beyond the horizon [Group 1]

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beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 17, 2022 0:25:53 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"Wait! There's more of them?"

It was shocking how quickly she had managed to aid her comrades in her actions. Of course, she had not wasted much time in allowing for a possible attack to be made against them, not to mention, on herself. Though while she had kept her eye upon her target, this had been a mistake as she was soon left unable to move as though her body had been covered in hardened rocks. As she strained against it, she'd find herself unable to do anything to free herself. It was as if she had been turned to stone herself. But, when it looked as if she were the only one, it appeared as if Issei may also be in the same position.

This was not as impossible after all if Issei were caught. In fact, it made her feel a tad bit better. Though just as soon as she figured this was indeed a possible end, it seemed as if Wahei had come to her aid, even going so far as to say that it were something called a quid pro quo. While, she was unfamiliar with the term, she'd soon look over to be sure that Issei was freed as well before attempting to recover as it appeared her savior was awaiting orders to pursue. A part of her wondered if that was the wisest course of action. After all, the threat was clearly there, was there really a need to ask permission?

Of course, she was in no position to question it, and hopefully Issei would be quick in his instruction of him as she worked toward regaining her own ground. Her hood was partially fallen off her head, allowing for a small glimpse of her appearance to come to view as she did her best to shake off the effects of the attack before drawing it back over her head, and allowing darkness to consume her appearance once more.

Relaxing her shoulders, Ayukawa would then release a breath, as she hoped that now the situation was well in control. If so, she'd prepare to make her way back to the camp.

"I.....I should go and check on the others....E..exuse me..."

    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.

Law of the Jungle
The law of the jungle states that the strongest survive and the weak perish. In further effort to increase upon such a principle, Ayukawa has further increased her strength by the usage of training weights. Her constant runs, strikes, and combat acts have more impactful strides due to their instrumental usage. As such, while not yet strong enough to break boulders without applying chakra, she has improved the impact strength of her strikes to the point that she can fracture bones with more ease, much like the bite of a lion.
Kaze has written 571 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 17, 2022 10:23:14 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
An unfortunate death for the much larger man, but Issei had a job to do and that meant looking out for the mission, the civilians, and his comrades to the absolute best of his ability. Maybe he could do some back and forth tussling some other time, but for now he needed to make quick work of whomever was trying to ruin this mission. Upon ending the life of the much larger man Issei could hear the voice of the masked person they were tagging along with screaming in noticeable anger.

Issei would be able to turn around in just enough time to see the end of the hooded girls effort to stop the mask persons attack. It appeared as though they were more than just the civilian he thought they were, but again there was a multitude of task in the way of actually figuring out who she was. Nevertheless, Issei was locked in on trying to take out the next person especially since Wahei was coming back to the battleground area.

Unfortunately, the moment he made eye contact with the mask assailant his body would be frozen completely in place. "Shit.." Issei muttered as he quickly begin analyzing the strength of the technique being used against him with the Sharingan. With it he could tell with relative ease whether or not he was in a Genjutsu, the issue now was whether or not his visual prowess was strong enough to break out of it.

A brief sigh of relief was taken before he broke the Genjutsu with his Sharingan just before Wahei got to doing the same; however, he didn't immediately spring into action and instead he'd clap the moment the masked persons attention would go toward Wahei helping the hooded girl. Once the sound was heard the masked figure would likely find themselves sinking into the ground feeling as though they were unable to move.

"Now Wahei!"

Issei exclaimed while giving the Genin the green light to make a move on the attacker. Issei hoped the nature of the Genjutsu would give them just enough time to convince the masked figure that one of them was able to capture them into a Doton jutsu before realizing they were in a Genjutsu. If so Wahei's maneuvers would likely be enough to put the second opposition down, but just in case it was Issei weaved three handseals incase he decided to use Raikiri for a second time.

