Quicksand [Mission]

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Quicksand [Mission]Aug 29, 2024 7:53:39 GMT -5
Hōzuki Keneō
Procrastination is Opportunity's Assassin.
Hōzuki Keneō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday April 4th rank Genin occupation Stylin'

REPEATABLE?: Can be repeated up to three times, but only one completion is needed to progress the board.
On the very edges of the earth zone, several fleeing civilians have become stuck in thick mud and sand. Shinobi need to keep them calm and help extract them from the mud without falling in themselves. This task should be relatively safe so long as everyone keeps a level head.

Out of all of the missions he had been undertaking throughout these areas, Ken had known from the start that the tasks he would be given were all going to be rather simple in nature. But just because they were simple in nature did not mean they would be easy. Where the higher ranking shinobi were likely going to take on a different sort of tasks that would be more focused around taking down enemy combatants and other threats of the sort, he and the other Genin were tasked with most non-combative missions. At least, that was what he assumed as he quite honestly had no idea what they were dealing with or what a Chuunin-classed mission was even like.

All he knew was that up until now, he had been tasked with preventing a small township from being burned to cinders and another where he had to venture down into a submerged cavern in order to destabilize and shut down a barrier keeping the troops from progressing deeper into the region. So far, the only consistent thing was that he had been traveling around quite a bit and dealt with people from different villages, even those that he was supposed to consider as enemies. Going off of that, he imagined that the scale of whatever was going on here was quite grand, given that it required enemies to lay down their arms in order to work together for the greater good.

As for right now, the goal at hand was quite simple, though working it all out might be somewhat tricky none the less. Due to a mud stream, various people fleeing from the danger zone had become stuck and were dangerously close to drowning in mud and loose soil. Given his own unique Hijutsu, Ken was confident that he would be able to make it through the mud on his own without running any risk of harm to himself, though bringing various people out with him before they went under would be difficult. It required proper planning and adapting to the situation as the circumstances changed, which they more than likely would. Not certain who he was paired up with, he hoped they stood a chance at saving these people, and completing the mission.
last edit by Hōzuki Keneō on Aug 29, 2024 11:57:45 GMT -5
Shaquille Oatmeal has written 193 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Aug 29, 2024 12:01:58 GMT -5
Uchiha Jūkō
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Jūkō Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 26 years old birthday 9th August rank Chuunin occupation Bodyguard / Root Captain
Though Juko had initially been sent out here to keep an eye on his fellow Konoha shinobi and keep them safe from external threats if need be, there was a secondary objective to his mission. Now that he was the Kyuudaime's bodyguard, he served as a representative of Konoha. He couldn't be seen to be doing nothing during a time of emergency like this, and so he had agreed to pitch in where he could.

Fortunately enough, Juko and his companions were almost preternaturally skilled at missions like this.

The first part of this mission, however, was meeting up with the one that he had been assigned the duty with. Considering it was a pretty low-threat job, it was unsurprising that the one he had been paired with was a genin. He might even think this was some sort of teaching opportunity, were it not for the fact that the genin was from Kirigakure.

Some older members of the village would probably see a Konoha-nin teaching someone from that side of the alliance as tantamount to treason, and with this basically being equal parts mission and photo-op he had no desire to jeapordise that.

Either way, where the young Kiri-nin would be waiting for the rendezvous, they would likely be surprised when their partner actually showed up. Riding atop the back of Aikobi like a samurai riding a horse, Juko had stripped of all but the bare essentials, minimizing his weight and thus the risk of being sucked into any such quagmire. Atop the head of the great hound was a far smaller one, actively sniffing the air, already tracking and hunting for new senses.

"Judging by that headband, you're Keneo, right?" Juko was nearly twice Keneo's age and atop Aikobi he was almost thrice his height. Even if their technical rank was only one rank different, Juko was patently aware that he was probably a terrifying sight to the young shinobi. As such, he attempted to dispel some of the awkwardness of the situation with a smile and open body language. Still, smiling like this in a disaster zone... well, may not be the best look.

"You ready to go? Karuishi's already got the scent of some of the trapped folks so we've got a few leads to follow. But if you need a moment, let me know, alright?"

