beyond the horizon [Group 1]

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beyond the horizon [Group 1]May 26, 2022 11:46:09 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

The Hidden Leaf Village was working towards making the Land of Fire a safer place for its citizens. Although no war had been declared, the tensions were continuously rising in the ninja world. With a territory as wide as they had, having advanced outposts was a logical decision, which would allow the shinobi of the Leaf to detect threats in advance and respond to them in time.

The location selected for the building of this advanced outpost was in the southern pennisula of the Land of Fire, on the border of the Land of Mountains, in the bay that acted as the gateway of the country by sea.

The increased security would also help the economy: a safe country is a prosperous one.

The first to arrive were the Jounin who were in charge of scouting the area around the construction site. Their objective was to make sure nobody sneaks past their perimetre, creating a safe area for the labourers to work on the outpost fort. After an initial scouting of the area, no immediate threats were detected.

Two days later, the construction workers would arrive, accompanied by the Chuunin and Genin. The first would be in giving immediate assistance to the construction workers, taking on the heavy part of the labour, while the Genin would assist with the material and repairing tools as needed.

The construction of the outpost began with no issues or interferences, and no immediate threats were detected.

Please see map above for reference on areas and location (red area = construction area / blue area = repairs and supply area). The map will be updated with each rotation to represent your actions.

There are two threads in place, but there's a possibility of integration in case it is needed.

You can make your initial post taking these points into account: It has been a week and the construction is progressing smoothly. No threats detected thus far, and no accidents. You are free to summarise what you character did during the week, or you can merely post what course of action you will be taking moving forward.

Each group will have 48 hours to post (there's no turn order for the participants), but due to my current situation (power outage), until further notice, the deadline to post will be increased to 96 hours per group (I deeply apologize for the inconvenience).

Next rotation will be posted on May 30th at 12:30 pm EST.

Group 01:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]May 26, 2022 12:32:56 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
At first, Kojirou didn’t expect to find himself in his element – sure, he was accustomed to hammers and steel due to his heritage and lineage of blacksmiths and weaponists, but his experience in patching up tools other than his two blades was minimal. Still, maybe he’d be able to awaken some secret power and become a master technician if he just kept going…

And in a way, he did.

It had now been a week since he arrived here, at the border of the Land of Fire with the bay leading over to the Land of Mountains on the other side. He, as well as many other Genin around, were tasked with repairing tools and bringing the building materials to their respective sites – although, for the time being, Kojirou had gotten way too interested in the repairing part, far more than he anticipated once he arrived here. The reason why was to be revealed here…

"Hey, lad! Heard you’re good at fixing hammers – I got a loose hammerhead here,” one of the stonemasons called over to him, holding up a hammer with a heavily tilting head. Any more hammering with that tool, and the head would fall right off, so Kojirou immediately accepted the damaged hammer, performed one handseal and suddenly shoved his index finger into his mouth.

"… W-Wait, wha-"

Instead of spit gliding out of his mouth with his released finger, a thin string of lava escaped and was maneuvered to coil around the root of the hammerhead. A faint, sizzling sound released from the contact with the metal, while Kojirou quickly applied quite a bit of arm strength onto the hammerhead and forcibly bent it to a straight angle. When he saw that it wasn’t tilting anymore, he held it still and waited for the lava to cool down. The formation of obsidian around the root was alright, it kept the hammerhead still for a while longer.

"… O-Oh, uhm… thanks, kid? Kinda weird Jutsu you got going on there, but heck, I’ll take it,” the mason thanked the Genin before retrieving the hammer again, "… Say, it feels a bit heavier… nooo, no no, I can work with this. Might make my job a little easier, even!” And off he went to do his job, now with a slightly heavier but functioning hammer.

Feeling like he didn’t want to be scolded for only repairing tools, Kojirou got back up on his feet and aimed to the east, quickly arriving at a large container. Right when he grabbed one of the available wheelbarrows, his stomach growled like the roar of a distant lion. It caused his face to cringe into a saddened grimace. "… I’d love to try one of their dangos again…” he yearned, reminiscent of the dangos he tried out from Shigure-senpai’s visit to Kusagakure. Maybe the other Konoha-nin on the other side had some to share?
Koji has written 370 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]May 28, 2022 9:49:25 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"Huh?...This isn't so bad..."