*2 Tomoe Sharingan + Sp Jounin Rank enables him to break Genjutsu without Kai.*

  • E.P.T. | SOLE REFLEXES | HANSHA 反射 - Fighting up close in combat with Issei will prove difficult to opponents seeing as his ability to see others movements almost before they even fully develop puts them at a disadvantage. 
  • SHARINGAN | 2 TOMOE KG - Issei Sharingan now has the full reactive and Genjutsu capabilities that were withheld from him in its premature state such as being able to reactively dodge fast moving projectiles; as well as predict an opponent's moves just by watching minuscule twitches of their muscles. Issei can also see Chakra in physical form. With it Issei can not only distinguish what is being used based on its color, but can also break lower level Genjutsu.
  • SUPERIOR CHAKRA | RESERVES - with this he is able to perform use a larger repertoire of jutsu without the consequences of running out of chakra like most are accustomed to, and thus isn't limited to the amount of jutsu he can use at once. Also this ability grants him the power to user higher ranking jutsu with little to no consequences given the fact that he has a greater amount of chakra than most.
  • ENHANCED AGILITY | E.P.T - Issei is now capable of moving his body without the consequences of his muscles inability to handle his own body weight and speed. With this, he can move around almost as if the laws of physics don't apply using his near perfect movement precision.
  • DRAGON BREATH | JUTSU ENHANCEMENT - Issei can not only use the Fire Ball jutsu without handseals, but the size of it in Comet form is doubled. In addition to that its burning prowess has increased to the level of causing critical levels of damage. Likely death with a direct hit.
  • ENHANCED SPEED | E.P.T - Issei speed has reached its peak for his current class and as a result there aren't many others who can keep up him. The combination of his raw athleticism and speed make him a nightmare for anyone wishing to take him on in close range combat.
  • ----
  • ----
  • ----
  • NAME: Chinrin [Sink into Obscurity]
    RANK: D
    CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low
    After a clap, the opponent will inexplicably begin to sink into the ground beneath them. The ground seemingly spreading up their legs as it seemingly sucks them into the ground, an inch at a time. To the user it seem's impossible to get out, the ground never breaking or relenting. Slowly immobilizing the user, starting with their legs and within two minutes, their entire body. It is easily mistaken for Doton. It can catch one person per casting.

  • *Raikiri Prepared in the event Wahei's maneuvers don't work.*

| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 17, 2022 21:58:42 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

The Masked man's Genjutsu had been successful and both Issei and Ayukawa had been captured by it, which prompted the man to draw a kunai with an explosive tag attached to it. Noticing that with his Byakugan, Wahei immediately sprung into action, rushing towards Ayukawa. As Wahei approached Issei, he would notice that the Uchiha managed to expel the foreign chakra on his own with the power of his Sharingan, showing the prowess of the Uchiha clan.

"Lucky! I should've taken you out as well, brat!" he snarled at Wahei, frustrated he had apparently broken his technique. The man started to waive hand seals, but was suddenly captured by Issei's genjutsu. "What?! When did you... No! This... Genjutsu?!" he widened his eyes, unable to move as he felt like his body was sinking into the ground. The kunai he had prepared was dropped to the ground as the man tried to find a way out of the genjutsu, but he was unable to in time.

Issei would give the signal to Wahei, and the Genin would leap into action, creating a chakra scalpel with his hand. Coming into range, he slashed the left wrist of his foe, sending him enough of a painful shock that helped him break out of the genjutsu. "Bastard... Ugh! Y-you will go down with me!" he said as he waived a single hand seal with his other hand, just before Wahei cut that one too.

Still, he had time to activate the explosive tag of the kunai that was beside him on the ground, and a big explosion would take place. He was distant enough from the construction site so that it didn't cause any harm to it. However, Wahei was dangerously close, so he was likely going to suffer some degree of injuries. If the Genin didn't brace himself, he would likely be suffering intense burning injuries, as the explosion would send his body flying away from the place.

In any case, the masked man had died, hoping to take out at least the young Genin with him.

