Lost and Found

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Lost and FoundAug 12, 2024 1:11:45 GMT -5
Tateyama Yakitsukeru
I do not wish to be called pretty anymore, I plan to make life beg me for forgivenesss instead.
Tateyama Yakitsukeru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday April 9th rank Chunin occupation Snake Sage

Well this totally wasn't strange. She felt awkward as she looked back and forth between herself and her teammates, their village symbols making for a more stressful mission even if her original land was something completely undiscernible. Tateyama, as she had introduced herself to the two was incredibly uneasy even if she didn't show it. The girl was dressed in her normal white cloth dress and jade green haori. The scarf, a new purchase in comparison was a dark alternating of greys that seemed to be about as thick cloth wise as you could get. The tight wrapping of it hiding any skin below the top of the cheekbone to where the neck of her dress would have cut out.

Her mass of black hair, crimson eyes, and the surrounding seals that looked like particular jade-colored eye shadow the only particular stand out features for the vipress. Having been, as a wanderer and not a village shinobi, been paired to an Iwagakure shinobi and an Amegakure nin, it was clear she had been right to come here unidentified. Their job was simple and had actually been part of why she had wanted to take this job. While she attempted to make it seem like she was just here to be useful, she was actually here just to practice the technique she had been learning. So far items were about all she had started to figure out moving, and she doubted it would help her much, but if she could figure it out, she could at least move a few things right?

If the others asked she was also walking with tags and an ink brush more or less at the ready to seal away items to take with them back to the main inn. It was there in the room she had taken that she had placed the seal she would be trying to deliver objects to while they were out here.

"Thisss should be far enough in to ssstart our sssearch. Everyone hasss a lissst of what we were sssent to try and help find yesss?" Yaki would ask as they arrived. While she was not the strongest here by rank, her unique position operating outside of any given nation let her pretend that didn't matter in the moment. The list she mentioned being something each of them had been handed with their own individual set of items to search for on it.

last edit by Tateyama Yakitsukeru on Aug 17, 2024 5:48:59 GMT -5
Toff E has written 388 posts
Lost and FoundAug 12, 2024 12:08:11 GMT -5
Shimamoto Miyo
Either you are a puppet or a puppeteer. There is no in between.
Shimamoto Miyo Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday June 6th 1004 rank Chūnin occupation

Miyo was in her standard red uniform with a brown flak jacket. She didn't customize her uniform like many, as it was hard enough to get one to accommodate her extra pairs of arms. It was easier to let the village do it for her often ruined work outfits. She had a large scroll on her back, decorated to look a bit fancier than just a normal scroll. Miyo also had a couple other scrolls on her. Her iwa headband was clearly visible, not seeing a reason to hide her affiliations. Though it was a bit ackward working with other nation ninjas for this mission, a mission was a mission. "Yes, seems simple enough. Should we grid search? Also, it's a pleasure to work with you both; I trust we can put aside our affiliations for the sake of completing the mission." Two Chunin's and a Genin for finding lost items seemed overkill, but she wasn't the one who assigned the mission or the squads, so here she was. Miyo could also help seal things into scrolls, as she used that for her puppets all the time. Miyo only hoped this didn't take too long. It was a shame she didn't have her new Genin friend to help. Would have been good practice.

NOTES | Here
MUSE | muse

Alli has written 23 posts
Lost and FoundAug 13, 2024 10:14:13 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Symphony Op. 14, [break] No. 6 [break] Lost and Found


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」❝❞


After months of handling nothing but simple tasks as a new recruit in the police forces, Akirei finally received a much more challenging assignment - assisting the people in the Land of Hot Springs, which was beset by a myriad of unnatural disasters. No exaggeration at all, the situation was dire! Earthquakes, wildfires, floods, and more were wreaking havoc across the region.
It was still hard for him to wrap his mind around the fact that shinobi from all nations, regardless of their past conflicts, had come together to form this team. Even though Yugakure had always been friend of all, seeing such unity was still astonishing to him.
Assigned to a team of three, Akirei waited patiently as the others introduced themselves. "I'm Aki." He paused, taking a breath to ease his tired body, only to regret as he found that the air was far from fresh. In response to the Iwa-nin's comment, he continued, "We share a common goal today, and my Lady has issued an edict to prioritise aiding Yugakure above all. So rest assured, you will have my complete cooperation."
With his chakra partially replenished, Akirei channelled it to his back, where a pair of paper wings quickly sprouted. Once the wings were fully formed, he swung his hand to the right, causing his body to split into thousands of paper pieces that swiftly reassembled into an identical clone.
"My clone will hover above to give us intel." he said, as the paper clone took to the sky, scanning the area for any sign of the lost items they were tasked to retrieve. While the clone was searching, he joined the group's brainstorming. "Oh, here is my list. Grid search doesn't sound bad, but I will keep my drone up there to aid our search."


