Letter to the Hokage

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Letter to the HokageSept 10, 2015 15:41:57 GMT -5
Futago Raimaa
Futago Raimaa Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 35 years old birthday 13/10 rank Jounin occupation Being Awesome

To: Hokage
Hi no Kuni
The office, probably.

Hello, Hokage. Not quite sure about your number, I haven't really been keeping that much track of it. Sorry. Anyway, I am writing to you on a manner that has recently come to my attention.
I am ninty three percent sure you are really busy, what with having a village to run and all, but I thought sending a letter would be better than simply barging in on you.

I have been tracking a rogue ninja in posession of an heirloom from my clan for some time now, and my latest report was that he made sweet love to the business end of a Kunai, belonging to a Konohagakure ninja.

 I am not saying that simply because it was made for my clan, it must remain in my clan, but I feel as the head, I should at least come down and talk things over with the newest member of this weapon. He may not really understand what he is getting into, ineptly used, the special function on this relic can cause severe exhaustion or even death if overused or brashly uterlized.

So, I am writing a letter to you, to ask if you know of any Konoha ninjas that have come into anything new and sword-like, taken from a dead ninja person. And also if I could come down to your village and talk to said person

P.S sorry about the pink, I seem to have misplaced all my ink, and this is the only one I could get from my friends next door.

From: Raimaa Futago
Nohara no Kuni
Futago Clan Estate

By Sega of Nowhere and Everywhere

last edit by Futago Raimaa on Sept 10, 2015 15:53:52 GMT -5
Lilly/Wan has written 928 posts
Letter to the HokageSept 10, 2015 18:20:33 GMT -5
Midori Kane
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To Futago Raimaa,

Peaceful greetings Futago-san, it has come to the attention of this office that you sent a letter addressed to the office of the Hokage of Konohagakure. Because of the hostile events that have taken place in the not-so-distant past, this letter was flagged for security reasons and it's contents checked.

After going over this letter we have decided to not send it onward to the office of the Hokage because of its nature. This is an issue that should be discussed with the Kusa Lady if anything is to move forward and if you desire passage to Hi no Kuni and Konohagakure.

Right now, the relations between Kusagakure and Konohagakure are strained because of the death of the previous Hokage, Hayashi Ayame and for that reason anyone wishing to do any correspondence or traveling with Konohagakure must be approved by the Kusa Lady.

Sorry for the Inconvience,

Midori Kane
Fifth Kusa Lady

By Sega of Nowhere and Everywhere
has written 22 posts