390 words |

Jutsus Used: None
Gesicht has written 23 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Aug 29, 2024 13:01:48 GMT -5
Hōzuki Keneō
Procrastination is Opportunity's Assassin.
Hōzuki Keneō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday April 4th rank Genin occupation Stylin'
Looking on as the Konoha shinobi rode in on the rendezvous spot atop a massive white hound, Ken could honestly say that he had never seen such a thing before. It was certainly a sight to see, especially since he hadn't really gotten acquainted with a lot of people who utilized summoned animals to back them up in combat or were accompanied by animal familiars. He had heard that there were clans that utilized large dogs, just like how there was a clan within Kirigakure that more or less did the same with spiders of various shapes and sizes, to some extent at least. But when he looked at the animal, it didn't take Ken long to figure out the answer to one of the age old questions: are you a cat or a dog person. He was clearly a dog person.

Due to the large white hound, he hadn't instantly noticed the smaller white dog that accompanied the Konoha ninja and his mount. This man was supposedly Jūkō, though what little Ken knew about the man by going off of his last name was conflicting with what he saw before him. He knew the Uchiha clan well enough, as they were well known even in the land of Water, though he had no knowledge of them being a clan that relied on the use of Ninken: ninja dogs. Still, even though his perceived intel clashed, it was still a cool thing to witness. It made him think about what he might look like if by the time he became a Chuunin and rode in on his summoned creature. Most people likely wouldn't consider him to look cool if he rode in on a giant clam though.

"You are correct, but you may call me Ken. Everyone else does."

Sticking to his regular stoicism, Ken didn't exude an aura of unfriendliness. Rather, he was usually more to the point, not being one for wasting too many words when a few would do the job just as well. Especially when on missions, he believed that wasting as little time as possible was often the best way of going about things. Besides, he was under no illusion that while they were on friendly terms now, there was a very good chance that if relations were to escalate in the future, there was a very good chance that they might be at one another's throats one day. While that wasn't a thought that particularly filled him with joy as he was hardly a violent person, Ken was incredibly dutiful if nothing else. As such, it was something to keep in mind at the very least.

"I'm fine, feel free to lead the way and i'll be there to do my part."
Shaquille Oatmeal has written 193 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Aug 29, 2024 13:34:35 GMT -5
Yūgao Uka
I gotta find something fun to do
Yūgao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Genin occupation Assistant & SPWC [Junsa]

As Uka sprinted through the muddy terrain, her mind raced just as quickly. She knew she was late, but she was also on edge about this mission. Teaming up with a Konoha shinobi wasn’t something she was looking forward to, especially given the tense history between Amegakure and Konoha. The idea of working alongside someone from Konoha, particularly an Uchiha, made her uneasy.
When she finally spotted the two figures in the distance—a tall man atop a massive white hound and a shorter, more stoic figure standing beside him—her heart skipped a beat. The sight of the giant ninken was impressive, but it was the Uchiha’s presence that made her wary. She had heard stories about the Uchiha clan, their power, and their reputation. This man, Juko, was likely not someone to take lightly.
Skidding to a halt a few meters away, Uka took a moment to catch her breath, masking her nervousness with a bright, albeit slightly forced, smile. "Sorry for being late!” she called out, her voice a mix of apology and tension. Straightening up, she quickly assessed the situation, her scarlet eyes darting between the two shinobi.
"You must be Hōzuki-san, right?” Uka addressed the Kiri-nin with a nod, her tone friendlier as she gave a quick bow. "I’m Yūgao Uka. Nice to meet you.” But her gaze quickly shifted to the Uchiha, her eyes narrowing slightly as she tried to read his expression. "And you’re Uchiha Jūkō-san,” she said, her voice more guarded, though she forced a polite tone. She couldn’t afford to let her guard down around him, no matter how friendly he seemed.
The massive hound was impressive, and under different circumstances, Uka might have been fascinated by it. But now, it was just another reminder that she needed to be cautious. She couldn’t help but wonder why an Uchiha, of all people, was here for what was supposed to be a low-risk mission. It felt like overkill, and it made her even more uneasy.
"So, what’s the plan?” Uka asked, her voice steady, though there was a hint of wariness in her eyes as she glanced at Juko. She wasn’t about to let her unease show too much, but she also wasn’t going to trust him blindly. "I’m ready to help out, but… let’s make sure we all stay on the same page, yeah?” Her words were casual, but the underlying message was clear: she was here to do her job, but she wasn’t about to be anyone’s pawn.
鱗翅目技術 | Rinshinmoku Gijutsu [lit. Lepidoptera Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yūgao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.
層 | Sō [lit. Layer]
Uka has an unwavering commitment to learning genjutsu, which has allowed her to acquire the ability to layer genjutsu. Due to her practice and understanding of the nuances of genjutsu techniques, she has developed a level of proficiency that enables her to deftly weave multiple layers of genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 414