Susanō Akirei – 304 words [ 3 ] [break]

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Susanō Akirei on Aug 17, 2024 8:21:08 GMT -5
Akirei has written 204 posts
Lost and FoundAug 17, 2024 6:10:10 GMT -5
Tateyama Yakitsukeru
I do not wish to be called pretty anymore, I plan to make life beg me for forgivenesss instead.
Tateyama Yakitsukeru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday April 9th rank Chunin occupation Snake Sage

Dangerous, both of them. Though for completely different reasons to the young woman. The Iwa shinobi a hidden hand that Yakitsukeru had no full guesses to the capabilities of and Akirei, who seemed to be from the Susano clan. She had been grilled after the encounter in which Konoha had lost their head medic about learning to discern the clans by the general knowledge most had - which was usually little more then a name and a description of what they did. The Susano were known for manipulating paper, and as a bombs expert there was little about paper she didn't find terrifying.

"That would be quite helpful, I have ssstill been unsssuccesssful learning much outssside of the Fuinjutsssu that I use to both ssstay equipped and to fight, ssso I will be in your care in cassse of danger." Yaki would state before starting forward. She was not really in charge, but she wasn't subordinate here either, she just needed to. Looking at the list of items a lot of them seemed like precious objects, but some were more important to find to her personally. Farm tools, dolls, quilts, and hand tools. Things that would help after, things that could help now, and retrieval of things for the children affected. Those were her prerogative. Which is what she did.

Drawing a fake Karada Fuinjutsu seal on her hand she needed to pretend she could use it without the need for hand seals. Not a hard sell for someone who was a walking scroll rack to manage she would think. Finding objects, like the dolls she would press the hand to them, envisioning the seal she wished to truly use and connect them. After her own experiments and the additional comprehension she had gotten on the purpose of the seal with Asahi, Yaki was more then able to use the weakest variation of this technique. Sending the objects to her room in the inn rather then into the body seal that she was supposedly putting them in. It wasn't like all the relief centers were based in one place anyways.

Careful not to over use the technique so quick, Yaki would exhale a breath from the exertion. It really was a technique she could drain out far too quickly with, which meant she would need to use the Generic Sealing technique somewhat, instead of relying on Flying Thunder God.
NOTES | Here
MUSE | Sealing You In Sound

last edit by Tateyama Yakitsukeru on Aug 17, 2024 6:10:32 GMT -5
Toff E has written 388 posts
Lost and FoundAug 20, 2024 14:54:50 GMT -5
Shimamoto Miyo
Either you are a puppet or a puppeteer. There is no in between.
Shimamoto Miyo Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday June 6th 1004 rank Chūnin occupation

"I am sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I am Miyo, and I love the idea of eyes in the sky." Miyo's puppets weren't much help in this, really. She sighed and looked around, trying to figure out a good spot to start their grid search. There was a rough idea from the mission on where stuff was, so she decided to trust that first and hope it got them most of the stuff. Miyo sighed and started looking with the others, doing her best to try to do a grid search without an map. She was glad that no one seemed to mind the fact she had extra arms. That was one hurdle done with. Though her kind were all over the world, thanks to how persistant the bloodline was. Miyo smiled as she saw some debris in front of them. "Looks like there is something up there; wonder if it has anything worth salvaging for the people." If needed, she could get her puppets out, but it didn't seem worth doing at the moment as she approached the mess of wreckage carefully that was deposited by the nasty tornadoes that had hit. No wonder they were out here; it seemed as if the wind had carried lots with it.

NOTES | Here
MUSE | muse

Alli has written 23 posts
Lost and FoundAug 21, 2024 10:52:05 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Symphony Op. 14, [break] No. 6 [break] Lost and Found


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」❝❞


After assessing the situation, Akirei realised that the grid-based approach of the mission allowed for minimal direct teamwork. Each team member was responsible for their own section, and with no additional strategy provided, he decided to take initiative, enhancing his "drone" scouting capabilities.
With a swift hand sign, Akirei directed his paper clone, which was hovering above him, to split into three separate copies. The clones' chakra levels were intentionally kept very low, rendering them incapable of performing any jutsu or attacks. Nevertheless, their role was solely to scout from above and report any findings, making this approach both feasible and effective.
The three clones dispersed, each assigned to assist one of the team members. The strategy quickly proved beneficial when the clone above Akirei identified a significant object among the debris. Acting on this information, Akirei quickly dashed to the location with his quick speed, retrieved the item, and verified whether it was what they were looking for.
"One down." he announced, once he confirmed it was part of the missing list. The use of the clones was proving effective, as the additional eyes in the sky made it easier to locate and collect the scattered belongings. The mission was progressing smoothly for him, and he hoped his teammates were having the same success.