There were some concerns with her being here within the Land of Fire, if nothing else due to her lack of shinobi status and the fact that she was supposed to be training. Still, to help with the defense of Kaze no Kuni was just as important. Not to mention that if their allies were able to give warning to them, they could just as easily be aware of just how to handle the situation if it ever reached their home. Maybe it might even redeem her a bit?

No it won't...who am I kidding?

Releasing a sigh, she'd note that not too far away, there was a odor that caught her attention. Upon recognizing it instantly, the short haired female would quickly draw her hoodie over her head, adjusting her sleeve to ensure that it covered her arm proper before then hearing someone call out in strain.

They appeared to be moving what looked to be large poles of wood, a group of workers try to secure it into a position as another would be trying to gather cement to hold it into place. In remembering why she was hear, the teen would begin to quickly move over to where the first set needed her most, taking a position at the back as she helped to lift it and move it into position.

"Whew! Thanks for the assistance! Ya just came in?"

"Uh huh! I want to help in any way that I can...what else do we need to do?"

As he began to indicate the areas that required physically moving the pieces and equipment into place, Ayukawa would nod as she continued to hold that scent in her mind.

He's here....I can't let him see him...but...he's here...Issei is here...
    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

Kaze has written 559 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]May 28, 2022 15:53:08 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'

"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei

Assigned, Assemble!

It was dark at night, getting back from another day fulfilling the duties assigned by Yuuta. Even though Wahei was good at multitasking, that lifestyle was killing him. - "Scientist and medical apprentice; developing this fighting style to improve a battlefront stance; studying jutsus like crazy and social manner whatnot. - Damn how I missed the old and easier times. If you were around, we could study together, Yoru-san" - he sorrowed, while throwing himself at the coach - "Would you mind some company, pretty boy?" - "Eh? Lust?" - "You seem surprised, Love. Having a lot on your mind lately, huh?" - "Nah. - I mean - Yeah. But, you guys has not being around for a while so..." - "We all got affected by those bastards from the Mist, Love, and we had to keep our shit together to preserve the sealing y'know." - "I see. I thought you were pissed with me." - "I think we are all just tired, don't ya?" - "Perhaps...".

Eventually, the boy raised and went prepare some food for the next day. But something called his attention. A note in his desk. - "Konoha is making a move. Contact me ASAP" no sign though. - "Could this mean... war?".

Be careful what you wish for. "Assigned, Assembled!" - he though - "Such douchebag" - the genin walked towards the main gate, leaving that building.

Your white-eyed friend reported your efforts during the counterfeit incident and the whole Inagawa's fraud scheme. You've never been the one for the attention but, it seems they rewarded you with this. It's an assignment for an on going special mission.I'm tired of your 'special missions'. I don't want to get in more trouble I've been with during the CE'. - Forget about that, kiddo'. Water under the bridge. Move on! Furthermore, I mean it. This just came to me as your representative. - I mean - they want my approval to know if you're ready to get back to action. This is big dial ya' know. - Oh. Thank you 'daddy'. So Am I ready to action now? Will you give me your bless? - I mean- I've been busy enough playing around, don't you think? - With that attitude? Perhaps not. - Do whatever. As far as I know and care, Wahei died in that prison cell. This system is rotten and I was indeed to naive thinking I could fix it out. - Argh! Teenagers... Snap out of this shit. You're a ninja. So what someone hurt your ass of. So what your friend died? Your mother died too. We all have lost people but instead of crawling around whining like a victim, we are doing our best to make the difference. Wahei didn't died in that cell. You buried him inside of your big-head. Put your shit together. Get over and rid of the shame and pain. Find and make peace with him. - I don't even know me. Stop bossing me around. - I do know you, Fear, and I know you better than yourself. Keep running away if you want. But if you want to make some real changing... this is your chance. A first step. Take it, or don't you dare whining on others about your own flaws again.

"That... bastard..." - somewhat united again, the new Wahei was now heading to his destination. But balance, hopefully was something somewhere ahead in future.

The mission briefing was clear, and the boy prepared himself with the best he could. Since, as genin, he was in charge of materials and supplying, he would hard working to give deliver his best. He needed to know the group better, and he would introduce himself and make sure to get to know everyone around, their skills and how they could be useful but also how could he aid them as well.