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Yofie has written 142 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Aug 29, 2024 14:16:30 GMT -5
Uchiha Jūkō
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Jūkō Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 26 years old birthday 9th August rank Chuunin occupation Bodyguard / Root Captain
Ah, it would appear both were rather confused by the presence of the rather large hound. Such was a somewhat routine issue when it came to Juko's line of work - In a world where one's family line so often decided what one was and wasn't capable of, most people knew him as an Uchiha first and as Juko second, if at all. If he went by the name Inuzuka, people might more naturally come to expect the presence of his hounds, but then they would be surprised by the Sharingan...

Actually, if he could somehow go back in time and have debuted under the Inuzuka name, that might have been a major boon to his Black Ops career. But life was full of little regrets like that.

If either of the pair cared to look carefully at the overcloak worn by their elder, they would notice that it bore a somewhat unique symbol - the clan mark of the Uchiha, edited slightly to include the Inuzuka clan markings within itself. A blunt nod to the nature of his birthrights and genetics.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ken." Juko said, adopting a pleasant and affable tone as befit the situation. Turning his eyes to the other child in their midst, he took a mental note to be more wary of this one. He could see it on her face, something about the situation wasn't adding up to her and she wasn't exactly being subtle about it. She probably saw through this being a transparent photo op, or at least understood that a Chuunin was a little overkill as far as assigning missions like this went.

"Right, so - As I told Ken just before you arrived," he began, his seniority and higher rank naturally causing him to slip into giving orders as if they were his own village's genin. He was a captain, after all, such things came with the rank. ", Karuishi has already smelled out a couple of leads for groups of people stuck in the muck. Now, there's almost certainly more people than we can help ourselves, but if we can get out any within the localised area, that should be enough."

Giving Aikobi a gentle nudge with his foot in the stirrups, the elder shinobi began leading the pair towards the nearest zone as marked out by Karuishi's guidance, pointing his nose like some feral form of GPS. As they moved across the ground, he made sure to keep at a relatively slow pace, ensuring that neither of the others got left behind.

"Now, I know Ken is a Hozuki and therefore probably has water release, but what about you Yugao?" He was calling her by her surname, a clear difference in the way he was handling each. "I don't believe I've heard your clan name before - Anything I should know about your abilities?"

473 words | @mission

Jutsus Used: None

Gesicht has written 23 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Aug 29, 2024 18:17:38 GMT -5
Hōzuki Keneō
Procrastination is Opportunity's Assassin.
Hōzuki Keneō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday April 4th rank Genin occupation Stylin'
"Pleased to meet the both of you. But if you wouldn't mind, there's people being... either crushed or drowned or both."

In an attempt at being the voice of reason, Ken made it rather clear that he wasn't entirely out here to make friends, but was out here in a bid to save people from a horrendous fate. He could only imagine what it was like for someone to have to run away from their homes, only to be caught in a landslide and drown as their struggling would push them further down, their lungs filled with water and damp soil. It wasn't the kind of fate he'd wish upon just anyone, so if they could get a move on get to helping the people in need, he would be all for it. Because at the end of the day, Ken wasn't an idiot, nor was he blind to his surroundings and the people in it.

He too felt it was kind of odd that a Chuunin would be assigned to one of the lower ranking missions, though that by itself wasn't unheard of. In one of the previous missions he had undertaken, they had been accompanied by an Iwagakure Jounin, one that had been rather up front about her strengths being in the field of sensory and information gathering. And like he had mused before, there was no misunderstanding the fact that once this was all over, that many of the people he had met throughout these missions would end up becoming enemies of his village again. But right now, in this moment, it did not matter to him if people had ulterior motives or not. The only thing that mattered was the mission.

"If you'll permit me coming across as a bit rude, i'd like to cut in for a bit and get to the point. Jūkō's hounds will pick up whatever traces and scents they can to locate the people that are in trouble, and then i'll do my best to use hydrification to get them all out. By that time, I assume the hounds themselves can help dig people out, while the both of you coordinate your own techniques to the best of your abilities, which are likely a lot better than mine."

