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QuicksandAug 12, 2024 23:05:09 GMT -5
Tateyama Yakitsukeru
I do not wish to be called pretty anymore, I plan to make life beg me for forgivenesss instead.
Tateyama Yakitsukeru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday April 9th rank Chunin occupation Snake Sage

Yakitsukeru was not what one would call pleased at the contents of the second mission that she had been sent on out here in Hot Springs. From one about finding lost items to one about nabbing people out of the ground. It was likely they wanted her stuck on menial labor like this. Not that she could really complain given how unknown she was supposed to be. Undercover was the name of the game and she could only pray that the Kumo nin that she now found herself working with wouldn't break her cover in front of the ame nin that she once more found herself working alongside.

Forming a few hand seals the girl would almost immediately decompress her weighted haori as the weight was easily to her own detriment within the ground that swallowed the people they were here to rescue. A vast sea of mud that left the girl wishing she could use the technique she had been studying on herself and others. She was still restricted to small objects though, as even that was incredibly taxing on her.

"Asss the wannin in this group I believe I am leassst qualified to be making the sssnap judgementsss here, though I know itsss uncommon I would asssume one of you isss willing to at leassst entertain taking charge for thisss effort?" Yakitsukeru would ask. The girl, having introduced herself again as Tateyama would glance between the two from behind her scarf, the tightly wound cloth hiding the grimacing frown that she wore as she spoke.
NOTES | Here
MUSE | Sealing You In Sound

Toff E has written 388 posts
QuicksandAug 13, 2024 9:36:45 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Symphony Op. 14, [break] No. 6 [break] Quicksand


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」❝❞


One mission after another, with no time to rest at all, but it was reasonable given the scale of the disaster tearing through the Hot Spring country. The chakra pill he had just taken, provided by the temporary global disaster relief team, brought a small measure of relief to his drained body.
Chaos reigned, but thanks to the collective efforts of the global ninja forces, rescue teams were quickly organised to aid the beleaguered country. Akirei was assigned in a group of three. Being the youngest, which he assumed because he was the shortest by a far margin, he naturally assumed the others would take charge.
Assigned to yet another team of three, Akirei waited patiently as the others introduced themselves. When the first kunoichi began speaking, he immediately recognised her. Despite his usual difficulty in recognising faces, her voice was unmistakable… especially with that distinctive accent…
"I'm afraid I'm too young for that…" he admitted, gesturing towards the taller shinobi, who looked at least an experienced Jounin by his age.
"And I'm Aki. Also, I can fly." Akirei added, introducing himself with his nickname, and very briefly due to the urgency of the situation. While waiting for further instructions, he quickly formed a paper clone. With a flick of hand, paper pieces were stripped from his skin to form another identical clone of himself. He then set it to work on simpler tasks, like distributing water bottles to the rescued civilians.


Susanō Akirei – 243 words [ 2 ] [break]

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Susanō Akirei on Aug 31, 2024 0:24:20 GMT -5
Akirei has written 204 posts
QuicksandAug 21, 2024 15:00:47 GMT -5
Omori Tozuki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Omori Tozuki Avatar
age 33 years old birthday rank Extreme Jounin occupation SOKA Captain
    In a normal circumstance this would have been a situation where Tozuki would grumble to himself annoyed at having to do something like this, but given the context, he was quick to move when the call was put out for help. The fact that enemies and allies alike were quickly willing to work together on this situation meant it was certainly something more serious than he had at first thought on the whole.

    Arriving on scene he found a small amount of chaos and a large amount of mess as he moved by the other zones, seeing fires being put out, bridges built, things he had no real need to help with, but he moved in likely later than he would have liked, as there were a few shinobi helping citizen's out of some type of quicksand trap they had either walked into or got caught in during whatever happened here. Both the shinobi he saw wanting to help didn't seem to immediately know how to help, likely not wanting to add to the situation as people needing saving, and neither wanted to make the decisions necessary to get started.

"This should be simple, just need to stay calm and think straight."

    Looking between the two, he had at most a surface level idea of what they could do, and not a lot of time to sit around sharing. One was clearly snake like and the other openly said they could fly, so that alone was enough.

"Call me Tozuki, I can do enough. Here, put this one...."

    He pulled up the sleeve of his shirt and started to unbuckle then pull off a complicated looking glove, with what looked like a grappling hook on the top and tossed it to Yakitsukeru.

"Press the button inside the gauntlet. There's a grappling hook on the top that should help with pulling at least a few people out. No need to get in and make yourself a potential person to need saving as well."