For the jonin in charge, he'd go a little further, formally introducing himself and briefing him in about his skills. - My name is Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei - hopefully, that wouldn't ring any bad bell - I'll give my best to contribute with this mission. - he stood firm, with a serious but determined tone - And also, I'm a medical ninja apprentice. Hopefully we won't need, but, let me know should anyone need health assistance or first aid. - he bent, asking permission to leave. And so a whole week rolled by.

Assigned to help with material collection, assistance and repairing tools as needed. - Please, give me instructions on how I can be useful and I will. - luckly, he was pretty good at learning new things. But apparently, his teammate was even better and prepare than he was for that kind of task. - Hey! Would you mind giving me some hints with the repairment? You seem pretty good at it. - he asked to . He would also think about and volunteer to some other possibilities and tasks that the group needed, not minding and taking leadership if that's the case. - "This hardworking is an opportunity to improving. Strength. Focus. Agility. Dexterity. I'll take this dead seriously, and start over my journey again".

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | |  ]
[870 Words]
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]May 28, 2022 16:56:24 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
Trying to tell the difference between punishment and earned responsibility was getting a little hard to discern with the kind of missions he had been getting lately. If there was something he hated more than anything it was doing any missions related to construction. There wasn't many Shinobi tricks that could help you get through it which meant it was nothing more than grind and hard work. Blue collar work is what his father called it, and to Issei it was the absolute worst.

The hours were long and there was very little time for any fun, and while the latter wasn't exactly a focus of his on occasions it would have been nice to feel like these were some moments he was meant to enjoy. Instead he was left sweating and working while his thoughts wondered about everything he wished not to think about. The exams were nothing short of a mess between losing one of their own and then diplomatic issues with another. It seemed like this village just couldn't catch a break.

Nevertheless, the Uchiha continued to keep his head down and sigh while putting in as much work as he could. The men and woman who were assisting appeared to be grateful for all the work he was doing so far, but all he'd done so far was nod and wave politely while continuing to work. Nothing about this job caught his eye other than how much he was learning about the framework of a buildings infrastructure. Well, there was one thing he noticed, but it wasn't anything major.

Issei just had a hard time why anyone would be trying to wear a hood in weather conditions like them. It was easy for him to take notice because for some odd reason he created this imaginary story where they had to be even more miserable than himself. Between leveling the ground, making sure everything was measured to absolute perfection, and then making sure that the foundation would be strong enough to hold what they were building was a lot. Don't even get him started on the blueprint.

Yuuta would definitely be proud of his work. "Its been a week and somehow it feels like we are never going to be done with this.." Issei muttered while staring off into the sky. There was a number of people from the village he recognized that was here. Mainly Kazuto and Wahei. The latter definitely had him convinced that this was some sort of punishment for past failures. Nonetheless, he'd continue working on the outer foundation of the outpost.
| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 1, 2022 8:21:09 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

The work on the foundation of the outpost was proceeding smoothly, and the construction had progressed enough so that the outmost structure was all but ready. Yes, there was still a lot of work to be done, but if they continued at this pace, without any interference, it shouldn't take more than a couple extra weeks. Issei had been put in charge of coordinating the shinobi forces who were assigned the task of helping with the construtction. It must have looked like some sort of punishment, but his position was of paramount importance; if any threat managed to ellude the Jounin guarding the perimetre, he would be their main defence.

The paperwork was still being finished due to the help of some foreign shinobi, so he still didn't have full information on those who were sent to help. It was a flaw, indeed, but communication network was still something that could use some improvement in the shinobi world. The most recent paper that came was referring to Honou Kojirou, who had been assigned to help with fixing the tools, and he was doing a very good job at that with the aid of his Kekkei Genkai.

Wahei was there to help with the materials, he was given a wheelbarrow and had to keep on bringing rocks, cement, logs and such. If anything, his duty was the one that more closely ressembled any form of punishment, if anything. Ayukawa kept on helping with the direct construction work, standing at an uncomfortable distance from Issei, but the Uchiha had not noticed her yet thanks to the hoodie concealling her face, but eventually he would get her own paperwork.

"Issei-san, I think we are ready to start the fortification of this level. Would any of your shinobi have any rock technique kind of stuff?" one of the construction workers asked. Not that it was necessary, but hey, if you have shinobis there to help, you can cut some corners, right?

Rotation: 2/10

No issues.

Next rotation will be posted on June 5th at 10:00 am EST.