Ken understood quite well that it might have come across as rude or mean, but the thing people seemed to be forgetting was that while they were trying to scope one another out, they were failing their mission by allowing people to potentially die in the time they wasted exchanging secrets and promises. He too was a shinobi, but he understood even at his age that there were times to let things be what they were if there was a clear bigger picture that needed to be tended to. So as he finished those words, he prepared to follow the hounds that had picked up the scent of those in trouble.

"If we're all in agreement there, lets get a move on. We can talk secrets afterwords, if there's time."
Shaquille Oatmeal has written 193 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Aug 30, 2024 1:10:11 GMT -5
Yūgao Uka
I gotta find something fun to do
Yūgao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Genin occupation Assistant & SPWC [Junsa]

She appreciated Ken’s directness and the urgency he brought to the situation. This wasn’t the time for formalities or prolonged discussions—people’s lives were at stake. Her wariness toward Juko hadn’t dissipated, but she knew she needed to stay focused on the task at hand.
When Juko asked about her clan abilities, Uka’s expression remained neutral, masking any discomfort she felt at his question. Her instincts told her to keep her cards close to her chest, especially around someone from Konoha, and particularly an Uchiha.
She offered a polite but vague response. "Yūgao techniques are… a bit specialized," she replied her tone carefully measured. "I can handle myself with a mix of ninjutsu and genjutsu. I focus on creating diversions and protecting others. You won’t have to worry about me."
She paused for a moment, considering how much more she should share. She didn’t want to seem uncooperative, but she also didn’t want to reveal too much. The Yūgao clan had their secrets, just like any other, and she wasn’t about to lay them out for someone she didn't trust.
"I’ll be using my abilities to support you both and keep the civilians safe. I can disorient anyone who gets in our way or create cover if things get chaotic.”She kept her explanation simple, deliberately leaving out any mention of her use of butterflies and moths or the details of her clan's more unique techniques.
Turning her gaze to Ken, Uka gave a small nod. "I agree with Hōzuki-san. Let’s focus on saving those people first. We’re burning daylight here, and every second counts.”
With that, Uka took her place beside Ken, ready to follow the direction of Juko’s hound. Her expression had softened slightly, but there was still a keen sharpness in her eyes. She would work with Juko and Ken, but she would also keep her distance—physically and in terms of information. The mission was her priority, not making friends or revealing clan secrets. At least in this scenario.
鱗翅目技術 | Rinshinmoku Gijutsu [lit. Lepidoptera Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yūgao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.
層 | Sō [lit. Layer]
Uka has an unwavering commitment to learning genjutsu, which has allowed her to acquire the ability to layer genjutsu. Due to her practice and understanding of the nuances of genjutsu techniques, she has developed a level of proficiency that enables her to deftly weave multiple layers of genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 331

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Yofie has written 142 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Aug 30, 2024 13:06:04 GMT -5
Uchiha Jūkō
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Jūkō Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 26 years old birthday 9th August rank Chuunin occupation Bodyguard / Root Captain
Well, if nothing else, one couldn't fault these two's work ethic.

A part of him, the part that was taught manners and reinforced status quo, wanted to lecture the other two on the necessity for niceties and being personable, even on missions like this, but he decided against it. Were they from Konoha, he might have considered it, but it wasn't his place to try and correct those of another village. For all he knew, Kirigakure might have an entirely different system of manners, so he decided to merely keep schtum.

Since the other two were so eager to get things started, Juko nodded, giving Aikobi a little bit more of an insistent dig with his heels as the hound took a faster pace. As he did so, Karuishi's head popped up from the forest of white, giving out a pair of barks before pointing his nose in two separate directions.

"Ken - We've got a group up to our east. Karu' doesn't detect any hostiles or threats in the area, but if you could do something about the water, that would be appreciated."

For his part, Juko headed to the second direction, quickly stumbling upon a group of refugees caught up to their knees in the mud. Reaching down to his saddle, he picked up something that he had taken for the mission - a length of strong, hempen rope. Tossing it out to the trapped folks and ensuring they had a strong grip, he allowed Aikobi to get to his main job - hoisting and hauling.

Easily able to lift 6000 pounds, lifting a few people was no big deal. After all, a few years ago Aikobi had been able to lift felled trees when working with rebuilding efforts. Compared to that, this was nothing.