[Issei captured the enemy on genjutsu. Wahei's attack helped him break out. Wahei managed to incapacitate both of the opponent's hands, but he was still capable of triggering the explosion. Wahei doesn't have enhanced reflexes, so he can't escape the blast, but he can still try and protect himself to reduce damage received]

[Muscular Man is killed. Masked man used Genjutsu Binding on Ayukawa and Issei]

Rotation: 11/14 [Progress to return during next rotation, pending on resolution of group 2]

Next rotation will be posted on July 21st at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 01:

Enemies Info:

Top: Masked man
Specs: ?
SA: ?
Action: activated explosive seal, killing himself

Bottom: Hulking man
Specs: Taijutsu [Sole]
SA: Enhanced Strength / Enhanced Durability
Action: Dead

last edit by Ren on Jul 17, 2022 21:58:59 GMT -5
Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 18, 2022 16:38:37 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei

Know your enemy!

Different than most of ninjas - mainly genins - who inbuilt themselves with the authority of decision making during mission, Wahei, who once also were somewhat in this list, had dedicated few time to effectively study about the ninja rules and how a ninja should behave based on that. A book he had got to know after he messed things up during the CE, precisely for not have followed the "rules". Know your enemy, so they say.

Having a jonin to determine the COA or plan, or even authorize some measure was his way to guarantee that teamwork would always be part of the table. Specially after almost getting his ass harmed for confident rely on his dojutsu. Having the green light of his captain was not only complying with the rules, but also a safety measure. Most of cases, at least.

Wahei knew and stated the enemy was smart - meaning he'd never underestimate him, but he would never expect he'd be capable of activating an explosive tag right after getting released from genjutsu by having his both wrists screwed. - "Hey, 'doc'! Human determination is something that flies beyond that foolish science of yours" - a.k.a. medicine - "That's the true power of greed!"

His eyes were focused in his own offensive rhythm, but that doesn't mean he would not be aware of the foe's moves after finishing his strike. Specially considering that clear threat. Fortunately, his speech made it obvious that the smart ass would try to pull something out. -

"Get the fuck out of there, kid!" - as his eyes widened after he noticed what was coming, the voice of Pride triggered his instincts and he had to think fast what'd be his next step.

Taking advantage the remaining chakra current in his legs used to boost his offensive attempt against the enemy, Wahei flowed some extra to allow him a new boost, but this time for defensive purposes - literally, Shunshin no Jutsu.

Not only he'd try to jump off the range of the explosion, but he'd also take advantage of the handseal formed to start a reinforcement move, forms even others couple of handseals to make a swirling cyclone of water spirals around his hands, that would getting larger and larger until each hand forms into large suiton crab claws.

This time, though, he'd not have the time to cast the jutsu in its original form. Hopefully, he'd though make it bigger enough to work as some what of double swirling water barrear, condensing his suiton chakra to make the hard as steel claws in a strong defensive way. Both for the explosion impact but also because the water could absorb and dissipate the heat - at least enough to make it as harmless as possible.

If he would get the chance, he would perform the strategy using one of the claws for his protection and the other to protect the enemy body - specially, his head. Even if that meant to expose himself more (as a medic, he'd know the difference between and to avoid lethal and/or severe damage), his idea was to try to protect the foe's body from dying or, at least, to guarantee his head would not be - completely - damaged, at enough to be preserved.

A ninja's brain, even after death, is a treasure of information. - "Know your enemy, right!?"

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | | ]
[567 Words]

OBS: just to clarify, Wahei's PERSONA's only talk to his mind (with him).
"p e r s o n a's talking to his mind" [check the signature for color reference]
Persona's can use OOC words or jokes (metalinguistic), even though Wahei doesn't usually get what they mean and/or just ignore it.
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 18, 2022 17:16:44 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"He...blew himself up..."

Ayu looked on as Wahei had acted in defense of himself against the sudden explosive being activated, creating a whirlpool of water to act as a wall against the blast. As she made her way over to check on him, her eyes reverted to their normal purple hue, blinking for a moment from within her hood as she glanced toward Issei and then back at what remained of the man before them.