Group 01:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 1, 2022 12:53:04 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
… Oh, hints? Wait…

That did require the young Honō to remember his family’s teachings in detail. For the time being, he was just going with the flow; all he had to do was readjust the position of the toolheads and then wait for the lava to stagnate and turn into solid stone. Not everyone had lava in their mouths, though… but he got an idea by glaring at the available pool of cement nearby.

"Cement works a lot,” he revealed to the Leaf Shinobi with the weirdly white, left eye – huh, looked like Shigure-senpai’s eyes – and pointed over at the cement pool for a brief moment, "Let me show you.” Kojirou’s voice was soft and a bit low, and he usually found himself speaking in short, clear sentences when around strangers – if he was talking with someone like Koume or Chisai-neechan, then he’d likely have much more to say.

Nevertheless, he left the wheelbarrow and walked over to the pool of cement before kneeling down. Hopefully, with the Leaf boy present to witness his trick, Kojirou pulled up the unfinished hammer and separated the head from the stick before the lava even had a chance to finish solidifying. "Cement can be sticky, especially with some water applied… but it’s not necessary. It both glues and guards the tools we repair with,” he explained while dipping the end of the head as well as the end of the wooden stick slightly onto the surface of the cement pool. With both carrying a layer of cement as of now, Kojirou simply plopped them both together – this was the trickier part, since cement didn’t solidify immediately.

… And he did notice that. The hammerhead and the stick slowly slid away from each other, and he kept trying to hold them in place. His face began to express a tight, comical attempt at hiding his anxiety before he gave up and just stuck a finger into his mouth to release some more magma. The magma would then be applied around the connection between the hammerhead and the stick, quickly drying up the cement.

"… I guess it needs heat too,” he added in defeat, "Hmmmnnggg… y-you don’t happen to possess Fire Release? Mhm? P-Please, tell me you do…”

Koji has written 370 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 1, 2022 15:03:34 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"Oh boy...

It was hearing a familiar name that all but confirmed her worst fear, nearly prompting the girl to miss her destination as she held a bag of cement from the previous drop off point and placed it down so that it would be brought into a ditch that was being made to help hold one of the log posts into place. Ayukawa could only wince slightly, her ears picking up some of the conversation, but it was muffled out to the bits on looking for shinobi and something about rocks. Granted, she certainly wasn't one of those individuals, but just how unlikely would it be for someone to mistake her for one? As she began to make her way back to the pick up point for another bag, her mind began to race as she thought of just what she might have to say.

Unfortunately, her mind was coming up with blanks and most of it was in mindless babble.

There was so much she wanted to say, but knew that she couldn't. Not to mention, it was possible that he might not even recognize her. It wasn't as though she took a new picture before she left. Technically, she wasn't even part of the militia at this point and time, just helping out since Zakku seemed to think it was a good place to get some physical training in with her new arm.

He wasn't wrong, but she was a bit surprised not to see him here with her. He had mentioned that he would be there, but he hadn't arrived yet.

Still, that didn't change her situation, and as she knelt down to retrieve another bag, she'd find that there were none left. With a blank stare, almost as if she were feeling for an invisible one, her expression turned toward where she could see more sacks being filled, along with two other shinobi apparently working on the concrete substance.

Making her way toward the fence, she'd see them working on the mix, her expression in wonder for a moment as she then waved in the direction of the grass and leaf nin.

"Um...excuse me...did you have any more bags ready? We've just run out over here on our end..."

Asking politely, she'd then smile slightly as she waited for them to respond, her expression calm as she'd then hope that perhaps they did.
    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

Kaze has written 559 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 1, 2022 15:40:03 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'

"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei

Inner Heat.

Wahei fully listened to 's instruction. But as far as he explained how that thing worked, Wahei realized that definitively he wasn't the right person to do so. - I'll have that in mind, thank you so much! - he said, getting even surprised by his skills specially when he spit magma to help out finishing the job - Well... no. I'm clear no match for you so... I'll focus on grabbing all materials and other stuff I can do better. You seem to have things under control here, mate. - itching the back of his head and letting a sweat drop side roll his temper, he thumbed up to the boy, but grateful for learning about those things he had never heard about. - "Fire is not really my thing, albeit recently I've been feeling this... inner heat".

