Tokonatsu Sango | Adv. Genin | Takigakure [Done!]

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Tokonatsu Sango | Adv. Genin | Takigakure [Done!]Aug 29, 2024 5:53:49 GMT -5
Tokonatsu Sango
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age 17 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation
Tokonatsu sango


NAME: Tokonatsu Sango
AGE: 17 (born 1007)
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDAY: May, 9th
VILLAGE: Takigakure
CLAN: Tokonatsu
RANK: Advanced Genin
POSITION: Genin team 3

Onee-san (Big Sister) - by people in her home village, and non-clan children, for being kind, doting, and sister-like;

Nisemono-san (Fake One) - by mean people inside of her clan, for not having been raised within the clan, and only brought in a few years ago.

Konezumi-san (Little Mouse) - by clan doctors performing experiments on her.


HEIGHT: 5'10'' (178 cm)
WEIGHT: 137 lbs (59 kg)

Sango is a well-developed young lady. She is tall, athletic in build, has kind reddish eyes and a bright smile. She sports long dark hair that go down her shoulders, and are often tied into a ponytail or a bun, for convenience. 

She wears a variety of clothes, most of them dependent on what kind of task she is doing - since she is always busy with something! When not working though, Sango enjoys wearing a green-ish long-sleeved shirt-dress that is breathable and easy to wear in Takigakure's hot climate. When on a ninja task she wears dark khaki pants with lots of pockets, a sleeveless flak vest of black color, and has her arms from shoulders and down to wrists wrapped in bandages, with hands covered by fingerless gloves. Forehead protector replacing the belt. 

Sango has a formal attire too, of course. It is a light-pink long-sleeved kimono with silhouettes of flowers embroidered onto it, and a teal sash. White socks, fancy sandals, the proper way to dress and all that kind of thing. She feels a bit awkward in this, but likes it for the prettiness. It also looks good on her, despite the unfamiliarity with such clothes.

When it comes to the choice of attire, though, no matter the cause, she tends to hide her arms. That is because there are plenty of scarring tissue on them from punctures and infusions she had to endure as part of her arrangement with the Tokonatsu. Besides that, she has a few scars on her legs, mostly results of animal bites. 


NINDO: Hesitation is Defeat.

Sango is a sunshine kind of girl - a rarity for the somber and violent kind of life in Takigakure. She is cheerful and upbeat, finding a silver lining in almost every situation. She is nigh impossible to bring down mood-wise, as she soldiers on through whatever challenges are in front of her with a hopeful smile on her face. 

She is a kind of person to care deeply about those she loves. The biggest place in her heart is reserved for her little brother Ren, whom she practically raised and keeps raising. She will do most anything for him, including putting her life on the line, which she does. Sango is a kind of friend to stick by you even when you're at your lowest and in dire need of carrying. She also tries her best to see the best in people and emphasize with them. As a result, though, she seems rather naïve, for a shinobi. 

Having been brought into the fold of the Tokonatsu clan only a few years ago, Sango is still very much a country bumpkin. She learned a few things about etiquette, but not as much as those children who were taught it from as soon as they could walk and talk. She tries though, sometimes overzealous in her attempts. Still, the girl is much more direct and open with others than most other clanspeople, often to her detriment. 

Having been around Tokonatsu for a while now, the girl has developed a rather thick skin. She is not stupid, and the subtle insults sent her way do not go unnoticed, but don't land or leave an impact either. So long as those insults do not concern her little brother, whom she cherishes dearly.

That to say, Sango's compassionate nature does not get in the way of her duties as a shinobi as much as one would think. The girl has a one-track mind, and once she puts it to something, she is very focused to accomplishing that task. Likewise, if she puts her mind to killing you, you better be ready for a fight for your life. Jungles of Takigakure are deadly, and hesitation is defeat. Sango does not hesitate. 


Sango was born in Takigakure, to Kagome and Ryusei, of the Tokonatsu clan, Sayuri branch. Her birth was a secret, influenced by the actions of her parents years prior to her conception. Both of them were the rebellious youths, who spoke against the ancient traditions of the clan, of its selfishness and the way it treated outsiders. They treated foreigners using the clan's secret and precious herbs. For that crime, they were exiled to one of the many remote outpost villages on the edge of the Black Forest. They were to either learn compliance there, or perish for the glory of the clan and its ways.

It was why the birth of Sango, and, later, her brother Ren, was hidden from the clan. They would have been taken away, otherwise, to be raised within the clan's compound. And then neither mom nor dad would have never seen them again, or, at least, until the end of their task in this village. Fortunately, the circumstances of birth were easy enough to conceal from the Tokonatsu - those in the outpost held little love for the pampered mainstray clansfolk, and the latter did not care to check on the exiles too often, content with whatever reports they've been sending once a few months, along with the results of their labors here, in the form of rare poisons and herbs. 

Sango grew up near the Black Forest, thus. It is a dangerous place, one of the most deadly within the country. Since young age, she was raised to recognize and respect the dangers surrounding them. There weren't many children, if any, around here, so for the most part, the girl spent her time in the presence of adults - daredevils and other exiles. They liked the kid, and taught her things, as a joke. By the age of 6, the girl already knew to recognize most plants and creatures that could kill her, and also was able to mold chakra in the most crude and simple of jutsus.