He was willing to go so far as to stop this development...and he was dead along with his companion. It seemed so go so far for something that none of them really understood the reasons for. Or at least, she didn't know. It was possible that Issei and Wahei had managed to get more information on their attackers, but this seemed like such an extreme measure.

The girl wasn't a fan of death, and she certainly wasn't one of killing another living being either. But to put yourself in front of death and use it as a means to further your cause. She couldn't make any real headway with that logic, but perhaps that was the point. Maybe it was just madness...or just how strongly one would go for something they believed in...

In the end, she couldn't really say what the reasoning was, but it seemed too late for her to ask...

"Are you okay?"

She'd ask Wahei this question before then looking at the dead man before them, his mask expression now seemingly burned into his flesh.

    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.

Law of the Jungle
The law of the jungle states that the strongest survive and the weak perish. In further effort to increase upon such a principle, Ayukawa has further increased her strength by the usage of training weights. Her constant runs, strikes, and combat acts have more impactful strides due to their instrumental usage. As such, while not yet strong enough to break boulders without applying chakra, she has improved the impact strength of her strikes to the point that she can fracture bones with more ease, much like the bite of a lion.
last edit by Saeko Ayukawa on Jul 18, 2022 17:17:48 GMT -5
Kaze has written 571 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 21, 2022 19:56:58 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
Even as a higher ranking Shinobi there was a lesson to be learned from time to time, and this moment was no different. Issei assumed the best after the counter measures put together between himself, the hooded girl, and Wahei; however, it seemed as though the masked foe wasn't going to go down without a fight, and for them it meant actually taking his own life. Issei never imagined that they would go to such great lengths to ruin the construction, but now he knew and it honestly almost cost the life of Wahei.

Fortunately he was a swift and crafty Shinobi just like the rest of the them. He didn't manage to leave completely unscathed, but he was still mostly intact so that was the most important thing. "Quick thinking Wahei." Issei noted after taking in a deep breath and leaving. "I should have prepared for the worst case scenario. In the future I'll keep desperate attempts like this one in mind." The Uchiha added before Wahei approached the dead figure.

Was he trying to heal them? Issei wondered out of curiosity before looking over to the hooded girl after she addressed Wahei as well. Quickly he noted the difference in her eye color from when they first met. "Purple?" Honestly under normal circumstances he might not have noticed such a thing, but given the girl he loved more than anything had the same feature it was hard to go unnoticed. Still, the chances it was her was very small.

That was until he noticed how she was able to sense the enemy early on. In fact, in was almost in similar fashion to how Ayukawa could do the same, but was it really her? Issei's fingers were practically quivering at the possibility that it might actually be her, but how would he confront her? "Ehem!" Issei coughed nervously while walking next to the hooded girl. "By the way, I think think you ever introduced yourself to me.. You got a name?" Issei asked as politely as he could under the current circumstances.
| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 22, 2022 9:58:42 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Wahei did try to use the Body Flicker Technique, but he was not fast enough, nor were his reflexes that sharp. As the explosion began to envelop him, however, he was still able to reduce the damages sustained with his water claw. He could have suffered less injuries, but he did try to protect the head of the enemy with his second claw, which left that side of his body open for burns. And while they were not completely incapacitating, his injuries needed treatment, or he would be in pain for a while.

The head was partially preserved, he could potentially try to extract something from it later.

With that, however, they had taken care of the two enemies that managed to get closer to the construction site while also preventing them from causing any damage to the structure. It was a success.

[You can post wrapping up this night]

Rotation: 12/14

Next rotation will be posted on July 23rd at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 01:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 22, 2022 19:44:35 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"I think maybe you should go see a medic?"

Though it seemed as if Wahei was indeed alive and well, she could smell the burnt flesh that was radiating off of him from his injuries, along with the faint scent of blood that seemed to be surrounding this area. It was a lot to take in, but at the very least he would be okay once he got treated. Considering her experience with life threatening injuries, it made sense that she might have some reservations of allowing such matters to go unattended.