- Oh, FYI, my chakra nature is... - he took a few steps back and made a couple of hand seals. - Mizu Bunshin! - another five Wahei's popped out. - And I'm also a medic. So let me know should you need any assistance. - he nodded to the boy, with a serious but confident  - "Fortunately, I've getting better and better handling with the water clones. As long as I can keep them around, they won't cost me much chakra and will help out with the heavy work" - he thought - "C'mon, you all. It's time for us to show that we are no troublemakers, but worthy Leaf Ninjas!" - there was nothing of punishing in the task he promptly assigned for, since for Wahei, it was somewhat a matter of redemption, so to say.

When asked for a bag of cement, one of his water clones carrying the wheelbarrow full of it got closer to her, handing it to her over the fence. His expression were serious. The clone greet her with a militairy salute and get back to where he was heading to before, meaning to fill the stock of cement who was also pretty close to its end. Speeding up their pace, the clones were running out for more and to grant that any sector had problems with the lack of materials, but their demand were greater than expected.

With a few adjustments, though, original Wahei would be able to reorganize and coordinate a supply chain to guarantee the order and rhithym of work. But as Mizu Bunshins are weaker than Shadow Clones, he had to be cautious to not lead them into exhaustion and not ending up disturbing the balance of his own supply chain scheme.

Furthermore, in case he had the chance of hearing the request for doton user's, Wahei would add to Issei that perhaps he could be able to use his Crab Claw technique to assist somehow, since it created an extension of his arms, filling the Jonin with the concept in case he didn't knew about it. - Also, don't hesitate in using my eyes in case you need to scan the area. I'm not as good as Shigure, but I can certainly come in handy. - albeit being in a strange territory, it was somewhat safe and filled with allies. No point in hiding about his byakugan, specially after the happenings of the Kiri-CE.

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | |  ]
[553 Words]
last edit by Wahei on Jun 1, 2022 15:51:24 GMT -5
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 5, 2022 14:59:52 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
Work work work. Issei still couldn't get over the fact that people did nothing but this for a living. Being out here definitely provided him a new level of respect that he did not have for them before. Not to say that he looked down upon them, but watching them work all those years of his life made this all seem so easy outside looking in, but now that he was doing the work with them he got to see first hand how much they did and had to account for.

As unique as all this was he looked forward to being able to add this to his growing list of successes on his resume. Being tasked with coordinating a group of Shinobi he wasn't entirely familiar with wasn't easy, but so far they had given him no problems. On most occasions he hadn't even needed to say anything to them. That was partially the reason why he wasn't all that familiar with them outside of the ones directly from his village.

Wahei was a student of his former teacher and mentor, and then of course there was Kazuto who was all but famous in the Leaf village, and then Mitsuda. He wasn't too familiar with the latter, but he'd been brief a little about them before they got here. Nevertheless, it seemed that the long awaited "detailed" information had come in about some of his outer personnel. Kojirou Hono was from the hidden grass and was signed to help with fixing tools with the aid of his Lava abilities.

The latter was definitely an eye opener as he had one of the civilian workers briefly stand in for him as they were moving the cement bags over like some sort of assembly line so that some of the workers didn't have to unnecessarily move from their working position. After reading up on Wahei's purpose—which was arguably a lot more front loaded than his own—he'd be approached by one of the civilians asking if he knew anyone here that could use Doton.

So far he didn't all the paperwork together, but he did look around just in case to see if anyone might have overheard them. "Hmm, to be honest I'm not quite sure, but I'll get on it to see if any of them do." Issei acknowledged while patting the man on the shoulder and then walking over to the toward the direction of Wahei and some of the Shinobi that were tasked with helping Konoha out.

As he got over there he thought about addressing the hooded figure as they were attempting to get some more bags of cement from their side, but before he could Wahei would address him directly; letting him know about his crab claw tech while also noting that if he needed his Byakugan for any reason to let him know. The Uchiha grinned with a head nod acknowledging that his eyes would indeed come in handy should anyone be stupid enough to interfere with their mission.

"I expect nothing less from a pupil of former teacher and mentor Wahei.. Good work so far by the way."

Issei added before making his way over pass the hooded figure momentarily to talk to Kujirou who appeared to be kind of an expert on how the Cement mixing worked from what he'd observed so far during the time they'd been here. Nevertheless, in his paper work it was noted that he could use Lava release, and while he wasn't one hundred percent familiar with it he wondered if that nature needed the earth element.