What was a little less nothing, however, was the Yugao girl. She was clearly concealing her emotions, just as he did (though likely for a far different reason). Making it clear in his actions and body language that he wasn't the side that needed the help, he gestured wordlessly for her to go accompany Ken to his part of the duties. After all, if he needed support, he already had a pair of helpers.

Jutsus Used: None
Gesicht has written 23 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Aug 31, 2024 10:34:11 GMT -5
Hōzuki Keneō
Procrastination is Opportunity's Assassin.
Hōzuki Keneō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday April 4th rank Genin occupation Stylin'
By the time they arrived at the site of the mudslide, Ken quickly assessed the situation to the best of his abilities. It was a good thing they had the dogs with them to point out those that might have been less in visual range. Hearing how the older man spoke up about him using his clan's hijutsu to try and move water away from the drowning individuals, it told Ken at least enough to know that what Ken knew about the Uchiha, Jūkō likely knew about the Hozuki. And given his age, he likely knew a lot more. Still, had Ken not already come up with it himself, it would certainly have been a good idea on the man's part. Nodding in agreement, he looked towards the first victim.

"I sure can. I'll get as much water out of the way so you can pull them out. The ground won't be completely dry, but at the very least it won't act as quicksand anymore."

Liquifying his body and moving into the fray, he used his watery body in order to interact with the surrounding moisture in an attempt at pulling as much of it away as possible. Making the ground in a small, few meter area around the person a lot less tricky to step on and greatly reducing the rate at which movement would cause them to sink further down to an almost null point. While the people inside would still be stuck, some of them might be able to pull themselves free on their own and crawl out, though others would still need a helping hand in being tugged out.

Believing the Yūgao would be more than capable at that, the Uchiha went off on his own while Ken would go from one place to the other, ditching remnants of water in places where no one was sinking before moving right on back to the next person. It must have seemed quite freaky and weird to some of these people to see water moving towards them like a living being, before the water was all pulled away elsewhere as their descent was greatly halted.

By the time he reached the last person, only at that point did Ken actually use his abilities to rematerialize his upper body out from the water in order to pull them out. He could have done this sooner, but the time it would still take him to drag someone out was still going to drag on. It wasn't impossible for him to remain mostly liquified while dragging a person out, but as it were, it was still difficult for him to keep himself fully materialized enough to drag someone out without falling back into moisture again. It was something he still needed to train a whole lot more, but right now, he could get the job done.

With a bit of luck, the girl would be able to handle herself with dragging people out of the demoisturized patches of former quicksand so he could work his way back, one person at a time.
Shaquille Oatmeal has written 193 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Sept 1, 2024 9:12:47 GMT -5
Yūgao Uka
I gotta find something fun to do
Yūgao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Genin occupation Assistant & SPWC [Junsa]

Uka was already in motion as Ken worked his Hydrification Technique, pulling water from the ground and making it more stable for the villagers. She felt a moment of genuine admiration for his skills; the way he manipulated his body with such fluidity and precision was impressive. It was clear he was no stranger to these kinds of situations, and his quick thinking was saving valuable time.
As the water receded from one of the patches, revealing a villager struggling to free themselves from the heavy mud, Uka quickly approached. "Hang on, I’m coming!” she called out, her voice calm and reassuring despite the urgency of the situation.
Reaching the trapped villager, a young man who was trying to claw his way out with his hands, Uka immediately assessed his condition. He was exhausted and shivering, his clothes soaked through with mud and water. She knelt beside him, anchoring herself again with a kunai driven deep into the drier ground that Ken had created.
"Don’t struggle too much," she advised, gripping his arm firmly but gently. "Let me do the work."
She pulled steadily, using her body weight as leverage. The man’s feet slowly began to emerge from the thick sludge, and after a few tense moments, he was finally free. Uka helped him to his feet and quickly guided him toward the safer ground, her eyes darting around to locate the next person in need.
Spotting an older woman stuck further up the slope, she moved quickly, but not without thought. The area around her was still unstable, and she had to step carefully. As she approached, she noticed that the woman’s foot was twisted at an awkward angle; she must have injured it while trying to escape. Uka immediately knew this would take more care.
"I’m going to help you,” Uka said softly, lowering herself beside the woman. "Try not to move too much; I think your ankle is hurt. We’ll get you out of here safely, I promise.”
The woman nodded her face a mixture of fear and relief. Uka glanced around, noticing a sturdy-looking branch not too far away. She quickly moved to grab it, using it to create a makeshift splint for the injured leg. "This is going to help stabilize your foot," she explained, tying it in place with some spare bandages she carried.
Once secured, she looped one of the woman’s arms around her shoulders, taking most of her weight. "Alright, on three. One… two… three.” With a firm but gentle pull, she started to guide the woman out of the mud and up the slope, careful not to jostle her injured foot.
She saw Ken finishing up with another group and heading towards the last few stragglers. The teamwork was effective—they were managing to pull these people to safety quicker than she had initially expected.
"Hōzuki-san!” she called out, her voice carrying over the din of rushing water and the distant rumble of unstable earth. "There’s one more over by the large rock, looks like they’re stuck in deeper mud! I’ll take the others to higher ground!”
鱗翅目技術 | Rinshinmoku Gijutsu [lit. Lepidoptera Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yūgao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.
層 | Sō [lit. Layer]
Uka has an unwavering commitment to learning genjutsu, which has allowed her to acquire the ability to layer genjutsu. Due to her practice and understanding of the nuances of genjutsu techniques, she has developed a level of proficiency that enables her to deftly weave multiple layers of genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 515