    Pulling off the pack he was wearing, he tossed it to Aki.

"Hope you are decently strong then. If you can fly then use this, it's a wingsuit. Pull the cord there on the bottom and it will deploy. Do not deploy it near anyone, it's about as wide as your arms and then some."

    Taking a deep breath, he looked around to see if there was anything else he could grab to use as some sort of rope or just a strong stick but nothing useful in the immediate area. Shrugging, he reached into his left pouch and pulled out a piece of metal not much longer than his hand and made a quick motion as it extended out into a full sized staff.

"Slow and steady guys, let's start with the closest. Aki grab those that aren't in too deep so they will be easier to grab in mid air."

    Reaching out his staff for the closest person he could reach, he motioned for them to grab on and began slowly stepping back to pull them out.

last edit by Omori Tozuki on Aug 22, 2024 16:48:07 GMT -5
Sprinkles has written 55 posts
QuicksandAug 22, 2024 14:55:38 GMT -5
Tateyama Yakitsukeru
I do not wish to be called pretty anymore, I plan to make life beg me for forgivenesss instead.
Tateyama Yakitsukeru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday April 9th rank Chunin occupation Snake Sage

It was all a matter of proper weight distribution and making sure that she could get the people back. The glove, likely not to the man's thoughts was way too big if he had planned for her to wear it, but given the instructions, she would only modify it slightly. Writing a quick Doton Fuinjutsu Seal and wrapping it around the grappling hook before she directed it towards one of the civilians that she could see.

Pressing it just short of them and firing it into the earth and waiting for the civilian to grab hold. Pulling up on the rope after making the handseals for the fuinjutsu seal, the earth sucking away from the civilian more then long enough for her to pull with her body which was far more then used to handling four times her own body weight on a normal basis.

"I'll never get usssed to thessse ssstrage contraptionsss that people keep making. Itsss ussseful though, I can give them that," She would mutter out loud as she finished dragging the individual out of the earth. One successful save, leaving only a dozen or so left in the area that they had been given as their portion of the ruined land to 'search' and rescue.
NOTES | Here
MUSE | Sealing You In Sound

Toff E has written 388 posts
QuicksandAug 25, 2024 0:33:53 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Symphony Op. 14, [break] No. 6 [break] Quicksand


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」❝❞


Akirei caught the pack and gave Tozuki a nod. While both Yakitsukeru and Tozuki had immediately gone to save the civilians, Akirei found himself still examining the gauntlet, wondering if it required any charges or similar power sources.
"No energy can be created nor destroyed", he mused, recalling the principles behind his village's omni-directional gear, which required gas to operate. "Well, whatever. I'll figure it out once I use it." With a shrug, he decided to focus on the task at hand.
A pair of white paper wings slowly materialised on his back as he strapped the gauntlet onto his left hand, leaving his right hand free to carry the civilians. Taking flight, Akirei gained altitude, scanning the area for those in the most immediate danger.
From his high vantage point, he could see the whole chaos below. While Tozuki had advised him to focus on those who weren’t in too deep, Akirei's eyes were drawn to a civilian who was on the verge of being completely swallowed by the quicksand. There, he thought, and without hesitation, he flew towards the centre of the chaos, reaching out to grab the desperate civilian.
As soon as he made contact, Akirei realised why Tozuki had advised him to do otherwise. The person was too deep into the quicksand’s pull, making it incredibly difficult to lift them. It felt as if something was actively sucking them down, and the civilian's frantic flailing only made things worse.
"Stop… hitting… me… and… stop… screaming…" Akirei grunted, struggling to maintain control as the panicked civilian flailed in his grasp. The situation was becoming increasingly dangerous for both of them.
Fortunately, Akirei remembered the gauntlet Tozuki had given him. Acting quickly, he aimed the grappling hook at a nearby tree and fired. The hook latched onto the tree with a solid thud, giving him the support he desperately needed.
With the hook as an anchor, Akirei slowly and carefully pulled the civilian up from the quicksand. The added leverage from the gauntlet made all the difference, and soon enough, the person was free from the deadly grip of the sand.
Once clear, Akirei flew the rescued civilians to safety, setting them down gently on solid ground. He took a moment to catch his breath, the weight of the situation settling in. That was too close, he thought, glancing back at the quicksand, which still threatened to swallow anyone who ventured too close.