"Hono, Kojirou." Issei stated politely trying to get there attention. "Sorry, to interrupt you over here, but some of the workers are curious about any of our abilities to use Doton. I don't particularly have that talent myself, but I was curious as to whether or not you might have that skill in your repertoire?"
| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 6, 2022 14:48:53 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

The work done by the construction workers and shinobi were not completely in synch, but that was reasonable considering the fact that shinobi are not necessarily capable in manual labour, still, their help was being much appreciated and the workers were warming up to them.

The workers had reached out to Issei, who was in charge of the Chuunin shinobi and below to ask if they could make their lives easier with some rock technique, but unfortunately none of them had Earth Release as a chakra nature they could use, not even Kojirou, who used that nature as part of his Kekkei Genkai; he was still too fresh to be able to control his two chakra natures individually. It wasn't a problem though, and the man gave Issei a thumbs-up. "No worries, thanks for checking anyways. It would make things a bit faster, but we are on schedule. Your help is much appreciated." the man added with a firm nod.

Wahei started using his water clones to help with the labour, and considering they were not supposed to engage in combat, his use of chakra was not problematic; they had the Jounin to rely on if anybody was foolish enough to attack them or cause any disturbance to the construction.

Rotation: 3/10

No issues.

Next rotation will be posted on June 10th at 06:00 pm EST.

Group 01:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 8, 2022 16:14:07 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"Th...Thank you...

He was right there....

She saw the frame of the young man pass her, not revealing her face as she kept her head down as much as possible. Though she could sense his awareness of the area. But his was truly on the task at hand and that meant that he didn't have much time to look her in the eye. Of course, considering where she was in the scheme of things, it made sense that he wouldn't need to.

Accepting the wheelbarrel of new bags of cement was not an easy task for even the strongest person. Though she was added greatly by her new appendage, and her own natural abilities. Still, she had been so concerned with getting away that she almost lost balance of the items, adjusting herself as she'd then quickly move back to her position near the pit.

Just being that close was enough to make her heart skip three to four times, but he didn't seem too aware of her. It was likely just what she had feared.

Of course, what did it matter? She had told him that she'd stay away, that she'd never bother him.

She hadn't come here to see him, but in seeing him, Ayukawa felt all those butterflies start to fill her stomach all at once. It was enough to make her want to vomit, though she knew better than to show a weak stomach in a place like this.

Still, upon returning back to her station, she'd manage to slide down into the pit and use the time she had to perform one jutsu. It wasn't much, but the least she could do was change some of her appearance. But what?

Thinking for a moment, her thoughts went to the one thing that seemed to stand out about her...the one thing that she couldn't really change, no matter how hard she tried.

Her eyes...

It was a weird thing to do in all truth. But she hoped that with everything else she had done to better herself or rather change herself...the eyes were the one thing that she couldn't do. Not without losing them.

As she let her hand brush against her eye lids, the pigment of her gaze seemed to shift to a yellow hue, taking away the dark color of purple that typically stained them. From there, she released a soft sigh as she could still smell Issei in the air, his scent hitting her nose like a familiar flower. Though still, she allowed herself the time she needed within it to return to her work, aiding in catching the bags as they came down into the pit, helping to place them where they were needed.

    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-
NAME: Henge Hitomi no Jutsu [Eye Transformation Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
Much like it's parent technique Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique], this justu focuses on transformation. However, this is to a far lesser degree. By making a single rat handsign and with slight focus of the user's chakra towards their eyes. They are able to change the colour easily. This is most often used by those within the ANBU alongside the Henge Kaminoke no Jutsu [Hair Transformation Technique] for use in missions that require the Shinobi to be undercover. Thanks to the low chakra cost needed to maintain such a justu; many users keep it active throughout their day.

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

Kaze has written 559 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 9, 2022 10:03:40 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'

"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei


Things were doign good. And keeping that rhythm wouldn't be a challenge for Wahei. Approaching a superior, coordinating activities, trying his best to excel. All of this was part of Wahei's nature since ever. But the spark in his eyes was different. There was something of ambition, mixed with the will of redemption and proving himself better.

The weight of the bags of cement was nothing compared to the moral weight and the burden he was carrying in his shoulders. And that was the kind of thing that turn a genin into a real shinobi. He never aimed to be perfect or flawless, but he also never wanted to become dead weight or prejudice his village.

