Quick on her feet. Sora thought as Naoko twisted into the path of her blow, managing to bring her shinai up under the strike and deflect to to the side before rising to deliver a Kawasemi- a rapid series of three strikes that each came from criss-crossing angles, meant to either overwhelm or confuse an opponent, forcing them to misstep and create an opening where there otherwise wouldn’t be one. Though the technique itself was fairly easy to learn, what intrigued the pink-haired woman was not that the young Student knew how to use it, but that she had chosen to do so at all. Using pure offense to overwhelm a competent opponent was dangerous enough, but against someone you knew was better than you? It was practically asking to lose…
Unless it was in this exact setting.
A smile, soft but noticeable, spread across the Jounin’s lips as she met Naoko’s first attack with her shinai, using her reach advantage to step back to the right as the two bamboo blades clashed, only to stutter-step forwards, whipping her weapon across her body to meet the second strike, which skittered off her shinai, only to twist her wrist and, without missing a beat, flick her weapon into the girl’s, pushing what would have otherwise been a solid horizontal cut out of the way.
Naoko didn’t stop though, pushing her way forwards as she rained down cuts in a seemingly wild display of raw aggression- but where others might have seen a child desperately flailing in an attempt to land even a single hit, Sora saw only control. Each of the girl’s movements were calm and precise, her mind and body focused down to a razor’s edge as she pushed forwards, looking to achieve her goal. It wasn’t something that a child could learn in the Academy, wasn’t a skill that could be taught at all, only gained through experience or raw talent…
And for the raven-haired girl, it was clearly
all talent.
Sora’s smile widened as she countered Naoko’s Tsubame Gaeshi with one of her own, mirrored so that their strikes would collide with perfect synchronicity. The dojo rang out with the sounds of their clash, the shinai straining beneath the force of the repeated blows- several of the other students stopped what they were doing to gawk, earning a swift smack from her clones, but the pink-haired woman paid them no mind.
Her focus was entirely on the girl, bamboo blade moving without thought as she stepped into the smaller Kunoichi’s range and, with a flick of her arm, fired off a tsuke, aiming the point of her weapon down in an attempt to strike at the girl’s ribcage. The moment before impact, however, she twisted her wrist and hips, shifting her attack from a downward thrust to a rising diagonal cut, left to right, meant to both catch Naoko off-guard and test her reflexes. She was moving a bit faster now, pushing to see just where the girl’s limit was, though the blow held the same level of force as before- enough to hurt, but only for a few seconds.
Alright, Fuji-san. Let’s see how far you can go.Fuji Naoko