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Yofie has written 142 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Sept 3, 2024 10:40:21 GMT -5
Uchiha Jūkō
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Jūkō Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 26 years old birthday 9th August rank Chuunin occupation Bodyguard / Root Captain
Though he was unable to get a clear look at them doing what they were doing, the echoing calls of gratitude could be heard from over where Juko was, mixing among the ones he himself was receiving for helping the locals get out of their predicament.

Though he knew voicing such an opinion could get him in trouble with his peers, it felt good to know that the next generation of shinobi were willing to do things like this. It gave him a pause of hope for the future, even if he may one day have to fight these two on the battlefield should the peace arrangement fall apart. He hoped that would never happen, but it was something he had to keep in mind.

Whatever the future may hold, the present remained resolutely the same - Between Aikobi's strength and speed, he was able to pull people out of the mud with ease and bring them back to a nearby area beyond the reach of the suckling mud where they could rest and get their strength back for a bit before continuing on in their journey away from the area. He was able to free his side of the plain quicker than the other two, and so found himself waiting for them by the time they were done.

"Once you two are finished," Juko said, his tone formal yet softer than it had been earlier. ", you can head back to your village's camp. I'll handle the paperwork and escorting these lot onto the next safe zone once they're ready to move.

Good work today, you two. You've earned your rest."

270 words | @open

Jutsus Used: None
Gesicht has written 23 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Sept 5, 2024 8:56:04 GMT -5
Hōzuki Keneō
Procrastination is Opportunity's Assassin.
Hōzuki Keneō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday April 4th rank Genin occupation Stylin'
Hearing his name and the call being made to reach one person that seemed a considerable amount deeper into the mud, a different approach was to be taken. If he were to reach him and just subvert the water, he would just be stuck in hard ground and next to impossible to just pull out without the risk of injuring him to various grades of severity. As he rushed his way over, he could tell that there were a bunch of rocks that could carry their weight, though the ground surrounding him was quite unstable. This meant that if he were to take the water away, the chances of him getting utterly crushed to death were at a high enough risk level where another approach had to be taken regardless. But he knew just the thing.

Instead of drawing the water away, Ken drew the water in, creating a mass of water underneath the man and using it to effectively propel him upwards at a slow yet steady motion. Like some kind of shapeless water monster, the Hozuki was wrapped around the man, making sure to keep his head free so he wouldn't end up swallowing any water as he managed to wrench him out of the poor situation he had gotten himself into. Placing the man by his side on solid ground, he began guiding him towards the same safety the others had been granted, just in case there was somebody waiting there for him. And if not, at least it was the safest place for any of them to be at this time.

Once everyone had gathered back up in a place of safety, and there was no uncertainty as to whether or not everyone had been saved, the bureaucratic work came into the picture. When the Uchiha however claimed that he would be doing the paperwork, Ken had no objections. For the time being, they were all on the same side after all. That, and there was no getting around the fact that, for all of his efforts and dedicated work, Ken was himself just a Genin. He had no real experience with these sorts of things yet, so the less he had to do in regards to documentation and debriefing, the better. Nodding in approval of this course of action, he bowed at both the Uchiha and the Yūgao.