Yet, speaking of things that needed to be attended to, the cough that emerged from Issei was enough to prompt the hooded Ayukawa to flinch slightly, turning toward them as her head tilted to the side. With the matter returning to her having never introduced herself, the girl would feel herself freeze, realizing that she did not. In fact, it had been right at the moment she was supposed to that an issue had come up and distracted them all. Of course, in this situation once more, she'd find herself taking a step back, bowing her head as she then spoke in a soft whisper.

"No one worth knowing..."

In doing this, the girl would then begin walk away as she still felt herself struggling to face Issei. She wanted to, but there just felt as if a force was stopping her each time she had the chance. It was more than just wasn't even pride at this was shame...

An outcast, no longer allowed with her clan, barely able to remain a shinobi, Ayukawa was no one worth knowing anymore...and the people that did were better off believing that too. Even Issei...whom her heart cried out for every second...

But he was safe...and that was more important...that was what mattered....

For now, the least she could do was go and check on the workers as the night had been quite the event. Perhaps things would finally be finished for the most part tomorrow....then she could go back to being a ghost...

    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.

Law of the Jungle
The law of the jungle states that the strongest survive and the weak perish. In further effort to increase upon such a principle, Ayukawa has further increased her strength by the usage of training weights. Her constant runs, strikes, and combat acts have more impactful strides due to their instrumental usage. As such, while not yet strong enough to break boulders without applying chakra, she has improved the impact strength of her strikes to the point that she can fracture bones with more ease, much like the bite of a lion.
last edit by Saeko Ayukawa on Jul 22, 2022 19:45:50 GMT -5
Kaze has written 571 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 23, 2022 15:07:39 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei

Call a medic!

Rather all the input endeavor to flea and protect himself along with that - hopefully valious - source of information, Wahei had meet a heat like kissing the devil. - "Shoot! It hurts" - "Don't worry, kid. You did well. It seems we are finally getting along, eh?" - for the first time during that mission, Fear had shown up - "Though you're loosing yourself so we need you to try to get back and focus, okay kid?" - "Someone... call a medic" - "You are a medic, you dumbass!" - "Oh... right. Someone... call me..." - "Shit. I think we're losing the kid, folks" - "I'll jump in" - "You can't split just in front of others like this. I'll go" - "No way in hell I'll let you jump in without the kid's approval" - "We don't have time for this, Pride" - "And I don't give a fuck to what you think, Fear" - "Hey loves, I don't want be the bitch here but clock is ticking and we need to do something - like - right now!" - "Perhaps I should go" - "NO!!!" - "We are the seccondaries here, pal" - "Fear. You must go." - "Boss!? But the kid" - "We don't have time for this" - "Wooohhh - Looks like daddy has a new favorite son, eh, Pride?" - "I'll kill you, Envy" - "See ya, loosers!". - "Fear... mind discretion"

And so Fear opened his eyes. The vision of a hooded girl watching over him with that purple eyes called his attention. - With that beautiful eyes of yours, ma'am, I think I got all the heal that I needed - he cracked a confident smile and winked at the girl. - "Are you trying to hit on her, love?" - "That's what I call discretion, asshole" - "That's what I call epicness! Someone bring a genius to this Oscar!" - "Wow. They should call him Fearless." - "Shut up! He is putting us in dangerous" - "Now now, who is being jealous? Perhaps Fear is a threat to our precious and flawless Pride?" - "What? No way. Fuck you all!" - "If there's one thing I know better than you all, is about envy" - "I think he is just not used to not be the first one, eh?" - "Just leave him alone, loves." - "Seriously though. I'm really hungry"

Trying to get up, a sting of pain crossed out the burned side of his chest. The heat has took seriously damaged on him - Shit! - Oh, sorry. This is just... worse than I first thought - he placed his mystic palm hand in the burning wound, using the water in his body to try to refresh the affected skin and making the first aid, while the other duo was having their... "thing". - "Tough luck, buddy. Alpha male is on the house! ~Hehehe~"