Susanō Akirei – 405 words [ 5 ] [break]

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Susanō Akirei on Aug 25, 2024 0:34:11 GMT -5
Akirei has written 204 posts
QuicksandAug 30, 2024 22:35:52 GMT -5
Tateyama Yakitsukeru
I do not wish to be called pretty anymore, I plan to make life beg me for forgivenesss instead.
Tateyama Yakitsukeru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday April 9th rank Chunin occupation Snake Sage

Yaki had a much easier time as she freed her civilian, and further as she retrieved the line, it was somewhat mangled by the process that she had used it for and it didn't seem she was going to be getting it to do its job again. That was going to be annoying, but if people were truly sinking that deep then she would need to approach this from a different angle all together.

Writing out multiple doton fuinjutsu seals she waved down Akirei as he returned with his first, "Think you can fly me to the trapped people inssstead. The rope definitely worksss, but we can be more efficient about thisss if I can empty the area around the people enough to get them lifted ssso we can drag them back together. What do you think of that?"

She would ask him rather then demand because she knew those wings had to be incredibly draining for him. An ink brush moving over the needed empty tags without even a moment's hesitation on the matter. If that was fine Yakitsukeru would, rude as it may have been, snip the hook off the end of the grappling hook glove, and wrap the line around her shoulders in a traditional knotting style.

"I'm going to sssoak for hoursss after thisss mission isss done." Yaki muttered as she extended the glove to Akirei and prepared to wade in mud.
NOTES | Here
MUSE | Sealing You In Sound

Toff E has written 388 posts
QuicksandAug 31, 2024 0:24:30 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Symphony Op. 14, [break] No. 6 [break] Quicksand


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」❝❞


The glove was… okay, but Akirei couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't quite using it right. As he contemplated a better move, Tateyama, the wandering nin, proposed a plan. Akirei's was a little exhausted to catch her whole plan, but he heard the key point, "Empty the area". With no hesistation, Akirei nodded. "That sounds... like a... great plan... Let's go."
Before taking off, Akirei created a paper clone of himself. The clone would help handle the glove and provide some extra lift in case he slipped, though he hoped it wouldn't come to that. His reserve had been running low, but safety and efficiency were crucial here, lives were at risk. Chakra could be replenished, but those civilians couldn’t be replaced. He just had to take a rest when the mission was done.
Without further delay, Akirei flew Tateyama toward the heart of the chaos. As they hovered just above the treacherous mud, they could hear and see the civilians, their eyes wide with fear as they struggled against the thick mud and sand. Each panic movement only sank them deeper, and the desperation in their voices tugged at his heart. He knew that if they panicked and made more useless movement, it would only make the situation worse.


Susanō Akirei – 211 words [ 7 ] [break]

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 204 posts
QuicksandAug 31, 2024 0:35:37 GMT -5
Tateyama Yakitsukeru
I do not wish to be called pretty anymore, I plan to make life beg me for forgivenesss instead.
Tateyama Yakitsukeru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday April 9th rank Chunin occupation Snake Sage

"Glad to hear," Yakitsu would respond to the young man before she immediately felt her stomach shrink from being raised into the air. It was something definitely unfamiliar but as they got over to one of the worst areas that they were charged with emptying Yaki would wave for her to be lowered.

Performing the handseals near each of the civilians that she could wade through the mud towards she would set a seal near them rather then grab them. Activating the seals as the Doton Fuinjutsu drained her reserves quickly, sage mode assisting her somewhat towards the end as she decided to enter it just to use natural energy on some of the final few seals. Her chakra emptying to a dangerous low as she began to watch her handiwork. The earth being swallowed into the tags as the general mud in the area began to simply clear out. People that were once up to their necks now only finding themselves knee deep as the seals absolutely cleared out the area around them.

Looking up to Akirei she would give a quick signal to start pulling her out as she leapt upwards in the mud with a squelching pop as she came out covered up to her shoulders in mud. With the civilians slowly becoming freed she could see them getting the rest out over a bit more time, but she needed out of the deep mud herself first.
NOTES | Here
MUSE | Sealing You In Sound

Toff E has written 388 posts
QuicksandAug 31, 2024 1:24:15 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Symphony Op. 14, [break] No. 6 [break] Quicksand