That's why not only his mind and focus, but also his full heart was in that task. Specially considering that he wasn't allow to live close to Shigure's shadow this time, and that things had become less comfortable for him since his teammate graduation, meaning he would have to pursuit better outcome to get back at his league. All of it, yet handling with the researches coordinated by Yuuta. - "Who'd tell... you're becoming a one-man army yourself".

This time, though, without a target on his back, things was flowing better and with a proper space, the boy had a chance to show what he was truly made of. And when Uchiha Issei complimented him in reference of Yuuta sensei, the boy smirked with confidence, but returned the vow with proper respect, nodding gently. - Arigato, Senpai! Ganbarimasu! 
[Thank you. I'll keep giving my best!] - he said with excitement and determination in his tone. And so he would. 

Another person that knows Yuuta-sensei. In this case, another student... a 'vet'. Apparently Yuuta's being 'Senseing' [teaching] a lot, eh? He is quite a pop-star". - he thought, but shaking his head firmly to lost track of that line. He had a lot to do, and focus was imperative!

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | |  ]
[325 Words]
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 9, 2022 16:27:35 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
Oh? His name was called up, and it prompted the young Genin to turn his head to face the Jounin who surveyed the construction site. Maybe his skill was needed somewhere else… but once the plead was asked, Kojirou began…

Sweating a little.

Lava Release did mix both Fire Release and Earth Release, the latter which the Jounin had asked about. Did Kojirou possess the Earth Release? Uhm, in a way, sort of, but he wasn’t able to… y’know… separate it from the Fire Release. You see…

Many Kekkei Genkai users like him had this underlying issue that their bodies were too attuned with the advanced element, in this case being Lava Release, so separating the two elements that made the ultra-element up would be like separating two, extremely powerful magnets. It looked unattainable for him as of right now, and he thus had to shake his head. "Sorry… but all this time, I’ve only been able to use Lava Release. Can’t even separate the Fire or the Earth…” he apologized with a lowered head and a gritting embarrassment running over him. One would expect Kekkei Genkai users to have mastered both elements that made up their Advanced Element, right?

He quickly went back to pick up the wheelbarrow and move the available bricks present over to the building site. Even if he couldn’t manipulate Earth Release, he could still manifest something very earth-like and still true to his Advanced Nature… that being something like tar or cement. He felt required to inform the Jounin about that and quickly made his way towards him, the wheelbarrow clinging around the bricks loaded on top. "L-Listen, I can still make tar… or even cement, to some degree! If you need more of that, I’m always ready!”

Koji has written 370 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 9, 2022 21:24:23 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
Issei had never gotten the chance to really meet Wahei, but it was good to see despite what he had learned that he was trying to bounce back quickly. It was never easy letting someone down, or in this case your village, but it was even harder to sometimes get back on that horse to keep riding even when you didn't know where the journey would end. A smirk briefly stretched across his face along with a thumbs up before he went over to Kojirou.

Unfortunately he had not learned how to separate the two natures that had given him some a rare and valuable skill. It was understandable. Being able to use an advanced element within itself was already amazing. He was certain with more time and experience that he would be able to break down the elements that made his Lava release possible. "It's fine, it was nothing more than a chance request.. Fortunately I think were still on schedule so no emergency measures needed."

"And hopefully we wont, but keep up the good work. Your presence here is definitely valuable to our alliance, and I hope to see you around more in the future Kojirou. If you are needed I'll be sure to come calling."

A head nod was given before he went back over to the civilian who initially made the request. As he thought they were still on schedule and so far there was no problems or opposition in site. "Now what was I about to do earlier?" Issei questioned as his left hand gently stroked along his chin. "Ah yes, the hooded figure... They've got to be burning up by now, and they've been working pretty hard too."

As a coordinating supervisor it was his job to make sure that everyone was doing what they were supposed to be, but also to make sure they were fine physically in health as well and as far as he was aware they wasn't a Shinobi like the rest of them. Issei took his time walking over to them as he looked around the surrounding area for any potential danger, but also making sure that everyone else was okay that he was in charge of.

It wouldn't be long before he finally arrived toward the hooded figure. "I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I'm in charge of making sure things are in order with some of the Shinobi here and I don't think we've met.. You also aren't listed as a Shinobi either, perhaps you're a civilian too? You're not in trouble or anything either, I'm just doing a wellness check to make sure you aren't being overworked, or overworking yourself. My names Uchiha, Issei and I am in charge of the coordinating around here."
| AP has written 653 posts