- Seriously? - Fear was staring at Issei and the hooded girl who now seemed truly bothered with something. Fear could smell insecurity miles away. And he didn't need to be a genius to make that math. - Look, Romeo and Juliet, the boy had quite the work to preserve this motherfucker's head. Not to mention this well-done toast pretty much ready to serve in my chest - "Yummy" - I don't wanna get into your DTR stuff but I could really use a hand here because this shit is hurting as hell, literally. Am I asking too much now or what? - Fear was WAY different than Wahei and it was pretty much impossible to make him pass undetected with that attitude. - And nothing personal alpha-boss, but I'd rather have this pretty lady instead of a tough guy holding me this close, y'know - he cracked a smirk with a wink to the hooded lady.

He really needed that hand though. Even though his strategy were good, preserving the head had its toll and the wound needed to be treated fast. The first aid he had just made with the mystic palm flowing on it was just temporary. Getting back to the QG, he'd have to get some medic help - or even do it himself, if he was the only one around.

One way or another, it would be a long night for Fear. Also, he'd need quite time to rest so he'd be pretty much useless at least until the sun cracks calling another day.

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
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[746 Words]
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 23, 2022 21:35:39 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
The hooded girl was right in her assessment of Wahei needing to go see a medic himself. He might have managed to survive the outcome of Shinobi's suicide attack, but it didn't leave him unscathed either. Fortunately he was a medic himself so he possessed the necessary skills to help himself in addition to some of the resources they had available on the site. Nevertheless, when the hooded figure finally came around to answering his question she'd deflect; simply telling him that they were "no one worth knowing."

He couldn't help but why someone would say something like that. Especially with how helpful they had been on the construction site so far. Afterward she wasted no time in walking away from him. His hand reached out in an effort to stop her, but there was a high degree of fear that came over him. What if he was right and it was her? Of course there was always the thought of respecting her own feelings and emotions too, and on the other hand there was the fear he might be wrong too.

What if he was missing out on a pivotal moment by choosing not to pursue. His arm slowly drifted from its reaching stance as he accepted the fate of what just transpired. As the person in charge of his area he needed to focus his attention on the welfare of everyone which included the civilians and even Wahei. The time for dealing with his personal feelings would have to come later, and unfortunately that meant losing the possible chance of getting any answers from her.

"Come Wahei. We should probably get you taken care of JUST in case you're more hurt than you think." Issei added as he watched the figure walk further and further away from him. "If it is you Ayukawa... Please don't be too hard on yourself. I'm still here waiting for you. I'm not going anywhere ya hear me." Issei whispered to himself before turning his attention back to Wahei. "Come."
| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 24, 2022 23:10:13 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

After the explosion injurying Wahei, his personality seemed to change substantially, which may or may not shock the ones around him. Still, he seemed to still be able of performing the Mystique Palm Technique on himself, which gave him some immediate relief on the pain. Obviously his injuries would not be healed overnight, but he would recover in the next few days, thanks to his Water Release technique.

Issei took care of taking Wahei back to the camp, so he could rest, leaving with the suspicion that the hooded figure was someone very dear to him. The evening would go on to become rather peaceful, and the next day, construction would proceed smoothly, with Wahei not able to help on the next couple of days due to his injuries.

Still, the contruction was nearly over, and the advanced outpost stood proud thanks to the cooperation of the Leaf shinobi, and their allies from the Sand, Cloud, and Grass.

[Next rotation is the last one. You can just give an overall run of what your character did/said. Hence, its optional to post in this rotation. Good job, everyone!]

Rotation: 13/14

Conclusion will be posted on July 27th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 01:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 25, 2022 13:34:49 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'
"beyond the horizon".
"Only those who love meets real Fear"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei ~Fear

Solitude is a choice.