"Understood, I will be taking my leave then. Best of luck to you both."
Shaquille Oatmeal has written 193 posts
Quicksand [Mission]Sept 6, 2024 1:10:44 GMT -5
Yūgao Uka
I gotta find something fun to do
Yūgao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Genin occupation Assistant & SPWC [Junsa]

Spotting another group of people further down the slope, she immediately sprinted over. The ground was slick and unstable, but her steps were light and deliberate, her training and natural agility coming into play. As she reached the group, she saw a woman cradling a small child, both covered in mud and shivering from the cold. A few other villagers were nearby, their faces etched with fear and fatigue. Uka quickly sized up the situation and made a plan.
"Alright, everyone, stay calm,” she instructed, her voice steady and authoritative. "We’re getting you out of here."
She turned to a middle-aged man who seemed the least injured and pointed to a relatively stable patch of ground a few feet away. "Can you help them get over there?” she asked, keeping her tone gentle but firm. The man nodded, determination flashing in his tired eyes.
Uka then focused on the woman with the child. "Here, let me carry the little one,” she offered, carefully taking the child from the woman’s arms. The child whimpered, clearly frightened, but Uka murmured soothing words as she gently lifted them. "It’s okay, you’re safe now,” she assured the child.
With the child secure in her arms, Uka guided the mother toward safer ground. She kept her steps steady, mindful of the uneven terrain, and occasionally glanced over her shoulder to make sure the others were following. When they reached a dry patch, she carefully set the child down and turned to help the next villager.
A young boy, probably no more than twelve, was stuck waist-deep in mud, struggling to free himself. Uka swiftly grabbed a rope from her pouch, tying a loop around a sturdy tree trunk nearby. She tossed the other end of the rope toward the boy. "Grab on tight!” she called out.
The boy clung to the rope with both hands, and Uka began to pull, using the rope as leverage. With a grunt of effort, she managed to drag him free of the mud’s grip. Once the boy was safely on solid ground, she gave him a quick nod. "Good job,” she praised, helping him to his feet and directing him to join the others.
Uka then turned her attention to an elderly couple further back, stuck in a deeper patch of mud. The old man seemed to be struggling to keep his partner’s head above the thick sludge. Uka’s heart tightened at the sight, and she moved swiftly, adrenaline pumping through her veins.
She grabbed a long, flat piece of wood that had been carried down by the floodwaters and used it as a makeshift bridge to reach them. The wood creaked under her weight. As she reached the couple, she extended a hand to the old man.
"Hold on to me,” she instructed, her voice gentle but firm. "I’ll help you both across.”
The man nodded, his grip surprisingly strong despite his frail appearance. Uka carefully guided him onto the plank and back to safety. She then turned to the elderly woman, who was exhausted and frightened. "It’s okay, ma’am. We’re almost there,” Uka assured her, helping her onto the plank and supporting her weight as they crossed back.
Once everyone was safely on solid ground, Uka took a moment to assess the situation. The villagers were starting to regroup, and the immediate danger seemed to be lessening. She felt a flicker of relief but knew better than to relax just yet.
Hearing Juko’s instructions to wrap up, she nodded in understanding. "Understood, Uchiha-san,” she replied, her tone still respectful but more relaxed than before. "I’ll make sure everyone is accounted for and ready to move before we head back.”
She turned back to the group of villagers, doing a quick headcount and ensuring there were no stragglers. "We’re moving to safer ground soon,” she told them, her voice carrying authority but also a reassuring calm. "Stay close and follow our lead.”
After another few minutes of checking and double-checking, she finally felt confident they had done all they could. She met Juko’s eyes and gave a firm nod of acknowledgment. "All clear on this side,” she confirmed.
Turning to Ken, she allowed herself a small smile. "Good work, Hōzuki-san,” she said, genuine respect in her voice. "Let’s get these people to safety and then head back.”
After they finished guiding the villagers to the safer ground Uka gave one final bow before leaving as well.
- E N D -
鱗翅目技術 | Rinshinmoku Gijutsu [lit. Lepidoptera Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yūgao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.
層 | Sō [lit. Layer]
Uka has an unwavering commitment to learning genjutsu, which has allowed her to acquire the ability to layer genjutsu. Due to her practice and understanding of the nuances of genjutsu techniques, she has developed a level of proficiency that enables her to deftly weave multiple layers of genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 738

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Yofie has written 142 posts