There was only one other family member in Shirai's family that could contest, if not hold the title of "Flash Master", that being her sister, capable of moving so fast, that the flash of her visage was supposedly the last thing you saw. However, her sister invested more into the condition of the physical body and condition even more than she did. That said, when the Liger found herself gathered today, she was here to teach her pupil, Matoi about the true nature of their Hijutsu, the burst of proper speed and movement. Their specialty. Overwhelming an opponent before htey could even have a response or counterattack. That said?
She had here today several distance markers, each of them farther than the last, marked with flags, as Shirai leans against a tree, waiting for her charge's return. "Tsk. None of the kiddos seem too interested in meeting up with me. How boring." She says, finding her days more often spent training the orphans and newly adopted members of the clan, indoctrinated with the goal of expanding the Tetsumaki clan's faded numbers. For their clan was not one exclusively needing blood, but instead, dogma. A thought that permeated.
Though when Matoi did return?
"Ohayo. Chibi-Chan." She exclaims, standing upright as she looks out across the field. "It's been a while. How've you been doing Matoi?"