- Thanks. - Fear said when Issei got to his back. Fortunately, there was a lot going on there and truth be told none of them knew Wahei good enough to mind what was happening inside of his complicated brain. Also, he was the closest to a Hyuga around so there wasn't anyone else that could really understand how flaring his chakra path system were at that very moment. - Wahei barely knows you but he has you in high grounds. I can see why. - he admitted. Since where he had gotten all emotioned anyway?

- About the hooded girl... I was just teasing, y'know? Because of this... hmm... fucking pain in my chest. - though it was better thanks to his special ability, it was far from OK and he'd need a propper treatment - My point is... have in mind... you have a special place in her's heart. Y'know? - walking and tripping because of the pain, but having Issei around to help him get through, Fear's words were coming from his guts. - If there's one thing I truly know about, mate, it's fear. And only those who really loves, meets real fear. She needs you. More than you or even she could realize. I could feel that to my bones.

Fear had no idea of what had happened among them, but he was right into one thing: no one understood that trick feelings than him. Emotions could drive humanity to glory, but could also tear it a part. Fear was the basis for every little aspect of mankind's worse. But it was also basis for both love and survival. And needed very little to set all that into fire as fuel to the cycle of hatred.

Back at the QG, he would left the head to Issei. He has skills to took over whatever INTEL it could provide. Hopefullly, it would grant some clues of those behind the attack. - "I think I'm starting to understand better what you were trying to say that night, Yuuta" -  Nor even Wahei, nor even Fear, needed to work alone. - "What was that name you've mention again? Shinsuke is the boy's stalker... but he is not the one pulling the strings..." - another moaning of pain. The motherfucker really got him - "Hatake... Toshizo?" - he was quite famous and he was around dealing with stuff along with the Hokage during the incident in the CE. It got be him.

The whole night went through, but it wasn't a soft rest for him. Even though Fear was way stronger mentally than Wahei, taking care of himself with lack of assistance was not an easy task. He could handle pain, but it doesn't make it less lighter. It was quite experience, and for the following day, he had to stay out of the put. - "I'm fine already, Fear, I need to jump in and keep helping" - "You need to put your shit together, boy. Or you going to risk yourself in vain" - "Please, at least send some clones" - "No! Until we are back in one piece, we are going to rest. What kind of medic are you, dumbass?" - "A battlefront medic! And I need to stay put for the others" - "Have you forgot Yuuta's word already? We don't need to bear all alone. Solitude is a choice." - "But..." - "No more 'buts', kiddo, you've done well so far. Now you'll learn to rely in your comrads. One way or another." - "And what if they got attacked again? What if... they end up like Yoru?" - "Then they will die... as the proud shinobi they are".

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
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[619 Words]
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 26, 2022 15:41:33 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"Finally! Everything looks amazing!!"

Moment Music
The efforts of everyone involved had been what held this project together...even if it was just as simple as helping to load up materials or make the cement to keep it steady. This was a joint mission and it was indeed accomplished to the letter. As many were preparing to gather the supplies needed for their journeys, Ayukawa had finally managed to get some distance as she dunked her head into a water pile, allowing for the cool water to rinse her face of the week's work. Hopefully with enough distance so that no one saw her without her hood on.

As she shook her head and hair, her eyes clearly back to their original shade and color after the failure of concealing them last night, it was clear enough by now that Issei might be aware of her being here. If so, then she needed to

Of course, she wasn't able to just take off running, she had to make sure that things were cleaned up. Not to mention to see if Wahei would be okay, wild as he appeared to be.

Though by all accounts, the task was completed. There was nothing more for her to do.

As she took a towel from her packed gear, drying her hair and face off, she'd then begin to draw the hood back over her face as she began to take down her tent. She had to make sure this got back to the workers as it wasn't hers. Then, she had the long trip back home.

Yet, as she did this, she began to think about everything she had heard from her friends. Shigure words on how Issei felt, as well as Zakku's own thoughts on the two of them. Was she really ready to just leave without him knowing she was even there? If he didn't know already?