Her little brother, Ren, was born when Sango was 6. She was elated - finally she wouldn't be the only child around! Just needed to wait a little for the boy to grow up, though - right now he looked more like a doll than a playmate! Sango helped her parents with babysitting her little brother, while they ventured into the forests more and more often. The clan demanded such, and for their secret to remain hidden, the family had to comply.

Sango was 10 when her parents did not return from the Black Forest, one day. Their bodies were never found, but everyone assumed their deaths - the forest consumed bodies like a hungry predator. One of the old retired shinobi here, a man named Iseri Kei, who was a friend of the family, decided to take care of the kids. As much as he could, at least. His parenting involved bringing food, clothes, and teaching Sango to best take care of the house, and her little brother. 

The next four years were hard for Sango. Life here wasn't glamorous, but without parents around, she and brother lived in abject poverty. Kei-san was kind, but he did not have much to impart, and they were two extra mouths to feed. The girl followed him on small excursions to the edge of the forest, but never deeper in. Kei taught her to use the hunting spear, and the basics of ninjutsu beyond the simplest techniques. This was not academy training, but it was much closer to dangers that even Takigakure genins were first subjected to. Sango was molded into a bootleg shinobi - that way she and her brother had chances to survive. Her ventures involved hunting edible enemies, gathering medicine plants, and fighting off an occasional giant snake. 

Misfortune kept pursuing Sango's little family, though. When she was around 14, Kei-san went down with a terrible illness. He wasn't long for this world - his lungs were filled with liquids, he had trouble breathing. An old wound to the chest made things worse. He was not long for this world. Fearing that, without him, Sango and Ren would be alone to fend off in this terrible place, Kei chose to betray the promise he made to Kagome and Ryuusei. With his latest report, he sent a letter to Tokonatsu clan. Revealing that the children who were theirs by right, were stuck out here.

He kept it a secret from Sango as well. And he did not live to see the results of his actions. When the representatives of the Tokonatsu clan appeared in the village to collect their prize, he died, and was buried on the outskirts of the village. The girl herself was surprised, when a delegation of men and women in exquisite clothes walked through the doors of her mud hut. 

Sango and Ren were then brought to the Tokonatsu clan. Since their parents were from the Sayuri branch, the Orange Lily claimed the children as their own. The girl was excited about everything that was transpired. The wealth and glimmer of the clan's riches was amazing and mesmerizing to a girl who grew up in a marsh, living in a hut fending off water serpents and bugs the size of a palm. From an orphan with no relatives to speak of, she suddenly had a huge family to be a part of! Her joy was boundless. So much so she never bothered to register the glares and sneers given to her and Ren from "true Tokonatsu". 

The clan assessed Sango and Ren's readiness to uphold their duties as shinobi, before deciding on what to do with them. The girl in particular showed promise and aptitude. Having been raised by shinobi and survivalists of her little outpost village, the girl was competent with a weapon, capable of academy-level techniques, and was even taught a few things that students below the level of genin would be incapable of doing. At the same time, there were glaring flaws in her knowledge - she knew precious little of things that did not pertain to survival. History, etiquette, anything beyond basic math - the like. To catch up, and to receive official accreditation, Sango was placed into Taki's ninja academy - one of the oldest academy students ever.

Sango studied hard. She saw how much Ren enjoyed being here, surrounded by peers, good food, good clothes, and a future beyond dying within a few miles of the hut he was born in. It gave her heart and a reason to strive even harder. Within a year, she caught up with her Academy studies, and passed the exams, at the age of 15. Her zeal, and her motivations, were not left unnoticed by the Sayuri. And, in particular, by a doctor named Tokonatsu Yukari . 

In order to repay the hospitality of the Sayuri and the Tokonatsu, being mere shinobi was not enough. The Orange Lily needed a stream of test subjects for various medical experiments, in their attempt to create a breed of Tokonatsu resilient to toxins and other types of biological threats. One of the two "lost children" would have to suffice. The other one would be placed in the Ajisai branch, as per the clan's rules. Without a shadow of a doubt, Sango wholeheartedly volunteered to stay with the Sayuri. Eager to protect her brother from potential harm, and ensure his bright future within the clan. Her only condition was to keep it a secret from little brother Ren.

To that end, Yukari offered a position of a housekeeper within her household. Between her shinobi duties, Sango would have to work in her home. That way, she could always be available for a new injection or any other test to be run upon her. She was also placed in a genin team, to train as a proper shinobi.

The next two years went between her going on missions, being trained by her clanmembers and sensei, and enduring whatever Yukari had to bestow upon her. Sango grew somewhat attached to the woman who put syringes into her arm, and catalogued the effects various poisons and serums had on her. She was oddly attentive and even kind to the girl in her care. Subconsciously, mixings herself into the memories of Sango's mom. She too had a similar demeanor, in ways ways more than one. Othertimes, she would be accompanies by other medical staff on special 'missions' to see how the drugs or poisons affected her in real-life scenarios. As a result, the girl possessed unique experiences other genins did not. Moreover, she was viewed not just as a shinobi or a guinea pig, but an asset. With a surprisingly impressive survival rate, too. 

