. The gap was wide enough for the team to pass through without being singed, though caution was still necessary given the residual heat.
She turned to her teammates, a look of relief and determination on her face. "It looks like the break we created is holding. The shard must have been the source of the firewall’s power, and now that it's gone, the flames won’t close in on us. We’ve made a permanent gap! I think with this our task is done, and we should head back and report it to higher-ups."
鱗翅目技術 | Rinshinmoku Gijutsu [lit. Lepidoptera Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yūgao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.
層 | Sō [lit. Layer]
Uka has an unwavering commitment to learning genjutsu, which has allowed her to acquire the ability to layer genjutsu. Due to her practice and understanding of the nuances of genjutsu techniques, she has developed a level of proficiency that enables her to deftly weave multiple layers of genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 755

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Yofie has written 142 posts
Gates of Hades - The other path | Uka, HomareAug 24, 2024 10:20:59 GMT -5
Mayonaka Homare
"I will bring pride to the Mayonaka Clan!"
Mayonaka Homare Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday December 26th, 1004 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member
Homare is a bit tired from using such a powerful and heavy technique from nothing more than the water vapor in the air, moreso than the chakra cost of such a technique. It helped that the Ninjutsu had so many handseals in order to help focus the chakra into such a form, but to use the oppressively high humidity rather than a standing body of water was something she was certain she wouldn't find so easy to replicate without expending significantly more chakra. As it is, she's at least able to see Tsubasa rush into the opening her Ninjutsu had created in order to slam what looked like a gigantic hammer down on top of the crystal she could see from her position. She can actually hear it shattering over the sound of the flame wall's loud burning, and she starts to worry about what might happen to Tsubasa if the crystal might explode from the pent-up chakra inside of it.

She starts building up some more chakra to use her sticky spider string to tug Tsubasa back out, but it seems that Uka had a better view of the girl, and is able to rush in and grab her in order to pull her to safety. Homare herself was a bit surprised at her worry over a complete stranger, and especially one from a different village, but perhaps because she'd made friendships with people from other villages already, she had gradually started becoming more empathetic towards others. She herself had no idea, and was just happy to see that Uka had grabbed a living and unharmed Tsubasa from behind the wall of flame, which she now realized, after it was pointed out by Uka, was no longer closing in on them to try and make a full wall of flame again. She sighs with relief, although she's looking through the gap and wondering if they should proceed ahead instead of reporting back to their superiors. But then Homare knows that the dangers ahead are even less known than the dangers they'd been worrying about encountering during the mission itself. As much as she dislikes losing out on the chance for an even more impressive result to their mission, she has to agree with Uka's assessment.

"Sounds good to me. After this, I think I'm going to need a few soaks in a bath... It feels like I've dehydrated myself just from the sweating."

It likely didn't help that she had multiple arms, and therefore more surface area to be affected by the heat, but she didn't feel like sticking around anyway. After checking on Tsubasa one more time, she follows Uka back to headquarters, still wondering just what the hell was going on.
Babs has written 171 posts