With her eyes looking downward, she'd begin to feel herself lacking in courage again, prompting her to shake her head as she then began to drop what she had in her hands and begin moving forward around the camp.

If she came upon Issei, she'd stop before speaking to him with a calm expression.

"Issei!!...I...I just wanted to say...."

Holding her hand to her chest, she'd then draw back the hood, revealing her face as she held a tear filled expression with a small smile.


    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.

Law of the Jungle
The law of the jungle states that the strongest survive and the weak perish. In further effort to increase upon such a principle, Ayukawa has further increased her strength by the usage of training weights. Her constant runs, strikes, and combat acts have more impactful strides due to their instrumental usage. As such, while not yet strong enough to break boulders without applying chakra, she has improved the impact strength of her strikes to the point that she can fracture bones with more ease, much like the bite of a lion.
Kaze has written 571 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 27, 2022 21:53:36 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost construction"

The work was complete. The Advanced Outpost of the Hidden Leaf Village was standing tall near the shore and the border with the Mountain Country. With that, a garrison would be posted at the location, thus providing the Land of Fire not only more information regarding the activities in the surrounding area, but also a first line of defence against potential threats from the East.

With the aid of the Hidden Cloud Village, the Hidden Grass Village, and the Hidden Sand Village, the work was completed in time and all the workers were kept safe. They also rid the region from the Kuja Pirates, who used to terrorize the region. It was a successful venture.

[The end. I hope it was enjoyable. Feel free to make an exit post if you want]

Rotation: 14/14


Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 27, 2022 22:07:19 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
Issei couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something that was very different about Wahei right now. He read that his personality was rather "versatile" but didn't think anything else of it because he met all the qualification needed to help on this mission; to which he did an extremely good job of doing, but now that all the chaos was over it was next to impossible not to notice. The Wahei he talked to for most of their mission wouldn't say such things.

Nevertheless, he apologized for what he said about the hooded girl while noting it was the pain that made him say it all. Issei knew what it was like to be injured so he could understand how it could bring one out of their element, but what followed was unexpected. Did he realize the tension between the two of them too? Issei thought about responded, but instead opted to just listen because he still wasn't sure if his instincts were right.

He wanted them to be, but doing so could hurt him more than he could help. Instead Issei thanked him for his words before getting back to duty. There was still a report he needed to send to his superiors on the other side about what passed while also making sure things here were still in order. On his way to the other side he was thanked by many of the civilians for keeping them safe and alive. He knew that once the job was done that there would definitely be a celebration from them.

Jobs like this were risky, but the worth of taking on such a contract was the financial payout you got for completing it. Many of the men and woman here would be able to come home with nearly triple the money they got from taking on regular jobs. For them that meant being able to take care of their families and whatever financial problems left behind while they were out for work. Issei was happy that he and the others here like Kojirou, Wahei, and the hooded girl could help with finishing the construction.

After reporting in Issei was going to do one last check in with Wahei and the rest of the contractors before he ran into the hooded girl again. For a moment his heart raced, but he'd try to ignore his assumptions by finding ways not to look at them without making her feeling like she wasn't welcomed. When she said his named allowed his heart stopped briefly before he finally looked down at her as she appeared ready to reveal something to him.

Please be her.. Please be her...

The Uchiha wished repeatedly in his head as she moved her hand toward her chest, and ultimately removing the hood to reveal her to be exactly who he thought she was the whole time. Issei chest practically emptied all the air built up from within his chest as his eyes begin to water up. He could barely get any words out before he leaned over to embrace her while lifting her from off the ground. "I-I love you so much. Don't ever do that again!"

"Don't ever do that again! You are the best thing to ever happen to me a-and.. And.. I was so afraid I'd never see you again.. After everything you been through you didn't deserve to put yourself through all of that. It.. It shoulda been me.. It shoulda been me that happened to." Issei was quite emotional as he embraced the love of his life. The longer he held her the more he could feel the weight he'd been carrying lifting from his shoulders.
| AP has written 653 posts