Susanō Akirei – 215 words [ 6 ] [break]

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 204 posts
Lost and FoundAug 22, 2024 13:25:21 GMT -5
Tateyama Yakitsukeru
I do not wish to be called pretty anymore, I plan to make life beg me for forgivenesss instead.
Tateyama Yakitsukeru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday April 9th rank Chunin occupation Snake Sage

Yakitsukeru would pause long enough to catch the introduction and listen to what the Iwagakure shinobi had to say, it was a decent suggestion and solved one of the issues she was trying to solve which was privacy. Taking the grid based approach Yaki would reply out to Miyo out of curtesy, "Tateyama. I would sssay itsss a pleasssure but thisss entire disssassster isss the furthessst thing from pleasssing asss it could be."

Shifting away in this new grid-based search and checking the list she would move to two new items, one a large cooking pot, one likely meant to hold a restraunt's soup stock and she'd hold it by the bottom of the pot long enough to leave an impression of the pot before using Hiraishin no Jutsu to transport it away. A feeling like one's soul being pulled from them accompanying the item as it was a bit larger then what she could manage still. She needed to at least move one more item though to really get the practice she wanted in before she would swap to just carrying, she would have to.

"I've found two of the itemsss we were sssent after already, I believe that isss three of the sssix major itemsss. The rest we can sssack and walk back with as we find it? Itsss not like there aren't a whole ssslew of other teamsss doing the exact thing that we are after." Yaki would suggest, partially to cover up her own shady jutsu use, but also because she genuinely thought moving the smaller items by hand would be smart.
NOTES | Here
MUSE | Sealing You In Sound

Toff E has written 388 posts
Lost and FoundAug 25, 2024 0:31:46 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Symphony Op. 14, [break] No. 6 [break] Lost and Found


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」❝❞


"What? Sorry, I can barely hear you!" Akirei's clone, hovering high in the sky to scout the area, had difficulty catching his teammates' voices. Normally, the altitude wouldn’t be an issue, but the chaos on the ground was overwhelming his senses, especially hearing.
Meanwhile, the real Akirei was busy gathering items, picking up anything that seemed valuable without even checking the missing list anymore. He sealed everything that caught his eye, his expression almost gleeful, as if he were on a treasure hunt, a game he often played during his childhood in the slums.
His focus was abruptly shattered when a sudden wave of memories surged into his mind, causing him to pause. "Urgh... Huh?" he muttered, looking around only to realise that one of his paper clones had dissipated. Some clones had reached their range limit, while others had simply run out of chakra, resulting in more memory coming back to him.
Akirei then became aware that he was also running low on chakra after repeatedly using the sealing jutsu. Fortunately, the cancellation of his clones also restored some chakra to him in addition to memory, allowing him to retreat safely.
Tucking the sealed scrolls and small manila cards into his shirt, where they seamlessly merged with his paper body, Akirei took flight back to the meeting point. He wasn’t sure if he'd managed to gather everything on the missing list, but he figured it shouldn't be too bad.


Susanō Akirei – 240 words [ 8 ] [break]

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 204 posts
Lost and FoundAug 25, 2024 11:32:34 GMT -5
Shimamoto Miyo
Either you are a puppet or a puppeteer. There is no in between.
Shimamoto Miyo Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday June 6th 1004 rank Chūnin occupation

Miyo found a couple items in the large bit of debris, thankful as she sealed them into a scroll. She looked around and kept going around but didn't find much of anything else as she made her way to their meeting point. She hadn't paid attention at all to the jutsu use of the girl and saw that the other had also met up. "I found a couple things; did you guys have any luck?" She asked, holding up her scroll, that she had put the stuff she found in. When the other suggested they start walking back, she couldn't find any reason they shouldn't. "Sure, let's do that." Miyo shrugged, adjusting the scroll on her back. Sometimes she wondered why her occupation required so much manual labor. The giant puppet was great, but it required the scroll the size of her almost on her back, and that wasn't exactly easy to lug around on a good day, let alone a day that required them to roam the land aimlessly in search of random items people lost in a storm. She really needed to work on her strength or endurance, or whatever it was that meant managing her backpack better. She adjusted it again as they kept walking. 