Sango is 17 now, and was placed in a genin team with other members of her clan - Tokonatsu Touwa (who is the son of the doctor Yukari) and Tokonatsu Kaoru. The doctor's husband, Hotaru Tadashi, is her team leader and sensei. But what happens within Sayuri labs must remain a big secret. Sango is good at keeping that secret. So long her little brother does not get to know, too, it's all fair. Lets see now, what the future holds!  


Sango fights decisively and unrelentingly. She has a variety of techniques in store, due to being a generalist, but her basic strategy revolves around using her spears as well as seals, to get an advantage and secure a target for the killing blow. She is not afraid of hurting or getting hurt, having been raised near the Black Forest, where death is a familiar sight. 

Thus, the way she fights is closer to that of a mature combatant rather than an inexperienced genin. Relying on speed, reaction, and onslaught, however, means that she sometimes neglects to study her opponent during the battle. All knowledge gathering is done before the fight, if possible. If her first assault has failed, she would pull back, reassess the situation, and try and adapt. Provided she will survive the failure of her first attempt.




  • 01 | Armored Vest
  • 05 | Javelin
  • 10 | Kunai v. explosive tag (High-yield)
  • 10 | Explosive Tags (High-yield)
  • 10 | Tako Tags
  • 05 | Pepper Bomb
  • 05 | Smoke Bomb
  • 05 | Flash Bomb
  • 50 ft | Ninja Wire
  • 03 | Wireless Radio
  • 03 | Blood Pill
  • 2 days worth | Dried Rations & Water (in small scroll)
  • Pack of paper for seals (20) + ink + brush (small scroll)
  • Bedroll, mess kit, basic cooking supplies (in medium scroll)


Swift Hands

Reacting to danger is one thing, being fast enough to do something about it is another. Sango is very swift with her hands, when it comes to fighting with her weapons and gear. This translates into quicker strikes, faster ammunition draws, and quicker drawing skills when it comes to fuinjutsu, though often at the cost of quality.
Natural Toughness

Being born next to the most dangerous place in Takigakure has its perks. If you don't die from various insects, snakes, poisonous plants, and a multitude of injuries you get along the way - you might be capable of naturally shrugging off things that might otherwise cause greater harm. Sango is more resilient to damage than most, and recovers from injuries quicker. 


Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Han'nō sōkō [Reactive Seal]
Tako [Octopus]
Danyaku Kyōkyū Fūin [Ammunition-Providing Seal]

Bakukami no Jutsu [Exploding Seal Jutsu]
Hikin Fuinjutsu - [Generic Sealing Technique]

Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]
Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]

Senkō Mosu [Lightning Release: Flash Flare]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]

Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]

Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]



✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by Tokonatsu Sango on Sept 11, 2024 5:41:27 GMT -5
0bsu has written 0 posts
Tokonatsu Sango | Adv. Genin | Takigakure [Done!]Sept 5, 2024 8:57:53 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Han Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 31 years old birthday January 30th rank occupation
Fighting Style: Need an extra paragraph.

What are throwing spears? They are not linked.
You mention gloves with seals, where are these in the inventory and they need to be linked.
What are these high to low yield explosive tags? We only have one kind of explosive tag on site, anything else needs to be linked.
Reduce on hand wireless radio to 1.

Please change rations and traveling kit to this:

1 Small Scroll:
2 Days Rations & Water

1 Medium Scroll:
1 Bedroll
1 Mess Kit
1 Basic Cooking Supplies

Remove Fire or link an extra scroll to carry that has fire in it.

Armguards with reactive seals? Link (not the fuuinjutsu but the equipment, reactive equipment is at least B-Rank).
Gasmask with eye protection? Link.

Pack of paper for seals + ink + brush <-- Too vague, need to know how many pieces of paper are being carried.

Overall, the character is carrying A LOT especially at genin rank. It is possible to seal all of this away in scrolls but then you need to line all of that out and then we can determine if it's too much or not. Currently it appears to me that the character would be weighed down in movement or would run out of pockets.

Special Abilities:
- I am Speed: This is fine but what does "does other speedy things quickly" mean? A speed SA is just a I run fast SA it's not agility or reflexes. So perhaps be more specific. Remember if you add extra SA into one that means they all get divided.
Han has written 499 posts
Tokonatsu Sango | Adv. Genin | Takigakure [Done!]Oct 1, 2024 11:48:22 GMT -5
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Han Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 31 years old birthday January 30th rank occupation
Given that the inventory items have been approved, I will give this one more week in notify - please make all other necessary changes that were requested and respond here to let me know before October 8th, or else I will unfortunately have to remove this from notify.
Han has written 499 posts
Tokonatsu Sango | Adv. Genin | Takigakure [Done!]Oct 11, 2024 10:31:08 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Han Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 31 years old birthday January 30th rank occupation
This has not received a reply in requested time and will now be removed from notify. Please make the requested changes from the mod and repost in notify when it is ready to go.
Han has written 499 posts