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」❝❞


"If it's uncomfortable... let me know..." Akirei said, his voice betraying his exhaustion. This was his first time holding someone in the air, and he was unsure if he was doing it correctly. From their flight, they could see more and more victims scattered along the way, their cries for help growing louder and more desperate.
Akirei found himself distracted by the helplessness in their voices, a twinge of guilt gnawing at him. But he quickly reminded himself to stay calm and stick to the plan. Panic wouldn't help anyone... not the victims, and certainly not him.
He then gently descended a few metres, careful not to stir up any more of the loose earth on his paper wings, while letting Tateyama do her work. He watched as Tateyama began sealing up the dirt with what appeared to be a fūinjutsu, effectively clearing the mud around the trapped civilians. It was an impressive technique, far more effective than his initial idea of using explosive tags. In hindsight, that would have likely resulted in an even worse disaster. "Likely? More like 100%"
Just as Akirei was beginning to feel a sense of relief, he suddenly noticed that Tateyama had somehow ended up sinking into the mud. His brain was getting hazy from exhaustion, but he knew what needed to be done. With the help of his paper clone, Akirei pulled Tateyama out of the mud.
"Tate-san, do shout at me... if you notice I'm straying from the plan..." he managed to say, his breath ragged. The strain was starting to catch up with him, but he couldn’t afford to falter now. The civilians were counting on them, and Akirei was determined to see this through to the end.


Susanō Akirei – 282 words [ 9 ] [break]

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Susanō Akirei on Aug 31, 2024 1:25:06 GMT -5
Akirei has written 204 posts
QuicksandAug 31, 2024 2:05:33 GMT -5
Tateyama Yakitsukeru
I do not wish to be called pretty anymore, I plan to make life beg me for forgivenesss instead.
Tateyama Yakitsukeru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday April 9th rank Chunin occupation Snake Sage

As planned, with the mud mostly evacuated and having untrapped herself with Akirei's help she would begin to look over the civilians. Most were too muddy to tell who was injured, but most seemed capable of moving just fine now given that they were no longer up to their chests and necks in mud. Tired herself and looking up at the call Yakitsukeru just shook her head. Being free of the mud she just called up, "Quit being ssstubborn if your getting tired, your already drifting and I can sssee it from down here! Land, we can handle the ressst the normal way."

Yakitsukeru would follow her shout by untying herself, loosening any burden of lift that Akirei was self-imposing in the moment. It seemed in his diligence we was perhaps too self-sacrificial... something to mention if they had a moment to talk later. With that stated though she would turn to the civilians they had helped to uncover, "Thossse of you that can move yourssselvesss from here, dissslodge from the mud and begin to carefully make your way towardsss the solid ground in that direction. There will be placesss for everyone to ressst and uncover once we are all out of thisss awful mud. I am certain I am not the only one here that will want to sssoak for a few hoursss."

A slow procession of people would then begin wading the mud, traversable, if slow. Yaki would shuffle about to help those that could not pull themselves free. If all went well they would be able to round up the people they had saved, and could make their way back to town, Yaki offering a rather muddy shoulder to Akirei if he was in need of it.
NOTES | Here
MUSE | Sealing You In Sound

Toff E has written 388 posts
QuicksandAug 31, 2024 2:43:23 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Symphony Op. 14, [break] No. 6 [break] Quicksand


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」❝❞


The paper wings were on the verge of disintegration, and every flap took more out of him than the last. His vision blurred as exhaustion set in, and he knew he couldn't keep this up. "Yeah… guess we'll… just walk. I'm sorry…" he muttered, forcing the words out through his barely moving mouth. With Tateyama's guidance, they gradually descended to the ground, his paper wings crumbling away as they touched down.
Once they landed, Akirei could barely muster the strength to stand. He leaned heavily against something as his body screamed for rest. The civilians were still in need, but he knew he couldn't help them any further in his current state. He watched as Tateyama took charge, her voice cutting through the chaos as she directed the civilians to safer ground. Relieved, Akirei focused on regulating his breathing and chakra flow, trying to stabilise himself.
Despite the exhaustion weighing him down, there was a sense of accomplishment within him. For once, he felt like he had made a real difference. Back in Amegakure, his role in the police force had often felt insignificant, just another junior officer among many. But out here, in the chaos and mud, he had played a part in saving lives. It was a small victory, but one that meant a lot to him.
When it was time to head back to town, Akirei struggled to push himself up from the ground. His legs felt like standing on the quicksand out there, and he wobbled as he tried to stand. Before he could fall, Tateyama was there, offering her shoulder for support. Grateful, he leaned on her, taking comfort in the shared burden as they began the slow trek back. "Thanks… I guess that's… another mission complete…" he murmured, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "And we… definitely need a bath… after this…"


Susanō Akirei – 312 words [ 11 ] [break]

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Susanō Akirei on Aug 31, 2024 2:43:39 GMT -5
Akirei has written 204 posts