NOTES | Here
MUSE | muse

Alli has written 23 posts
Lost and FoundAug 29, 2024 0:49:04 GMT -5
Tateyama Yakitsukeru
I do not wish to be called pretty anymore, I plan to make life beg me for forgivenesss instead.
Tateyama Yakitsukeru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday April 9th rank Chunin occupation Snake Sage

It wasn't hard for Yakitsukeru to get agreement from one of her teammates at least. Given she could see the other flying in the distance, something she was now distinctly curious about, she would assume they were also either running dry on chakra, or had found the majority of their list. Either way worked for her as they all would be able to return and she could check her cabin for the items. First she needed to part from the group and that would require getting back to where they had initially started this entire mission. It hadn't taken them long, but especially as Akirei became visible in proximity the drain was obvious on him. Her own reserves had tanked from the use, that she could only assume was successful. The distance and size alone being enough to leave her barely standing up at the moment, not that she wasn't hiding it to the best of her abilities. Her lack of weight on herself from her normal weighted haori was one of the few ways that she still had any energy as was lifting herself off pure conditioning.

"I sssuppossse I am not the only one who findsss this exhuassstive to do even in the short term. My resssservesss are not the bessst to begin with though," the girl lied openly to the two. Her tone no different from the last few times she had spoken. Focusing on moving she trudged her way back to the original location. Giving the two a polite nod before splitting off, excusing herself to need to take a Soldier Pill to replenish from her home supplies before she could turn in the mission herself. Making her way back to the inn she would enter somewhat giddily now, wanting to see if her technique worked. Rushing up the stairs on a second wind of adrenaline and down the hall to open the door. Revealing the contents that she had been hoping to find. The items in her room marked and settled. She would need to scrap off the marks from the metal that it was on and a slit of her scarf would be snipped to be sewn over the marks on the doll as well.

After an hour of work she would return the items that she had brought back. Clearing yet another job under the guise of the wanderer 'Tateyama'.
NOTES | Here
MUSE | Sealing You In Sound

Toff E has written 388 posts
Lost and FoundAug 29, 2024 9:52:15 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Symphony Op. 14, [break] No. 6 [break] Lost and Found


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」❝❞


Flying required surprisingly little chakra to maintain, with most of the energy being consumed during the initial formation of his wings. However, it still drained the user's energy when flapping to accelerate, turn, or, most challenging, fly against the wind.
As the young boy from Amegakure made his way back to the meeting spot, he felt his wings beginning to crumble for precisely this reason. Flying against a tailwind, each flap drained his already depleted reserves, causing his altitude to gradually decrease with each beat. In the end, he decided to cancel the flying jutsu and walk back instead.
At the meeting spot, breathless and drained, Akirei panted heavily as he pulled out his scroll and cards. "Uhh, I guess... we have... collected enough..." he managed to say, his words broken by exhaustion. His mask concealed his emotions, but not the obvious fatigue.
Realising he was near his limit, Akirei took his second chakra pill of the day, which is the recommended limit, to regain a small portion of his energy so he could handle the administrative tasks that followed, and of course, to unseal the objects from the scrolls.
An hour later, he discovered that many of the items he had collected weren't on the missing list. Still, his efforts weren't in vain; they might belong to someone who hadn't yet reported their losses, and he was thanked for his hard work.


Susanō Akirei – 233 words [ 11 ] [break]

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Susanō Akirei on Aug 31, 2024 3:04:36 GMT -5
Akirei has written 204 posts
Lost and FoundAug 30, 2024 19:59:35 GMT -5
Shimamoto Miyo
Either you are a puppet or a puppeteer. There is no in between.
Shimamoto Miyo Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday June 6th 1004 rank Chūnin occupation

Miyo frowned. "You should take a break. Don't push yourself so hard for something like this. If we encountered trouble, you might not be able to defend yourself. Flight isn't worth it if you can't do anything else by the time you land." She herself hadn't used that much chakra, as she mostly just walked around, only really sealing stuff or using her webs to traverse a bit. So Miyo had no problem making her way back to the spot as she dumped the items she found out of a scroll at the collection point. It was a slog, sure, but it had been done. She had to admit the process was interesting, working with different ninjas from different villages. Miyo wondered if maybe they should work with their allies more than they do in case they ever needed to work together for real. It was a good thought, but she wasn't high enough rank to make any sort of decision. She supposed she would try another mission to help out over here since she already was all the way over her anyways. Maybe she would get to work with some more talkative people, as this bunch hadn't been at all. 

NOTES | Here
MUSE | muse

Alli has written 23 posts